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    Cherry Blossom Shower


    Lineage : Graceful Siren
    Position : None
    Faction : The Rune Knights
    Posts : 200
    Guild : Guildless
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    Experience : 15,619

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    Cherry Blossom Shower Empty Cherry Blossom Shower

    Post by Altarias 2nd November 2019, 9:35 pm

    As a member of Fairy Tail, Illya was to participate in jobs with members of guilds within what was called the "Silver Fairy Moon" alliance, meaning members of Silver Wolf and Onyx Moon were not excluded from being involved in jobs with the new wizard. While she was far from a fan of Onyx Moon due to their generally shady nature, Silver Wolf seemed fine enough. They were a science and research-based guild, after all, and they overall seemed like fine folks. Her partner for this job would be someone from Silver Moon, who she had not met yet. They were to meet in Rose Garden, where the job would be taking place, though she of course had no idea who it exactly was that she was to be meeting. All she was told was a name: Maelie Prisca. Not even a face to match the name, nor what her cohort's capabilities were, only the name and the guild.

    "Oh well, I suppose there's nothing to be done about it," Illya sighed as the train neared Rose Garden. She had never been to the area, but she had heard many things about it from former patrons of her previous places of employment. Sure enough, the beauty of the area matched the description. And, as the job had stated, cherry blossoms were fully in bloom. It was a beautiful sight, but Illya still knew that those very same blossoms were the reason that she had come here, and not for sightseeing.

    Stepping off the train, she looked around for a moment to see if she could match a face that looked like it could be Maelie Prisca, to no avail. An idea burst into her head as she whipped out a folder of music from her pack. "Alright, time to use some of that magic training I got!" Illya closed her eyes to focus her magical energy into her hand. Suddenly, she felt something form in her outstretched hand. She opened her eyes to see her violin, now in her hand. She had been training how to requip her instruments to save on space when traveling and so they could be used in combat, so she rationalized to let some of the higher-ups in the guild teach her requipping. Taking an empty sheet of paper, she quickly scribbled her name on it before propping it against her pack as she began playing a song in anticipation for the arrival of her partner for this mission.

    WC: 414


    Cherry Blossom Shower GMALSW8

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Neutral Guild Ace- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Summer Special Tier 1- Summer Special Donor- Player 
    Lineage : Defender of the Heavenly Gardens
    Position : None
    Posts : 459
    Guild : Fairytail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 21

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    First Skill: Celestial Royalty
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    Cherry Blossom Shower Empty Re: Cherry Blossom Shower

    Post by Musicalbunny 4th November 2019, 10:46 pm

    I am worthy enough to fulfill my duty, no matter my age
    It wasn't until recently that Maelie had learned about the alliance between the main neutral guilds in Fiore. She doesn't know the exact reason as to why the alliance had formed, but she didn't care too much about that. What she did care about, though, is the experience she would get from fighting with a C rank mage. In terms of guild ranking, she was still the lowest of the low. This was her opportunity to show that she was worth ranking up into a higher position, and that she was worthy to own the Celestial Tiara.

    Whenever she had read the description to the job she had taken, she was taken aback a bit. She had never really thought that something so beautiful could be disruptive. She knew that beautiful things could be strong, but something as simplistic as a cherry blossom doing harm to others was generally unheard of. So, she decided to take the job. However, she wasn't the proper rank to actually do the job. So, this was seen as an opportunity to have two members from different guilds within the alliance work together on something. After all, the guilds were going to be working together a lot.

    While sitting on the train, she kept a very poised posture. She seemed to be very composed, especially when compared to the parents who were running up and down the floor of the train, trying to chase after their kid. This situation had actually gotten a giggle out of her before she regained her composure once again. A few moments after this had happened, the train had stopped at the Rose Gardens.

    She wasn't exactly sure what her partner looked like, let alone their magic. So, this would have to be a lot of trial and error. The person she was looking for might not even have a visible guild mark. She searched throughout the area surrounding the train station, feeling for powerful magic sources within the area. She knew for a fact that this person would have one that was stronger than the average guildless mage, not to mention a stronger aura than her own self. Within a few minutes or so, she had sensed someone that was bound to be strong enough to be a guild mage...not to mention the fact that she had her name written on a piece of paper in front of her.

    She was holding a violin in her hand, and playing it beautifully. To Maelie, music was always an outlet to her that didn't require her to get lost through exploring. She was pretty talented with music, and was most likely going to pursue it, if not for her newly found duty. So, she waited a few moments for her to finish up her current song, before clapping and saying aloud, "Wow, that was beautiful. I'm Maelie, and I'm guessing you're Illya due to the fact that you have it written down on that piece of sheet music in front of you." With that, a gentle smile came upon her face, as a small giggle was released from her.
    @Illya Pegasus ● notes here ● 528 words



    Lineage : Graceful Siren
    Position : None
    Faction : The Rune Knights
    Posts : 200
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 15,619

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    Cherry Blossom Shower Empty Re: Cherry Blossom Shower

    Post by Altarias 5th November 2019, 6:25 am

    Illya smiled as the wizard approached her. "Guess it was a good thing that I remembered to write my name on the paper, huh? Yeah, I'm Illya Pegasus! Nice to meet you, Maelie!" Illya bowed as she focused her magic energy on returning her requipped violin back into the space where it once came from. "I'm excited to see what magic you have in store, and I hope I can be of some help! Just as a bit of the warning, while I technically am your senior in this mission because of higher rank, I don't really know how to use my magic much." She chuckled sheepishly. "Honestly, I've only been able to use magic for about a month now. According to Arcadia - er, one of Fairy Tail's higher-ups, my magic's pretty good, something about 'Slayer' or something like that. I don't really understand it, but it's fine! I'm not really much of a fighter myself, but I can do what I've always done best, and that's helping others! So, uh...I hope you have good offensive magic, because I'm not going to be much help on that front."

    Illya smiled once more and bowed. "To be honest, I'm not really certain on how all this works as well, since all I've really done are some chores, basically, nothing really...big like this. But I guess best thing that we should do is start to head off towards the site of our job, huh? I suppose we should get to know each other a bit, though. Mainly, what kind of magic do you use? As I said before, I'm apparently a 'Slayer' or something like that, so I use sound for my magic." She pointed at her right eye. "Preeeetty sure this eye is a lacrima that gave me my magic. Dunno why it took so long to let me use magic but...it's fine. What about you personally? I'm from Magnolia, which is why I joined Fairy Tail. Always looked up to them, even if they've changed from what I remember as a kid. If I'm remembering right, you're part of Silver Wolf, right? What brought you to them?" Suddenly, as they reached the edge of the cherry blossom garden, Illya bowed once more in apology. "Ah! Sorry if I'm asking a ton of questions! Just...I don't really know too many people, and I've never fought before, let alone fighting in a team, and I don't like hurting things that much, and I'm pretty sure I just need a good synergy with people in order for my magic to reach them but I don't really know and..." Her voice trailed off once more as she apologized, bowing.

    WC: 447
    My TWC: 861
    Group TWC: 1359


    Cherry Blossom Shower GMALSW8

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Neutral Guild Ace- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Summer Special Tier 1- Summer Special Donor- Player 
    Lineage : Defender of the Heavenly Gardens
    Position : None
    Posts : 459
    Guild : Fairytail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 21

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Celestial Royalty
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    Cherry Blossom Shower Empty Re: Cherry Blossom Shower

    Post by Musicalbunny 10th November 2019, 5:02 pm

    I am worthy enough to fulfill my duty, no matter my age
    As Illya introduced herself to Maelie, she curtsied towards her and gave her a gentle smile. She found the girl to be extremely funny, in the fact that she rambled on and on. She had never really met someone who liked talking so much, not ever since she put her talking habits behind her. Her training led her to reserving what she said to herself. The girl didn't look like a threat in all honesty, but it wasn't like she could fully be trusted at the current moment. Like the girl who held her title before her said, "You can never be too careful." So, even though she liked Illya, she'd have to have been around her for a few more jobs, before she could reveal too much.

    When Illya asked about her magic, she answered back to her saying, "Well, I using a celestial summoning type magic. I summon the princesses of the celestial realm. Though, you don't have to worry too much about them being weak, because they have their strengths. The fact that you could get past being D ranked with your age and lack of training is proof that women are stronger than one would think. Even if you hadn't done much fighting before, it doesn't mean you can't start learning now!" With that, she let Illya say the rest of the questions she wanted to ask. These questions however, were ones she could answer even more vaguely than she had just now. She didn't like doing so, but it was something she had to do. With that, she said to Illya, "Well, I can't really tell you much about my story as of now. I have some trust issues at the moment, so I have to keep my background in reserve. I hope that I can trust you enough one day to tell you, but don't worry. My story isn't anything criminal, which is all I can really say about it. Though, I can tell you why I joined Silver Wolf. As a little kid, I always loved to explore and find little trinkets to put on my shelf of wonders. So, when I was looking for a guild to join, Silver Wolf called to me. It's really as simple as that."

    After she answered the girls question, Illya apologized for her talkative personality. To that, Maelie comforted her by saying, "Don't worry about it. I'm pretty talkative once you get to know me. I wish I could be so now, but there are reasons to my rules. For now though, I can just say that I'm happy to know you. Though, we should probably get to working on the job. Looking at the rose gardens now, it seems as though the cherry blossoms are piling up more so than earlier. We have to be quick about this before everything gets out of hand." With that, she took Illya's hand, and started to run towards the entrance of the area.
    @Illya Pegasus ● 1039/1500 words ● 511 words



    Lineage : Graceful Siren
    Position : None
    Faction : The Rune Knights
    Posts : 200
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 15,619

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    Cherry Blossom Shower Empty Re: Cherry Blossom Shower

    Post by Altarias 10th November 2019, 5:23 pm

    Rolling 3 monster dice 'cuz that seems like the norm. If we don't roll a boss, then this'll be a warm-up

    Now to actually remember to attach the dice.


    Cherry Blossom Shower GMALSW8

    Posts : 23945
    Mentor : Admin

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    Cherry Blossom Shower Empty Re: Cherry Blossom Shower

    Post by NPC 10th November 2019, 5:23 pm

    The member 'Illya Pegasus' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    Cherry Blossom Shower NXDHjfc Cherry Blossom Shower R2fEWNz Cherry Blossom Shower R2fEWNz

    Lineage : Graceful Siren
    Position : None
    Faction : The Rune Knights
    Posts : 200
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 15,619

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    Cherry Blossom Shower Empty Re: Cherry Blossom Shower

    Post by Altarias 10th November 2019, 5:50 pm

    Illya entered into the Cherry Blossom garden where the job was located, Maelie in tow. She had apologized to her companion for her attempts to pry into her life, but it seemed to have flown by with little incident. The garden was a beautiful sight, the pink-leaved trees providing an atmosphere of peace and tranquility that was almost entirely absent from Magnolia. The paths that would normally lead deeper into the garden were coated with a layer of slick petals, Illya preemptively removing her shoes in an attempt to get better traction. "Sorry if this looks a bit weird, Maelie, just need to do my best not to slip. My shoes aren't exactly meant for off-road travel." She laughed. Still having her shoes held tightly gripped into her hands, she wandered closer to the center of the garden, watching each and every step she took.

    Coming closer to the center of the gardens, she noticed an admittedly strange sight. Four leaf-faced people were dancing in a ring, surrounding a similarly-masked woman with a pink kimono who was using her magic on the nearby trees. "These must be the cause of the cherry blossom storm." She took a deep breath, nerves creeping up on her like they would before a concert. "I'm still not really great on knowing how magic works, but I'll do what little I can to help. I'm guessing your summons take a bit to bring out, so I can give a little attack while you do your summoning, and then I can just support your summons from there." She smiled, doing her best to hide her nerves, though to little avail.

    Before even waiting for Maelie's answer, she sprung out of the hiding place they had been in prior to the battle. Remembering Arcadia's teachings, she cupped her hands against her mouth and shouted, "Sound God's Bellow!" A cone of black-outlined sound crashed into the group of foes, much to Illya's  happiness. Of course, her happiness was immediately dragged away from her after she slipped on a pile of wet cherry blossom petals, crashing onto her butt. It was not all too painful, though it did admittedly sting a bit. The girl in the kimono quickly responded by firing off a hail of petals in Illya's direction, pelting her with enough velocity to hurt, though not much. She was still able to focus in her strengths on performing her songs for the being that Maelie had summoned, giving a Fleetfooted Mambo and Warding Serenade to buff its speed and resistance to magical attacks. Illya smiled, singing a quiet lullaby to herself. To her surprise, the cuts that had formed from the piercing petals slowly began to close.

    This is the power of magic? she thought. Suddenly, she could no longer hold in her excitement. "Magic is so cool!" she screamed, laughing as she worked through her outburst. A great performance certainly could lead to a feeling of excitement, but this was so much different. She had only been taught the basics by Arcadia, and she never truly had an opportunity to see the healing powers of her songs, but all this was almost overwhelming. Just looking at the hodgepodge battlefield showed the power of magic. The clear path from where her voice had cleared the petals and shook the very earth, the light green aura around Maelie's summon's feet and the dull, pink aura that shone around its entire body, even Maelie herself, it was all so different from her previous experiences in life. Illya got up slowly, being struck by a few more blows from her foes, only to respond with yet another song, where she could almost see the waves of music flowing into Maelie and her summon, as well as back into Illya, letting power well up inside of her. "I love magic soooo much!" she squealed. As often as she had like to contain her composure, she felt like such a little child when it came to magic. She could do little to contain her feelings, smiling and laughing and having the time of her life.

    WC: 683
    TWC: 1544
    GTWC: 2583


    Cherry Blossom Shower GMALSW8

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Neutral Guild Ace- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Summer Special Tier 1- Summer Special Donor- Player 
    Lineage : Defender of the Heavenly Gardens
    Position : None
    Posts : 459
    Guild : Fairytail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 21

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Celestial Royalty
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    Cherry Blossom Shower Empty Re: Cherry Blossom Shower

    Post by Musicalbunny 12th November 2019, 7:17 pm

    I am worthy enough to fulfill my duty, no matter my age
    As Maelie rushed towards the center of the garden, she felt her heels starting to slip beneath her. For some reason, the petals had become more and more slippery as the two mages went onwards into the rose garden. However, the training she had done with her posture, considerable helped her remain completely stable. Of course, there were moments when she would get a little less stable, but that's besides the point. So, as Illya took off her shoes, Maelie just smiled and said to her, "Don't worry all about it. Though, be careful. I wouldn't want you stubbing your toe now." With that, she giggled.

    Soon after her joke, the two had reached their destination. At least, they were pretty sure this was it. If not, then there had to somehow be other petal creatures and mages in the garden. That was pretty unrealistic, and even if there were other mages, they still needed to defeat this one first. So, as she looked over to Illya, she saw as she dashed in without even waiting for a reply from her. To Maelie, it seemed as though Illya was so excited about her magic, that she had completely forgot that there was more to just combat than using it. As soon as she unleashed an attack on the foes, which was actually a quite powerful assault, she was dealt an attack by the mage in the center of the area. She was pretty reckless at the moment, but Maelie didn't have the time to teach her otherwise.

    So, as she raised her arms in the air, the gem in the middle of her tiara turned into a split colored gem. On one side of it, is a bright white color that is sure to blind anyone who looks at it. The other side is a mystical purple color that just draws people in. As this color change happens, Maelie yells out loud, "Open gate of the Living Doll! Hattie!" She then took in a deep breath and yelled aloud once more, saying, "Open gate of the Divine! Seraphina!" With that, her two summons spawned onto the field. Hattie was extremely excited about the summon, saying to Maelie, "Yay! I can't believe that this is the first time we get to work together. I hope I can-" With that, she was interrupted by the angellic woman that was much taller than her. She seemed to be a lot more reserved than Hattie, but even then, she kept a smile on her face. As she looked down upon her, she said, "Hattie, we have a job to do. That's what she summoned us here for. I know you want to have fun, but work has to come first." With that, Hattie gave out a deep sigh while nodding her head. "I know, I just haven't seen this world yet, and I was so excited." As Hattie said this, Maelie comforted her by saying, "Hey, I'll show you around this world some other time." Hattie then smiled as she went to work.

    As Seraphina looked at the creatures before her, she raised up her arm, saying, "Go out and purify wrong doers, go out my justice seekers!" With this, her hand glew a brilliant white color, as it sent out orbs to all 5 of the enemies before her. The petal like dancers who had been knocked on the ground from Illya's attack didn't even get a chance to fight, as they were immediately defeated by this attack. Soon after this attack, Hattie and Seraphina took this oppurtunity to attack the mage itself. As they looked at her, they began both of their strongest moves. As Seraphina pulled back on the angellic bow in her left hand, she unleashed her attack upon the mage. As well as this, Hattie formed a ball of fire in her right hand, tossing it right at the mage. As both attacks collided, a scream was heard. It was clear the woman had not died from the attack, but yet she still passed out from it. With that, their job was over. She would then walk over to Illya, and say to her, "Hey, goodjob! Though, you still need to work on your combat skills. Even though magic can help you win a fight, it shouldn't be the only thing you focus on. You have to be skillful with what you do, or else the same thing will happen. However, that all just comes with practice.
    @Illya Pegasus ● 1798/1500 words ● 759 words



    Lineage : Graceful Siren
    Position : None
    Faction : The Rune Knights
    Posts : 200
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 15,619

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    Cherry Blossom Shower Empty Re: Cherry Blossom Shower

    Post by Altarias 12th November 2019, 10:01 pm

    Total words for the job turn-in: 3342


    Cherry Blossom Shower GMALSW8

      Current date/time is 26th July 2024, 9:45 pm