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    Hi, Hello, Nice to Meet You, Can You Do Me A Huge Favor?


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    Hi, Hello, Nice to Meet You, Can You Do Me A Huge Favor? Empty Hi, Hello, Nice to Meet You, Can You Do Me A Huge Favor?

    Post by 88 3rd September 2019, 12:25 am

    theo silversong
    Silver Wolf || RIP Sugar Squad || WC: 449

    Theo was on the fritz. If he'd been a machine, sparks could have been flying from everywhere. As he bebopped his way into the guildhall, he looked around as if seeing it for the first time. That wasn't incorrect since it was the first time these eyes had seen it. "Whoa!" he gasped, zipping around like a kid in a candy store to examine anything and everything in sight. The tracksuited young man just seemed to be in awe like a pure soul who was easily amazed. Sniffing the air, he caught the scent of delicious things coming from what seemed to be a cafeteria. Since it was quite early but he hadn't been to bed yet, the aroma of coffee drew him with its luring finger.

    But let's back up.

    The ride back to the guildhall had been hell. Literal Hell. But he'd forgotten it already.

    For all intents and purposes, Ike Fukanaga, the man some Silver Wolf members might know, had died in that Desierto Temple. Leona had met Ike there, but Theo had manifested and made the return journey. It seemed whatever tenuous hold the soul had on the body had disintegrated. The demon soul lost its hold and forced the conglomerate soul to split and return to as normal as it could get. Ike had simply been a desperate attempt to keep both of them in the human world, since returning to the netherworld wouldn't be ideal given some unfortunate circumstances. As the demon soul exhausted and went dormant, Theo's soul had been shoved back into dominance, and it had been quite disorienting.

    The side-effects were pretty bad. Things were still fuzzy for him. Memory came in and out seemingly as it wanted. The Theo that just arrived back at the Silver Wolf compound was an older version, one obsessed with treasure hunting and unburdened by some of the more devastating events he was unfortunate enough to live through. It would all come together eventually, but right now all he could think about was getting some coffee and finding a crew to go on an expedition with him.

    Coffee acquired. Now what? Icy eyes scanned the people milling about with breakfast but ended up focusing on a fellow coffee drinker. From what he could tell, she was alone. Without a second thought, he approached and slid into the seat across from her. "Yo," he greeted with a wide grin, perky as ever. He wasted no time pushing on, as if the energy in his body was uncontainable. Did he really need the coffee? "I'm Theo. How do you feel about going on a job?" Abrupt and to the point. Could he get any more awkward?

    Notes: [N/A]

    ivyleaf33 of FTRP



    Hi, Hello, Nice to Meet You, Can You Do Me A Huge Favor? 65698_s
    Yuri and Yuli
    Yuri and Yuli

    Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Dragon Slayer- Halloween job event participant - Rich- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- X-Mas Event Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : The First Blade
    Position : None
    Posts : 308
    Guild : Divine Calamity
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Age : 24
    Experience : 1,828,432

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    First Skill: Mystic Eyes of the God-Killers
    Second Skill: Everwinter Abyss Slayer
    Third Skill: Supernova Abyss Slayer

    Hi, Hello, Nice to Meet You, Can You Do Me A Huge Favor? Empty Re: Hi, Hello, Nice to Meet You, Can You Do Me A Huge Favor?

    Post by Yuri and Yuli 4th September 2019, 1:34 pm

    It was a cold, snowy day on top of this lonely plateau deep within the Phoenix Mountains, the season remaining ever unchanging, cold, unwavering, though, familiar. The Silver Wolf guild hall, of course, was exempt from these harsh weather conditions through the wonders of magic. Naturally, all of this was still rather new to Aspen Azarov, the girl from Pergrande who had, not longer than a short while ago, found herself in Fiore, without funds or direction, of course, luckily for herself happening upon Silver Wolf, the guild that had readily taken her in, giving her a new home and a new purpose in the process. Not only had Silver Wolf, a mage's guild, as she had later learned, provided the means for her to advance her understanding of magic and all things magical vastly, it had also given her the tools she needed to achieve her own personal goals, the soldier girl feeling her magic power grow by the day. Of course, she still hadn't gotten around to adapting to all of these changes, especially these rather ... strange and eccentric traditions that Fiore held. Still, in these mountains, and in this weather, Aspen felt right at home. Not only that ... there was also the fact that the girl was still an engineer, and Silver Wolf was kind enough to offer their members the use of their admittedly well-equipped forge below the guild hall, which, for Aspen, was godsent.

    So, of course, Aspen had gone ahead and made use of this generous offer, dressed in a simple, white tank top, her jacket bound around her waist, the pair of welding goggles firmly over her eyes, white-hot, glowing sparks sent flying in all directions with every strike of the hammer, the metal slowly but surely bending under the pressure of the forging process. It had been a while since Aspen had been asked to make a gun, she had mostly just worked on repairs, and she had never designed one, but simple muzzle-loading smoothbores would certainly be easy enough to do. Of course, she was producing these on demand of that smith from Ca-Elum under the newly formed ... "business partnership" they had agreed on, as they would call it. This whole free-market economy thing seemed strangely disorganized to the girl, but, she had to admit, she preferred it over the planned economy of the motherland. Everything was available in abundance and people were free to do with their workforce as they pleased. Of course, people with special talents, such as mages, had a high chance of making a fortune, a factor not escaping the young girl who had had less spending power than the next homeless beggar on the street just a few weeks ago.

    Dipping the still glowing barrel for the weapon in water, hot steam and boiling liquid thrown up, the girl placed the now shaped metal tube on the table next to her before setting down her tongs, taking off the welding glasses and wiping the sweat off her forehead. The girl moved on to a next table, grabbing a water bottle and taking a large sip from the clear liquid, taking a moment to catch a breath. The forge area was rather hot, and although it was open to allow for the circulation of air, the heat still wouldn't subside, but that came with the process, naturally. She took a look at her wristwatch. It was still early morning. Aspen preferred to get up and work early, a remnant from the routine she had adopted when she had still been a soldier in Pergande's fighting forces, and although that was the case, she had learned to love the commodities the cafeteria of Silver Wolf had to offer, the hot, dark beverage called "Coffee" in particular. Of course, there was nothing to say against a hearty breakfast either, Aspen convincing herself that a break was in order, throwing her jacket over her shoulders before making her way out of the door, her goal the much-desired breakfast.

    A few minutes later the girl was comfortably sat one of the tables within the cafeteria itself, a cup of steaming black coffee as well as a plate with a large breakfast croissant before her. She was happy, excited, even, to start digging in, although her ever-stoic expression would show no sign of that ... that was until someone just sat down across from her, without asking as well, seeming like the happiest motherfucker on earth, a wide, shit-eating grin on his face. With what the girl had learned in Pergrande, the amount of happiness the other displayed already convinced Aspen that the guy was an idiot. Either that or mentally challenged. Not just that, Aspen had no idea who the man was, she had, as far as she was aware, never met him before, but already he would inquire about going on a job. Aspen's brows nudged closer together ever-so-slightly. Or ... was the man perhaps trying to make advances? She was ready to shoot him down right then and there, already opening her mouth to tell the guy to fuck off when she thought about it for just a second more, or, more specifically, she thought of the potential reward that would be attached to "a job". Considering her financial status, well, she had not much of a choice. She closed her eyes, taking a breath, mumbling "Well, Theo ..." in response to the weirdo. The other certainly didn't beat around the bush, though, one thing that the soldier appreciated. "... do you have anything in mind? What are your skills? What is it you specialize in?", she asked, her accent, although more subtle than before when she had first arrived, still noticeable, a stern look mustering the idiot. Was this really the best he could do? She had to suppress the desire to facepalm. Well, only time would tell.

    "I am Aspen Laeta Azarov, by the way", she quickly followed up with her own introduction to prevent any follow-up questions from the other. "Engineer, Gunsmith, and newly accepted magus of Silver Wolf. Just ... delighted to make your acquaintance". The emphasis on delighted made it obvious that the politeness was more sarcastic than anything.

    Word Count: 1,038
    Word Count Total: 1,038
    Thread Word Count Total: 1,487


    Soon... you will know despair, Guest.


    Moderator- Alt Account- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Rising Star- Guild Master- Custom Slayer- Dragon Slayer- Legal Guild Ace- Neutral Guild Ace- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- Working Together- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Teaming Up!- Limited Edition- Legal Eagle- Helper- Guild Creator- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Over Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Shipped- Sticking Around- Dank Memer- Taskmaster- Halloween gfx'ers- Halloween Social - Halloween job event participant - Rich- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- X-Mas Event Participant- Cookie Achievement- Cupcake Achievement- Hero- Summer Special Participant- Have Onida On Your Friend's List- Have aeluri On Your Friend's List- Player 
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    Hi, Hello, Nice to Meet You, Can You Do Me A Huge Favor? Empty Re: Hi, Hello, Nice to Meet You, Can You Do Me A Huge Favor?

    Post by 88 10th September 2019, 2:47 am

    theo silversong
    wc: 504 || total wc: 953 || group wc: 1991

    "Treasure hunting, I have Jello magic, and I'm really good at finding valuable crap," the young man listed off answers to her interview questions, frosty eyes wide with excitement. Did it seem odd to him that she was grilling him about his skills when he was the one offering her a job to help him? No, but it should have. He had no idea what he was doing. It was early morning, and Theo was notoriously not a morning person, but every single system in his body was firing full blast for no reason. Of course, she wouldn't know that, and honestly, he didn't even know that right now. In the state of crisis, he'd simply reverted to the only thing he'd ever known like some sort of autopilot.

    Oddly enough, it hadn't crossed his mind to ask her name, but now that she had, he was thrilled to know it...even if only the first part of it penetrated his brain. "Aspen, nice to meet you, too," chirped the jello mage, idly swirling the coffee in his cup. Either he ignored it or he was too stupid to realize it, either way, he didn't seem to respond to her condescending nature and took everything at face value with more smiling. He literally thought she was delighting to meet him. It never occurred to him that Aspen might think he was an absolute loon, but it also wouldn't be the first time someone thought that about him, even on his best day. In the end, it didn't matter.

    "So, my proposition!" Theo exclaimed suddenly, "How'd you like to go on a treasure hunt? I need some manpower to help sail my flying pirate ship and navigate a mysterious canyon. There's supposedly a lost treasure room inside, but it's hard to get to alone. It'll be worth so much jewel, though!" Theo chattered, clearly ready to go on a grand adventure. In his excitement he grabbed the cup of less hot coffee and chugged it down, smacking the mug back down on the table with force, though not enough to break it. The details were still fuzzy, but he knew somehow that most his wealth and possessions were gone, though he had zero clue how or why. All he had were the clothes on his back, his trusty navy blue tracksuit, of course, and he'd recognized his ship anchored near the edge of the blustery mountain. He didn't remember this guild or any of the people in it, but it seemed he'd flown himself here at some point? His guild mark didn't lie, even if it didn't make any sense. Also, how could it lie? It was pigment on skin and had no mouth...

    The anticipation of her answer was killing him, even though it'd only been a few seconds. The Desierto native could be hyper at times, but nothing like this. "So?" he asked, drumming his hands on the table, "What do you think? Need a nice payday and a little adventure, Aspen?"

    Notes: [N/A]

    ivyleaf33 of FTRP


    Hi, Hello, Nice to Meet You, Can You Do Me A Huge Favor? 65698_s
    Yuri and Yuli
    Yuri and Yuli

    Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Dragon Slayer- Halloween job event participant - Rich- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- X-Mas Event Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : The First Blade
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    Posts : 308
    Guild : Divine Calamity
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Age : 24
    Experience : 1,828,432

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Mystic Eyes of the God-Killers
    Second Skill: Everwinter Abyss Slayer
    Third Skill: Supernova Abyss Slayer

    Hi, Hello, Nice to Meet You, Can You Do Me A Huge Favor? Empty Re: Hi, Hello, Nice to Meet You, Can You Do Me A Huge Favor?

    Post by Yuri and Yuli 4th October 2019, 7:51 pm

    Treasure Hunting, huh?, the Dragon Slayer repeated, and while she wasn't particularly impressed by the man's dewcription of his abilities as "Jello Magic", assuming she'd understood him correctly, the prospect of someone who could, as he had so eloquently put it, "finding valuable crap" was somewhat interesting, at least. Luckily for Theo finding valuable crap was right on Aspen's agenda, and despite the fact that the self-proclaimed Treasure Hunter seemed not just a little out-of-place and strangely energetic, even obnoxiously so in the soldier's eyes, Aspen intrigue had been piqued, although her ever-stoic expression and voice where unchanged and seemingly unfeeling as always. Wary, but open, Aspen would go along with Theo for the moment.

    Taking a bored sip from her own coffee and a bite of her breakfast she listened as he proudly proclaimed his "proposition", involving what appeared like things straight out of a children's book. Not only was what Theo was talking about, a flying pirate ship, a mysterious canyon, treasure, coin, adventure things of almost fantastical myth, it also sounded completely and utterly ridiculous, Aspen giving this situation another thought, finding herself once again assuming that perhaps the man was an escaped patient of a mental ward, after all? The guy's idea of a "job" sure seemed like he had drawn inspiration from someone of that nature. In the end, though, the prospect of Jewels wasn't such a bad idea. And if the Treasure Hunter ended up being a scam, well, she could still shoot him in the kneecaps later, the thought that this was some kind of ruse or something of more sinister nature crossing her overly paranoid mind that had been molded into what it was today by years and years of subsistence under Pergrandean rule. She eyed Theo with cold eyes. "Are you a mage of Silver Wolf?". The question was justified, in her opinion, thinking that guildmates would be far less likely to try anything funny with their fellow mages, whether that be out of fear of their guildmaster, the Rune Knights, or out of a dull sense of comradery.

    At the end of the day, it wouldn't matter either way. Aspen thought for a few seconds, quietly and in no particular rush to answer him stoically finishing the rest of her breakfast before sighing. Although his choice of words was more than poor, Aspen wondering if he mistook her for ... "that" kind of girl and he would offer a payday for an "adventure", Aspen remained enticed by the idea of riches. Everything else would be of little importance as long as she had her key. That, and if he turned out to be a creep she internally reserved the right to ultimately do shoot the fucker's kneecaps. "Okay, Treasure Hunter, you have my curiosity. So, when are we leaving?".

    Word Count: 469
    Word Count Total: 1,507
    Thread Word Count Total: 2,460


    Soon... you will know despair, Guest.


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    Hi, Hello, Nice to Meet You, Can You Do Me A Huge Favor? Empty Re: Hi, Hello, Nice to Meet You, Can You Do Me A Huge Favor?

    Post by 88 25th October 2019, 4:50 am

    theo silversong
    wc: 700 || total wc: 1653 || Adventure!

    Theo nodded vigorously as she questioned his guild status, taking it as a good sign that she was truly considering his offer. "I am! See?" He pulled up his navy blue sleeve, showing her his stamped forearm. Sure enough, there was the image of Silver Wolf's howling namesake, gleaming in shiny silver with a thin gold outline. There was the ghostly image of two other guild marks situated among the light scars on his arms. Perhaps this would tell her a story, give her a hint that despite his frantic excitement right now, his life had taken many twists and turns that shattered him more than once.

    The silence that followed as she finished her breakfast was murder. The dark-haired man sipped at his own luke-warm coffee, not even realizing he didn't like the stuff on principle, his eyes cycling between glancing at her to around the room at nothing in particular. He knew better than to stare but also struggled with his patience. Maybe he should have gotten some food, too? Normally, yes. A nice blueberry muffin. Ow. Thinking of blueberry muffins sent a spike of emotional pain through his brain. A memory? Yes, one he couldn't grasp. All he got was a warm smile and the gentle hands of a gardener holding a basket of breakfast goodies, then it was gone. No, he wasn't hungry right now. His stomach was knotted and nervous, probably about her decision. Why was he so bent on her coming? There were a few other breathing bodies in the cafe now, he could just as easily dart off to ask one of them instead. But he'd already asked Aspen, so she was who he wanted to take. Simple as that.

    At long last, she presented him his answer and it was as if he'd been given the finest gift ever gifted. "Heck yeah!" he celebrated, the calloused hand formerly fussing with his cooling bean juice suddenly gripping it with a fierceness and absently hurling it over his shoulder at some poor soul merely trying to have a peaceful breakfast. Jumping up to his feet, his dusty boots quickly brought him around the table and nearly jogging out of the eating area. "We leave right now, of course. Do you have everything you need? You don't need much. Well, even if you need stuff, I'll head outside and get everything ready! It's the big wooden ship floating off the side of the mountain. Can't miss it!"

    And with that, Theo was rocketing back out the doors of the guildhall and to his ship. Hopefully, it would make a good impression on her. It was like a slightly shrunken version of a pirate ship you'd find out on the open seas, only it it had two lacrima engines on the back corners, and a small, extra sail on each side to help with aerial steering. Despite his apparent craziness and his slightly shabby wardrobe and his rudimentary speaking habits, his vehicle was very nice. An ornate design was swirled in gold over the bow and came together as a figurehead under a long bowsprit, looking almost like a guided arrow cutting through waves glistening with morning sun. The wood of the rest of the ship was well maintained with minimal signs of wear, just enough that it looked like it had seen some adventures but came out of all encounters on top. The treasure hunter sprinted up the ramp into his home-away-from-home, freeing the billowy ivory sails in preparation to leave. The pantry was stocked, there were plenty of supplies that were needed for the search, and the magical engines purred so softly that the sound was nearly lost in the howls of the wolfish winds.

    The only place that needed attention on the ship, in his opinion, was his precious treasure room, which was short on its namesake. There were only a couple piles of gold coins. His shelves had only a few bobbles made of precious metals or gems, and though he couldn't remember what happened to it all, he knew this room had once been filled and something he was proud of. It was time to bring it back to its former glory!

    Notes: [N/A]

    ivyleaf33 of FTRP


    Hi, Hello, Nice to Meet You, Can You Do Me A Huge Favor? 65698_s
    Yuri and Yuli
    Yuri and Yuli

    Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Dragon Slayer- Halloween job event participant - Rich- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- X-Mas Event Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : The First Blade
    Position : None
    Posts : 308
    Guild : Divine Calamity
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 24
    Experience : 1,828,432

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Mystic Eyes of the God-Killers
    Second Skill: Everwinter Abyss Slayer
    Third Skill: Supernova Abyss Slayer

    Hi, Hello, Nice to Meet You, Can You Do Me A Huge Favor? Empty Re: Hi, Hello, Nice to Meet You, Can You Do Me A Huge Favor?

    Post by Yuri and Yuli 23rd November 2019, 6:19 am

    Aspen, for just a few passing moments, raised an eyebrow, her gaze turning ever-so-slightly inquisitive when the Treasure Hunter presented his guild mark, although she suppressed that notion as soon as it had appeared. The faint outlines of other guild marks told their own tale, as did the scars, but Aspen wasn’t one to let that influence her demeanor. Certainly, she had respect for a warrior that had collected scars through numerous battles as she had, but the guild marks made her suspicious. The girl had remained with Silver Wolf for all the time she had been in Fiore, and to say that she was familiar with Fiorean customs would be an overstatement, but she couldn’t imagine that leaving and joining a mages guild was a thing that would occur all-too-frequently. Had something happened that had caused the man to leave said guilds, or, alternatively, had caused said guilds to forcefully part ways with the Treasure Hunter? Alas, Aspen knew not enough about guilds in Fiore and in general to recall details about any kind of guild other than Silver Wolf or those she had heard of in passing, the West Fiore Trading Company, Fairy Tail, and the institution that upheld the law in these lands, the Rune Knights, namely. Who knew what exactly this meant? It would be a detail the distrustful Soldier from Pergrande would keep in mind. Just in case.

    Theo seemed, well, delighted at her decision to accompany him, so much so that another guild mage involuntarily got a healthy serving of lukewarm coffee. Aspen, in a surge of Schadenfreude, couldn’t help but chuckle a little, although the emotion, like mist in a gust of wind, vanished just a second after. It was typical for the Slayer to do her best to suppress every emotion, every feeling, but the Treasure Hunter, no, Theo really gave her a run for her money thus far, it seemed. She’d have to do her best to stay guarded. Trust was something that could spell doom. As far as she knew, all of this could be an elaborate act, his behavior some kind of farce serving no other purpose than fooling her into a sense of security. An internal sigh echoed through her mind for a passing breath. She’d just have to wait and see where this decision would take her. Considering this, however, Theo’s excited clamor to embark on their adventure in this very instant came to no surprise. Aspen had expected something akin to this, judging by the man’s childlike excitement thus far. It was of no importance either way. Aspen was, more or less, always ready, and now, after eating breakfast especially so. She’d have to make a mental note to continue working on her little pet project later, but other than that would give Theo an affirming nod. "Alright then, lead the way".

    The Treasure Hunter, despite his appearance, was swift on his feet, leaving the guildhall with almost guileless anticipation, Aspen, then for the first time, laying eyes on what she recognized as a remarkable vessel. A feat of engineering that impressively combined magic and material science. The thought, at first, did not occur to her, so taken aback was she by what was essentially and for all intents and purposes a flying ship, that Theo could have been the one who had built this. "Did you make ... did you make this thing?", she asked perhaps rather unsubtly, although that hardly mattered at all. She was astonished by the creative use of magical lacrima to drive the thing. Was the ship itself enchanted as well? How exactly did it keep its buoyancy mid-air? Did the steering function like a regular ship? The analytical mind of the engineer in Aspen went crazy, her gaze, perhaps for a good dozen seconds turning starry-eyed before she even realized what she was doing. "It’s a pretty remarkable thing", she admitted with a quiet voice, willing to recognize at least this much. Still, admittedly, her willingness and excitement about the offer Theo had presented her with had taken a turn. Perhaps the man had more to himself than he made know, had more to offer than she realized? She'd just have to take the risk and follow Theo onto the ship itself.

    Word Count: 707
    Word Count Total: 2,214


    Soon... you will know despair, Guest.

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