Fairy Tail RP

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    Goddess' Guidance #3: World of Legend


    Lineage : Admin
    Posts : 958
    Guild : Staff
    Cosmic Coins : 100
    Dungeon Tokens : 100
    Mentor : Seijin
    Experience : 100,000,000

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Admin Magic
    Second Skill: Mod Magic
    Third Skill: Dev Magic

     Goddess' Guidance #3: World of Legend Empty Goddess' Guidance #3: World of Legend

    Post by Admin 18th February 2020, 11:11 am

    Job Title:  Goddess' Guidance #3: World of Legend
    Rank: C
    Category: Normal
    Job Location: Wakusei Portals
    Solo Word Count: 1,000
    Group Word Count: 2,000
    Additional Requirements: Must have completed Goddess' Guidance #1 and #2. Must wear the angel costume provided in the first job. Must break all the pots. Unlock the door and defeat the boss!
    Job Description: This time, the gateway appears in a familiar location (be it a guildhall, your home, etc. Player's choice. If there are multiple players participating that don't share a familiar location, separate gateways will appear to pick them up). Once again, the Completely Inconspicuous Goddess and the Shouta Angel come to greet you.

    "Hi there! Welcome back, glad to see you again! I have a mission for you again, this time it's in the World of Legend, a world where a dark overlord has blanketed the entire land in darkness... In the future! Yup, you're going to the past, and all you need to do is break a bunch of pots! Yup, I don't know why, but the guy you're filling in for has a strange fetish for breaking pots, and uh... So, go do that? Also, there's someone you need to fight at the end, so don't think you're fully off the hook after that pot-breaking sequence."

    After the briefing, the goddess opens a gate to display to you a forest. There are at least 100 pots, and inside one of them lays a key. Use that key to enter a door, where you will find the boss.


    • The Chickens
      "Uh, these are just chickens, right? WRONG! Don't ever attack them! Ever! They're really docile, but if you attack them you WILL be killed!"
      Enemy Rank: Unknown
      Enemy HP: 9999
      Enemy MP: 9999
      Enemy Melee Damage: 9999HP
      Enemy Spell Damage: None
      Enemy Speed: 100m/s

    • The Shadowplayer
      "Oh, here's the boss you have to defeat! It's really simple, they just look and fight exactly like you! They mirror your every move, and usually your attacks will clash, but you're a smart cookie right? You can deal with all of that, and figure out a way to defeat it."
      (Note, 1 Shadow appears for each player that takes the job)
      Enemy Rank: Boss
      Enemy HP: 1/4th Player
      Enemy MP: As much as the player
      Enemy Melee Damage: Players Rank Melee Damage
      Enemy Spell Damage: Players Rank Normal Spell Damage
      Enemy Speed: Players Rank Speed

    Reward: 20,000 jewel and a green hat accessory plot item.

    -- Created by Strawberry

      Current date/time is 17th June 2024, 10:06 am