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    B-rank Exam: Is this the last of Hargeon?!


    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- X-Mas Event Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : The Sinful Horseman
    Position : None
    Posts : 471
    Guild : N/A
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 33
    Mentor : Adlinda
    Experience : 10,475

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Great Tree Ark
    Second Skill: Extraplanar Force
    Third Skill:

    B-rank Exam: Is this the last of Hargeon?! Empty B-rank Exam: Is this the last of Hargeon?!

    Post by Nekros 27th July 2019, 7:09 am

    Exam time. His hard work defeating the small folk pirates and gaining his new stylish One Piece was enough to earn him a rank up, literally. The mage known as Jaeger, the greatest of tree bois, was now eligible for becoming a B-rank wizard and his mentor, Adalinda, was in charge of giving out the test! Which was good, wouldn’t want the Pain Daddy, Sol, to handle such a momentous occasion! The suffering, it wouldn’t go well. Either way, it was time to become a B-rank mage, the first time ever for him, despite his history of being in many guilds before this.

    The choices were presented to him. He could either travel to Hargeon Port and search for missing and volatile cargo or find a task or something worth while doing that she could approve of. Jaeger didn’t have much going on or anything he thought about doing for the latter. So, finding thieves and making sure the city doesn’t blow up was the best offer he had. Which was a pain and less fun! Why no explosions…. It’s like she specifically made this to ruin his fun. The fun sucker strikes again ...woe is Jaeger. No matter, sulking would have to wait for the mage needed to get to the port town and find this cargo.

    Luckily, Jaeger had been to this port town many times before and knew his way there. Once he was suited up, them mage made sure he was in his “knight” form and left the Isle of Tolgalen. He took a ship this time around, it’d be good to get some sight seeing of the ocean before having to undertake such an important task. It’ll let him relax and chill before having to stress over who stole what and how to get it back.

    After a day or two of sailing, they arrived at the port. Today seemed rather busy, there were merchants, sailors, and potential customers just running around. Shouting as an auction or two took place on the other side for some cargo, Merchants yelling about sales or their specials of the day, and customers just trying to buy everything they can. It was pretty frantic and now to add to that mix, Jaeger must find some unstable cargo that was stolen. Though, what could possibly be so bad about letting the city just… vaporize off the face of Earhtland. Give it some time, and people would eventually return and colonize the area once  more. Would this really be so bad?

    With a sigh, it was time to get started with this bloody exam. First step would be to gather information. Who were these thieves? Why did they take this? Are they crazy? There was a lot to consider in who these people were. And to start, Jaeger would go around asking if people had seen the cargo and who came to get it. There were plenty of people here, and a good chunk of them likely lived in Hargeon. Someone must have been witness.
    Character: https://www.fairytail-rp.com/t17477-onyx-moon-jaeger-nekros-kruger
    Magic: https://www.fairytail-rp.com/t17614-nekros-primary-the-great-tree-ark
    Lineage: Custom Lineage: The Sinful Horseman.
    Spell(s) Used: -
    Active Effects: -  
    Remaining MP: 300MP
    Total MP: 300MP
    Damage Taken: -
    Health Points: 200/200 HP.
    Job Link: https://www.fairytail-rp.com/t16469-find-the-one-piece-one-time-only
    Post Word Count: 504 words.
    Total Nekros WC: 504/1,000 words.
    Mission WC: -

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- X-Mas Event Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : The Sinful Horseman
    Position : None
    Posts : 471
    Guild : N/A
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 33
    Mentor : Adlinda
    Experience : 10,475

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Great Tree Ark
    Second Skill: Extraplanar Force
    Third Skill:

    B-rank Exam: Is this the last of Hargeon?! Empty Re: B-rank Exam: Is this the last of Hargeon?!

    Post by Nekros 27th July 2019, 9:53 am

    “Hello dear, have you seen a  crate labeled West Fiore Trading company around lately?”

    Jaeger went up to the first merchant he saw, it was a woman who was selling various cloths, clothing, and related products. She seemed quite young, early adulthood perhaps. She stood shorted than the mage, reddish brown hair that draped over her shoulders. Eyes lit up blue as the young man approached, but soon lowered after finding out that he wasn’t here to buy. To be fair, it didn’t look like she was having a hard time selling. Maybe it wasn’t the most popular stall around, but it appeared to have gotten quite a few sales.

    “Uhm.. n-no. I can’t say that I have. I’ve only just arrived yesterday to sell my wares.  Sorry”

    “I see, well thank you anyway. Have a good day, I hope you sell out!”

    The man then moved onto the next person. It was a scruffy sailor-like man, though also looked like a dock worker. As Jaeger walked up, this hard worker had just finished unloading a smaller ship of it’s cargo and helping the sailors and merchants off the ship. Sweat beads rolled down his tanned face, half of which would absorb into his beard before they rolled down the hairs.

    “Excuse me sir! Have you seen any crates from the West Fiore Trading Company come in lately? I am a representative looking for some missing cargo."

    The mage gave a small bow to the gentleman and pointed to his credentials  upon his suit jacket. The Dock worker  nodded in return, accepting the greetings by the WFTC employee.

    “Aye, I saw one crate a couple days ago. Saw it on the west side of the docks, however no one had come to claim it then. Might try looking down that way, young one”

    “Ah, thank you! I will head that way then. Have a good day.”

    The mage nodded once again and began making his way to the west side of the docks. The finely dressed Jaeger took his time to weave and bob his way through the crowd. Hopefully someone down there would be able to help lead him to his precious target. Once there, he could see a lot more warehouses and loading and unloading zones. Less market stalls and shops and more dock workers and inventory management. The best person to talk to? The first person with an inventory clipboard. As luck would have it, there was one close by and in plain view. How convenient.

    “Hello, I am with the West Fiore Trading Company. I am looking for some cargo that came in a few days ago with our branding and crest on it.”

    “Well, we did have one crate that came in last week but… some of your workers already came and got it. They took it to that new warehouse your company bought.”

    “We didn’t bu…. I see. Thank you! Which warehouse is that? I’m kind of new to the Trading Company.”

    The clipboard person pointed down the street to a fairly “new” building with a supposed WFTC sigil on it. It could pass if looking from a distance, but once someone got close, it was quite clear that it was fake. Jaeger sighed and strolled in. The building looked to be in operation, workers in seemingly WFTC uniform walking every which way to look busy. Inside was a filled warehouse of unmarked crates and boxes, except for one.
    Character: https://www.fairytail-rp.com/t17477-onyx-moon-jaeger-nekros-kruger
    Magic: https://www.fairytail-rp.com/t17614-nekros-primary-the-great-tree-ark
    Lineage: Custom Lineage: The Sinful Horseman.
    Spell(s) Used: -
    Active Effects: -  
    Remaining MP: 300MP
    Total MP: 300MP
    Damage Taken: -
    Health Points: 200/200 HP.
    Job Link: https://www.fairytail-rp.com/t16469-find-the-one-piece-one-time-only
    Post Word Count: 575 words.
    Total Nekros WC: 1,079/1,000 words.
    Mission WC: -

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- X-Mas Event Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : The Sinful Horseman
    Position : None
    Posts : 471
    Guild : N/A
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 33
    Mentor : Adlinda
    Experience : 10,475

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Great Tree Ark
    Second Skill: Extraplanar Force
    Third Skill:

    B-rank Exam: Is this the last of Hargeon?! Empty Re: B-rank Exam: Is this the last of Hargeon?!

    Post by Nekros 27th July 2019, 11:57 am

    In the middle of the room was a crate, an exquisite wooden container with the seal of the WFTC. A light was right above it, the rest of the room dark. The light and box was sitting there just waiting for its hero to arrive and take it away. Being as cautious and suspicious as he could, Jaeger strolled up to the container and inspected it. It was real but as he finished the inspection, goons and hooligans jumped in and surrounded him! There were four of them. They were all hooded, dressed in an off white suits, and looking like a mess.

    “You villains wont get away with this! This is the property of the West Fiore Trading Company! I am taking it back!”

    The mage exclaimed, but the thieves only laughed. They outnumbered the man, they had knives and weapons, and better one liners! They really hurt Jaegers feelings. If he wasn’t out of his own house, he’d go off and cry about it!  But luckily for him, the mage still needed to be strong for his mentor and exam! He ducked down, scrapped his forearm against the box and conjured some wooden shards along his arm. The scraping was just for effect, no boxes were harmed in the making of this spell.  As he rose back up, he slung the shards from his arm and at two of the nearby thieves. DIRECT HIT! As the shard sunk into them, one could notice they appearance of a shark bite.

    “Take that, heathens! I am the hero of this story.”

    He said, already downing two of the four people. The others leaped over the bx to try and tackle him, but they were too late! AS he waved his arm, he continued that motion into a twirl where is other hand came up, conjuring razor sharp leaves and shoving them into the face of the third guy. Three down, one to go. The leafed face man fell over, knocking into the forth. However, the forth jumped out of the way and drew a crossbow from a nearby barrel. MAgically,it was already loaded!

    As if almost in slow motion, the bolt fired from the crossbow. It flew straight at Jaeger…. Slowly spinning in the air. The mage stood there and watched as it slowly impaled his shoulder. It hurt…. A lot. Like… have you ever been to the dentist and the drill gets too close to the root? Something like that. The mage went into a rage, no one makes him bleed his own blood! He leaped up and then jumped off the box, holding his hand out toward the thief. No explosions near the box? Well that rule is going to have to be pressed as the hand connected with the face of the villain. As soon as the thief started going back from the force of the mage, an explosion let off in front of the hand.

    Boxes and barrels shattered into a million little pieces! The thief went flying back from the force of the explosion, crashing into some newly burnt crates. Behind him, the force of the explosion reached the unstable cargo that he was sent to nab… would everything be okay? It rattled…. It shook…. It was going to type a book! After a minute of some rattling and some odd noises, it all settled. It would seem that it didn’t take enough damage to go off. The exam and mission was a success! All that was needed was to talk to the port authority, explain everything, and get the crate back to Tolgalen.
    Character: https://www.fairytail-rp.com/t17477-onyx-moon-jaeger-nekros-kruger
    Magic: https://www.fairytail-rp.com/t17614-nekros-primary-the-great-tree-ark
    Lineage: Custom Lineage: The Sinful Horseman.
    Spell(s) Used: - Shark Tooth [35MP] Sica [23MP]
    Active Effects: -  
    Remaining MP: 242MP
    Total MP: 300MP
    Damage Taken: -
    Health Points: 200/200 HP.
    Job Link: https://www.fairytail-rp.com/t16469-find-the-one-piece-one-time-only
    Post Word Count: 600 words.
    Total Nekros WC: 1,679/1,000 words.
    Mission WC: -

      Current date/time is 26th July 2024, 9:41 pm