Fairy Tail RP

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    A bit of a predicament...

    Tyson Rhodes
    Tyson Rhodes

    Main Account- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Rising Star- Dragon Slayer- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Teaming Up!- Achiever- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Chimera Blood
    Position : Rising Star
    Posts : 83
    Guild : Sabertooth
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 27
    Mentor : Ruvel
    Experience : 3,912

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Poison Manaweave
    Second Skill: Poison Channeling
    Third Skill:

    Private A bit of a predicament...

    Post by Tyson Rhodes 7th June 2019, 7:36 am

    It was a nice sunny day. Sky was clear and no clouds were in sight. Birds chirped their usual tunes hidden away in lush trees. The streets of the capital were bristling with life as usual. People were going around their business.

    tip...tap tip...tap...tap...

    There were alot of people at the smithy. Well, you never have enough armor or weapons these days. Either that, or with all the adventuring people tend to get themselves involved in one would need constant maintenance of their equipment.

    Tip...Tap...Tap Tip...Tip...

    It was just a couple hours past noon. Still a good while away from sunset. As much as the Capital was an amazing sight to behold during the night, the higher up districts lit up during the evening. Many parties. Councils of nobles, guild encounters. Lotsa stuff!

    Tip Tap Tip Tap Tip Tap...

    Wait, I am trying to narrate here! Who is causing all this rucku-

    "NO NO NO NO NO NO!"
    "Mr.Rhodes! Mr.Rhodes a question! One moment Mr.Rhodes!"

    Roofs. At least he could use that! Quick. Wait they can even follow him there!? Not again, he tought the whole fluffy scoop was over! Why were they so insistent on his little mistake!? Man how he hated those kinds of paparazzi. Alright then, think think think. You need a place where they can't get to you. Somewhere safe somewhere secluded. Wait. This is the Capital! Alma! Alma lives here! His villa would have security or something no? Yeah, but how was going to convince him he's himself? On boy, should he try something else? Hm. Maybe his armor woud-OH GOD JUMP!

    Tyson bounced to the adiacent roof, rolling once to avoid losing momentum. Any second he could give to his pursuiters would be golden. He just needed to make it to Alma's Villa. Thankfully, some rooftop and alleyway sneaky stuff allowed the Rising Star to lose the crowd following him. He quickly beelined towards Alma's house. He knew he would check his security system before opening, so the only wat to convince his friend that he was actually Tyson, He would have to wear the very armor he had been gifted. Ivory Fang took a moment to accustom to Tyson's weird shape, but fit around the Slayer good enough to be at least somewhat presentable and recognizable.

    Tyson sounded the bell a couple times, hoping with all his soul Alma would be at home and would actually understand what was going on. "Come on Alma, please!" The bunny muttered, waving at the camera.

    "Hey! Alma! It's me, Tyson! Open up! Please I beg you!"
    the slayer-turned-bunny shouted, hoping he would hear. The reporters wouldn't be too far behind for long.


    A bit of a predicament... Ce3VVKj

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Lineage : Karmic Soul
    Position : None
    Posts : 130
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 3,587

    Private Re: A bit of a predicament...

    Post by Alma 12th June 2019, 12:08 pm

    It hadn't been to long since Alma had purchased his villa, he had made sure to tell his team mates where it was, it was then he decided to make sure to warn the obsessed door kicking Hackett that if he dared to to kick any door externally or internally it would trigger the security measures of his home. He had three systems installed within his home and a fourth that he himself implemented as a fail safe. No expense was spared securing this place, last thing he wanted was intruders like his family dropping in and trying to drag him back home. That just wasn't going to happen, to be honest he would rather have eaten a bullet than go back into that gilded cage, sure he had everything that money could give him but that didn't make him happy. He lacked proper interactions, the servants were the help and treated him differently because he at the best of times controlled their pay and wither or not they got fired. It was nothing like he wanted. Back then he also didn't know if people liked him or if they were just sucking up to him to get closer to the power teet that his family held, it was damned annoying. Then there was the freedom his twin brother Trase had but he was given, he was envious of that and so done the unthinkable by running away.

    He decided that if people knew who he really was then they may treat him what they believed his name sake deserved, he just wanted to be treated like a normal person but he was trying to figure out what that was in all honesty. The only people outside of his family and their staff that knew his real name was the member of the West Fiore Trading Company that had visited while his family had been away and his team mates, well his team mates knew his first name not his last name. He didn't need the annoyance from them on that. At the moment however he was laying on his sofa with a biscuit stick, sticking out of his mouth, typing up some code on the security fail safe that he had added himself when he heard the alarm going off even before the bell was rung and made another screen appear to the side of him so he knew what was going on. "Is that a... bunny?" he asked himself in confusion seeing a giant orange rabbit running on two legs to his door only to ring it. "What the hell?" he asked pressing a button on the secondary screen to hear what was being said.

    It took a moment before the fact that Tyson's voice came from the rabbits mouth, he double blinked a few seconds before the other would hear him bursting out into laughter over the speaker system. He was trying to say something but every time he tried the laughter got that much worse. As he stood he, he pressed a button to allow the other to come in and held up an ilac taking a photo to show Hackett at a later point, tears streaming down his face from were he was laughing so much.

    @Tyson Rhodes


    A bit of a predicament... 59845_s
    Tyson Rhodes
    Tyson Rhodes

    Main Account- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Rising Star- Dragon Slayer- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Teaming Up!- Achiever- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Chimera Blood
    Position : Rising Star
    Posts : 83
    Guild : Sabertooth
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 27
    Mentor : Ruvel
    Experience : 3,912

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Poison Manaweave
    Second Skill: Poison Channeling
    Third Skill:

    Private Re: A bit of a predicament...

    Post by Tyson Rhodes 12th June 2019, 3:09 pm

    "NNNGH! THIS IS NOT THE TIME TO LAUGH DAMNIT! OPEN UP THIS IS AN EMERGECY THEY ARE GOING TO GET ME!" Tyson squeaked at the top of his lungs into the speaker, coming really close to peaking the microphone.

    You could see the red even underneath the orange fur. Tyson was beyon embarassed. Thankfully, Alma seemed to have a spec of sanity left beneath all the laughing. The gate unlocked, allowing the Slayer to literally long jump to the other side. On one hand, being a huge bunny did get him an insane boost to his leg muscles.

    He quickly slammed the gate shut in the reporters face and hurried away from the geeks. Man, they simply didn't give up. At least he could get a moment to catch his breath it was the whole day he was running here and there. Yeah, he should get a moment to rest. He was feeling just a little sore and his ears hurt from all the screaming. His senses were vastly more sharp than normal wizard's already. He really didn't need the bunny potion to increase em even more. It was almost impossible to have some form of silence.

    He waited patiently but not really, to be let into the villa. Finally in a safe place, Tyson allowed his legs to give out, sitting down right on the floor at the very first possible chance. His armor slowly receded and folded back into the single chestpiece that he took off and set at his side. Wearing Ivory Fang allowed his body to tap into his old dragon "friend" powers a bit more, at least physically, but it did also strain the weave and him after a while. I guess it also worked as a passport for Alma's villa. He probably would not have been able to convince his friend on his identity on such a short notice.

    Once he had enough rest, at the very least just enough to be able to speak coherently, he mumbled out a "Thank you" towards Alma. He really saved his fluffy butt this time. He still was incredibly flustered Alma saw him looking like this. He was still extremely frustrated that his friend was thinking his new bunny look was more of a funny quip than a serious problem.

    He wasn't sure on what to do now, but he figured he could at least get up from the floor. So, he gently placed his hand paws on the ground and tried to push himself back on his feet paws. Standing upright felt way more difficult than it should have. It had been a few days since he turned, but he still could not get used to the feeling of having a tail. For how small it was, it sure shifted his balance downwards alot. He still wasn't used to the fur, as well as the wiskers on his snout. Hell, he was not used to anything about hiself anymore. He was a stranger in his own body.

    "Long story short." He stated, before the other mage could laugh again. "I drank something that I should not have. Now I am stuck as a hybrid between human and bunny. Call it a Werebunny or something. Problem is, I was told it would last 3 days, but I'm still incredibly fluffy...which means I have no idea when or if it will ever go back to normal. A little help?"



    A bit of a predicament... Ce3VVKj

      Current date/time is 26th July 2024, 10:38 pm