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    Siren's Song


    Lineage : Graceful Siren
    Position : None
    Faction : The Rune Knights
    Posts : 200
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 15,619

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    Siren's Song Empty Siren's Song

    Post by Altarias 30th December 2019, 9:26 am

    It had been two weeks since Illya had left Fairy Tail for Dies Irae. She was still so uncertain about everything. Amber Island was a nice enough place, without a doubt, but Illya was still skeptical of having moved to such an area. To calm her mind, she had opted to make her way to Oak Town. As much as she loved Magnolia, it would be far too awkward for her to return to her hometown. Too many people knew who she was. Plus, if she had seen anyone from Fairy Tail...

    You are being too worried, child.

    Yemaya was calm, as always. She was her "travel size," as Illya liked to call it, perched as big as a cat on Illya's left shoulder. Illya took the Aviaku's insinuation to heart. She took a deep breath, trying to remember what she could possibly do. When in doubt, Illya always thought it best to play music. She made her way to the center square in Oak Town, which was bustling on this slightly cloudy day. Amidst the shops and stalls, there were very few open spaces for Illya to begin her impromptu concert, but she nonetheless found an opening near the large fountain in the center of town to begin her playing. She closed her eyes, focusing deeply. She was not accustomed to magic. Even though it had been several months since her awakening, she was a newbie in all respects. Even still, she managed to get her energy enough to summon forth a piano. She took a few deep breaths to regain her energy as some of the bystanders noticed the sudden piano that had summoned itself forth from thin air. Illya smiled and took her seat at the bench.

    "Sorry about the scare, guys! But on such a nice day like this, I thought it would be awesome to play a bit of music! Oh, and, if you don't mind, I would really appreciate if you left some funds if you think I do good!"

    Illya smiled and bowed once more. She had no music to look at. All that she had was her piano and her very own knowledge of music. Yemaya had taken a seat on top of the piano, merely acting as a bystander in her ward's concert. Illya once more took a deep breath, tracking in her own mind the notes she would play. She would completely make up what she was playing as she went. Perhaps she had a natural aptitude for music, or perhaps the lacrima in her eye served as a catalyst for musical attunement, either way she mapped out her song in her head as she began to play. Her fingers moved over the keys gracefully, each note being played with purpose and emotion. While she could not taste her own music, as Arcadia back at Fairy Tail had warned, she still had the light tingle on the tip of her tongue from the gasps and the whispers of impression. Even though her eyes were closed her entire performance, she could not even imagine missing a single key. No note was out of place. Nothing was wrong, and Illya had simply transported herself into another world of music. Her own little world, where nothing mattered. Fairy Tail did not matter. Dies Irae did not matter. All that was there was the feeling of the keys at Illya's fingertips as she played and the awestruck crowd that had gathered around for her performance. Even if Fairy Tail brought her no friends, even if Dies Irae merely had work, Illya hoped that her going out for these performances every once in a while would bring about someone who she could genuinely call a friend, but even that did not matter in the moment. Illya was acting on instinct to play, and she could think of nothing else.

    As she played the last note in her song, she slowly opened her eyes, seeing the crowd, but being completely unable to hear them. As strange as it was, this was common for Illya. She often would find herself unable to hear the sounds of the people after her concerts. She bowed, waiting on whether or not she should play another song before talking to anyone.

    WC: 710

    Illya's Performance:


    Siren's Song GMALSW8

    Lineage : Dragon Spirit
    Position : None
    Posts : 141
    Guild : Silver Wolf
    Cosmic Coins : 10
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 750

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    First Skill: Gravity Gear
    Second Skill: ??? [Locked]
    Third Skill: ??? [Locked]

    Siren's Song Empty Re: Siren's Song

    Post by TOGAtogaTOGA 7th January 2020, 10:43 pm

    Okay, she could do this, she assured herself as she checked her belongings. Having packed to go out for a while, take on any missions she could, maybe get an iLac, Iris had to check her bag for the essentials she needed to camp and room at hotels. Being a guild member from Silver Wolf, she had the skills to rough it in the wild, but, people were sometimes keen on offering her a room when they saw she was blind. ANd that was one of the reasons she was out on her own, trying to prove she could handle the smallest jobs on her own! Even her own guild members thought she was easily overwhelmed at times.

    While the clumsy blind girl was meandering through the streets of Oak town, she found herself weaving through the crowds of people easily, synesthesia let her do this. The smells of food, or the sounds people walked with,s he could feel them like they were physically touching her, some pungent and repugnant, others pleasant and soothing. Almost like a warped sense of Echo Location.

    When she heard the piano, she would follow the notes. They each sounded like the drops of liquid coming from the ceiling of the mouth of a placid cave, striking the pools of puddles they made below. Growing up in to spires until they became entire pillars of salt and stone that connected floor to ceiling. It sounded like a gentle melody that begged her to come closer, discover the hidden treasure deep inside the cavern.

    When she approached, she pulled out some jewels, kneeling down to look for something to put the money in to, a blind girl offering money to a street performer, how quaint, no?


    Character | Bank | Journal
    First Magic | Second Magic | Third Magic
    Rank: C | HP: 300 | Mp: 300 | Mana regen: 15 every turn
    Move Speed: 30 m/s | Melee: 30 hp/hit | Sensory: 150 m

    Lineage : Graceful Siren
    Position : None
    Faction : The Rune Knights
    Posts : 200
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 15,619

    Character Sheet
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    Siren's Song Empty Re: Siren's Song

    Post by Altarias 8th January 2020, 5:35 am

    As Illya exchanged pleasantries with some of the onlookers, playing short little ditties for them as they requested, one person of note came forwards that Yemaya saw and noticed. There was an odd underlying sense of familiarity to Yemaya about this girl. Not that she knew her, but that she was obligated to someone like her. Temporarily breaking her tie with Illya, Yemaya reached out to the purple-haired girl's mind, speaking with her telepathically. "Forgive me if this is something you have heard many times, but you are blind, are you not? Your gait, the way you carry yourself, and of course there is the matter of the eyes. It is all symbolic of one that has lost their gift of sight. Perhaps it is fated that you come to this town. One would assume that you have come to listen to Illya's performance, no? Alas, I am not Illya. My name is Yemaya. I have been...particularly well adept in helping those that are blind. I do not know the circumstances behind your own impairment, whether it be from birth, curse, or injury like Illya."

    Yemaya once more brought Illya into the mental conversation. "Illya. This girl here is blind. Perhaps you would enjoy teaching her your little trick?"

    Illya burst at the seams. "Oooh! Someone blind! Er, not that that's a good thing, I'm just saying because it's really unique and special and I have this neat little trick that can help out! I honestly don't really know where I learned it from, but it's real helpful for moving around if you can't see!" Illya clapped her hands in excitement, already ready to show off her trick. Suddenly, she gasped in realization. "Ah! Right! Introductions! My name's Illya Pegasus, of Magnolia! Right now I'm a part of Dies Irae, which is a preeeetty far ways away from Magnolia, I know, but there's this whole long story about how I got there and then I joined the guild and I started getting some jobs and-" Yemaya feigned a cough to rein Illya back in. "Right! I should also figure out who you are, right? Soooooo what's your name?" The girl replied, and Illya continued her quick talking mere seconds after. "Aighty! Nice to meet'cha, Iris!"

    "Now, in-tro-duc-tion-s are outta the way! So, let's get to Illya Pegasus's own Secret Art! Echolocation! See, I can use sound magic, buuuuut this doesn't even need that! So first what you need is a distinct, sharp sound. Usually something like a quick click of the tongue, like so!"
    She demonstrated quickly. "So you got your sound down, right? After that, you gotta figure out where the sound is coming from. It's a bit difficult since I can see-" She cut herself off in embarrassment. "Ah! Sorry if that sounded a bit pretentious or whatever, it's just force of habit and all that, trust me! I'm sooooo sorry! But! Anyways, after you make your sharp noise, you gotta listen out for how it sounds. It's a bit funny to explain, but basically if you listen in reeeeeally close, you can tell that it has a different sort of sound when it comes back to you. So if it's got this really squishy sound, it's probably something really squishy!"

    Illya happily smiled at her explanation, while Yemaya realized how unhelpful it was, both in terms of her explanation and the fact that the girl likely had already figured out some way to travel around before. Perhaps it was just Yemaya seeing things, but she thought she saw a guild mark, and there were no guilds of notable repute within Oak Town. Illya nonetheless remained bouncing on her toes, wondering how her potential new friend would react.

    WC: 620
    TWC: 1330


    Siren's Song GMALSW8

      Current date/time is 26th July 2024, 6:35 pm