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    ❄ Christmas Nostalgia! ❄ [Event]

    The Holt Brothers
    The Holt Brothers

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     ❄ Christmas Nostalgia!  ❄ [Event] Empty ❄ Christmas Nostalgia! ❄ [Event]

    Post by The Holt Brothers 7th December 2020, 8:56 am

    When there's no one left to fight, Boys like him don't shine so bright
    Soon as I see the dust settle, He's out on the town tryin' to find trouble
    The Holt Brothers

    The festival was a picture of liveliness, an especially pleasant sight to behold during this wonderful time of year. The sound of corny Christmas tunes ringing through the air with its uplifting melody designed to get you in the celebratory spirit. The delicious scents of food and drink exuding from the stalls, ranging from the sweet allure of hot chocolate to the tantalizing scent of roasted meats. There was a soft chill in the air, cold enough to remind you that the year was coming to its end but not so much that it made traipsing through the festival unbearable.

    Wandering the gardens, the Holt boys swaggered along casually, each eying the stalls with vague interest. As it was coming to that time of year, Paddy had, as he always did, dragged his twin out to do some Christmas shopping. However, despite the importance of their venture, it was clear on Rory's face that he was suffering from his ultimate ailment - boredom.

    "Haaaarrr, can we head to the pub yet? I'm dying for a pint!" Fists pushed into his jeans, he threw his head back and groaned audibly, earning an eye-roll from his sibling.  "We've still go to get Maebh something, try to be useful and look why don't cha?" Paddy barked irritably, adjusting his grip on the bags he was carrying. So far they had only managed to get something for their parents, and their grandparents. Finding a gift suitable for their sister was a task that still eluded the pair. Rory groaned again, looking over at the stalls, he was so fed up of this already. He would even prefer take part in a few of the activities that to do any more shopping, it was just so dull!

    "Can't ya just buy her some swag like yas normally do?" He whined, Paddy stopped suddenly, rounded on him swiftly. "Are ye having a laugh, I've already got my gifts. These are from you, ya fucking plebian." He jibed, he generally enjoyed hanging out with his sibling, but when it came to shopping, Rory was a real pain in his arse and at this point, Paddy's patience was wearing thin. Rory stepped forward, bringing his face close to his brothers, his demeanour more hostile suddenly.

    "Who are you calling a plebian, ye fucking gobshite." He snapped angrily, Paddy took a steadying breath, his composure slipping somewhat.  "I'm warning ya Ro, get out me face, or you'll regret it." This however only prompted Rory to invade his space more, going so far as to push his skull against his brothers threateningly. Paddy sighed again, leaning down, he lowered his shopping bags to the ground before straightening up to look at his brother once more.

    Suddenly he grabbed Rory by his front and launched him into the closest stall. Wood would crack and splinter, the counter collapsing under the forced weight of the Holt boy. People nearby gasped in shock at the sudden situation that had fallen upon them. Paddy brushed down his suit jacket, checking himself over for any dirt, it was at this point that Rory would climb to his feet once more. And with a loud war cry, run at his brother at felt speed, tackling him to the ground. Following which they would begin to wrestle one another - each attempting to pin the other.

    WC:560 / 4000 Tag: @Gwen

    Paddy | Rory


     ❄ Christmas Nostalgia!  ❄ [Event] 63090_s

    Lineage : Curse of the White Witch
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     ❄ Christmas Nostalgia!  ❄ [Event] Empty Re: ❄ Christmas Nostalgia! ❄ [Event]

    Post by Gwen 7th December 2020, 6:03 pm

     ❄ Christmas Nostalgia!  ❄ [Event] JrBLMi1

    Gwen’s eyes had been sparkling since she stepped foot into Rose Garden. Holiday festivities were happening all around the city today, as she heard from someone passing by. Decorations covered nearly every surface, coloring the city in reds, greens, golds, and whites. People talked merrily as they moved between booths and stalls selling all sorts of seasonal treats. Children threw snowballs and made snowmen in a park that she passed by.  It was the perfect picture of celebration and she was enthralled.

    “Ooh, I just love the holidays!” Gwen gushed to no one in particular as she looked around. This was one of her favorite times of the year. Cozy sweaters, hot cocoa, cheery music, and best of all: giving gifts! The young woman was a chronic gift-giver, so the chance to get even better things for her loved ones was one  wouldn’t hesitate to take part in. Already she had visited a few booths and gotten handmade gifts for some of her friends from school. Graduation had just been a few days ago, but she was determined to stay in touch with everyone. To her, that meant sending gifts!

    Gwen hummed merry tunes to herself and buried her nose deeper in her green scarf as she waited in line to get some hot cocoa. She was wearing a brand new red holiday sweater that she had purchased the day before. It was fairly chilly out since a snowstorm had passed through recently. That very snowstorm was the one she had gotten caught in on Mt. Hakobe a few days prior. After ditching the train she was supposed to take home after graduation, Gwen had foolishly decided that the quickest way into the heart of Fiore was to go right over the mountains. Her optimistic determination had placed her in the heart of the falling snow. Luckily she had survived, but not without some trouble atop the mountain. These temperatures in Rose Garden were a blessing compared to what she had been through.

    The sound of breaking wood and cries of shock caught her attention. Just a few stalls down, she saw the feet of someone sticking out from the counter they had been thrown into. A man stood nearby, brushing off his suit casually. Had he just thrown the other person? It seemed to be so, as the man whose feet Gwen had seen reappeared suddenly from the wreckage and launched himself at the other man. The two fell to the ground in an all out brawl, their shopping bags sitting neatly on the ground nearby.

    Gwen’s brow furrowed slightly as she looked around. People passed by the fight hurriedly, looking the other way. Stall owners pretended to be very interested in tidying up all of a sudden. “Is nobody going to do anything?” Gwen asked, but most people ignored her.

    “You should leave it to the Rune Knights,” a man from the hot cocoa line called after her as she made her way towards the fight. The small woman waved him off with a cheerful confidence. “I got this!” Rolling up her sleeves as she marched closer through the snow, Gwen figured she would just give a shout and maybe it would distract them. That’s what her mother always did to part her brothers when they wrestled!

    “Quit fighting!” Gwen cried as she stood in the snow next to the rolling ball of punches. Her words were drowned out by the crunch of snow and the sound of hands hitting flesh. She pouted for a moment. “Guess that won’t work. Maybe if I…” Leaning in, she roughly grabbed the brown-haired man’s shirt. Feet braced in the snow, face scrunched up at the effort, Gwen gave an almighty heave to try to pull him away. Though she was small, she had enough strength to haul him back a few inches.

    A triumphant smile crossed her face. It was working! That was, until her boot slipped. With a puff of flakes, Gwen tumbled backward into the snow with a startled cry.

    Post WC: 671 Thread WC: 671 Tagged: @The Holt Brothers   Job Info: X Music: Shifting Winds  

    Last edited by Gwen on 7th December 2020, 9:09 pm; edited 1 time in total


    The Holt Brothers
    The Holt Brothers

    Lineage : None
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     ❄ Christmas Nostalgia!  ❄ [Event] Empty Re: ❄ Christmas Nostalgia! ❄ [Event]

    Post by The Holt Brothers 7th December 2020, 8:53 pm

    When there's no one left to fight, Boys like him don't shine so bright
    Soon as I see the dust settle, He's out on the town tryin' to find trouble
    The Holt Brothers

    There were certain rules and standards that the Holt boys always upheld, even during the spats that they had. Rule number one being never hit your sibling in the face - you could slap each other but never punch or kick. The face was always off-limits unless they were seriously trying to mess each other up, which was a rarity. The second rule, an unbreakable one, was never to go for the crotch. That was just a no. So whilst to the outside the fight might have looked quite serious, this was actually one of their more playful spars. Aiming their fists at each other's guts in an attempt to wind the other to create an opening for pinning. Trying to best the other without actually doing them in.

    Having an audience was always the norm for these things, and it wasn't surprising that someone would attempt to break up the spar. Not that the boys paid too much attention, focused more so on trying to win the other. Rory would barely register the pair of hands attempting to pull him off of Paddy, simply working against to pull to get another dig in. As the woman trying to pull Rory off fell back into the snow, Paddy would glance over, realising that it was a young girl. It was this point, that he threw Rory off of him, throwing him in the opposite direction before rolling onto his knees.  "Are ye alright miss?" He asked, climbing onto his feet, he would offer his hand to help her up. Rory scrambled onto his feet, ready to go again but Paddy would put his hand up in a 'stop' gesture. An act that would cause his twin to pause, following his gaze to the girl. Rory stared at her for a moment, before his scowl quickly morphed into a grin, washed away instantly by recognition.  "Gwenny?!" He chirped happily, Paddy glanced back at him, confused for a moment. Before returning his attention back to the girl, he eyed her for a moment, his steel-blue gaze widening for a moment as he realised who she was.

    "Gwendolyn Briggs? Well I never, fancy seeing you here. Haven't seen you in years," He commented, Rory appeared by his side, taking in the sight of the girl before them. It had been several years since they'd seen Gwendolyn Briggs, the last time either boy had laid eyes on her she had been significantly younger. "Cor, you've proper grown-up ain'tcha lass, still a short arse though." Rory teased playfully, reaching over and patting Gwen on the head before adding, "It's me, Rory, Maebh's brother, and you know Paddy don't cha!"

    WC: 444 Event WC: 1675 / 4000
    Tag: @Gwen

    Paddy | Rory


     ❄ Christmas Nostalgia!  ❄ [Event] 63090_s

    Lineage : Curse of the White Witch
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     ❄ Christmas Nostalgia!  ❄ [Event] Empty Re: ❄ Christmas Nostalgia! ❄ [Event]

    Post by Gwen 7th December 2020, 9:56 pm

     ❄ Christmas Nostalgia!  ❄ [Event] JrBLMi1

    It seemed that her tumble into the snow did exactly what her voice failed to do. The tussle stopped when the man with black hair caught sight of her and threw the other man off. He stood and asked if she was alright, to which the young woman nodded. Gwen took the hand that was offered to her, brushing the snow off her clothes once she returned to her feet. She was relieved the fight had stopped, at least for now.

    “I’m okay! But you two shouldn’t be fighting in the street,” she scolded, waggling a finger at them. “Someone could have gotten h-” pausing abruptly, she realized that the brown-haired man had said her name. How did he know her name? Gwen glanced down at her sweater as if to check for a nametag. Of course, she wasn’t wearing one. Then how? After a moment, the other one seemed to recognize her too, saying her full name.

    The accent was what did it. She’d only met a few people who spoke that way, one of them being her friend Maebh. The two had become close friends quickly after Gwen had joined the all-girls school. One year, she was unable to return home for the holidays, so Maebh had kindly invited her to join her family. Members of her friend’s family spoke with Ca-Elum accents, including her older twin brothers. It was a while ago that she had met them, but the way they spoke stuck in her mind.

    “Wait, you’re-” she gasped excitedly, but Rory introduced them before she could say any more. “Rory! Paddy! Of course I know you guys!” Gwen’s smile grew. Familiar faces, what a relief! Unable to contain her enthusiasm, she rushed forward and gave each of them a hug. “Hey, wait, I’m not that short!” she protested as she realized the tease about her height, putting her hands on her hips and trying to stand up straighter. It didn’t help that both of them were at least a foot taller than her. “I grew a whole inch since the last time I saw you!”

    “It’s so great to see you guys! It’s been so long! How are you? How’s Maebh? Is she here?” The young woman peered around, but didn’t see her friend.

    Post WC: 371 Thread WC: 1,042 Tagged: @The Holt Brothers Job Info: X Music: Winter


    The Holt Brothers
    The Holt Brothers

    Lineage : None
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     ❄ Christmas Nostalgia!  ❄ [Event] Empty Re: ❄ Christmas Nostalgia! ❄ [Event]

    Post by The Holt Brothers 8th December 2020, 8:27 pm

    When there's no one left to fight, Boys like him don't shine so bright
    Soon as I see the dust settle, He's out on the town tryin' to find trouble
    The Holt Brothers

    Each of the lads would reciprocate the girls hug warmly, both pleased to have been spared from a strangers scolding for a happy reunion instead. As the girls defended her height, Rory would snicker whilst Paddy offered her an amused smirk.  "It shows." He remarked, his tone carrying subtle teasing. "Pretty good aye, lot's happened since then. Maebh's not here no, we're trying to find a pressie for her from this one. Turnin' out to be a bit trickier than we expected." He explained to her, brushing the snow off his suit with his hands, in the back of his mind matter a note to have the attire dry cleaned when he got back. As he eyed the girl that he knew as he sisters best mate, an idea would dawn on the older twin. Meanwhile Rory was still caught up in eying up how much Gwen had changed.

    "Cor  I cannae get over how much you've grown, you're like a proper woman now aintcha? Bloomed int' right pretty flower ye might say! Ain't she a little stunner now Paddy?" He remarked casually, nudging his brother with his elbow. Paddy gave his sibling a look, conscious that despite Rory's inability to help himself around girls, this was still their baby sisters best friend. Paddy turned his attention back to Gwen, "Don't suppose ye mind giving us a hand finding Maebh a chrimbo gift? Be a big help like, plus we can have a bit of a catch up, tell us whatcha been up to and that?" Figuring it was worth a shot, anything to help them get the present quicker so that Rory could run off to the pub and stop being such a pest - although the latter was unlikely to change if he did. But at the very least having some company other than his impatient sibling would certainly make a nice change of pace. Plus as far as he remember, Gwen was a nice girl to talk to - one couldn't go wrong in such company.

    WC: 339 Event WC: 2385 / 4000
    Tag: @Gwen

    Paddy | Rory


     ❄ Christmas Nostalgia!  ❄ [Event] 63090_s

    Lineage : Curse of the White Witch
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     ❄ Christmas Nostalgia!  ❄ [Event] Empty Re: ❄ Christmas Nostalgia! ❄ [Event]

    Post by Gwen 13th December 2020, 6:12 pm

     ❄ Christmas Nostalgia!  ❄ [Event] JrBLMi1

    ”Ooh presents!” Gwen cheered, clapping her hands together in excitement. The tease about her height went completely over her head as her focus jumped to two of her favorite things in the world: gifts and Maebh. She’d already planned what to get her, but maybe these two could use some ideas, which she was more than willing to give.

    Paddy brushed the show off of his clothes, but Rory seemed to be still thinking about how much Gwen had changed. His complimentary comments caused the young woman to clam up. Her best friend’s brother was handsome and a flirt, she knew that, but it had never been directed at her before. Gwen had always struggled with how to react to compliments and flirting. It was like her brain just short circuited the moment someone showed interest, spewing out whatever stupid words came to mind. “Haha! Yup, a flower! Might as well change my name to Gwendolily!” she stammered with a laugh, wincing internally at her own words. Pink tinted her cheeks, but whether it was from the cold or not was hard to tell.

    “Yes! I’d love to help,” Gwen replied at once, hoping to steer the conversation away from her appearance. “Maebh is fun to shop for! She loves ocean creatures, so maybe we could find something related to that!” Besides the stall the boys had broken, there were still a lot of options to search. Events like this were the best place to find handmade or one-of-a-kind gifts. “Let’s look down this aisle first.” Gesturing ahead of them, she would set off in an enthusiastic march.

    “If I remember correctly, you guys were in a military last time we met, right? Are you still doing that? How did it go?” Gwen asked, running her hands over a soft scarf as she passed a booth full of knitted items.

    Post WC: 310 Thread WC: 1,352 Tagged: @The Holt Brothers Job Info: X Music: Simple & Sweet


    The Holt Brothers
    The Holt Brothers

    Lineage : None
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     ❄ Christmas Nostalgia!  ❄ [Event] Empty Re: ❄ Christmas Nostalgia! ❄ [Event]

    Post by The Holt Brothers 17th December 2020, 4:02 am

    Rolling for Guess the Gift~


     ❄ Christmas Nostalgia!  ❄ [Event] 63090_s

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     ❄ Christmas Nostalgia!  ❄ [Event] Empty Re: ❄ Christmas Nostalgia! ❄ [Event]

    Post by NPC 17th December 2020, 4:02 am

    The member 'The Holt Brothers' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Normal Dice' :
     ❄ Christmas Nostalgia!  ❄ [Event] Die_03_42160_sm
    The Holt Brothers
    The Holt Brothers

    Lineage : None
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    Posts : 23
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     ❄ Christmas Nostalgia!  ❄ [Event] Empty Re: ❄ Christmas Nostalgia! ❄ [Event]

    Post by The Holt Brothers 17th December 2020, 4:26 am

    When there's no one left to fight, Boys like him don't shine so bright
    Soon as I see the dust settle, He's out on the town tryin' to find trouble
    The Holt Brothers

    Rory tilted his head at her, a small frown forming on his features, as he considered her suggestion for a nickname. "Gwendolily? Aye that's pretty that, bit long innit. Think I'll just call ya Gwenny!" He said before beaming at her with a satisfied grin, happy with his choice of nickname for the girl. The boys exchanged pleased glances when she agreed to help them find a gift for their sister. Surely with Gwen's help, they could wrangle something quickly and spend the rest of their day having a bit of fun.

    "Ocean Christmas eh?" He repeated, glancing around and trying to think of what might be here that would pertain to that. When Gwen suggested a direction, he nodded. "Lead the way Lassie," He remarked, following alongside her, Rory quickly joining the march. Considering he was hardly interested in shopping a moment ago, the younger twin was suddenly a little more enthusiastic about the adventure -  a fact that did not go missed by Paddy.

    "Nah, we left after a single term. Wasn't for us was it Ro?" He commented, glancing over at his sibling, who had positioned himself on the other side of Gwen.  "Proper shite it was, don't know how Pa did it for so long. They're a right bunch of twats, you know like. Stand up straight, clean ye barracks, stop locking the lieutenant in the supply closet - woulda if he weren't a right nobhead." He said with a chuckle, earning a smirk from Paddy, "I'm back at the Bed 'n' breaky with Ma, but I come out here when Paddy needs me. He's gon all wall street on us Gwen, owns some companies and that. Don't ask any more than that though, unless ya fancy being bored to death." He shot his sibling a challenging grin, this time receiving an eye roll before the dark-haired lad looked away. Catching sight of an interesting looking table, "This might be something,"

    He would step up to the table, which was full of pre-wrapped presents. He examined them curiously, wondering if the gifts were labelled before looking up at the signage for the stall. It read the following: Inside these presents is a unique gift, if you can guess what's inside you can keep one! Seemed easy enough, which was why Paddy didn't hesitate to pick up a box and check it off. Shaking it lightly to see what sound it made, as he did so, a strange tingle ran through him, causing him to frown. Suddenly he felt snow tickling his cheek, so he reached up and brush it away. He then repeats this action as he felt another flake tickle his ear, and then his nose. Looking up, he would spot the strange cloud floating over him, hovering far to low to be considered normal. As he stared up into it, suddenly a heap of snow would fall upon him, coating his face and jacket once more. Meanwhile, his brother stared at him into utter confusion, there was a quiet pause from Rory, before he burst into laugher. Bending over and slapping his knees as he wheezed after the sight of his twin, his brother who always liked to look cool and collected, looked to him like a right mess.

    WC: 545 Event WC: 3240 / 4000
    Tag: @Gwen

    Paddy | Rory


     ❄ Christmas Nostalgia!  ❄ [Event] 63090_s

    Lineage : Curse of the White Witch
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     ❄ Christmas Nostalgia!  ❄ [Event] Empty Re: ❄ Christmas Nostalgia! ❄ [Event]

    Post by Gwen 22nd December 2020, 3:39 pm

    Rolling for tree decoration~



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     ❄ Christmas Nostalgia!  ❄ [Event] Empty Re: ❄ Christmas Nostalgia! ❄ [Event]

    Post by NPC 22nd December 2020, 3:39 pm

    The member 'Gwen' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
     ❄ Christmas Nostalgia!  ❄ [Event] PzArA86

    Lineage : Curse of the White Witch
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     ❄ Christmas Nostalgia!  ❄ [Event] Empty Re: ❄ Christmas Nostalgia! ❄ [Event]

    Post by Gwen 22nd December 2020, 4:57 pm

     ❄ Christmas Nostalgia!  ❄ [Event] JrBLMi1

    ”Ohh I see,” she replied with a tilt of her head, “That doesn’t sound like much fun.” Gwen let out a laugh as she imagined Rory locking a guy in a closet. At least he seemed to have tried making the best of their service.

    “Oh no, business talk!” Gwen stuck her tongue out in mock disgust. “I’m glad you guys are doing well for yourselves. Look at you movin’ up in the world!” she beamed as she congratulated Paddy, giving him a pat on the shoulder. “Rory, you’ll have to tell your mom hello from me! I hope she’s doing well.”

    Paddy veered off towards a booth that was piled high in presents. Vibrant wrapping paper and elegant bows covered each one. A sign posted above them challenged visitors to guess what was within a box. If they guessed correctly, they could keep it! “Wow, what a fun game!” Gwen fawned over the magnificent boxes of all sizes as Paddy picked one up and shook it. Seemingly in slow motion, a cloud formed over the man’s head and proceeded to dump a massive drift of snow right over his head.

    Gwen buried her nose into her scarf, attempting to stifle her laughter at Paddy’s unfortunate situation, but not having much luck. Rory’s laughter was infectious. Honey-colored eyes sparkled with amusement as muffled giggles escaped her mouth. The poor guy looked like he had gotten in a fist fight with the abominable snowman.

    Stepping through the snow and trying not to get any in her boots, Gwen approached to help Paddy brush the mass of white flakes from his clothing. Laughter still came from her in little bursts. “What the heck was that?” she asked, looking around for the cloud. It seemed to still be hovering around above them.

    While looking around, she spotted an area filled with undecorated Christmas trees with a sign above the gate that said Christmas Tree Decorating Contest. A small crowd had gathered at the entrance. Attendants were handing out boxes full of lights and ornaments and assigning people to a tree.

    Her attention stolen in the blink of an eye, Gwen took off towards the trees, nearly skipping in her excitement. “Let’s go decorate trees!” she called behind her to the boys, forgetting for a moment about the mystery gift and her promise to help find a present for Maebh. The young woman was never known for her ability to focus for long periods of time.

    Catching a place in line, it wasn’t long before she reached the front. “You’re the last one for this round,” the teen attendant drawled as he plopped a cardboard box in her arms that was nearly as big as she was. Gwen’s smile grew, only to falter as she peeked down into the box. From what she could see over the edge, this box was filled with strings of lights missing bulbs, sparse garland, and scraped or broken ornaments.

    “...Are you sure you don’t have another box?” she asked, looking around behind the teen. “Nope,” he replied, then turned and walked away. Gwen stared after him, perplexed by his sudden and rude departure, but quickly bounced back and shifted her focus back to the box in her hands. As she made her way to the tree she was assigned, her mind raced. She’d been given the worst box of them all, another stroke of bad luck to add to her recent collection.

    “I can do this! I’ll just make do with what I have,” Gwen reassured herself. She was always determined and confident in her adaptability. The tools may be bad, but she had her creativity to fill in the gaps!

    The whistle blew to start the competition and she got to work. As quickly as she could, Gwen started taking bulbs from the end of the string of lights and filling in the gaps. Once the lights looked decent enough, she strung them around the tree with the help of a stepladder that had been given to her by another attendant as soon as the contest started. Taking the tail end of the lights that had no bulbs anymore, she wrapped it right around the trunk where the lush branches would hide it from view.

    The tinsel was a tougher story. Large sections looked like they had been pulled or cut off, though the central strand remained. “Maybe if I wrap two strands together?...” Gwen muttered to herself, her eyes narrowed in thought as she held two pieces in her hands. At first she tried combining red and green, but the gaps stood out even more. Matching two of the same color seemed to work better, so she twisted the strands together and wrapped them around the tree. It still looked a bit ratty, but it would do.

    Carefully, with gentle fingers, Gwen pulled the ornaments out of the box that were in better shape. Scuffs and cracks covered many of them, so she placed them on the tree at very specific angles so that the imperfections wouldn’t face outward. The judges would surely see the worst of it up close, but what else could she do?

    At the bottom of the box was the most strange and disturbing part of all the decorations. Picking it up between her pointer finger and thumb, Gwen lifted it from the box and held it away from her. “A pickle?!” Gross. She liked pickles, but who knew how long this had been in there. Seeing as she had been provided no tree topper, the young woman had an idea.

    “This is gonna be the weirdest Christmas tree ever.” Climbing up the stepladder, Gwen reached as far as she could, leaning over to try to reach the tree’s top. Right as she managed to place the pickle horizontally on the top of the tree, she lost her balance. Swinging her arms wildly to regain her stability, Gwen felt herself falling forward, only to be pushed back into place by a powerful but concentrated burst of wind. Balance returned, she quickly stepped down a step, clinging to the ladder for comfort as if it were a giant teddy bear. What the heck was that? The wind felt eerily similar to that she had encountered on Mt. Hakobe just a few days ago. Trying to shake it from her mind, she returned to the ground.

    Gwen took a step back to admire her handiwork. She’d been moving around the tree so fast that she was breathing heavily and covered with snow. Assuming the Holts had followed her to the tree decoration area, she would wave at them joyously. “What do you think?” she called over, gesturing grandly at her creation. The ragtag tree looked great to her, but Gwen was too optimistic for her own good.

    Post WC: 1,133 Thread WC: 2,485 Tagged: @The Holt Brothers Job Info: X Music: Christmas Tree


    The Holt Brothers
    The Holt Brothers

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     ❄ Christmas Nostalgia!  ❄ [Event] Empty Re: ❄ Christmas Nostalgia! ❄ [Event]

    Post by The Holt Brothers 6th January 2021, 8:51 pm

    When there's no one left to fight, Boys like him don't shine so bright
    Soon as I see the dust settle, He's out on the town tryin' to find trouble
    The Holt Brothers

    As Rory continued to cackle alongside Gwen, Paddy would shake the heap of snow off of himself. Looking thoroughly irritated, he turned back toward the booth. "Is it clothes?" He asked, ignoring the pair snickering in front of him. The vendor nodded but rolled his hands as though to encourage him to guess the specifics. The parcel was small so it couldn't be very large, it felt soft as he pressed his fingers into various parts of it. He noticed how different sections moved apart. "Gloves?" The Vendor cheered, confirmed that he got it right. Paddy tore the back over, revealing a part of pink gloves decorated with bunnies. He very much doubted that Maebh would like this, so he chucked them at Rory. "Here, Merry Christmas." He remarked, before returning his attention to the vendor. "Don't suppose ye got an umbrella in the pile mind?" He asked, reaching for his wallet.

    "Ah, er, I'm not really supposed to tell-" But as Paddy pulled out a thick wad of cash, suddenly he began to roam the pile. Handing over a thin cylindrical shaped present, Paddy handed over the cash, before tearing open the second present. His eyes growing tighter as he saw the pattern, couldn't it have just been black? Handing over that much cash for something with this glaring design patterned like the inside of a watermelon. He momentarily considered suffering the snow, but the icy chill on the nape of his neck convinced him to just deal with it. Opening up the umbrella and followed after Gwen and Rory, who had decided to go decorate a tree.

    "These decs are pretty shite like," Rory remarked as he rifled through the box, trying to work out how they could even be considered decorations and not just regular garbage. Picking up a broken bauble, and eying it with a confused expression. A thought came to mind, he glanced up at Gwen with Puppy like grin, already distracted from the task at hand. "So ye got a boyfriend Gwenny?" He asked, his tone both merry and curious, "Anyone ye fancy?" He wiggled his brows at her suggestively, his tone was mostly playful. But he was genuinely interested to know, particularly before Paddy caught up to them and got involved in the way he often did.

    As Paddy arrived at the tree, he eyed their decorations with confusion, "Bit shite aren't they?" He remarked in a fashion similar to his twin had moments ago. But still, he began to help them decorate the tree with what they had, once it was done the boys stepped back to admire their work. As Gwen asked them what they thought, Paddy cocked his head, as though this might make the tree look better. It didn't.

    "Not a bad effort I reckon," He said, eying the pickle at the top with mild amusement, Rory followed his gaze cocked his head also. "Aye, looks like it's topped with the Grinch's dong ya know. Bit saucy that, guess ye are a woman now eh?" Rory said with a snicker, nudging Gwen playfully with his elbow.

    WC: 517 New WC: 890

    Tag: @Gwen

    Paddy | Rory


     ❄ Christmas Nostalgia!  ❄ [Event] 63090_s

    Lineage : Curse of the White Witch
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     ❄ Christmas Nostalgia!  ❄ [Event] Empty Re: ❄ Christmas Nostalgia! ❄ [Event]

    Post by Gwen 24th January 2021, 3:14 pm

     ❄ Christmas Nostalgia!  ❄ [Event] JrBLMi1

    Rory’s playful question caught Gwen totally off guard. She froze mid-placement of an ornament. “Boyfriend?” she stammered, cheeks flushing. “I-” Was he flirting? She had to think of something to say!

    “School made it hard to have a boyfriend,” Gwen explained, placing the blame on the academy and trying to make it seem like she could have dated if she tried hard enough. That sounded better in her head than trying to explain that none of her crushes in her younger years had ended up going anywhere. “I was too busy studying.”

    “I don’t know enough people here to fancy someone, I guess,” Gwen admitted, turning to face the tree and fixing some tinsel so Rory couldn’t see the embarrassed expression on her face. She was free from school and an adult now, but her lack of experience in the area of romance had made itself abundantly clear to her in the past month or so. Luckily Paddy had joined them again, so the conversation lulled as they finished decorating the tree.

    “We did the best we could!” Gwen remained as optimistic as ever as they looked at the tree. She was proud of their creation despite the awful decorations they were given. It was all about the experience for her!

    “Ahh! It does!” Gwen replied, covering her eyes. She hadn’t meant to top the tree with something so phallic, it was all that was available in the box! But now that Rory had pointed it out, she couldn’t help but laugh through her embarrassment. “I’m not saucy!” she protested between giggles.

    Post WC: 262 Thread WC: 1,152 Tagged: @The Holt Brothers   Job Info: X Music: Link  


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