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    Into the Unknown [ Intro | Open ]

    Vasco Forte
    Vasco Forte

    Lineage : Bubble Trouble
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    Posts : 16
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    Into the Unknown [ Intro | Open ] Empty Into the Unknown [ Intro | Open ]

    Post by Vasco Forte 10th February 2021, 11:17 am

    Into the Unknown [ Intro | Open ] HCIRSPfA_o

    Vasco was far from near the specified rendezvous point he was told. The blue eyed mage made his way through a thicket of trees before finally catching sight of the foretold base of Meliora Vitae. The ground went to a slope from there on out, leading to a crystal clear lake at the very bottom. Vasco simply followed this slope and went straight towards the river.

    Vasco trekked on forward towards the supposed meeting spot, a spot he could most certainly never miss for up above the spot a gigantic airship could be seen; one fashioned to even imitate the appearance of a massive whale. The airship seemed truly out of this world; and perhaps it truly is. Seeing how one could stay afloat despite what he could only presume to be an innumerable weight truly surprised him. As he couldn't see neither steam nor smoke, then perhaps it was Magic that kept it afloat? Regardless, it was a thing of beauty

    Its metallic sides gave off a bright glint as the sun's rays were reflected off of its hull, bright enough for Vasco to give cover for his eyes with use of his hands in order for him to marvel at the wonder that is S.S. Endeavor.

    The grass truly were greener along these parts of Fiore, most likely with not much else to thank other than that of Meliora Vitae's efforts to conserve the environment. While the sights were indeed gorgeous and picturesque, the supposed guide for his induction were nowhere to be seen. With a shrug, he did suppose it was no better time to relax. Without much else to do other than wait, Vasco sat on the grassy knoll and laid his back against the ground with both hands underneath his head.

    The view was truly magnificent, the challenge of avoiding the sun had been notably lessened all thanks to the giant whale ship blocking and reflecting most of its rays. He began to wonder, though, as to what it would be like to stay inside such an airship for long. Sure, he could've most certainly used magic to help himself up and into the metal whale yet by doing so would've most likely caused some major problems; or a problem, rather, most likely pertaining to his lack of courtesy should he had taken such actions.

    Should things go his way, then perhaps he wouldn't need to wonder for long.

    "Ehhh..." He groaned, proving four minutes to be more than enough to bore the young mage. "Where's that person aaaat...?"

    Vasco removed both hands from underneath his head and instead opted to spread his limbs out to form a star; shifting to a more comfortable position and becoming a tad bit more fidgety in light of his boredom.

    He sure did hope for the guild's guide to hurry, though who was he to rush and order the very group he was applying for? At the very least, he wished for company; someone to bother and talk to as he lie in wait.

    WC 506 | TWC 506


    Lineage : Comet
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    Into the Unknown [ Intro | Open ] Empty Re: Into the Unknown [ Intro | Open ]

    Post by Nadarr 10th February 2021, 12:03 pm

    Octavia would be humming and skipping along, she really needed a way to meet up with the guild hall after a job other then, meeting it at it's next spot, or learn to teleport...but teleportation was a stupid magic...so wasteful.  Why teleport anywhere when you had the sun shining, the birds chirping and the new day and life waiting for you each day.  She would be humming gracefully as she danced  slightly as she broke the tree line about to be at the spot that she was told the ship would be, and there was the S.S Endeavor, in all of it's glory.  As she looked up at the ship she walked forward slightly then saw a man laying in the grass.  She smiled walking over to him humming still stopping leaning over the man blocking out the sun slightly as she gave a small giggle.

    "Well hey there, not that you asked but my names Octavia! you waiting for the ship to?" To her meeting people was always exciting.  she didn't know why, most people were avoided of strangers and the likes but Octavia never did. She giggled a little bit more then stood back up letting the suns rays hit him again.  She held her arms behind her back smiling slightly to the man, was this weird...nah probably not.  It was just a greeting while she waited,  Now even more reason to be glad she didn't just warp to the ship, she may have missed this encounter.  she tilted her head as she waited for another moment for the answer, someone would be here soon and she wanted to learn about this stranger, as she always did.  "It's really something isn't it...it's quite amazing" She turned to the ship looking at it, she than sat in the grass next to him as she looked at him, hopefully he was a good conversationalist.

    Jackson Hyde
    Jackson Hyde

    Dragon VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- God Slayer- Demon Slayer- Dragon Slayer- Rich- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Dragon's Spirit
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    Into the Unknown [ Intro | Open ] Empty Re: Into the Unknown [ Intro | Open ]

    Post by Jackson Hyde 10th February 2021, 3:14 pm

    Since joining the guild Kiari has always found that the people makes the guild seem more then what it is. He was glad to be a member here. Though he really did need to find a new way of having to get onto the ship. The day was beautiful even for this dragon slayer. He followed the forrest path down the slope and straight on down towards the lake. Kiari keapt thinking that he really should find a dorm within the ship and maybe just maybe he can get use to the everything. He was still new himself but he knew enough to hold his own. Time passed as he was walking to the new meet up point. Getting closer and closer he would occasionally look up to see the guild ship S.S Endeavor. “This is definitely the best place to protect the guild.... on a moving ship.” He was not to keen on the idea but atleast he is getting to overcome his motion sickness one small moment at a time.  

    It did not take him long before he reached the meet up point. Not to far infront of him he could see Octavia talking to what seemed to be a new possible new recruit. Kiari would shake his head just a bit as he would look at them and remember his first meeting with Octavia. That fateful day with her and Mathis. He did find Mathis attractive but did not say anything since he smelled funny to Kiari.

    “Octavia you really do like being the welcoming committee for the guild don’t you?” He would say with a little grin on his face before looking down to the possible new recruit. “Names Kiari, please do not mind Octavia as she loves to welcome new people to the guild.” Kiari would reach his hand down to shake his hand before looking back up to the sky. “ I love how unique our guild is Octavia but I have to admit the constant moving does put a damper on things for me a bit.” he would say looking a little sickly. Looking back down to the new guy he couldn’t help but blush a little before looking away. I didn’t think that there was guys so perfect in Fiore He thought before controlling the racing of his heart and the blush. Turning back to the new comer Kiari would just smile. “ If you are here to join the guild you will find that this place is amazing and there are plenty of dorms available” After speaking this phrase Kiari would look towards Octavia with a smile.[/color]

    Last edited by Kiari Cold on 10th February 2021, 5:40 pm; edited 1 time in total


    Jackson Hyde
    First Magic: Lightning Dragon Slayer

    God Slayer Lacrima n694
    Ice Dragon Slayer Lacrima post n96
    Dragon slayer Lacrima n 706
    Proof of Dragon VIP n 322

    "Okay, this is when I go back to my gay fish babies." -Cookie

    Lineage : None
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    Guild : Meliora Vitae
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    Into the Unknown [ Intro | Open ] Empty Re: Into the Unknown [ Intro | Open ]

    Post by Samurai 10th February 2021, 5:32 pm

    The real issue that emerged from having to follow directions given to her, was that these very same directions led through a wonderland of colourful, beautiful flora. Case in point, for Ayane, to continue her path along the grassy thickets and leaf-shaded hillsides, her progress to be stalled and halted by her perpetual habit of stopping to take in the various aromas that arose from them. Having left during the earlier hours of the morning, the pink-haired woman found that her progress to the meeting point had taken nigh-on three times the amount of time that it should have.

    Having eaten a packed breakfast earlier during her travels, the vagabond found herself picking up small plants that she had deemed appropriate for later observation. The inquiries she was looking to make were the edibility of these plants and mushrooms, looking to expand and widen here culinary vocabulary, so to speak.

    Having reached a point in her travels where she was about to give up, Ayane found her footing to suddenly falter, sending her hurtling down an assortment of bushes and overgrown grass. Landing flat on her rump, she looked around her surrounding area. Having been walking beneath the thick foliage of the treelines, however, Ayane's eyes widened at the sight of the magnificent, flying airship that hoverered gently in the skies above.

    Finding her hand having to raise in order to set her jaw back closed, Ayane couldn't help but be left in awe at the sight of the vessel. Having rarely ventured out towards the coast, she wasn't particularly familair with the sight of ships in general, let alone ones that sailed the open air and the clouds above.

    "So this must be their Guild Hall... I was told it was meant to be jaw-dropping," she mumbled to herself, slowly helping herself to her own feet. After having spent a number of moments leaving her eyes to linger towards the vessel, Ayane finally allowed her gaze to drift towards the grassy gnolls around her. Catching sight of a distinct trio, she raised one hand before hurrieldy making her ways forwards, waving at the air in front of her as she cupped a hand to her mouth.

    "Oi~! Are you guys here for the Guild induction?" she called, a full-toothed grin splayed across her face.

    WC: 383.
    Vasco Forte
    Vasco Forte

    Lineage : Bubble Trouble
    Position : None
    Posts : 16
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    Experience : 218

    Into the Unknown [ Intro | Open ] Empty Re: Into the Unknown [ Intro | Open ]

    Post by Vasco Forte 10th February 2021, 10:12 pm

    Into the Unknown [ Intro | Open ] VKTRWBJN_o

    "Eh?" The young mage raised his brow, opening his then closed eyes to meet Octavia's; a tad bit flustered by her sudden appearance and the relative closeness of their faces from one another. "A- Ah. The name's Vasco." He said, at first with a stutter, still very much surprised by her presence. He sat himself up as he gave her his name, lifting himself off of the ground shortly after by pushing himself up; knowing very well that it would've been a rude gesture to remain flat on his back for the remainder their interaction. "Amazing's an understatement, I'd tell you that for sure." He replied. "I didn't expect it'd be that huge!"

    A toothy smile formed to his face, his boredom slowly being quenched with their chat. Just then, another mystery figure arrived signalled by the rustling of leaves. The figure in question was a man who seemed rather pale, greeting Octavia as though they already knew each other well and for long. Chances were, the two were members of Meliora Vitae; the very guild he had recently applied for. "Vasco." He said with both a smile and a nod, repeating his name for Kiari who had missed his initial introduction. "And it's a pleasure to meet you both! It sure as hell would be nice to get a good room up in 'ere." He thew his thumb backwards, pointing at the ship.

    A warm breeze swept on by, riffling the grass on which they stood and the crystal clear waters of the lake nearby, at the same time the clouds inched ever so slightly faster to match the sudden gust, forming a rather stunning scene. All things considered, the day seemed to be very much perfect.

    Vasco turned his attention past the two before him as he had noticed yet another figure not far from where they were with one hand raised up in the air. The figure in question was another woman, a rather cheerful one with a toothy grin on her face as she made her way towards the triad. He waved in return; with her addition, the group now formed a quartet. Based on her statement, Vasco could only assume that she's there for the same reason as him much unlike the first two strangers.

    "Yo!" He greeted. "The name's Vasco." He added, repeating his introduction for the third time already in short succession.

    "I sure am. Though I don't think they're here for the same thing as we are." Vasco gestured towards the two, Octavia and Kiari, whom he had assumed to be long members of the guild already. "Been 'ere for a hot minute already. Supposed to meet someone to fetch me, I think. Can't exactly knock my way in." He turned towards the ship and chuckled.

    "How'd you guys get up anyway?" His gaze still fixated towards the ship as he gave the supposed guild members his query.

    WC 474 | TWC 980


    Omen Angel

    Omen Angel

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    Mentor : Deniel
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    Second Skill: Fallen Angel Take Over
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    Into the Unknown [ Intro | Open ] Empty Re: Into the Unknown [ Intro | Open ]

    Post by Aliannah 11th February 2021, 2:38 pm

    Through The Soul
    Does the Power of Rebirth Lay

    Wind brushed through her hair, picking up loose pieces and lifting them with the breeze before dropping them back on her shoulder. The blonde currently found herself sitting on the edge off the ship, a place where only one could get if they themselves could fly. It was a day off for the blonde, she wasn't needed at the orphanage, though that never stopped her before, she hadn't really picked up any new jobs, and she hadn't heard any new alerts for the Research and Dispatch team. All in all? It had been a relatively quiet day. Sure, she could go and try to find Tabitha, but it was likely that the other was at the bar drinking, something that maybe Aliannah would join her for later. But for now, it was nice to feel the slight wind her her face.

    A small hum vibrated against her lips as the blonde closed her eyes, she could feel the world around her passing, the souls of the animals and trees below, everything in perfect harmony. Well, most everything. One spot caught the mage's attention. There was a grouping of souls and if Aliannah knew anything about souls these were human ones. Her brow cocked and light indigo orbs flickered open.

    Shifting around slightly the blonde made sure that her magic was concealed as she peaked over the ledge that she was sitting on.

    Sure enough, there was a small gathering of people below. Some she was sure she had seen in very brief passing, new people the guild. It was always nice to have new people around. More friends, more fun times, more memories. A smile slightly appearing at the corner of her lip the blonde gripped the edge of the ship and with a strong pull launched herself off the side of the ship and into the air.

    She was falling. The feeling of it so familiar to her senses that the girl basked in it for a moment, eyes closed, before pulsing magic through her body. Wings burst from her back and the girl transitioned from a fall into a glide. Navigating the skies until she was right above the other mages.

    It was a quick landing, one solid from many trials and errors when she first began learning. Her feet touched the ground silently, but there was no way that the other mages in front of her had missed what one would assume to be an angel. Not that she was of course, she was simply borrowing the power of one. "Hello all! I haven't seen several of you before, I assume that you're here to join Meliora Vitae?" The blonde flashed everyone a smile. Aliannah herself wasn't able to stamp anyone, she would have to wait for Dagda or any of the Aces, however she would be able to inform people of the guild's ways and beliefs. "My name is Aliannah and I can help you with any questions that you might have reguarding the guild's values and goals."

    TAG: XXX ╳ WORDS: Personal: 503 || Total:  503 ╳ NOTES: XXX



    Lineage : None
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    Guild : Meliora Vitae
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    Into the Unknown [ Intro | Open ] Empty Re: Into the Unknown [ Intro | Open ]

    Post by Samurai 13th February 2021, 11:34 am

    Running the back of her thumb along the top of her forehead, Ayane would hurriedly rub the few drops of perspiration that were beginning to form there along the side of her outfit before extending a hand to the three that had already appeared. Sizing up the man in front of her, Vasco was clearly well over a foot taller than Ayane. "The name's Ayane, pleased to meet you all." Grinning at the greetings, she made a quick nod before looking up towards the massive construct that was hanging graciously in the air.

    "So we're the newcomers then, huh? I hope you'll all take care of us," Ayane bowed, taking on a mock tone of seriousness. As she arose, she'd flash yet another grin before granting herself a moment to compose herself. "I heard that Meliroa Vitae have some pretty powerful figures, I guess I oughtta start taking notes now then," she noted before looking back towards Vasco. "And seeing as how we're new, I hope we can get along," she smiled.

    A sudden rush of wind struck the air above them, allowing Ayane to catch sight of a falling figure. Tensing up, she bent her knees and held out both hands in front of her, as if she were about to dart to the side in order to catch the falling figure. What happening, however, left her body in a state of tension to one of relaxed shock. This stemmed from the two, beautiful angelic wings that emerged form the individual's shoulders, fluttering to life before catching her fall.

    Her jaw held slightly agape, Ayane slowly rose back to her standing position, her eyes completely fixed on the Angel.

    "W-Who...." she mumbled, her voice trailing off as the figure landed on the ground in front of them. Awestruck by such a beautiful visage, she attempted to reach for Vaco's arm before her hand fell. Taking a step forwards in order to get a better look at the woman as she introduced herself, Ayane attempted a small wave before she mumbled out her own name. "I-I'm Ayane... I think you're helping enough by being here...."
    Jackson Hyde
    Jackson Hyde

    Dragon VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- God Slayer- Demon Slayer- Dragon Slayer- Rich- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Dragon's Spirit
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    First Skill: Lightning Dragon Slayer
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    Into the Unknown [ Intro | Open ] Empty Re: Into the Unknown [ Intro | Open ]

    Post by Jackson Hyde 13th February 2021, 1:01 pm

    Vasco.... That was the mans name that had caused Kiari to flutter a bit. Here he was with Octavia and what appeared to be another new comer. He listened to what Vasco had to say and looked to the new woman who had recently joined the little group. " I'm Kiari" he would say taking in all of the new scents. Vasco smelled like dirt and the earth around him. Ayane was a scent he had not quite pinpointed just yet same with Octavia. Kiari will smile and flash his fangs a bit as, this was common with someone who wiled Dragon Slayer magic, He looked to the newest member that had joined there little group. " My name is Kiari..." he would say in a smooth cool tone before looking up to the sky after Aynae.

    It was just a matter of time before he would see the figure falling from the ship quickly. Kiari would tense up ready to jump up and catch them before something amazing happened. The figure falling had opened up wings and looked like an angel. The closer they became the stronger the scent of honey and raspberries was. This Angel was definitely unique. He followed her down till she landed softly near them and introduced themselves. [/color=lightblue]" Hello Aliannah, I'm Kiari"
    He knew that Octavia knew that he was a dragon slayer but wondered how the rest would take it.

    " Since we are all wanting to join I think it would be best to atleast know what we can do......" At that statement Kiari would look to the rest of the group before letting them know what he is. " I am a Dragon Slayer from the dead guild Infinity Hydra with hope of joining Meliora Vitae" He would wait to see what everyones reactions were before doing anything different. Around this time he would look towards Vasco " I think you question about how we get up to the ship from here would be best to ask Aliannah".


    Jackson Hyde
    First Magic: Lightning Dragon Slayer

    God Slayer Lacrima n694
    Ice Dragon Slayer Lacrima post n96
    Dragon slayer Lacrima n 706
    Proof of Dragon VIP n 322

    "Okay, this is when I go back to my gay fish babies." -Cookie

      Current date/time is 26th July 2024, 11:13 pm