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    A Village in Need!


    Lineage : Gold Rush
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    Posts : 36
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    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Age : 24
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    A Village in Need! Empty A Village in Need!

    Post by Yingvi 6th November 2020, 11:50 am

    Oak Town, she had not been here a while, but it was her favorite village near her housing spot of that time. The reason for her visited was less fun for her, it was once again time for the shop, ugh how she disliked shopping but it must be done. Luckily she can enjoy nature and the view of the farmed fields on her way to the town. The grains were still green and young, a long way to go before she could see the golden fields again. Whilst walking closer and closer she notices something, she could not see anyone where were they? This concern grew and grew with every step she took. Eventually, she was in the village for her shopping, it was weary quite. Normally she likes quiet places but it felt wrong, there is definitely something going on!

    In the center of the village was there a market place where the message board was located, maybe that holds the answer to her questions. The village felt too quiet but the house still looked like someone is living there. One house has a light on and another had laundry outside. She noticed that she was not the only person in the village. A woman was looking at the board, she looked familiar but who was she again. Amalia is that you? She said when she was a few meters away from the woman, it had been some time since their last journey. But the situation bothered her too much to catch up with Amalia. Whilst she looked worried around asked: Do you know where everyone is, it is awfully quiet here?

    273/273 - @Amalia


    Magic 1: Natures Touch - Magic 2: Yet unknown - Magic 3: Yet unknown
    Kaja Jelen
    Kaja Jelen

    Dragon VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Haiku Contest Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Curiosity of a Strange World
    Position : None
    Posts : 556
    Guild : Guildless
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 30
    Experience : 7,993

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Arma Machinis
    Second Skill: Archive - Nemo
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    A Village in Need! Empty Re: A Village in Need!

    Post by Kaja Jelen 8th November 2020, 12:43 pm

    Amalia Ad Augusta per Angusta

    The sound of metal on the cobbled road echoed through the deserted streets. A dappled horse strode between the houses. Within the tall saddle said a slender knight with a blue cloak fluttering softly in the wind. The Platte armour of the knight was made of silver steel, decorated sparsely with azure email. A sallet helmet, with large plums of white and blue ostrich feathers, hung from the saddle. The hair was long and auburn and gently swayed by the movement of the horse. The knight wore a large arsenal of weapons on a dozen leather belts, a rapier, a dagger, and some revolvers as well as other useful tools and pouches. The rider was not just some knight, no she was the daughter of the Marques of Niedermarck, a nobleman from Minstrel. Her name, Amalia Maximiliane von Niedermarck.

    Amalia was looking for work and travelled around Fiore. She was part of Silver Wolf and did not necessarily have to live as a hired sword, but occasionally it was great to get out of the dusty library or away from the ‘acquisition’ of artefacts. The Oak Town was strange, most towns were lively, but this town seemed deserted, but a keen eye would notice that there was life but hidden within the houses. From some houses, one could see a light, and behind some windows, she believed to have seen a pale face look with sober eyes at her as she passed.

    She travelled farther into the town until she reached its core, where the market would be held. There was a noticeboard, which usually contained news and jobs for mages and mercenaries. She dismounted and walked to the board to take a look. And lo and behold, there were jobs to be done but most of the papers were covered by a large sheet upon which was written in large red letters.

    “The inhabitants of Oak Town are sick, and we are in dire need of medication. I am sick myself and besides that too frail to acquire the missing ingredient. Please, get the horn of the Kureno. Bring it to me, the tower house beside the belfry of the town hall, you will be richly rewarded.
    Sincerely, Dustin the Healer.”

    A second document was pinned on the bottom of the sheet, it was a piece of parchment torn from a book. Amalia took it from the board to take a closer look, the style of writing suggests an early printing press, and so did the emblem of the creature. She then heard a voice and turned around on her heels.

    ”Ow mai, what a surprise,” exclaimed Amalia, ”Yingvi, what are you doing here? Yes, I am Amalia. The one and only.” She pointed to the large sheet with its crimson letters, ”Everyone is sick, and we are going to get the ingredient that cures them.” She waved the smaller paper in front of Yingvi’s eyes, ”This one describes where we can find the creature.”

    She did not wait for a response of Yingvi and grabbed the lead of her horse and walked ahead, studying the paper meticulously.

    520/520 § @Yingvi § signup § job info § notes


    A Village in Need! 0WKR6kK


    Lineage : Gold Rush
    Position : None
    Posts : 36
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 24
    Mentor : N/A
    Experience : 724

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    A Village in Need! Empty Re: A Village in Need!

    Post by Yingvi 16th November 2020, 10:17 am

    An illness no that could not be the poor souls, how could this happen, were the first thoughts raising through her mind. Amalia was waving a piece of paper, she could read it a small bit. The forest nearby has a creature with horns, the horns are needed for the cure. Before she could say anything was Amalia already walking away with her horse. Before she was left behind she ran after her, she could not be left behind. The two ladies walked side by side Amalia's nose deep in the paper. After a while she asked if she could read the paper, would be nice to know what we up against. Amalia gave it to her and she read it carefully. A Kureno thus. She had never seen one before only read small pieces of literature about them. Apparently were the horns used multiple times for healing purposes, things like serious illnesses but in the days from its first discovery also were flu patients also treated with medicine from the horn. Maybe that is the cause for its near extinction, people must have killed them for a range of illnesses. There was only one thing important she did not know about them, how to get the horn, and if you needed to kill them. Do we shoot them just straight through the heart or brain, she did have her bow with her since she was planning to go hunting after the shopping trip, did not want to scare the locals by walking around with dead animals on her side. Or must the animals be killed or knocked unconscious by the use of magic? She had no idea. The creatures lived in the forest, the paper Amalia took with her showed such forest where one of the last ones was seen.

    They walked towards the forest, the trees filled with bright green leaves, and the flowers had started to blossom. They went and review what they knew, the creature has a horn that they needed to get, but the creature lived in the forest. The forest was a walk away but in an hour they were inside the forest. Many creatures and beasts lived inside the forest sounds were all around them. They walked through the forest in search of the Kureno. “Amalia, have you any idea how to defeat such a beast to gather its horn?” She asked with concern and curiosity in her voice. They must get the horn of that beast or will the people of the town continue to suffer under the hand of the illness, but at the same time, she would like to know more about such creatures.

    444/717 - @Amalia


    Magic 1: Natures Touch - Magic 2: Yet unknown - Magic 3: Yet unknown
    Kaja Jelen
    Kaja Jelen

    Dragon VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Haiku Contest Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Curiosity of a Strange World
    Position : None
    Posts : 556
    Guild : Guildless
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 30
    Experience : 7,993

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Arma Machinis
    Second Skill: Archive - Nemo
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    A Village in Need! Empty Re: A Village in Need!

    Post by Kaja Jelen 22nd November 2020, 9:33 am

    A Village in Need! Templa33
    Amalia Maximiliane von Niedermarck

    Yingvi followed Amalia in tow. Yingvi wasn’t the most talkative of companions, which was something Amalia was used to. There were many silent companions or rather colleagues in her line of work. Most sellswords and mercenaries did not care about others and cared that others did not know them. Of course, there were also those that shared a lot about themselves, their amazing feats which were often like the fishermen tales; embellished and to good to be true. Those did make the greatest drinking partners thoughts. When she was around less chatty people, she had two tactics to employ, either to stay silent as well and focus on internal thoughts or to talk their ears off thoughts they often walk before that would happen. For now, she decided to enjoy the scenery.

    The distance between the tree’s shrank and the trees themselves grew wider and taller the deeper they walked into the forest. The branches and leaves stopped most of the light but occasionally rays of sunlight reached the ground and shrubs below to keep the environment somewhat lit up. The forest floor was covered with a thick layer of brown leaves, tall ferns packed to gather formed islands of green in an otherwise brown sea, with occasional patches of green moss. A hind with two young scurried away as they heard Amalia and Yingvi, as they dashed through the shrubs, they startled a flock of sparrows who took flight with loud shrieking.

    It was Yingvi who broke the silence first. Amalia stopped walking and faced the shrouded in her green cloak. ”We shoot it until it dies, the creature doesn’t seem armoured or something, surely your arrows will do something to it. And I got my pistols,” she said as she pointed to the revolvers, ”and I can summon some heavier equipment if it’s necessary. Are you any good with your bow?” A grin appeared on her face when she made the jest.

    320/840 Ω @Yingvi Ω job sign-up Ω job info Ω notes


    A Village in Need! 0WKR6kK


    Lineage : Gold Rush
    Position : None
    Posts : 36
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 24
    Mentor : N/A
    Experience : 724

    Character Sheet
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    A Village in Need! Empty Re: A Village in Need!

    Post by Yingvi 10th December 2020, 8:25 am

    The mud was dark brown with barely visible hoof prints, light from through the bustling leaves guided the pair on their path. Her friend stopped walking and turned, her armour rattling by the sudden movement, to answer the question, the light bounced off her smooth skin while she spoke, the plan she proposed is not the most bulletproof but it's eh something. Amalia nonchalantly pointed at her revolvers that she carried with her. A grin appeared on Amalia’s face, she was questioning Yingvi’s skill with the bow. Her shoulders shrugged: “To be honest, I am probably not the best you have seen, but the talent and skill are there.” Her red lips shaped into a small smile when her bow was in her hands, the brown wooden bow felt smooth in her hands with the small indentations of the handmade carvings. “What about you? Any shooting talent?” Barely visible from the darkness of the green flowy cloak, moving slightly in the wind, was she grinning at her remark. The grin was morphing into a genuine smile in the shadow when her dear friend looked, the first time she spoke back with a remark.

    Birds flew rapidly away from the distance scared by a thumbing, slightly muffled, noise. The cloak flew up, by the force of the turn, and floated gently back to her back. An arrow was laying on the bow, long thin but sharp, the metal of the point glistered by the light that partially shined through the lime green leaves, no recollection of grabbing the arrow crossed her mind. “What was that?” ]Was a whisper that flowed through her lips like a sigh of worry. The sound she heard, though the rustle of the birds wings, was a noise she never heard before. A thumbing, sounding like a human heart beating hard for only a moment, too loud to be an elegant deer. The smile was gone, eyes and ears fixed at one point, ready in a shooting stands.

    331/1048 - @Amalia


    Magic 1: Natures Touch - Magic 2: Yet unknown - Magic 3: Yet unknown
    Kaja Jelen
    Kaja Jelen

    Dragon VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Haiku Contest Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Curiosity of a Strange World
    Position : None
    Posts : 556
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    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 30
    Experience : 7,993

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    First Skill: Arma Machinis
    Second Skill: Archive - Nemo
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    A Village in Need! Empty Re: A Village in Need!

    Post by Kaja Jelen 16th December 2020, 10:18 am

    A Village in Need! Templa33
    Amalia Maximiliane von Niedermarck

    Amalia nodded. ”You don’t have to be modest,” said Amalia with a grin, ”I have met a couple of archers or people in general that claim they are the best. One of them archers was the best archer because he could shoot the fastest, but his accuracy left much room for improvement. Another said he was the best archer because his arrows always hit the bullseye, but his speed was abysmal. Another said he was the best archer because he could shoot the heaviest bow and thus could shoot further than the others and penetrate thicker armour. But aiming such a heavy bow is difficult and his stamina was drained quicker than the others. Being the best is relative, it’s a niche. I recall a martial artist, a true master with skill. He said that he fears the man who practised one kick a thousand time and doesn’t fear the man who practised a thousand kicks once. I would say practice 10 kicks 100 times, a day.” Amalia looked up towards the canopy, ”You should not have any special fondness for a particular weapon, or anything else, for that matter. Too much is the same as not enough. Those are the words of an excellent swordmaster from Midi, Musashi was his name. I am a decent shot with these revolvers, as in I can hit a torso at 50 yards. But I have been raised with the rapier, that’s were my true skill lies. But I can also wield a bow, a cross, spear, or axe. Haven’t got a lot of experience with the lance thoughts.”

    The chaos of a dozen flapping wings broke the silence. Shocked by sounds, from deep within the forest. Something big, something heavy was stirring. ”I would think that is the beast we are looking for,” said Amalia. She brought forth the paper and read it over again but could not find anything about the noise. The rose her shoulders, ”there is one way to find.” She continued to walk, heading towards the direction the sounds had come from.

    The sound was heard again, it was deeper and louder. They were close. Amalia pulled her revolver carbine out of its holster and checked if it was loaded. Which it was. The surrounded was different as well. Patches of ferns were demolished, the bark of trees erased and the litter on the ground ploughed in patches. ”You would think were are close,” whispered Amalia with a hushed voice. Then she saw it.

    The creature had the size of two aurochs, its head sported a massive row of antlers that would put an elk to shame. Its colour was grey with black stripes and a large tuft of hair on the back of its spine and shoulders. It walked around on two legs; its front limbs dragged over the ground. Then it suddenly stood still and turned towards Yingvi and Amalia. It sniffed, it roared. Its face was like that of a goat, but its mouth was filled with teeth like that of a bear. ”I would ask you if you're ready, but this thing won’t care,” said Amalia, bring the stock of her rifle against her shoulder. Thrice she pulled the trigger.

    530/1370 Ω @Yingvi Ω job sign-up Ω job info Ω notes


    A Village in Need! 0WKR6kK


    Lineage : Gold Rush
    Position : None
    Posts : 36
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 24
    Mentor : N/A
    Experience : 724

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    First Skill: Natures Touch
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    A Village in Need! Empty Re: A Village in Need!

    Post by Yingvi 3rd January 2021, 11:36 am

    Amalia seemed less worried than Yingvi, inspecting the paper once more. Well, she knows she tends to worry but never tries to show it off. Bow in hand she followed her friend, weary, frantically looking at where it could be. Another loud thump was heard in the darkness of the forest, hairs in her neck were standing up straight. The trees were bleeding, the remaining of the ferns swiped away by the waves of wind moving over the patched dark ground, a warning of what to come. “I think so too, the signs are clear, it must be here.” Amalia looked, a bit shocked by the creature she saw. She followed her friend's gaze and saw it too, the creature, the cure. "Oh, blimey."

    How can this be real? It looked like it came straight from the book of mythical creatures. A large creature appeared demolishing everything in its path. Two hooved back legs and two front arms, claws as sharp as daggers were on each finger. The antlers in its possession were magnificent, almost glowing on the ghastly head it adored. The tuft of hair moved with every movement like the main of a lion. The tail was long softly waving from side to side. The muscles were something to behold, well defined under the thick grey and black coat of fur. The eyes were enchanting, piercing white with silver looking straight into the souls of its enemy. A true mysterious but powerful beast.

    Its eyes fixed on the duo after sniffing, maybe it can’t see? Covering her ears she looked onward to the screaming creature due to the shots of Amalia. “It does not seem to care indeed! No planning time, hope you have enough bullets!” The ferns and bark cracked under her feet whilst she runs to the side, sliding the arrow back in position. The arrow sleeky flew through the air crashing into a tree, narrowly hitting the beast. The beast turned smelling in her direction and began to leap. The ground felt to shake in its sprint towards her, anger filled its eyes like darkness taking hold of its host. Branches fell with every step the enormous beast took in its charge. The creature is faster than the mind could anticipate, and thus jumped Yingvi behind the tree running a bit farther away. As the trees as a shield, she hid kneeled on the vibrating ground grabbing the next arrow gliding it on the bow ready for use.

    413/1460 - @Amalia


    Magic 1: Natures Touch - Magic 2: Yet unknown - Magic 3: Yet unknown

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