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    Sweet Teeth's Retreat

    Morgana Primrose
    Morgana Primrose

    Lineage : Feeling Empty
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    Sweet Teeth's Retreat Empty Sweet Teeth's Retreat

    Post by Morgana Primrose 7th December 2019, 3:53 pm

    Sweet Teeth's Retreat RZGj6nO

    A small sweets shop on the scenic corner of Magnolia Town. It's surrounded by lush beach land, seagulls, and a nice beachside town to roam around and explore.
    Morgana Primrose
    Morgana Primrose

    Lineage : Feeling Empty
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    Sweet Teeth's Retreat Empty Re: Sweet Teeth's Retreat

    Post by Morgana Primrose 7th December 2019, 8:24 pm

    It was a clear and sunny day like it had always been in Magnolia. Brynn had come into town for her weekly resupply of chocolates and sweets that the majority of her finances went after a long job. Tamlin had scolded her time and time again about her little snack habits but the lone mage couldn't help it! There were all kinds of things to eat! chocolate cakes, strawberry pastries, and that wasn't even getting into all the kinds of candy that they sold! Brynn had been caught a few times and received a brief glance from her lone friend and promised that she would be able to control herself, but sometimes such cravings were too much to ignore. That's why she was here today, having pulled her ratted cloak above her head to keep from being seen. Her lone golden irises glance about town while eager to arrive at her destination. What kinds of chocolate would she sample today? Dark chocolate? White? Those cute caramel bons? Her feet carried her in the direction of that delectable scent coming from the candy shop.

    The door to the shop jingled as she opened it, a plump man spinning around to greet the woman.

    "Welcome to my sh- Oh, Miss Brynn! Welcome back! Here for this week haul of confections?"

    Brynn smiled, or as best she could. Emotions were never really her strongest suit so far. But the nice people like Tamlin and his friends had made it a little easier to learn how to. It was much easier than just saying how you felt. She offered a curt nod and would gather a basket for her purchases. "Thank you, Mr. Dunnings." Brynn said, lowering her hood as the door closed behind her with a soft shut. "I am happy to be a repeat customer...eheh..." It was an off feeling that she was experiencing. It was always so nice that he had always seemed so chipper to see her despite whatever he may be feeling. Was it joy? Or something else? Brynn turned her attention to the many packages of candy awaiting her on the shelves and would begin to shovel everything in. A little of the rocky candy, some chocolate and nut bars, Oh! These caramel creams looked delicious. The woman was as happy as a fish in a pond with her selection.

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Lineage : The Doll's Puppet
    Position : None
    Posts : 170
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 3,255

    Sweet Teeth's Retreat Empty Re: Sweet Teeth's Retreat

    Post by Silvia 8th December 2019, 12:22 am

    Although Silvia loved doing her job of being Selena's friend and a guild member under the guild of Errings Rising, Silvia still needed a way to wind down from her duties. The one thing that she had always loved to do, and will continue to do, is eating sweets. Whether it be chocolate, strawberry, vanilla, any sorts of sweets will do. This also included things like candy. So, as she strolled into Magnolia town, she looked around desperately for any sort of place that specialized in sweets. Even if she would take any kind, she still had hope that she'd find something out of this world. After all, she had gained a lot of money ever since she joined Errings Rising. She might as well spend it on something after her best interest.

    Silvia had to weave through tons of people, with Selena in hand. People stared at her, wondering why she had a large coat on, but Silvia took it as them judging her for having a doll at hand. With these glares, she felt hurt and judged like she did when she was a child. The memories started to rush towards her head, causing her to squeeze Selena even more so than she had before. Silvia didn't like people, and that was clearly shown to anyone looking at her. Her posture was tense, and she boobed and weaved through people like it was a life and death situation. However, she couldn't stop, because more and more people came. It seemed to be a busy day for everyone. People were getting off work while other people were taking over for the ones who left. There were teens ready to hang out with their friends, and stay at home moms rushing to get supplies for their household. All these things people had to do disgusted Silvia. She started to recompose herself, realizing that these people weren't any better than her. They wasted their lives being tied down to a job, family, or anything else, and forgot to have fun. The teens were a prime example of what Silvia wanted. She wanted people to be free from stress, and instead be free.

    As she smelt the delicious scents of freshly baked deserts, she followed her nose to the place. She was ready to show people what it actually meant to enjoy life to the fullest, and what its like to be a kid, even as a woman way past the term of child. Her eyes widened as she got closer to the building, and her smile did as well. She was so entranced, that she didn't even realize it when she had bumped into a person on the way inside the building. Looking over at them, her face became a bright red as she tried to help the girl up, "Oh no, I'm so, so sorry! I was so ready to eat some of the sweets this store made, and completely forgot that there were other people here. Please forgive me! I'll even buy you something extra!"
    Morgana Primrose
    Morgana Primrose

    Lineage : Feeling Empty
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    Posts : 103
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    Sweet Teeth's Retreat Empty Re: Sweet Teeth's Retreat

    Post by Morgana Primrose 9th December 2019, 1:55 pm

    In Brynn's basket was a small mountain of sugary confections that was sure to satisfy her cravings for the time being. Her mouth was watering just trying to imagine how everything would taste. Had it not been for Tamlin's teachings about how to properly handle herself, she more than likely would have ripped open all of her treats at once and proceed to ravenously consume everything in her wake. Thankfully, depending on your view, her stomach was quiet sensitive and she always seemed to dash any hopes on gorging herself full of treats. She supposed that it was some kind of way to limit her sugar intake but wondered how much she could pack away had it not been present inside of her. Bryn was just about to make her way towards the counter when the door opened again. A rush of a silver haired figure marched towards the girl before an impact was made. The two bounced off of one another, Bryn and her loot tumbling down onto the ground. She huffed and pushed herself up from the ground.

    The female in question would appear to have not been paying attention to where she was going. Her striking platinum hair hide only a single of her gleaming azure eyes, filled with worry and concern for her being. Not wanting to let that spread further, Brynn placed her hand in the girl's. "I am okay." she said, her tone somewhat robotic and almost void of any kind of emotion aside from some semblance of appreciative in nature. "Although, maybe an extra caramel candy would be payment enough?" She asked with hopeful eyes. Brynn didn't expect the girl to actually go ahead and pay for an extra but it was a welcome idea. Her eyes glanced down at her fallen plunder and moved down to slowly collect all of it. Nothing chocolate appeared to be broken or crushed. That marshmallow puff that flattened but her rump but Brynn would still devour it upon payment. "I am sorry if I made you feel strange. I, ah, do not...know how to talk well." She said, looking back up at the girl with a timid smile on her face. "My name is Brynn. I am a wandering mage. It is nice to meet you." She offered a quick bow, maybe going a bit deeper than she would have liked, but soon returned to normal posture and kept her basket of candy close to her body this time.

    Her eyes then moved towards the doll she carried with such vigor and love. "Oh, what a cute doll." The plain speaking woman said, motioning to the stuffed person that the girl had been travelling around with. "Does she have a name?"

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Lineage : The Doll's Puppet
    Position : None
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    Sweet Teeth's Retreat Empty Re: Sweet Teeth's Retreat

    Post by Silvia 10th December 2019, 12:13 am

    As the girl got up safely, Silvia sighed a deep breath of relief. It was her first time back in a city without killing, and she was already drawing attention to herself. Sure, it wasn't the attention that she probably should've been getting, but it was still attention, awkward attention. Though, the girl seemed nice enough, so Silvia didn't worry as much as she could've. The girl didn't seem to be as stuck as some people were. She didn't seem stiff or rude, she seemed pleasant and kind. Her nature was a bit odd, but Silvia was never one to judge another person for being quirkier than most. So, as the girl wondered about Silvia getting her an extra caramel candy, Silvia smiled back at her saying, "Of course! It's the least I can do for someone I ran into. I've made a lot of money recently doing some odd jobs."

    With that, she let out her first believable lie. Silvia was extremely awkward when it came to social situations, but after working with two psychopaths, she had learned to be a bit more comfortable in her own skin, because she couldn't possibly be worse than the two people she has witnessed. She was still a bit wary of herself due to all the years of insults tossed at her, but she couldn't really help that too much. So, she was just stuck between being both awkward and normal, and she was learning that that was okay. With that in mind, she smiled as Brynn bowed too her, saying back, "Hi, my name is Silvia. I'm also a bit of a mage myself. I decided that I could just take a break from work for a day and try to do something for myself. Sweets are my go to food. There's just something about them that makes you want to bite down on them the second you smell them. It's actually one of the reasons why I rushed in here so quickly." After saying that, she blushed as she put her hand on the back of her neck in awkwardness.

    She then continued what she was saying, "Though, at least I got to meet you. Who knows, maybe we'll be friends." She then turned around for a few seconds, letting out hot air, as she realized how awkward that was. She couldn't believe she said that, but it'd be even more awkward for her to run. So, she turned around with her face even redder than what it had been.

    After a few moments, Brynn had asked Silvia about her doll. With this, she smiled, and said to her, "Her name's Selena! I've had her since I was a little kid, and I guess I never grew out of loving her. She's always been there for me, even when nobody else wanted to be around me. I guess that's because she's a doll, but either way, I still love her." She then felt a wave of dark energy travel through her body, as she heard a voice in her head saying, "Don't say that!" As soon as it was said, the voice was gone. Silvia looked around wondering what it was, but she knew that it wasn't Brynn's voice. So, she just looked blankly into space, confused about what had transpired.
    Morgana Primrose
    Morgana Primrose

    Lineage : Feeling Empty
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    Sweet Teeth's Retreat Empty Re: Sweet Teeth's Retreat

    Post by Morgana Primrose 15th December 2019, 12:54 pm

    Brynn didn't mind the girl much. She looked as happy as she had been before, maybe a tad awkward but such doubts were placed on her by herself. Their hands touched one another, Brynn's soft, flawless hand grasped at the younger girl's to help pull her up back onto her two feet. She felt a bit lopsided from the crash mentally, but in better health all things considered. Her golden eyes traced along the other girl's until their eyes met once more. Brynn would hesitate to release her hand. It was so warm, a feeling that she didn't often feel much on the account of her condition. It took a couple of seconds for a faint pink color appearing on her cheeks as this realization came to mind of what she was doing and coming off. Her fingers relaxed and trailed off of her hand while coming back to rest with her other one. "Ah, Silvia. That is a pretty name." The girl gushed about how she was not only a fellow mage but somebody who enjoyed sweets as much as she had. Brynn's eyes contained a brief glimmer of excitement at the discovery. Another person she could talk with about sweets and things! Tamlin had been egging her to try and meet more people and to make friends, but she hadn't thought such a person would share the same interests as she did. "I am also a mage. But I do not have a guild yet. Many do not like my magic." If Silivia were to pay attention, she'd notice that Brynn's right hand, the one that had been spared from being held, had a bit of gauze and medical tape over it. In truth, it had been a bit of a hasty decision, one which nearly cost Brynn a decent amount of blood in her system. Her other hand gently went to wrap around it a single time but would unconsciously return to her side, kept in her cap jacket, out of sight.

    The pale woman giggled at Silivia's little rant about sweets, her voice showing a tiny bit of pleasure. "I did as well. I enjoy sweets, especially chocolate. The taste is always so nice." Another timid smile and Brynn would feel a bit for the girl who must have thought she was coming off another than adorably awkward. "Friends?" she repeated, a bit stunned. She wanted...to be friends with her? Sure the other woman had to turn around for a bit, but Brynn would actually feel her smile return. "That would be nice. I have never had a friend before. I...do not think so anyway. I cannot remember much." To celebrate, the pale woman would take the caramel candy bought for her and cracked it in two, gently holding a piece out for Silvia to take. "For my friend." She said, hoping that she would take it.

    Then the subject of the strange little doll came up. Silvia appeared much more comfortable with this topic than the previous ones, which was clear on her face. Brynn looked down at the precious thing. It was a little old and frayed, seams having seen better days, but was in pretty good condition all things considered. "It is good to have somebody through such times. I am glad Selena and you are so very close." She said before noticing the look on Silvia's face. All remained quiet as brynn hoped she had not intruded so far on her territory. After five seconds or so, she opened her mouth to speak again. "Are...you okay, Silvia? I hope I did not offend you..."

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Lineage : The Doll's Puppet
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    Sweet Teeth's Retreat Empty Re: Sweet Teeth's Retreat

    Post by Silvia 18th December 2019, 2:59 pm

    After the long and awkward pause of the girl holding Silvia's hand, Silvia had blushed a tiny bit. She hadn't really ever felt any romantic feelings for anyone, but soon after meeting Arnaluuk, it was like she had gotten an influx of them. She got flustered with these sorts of thing really quickly, not knowing what to do since it was something super unfamiliar with her. After all, a girl with a doll didn't usually have time to socialize with most other people. So, Silvia just tried her best to wash the feeling off and continue with the conversation like normal. "Thank you! I never really thought much about my name, but I like your's a lot. Also, I don't your magic is bad. You seem really nice, and I have no doubt that your magic is great too." With that, she kindly smiled at the girl.

    As Brynn gave Silvia the other half of the caramel candy, she smiled sweetly, saying back to her, "Thank you! I'm really happy we got to meet each other. Jobs are really tiring sometimes, so it's nice for me to just sit down and relax. Usually I'd just be talking to Selena, but it's nice talking to you." She didn't realize it till just now, but she had actually been blushing throughout saying that. It made her feel a bit awkward, but it went away as quickly as it had come.

    Brynn asked Silvia about if she had offended her, but Silvia was quick to counteract that question, saying, "No no, I'm sorry. I swear I had heard something just now, but it probably wasn't much of anything. I'm sorry if I worried you a tiny bit. Anyways, what kinds of jobs do you usually do? I myself usually deal with different types of people." Of course, she actually killed the people she dealt with, but Brynn didn't need to know that. Silvia really didn't need to scare/kill off one of her few friends that she's made so far.

      Current date/time is 22nd October 2024, 7:09 pm