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    To renewals and Beyond! Friendship gained.


    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- X-Mas Event Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : The Sinful Horseman
    Position : None
    Posts : 471
    Guild : N/A
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 33
    Mentor : Adlinda
    Experience : 10,475

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Great Tree Ark
    Second Skill: Extraplanar Force
    Third Skill:

    To renewals and Beyond! Friendship gained. Empty To renewals and Beyond! Friendship gained.

    Post by Nekros 11th April 2019, 8:59 am

    Job Title: To Earthland...And Beyond!
    Rank: D
    Player Requirements: Must be at least D-Rank and have joined a Guild or be a wandering mage. If you've joined a Dark Guild, you must claim too be from one of the Light Guilds or your passport will not be issued.
    Job Requirements: 5 posts. 100 words per post. (or 500 words total)
    Job Location: Hargeon Town or Rose Garden
    Job Description: A huge line of bustling people are going nuts in front of the Docks, it looks like Wall Street on a bad day. Families, children, old folks attempting to go on vacation; everyone's clamoring for a Passport! Count Sparrow and the Magic Council have reopened Fiore's borders to outsiders, and in turn, have opened the borders too Seven, Bosco, and Minstrel as a show of peace.

    Fiore, along with Bellum and Seven has always produced some of the most skilled wizards in all of Earthland; and so, the Magic Council has decided to offer the services of our wizards here in Fiore abroad in other Nations (for a hefty fee of course!); obtain your passport! Cut in line! Or wait in line! Do whatever is necessary! Because people are going crazy trying to get their entire families Passports registered!
    Enemies: (None)
    Reward: Passport (Access to International Jobs and Casual RPing in Other Nations)

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- X-Mas Event Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : The Sinful Horseman
    Position : None
    Posts : 471
    Guild : N/A
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 33
    Mentor : Adlinda
    Experience : 10,475

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Great Tree Ark
    Second Skill: Extraplanar Force
    Third Skill:

    To renewals and Beyond! Friendship gained. Empty Re: To renewals and Beyond! Friendship gained.

    Post by Nekros 11th April 2019, 9:47 am

    Guess who’s back, back again! Jaegers back, so tell a friend. It was time again to renew and update his passport. A lot has happened since he has gotten his original documentation at Hargeon, too much really. He pondered on the past events as he stood in line. Jaeger had gone from guild to guild, undergone appearance changes, even so far as to get a disguise. Speaking of, he was using it this day. His hair was long and blonde, flowing in what breeze swept through the area. And of course, he was wearing a white and maroon colored suit attire, showing off his company/guild loyalty. But those weren't the only changes, since he was here last, he’s also became undead. His natural skin tone paling more than it was, his heart staying at rest and if you paid enough attention, you’d notice he wasn’t breathing.

    “Should I do i like this or maybe….”

    He pondered on if using his Jaeger Knight appearance for this or his default, handsome son of a gun one. The line moved up a few spaces, and he stook those spaces, it was going to be a long day, but at least it’ll be fairly cool. The sky above flaunted the springtime clouds, collecting the moisture in the air before it down pours and covers everyone in its tears. The sun was hiding behind, keeping the full brunt of its warm rays behind the fluffy curtains.

    Looking forward, one could see a good 30 or so people a head. It really was a busy day and nice, must be why everyone is out to get it done. Wouldn’t want to stand in line on a blistering day or even in the snow…. Or heavy rain. Behind him, he could see another 30 or so people waiting to get their passport or perhaps get updated like him. With a happy-ish sigh, he leaned forward a bit to the person before him. The hair was long and pink, overall a pretty woodsie smell to the woman. This wasn’t his intent, to just sniff around, he isn’t that weird. Though, he wasn’t leaning that much either just enough to gain her attention with his…..

    VOICE! That’s right, he’s going to attempt small talk with a lass. Now to hide the awkward and perhaps the perviness for a short time to make with the conversation as normal people would have it.

    “Fine day we’re having, yes? Pretty nice for having to stand in line.”

    Character: https://www.fairytail-rp.com/t17477-onyx-moon-jaeger-nekros-kruger
    Magic: https://www.fairytail-rp.com/t17614-nekros-primary-the-great-tree-ark
    Lineage: Custom Lineage: The Sinful Horseman.
    Spell(s) Used: -
    Active Effects: -  
    Remaining MP: 300MP
    Total MP: 300MP
    Damage Taken: -
    Health Points: 200/200 HP.
    Job Link: https://www.fairytail-rp.com/t5544-to-earthland-and-beyond
    Post Word Count: 420 Words.
    Mission WC: 420/500 Words
    Pandora Dagger
    Pandora Dagger

    Alt Account- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Lineage : Inferno's Herald
    Position : None
    Faction : The Ironheart Pact
    Posts : 159
    Guild : Luminous Rose
    Cosmic Coins : 30
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 2,350

    To renewals and Beyond! Friendship gained. Empty Re: To renewals and Beyond! Friendship gained.

    Post by Pandora Dagger 21st April 2019, 4:49 am

    Hargeon. Perhaps a town not on her route, but a necessary stop for her next step. After having left Bellum behind so abruptly she didn't quite have the time to fetch her old passport along, definitely not among the chaos back then. Let alone that she had even moderately expected having needed to leave the country at all. But she had little choice in the matter; for it was most literally a life or death decision. Staying would mean death, disregarding the many lives that made sure she could escape. But going too had been a death sentence in a way; leaving behind all she loved and held dear, for survival's sake. For the thing she was meant to protect, she had to sacrifice everything.

    Now back in Fiore, this passport was the first things she needed to get her hands back on. A new one, as even if she still were to have her old one she'd have to be in this damned waiting line regardless, to be updated accordingly. It had been 10 whole years since she'd last been here. It really had been that long. There were many things she currently wanted to do; go to the place Cirven had told her to go, the West Fiore Trading Company, to recover from the fatal wounds still in course of healing, and to take refuge until she was strong enough to take actiom herself once again. To seek out her family after all these years; moreso her younger brothers Artemis and Apollo, whom she cared for oh so dearly. And to spend more time with Kessicia, who'd become her guiding light almost immediately after meeting her. Pandora wondered how things would've been had she not met the Dessiertian beauty on that fated night… would she have found herself again, what she yearned for and had found in the succubus? Chances were apparant that the redhead would've remained stuck in her ill-fated, seclusive ways. There was no-one that had managed to make her feel so secure and safe as Kessicia had, and for it she could never cherish the succubus enough. Next time they'd meet she'd make sure to let her know just how much she loved her. Her thoughts were abruptly interrupted when a voice casually rose up behind her, with a most frivolous, simple question.

    “Fine day we’re having, yes? Pretty nice for having to stand in line.”

    ”If it was mine to choose, I'd prefer a tad bit more sunshine to go with this seemingly stagnant line, but such is merely my preference.” Pandora replied to the voice behind her, and turned partially to cast a glance unto the man trying to make conversation. By all she didn't mind, seeing that the bustling sounds yet deafening silence was quite frankly boring her out. She should’ve brought someone along to pass the time of endless waiting, yet it seemed the queue itself had given her reason to pass time now. In the form of a blonde, not-bad-looking man with a rather intriguing uniform. It made him stand out in this line of regularly-dressed people, made him look like an official of the sorts. ”Though may I add that I wasn't expecting officials to stand in line like the rest of the populace. Or at least so does your uniform imply to my humble eye.” Pandora said, throwing the man a wink with her remaining eye. Similarly she turned a bit more, now standing sideways as to keep her spot in the queue, yet to make it easier to face and talk to the man. A physical invitation to continue the conversation.

    Wordcount: 605
    Total Wordcount: 605 of 500




    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- X-Mas Event Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : The Sinful Horseman
    Position : None
    Posts : 471
    Guild : N/A
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 33
    Mentor : Adlinda
    Experience : 10,475

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Great Tree Ark
    Second Skill: Extraplanar Force
    Third Skill:

    To renewals and Beyond! Friendship gained. Empty Re: To renewals and Beyond! Friendship gained.

    Post by Nekros 2nd May 2019, 5:38 am

    My heart burns with the white hot intensity of a thousand chili peppers. The pink haired lass turned and showed her glory. Being the self respecting pervert that he was, Jaeger just had to take a glance over the whole woman. It wasn’t necessarily to oogle her, but to get an eye’dea of who he was dealing with. However, he couldn’t help but to take an extra look at her…. Endowments, the fluffy mountains of greatness. The most intriguing feature though was upon her pretty face. A strap and plate like design over one of her eyes. To both, one shouldn’t just stare.He was a proper gent… sort of, totally respectful… to the best of his abilities. Okay fine, he wasn’t exactly going to win role model of the year, but he wasn’t that bad right? The mage just needed to… uh…. Keep his eyes up.

    I got sunshiii-iiiine, on a clooouuudy daaaaaay. Bah, the sun was so bothersome! Always wanting to be in your eyes, assaulting the body with tans and… heat. It was terrible! So much glare and just awfulness. However, others were allowed to have opinions just like he was! He prefered a more cloudy day, with the sun only providing a nice light from behind. Though…. There were good outcomes to come of the sun…. But those thoughts were that of a rapscallion! Not a suited gentleman like himself. However, it was not for suits. While they are fine and well defined, they aren’t exacting the most breathable of clothing.

    Speaking of, the lady pondered over his clothing. Apparently he was official looking, someone of importance in these here parts! It wasn;’t true, but maybe he should play it up? Yes, this could work to his benefit! And as soon as he thought of this, another soon followed. A very forceful punch to the middle of his pretty face. ALmost cartoony in effect, his face would cave in then reform once the fist was gone. Jaeger nodded with a little smile to compliment her wink.

    “Aye, I am! I am Jaeger Nekros Krüger, member and trusted employee of the West Fiore Trading Company. At your service Milady.”

    After such introduction, he bent over for a formal bow. It was very proper to do so! Jaeger would need to make a good first impression….. Before she actually gets to know the totally terrible person behind the smile!

    “May I ask after your name and where you’re from? Dont exactly see those kind of clothes around here.”

    Soon enough, the line crept up another few spots, leaving some space for them as well to scoot forward.

    Character: https://www.fairytail-rp.com/t17477-onyx-moon-jaeger-nekros-kruger
    Magic: https://www.fairytail-rp.com/t17614-nekros-primary-the-great-tree-ark
    Lineage: Custom Lineage: The Sinful Horseman.
    Spell(s) Used: -
    Active Effects: -  
    Remaining MP: 300MP
    Total MP: 300MP
    Damage Taken: -
    Health Points: 200/200 HP.
    Job Link: https://www.fairytail-rp.com/t5544-to-earthland-and-beyond
    Post Word Count: 450 Words.
    Mission WC: 870/500 Words
    Pandora Dagger
    Pandora Dagger

    Alt Account- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Lineage : Inferno's Herald
    Position : None
    Faction : The Ironheart Pact
    Posts : 159
    Guild : Luminous Rose
    Cosmic Coins : 30
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 2,350

    To renewals and Beyond! Friendship gained. Empty Re: To renewals and Beyond! Friendship gained.

    Post by Pandora Dagger 1st November 2019, 2:09 pm

    "My clothes…?" she looked at them in confusion, never having truly expected that to be a question. To her, these had become as casual as the sun rising in the morn', so she couldn't help but smile. That smile quickly turned into a hearty laughter. "Oh don't you worry about that, Mister Krüger, my clothes will never betray my heritage to anyone. It's just a particular style I enjoy wearing, for it allows me a lot of movability and refreshment during days such as these, when the weather's much enjoyable." she grinned, tugging at her obi so it tightened somewhat more around her waist. Then, she extended her hand towards Jaeger. "The name's Dagger. Pandora Dagger. Though you may call me by my first name. And unlike my prefered wardrobe, I hail from Fiore like most people here. Although I'll admit I've spent most of the past years abroad, and only now have made my way back home due to… well, reasons beyond my helping." There might've been a glint of sad reminiscing when she spoke those last words, the undertone of them making it awfully clear that she didn't leave by her own will.

    After allowing Jaeger to reply in turn, it was her turn to ask some questions. "So tell me, Mister Krüger, what has you queuing to get a new passport? I know mine's a bit outdated and needs updating as is, so my reason's rather boring in nature… but is yours?" her crimson eye looked at him in curious fashion, and from underneath her eyepatch -if one stared at it too long- one could feel the sensation of being stared at to the deepest part of their soul. As they spoke, the line in front of them started moving slightly, but at a steady pace. She figured that in less than half an hour, it'd be her turn. For now however, she'd enjoy some carefree talking.

    Wordcount: 321
    Total Wordcount: 926 of 500



    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- X-Mas Event Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : The Sinful Horseman
    Position : None
    Posts : 471
    Guild : N/A
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 33
    Mentor : Adlinda
    Experience : 10,475

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Great Tree Ark
    Second Skill: Extraplanar Force
    Third Skill:

    To renewals and Beyond! Friendship gained. Empty Re: To renewals and Beyond! Friendship gained.

    Post by Nekros 2nd November 2019, 8:33 am

    She replied! Good, the conversation could continue. Such clothes for mobility? He could see it, though they really didn’t leave much to the imagination. Which was good, who doesn’t like having a nice pair of pillow to look at on a day of line waiting?Though, Jaeger would need to play it cool… cool as a cucumber… cool as a cucumber in the middle of the fridge that one would forget was there. However, the man also couldn't just stop talking! It would be rude to do such a thing in front of such a beauty.

    Before he could respond, she tightened her sash. Was it his imagination or reality? For a split second, he thought he saw the mountains of jello move and sway… but no, just for an obi tightening? No, couldn’t be…. He gulped, if you were in his head, it echoed making it clear. His inner self was sweating and trying not to just stare more. The whole area seem to quiet down and slow in time, it all blurred around him as he looked at her face, eyes slowly rolling down, but resisting! Jaeger could hear her speak as well, Pandora Dagger. A name that he wasn’t familiar with but she was born in Fiore and came back only due to some events; She seemed sad though. This helped drag him out of the sensation of watching giant boobs.

    “I see, well I’m sorry things seemed to turn out this way, Miss Dagger. Though fate and the world around us may have a plan to balance it out. It may not seem like it or come swiftly, but there will always be some light at the end of the darkness.”

    With a nod, he noticed the line move slightly forward as the lovely and busty woman asked about his purpose in line. It was actually quite boring and similar to hers, updating the passport. He had spent so much time away, he let it expire and he needs to get it redone. It wasn’t fun. But it was needed.

    “Ah! Yes I am here for a similar reason. I’ve spent so much time being tortured in Hell that my passport expired. I’ve been busy getting set up with my new life and job, that it took a bit for me to make my way here. So unfortunately, we’re both here for quite lame reasons, would be much better for these sort of things to never expire, but they gotta have business somehow.”

    Time went by with small talk and the line moved on. Eventually, it was Pandora’s turn to have her passport renewed and stamped. And once her interactions and passport were taken care of, it was his turn. The receptionist taking and renewing the passport was friendly enough, it was an older woman. It was a sweet exchange and nothing went wrong! Once it was all done, Jaeger went up to Pandora  to continue the possible conversation.

    “Hey, want to go get something to drink?”

    Character: https://www.fairytail-rp.com/t17477-onyx-moon-jaeger-nekros-kruger
    Magic: https://www.fairytail-rp.com/t17614-nekros-primary-the-great-tree-ark
    Second Magic: https://www.fairytail-rp.com/t39188-extraplanar-force-god-slayer-lacrima
    Lineage: Custom Lineage: The Sinful Horseman.
    Spell(s) Used: -
    Active Effects: -  Planetary Shark
    Remaining MP: 300MP
    Total MP: 300MP
    Damage Taken: -
    Health Points: 200/200 HP.
    Job Link: https://www.fairytail-rp.com/t5544-to-earthland-and-beyond
    Post Word Count: 501 words.
    Total Nekros WC: 1,371 words.
    Mission WC: 500/500 words.
    Free Form Mission WC: 1,797 words.
    Pandora Dagger
    Pandora Dagger

    Alt Account- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Lineage : Inferno's Herald
    Position : None
    Faction : The Ironheart Pact
    Posts : 159
    Guild : Luminous Rose
    Cosmic Coins : 30
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 2,350

    To renewals and Beyond! Friendship gained. Empty Re: To renewals and Beyond! Friendship gained.

    Post by Pandora Dagger 7th February 2020, 3:32 pm

    "Ah yes, tortured in hell. Don't we all have moments like th-" It took a few moments to realise the actual meaning behind those words and to register them, but when she did Pandora perked her head. "Like, for real torture in hell? I mean, it sounds like a stupid question but with everything being as it is in this day and age, it doesn't hurt asking." The redhead replied in kind, almost instinctively following along with the queue as it moved along, steadily closing the distance between them and the tent functioning as a make-shift passport bureau. And there Jaeger made a solid argument regarding these passports; they should indeed make them indefinitely valid. Or at the very least allow these things to update themselves autonomically. It'd save both her and a lot of other people time she was now wasting standing in line; albeit the company being better than she'd first expected it to be.

    As it may, they moved along rather swiftly while making small talk, and before she knew it it was Pandora's turn to enter the tent and get everything sorted. Although she did get the treatment she had expected to receive; both before and after she'd introduced herself and shown her old passport to be updated. Their reaction quite literally went for condescending to humble servants upon realising one of the esteemed Dagger family was standing before them; one of the main family as well, although she doubted they knew she wasn't worth much in her family's eyes. Being a female Dagger never did, it seemed. But at the very least she had her name to carry its fame for her, which had saved her quite a bit of trouble so far. Even if she'd so desperately tried to distance herself from the name. It was a liberty she did not have this time around, her situation called for drastic measures and the resurgence of past denial. Changing her mind on that matter was part of that.

    After having received her updated personal data Pandora left the make-shift bureau and, as a form of politeness, remained waiting until Jaeger had finished his turn so she could properly say goodbye. A goodbye she didn't make when the blonde man invited her for drinks. All in all, a tempting offer she was more than happy to indulge into. "I'd be glad to! Although seeing as we've both been gone for such a long time… how about we take the first bar we reach? Unless you know a good place around these parts to catch ourselves some proper liquids to quench our thirst with?" she asked, leaning on her cane. Honestly, if she really wanted she could probably recall some locations that frequented many taverns and bars, but she'd need a town map in order to do so. Something she didn't have at hand right now. So, depending on Jaeger's reply, they could go three ways. Let fate guide them, or pick a specific establishment to sit down in.

    [555 || 1481 of ????]



    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- X-Mas Event Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : The Sinful Horseman
    Position : None
    Posts : 471
    Guild : N/A
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 33
    Mentor : Adlinda
    Experience : 10,475

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Great Tree Ark
    Second Skill: Extraplanar Force
    Third Skill:

    To renewals and Beyond! Friendship gained. Empty Re: To renewals and Beyond! Friendship gained.

    Post by Nekros 18th March 2020, 8:07 am

    To her surprise, yes! Literal torture in hell, given his previous employment, it was all quite real. From the pits to the cages to even the pulling of eye lashes, it was all designed to torture it’s prisoners. After a while though, it got to be fun. One could kind of just get used to it and eventually enjoy the pain and torture of it all; it’s either that or go insane, it's pretty debatable which is more entertaining. On one hand, pleasure in many different forms and on the other, a fun chaotic ride through the world. The latter seeming to be more fun overall and the other being more situational.

    “Ah ha! Yes, I am being quite literal. Through my journeys in life, I wound up being a part of a fun start up… sort of. It was all fun and games until it all just… disappeared and I was stuck in the fiery depths of Hell! Eventually, they just let me go… popped me back into this world and, of all things, inside some crate of wine being shipped to Tolgalen.”

    The big breasted woman would go on to get her passport after the above ‘small’ talk and accepted his invitation to go off to a bar and get a drink. Sweet, it was a date! Not really though, just some time to hang out with someone new…. And attractive. Either way, it was all the same, two people going out to get a drink and talk some more. Will anything happen after that?  Nah, probably not. As they walked around the city to a local bar, Jaeger did flashback to some of the time he spent with Grim Heresy; he looked back at the time fondly.

    “Bars? Hmmm, well… I’ve only really been here when on a job or something. I’ve never really been one to just take in Hargeons sights and such. But hey, I say we aimlessly wander around until we find out and drink it dry.”

    It was his suggestion and it was also made for the fact he doesn’t have anything else to do today. Why not spend it going slow until they find the establishment they need. It’s not like they were in a rush after all.

    “So Pandora, what were you doing abroad for so long and what brought you back?”

    The blonde, suited man asked in return as he escorted the rather good looking woman around town. Perhaps there was even something he could help with, being a gentleman and all!  Such as giving her a mini tour of the little he knows about fiore! It is his signature move after all; he’s just gotta play it smooooooooooth.

    Character: https://www.fairytail-rp.com/t17477-onyx-moon-jaeger-nekros-kruger
    Magic: https://www.fairytail-rp.com/t17614-nekros-primary-the-great-tree-ark
    Second Magic: https://www.fairytail-rp.com/t39188-extraplanar-force-god-slayer-lacrima
    Lineage: Custom Lineage: The Sinful Horseman.
    Spell(s) Used: -
    Active Effects: -  Planetary Shark
    Remaining MP: 300MP
    Total MP: 300MP
    Damage Taken: -
    Health Points: 200/200 HP.
    Job Link: https://www.fairytail-rp.com/t5544-to-earthland-and-beyond
    Post Word Count: 449 words.
    Total Nekros WC: 1,820 words.
    Mission WC: 500/500 words.
    Free Form Mission WC: 2,801 words.

      Current date/time is 26th July 2024, 6:25 pm