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    Ex the Ex


    Ex the Ex Empty Ex the Ex

    Post by Guest 13th September 2019, 7:52 pm

    Laurence walked into the castle holding a piece of paper. He wasn't sure why he had tried to find her. No, he knew exactly why he did. She had married his murderer, a man she had once told him that she never would have. She wasn't anywhere in their hometown back when he killed that man, his old best friend. Of course, neither of them actually lived there anymore, but in another location. They just happened to have land located in a nowhere town. It was one he was born twice in. Once it was as a human, the second time as a horse. It was a place he couldn't stand now, a calm and peaceful that was unnerving that was once relaxing. It reminded him of those who used to be the most important to him, but instead tried to take everything away. Why had they done it? Did it matter? She had been someone he dated since youth. He would need to leave for Oak Town, but not yet. "She probably dresses to the nines every day now." Why was he so upset at where she lived though? It was a place that wasn't all wealth, but certainly it would be pricy to get a home at such an area. She wasn't the ugly duckling that he used to read books together with anymore. He started to walk up the stairs, a frown deepening on his lips. "Were her feelings a lie all those years?" Even with a black heart, it still hurt. He wanted to soak her in red, to find her exact location. Having an address didn't mean she would be there at that time. She might be at a bar, a restaurant, a party... 'I need help finding her once I get to the town, otherwise I might end up running around in circles for days looking for her. I don't think I could take that.'

    There was someone else who shared the same mentor though, right? A mouthy werewolf. Neither of them had done anything to get to know each other well. Would he even want to? The idea of bonding was quickly pushed behind his thoughts. Cirven acting protective had messed with him a bit, even if it was briefly, and around someone who was injured. Kien would still be a good person to ask. Wolves were typically good trackers, right? So the kelpie walked over towards their room, before giving a good few knocks. "Are you here? Would you mind helping me Kill my ex fiance? I figured out where she moved to, but people with lots of money tend to move around a lot. Do you have any skills at pinpointing locations? All I can offer as compensation is that she'd be difficult to kill, so it would probably give you something interesting to do. Also she's loaded, so her money would be easy reach after her death." The kelpie wasn't expecting a friend, or anyone to care about his emotions, nor the reason behind wanting her dead. The idea of people caring died with his pure heart after that blade pierced it. The double betrayal was horrible, the only two people he cared for as family that hadn't died. What did she gain by not just leaving him for someone with wealth? It would have still hurt, but it would have felt a lot less like she hadn't only waited just to save face. He wasn't a big name, but it still would have looked bad to leave your childhood sweetheart for someone else without any reason given out. 'falling out of love' tends to work less if you've dated from young childhood to adulthood.

    But the length of the relationship made it sting all the more. He just wanted her to pay and suffer. He didn't need to look nice or dress nice, he never had tried to in the first place. The clothes he had died in had been old hand me downs that he had patched up each time a new tear had appeared. That was before he even died in them. His father had more than likely got them ass pass me downs as well. Poor families tended to do that, make clothes last as long as possible, as new ones would just cost too much. But it also made it clearly very old, and he very clearly someone born from meager means. "She moved to Oak Town in Fiore."

    Words: 744
    Kien Hikiba
    Kien Hikiba

    Lineage : None
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    Guild : Errings Rising
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    Mentor : Dahau
    Experience : 250

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    Ex the Ex Empty Re: Ex the Ex

    Post by Kien Hikiba 17th September 2019, 2:02 am

    Kien literally busted open the door of his room with a kick, thanks to his armored greaves. He would catch the thing before it slammed into the wall. Wearing nothing but his leather pants and a black tank top, the lavender haired boy glared at the person before him with his goden eyes.

    "Alright alright slow the fuck down, horse man. No need to piss me off with all that door banging I could smell you coming half a corridor away." Kien barked, drowing out the kelpie's voice, before catching a glimpse of what the guy was saying. Did he just offer him to go kill someone? He would not say no, but why him and why out of the blue? He could have asked literally anyone else around here and obtain the same result. Oh wait, it was something about a ex lover or something?

    Do horses even have lovers?

    Kien's animosity died down, the young wolf looking up then down then up again at Lawrence. "Let me get this straight. You-" he pointed at the long haired male. "-want me..." he pointed at himself now. "To find you your long lost love? What am I, your search dog?"

    In a sense, he was the best tracker out of the entire guild, most probably. So the guy wasn't really off when comign over to ask. Still though, there was a massive problem with his plan. The guy was a goddamn mess.

    "Scratch that, are you seriously thinking of cucking people dressed up like that? Hell, do you even wear anything else than that stupid plain old clothes. You look like a fucking street hobo." He was quite direct with his remarks, but he could not really say no to the guy. In the end he had nothing better to do for the day and helping someone with murder could be fun.

    Before that though, he would take that opportunity to get Lawrence to be less of a loser than he was right now. He really could not stand his hobo wear. "Wait here." He ordered, slamming the door to his room shut in the green haired man's face. He stepped back out wearing his usual yet classy look: Magenta and violet fingerless gloves/jacket on a black leather undersuit, pink scarf around his neck and various brass spikes all around.

    "Okay, let us get to the point. I am not bringing you around looking like that. If you want to cuck people, you gotta do it in style. Actually, you need style in general. If we're going to be teammates then first thing first we get those things off of you and swap them with actual clothes." He stated, manner of factly, grabbing Lawrence hand with his and dragging the poor kelpie around.

    He wouldn't stop until he had forced his pal into a clothing store. Standing by the door and blocking the guy's way out, Kien grinned. "Go on, seahorse. Time to pimp my ride. Let's start by a nice pair of boots, then we move on to pants and shirt. Then, we always need a jacket of sorts and a scarf...hm...oh I know! What's your favourite color, seahorse?"

    WC 530


    Ex the Ex O23F2U7

    Ex the Ex Empty Re: Ex the Ex

    Post by Guest 20th September 2019, 11:12 am

    The kelpie certainly hadn't expected to catch Kien in so little, his eyes trailing a bit before the werewolf had started to speak. He could smell Lott coming up? Was that a wolf thing, the ability to tell when someone was coming before they do? It seemed as much. "Sorry, I didn't know you could smell me coming." Horses couldn't smell anyone coming. He was pretty sure even as he got older that this would be unlikely to be a thing that started to pop up under the faes skill list. The long lost love comment was not something greeted with flushing or joy. That wasn't even funny as a joke, though it certainly didn't sound like one. Just thinking of her was upsetting, something that might be cured by bringing an end to her.
    "Never call her that again." The amount of upset in Laurence was only made aware to him after speaking that line. How many people could say something with so much low rage before following it up with a slightly startled and surprised expression. If anything made it clear that the man was still getting to know himself, it was that. A body that was his, but no longer what it once was. A mind that was his own and yet different since coming back from the dead. His own emotions and how they functioned had even change to a degree. It was confusing, like getting to know himself all over again, yet not. All his memories were still the same, these was no mistaking this was himself. In the end, it seemed like it would be better to explain what his ex was to him. "Sorry, I've been a bit mentally lost and disoriented since I stopped being dead." How lost that was really depended on the moment, though it was typically a bit more than this.

    For some reason or another, Being around Kien tended to bring out his more stable and less apathetic side. Why was that? The young man wasn't fully sure, but at least knew that it was connected to personality. "Her and I dated since we were small children. I was killed by my childhood friend, she wed him soon after. Police ignored my stab wound to the heart and wounds of struggle and dubbed me suicide by drowning because that friend was a wealthy noble. They left my body in the river since I had no kin to bury me, nor enough money for them to immediately care. A kelpie had lived in the river, I donno how long he had been there, but it was at least a few years.
    Nobody noticed him, but he noticed everyone. A month after my death I woke up as a kelpie, made one by him. He told me everything that happened while I was dead, that he changed me because he liked me. My ex fiance quickly wed my old friend, who owned everything that was once mine, save for the clothes I died in. I killed that old friend, then a week later I was at the opening of our guild, joining it. I just really want her dead. A lot of things confuse me about myself now, but that doesn't."
    The hero of the story, if there was one, wasn't what one might have expected. Water horses were known for being murderous, malicious, spiteful of humans, and doing their damndest to kill.

    The one in this story was just a silent watcher, minding his own business quietly out of the way of everything until something happened that it didn't agree with. They were probably an older creature, for it wasn't very youthful behavior to quietly watch for the best opportunity to do something. Then again if it was just about hurting people, or making the perfect new fae, then they would have turned Laurence sooner. The scars on laurences nose, one of his ears, throat, and chest would be permanent reminders of what happened. In any case it was pretty surprising to be told he dressed like a street hobo. His clothes were old and used and he did sort of die in them. Oh. That was when the realization hit that the care he put in these items didn't show anymore. It didn't matter if he was alive now, he had still died in them. It probably looked like he had robbed a corpse and put them on, or that he had walked out of a coffin from a graveyard himself. There was more to being a water horse it seemed than going from tan to a strange drowned pale color. "Dying in them sort of ruined all the work I put in..." Admitting it out loud didn't make him feel any better though.  

    Lott let himself get dragged to the clothes store by the mouthy and eager werewolf. New clothing was a strange concept to him. "This is the first time I've even set foot in a clothes store." Laurence admitted, feeling a bit lost. There were so many items everywhere. The seahorse comment should have bothered him, but the man was pretty apathetic to a lot of things. Where would the boots be? Did clothes stores hold boots? How do you tell if a boot looks good? "Do I have a favorite color?" Was this question for Kien, or himself? It was a thought that certainly confused him enough to gain a slightly dazed look before his eyes started to glaze a bit. Trying to connect to what he cared about or not cared about, likes and dislikes sometimes did that. There was always a risk that he would start thinking about how they weren't sure this was even real, if anything was real, if there was anything to care about.

    Words: 965
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    Kien Hikiba
    Kien Hikiba

    Lineage : None
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    Posts : 44
    Guild : Errings Rising
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Mentor : Dahau
    Experience : 250

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    Ex the Ex Empty Re: Ex the Ex

    Post by Kien Hikiba 20th September 2019, 2:23 pm

    "You did not just tell me this is the first time you ever set foot in a-YOU DID NOT JUST ASK ME ABOUT YOUR FAVOURITE COLOR." Kien howled, the slap of his hand on his face so loud a couple customers turned around to look at the two.

    "Oh my lord. You really are a lost cause. Alright, it seems this will take way more work than it i predicted. Well then, time to dress the baby. I swear on my Mark that before you exit from here you'll be so cool both boys and girls will turn around to look at you. Now up you go, into the dressing room!"

    Kien stormed through the store, grabbing Laurence's hand again to drag him with or against his will to the back, where the large dressing rooms were located. He pushed a couple people to the side and shoved the Kepie inside.

    Once the door had been locked, Kien's arms seemed to buff up slightly. Then, tufts of silver fur sprouted over the boy's arms as his hands enlarged slightly. His nails grew and hardened into claws. Without a second thought, one hand clawed at the poor Kelpie's chest while the other grabbed onto the guy's collar.


    In one full motion, Kien shredded and ripped Laurence's clothes off of him all the while managing to not hurt his companion. "You died in these? That's fucking disgusting!" He held the thing out as if reeked really bad like some kind of rotten eggs. With complete disregard to leaving the kelpie out there nude or with just boxers on, Kien tossed the ripped up clothes straight into the magic bin in there which promptly incinerated the ripped cloth into nothing.

    Blushing ever so slightly in embarassment and muttering "I cannot belive I am having to dress up a grown man like some kind of baby sitter..." the young wolf folded his still were-ified arms on his chest as he gave Laurence a once over, staring a little at the old scars he had on his chest before moving his eyes away. Those seemed almost as bad as his werewolf Mark he thought.

    After a minute of silent circling and staring, Kien finally opened up the door to the dressing room to step out. "Sit down and mentally prepare yourself. You're getting earrings on those pointy ears of yours wether you like it or not. They look cool and you have the space for them." He casually dropped the bomb before exiting. "I am going our there and thinking a way to turn you from a zero to a cool."

    A full thirty minutes passed without no one coming or going. In short, the "abused" fae had been left al alone to himself. Then, the door to the dressing room opened and a sea of clothing flowed in. Kien settled down the mountain of stuff and turned to the other guy. He started waving things in front of him. "Hm...yeah, no colory stuff. We gonna go with a more neutral look. Some nice browns...hm...boots...scarf...maybe we could get this and this...yeah this works. I really hope I will not need to help you dress up. I think you're old enough to do that on your fucking own. That's about the only thing that does not require any fashion sense from you."

    Some clothes were kept, some clothes were discarded. First of all, some sturdy boots. All the while, the young werewolf had the time to listen to Laurence's story. He had knew a little on kelpies as a race. Sometimes them and werewolves scuffled over territory.

    "Man, that must have sucked. Drowning is the worst thing. Then again, I do not know about that. I can't swim." He commented, wiggling two undersuits before keeping the cream one. "If there's something I know though, is that that kelpie was looking for a heir. They just do not turn people into their kin for the hell of it. As you said, that horse was old. So, it probably transferred his powers to you to you know...keep the species going. Usually it's how stuff like that...goes...around..."

    Without noticing, the young wolf raised a hand to his neck, covering up his Mark. "Your friend is an asshole though and your lovebird is a massive thot. I guess you have a reason to fuck her over six feet under. As for me...I'm here for the fun ride. Now...how about the scarf...you're a horse so maybe a mantle is more cool. Yeah, definitely."

    Kien had decided. He threw a bundle at Laurence and grinned, shoving the rest of the discarded clothes aside.

    "Alright, seahorse, this will be your look for a while now. First of all, some nice leather. It's elastic enough and keeps you somewhat protected. Plus browns really make your hair and eyes stand out. Start by the white half suit. Trust me, it's way more comfy than a tank top or anything else. It also prevents rubbing and friction with the leather so you can move and run. Once you have that on, time for the cream jacket and wide pants. No worries about tripping, they stretch fine and look omega cool. Then, we go for the boot cover and the leather armor. Yes, armor. It looks cool. Make sure you get all the belts fitted so it's tight but not restricting. Finally, the gloves. Trust me, they are the cherry on top."

    With that, the wolf grabbed the discarded clothes and began walking out of the dressing room. "Imma go put these back and go..."discuss payment." You just come over once you have your new outfit on."

    Leaving the fae alone to his own devices, Kien walked over to the counter and took out way more jewels than necessary. In the end, if Laurence's ex was married to a noble, she was going to be filthy rich. Which meant that the werewolf was going to appropriate any money she had. Meaning she was going to cover the costs anyway. He slapped the things on the counter, making sure his arms were back to normal, and then pointed at the glass table. "Oh, I'm getting those two gold piercings there too by the way."

    With the jewelry in a small package, the young wolf looked over as he heard and smelled Laurence's scent coming his way. He was slightly surprised at the look the green haired guildmate had. Well, he certainly had succeeded in making him look cool. He just did not expect Laurence to look that cool. The guy was wearing the outfit so good. He almost looked like an entirely different person.

    Not realizing, Kien was blushing lightly. He had to admit, Laurence right now was way more of a showstealer than he was...and he was fucking amazing all the time. He stopped the amazed staring and grinned, saying:

    "Wow...I'm kinda jealous now...":

    WC 1147


    Ex the Ex O23F2U7

    Ex the Ex Empty Re: Ex the Ex

    Post by Guest 21st September 2019, 9:06 pm

    The glossed expression was quick to fade, Laurences mind bouncing back to its sharp and stable state. He supposed this was a good reminder that most people have in fact been in clothes stores before. That made sense, he hadn't exactly been born in middle class. There were probably a few things that were common that he hadn't been to before becoming a kelpie. It was one of the reasons why this second life was far more fun and interesting. There was no more following the rules, nor the old attachments that had nailed him down. But of course the wolf getting upset at him It made him want to figure out his favorite color, though briefly. That was chased out by getting dragged into a dressing room, not that the horse struggled against it. What would be the point in that? Of course he also wasn't expecting to get stripped by very active claws. One thing Lott wasn't expecting to happen was the feeling of embarrassment, that strange sensation spreading all over him. Dressing rooms meant undressing to try on something new? That was what he had read and heard, but they were both from a guild where normal didn't really exist. "Is being naked really a better option?" His face started to gain color, perhaps a good reminder that the fae wasn't an undead. Creatures without blood flow can't cause blood to rush to the cheeks. But it also pointed out that he hadn't been disturbed by the idea of wearing the clothes he had died in. "Wait, earrings? Aren't those pricey?" But so were good clothes. He knew this, that was one of the reasons why the man never considered buying any.

    But of course clothing was something he had needed to replace, something that was easy to put off until Kien brought it up. The flush on his face had lowered slightly at the brief wonder of how expensive everything was going to be. But of course that ended up with the kelpie being naked and alone in a changing room. Of the two that had a more bold personality, it definitely had to be Kien. Laurence didn't leave the dressing room. This wasn't because the man wanted to wait around naked, but because they refused to walk in public in the nude. Almost naked would be fine, but Lott hadn't really had undergarments before everything had been torn off. Nerves eased a bit as the time ticked by, the water horse ending up looking himself over in the mirror at some point. "It's really amazing how different but the same everything looks..." The man commented before their fellow guildmate had returned. There was no time to feel embarrassed after the werewolf returned, as it was with more talk and a lot of clothing items. Drowning the worst? Blushing didn't return, instead giving way to the turning of thoughts. "I have no idea how horrid drowning is, but getting stabbed by a man you grew up with thinking they saw you as an equal and pal certainly hurts enough for me. I'll never forget that pain of betrayal. I had grown up finding value in accepting my place in the world as a poor nothing that needed to work hard to survive on his poor lott in life. I gave what I could whenever i thought someone was in need, even when my stomach hurt."

    Bright lime green eyes looked to the clothing pile. "Things that mattered to me were experiences and people. cus I'd seen how items rot and money is spent. The only thing that seemed to matter was making the best with what you have and not putting up a fuss concerning things I hadn't the power to change. Reading when I could, enjoying what I could do and when, reading poetry by the river... I saw the calm of the world as relaxing cus I didn't know what it was hiding." All of these things were spoken about past tense for a reason. These were things he was before getting turned. He was still laurence lott, but there was nothing calming about the calm anymore. He had no idea what was important, but strength was certainly one of those important things. Money was important as was not just shrugging your shoulders and accepting things. Hikibas thoughts on his sire though was something the man hadn't really thought of himself, even if all the pieces were in place. It was obvious the kelpie had been old, even without directly saying so. The idea of patiently waiting around to make a new water horse made a lot of sense, but what didn't? "If thats why the fae did it, than why didn't he pick someone else? Because he didn't hate me?" That old kelpie definitely had hated humans, what happened hadn't changed that one bit. They hadn't seemed the least bit interested in people for their money, nor power. The clothes looked very fine quality and smelled new. "I don't know how to swim either." That was the last thing they admitted to before being left alone to dress.

    Laurence more than knew well enough how to get dressed. The fabric felt nice, though it hugged his body in way that used hand me downs never could. Putting them down felt a little strange, but not in a bad way. The other may have had a lot of energy and pushiness to them, but after having everything all on? The mirror in the dressing room showed him a handsome looking reflection that very much wasn't the man that had once struggled to keep what little they had. There was something about these clothes that made him feel better, start wanting things. There was suddenly more than apathy and a want of power and revenge. The young man walked out of the small space after finishing putting it all on. He felt a bit more like there was something in him, like there was someone to know. The fae walked over towards the counter and Kien with confidence and pride in his stride, a first since dying. While his smile was confident as well, it was also a good example of just how different becoming a fae had made him. That white heart of before had been dipped in enough pitch darkness that only the purest wouldn't be totally crushed by it. Lott himself thrived the longer he lived, the content smile of a killer. There was a mild bit of surprise when Kien said they were kind of jealous, it wasn't something he was used to hearing. It was in a tone the water horse didn't mind through. "That's what you get for tugging my heart.

    It's been so hard to find my heart or mind ever since they changed on me, but you made me realize that I like dressing nice now, that I'm fond of deep greens. It feels more like reality exists when you're around. I don't know how you do that."
    These close were nice, very nice. He felt special in them. His heart started to pound with thrill and delight at thinking about what comes next. The smile on the water horses lips started to become a bit more playful, though the murderous feel to it never faded. "I think Killing her's going to be more fun than I originally imagined." Most people would probably avoid stating in public their intent to kill, but honesty was one of the few things that Laurence never lost. There was the realization before that he had been nervous before about finding her and being able to get it done. Now though? It didn't feel like either of those thoughts should be things to get worried about.

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    Kien Hikiba
    Kien Hikiba

    Lineage : None
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    Posts : 44
    Guild : Errings Rising
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    Mentor : Dahau
    Experience : 250

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    Ex the Ex Empty Re: Ex the Ex

    Post by Kien Hikiba 23rd September 2019, 4:57 am

    Kien scoffed with a shit eating grin. "How I do it? Well I like to live life to the fullest, and you should too...considering the first time you wasted in on false friends and a massive THOT. Now settle down, seahorse. We ain't done yet." He gently pushed the Kelpie down on a chair, before hopping right on the guy's lap. Belly to belly, face to face.

    Grabbing Laurence's head Kien turned it to the side and located the pointy ear. "Now hold still and don't you dare flinch."

    To sharp stings and the earrings were placed. Kien grabbed something to clean off the small driplets of blood. "There. NOW you look cool. Glad you like it cause this is your outfit now. No more hobo shit. Did I make myself clear? Good. Now hurry up. We got someone to pay a visit to."

    With that finally done, Kien stood back up and exited the shop, completely ignoring the weirded out looks of the shopkeepers and other customers. By the time the green haired fae had exited as well, he would be met by a fluffy tail poking out of Kien's pants, as well as silver grey and white fur. It was not the first time Laurence had experienced Kien's actual werewolf form, but it was perhaps the closest he had ever been to seeing it in action.

    "Giddy up, seahorse." The wolf barked in a slightly more hoarse and growling tone. "We've got someone to find. How about you go ahead and tell me where to start looking? You don't have much use for a tracker if you don't have tracks to find. If you could get something with her scent that would also help, provided we are not miles away from our target."

    Kien had to wonder if Laurence knew more than simply the looks of the girly girl they were so keen on going out of their own way to cuck. He did say something about his old birthplace or something, but he had no idea how long the seahorse spent dead. In all that time, people could circle around the world three times or more. Hopefully he would have a little more info other then dragging him on a goose chase.

    Then again, laurence was also the one really keen on walking around with hobo clothes he died in. Oh boi. It now dawned on Kien that this thing was going to be a little harder than what he had thought he would.



    Ex the Ex O23F2U7

    Ex the Ex Empty Re: Ex the Ex

    Post by Guest 4th November 2019, 6:06 pm

    "Thot?" That was quite a confusing word, but Laurence wasn't exactly up to date on slangs. This wasn't unexpected for a young man from a small area. He hadn't resisted pushes or pulls this entire time so far, so that wasn't happening now. If there had been even a slight twinkling of a thought that the werewolf would stop surprising him, it definitely wouldn't have survived Kien getting in the faes lap. The pale mans scarred face was reddened from the close skin to skin contact, keeping him from even noticing the brief pain until everything was over. New earrings? Fingers briefly reached towards an ear before hearing the hobo comment. "My old clothes were-" Then there was remembering the whole dying in them thing, how they had sat in the bottom of still river for for around a week. Okay he definitely needed to accept that these were no longer okay for use anymore. Lot sighed a bit before nodding, his face still full of bright coloration. "Okay I wont." The kelp haired man followed after the other from the store. The entire experience had sort of felt like a whirlwind. Was that how going to a clothes store was supposed to be? Well, no, probably not. The young man just couldn't imagine getting stripped and having a bare chested man get in your lab was a normal activity in a clothes store. The horse certainly didn't mind that, not one bit. There was no need to ever no what's normal, there wasn't really any point in it.

    Now was onto the main event, finding his Ex. At the question of having her scent, the water horse shook his head. "I have a city address, but I already told you those things. She likes fine foods, music, dancing, and wines. She's a restless sort that likes to find excitement. Long curly red hair, pale freckled skin, curved figure, no scars. Confident and unafraid of using her fire magic for anything she deems it has use for." But what he didn't realize in the description was that she didn't sound like the loyal type at all. Laurence never said what she liked in a guy, or what she would do with the man she was fond of. It took him a few moments to realize that himself. All these years and he couldn't recall one activity that was for 'them'. When they were young he had helped her, her dragging him along to do what she wanted  more and more the older they both got. There hadn't been much of a give and take... "I..." Strange dark thoughts, a pang of pity. "That man was always very passionate and didn't think twice on doing something if motivated enough... But... Maybe I'm over thinking. I didn't have enough schooling for that to be a good strong suit." But it was strange that she wasn't even in town, that he didn't struggle much against the water horse when death had come. Would anyone really use the promise of love to get their way? But that seemed far worse than anything the fae had done, at least to him.

    Words: 526
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    Kien Hikiba
    Kien Hikiba

    Lineage : None
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    Posts : 44
    Guild : Errings Rising
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    Mentor : Dahau
    Experience : 250

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    Ex the Ex Empty Re: Ex the Ex

    Post by Kien Hikiba 14th December 2019, 11:17 am

    "Yes a thot. Short for that hoe over there. Something that describes your ex quite nicely like the backstabbing cunt she is..." Kien was quick on the reply. Lawrence was quite out of the loop. "You really are weird, Seahorse."

    Alright then, now onto the tracking. They had an address...well...it was more of a general direction than anything else. It was something at the very least. "Fire magic you say?" Kien mumbled as the sea horse started listing a bunch of things. "Well, fire magic is something worth tracking. It leaves a nice trail. Let's start going this way towards that address of yours."

    It was not until Kien had already started walking that something came to his mind. Oh right. They had that address, but how old was that address even? He had to remember that well... they were kinda trying to find a phantom of the past. If that lady whatever went with the rich dude that stabbed Laurence, then that address might be worth absolutely nothing! They could have moved away a long time ago. Ooof. Now he understood why he was there to help. Oh man, what had he gotten himself into this time...

    "Say...Laurence boy." Kien barked, keeping his pace. "How old is that address we have? We might have a problem. You said she went with someone else, so they might have moved away from the place where they...well...the place they happily stabbed you dead."

    He would hope that was not the case but alas, he had already agreed to help so he would need to go through with it. Besides, he had said the guy with his ex was rich so he would get his payment by simply killing the other guy and looting his body. Who knows what kind of shinies he could find hidden within. Some rings sure, jewels? Probably a nice bunch. The trouble was only getting to his reward.



    Ex the Ex O23F2U7

    Ex the Ex Empty Re: Ex the Ex

    Post by Guest 17th December 2019, 7:29 pm

    Laurence shrugged a little after Kien called him weird. Was he? Maybe, but maybe not. As a human the world looked coated in light. Being reborn had left a strange steep decrease in light, but it left everything with so many color that it was a little mind spinning. "I come from the type of poor farm area in fiore where you're unlikely to find anyone with a lacrima phone. Electricity there wasn't too common there in general. Slang wasn't typically up to date by the time they reached us." There was no shame in his words. There was an open admittance to being from a class of people that are commonly dismissed as stupid, ignorant, and backwards. One of those isolated places where any money stood out all the more. It still felt so strange. Those clothes had really been ruined before Kien had torn them off. So many hours had been put into those stupid things.
    All that time, care, and work had been instantly wiped away. You can't undo dying in clothes. No amount of care can make it better again. It was a little frustrating. "I used to work the most during summer, since it had the most daylight. Working with metals, fabrics, woods, and stones made it easy to collect leftovers from jobs. I used those to fix buckles, buttons, tears so every shirt, jacket, and pair of trousers would still look freshly made. That outfit used to be a point of pride, because of the rich lively emerald green it once had. I hadn't stopped seeing that color on them until you pointed it out. Thank you."

    Sometimes the mind has a harder time accepting the truth. The water horse had been having a hard time figuring out if anything was real. It was getting a little easier to focus and see things, though there was many doubts in their mind being stable. At the least a few steps had been taken to getting it there, which was better than the pathless foggy mess from before. There was still no set path, but that wine fine. "Yes, a red headed fire user. The color isn't related to her magic, I was just... unrelated." It was a thought that had been looming since the guild scale attack on that one city. It was a strange feeling that had slowly been burning in his gut since that illusion. His family had to sell all newborns with blood red hair, it was a a sign in their family that the person was born with magic. It took money to get the resources to raise a child with magic, without that ability they could grow up to become accidentally destructive and out of control.
    Knowing the reason why and the stories of the past saved through verbalization didn't change that neither parent of Lotts had wanted to give up their children. Since being a wee human lad the dad had tried to pass on an acceptance of hardships that couldn't be avoided. Maybe his father had thought that if their lot in life was accepted that the pains of being there wouldn't hurt as much. Had they felt like a bird with broken wings stuck in a cage? One that wanted to clip their childs feathers to be sure those don't break trying to tear from its confines.

    It almost worked too. If his heart didn't get reborn than all he would have ever known was that stupid cage, the confines of his old life. There was only a brief pause in walking when asked how old the address was before walking again. "I got it yesterday through information hunting in a public information building place. It was updated after she became a widow, so it's not new but not old enough where I would worry." He didn't like calm quiet places like government buildings, but with enough poking and prodding you could always find out where to look. That made time in the calm madhouse all the easier to bear. "So angry at her that if I didn't get it right my mind would snap more than it has already. Does that make sense?" Because he wasn't sure if it did. Even while saying it the fae didn't fully understand those feelings.

    Words: 715
    Laurence's Total: 4,244
    Group Total: 6,660

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