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    Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse)


    The Windrider

    The Windrider

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    Lineage : Disparity
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    Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Empty Re: Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse)

    Post by Alye 30th September 2013, 4:12 pm

    Shatter every window 'til it's all blown away. 'Til there's nothing left standing, nothing left of yesterday.



    She could feel it. As she spread her influence through the atmosphere, she could feel the infection across the environment. When the winds swept over the ground, she could feel the taint in the dirt. When they rolled through the thick fur of the animals, she could feel the oppressive evil sensations bristling through their bodies. Who or what could have violated this landscape so much?

    Alye's closed eyes opened a bit in surprise. Reniro and Aian came into view in her subconscious mind just as the dastardly beast below them did as well. You see, Alye was seeing the world around her as energy and weather patterns. She could see clearly how Reniro formed a constant air cell around his body with his mastery of wind magic. She could also see a terribly dark energy radiating outwards from the beast below them. However, the closer she looked, she could see that the magical energy lessened as it became farther from the magic circle on it's head.

    When Reniro and Aian were attacked by the beast, Alye quickly helped Reniro the best she could by thickening the air pressure around his body to lessen the sound from the attack. Just the roar from the animal was enough to cause havok. Alye didn't even know how these villagers managed to survive with creatures like this around. The white-haired girl twisted her hand and amassed electricity into the clouds in that region. The powerful thoom of thunder sounded off in the air. Alye quickly managed to modify the air pressure field around her companions and insulate it from electricity as nature took it's course.

    Just as the beast below the Avian and the Slayer opened his mouth to roar once more, a radiant and heavenly magic circle emerged from the clouds above Aian and Reniro. It pulsed for just a moment before a pillar of lightning rang out from the sky and smashed into the ground in front of the tainted animal. The beast called out in defiant surprise as his eyesight was robbed from him by the intense flash. When it finally returned, his flying adversaries were long gone.


    Alye sighed in relief. That could have been much worse. She was glad everyone was alright so far. The girl opened her eyes once again to find the village populace staring at her gleaming body. About thirty buckets or pails of varying sizes sat on the ground around her. They were all bewildered at the sudden storm clouds and were perplexed at how this could possibly help their wounded. They just needed to be patient.

    Alye lifted her hands into the air on either side of her. She had been pushing a large amount of her healing winds into the air this whole time, which is what gave the clouds overhead their glittering features. The tricky part was that Alye had to waste about a quarter of her magic power forming and grabbing water from the atmosphere around the plains and then concentrating it on the village's location. It was taxing, but worth it.

    The Amari Fans in the girl's hands snapped open with a slip of her fingers. The people around her murmured in uncertainty. Alye didn't mind them. She took a deep breath and then simply threw the fans into the air. As soon as they left her hands, her eyes closed. The fans hovered in the air as they supported themselves with their own spinning wind currents. The two fans hovered aimlessly for a moment or two before they flew off in separate directions. One was twirling over Alye's head, the other disappeared into the clouds.

    Almost immediately as the fan broke into the clouds, a beautiful white magic circle appeared in them. The same circle spread out from Alye's feet. It's pearly tips encompassed the entire village, from air to land. Alye opened her eyes as a pulse of the shimmering light on her body exploded forth.

    "Sky Circle!"

    As the words left her lips, it began to rain. But the rain water was unlike anything the villagers had ever seen. It shimmered in the pale moonlight, it glowed all on it's own.

    People with afflictions of any kind began looking around in surprise. Their pain was subsiding. The hurt was leaving.

    The savvier citizens - who saw what this water could do - began to haul the buckets into the hut that held all the wounded. Alye smiled a little as she made her way over to a sheltered hut. She sat outside and breathed in the scent of the fresh rain as she rested. She gave these villagers a calm before the impending storm. A needed repierveree. But, when the storm would come again...this time...they wouldn't be alone.

    ~ Reniro ~

    Reniro let his wounds fester as he flew. His body was fine. It was his pride that was wounded. Not only had some lion roared at them, but then Alye somehow helped them out from all the way back at the village. What kind of guardian was he? His duty was to protect Alye, and here she was saving him. The melancholy bird flapped his wings and poured on the speed towards the village. He concentrated on a flight path while he mulled over what just happened. He couldn't believe something like that even existed, no matter how corrupt it was. No matter how close it had been to them. Reniro couldn't believe it. How could he?

    The only time a bird understood the land was when he was landing for the last time.


    Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 VzaWKfF
    Emilia Hawke
    Emilia Hawke

    Ysmir Ddvansebrom

    Ysmir Ddvansebrom

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    Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Empty Re: Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse)

    Post by Emilia Hawke 2nd October 2013, 1:03 pm

    It took Reiki a few minutes, but he was able to find a trace of the lions magical power. In those brief moments that Reiki had taken to admire Alye’s magical prowess, the lion had already advanced ahead of him several miles. Reiki was barely even able to keep up with the lion to begin with; now it was this far ahead of him and the magic power seemed to be advancing further and further from Reiki’s senses. If Reiki lost the lion after chasing it this far through this sprawling canyon, he thought he would letting down the others.

    Just as he was about to lose the feeling, Reiki noticed the magic power seemed like it came to a stop and was getting stronger every second he flew. Did he finally go back to his den? Great, that covers my earlier screw up then! Reiki exclaimed, pushing himself to the top speed his wings could achieve. Azrael simply let out a sigh upon hearing this, labeling Reiki as being lucky in this situation; though he refused to comment on it.

    Flying for several miles, Reiki perched himself up on one of the canyons higher crevices. From here, he could clearly see into the lower valley. What he saw before him was a dead end path, with a huge, carved out hole in rock face. It was nearly 100 meters in height, likely equally as deep if not larger. In the entrance too it stood the beast he had been chasing after this entire time. Compared to the size of what Reiki logically assumed was its den, the lion seemed almost normal in comparison.

    Whilst he looked on in amazement, Reiki’s presence didn’t go unnoticed. “So, you’ve managed to follow me this far. Tell me something, what do you plan to do now that you’ve discovered my home, little mage?” a voice echoed throughout the canyon, as the lion turned to look directly at Reiki. I guess todays the day of me learning several different animals can talk… I shouldn’t be surprised at this rate. Reiki called back to the lion, as he stood up from his position. I guess I also shouldn’t be surprised you could sense my magic power following you… What I am surprised about is that you don’t seem hostile towards me being in your territory. So honestly…. I’m not really sure what to do in this situation.

    The lion continued to watch Reiki’s every move like a hawk as the two continued to converse. “You are correct, the only one with hostility is you. The reason I’m not hostile, is I feel your hostility is misguided. Will you come down from your perch, little mage? It has been ages since I last had an actual decent conversation with a human; I would prefer it not to be one of constant yelling between us.” the lion shouted, leaving Reiki with a very confused expression. Was this seriously the lion that had attacked the village? He seemed…. docile and incredibly hospitable. Cautiously, Reiki jumped off the ledge and floated his way down towards the beasts den.

    Upon his landing, the lion continued his unusual hospitality towards Reiki. “Let me first introduce myself. I am known as Leonidas. Tell me something, little mage. What exactly is your reasoning for following me to my home?” Leonidas politely asked. After finding himself slightly bowing in respect, Reiki proceeded to respond to Leonidas’ question. My name is Reiki, a mage from the guild Eclipse Soul. I’m here on a mission to track down and kill a giant lion that had attacked the nearby Hunting Village. So when I saw you running through this canyon well… I figured I found what we were looking for but...you seem a hell of a lot different than what I imagined. he explained, waiting for any moment that Leonidas would move to try and eat him.

    At the sound of Reiki’s answer, Leonidas let out a heavy sigh, clearly saddened by this news. “I see. So my failure to find him has resulted in the deaths of several humans, has it? That is truly saddening…” he spoke, closing his eyes in pain. Reiki was now more confused than ever by all of this. What do you mean your failure to find him? Who are you trying to find? he asked. Leonidas opened his eyes and looked down upon the curious ice mage. “Right, I suppose I should explain to you who it is that you are really looking for. Where to begin… Well, for starters, my last contact with humans was several months ago. I could sense the evil intentions in their hearts from the moment I met them, but I was careless. I let my guard down and they ambushed me. These men had learned of my presence, a lion nearly the size of the dragons of old with an incredible magical ability. They knew a being such as myself would be much too difficult to attempt to control, so their intent was to create a dark and twisted version of myself to obey their bidding. The men filled me with large amounts of paralysing poisons to keep me from resisting whilst they did their experiments. After a week, they had finally succeeded in creating their ideal version of me; or so they thought. While what they had created was in fact a more evil version of myself and my powers, the only physical difference being his black fur; he lacked the brain that I have. He was unbelievably wild, killing all of them and fleeing into the plains beyond my canyon. It took me weeks to recover from what they did to me. I’ve been trying to hunt my twisted self down for several months now, but to no avail. He even possess’ the ability to merge his scent with my own, throwing me in circles chasing my own tail. They must have endowed him with even more powers than I originally had.”

    After Leonidas’ lengthy explanation, Reiki stood there scratching his head. Well...you really don’t seem hostile in the slightest…. It’s not that I don’t believe you, its just the chieftain of the village did say that the lion that attacked them and the one they hunted down had normal fur color, just like yours, that turned blood red in an instant….so really… Reiki stuttered. Azrael then took this moment to speak up. “Reiki, remember Leonidas did say that those men who cloned him probably gave the clone more powers than he had originally. It’s possible they gave him the ability to change his fur color to that of Leonidas’, so that they would pin the blame on him when they used the beast to do their bidding. It’s also possible that the clones brain has developed slightly, allowing him to have some logical thought, though probably not on the level of our friend here.” Yeah that is possible for the clone to have the ability to change his fur to Leonidas’ and for his brain to have developed slightly.... Th-that’s exactly what I was going to say, you didn’t let me finish…

    With that, Reiki shook his head and turned his attention back towards Leonidas. Thank you for the information, Leonidas. I have to get this information back to my friends as soon as possible. It’s almost nearing midnight too… I have to get back soon, I don’t want Alye worrying about me… I’ll be sure to deal with that clone of yours for you!! with this enthusiastic statement, Reiki flapped his wings hard to take to the sky. Upon doing this, his wings shattered into tiny pieces. Reiki had been flying as hard and as fast as he could for so long, he didn’t even realize his wings were already at their breaking point. Well….crap. I used up more magic power pushing my wings to their limit than I thought…. This isn’t an ideal situation at all. To this, he got a laugh out of Leonidas that, even though it was small, still managed to echo loudly throughout the canyon and cause a few chunks of the canyon wall to fall down to the bottom. ”You needn’t worry, little Reiki. You can ride on my back and I will take you back to the Hunting Village. It is the least I could do to help you take out the abomination that spawned from me. We should probably hurry if you wish to make it back by midnight.”

    As he said this, Leonidas bent down to the ground to the point where it seemed as if he didn’t even have legs. Unsure of how his travel sickness would work whilst riding a giant lion, Reiki nervously climbed up and onto Leonidas’ back. At this point, he really had no choice unless he wanted to start walking all the way back. Once Reiki was situated and pointed out the direction they needed to go in, Leonidas arose and began running at breakneck speed towards the village. Reiki clung deep into Leonidas’ fur to avoid himself falling off from the intense speed. Whilst this was happening, Azrael asked Reiki a question he had been wondering for a while. ”So Reiki, is this Alye girl your girlfriend? Is that why you don’t want her to worry about you?” In response to this, there was simply yelling from Reiki as he clung to the lions fur for dear life. AZRAEL, NOW IS REALLY NOT THE TIME TO BE ASKING ME QUESTIONS LIKE THAT!!!!!FURTHERMORE ITS REALLY NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS!


    Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 471 Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 H05POqb Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 471

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    Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Empty Re: Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse)

    Post by NightDrivenEn7 3rd October 2013, 5:31 pm

    Aian's stomach continued to churn from the corruption of the beast's roar flowing out. To a normal being, it would appear only as fierce wind being blown out of its mouth. However, Aian could only see strands of dark mist like aura flowing out at them like a blast. Yet despite it's attempts the beast's roar never penetrated the air field that was around the giant bird her road upon. A thickening sensation filled Aian's nostrils, detecting a bit of one of his ally's magic; Alye's. As the beast went to roar again, a lightning bolt flashed; robbing it of its sight. However, this bolt of lightning took Aian's as well for he was observing the beast as the flash flared out. Aian could feel them moving rapidly, most likely going back to the village. Aian however could careless about their retreat. His stomach felt like a vice had clamped down on it as he continued to feel the corrupted land around them. As they flew away from the beast at the center, the corruption faded more and more just like how it grew when they approached. Aian was sick. Being one raised so close to nature; this corruption was the foulest possible. "To treat an animal with so much pride in that manner...to force so much tainted power into this thing and the land....I am beginning to despise Humans more and more....I can see why my Master felt the same way..." Aian spoke darkly, his anger and frustration at the alternating world of magic as it scared the land growing. But there was no time for him to remain on this subject within his mind to wander on; they had to figure out what they were going to do about the monstrosity that was about to make a frontal assault.

    It surprised Aian greatly that despite their distance, Alye was able to help Reniro and Aian as though it was nothing. Aian could only admire the strength of his partner; before falling back onto his earlier slump of questioning his own. Am I really strong enough to be with them now? Am I only the way? he thought to himself; looking once more back onto the past. Aian always proved to be a burden to everyone he was with. He never really helped those like what he had wanted. He tried to protect, but he was always the one needing help and protection instead. He could only trail his thoughts back to when he was still with his master, training in the mysterious Canyon.
    "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING, YOU IDIOT!?" the large dragon roared; watching his young pupil struggle to even lift a boulder three times his size. "HOW THE HELL DO YOU EVEN PLAN ON PROTECTING ANYONE WITH SUCH PATHETIC STRENGTH?" The lavaiathan beast stomped its paw on the ground causing a mini-quake that almost threw Aian off balance, but did manage to cause the boulder to roll off of his hands and onto the ground.
    "Master, if I want to protect others; why do I need to focus on increasing my strength over my defense?" Aian replied politely, bowing down to the iron and steel covered dragon. However, he was quickly blown away by his master's continuous yelling at him,
    "YOU FUCKING IDIOT! DEFENSE AND STRENGTH GO HAND IN HAND! YOU CAN'T OPTIMIZE ONE WITHOUT THE OTHER! IF YOU FOCUS SIMPLY ON DEFENSE THAN YOU WILL ONLY SUFFER!" NOW GET BACK TO WORK!" The metal mammoth roared, stomping its other large claw onto the ground; sending another boulder a full size larger than the last to topple down to Aian for him to catch.

    Even when Aian was training with the old woman, he could only hear her annoyance as Aian struggled with what he was told to perform. "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING!? ATTACK!" the old woman wailed, watching Aian get struck by doll after doll down stone steps as he tried to go up them.
    "I still don't get it...I don't want HIM stronger...I just want to protect people." Aian argued back, before getting bashed over the head with a stick that broke on impact.
    "HOW CAN YOU DEFEND WHEN YOU CAN'T EVEN ATTACK? DO YOU WANT TO JUST BE A SOLID LUMP? A PATHETIC DISGRACE TO YOUR MENTOR WHO PUT HIS TIME AND EFFORT INTO TRAINING YOU? STOP ARGUING AND GET BACK TO WORK! Sweeping to be done on all of these steps, there is." the old woman ordered, observing Aian cleaning the stone steps up the mountain; all the while trying to avoid or stop wooden training dolls for slapping him down once more.

    Aian still did not fully grasp or understand what he was to do. When he attacked, he left his friends and comrades unprotected. But when he tried to protect them, he would become useless. Confused at the contradiction in his head; Aian tried to make sense of where to go during this mission. If he could not find his place; he saw no reason to remain with them if he was only to be a hindrance to Reiki and Alye's progress.


    "True Strength shall be shown, and the corruption of magic shall be broken."

    Current EXP: 150

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    The Windrider

    The Windrider

    Administrator- Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Ten Wizard Saint Member- God Slayer- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Hero- Best GFX Artist Award- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    Second Skill: Wind Healing Magic
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    Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Empty Re: Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse)

    Post by Alye 5th October 2013, 12:24 pm

    Shatter every window 'til it's all blown away. 'Til there's nothing left standing, nothing left of yesterday.



    It was terrifying. The feeling. The power. As she sat on the steps of a hut, Alye looked down at her hands. Her eyes crawled over her palms as she heard her rainshower beginning to weaken. "These hands... In my left hand, I have the power to protect and heal. In my right? I have the ability to destroy and wipe away all in my way. With great power comes great responsibility. I hear that all the time. I have great power, but it seems to not... to never be enough." Alye looked up from her thoughts as she heard footsteps to her right.

    "You do not seem very happy after greatly helping a village. What is troubling you?" Alye looked over and was a bit surprised to see the village chief standing there. His brash tone and overwhelming masculinity were completely gone as opposed to earlier. "May I sit?", he asked her gently. Alye blinked in uncertainty for a moment before she nodded quickly. How could she deny a man in his own village? The man hunched down next to her and then pushed his bare legs out onto the steps. Alye saw the labyrinthian of scars criss-crossing his legs and feet but did not say anything. The man sat his ceremonial spear down next to him as he set his elbows on his thighs. "I haven't seen them all so happy in so long. All these smiles, it is something extraordinary. Magical." He looked over to Alye. Her crystal blue eyes met his deep auburn ones for just a moment before she looked down at the ground. You mages are quite odd people. You come in all different shapes and sizes, creeds and goals. But you have one thing in common." Alye looked back at him with a confused look in her eyes. He smiled just a little and then patted her shoulder. "You all were blessed with the power to change the world." The white-haired woman looked a bit taken aback but before she could ask him what he meant, he lifted himself and his spear from the ground and then moved off. Alye looked back down at her palms as the rain finally stopped and the empty clouds began to dissipate. She sat there for a couple more minutes as only one question came to mind.

    Was having this power a blessing, or was it really a curse?

    Thankfully, Alye did not have long to muse from those prophetic thoughts as she began to feel the inklings of several magical presences coming her way. And quickly. She closed her eyes and concentrated a bit. One was Reniro, the other was Aian. It seemed they had decided to abandon their search since night was in full force now and the hunters were about. A gentle breeze sent Alye's hair floating about slightly as she felt out for the other fast approaching individuals. Her brow furrowed a bit. She felt Reiki, but she also felt him being accompanied by something whose magic power rivaled his own. Reiki's magic power was steadily rising, which meant he was resting, not fighting or using his magic.

    What the hell did he find out there?

    ~ Reniro ~

    The mage on his back was deep in thought. At this point, Reniro didn't know if that was a good or bad thing anymore. The boy had also been effected by Alye's diversion towards that infernal beast, but it seemed like something else was afflicting him. Reniro could surmise what it was. He knew that mages were usually attuned to their magic's origin. Since this kid was the Iron Dragon Slayer - which was a deeply rooted Earth magic - he no doubt has a powerful connection with land. The corruption running through the ground was most likely getting to him. Reniro could feel it as well, but he only felt it in wafts. Only when the winds brushed up some dirt from the floor below.

    The avian sighed to himself.

    Poor kid doesn't seem to be able to catch a break. Reniro flapped his wings again and wrapped them in another air cell as he pushed through the sky towards the village.


    Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 VzaWKfF
    Emilia Hawke
    Emilia Hawke

    Ysmir Ddvansebrom

    Ysmir Ddvansebrom

    Moderator- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Dragon Slayer- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Senior [500]- Novice [250] - 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Empty Re: Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse)

    Post by Emilia Hawke 6th October 2013, 2:33 pm

    Leonidas blasted his way across the moonlit plains at an incredible speed. Reiki was amazed that he was even able to keep up with Leonidas while he was flying. Was Leonidas even running at his full speed during that time? Reiki could only wonder. By freezing himself to Leonidas’ body, Reiki was able to kick back and relax as the scenery flew by. Thankfully, this was nothing like Reiki’s motion sickness when he rode in things like trains or magic powered cars. It was something strange that he never could really understand. He could fly and ride animals like Leonidas perfectly fine, yet so much as stepping into a train made him sick to his stomach. It was a strange trade off for being a Dragon Slayer, but somehow Aian seemed unaffected by it. Perhaps Reiki was just one of the unfortunate Dragon Slayers.

    As the pair neared the village, Reiki could sense his partners magic powers. Alye’s seemed lower than when he had left the village, though it was recovering, so Reiki assumed she was resting after conjuring that storm. Aian’s was fainter and farther off, though that was probably mainly due to Reiki’s inexperience with being attuned to other magical powers. Reiki began to wonder what Aian had found out with Alye’s bird Reniro. Would his partners believe Leonidas’ testimony? Afterall, Reiki was going merely on trusting Leonidas because he didn’t seem to hold any hostility within him whatsoever. He hadn’t actually seen any black furred lions. The only other thing Reiki had to go on to believe Leonidas was the ever present multi-directional scent. Even then, that could be from Leonidas himself. However, Azrael seemed to trust him completely. Reiki knew Azraels age and wisdom were nearly equal in number, so he trusted Azraels judgement, assuming he had picked up on something Reiki hadn’t.

    It was at this moment that Reiki then realized something neither of them thought of. How the hell were the villagers going to exactly react to the fact that a 50 meter tall lion, that just happened to look exactly like the one that attacked their village, was approaching? This was probably something they should have considered long ago. Reiki unfroze himself from Leonidas’ fur at a rather, inopportune time.

    As soon as he did so, the behemoth lions thundering feet came to a halt, his head hunching down into the ground and his hind end rising into the air. This was, of course, to keep him from suddenly crashing into the village. However, it had essentially the exact opposite effect for Reiki. This action catapulted Reiki towards the village, spiraling madly through the air. Somehow, he managed to land on his feet, his feet skidding against the ground as he did so. Haha! Stuck the lan- Reiki was soon cut off by his back colliding hard into the outer wall of the hut that just happened to be the one Alye was sitting in front of. After seeming like he was stuck there, Reiki fell face first into the ground. Just when I thought I made a bad situation good…. just goes right back to bad… Reiki murmured, pushing himself up off the ground and dusting the dirt off of his clothes. However, his unintentional stunt performance gone wrong was about to be the least of his present concerns.


    Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 471 Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 H05POqb Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 471

    Administrator- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Dragon Slayer- Veteran Level 3- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Shadows of Anarchy
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    Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Empty Re: Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse)

    Post by NightDrivenEn7 6th October 2013, 7:41 pm

    As the giant bird flew back to the village with Aian on its back, something occurred; Aian could not shake his anger for the corruption to the animal and land. The more he tried to ignore it, the worse it got. Aian had traveled to many places where humans have tried to force environmental changes. Each one made him sick to his stomach to be around. But this was on a whole new level. The churning in his stomach would not cease, as his head began to spin. His mind felt clouded-his returned vision blurred once more- and his sense of touch faded. A sharp pain surged from the center of his brain. Trying to call out, Aian opened his mouth but let out no sound. His teeth would clench relentlessly. His eyes subconsciously narrowed as his brow rose. His fingers curled as his ears perked back. Aian's once white skin shifted to a pale grey. His eyes lost their light; darkening and dimming as the shadow of his hair cast over them. A dark aura thicker than before flowed from his head, and spiraled down his body; though it was different than before. This wasn't part of Kamuy's possession. It had the same foul sensation as the corruption of the land and beasts.
    Humans....The lowliest of all creatures. They deserve to be extinct... He thought in his head as the two approached the village gate.

    Aian rose upon Reniro's back standing up firmly as the beast flew closer to the village. Hunkering down, Aian sprung off in a large leap towards the village gate. Aian's normal heavy body weight caused him to plummit more than soar; but even as he fell his hair continued to shade his eyes. Landing firmly onto one knee in a small crater, Aian rose before the front of the village gate before walking in. As he past the post to one of the gate beams; he quickly reached out and grabbed the firm wooden pole. His grip tightened as he effortlessly ripped a chunk of the post out of its position; causing the gate to slightly lean on one side. Aian walked past hut after hut, seeing the newly healed villagers walk on by with hope in their eyes. Aian's expression was emotionless, though inside his mouth his teeth were near grinding out of frustration. It wasn't until one of the women approached him; recognizing him from his team who were there to originally help them. She had a large grin over her face from the miracle that Alye had done to her people; as she began speaking her thanks:
    "To heal so many of our people, and then to lend us help in defending our land. I hope our hunters will only be able to swallow enough of their honor and pride; to not be ashamed of the request we had to make. You and your friends have our gratitude." She began, as Aian simply stood there unmoved or wavered by her thanks. In fact, this only increased his irritation as he repeated certain key words in his head, "Our land? Honor? Pride?" his fists were clenched tight out of anger as he continued to think of the corruption other humans have caused to the land. His right hand shot out before the woman could let out another word; gripping her throat and lifting her off of her feet chocking her in mid air. This grabbed the attention of everyone around as they first stared in shock; then ran at Aian before trying to pry his grip from the woman's throat.
    "Your land? This land belongs to no one. To claim it as your own is your own arrogance thinking you can Claim something for your selfish-selves." Aian retorted, his voice horse and dark as his grip upon the woman's throat tightened. The no longer wounded hunters rushed over, doing whatever they could to try and loosen the young male's grip as the woman continued to choke: Punching-Pulling-Slamming rods onto his arm, head and back- Bashing his skull with large rocks- but nothing worked. To their horror, Aian's body was stronger than what they anticipated for a mage. Unlike most others, Aian's body was more physically tune do to his Magic which the fellow hunters were ignorant about. In horror they drew their weapons ready to strike Aian down if his grip did not loosen immediately. Others went off to fetch his comrades in the nearby tents before taking any further action. Aian simply continued on with his rant, "You humans are all the same...you take what you want and destroy it; moving on to the next land as though there were no repercussions to your actions...You all make me sick! You all deserve to be extinct!" Upon speaking the last word, Aian's hand snapped open along with his eyes. Tears immediately filled his ducts as the woman crawled away gasping for air. Aian's hands trembled as his legs began to weaken. Aian quickly grasped his head in pain, letting out a blood curdling scream as he arched his back so he faced the sky. Lurching forward, Aian continued his screaming, as the villagers backed away from him in shock. "Get out! Get out of my head! GET OUT OF MY HEAD!" Aian wailed, falling to his knees. Within the next moment, Aian's eyes dulled completely as he fell unconscious; landing face first in front of the circling villagers who remained standing speechless.

    What was odd about this incident was that it was not Kamuy who Aian was yelling at. As Aian and Reniro encountered the large lion, Aian's guard fell upon its roar. Despite Reniro's Air field and Alye's attempt to strengthen it: Aian became supsetble to the corruption that flowed from the giant beast. Within that moment, and as the two flew away: the darkness quickly began consuming his mind, twisting and disorienting Aian's thoughts in an attempt to corrupt him as the earth. Aian's color remained its greyish hue as he laid there upon the ground; the corrupting dark aura continuing to flow around him from his head.


    "True Strength shall be shown, and the corruption of magic shall be broken."

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    Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Empty Re: Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse)

    Post by Alye 9th October 2013, 7:03 pm

    Shatter every window 'til it's all blown away. 'Til there's nothing left standing, nothing left of yesterday.




    ~ Alye & Reniro ~

    Alye looked up from her palms just in time to see Aian appear at the village gates. She blinked at him as her eyes widened. His presence felt... wrong. The white-haired girl got to her feet quickly but events played out far faster than she could react. She gasped as Aian lifted the grateful woman into the air by her neck, spouting exposition about the perils of humanity. She could clearly sense that this was not the same person that had attacked Reiki and herself before. Whatever this was tainted Aian's very magic signature. It was twisted and angry. Alye was frozen in place as she watched several villagers unsuccessfully try to get Aian to let the woman go. She took a terrified step forward but saw the glint of tears in Aian's afflicted eyes and stopped. The woman fell to the ground suddenly as Aian's grip on her throat disappeared. She quickly shuffled away from him as the mage began thrashing about, screaming bloody murder. Her eyes widened again.

    He was in pain.

    Alye murmured his name and took another step forward as his screaming only continued. The girl's mind raced as she tried to rack her mind around what was going on. He was clearly fighting whatever was in his head. However, it didn't seem like he could win on his own. Alye's hand reached out to her guildmate as she called out to him. "A-Aian!" It came out scared and full of worry. But as soon as she did, the crazed light in his eyes faded, and he fell to the ground. Alye gasped and rushed over to him. She fell to her knees next to him as she turned him over. She could hear her heart beating in her ears, but she ignored it. The weather was also reacting to her anxiety. The gentle winds that had whipped about all day were now becoming fierce torrents. She recognized this and took a deep breath to try and calm herself. Alye ran a hand along Aian's chest and stomach and then picked up his wrist to feel for a pulse, one that was thankfully there. She noted his odd skin tone. What could have happened to him?!

    Alye's hand moved up to his face. When it did, she was met with a surge of dark energy. She recoiled for just a moment before she realized what was going on. Images of the dark lion from before came to her mind as she felt the presence of a magic circle filtering powerful animosity through Aian's mind. Whatever had corrupted that beast from before had inadvertently done the same to her guildmate.

    She heard a harsh voice behind her.

    "You damn wizards! You just want to kill us all don't you?! Well, I won't give you the chance!" A large man bellowed out to Alye and Aian as he ran towards them with a large spear. People scattered to the sides as the man lunged forward and threw the spear at them with all his might. Alye raised her hand. She opened her lips to cast a spell, but the spear never even got near the two Eclipse Soul mages. It was cleanly snapped in half by another spear. One that Alye knew. She looked to the right and saw the village chief standing there. "You idiot!", he bellowed. "What in the hell do you think you're doing?! Can't you see it?! That's not the same wizard from before! Something changed him!", he called out as he made his way into the middle of the scene. He looked back to Alye to confirm his point. She nodded. "Aian is closely connected to nature. Whatever that is afflicting the lands here effected Aian adversely as well. He would never in his right mind do something like this...", she said as she looked back down at him.

    The angry man from before disregarded his chief's words.

    You make excuses for them?! We're playthings to these freaks! They sit there with all their powers and know nothing of the hardships people like us face!" The air suddenly became icy cold. Something that never happened in this region. All eyes fell to the Weather Manipulator. The chill brought out the pain in her tone. Do you think we asked for these so called "gifts"? For these powers? Do you think we like having them? Some of us - a lot of us - hate it." Alye raised a hand over Aian's head as a translucent and shimmering magic circle bloomed from her fingertips. "Mind's Right", she whispered. As he breathed in shallowly, healing air began to enter in through his lungs and enter his bloodstream to reject the evil energy in his body. The glow of the light bathed Alye in a eerie light. "We are born to have two purposes. Defend or destroy. Both end with death. How would you like it", she said as she looked back at the man. "If you had to fight for your whole life? If you had to face and take lives only to save others? You have to live with the fact that one wrong move on your part could slaughter countless. Then, in the midst of it all, you are deemed a freak and a outcast by the very people you try to protect?" She left the question hanging in the air as she looked back down at Aian. His complexion had changed and it was returning to normal.

    Alye looked up in time to see Reniro touch down next to them. She needn't explain a thing to him. She could tell that he had seen everything by the look in his eyes. The white-haired girl brushed more hair from Aian's face as she gently petted his hair, trying her best to comfort him somehow.

    All of a sudden, Alye and Reniro looked towards the west.

    The immense magical power that had been approaching was right on top of them! Alye looked to Reniro who looked to her. "Take over from here." The bird nodded and placed his wing over the magic circle that was hovering over Aian's forehead. Reniro didn't have healing magic, but he could keep mustering the winds that were running through it with energy to keep the healing process going. Alye got to her feet and looked back towards the west. Her eyes narrowed. The mysterious magic power had stopped, however Reiki's was moving at breakneck speeds. What was going on?!

    Alye's attention snapped to her right as she felt the air shift violently towards the hut she had just been sitting at. Her eyes fell upon the structure just in time to see Reiki smash into the hut. The blue-eyed girl sighed as Reiki sprung up from the wreckage as if nothing happened. She thought they were supposed to be protecting this village, not destroying it. The girl looked back behind her and called out to Reiki. "Aian's out cold. He went berserk and then just...fell."

    "I see the corruption affected that boy as well. Quite the shame." Alye whirled around and did something that Reiki had never seen her do. She yelped in surprise. She was literally taken aback. Where did that humongous lion come from!? Alye looked over to Reiki and actually moved a bit closer to him, sliding behind him and putting her hands on his shoulder. That immense magic power from before...was this?! She knew lions were stealthy, but he managed to sneak up on her. The white-haired girl looked around as the villagers saw the beast as well. The screaming began as the able-bodied warriors picked up spears while some looked to Alye and Reiki. Alye looked to the village chief. He was staring intently at the beast. There was no emotion in his face though. Alye wondered if he had some hidden abilities...

    The white-haired girl realized how close she was to Reiki and a light blush came to her cheeks as she unhanded him and stepped beside him. Speaking of him, he didn't seem cautious of this lion in the slightest. It seemed like he...trusted him. The lion raised a mighty paw and cleared his throat. Oh dear, I don't mean to cause a fright, but I am not the lion you think I am." Alye looked over to Reiki for a confirmation of this. The lion then explained the situation in detail to the villagers and it finally all made sense to her. And for some reason... it pissed Alye off.

    The girl's white hair fell over her eyes, casting a shadow over them. "Reiki." She said his name with power and emotion behind her words. "I'm going out to find this corrupted beast to put it out of it's misery. Have Leonidas here guard the village. You stay here with Aian until he wakes up. Make sure he's alright and if you both are up to it, come find me." A violent wind erupted from Alye's feet as she stood there. It soon pushed her into the air, causing her cloak, skirt, and hair to wave around. "I won't let anyone else die."

    With that, there was an explosion of wind and the girl was gone. Only those with the swiftest of eyes would see her leave.


    Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 VzaWKfF
    Emilia Hawke
    Emilia Hawke

    Ysmir Ddvansebrom

    Ysmir Ddvansebrom

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    Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Empty Re: Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse)

    Post by Emilia Hawke 13th October 2013, 7:40 pm

    Reiki turned his gaze towards Alye, looking beyond her to see Aian on the ground out cold, just as she said. Though what she said was indeed rather strange. He looked around at the villagers and the surrounding area. None of the villagers were injured, nor were any of the structures damaged any worse than when he had first arrived. Obviously what she was describing wasn’t related to Kamuy; but if not Kamuy, then what?

    Before Reiki even had a chance to question her further, Leonidas decided to comment on the situation. “I see the corruption affected that boy as well. Quite the shame.” At least Leonidas’ insight answered what Reiki was about to ask Alye. Though, it was what happened after he spoke that caught Reiki’s particular interest. For the first time since he had known her, Reiki watched as Alye let out a cute yelp of surprise in reaction to Leonidas’ presence at the gate. Reiki was quite surprised by this, his face blushing as she slid behind him and place her hands on his shoulders, peeking over them to look at the lion. That...was...really adorable… he thought, words failing to come to his mouth.

    This moment was short lived however, as Reiki looked over his shoulder to see a light blush overcome Alye’s face as she let go of his shoulders and stepped next to him. It was at this time that Leonidas took note of the villagers brandishing their weapons, prepared to attack him right then and there. Oh dear, I don’t mean to cause a fright, but I am not the lion you think I am.” As Leonidas said this, Alye turned to Reiki for confirmation, to which Reiki nodded, not realizing he was still blushing about before. Y-yeah, it’s best if you let him explain it all.

    Upon hearing the lions explanation, the villagers seemed to finally calm down; though they were still slightly cautious of the behemoth. The only one who seemed to completely believe Leonidas other than Reiki and Alye was the chief himself. It was almost as if he could sense the difference between Leonidas and the twisted counterpart of his. This was a fortunate turn of events, considering just moments before Reiki was thinking the entire village was going to begin assaulting Leonidas before he could even be allowed to speak.

    Reiki. he heard Alye call to him, with a frightening amount of power and emotion in her voice. Reiki turned to face her, clearly able to tell she was rather pissed. I’m going out to find this corrupted beast and put it out of its misery. Have Leonidas here guard the village. You stay here with Aian until he wakes up. Make sure he’s alright and if you both feel up to it, come find me. I won’t let anyone else die.” she explained, a violent wind lifting her into the air as she finished. Reiki wanted to oppose to her going alone, but didn’t say anything; simply watching as she took off into the night sky.

    Reiki sighed as he began walking over to Aian’s unconscious body. Naturally, he was worried about Alye. He knew she could handle it though. Afterall, she was more powerful than both Reiki and Aian combined. Yet despite knowing this, Reiki couldn’t shake the feeling of worry for her. Perhaps it was just the fact she was going alone, whilst Reiki was stuck watching over an unconscious Aian. Whatever the reason, Reiki tried his best to ignore it. He knelt down next to Aian , as Reniro let the winds from the magic circle disperse. As opposed to what Reiki saw earlier, Aian’s skin tone had returned to a much more normal color. Turning his gaze to the surrounding villagers, he could still see some of them showed distaste for the mages, despite the explanation from Leonidas. Throwing Aian over his shoulder, Reiki motioned his head for Reniro to follow them, walking over to the gate where Leonidas stood watch out to the horizons.

    Upon leaning Aian against the gate, Reiki stood at the entrance to the village, closing his eyes, listening to the villagers who thought he was out of earshot. “ I can’t believe this. First the chieftain calls in the assistance of these mages, then the brown haired one loses his mind and nearly chokes one of our own to death for everyone to see! Then the white haired idiot has the audacity to bring that monstrosity right to our gates!? Who knows if the damn things just lying, and the mages are really here to help it!” Reiki let out a heavy sigh upon hearing this. There’s just no appreciation, huh? You really think you can beat that thing on your own, be my guest. You already tried, look how that turned out, moron… he grumbled, staring up into the moonlit heavens.

    “No doubt that’s what he’s actually thinking about. That’s what we’re all thinking about.” the chieftain said, as he walked up behind Reiki. Turning towards him, Reiki perked his ears and listened carefully to what the chieftain said next. “A mans pride is never an easy thing to be rid of. Our village has survived countless decades, maybe even centuries without the help of mages. To have them have to help us now is no doubt a blow to the pride of some of these stubborn mules’ heritage. Yet deep down, they know that we need your help. Had I not faced against that… vile abomination personally and lived, I probably wouldn’t have asked for outside help. That beast is indeed the exact opposite of Leonidas here. I can sense peace from Leonidas, I sensed only death from the other creature. What vile and twisted mages have created is something that can only be undone by mages with hearts like your own.

    Reiki smiled a bit at this. He was glad to see at least someone was outright appreciative of what they were trying to do here. That’s what we came here to do. As soon as Aian wakes up and is good to go, we’ll be going off to assist Alye in taking care of that monstrosity for good. Reiki reaffirmed the chief. Despite the fact she can take care of the creature on her own… You know she’s powerful Reiki...but you didn’t sense what I did from her, did you? I felt her true power; a feeling I haven’t felt for hundreds of years…. Azrael thought to himself, as Reiki turned to Leonidas, who simply looked at him and responded with a nod.


    Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 471 Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 H05POqb Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 471

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    Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Empty Re: Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse)

    Post by NightDrivenEn7 22nd October 2013, 11:04 am

    Despite being unconscious, Aian could still clearly hear the complaints of the villagers. Though his friends and the chief defended him he was still unable to shake what he heard in the darkness of his mind. There, he was confronted with Kamuy once more. However, he was not in the mood to fight like he normally was; he was instead standing there in front of Aian with a snarl across his lips and his brow bent furiously. Aian could feel his anger, matching it with shame and despair; hanging his head low-lowering his eyes-holding his left arm for support- unable to look at his counterpart without feeling guilt.
    "This is an embarrassment!" Kamuy roared, stomping on the dark floor that they stood on. "I WANT MY REVENGE!"
    "But...if we get close to it again...We will only be consumed once more by it's-" Aian began to protest, trying to calm down Kamuy. However, Kamuy wanted no part of that,
    "I know...What it did to us was a disgrace to our Master's name...But-"
    "But NOTHING! It humiliated us! Almost turning us into one of its Pawns!"
    Aian stood firm; looking up and staring down Kamuy. They both agreed on the topic of being humiliated by the Dark Lion's aura of corruption. Aian's own anger to the ones responsible was still lit. The two have not been on equal terms before. Now was a first time for the two to unite and show their Master that his teachings were not a waist of time. "Than, let us redeem ourselves."
    Kamuy stood there shocked by Aian's words, before putting on his insane grin and wide open eyes. "Than give me control, and nothing will be left standing."
    "No." Aian stepped forward,
    "What?"Kamuy exclaimed; pulling back his insane face to look down at Aian with his arms crossed.
    "We do this together...Not one or the other. My defense, your offense...Together; we are more formidable than when we are alone."
    "You don't have the nerve...Nor will I work with you! This body is MINE! I AM THE REAL YOU! ALL WILL FALL BEFORE ME!"
    "I am the owner of this body Kamuy! Not you, Me! But we both live inside it! If either of us die, so will the other! You are right, I lack the nerve to throw everything I got at my opponent...but you do. But you don't have the care to deal with protecting yourself or others. That is where I come in. If we are going to go redeem ourselves, we need to do this together!"
    "What do you suggest than? Somehow split this body into two and both of us fight side by side? I WOULD RATHER DRAIN THE BLOOD FROM YOU THAN SEE THAT HAPPEN!"
    "Kamuy...Mentally, we work together. If you can just agree with me on this; we can switch back and forth rapidly. Both of us being able to fight and be in control of this body...Only if we work together; can we truly call ourselves the Son of Metallicana...And make him proud."
    Both sides unwilling to budge, Kamuy turned his back on Aian neglecting the offer to the end. "I refuse." Aian let out a sigh, sitting down in the darkness of their mind hoping to wait it out against Kamuy's stubbornness with his own.

    Aian finally came to back in the real world minutes after being set against the gate; he slowly rose to one knee as he gripped his head lightly. His thoughts were hazy after the fight, nothing really remaining left for him to ponder about. His first motion upon getting his strength back, was to apologize to the ones he had hurt, and to the chieften of the village. Bowing to them and begging them for forgiveness, Aian attempted to at least help redeem his trust within the people. One of the soldiers who attempted to stop him before; walked over pointing his spear upon Aian's throat.
    "Explain to me this one, Mage: Do you really wish to make us extinct?" Aian lowered his head, turning to see his friend Reiki and seeing him preparing to assist Alye. Aian let out a sigh, knowing he could not avoid the question like what he wanted.
    "I do hate humans...But not all humans." Aian began, gripping the spear at his throat and lowering it; despite the soldier fighting back against Aian's own strength. It was still a shock to see someone like Aian, with no muscle build up or even thickness to his arms, overwhelm a fully built soldier in terms of strength. "I only wish to see the ones who wish to do harm against the environment be brought down...I lived in the mysterious canyon for years under my master...Having to learn everything from scratch. I grew up within the wilderness. I believe in all my heart that humans can live within this world without having to force other species to extinction or forcibly change the landscape and environment just to fit their comfort needs...Humans are nothing more but animals as well; we can all learn to adapt to this planet without having to force it to fit our needs. That is why I hate humans who see the environment as nothing more but an inconvenience...Even our Magic Council I despise cause they treat it all the same as well." Aian explained, his hand gripping tighter on the spear's end; causing the wood to crack under the pressure. "That is why...I will not forgive the ones...Who did this to that lion!" Aian snapped the spear head off of the wood, slightly injuring his hand-though something he was very used to- before walking off to the gates of the village once more to meet up with Reiki and Leonidus. Upon reaching his friend, he nodded to show that he was all right; smiling at him despite his hand barely bleeding. Aian took notice of the large red and gold lion that was next to the village; gazing up at the beast that matched his master's size. In the same form of Awe Aian had for Metallicana, he set upon the lord of the land, Leonidus. Yet this awe did not last long; Aian could feel something coming towards them. The same mass of corrosion and corruption that he had flown over with Reniro before. Aian glared down the mass of corruption; his fists tightening at the idea of what is too come. "Reiki, I will guard the village...Go help Alye. Though I am sure she is strong enough to fight it alone...I am sure she needs you there as much as you want to help her...I will guard this village alone. I will make sure nothing brings harm to these people." Aian stated firmly; the few times Aian was filled with confidence to be able to order his friend to go off alone. Aian's despair that filled him before was all but lifted, the despair of him harming the villagers was also still in his mind; though neither showed themselves upon his face. "I would go help you...but I can't...I am too vulnerable to the lion's dark influence to be able to fight it with you too. This is at least what I can do." Aian explained, looking Reiki in the eyes, his own green eyes filled with determination to show his worth within the team. "Go."


    "True Strength shall be shown, and the corruption of magic shall be broken."

    Current EXP: 150

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    Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Empty Re: Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse)

    Post by Alye 7th December 2013, 4:43 pm

    Shatter every window 'til it's all blown away. 'Til there's nothing left standing, nothing left of yesterday.




    ~ Alye ~

    This animal was formidable. Alye had to give it that. As she scorched through the skies, she kept feeling hints of the creatures presence, but when she would actively seek it out then, it would fade away as if it never existed. Quite formidable indeed. However Alye noticed something peculiar about the beast as well. When Alye let her presence be known as well, the flashes of perception she feels come in closer succession to one another. She could use herself as bait to lure the beast out into plain sight if she was careful en-

    Alye's head snapped back as she felt Reiki's magic power coming towards her. Did something happen? Why was he coming? Alye hoped that Aian wasn't going out of control again. Although, something seemed a bit different about him when she left.... But she couldn't think about that now. She had things to do. Behemoths to slay.

    The white-haired girl decided to pull back towards Reiki. Part of her wanted to do this on her own, but she knew that they were a team for a reason. They had to get back in time to defend the village if something else decided to attack. As she shifted her heels backwards and banked back towards Reiki, she just kept telling herself that everything will be okay. I know Reiki's magic sensing abilities have improved, but I better let him find me instead of charging to meet him. Besides, maybe I can have our big friend lured into a fight he's destined to lose...

    Alye banked upwards as the winds around her shifted once more, sending her white locks tasseling in the breeze. The girl shot upwards into the night sky as she spread her arms outwards. The motion was followed by the clouds in the sky. They condensed above Alye's position in the air but a hole began to form in the middle of the clouds. As the opening grew a brilliant ray of light caused by refracted and concentrated moonlight shone over Alye. The light caused her mainly bright-colored attire to gleam in the sky, easily letting someone see her from almost a mile away. Reiki would surely see her coming.

    And hopefully a certain animal would as well...


    Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 VzaWKfF
    Emilia Hawke
    Emilia Hawke

    Ysmir Ddvansebrom

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    Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Empty Re: Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse)

    Post by Emilia Hawke 8th December 2013, 10:43 am

    Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Nye9nc

    Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Nye9nc

    NOTES !




    Freezer Burn All

    "If you have time to think of a beautiful end, then live beautifully until the end."

    Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 1ew2ol

    - Reiki

    Reiki looked over at Aian as he spoke, a resounding amount of confidence in his words. This was surprising. He was so used to Aian being so unsure of his own power. However, Reiki could feel it Aian words; he was gaining at least a little confidence in not just his physical powers, but his mental as well. Reiki nodded to his friend as he finished. Right. These people are counting on ya. Just don’t make it too showy now! I’ll be sure to come back with that abominations head. he stated, as he turned and walked over to the villages gate in the direction Alye had flown off in.

    Extending his left hand outward, he formed his signature ice blue magic circle. He then clenched onto it, keeping his hand open but placing his fingers within the circle. A stream of ice then shot out of the circle, continuing steadily as it formed a platform for him to slide upon. Reiki then ran full speed, forming the platform from the water molecules in the air as he sailed off into the sky. Once he was quite a ways away from the village, he looked down at the surroundings below. The site he soon beheld was quite something. The landscape was covered with what looked like a black tsunami of lions. The stench Reiki could smell was terrible. It was as if he could smell the dark magic corrupting these poor creatures. Despite his desire to jump in and thin out this massive horde, Reiki continued to push onward. He put his full faith in the abilities Aian, Leonidas, and the village chief. Protecting the village was their current responsibility; the big behemoth was Reiki and Alye’s.

    Continuing on past the massive horde, Reiki looked up into the sky to see a blindingly radiant light gleaming off in the distance, roughly a mile away. He could sense the magic from his current location. Reiki knew it belonged to Alye, but what exactly was she doing?? Alye was easily giving her position away doing this. Was she trying to act as bait for the lion? As this thought crossed his mind, Azrael chimed in to rein Reiki back in from charging blindly in. Reiki, don’t rush in just yet! Think from a hunting standpoint, what’s happening right now? Azrael spoke. He had been in Reiki’s head long enough to understand how he works best. His brain was never working better than it was whilst in combat or hunting. So she really is acting like the bait! Which then gives me the chance to find the beast stalking in the night and get a strike on it while its not expecting it! Simple enough then!

    Azrael watched gladly as Reiki took in a huge breath as he continued sliding along his ice. He grinned, slightly sickened by the stench he picked up on. Well then, now that I got the stench of the dark magic pouring out of that horde, you’re little trick of hiding your scent ain’t gonna work as easily! Reiki exclaimed, blasting forth towards the shining light. He then shifted his stance, pulling back his free hand; arming it for a punch. As he neared Alye’s position, Reiki’s focus shifted just beyond her to a mass of shadows beginning to form. In a matter of seconds, Reiki was right beside Alye, swinging his right arm just past her at the forming beasts head as it was trying to swipe at her with its massive claws.

    His punch connected first, sending the beast plummeting down towards the earth. However, this was hardly the end of Reiki’s initial attack. Reiki dispersed his constant ice stream, kicking off his ice to give him more air. In a heartbeat, he grabbed the bow from off his back and began to unleash every single arrow in both quivers he had obtained back in the village. The punch directly to the beasts skull however hurt Reiki’s hand more than he had expected. The arrows began missing and the beast, though plummeting, had turned itself back to shadows and re materialized itself on the ground, standing tall and enraged.

    Reiki then found himself landing on the ground upon one knee, the ground cracking and becoming rubble beneath him from the impact. Damn, your skull was thicker than I thought. Should have gone with my Shotgun Fist for that one. Oh well, I’ll live with it. he stated, tossing the bow back behind him. He then began to take off his jacket, which he also threw behind him, revealing his bandaged up body from the training he had undergone. However, something was different about his attire. Instead of simply lightly falling to the ground, his jacket slammed down hard, creating a rather sizable hole where it landed. Reiki simply smirked, as he watched the beasts skin color in the moonlight begin to change from black to red. I gotta remember to send a thank you card to the guys that enchanted that for me! He laughed as he looked up to Alye, calling out to her. Aian’s got the village covered along with Leonidas and the chief, he told me to come help out here! Also theres something I wanna tell you now… he paused, readying his combat stance as the beasts skin grew even brighter red. I have to apologize for this in advance, for what you’re about to see.... I get a little…. animalistic when I fight seriously he explained to her, the lions skin now entirely coated red. The behemoth roared violently, issuing a challenge to the one who dared to lay his hands upon the beast. Reiki responded, inhaling deeply and letting loose an equally violent roar in acceptance of this challenge. This roar was much different from the lions, however. The beast issued the challenge with the roar befitting the King of the Wastelands; Reiki’s response was that of the King of the Tundras. What came out of Reiki’s lungs sounded like a true dragon ready to throwdown with his challenger.

    template by darkee of btn.

    Last edited by EclipseEx9 on 8th December 2013, 11:09 am; edited 5 times in total


    Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 471 Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 H05POqb Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 471

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    Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Empty Re: Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse)

    Post by NPC 8th December 2013, 10:43 am

    The member 'EclipseEx9' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

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    Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Miss

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    Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Empty Re: Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse)

    Post by NightDrivenEn7 9th December 2013, 1:55 pm

    "To protect life.
    To destroy life. Sometimes they are the same thing."
    Aian watched his friend slide off into the darkness before taking flight to assist Alye. He knew the battle was going to be rough for the both of them; but he shared no doubt in his mind that they were going to succeed. Aian turned his attention towards the oncoming corrosion, taking in a deep breathe to regain himself. This is my only chance.... He thought to himself, as he prepared braced himself for the oncomming wave. He had seen only a small number of the lion's pride. This, was going to be the largest multi-man battle he was going to face thus far. Aian began thinking of what could possibly be done to prevent the village from being overrun immediately. Aian could not hold off a massive horde of black lionesses and possible younger ones alone; they would enter the village as soon as they came upon him. Aian walked into the village, inspecting the large wall of wooden pillars, looking for a possible way to close off the entrance. There wasn't much time left for this decision to be made, and Aian looked about to see they had no actual door to block off the gate entrance. Aian began to think panically as time was of the essence. If the healed hunters can simply form a tight wall, we will have a door of fighters...but our numbers do not add up appropriately..." Aian began trying to find a safer solution.

    However, his plan of thinking was cut off from behind. "That is a fair plan." The strong deep voice of the village chief interjected. Aian turned to find the cheif suited up for battle, weilding a spear that put his Dragon's sword to shame. It was more of a very large Nagenata, made from an obvious bone or tooth of a very large beast that easily stood five feet without the four foot pole attached. The cheif's armor contained little to nothing, but a pelt of some other creature resting atop his shoulders; the head and mouth of said creature forming a shoulder pauldrin over his left arm. "With both of our efforts, I doubt many will cross to the hunter's path of attack. Though we are out numbered, they can only come in from one direction; towards our spears and bows." The chief gave a boasting shout, calling his men to arms.
    "I dare not underestimate you or your men Cheif...but a single opening also means that if they just storm towards you, your spears and bows can only do so much within the short amount of time before you are ripped apart by their fangs and claws. If we had anything bigger-" Aian once again started off in thought before getting cut off once more by a booming roar from behind the gate. Aian and the chief turned ready to attack to find Leonidus standing in front of the gate.
    "I believe you are forgetting about me, young one." The titanic lion protested towards Aian. Aian lowered his gaze a bit in a moment of doubting thought before glancing back up to the lion.
    "I do not wish to have you get any more involved than what you are Leonidus....This problem started with humans and mages, it is ours to resolve."
    "This is as much as my dilemma as it is yours. I may not be fighting the one I wish to tear apart, but I am responsible for the members of my pride, Tainted by its corruption. I am doing my part, young one." The galiant lion protested ending the arguement. Aian couldn't help but feel slightly deppressed at the thought of the Lion having to face and attack his own pride; a reason why Aian didn't wish for him to get involved. However, Aian found a way around this problem.
    "All right Leonidus. But I want you to stay in the middle ground. If you can keep the bulk of what gets by the Cheif and I down before it reaches the gate; than we can do our part while Alye and Reiki fight your large counterpart. Are we agreed on this plan?" Aian, the Chief, and Leonidus were all in agreement. Now, it was time for them to get into the action. Aian and the Cheif ran out through the gate. The hunters gathered together in the opening, and raised their weapons. Leonidus strode out with Aian and the Chief holding onto his hind legs for a ride, to a safe distance where he would not harm the village or its walls. Once in a ready position, Aian and the Cheif let go of the massive beast, and began charging towards the darkness that was quickly approaching. They ran till they were at the same distance apart from Leonidus as he was to the village; separating ten meters from each other and preparing themselves for the onslaught. The chief lowered his body, holding the large nagenata's pole over his body with the blade touching the ground in a solid counter strike stance. Aian got into his own normal stance, a passive-defensive type stance before something in his head began to wail away at him. It felt like sharp nagging, though it was not from Kamuy. It felt as though his Master was once again yelling over him- correcting him- on how ineffeciant he was being. Aian still had a small amount of time left, and began to think quickly to himself. He knew he was going to need Kamuy's help.

    "Forget it kid...I am not helping."
    "FORGET IT! When you are willing to forfeit yourself over, than I will help."
    Aian closed his eyes and stayed quiet desparingly at Kamuy's refusal to work. Aian opened them once more, filled with a cold determination.
    "Fine then...stay locked up in your cell." This statement left Kamuy speechless as Aian went on, [color:4a8b= darkgrey]"If you won't help me Kamuy...Then I will use what I have witnessed, and do this on my own."

    With their mental conversation over, Aian glared out to the horizon of a dark line rushing towards them. It was clear their numbers were vast, outragiously vast. Aian could only snarl in anger, firmly stomping his feet into the ground as he opened his stance up more; readying himself to go on a full front offensive. A white magic circle began to glow from his forehead, as Aian's anger continued to rise. "This corruption...This overwhelming change to the environment...Corroding all that it touches, reaping life out of all it consumes...it is disgusting." Aian's magical flow began to increase, as a magic circle appeared underneath him as he began to clearly see the mass of Lionesses charging at the village at full speed. The magic circle upon his forehead lost half of its markings, as the one underneath him explodes with white streams that rage into the air as Aian feels his body become significantly stronger. The magic circle upon his forehead being the mental bonds he had placed with the help of the old woman who trained him so long ago was now half unleashed- as Aian removed the physical barriers holding his full strength from being released. "You filthy curs who corrupted these graceful creatures...I cannot forgive you." The Cheif heard everything Aian stated, and couldn't help but agree. Though he had no magic himself, his presence and spirit began to radiate heavily from his body; generating a large reddish brown aura as he himself became infuriated. Leonidus as well, was releasing his own energy in preperation for the mass of his once old pride charging at them; a golden aura flowing around his body. "You're all..." Aian uttered under his breath, before all three of them roared out in unified anger, "UNFORGIVEABLE!"


    here here here.

    kiwii at btn and gs!

    Note: All Strong and Boss ranked Dice rolls from this point on will only generate NORMAL ranked monster classes.[/color][/color]

    Last edited by NightDrivenEn7 on 9th December 2013, 2:12 pm; edited 5 times in total


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    Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Empty Re: Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse)

    Post by NPC 9th December 2013, 1:55 pm

    The member 'NightDrivenEn7' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

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Page 2 StrongMonster Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 NormalMonster Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 NormalMonster Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 NormalMonster Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 NormalMonster Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 NormalMonster Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 NormalMonster Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 NormalMonster Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 WeakMonster Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 WeakMonster Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 NormalMonster Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 WeakMonster Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Boss Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 NormalMonster Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 NormalMonster Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 NormalMonster Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 StrongMonster Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 WeakMonster Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 NormalMonster Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 NormalMonster Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 NormalMonster Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 WeakMonster Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Boss Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 NormalMonster Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 WeakMonster Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 WeakMonster Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 WeakMonster Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 WeakMonster Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 NormalMonster Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 NormalMonster Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 NormalMonster Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 NormalMonster Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 NormalMonster Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 StrongMonster Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 NormalMonster Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 NormalMonster Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 NormalMonster Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 WeakMonster Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 WeakMonster Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 NormalMonster Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 WeakMonster Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 NormalMonster Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 NormalMonster Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 StrongMonster Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 WeakMonster Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 NormalMonster Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 WeakMonster Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 StrongMonster Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 WeakMonster Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 NormalMonster Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 NormalMonster Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 NormalMonster Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 StrongMonster Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 NormalMonster Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 NormalMonster Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 WeakMonster Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 NormalMonster Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 NormalMonster Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 NormalMonster Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 WeakMonster Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 NormalMonster Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 NormalMonster Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 NormalMonster Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 NormalMonster Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 NormalMonster Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 NormalMonster Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 NormalMonster Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 WeakMonster Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 WeakMonster

    The Windrider

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    Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Empty Re: Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse)

    Post by Alye 9th December 2013, 4:33 pm

    Shatter every window 'til it's all blown away. 'Til there's nothing left standing, nothing left of yesterday.




    ~ Alye ~

    The Weather Witch smiled.

    After Reiki's bold display of power, Alye watched him fondly. It seemed his growth with his magic was accelerating at a unbelievable rate. His potential seemed limitless at this point. She knew that Master Zeno would be proud. She pushed her admiration aside, however, when she saw the huge beast lurking in front of them. The creature was shrouded in darkness so thickly that it almost seemed to swallow him. Alye could clearly see now how the corruption was so deep that this beast was far from savable. Death would be the only end to his misery.

    A insurgent of wind shook the landscape as the scene was about to be set. Alye heeded Reiki's warning well. She could only guess what it would truly mean, but she was sure she would find out soon. The white-haired girl's attention was diverted for just a moment as she noted the explosive wells of power that had just shown themselves back in the direction of the village. Alye's little smile returned. Her eyes were bathed in darkness as her white bangs fell over her face. "It seems everyone is going full power then...", she muttered to herself. Something changed in that moment. If Reiki had thought something was different about Alye this whole time, she was about to show him exactly what it was...

    As if by the drop of a hat, the entire atmosphere in the immediate area drastically changed. The tension of looming battle was suddenly replaced with a stillness that caused even the creature to notice. His raging red body had been in a state of wild abandon, thrashing about here and there, but as he realized the power of the two beings before him, he moved back a bit, putting himself on guard.

    The hunter had become the hunted.


    An eerie chuckle left the lips of Miss Reyold as she brought her hands up to either side of her body. "I don't want to disappoint!", with that statement from lips, Alye's eyes opened. Her crystal blue eyes were gone, replaced with a milky white that shone incandescently in the darkness of the night. Immense power rippled from the woman's body as a brilliant white aura radiated from her body, rivaling that of the moon. The aura seemed to change Alye's physical form somehow, showing her to be dressed in a simple form-fitting robe that was stark white. Her hair seemed the same length that it had been before she had cut it. "Reiki." Even her voice had changed. It seemed ethereal in nature, gentle yet writhing with power and respect.

    Something like a goddess...

    "Shall we show this creature the might of Eclipse Soul?"


    Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 VzaWKfF
    Emilia Hawke
    Emilia Hawke

    Ysmir Ddvansebrom

    Ysmir Ddvansebrom

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    Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Empty Re: Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse)

    Post by Emilia Hawke 9th December 2013, 4:59 pm

    Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Nye9nc

    Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Nye9nc

    NOTES !




    Freezer Burn All

    "If you have time to think of a beautiful end, then live beautifully until the end."

    Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 1ew2ol

    - Reiki

    A grin came over Reiki’s face as his ears perked up. He could hear the raging winds coming back from the village; sounds of the arcane being unleashed. That bastard… He really did get a lot stronger than me. Sure glad he was holding back that day then. he chuckled, before being interrupted by Azrael as Alye began to power herself up. I KNEW IT!!! he shouted, ringing loud in Reiki’s mind. Yeah, I knew it too. It honestly wasn’t hard to figure out Azra- Not the Iron Dragon, you fool! You’re friend next to you!!

    Reiki turned towards Alye to notice she was cloaked in a glorious white aura as her magic power took form around her. Somehow, it was even changing her appearance as well. She was clothed in a beautiful stark white robe and her hair seemed to be as long as it was back before she had cut it. Even when she spoke to Reiki, her voice seemed ethereal. It was gentle and soft, yet powerful. I knew it! I knew she had some kind of connection to Ororo! Azrael exclaimed to an awe stricken Reiki. I dunno who Ororo is but….w-wow…. Y-you’re just full of surprises aren’t you? he stuttered in amazement.

    Reiki then quickly shook his head, turning his gaze away with a blush upon his face. R-right. Let’s show this abomination who he’s dealing with! Reiki shouted, charging in to make the first move on the beast. The lion, obviously seeing such a charge coming, changed into its shadow form and made its way behind Reiki. Predictable. As soon as he saw the lion change to the shadows, he ignited his left hand with a bone chilling aura, proceeding to swing his body round behind him and nail a solid hit to the beasts snout. A shotgun firing blasted throughout the wastelands, as icicles shot out from Reiki’s hand point blank into its nose. There, how’s that one for ya!? Reiki asked, as the beast pulled back. The icicles definitely pierced into the beast, but they were still visible. The lion roared, swatting at the icicles to shatter them, then bringing its massive paw back around to try and backhand Reiki. Quickly pumping power to his legs, Reiki leaped straight into the air, just barely avoiding the attack. Well damn! I was hoping you would have at least felt that one!

    Reiki landed on the beasts nose, jumping again towards its back. If the snout didn’t work, maybe its neck would be a little more vulnerable. Grabbing onto its mane, Reiki swung himself onto the massive creatures back; quickly beginning to kick and punch with his left hand upon the beasts neck. The beast responded with its massive tail, lashing it Reiki with incredible force. He turned quickly, bracing for impact and grabbing onto the tail, following it’s wild path. Reiki only felt it for a moment, but compared to the snout and the hide he was feeling from the tail, the neck was definitely softer. The tail crashed downward, slamming Reiki into the ground, but this was right where he wanted to be to test out a new trick he had been working on. Landing feet first, Reiki froze the area around his legs, giving him a stable position to initiate a tug of war with the beast. However, this was not what he was testing. Inside his body, Reiki was freezing over his bones with a very thin ice as to keep them from going out of socket or breaking when the beast tried to break free. Dammit, its still too thin…. but it’ll have to work for now. Alye! he called out to his guild mate as he pulled on the lions tail. The hide on the back of its neck is a lot more tender than the rest of its body! Aim for that, I’ll try and keep him held down! Reiki explained, just hoping the beast couldn’t transform into the shadows if someone, or something, was touching it.

    template by darkee of btn.

    Last edited by EclipseEx9 on 9th December 2013, 5:14 pm; edited 1 time in total


    Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 471 Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 H05POqb Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 471

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    Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Empty Re: Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse)

    Post by NPC 9th December 2013, 4:59 pm

    The member 'EclipseEx9' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    #1 'Damage Dice' :
    Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Attack


    #2 'Block Dice' :
    Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Block


    #3 'Damage Dice' :
    Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Attack


    #4 'Block Dice' :
    Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Block


    #5 'Damage Dice' :
    Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Attack


    #6 'Block Dice' :
    Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Block

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    Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Empty Re: Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse)

    Post by NightDrivenEn7 9th December 2013, 6:49 pm

    (OOC: I am only posting the Cheif and Leonidus/Hunters's sections for now in order to extend post number AND to allow my partners to finally post after holding them up for about a week. Okay guys, let's continue.)

    "To protect life.
    To destroy life. Sometimes they are the same thing."
     The horde was upon them, charging in a mass of seven hundred'n'eighty. They were nothing but a black wall of fur with piercing eyes through the darkness. As the horde came upon Aian and the Cheif, they braced themselves for the onslaught.

    The village chief held his nagenata firmly; waiting for the last moment before striking. As the wave came upon him, it was clear that forty had dodged him by swerving around him, indicating their refusal to get caught up in his counter attack. The Cheif was not going to swing wildly at the first oncomming cats as it would leave him vunerable. Forty felines quickly made their way around him. But that is when many others began to charge at him directly. The cheif waited. And waited. And waited. A wall of razer sharp claws and fangs were just inches away from his body about to tear him apart in an instant. That is when he made his counter. A ferocious slash that rippled the air itself in a dramatically large cone in front of him, knocking back forty of the eighty beasts that had lunged at him; sending most spiraling with blood exploding from their stomachs. However, forty more still made it through with their attack hacking and slashing their way through his upper torso. Yet the Cheif stood firmly; not even wincing as his upper body exploded into blood blasting wounds. With the remaining cats and more turning their attention to him from behind, the Cheif continued onward. The nagenata began to slowly spin like a windmill in the Cheif's palm. Faster-faster-faster it spun till it was nothing but chopping machine spinning at full gear in front of him like a buzz saw. The Cheif began to heavily swing the rotating weapon in large steps as though he were performing some ancient ritualistic dance of summoning spirits. Sway to the left, sway to the right, sway forward hopping, spin around, Swing upward. Each heavy, victorious motion of the dance sent five large adult lionesses into the air; blood splurting out from the wounds as they let out cries of pain as the Cheif continued this ritualistic dance of sacrificing everything in front of him to the next world. The lions began picking up, especially the younger ones that began dodging, and weaving around the giant circular buzz saw of death swung by the native. This did not stop the Cheif, as he picked up his own step and started dancing a new rhythem. Stopping his weapon from spinning, he began making large wide arcs while hopping four feet to the left, then to the right, then to the left again. This new sequence to the dance cut apart fifteen more large adults, half of which were still injured from the last attack. Yet as the Cheif took a heafty swing backwards, rolling with his nagenata to face approaching lions from behind, the younger blood behind him took quick evasion of his weapon's impalement to the ground which shook the earth it struck, breaking it with sheer force. The Cheif landed upon the ground feet first, ripping his weapon out of the earth, before beginning to sway unnaturally too-and-fro. As though in a trance, his eyes void of any intelligent life and bare of any signs of humanity, he continued his rampaging dance of death against the felines around him.
    The Cheif took to the air, rolling up into a ball with his nagenata sticking out from him, turning his entire body into a windmill of death as he came down crashing into fifteen lions; impaling most and cutting the rest in half. Hitting the ground however, stopped the rolling motion of his attack causing him to slide down the weapon  till he was sitting on the ground. The surrounding lions quickly took note of this and attmepted to attack with the open opportunity. The Cheif however, used his feet to lift the Nagenata up off of the ground, as he used his arms and upper back to rapidly spin in a large circle knocking away, and breaking plently of shoulder and rib bones, of the fifteen felines that pounced upon him. The Cheif continued this spinning, till he was up right holding the Nagenata by the wooden pole. The Cats backed off from him, denying any form of continuing damage from this abstract fighting Village cheif. The Cheif took this momentum of spinning, rotating his nagenata once more as his spinning slowed down. He took aim for the largest group of lions around him, and hurled the blade as it continued to spin freely in the air into a group of twenty- though it mostly looked like younger lions over the larger adults- decapitating or cutting clean through any of them that it passed through. The remaining lions dodged the flying blade by ducking low, before charging at the cheif once more thinking he was now defenceless. However, the Cheif was still possessed by this same spiritualistic style of fighting as his arms hung loosely into the air as he swayed too and fro. The cheif went feral in his now unarmed condition: Thrusting his right palm into the nearest Lion's skull sending it crashing to the ground-rolling over the unconcious beast and kicking a pouncing lion in mid-air into both upper and lower jaws-bashing another pouncing lion just a foot away from him in the ribs and into the swarm of black fur around him- launching himself with momentum to flying kick another pouncing lion square on the muzzle- and a mad-drunken style base rampage of rolling counters to eleven more Lions before finally reaching his nagenata once more, taking hold of it.
    This performance had left the Cheif out of wind. The Lions took full charge of this with their continously refreshing numbers. Sixty five more tigers all pounced upon the Cheif at once. The Cheif, still recovering from his previous dance; only managed to keep five from initially landing on up, before falling to the ground by the others, and knocking five more off in his effort to escape the furry of claws and fangs. The Cheif's efforts were not in vayne as he managed to escape with the five he knocked back. More lions pounced, but this time only five managed to strike as he knocked the other fifteen down to the ground with his weapon. The five Lions only tore at the Cheif's back before sliding off in mid pounce. This happened once more in a similar fashion, before the Cheif really started giving himself breathing room again: Standing firmly tall while spinning his nagenata in front of him like how he started off, but this time forming a rotating shield which bashed away any of the ninety younger lions that managed to successfully pounce at him. Now with breathing room and regained form, the Cheif roared out once more, "You all are so patheticly weak. Not even worth being called a hunt! But I guess, it can't hurt...No, it cannot hurt; to add you all TO MY COLLECTION!!!" The Cheif proclaimed, removing his crown like headress. He snapped the headress over his head, making it unravel till it was completely straight. Now in its true form, it wasn't really a headress made of feathers. The sharp spikes were actually the multitude of fangs and talons collected over the Cheif's many years of hunting forming a large chainsaw like talware double the Cheif's own staturing height. It was simple enough now, simply to swing his behemoth sized weapon low to the ground to hack-slash-tear-and rip the multitude of his enemies to death. After this cyclone of pure devistation, only sixty younger lions and thirty adult lions remained around him; a total of ninety. Though this was now highly insignificant with his new born destructive power. Most of them were injured anyway from his non-lethal attacks performed. However, as the cheif began to finish cleaning up before more reinforcements came from his act of pure power, the cheif heard the voice of one of the mages calling out towards him with a warning- "CHEIF, GET OUT OF THE WAY!" The Cheif went to turn, only to see a large ball of blinding light that was getting bigger and bigger directly in front of the village gate. The Cheif used his Talware, and launched himself a remarkable thirty feet with all of his energy. The light got closer, and the Cheif covered his eyes and braced himself in a curled up defensive position as he felt the force of a large magical wave flow underhim that kept his body a float. When the blinding light and energy faded, the Cheif  looked about to find that every laying lion body was now back to its original color -dead or alive- and that even to the outer most rim, a huge significance was made with the entire horde of Lions now suddenly at a dead hault out of range from the blast. By the Cheif's count, there couldn't have been more than a few hundred left. He wondered what this huge magical wave was, not having seen an aura matching the elemental based attack around; as Alye was off fighting the King of this corrupted pride.

    Leonidus was on stand by watching the humans fight against what was once his pride. He watched as they showed no hesitation in his presence, charging forward to do their task given to them by the corrupted version of himself. In truth, there was sorrow weighing down upon his heart, as he raised one of his mighty paws into the air for a heavy swing. Twenty lionesses became fearful of the attack, and turned around to fight against Aian and the Cheif. What is a king without his pride? WIthout those there to serve him, without those there he must protect. Leonidus swung down, stricking down twenty adult female lionesses, though ten managed to dodge. He raised up his left paw high, aiming down onto the next oncomming wave. My kin, gone and twisted by their foul magic gone astray. Fifteen managed to be quick enough to get by the mighty king, though twenty five were crushed as he slammed his giant paw into the ground with a crashing bang that spooked off twenty more of the lionesses from approaching for several moments in fear. Only a handful remained after the innitial encounter. Then, as they tried to survive, they got picked down one by one. My children slaughtered, and their mothers turned to serve Him. Leonidus released his talons, and dragged his left paw to the right. He dug into the earth, ripping it into the air, as he drove his paw back towards the left; striking forty lionesses with the combination of earth and claw.  What is King that cannot protect? My pride and honor are now nothing but a speck in existance. I failed my kin. I failed my family. I failed. Leonidus could only close his eyes in despair, his sadness taking effect. His honor and pride as a protector shattered to pieces. This however, drove him into anger. Having failed to do his duties, he sought to fix and redeem himself. This desire burned into him igniting his flame as a king once more. I will fail No LONGER! The mighty king raised itself upon its hind legs, and came crashing down into the earth with all of his might. The younger lion cubs, both male and female, were demolished by his might as the very earth exploded into a giant wall of boulders. This perfectly sealed off for a good few minutes of any lionesses breaking through to attack the village; though the ones that had slipped by still had to be dealt with.

    The hunters kept their line up; anticipating the attack of the lions to come at any moment. Though in the distance, they could see Leonidus already begin attacking. Yet none of them let down their guard. Experienced huntsmen, they knew that even with all three of them- Aian, the Cheif, and Leonidus- attacking; there were still going to be some that leaked through. Though they felt ashamed. Not only having to ask for help in hunting a beast that had nearly killed them before; but having to take extra assistance from another beast while they sat waiting in the rear. Most of them shared the same aura: get rid of the mages as soon as possible. They wanted to get back their pride as powerful huntsmen. But at the same time they were understanding. Having faced the lion once before, they knew they were no match for it. The hunters continued to wait with their injured prides with spears held up high. When the lions came into view, there appeared to be an innitial fifteen adult lionesses. However, more came from the far right and left, at least another ten; making twenty five lionesses in total. Though this number was not overwhelming; the hunters knew that each of them could take out one of the men on their own with little to no problem. However, seven lionesses stopped their intial rush, slowly pacing themselves as the other eighteen continued their charge. The hunters in the front tightened together, and raised their spears to create a small lethal barrier in hopes of forcing the lions to come one at a time instead of all at once. However, when the first four Lionesses simply pounced into the spears with no regaurd for their own safety; it became clear just how much the corruption was doing to their mental state. The lionsses had very little to no care for their own life, driven by the orders of the corrupted lion king that had consumed their being of self. Four more lionsesses charged into the line of hunter spears, impaling themselves as they tried to obey their maddening order. yet the ninth Lioness jumped onto the corpses, and leapt over the hunters's spear line. Another Lioness repeated the same action, using the corpses as a shield against the front line of spears. Two more attemped the same feat, though failed and fell onto raised up spears as the hunters began to get wise of their attempt. Two more lioness managed to leap over the raised up spear line, joining with her sisters to make a total of four that had broken the front line. The rest of the lionesses that continued their charge failed, and fell onto the spears in mid pounce. However, the four that managed to evade the spears made a clear distraction for the hunters, as they all turned and began to encircle the four lionesses; leaving the gate wide open and defenceless for the seven that had stayed back. The hunters realized this too late, as they found themselves surrounded by the seven lionesses, with four in the middle of them all. Attacked from both ends, the hunters could only snarl as they felt more of their pride being injured as they fell for such an obvious ambush. With the lionesses charging at full force, it was easy to impale them with their spears. Yet when faced on firm ground, they were nimble and agile. The hunters found themselves in a bad situation with the pack of lions. Most of the hunters began to focus the ones in the middle, as to give them some breathing room without being torn apart; the other half remaining strictly on guard to defend the huntsmen's backs.
    Using their spears, three hunters thrusted into the lions, whom took the shoots in the their upper shoulders. Two hunters came in trying to end one of the lion's lives, but each of them missed their strikes crossing spears. The same two tried again with upper slashes to recover from their miss, and cut one lioness across her left rib-cage. The same two went to peirce the heart, yet again they ended up missing with the Lioness dodging. It was hard to believe the lionesses were not currently counter attacking, as they simply relied on enduring and dodging.  Another hunter rushed towards an uninjured lioness, thrusting his spear into the right shoulder of the black furred beast. As he tried to follow up with a forceful push into the neck, the Lioness struck the spear's wooden pole snapping it off; depriving the hunter from continuing. The seven hunters focused on attacking the four lions continued their attacks; each of them taking two strikes each to back the lionesses up into a tighter corner. However, none of their blows seem to slow down the lioness's reflexes, and neither did they become serious injuries. When the four lionesses were tail to tail, it was the seven lionesses on the outer ring that took their chance to attack, while the group was slightly gapped from each other. They all attacked simultaneously: The first lioness charged, with a lunging bite; though the defending huntsman whom she targeted used his spear to catch her jaws and keep her at bay. The lioness swung her powerful paws in an attempt scare the hunter into backing off, though the paws only struck air. When the hunter refused to back down. The lioness pushed off with her hind legs one more time, forcibly shoving the hunter down onto the ground where he was in striking range. The hunter tried pushing the lioness off, causing her to miss with one of her paw swings. He then managed to twist the pole in an angle to keep her mighty fangs kept locked in, and catch her next paw swing in mid strike. However, the cat was much more flexible than the hunter with its fluid strikes; as she was able to perfectly rend the hunter's throat with her left paw, securing the kill by pushing the spear down to free her jaws and bite the hunter's neck. Even without breaking it, the hunter recieved too greivous wounds to recover from during the battle. The second lioness targeted her defending huntsman, and tried pushing him away from the rest of his group by swinging her paws to guide him off to the side, despite them striking the air next to the hunter. However, the huntsman was just as wise in tactics as the lioness, and stood his ground letting the lioness miss. When the lioness did strike, she slashed the hunter's chest, using her previous ploy as a feint. The hunter took the hit, putting him guard to block the next on comming strike. When the lioness attempted once more, the hunter took his chance, and thrusted his spear in a counter into the lioness's throat. Though the damage seemed minimal, it would take its effect as the lioness broke the spear end, unfortunately unable to remove the spear head itself from her throat. In desperation, the lioness lunged forward gripping onto the standing hunter in an attempt to rend his body to pieces before her fall. The hunter however, managed to kick the lioness off as she was about to pull her powerful claws down; rendering her own attack to simply hit air. The lioness pounced once more to aim for the hunter's throat, though the own drastically increasing wound in her own esophagus caught up to her with blood loss. The lioness began to topple over as the hunter put his wooden pole up in a guard. The third lioness was more successful into leading her away from the group to reveal his back to open ground with three heavy body pouncing strikes. With the upper hand in momentum, the lioness pounced in front of the hunter and sunk her teeth into the hunter's left ankle. She pulled back, and lunged once more biting the right Ankle into the hunter, pulling back in quick flexable sucession strikes. The lioness swiftly rose up, and came down bashing the hunter's chest with her left paw forcing him helplessly upon the ground. The hunter rose up his spear as a last resort defence, fending off the lioness from making a quick killy when she leapt onto him. However, the lioness ducked under the hunter's spear pole, and made finished the scruffle with a vicious chomp to the neck. The fourth encounter was more of a duel than the first three. The lioness pounced, the hunter swiftly dodged to the left bashing the huntress onto the head with the pole. The lioness charged, the hunter hunkered down and lifted the lioness up onto her hind legs stopping her. The lioness attempted to grapple onto the hunter and bite his neck, though the hunter threw the lioness onto the ground the moment she curled her paws around his back; causing several scratch marks across his shoulder blades, but nothing major. Though what did catch the hunter off, was a grazing to his breast, as the Lion continued to fall; its claws scathed his breast. The hunter continued to stand firm, as the lion gathered itself up from being thrown. The hunter slowly pulled out a purple stained stake from a back pouch upon his person. The stake had been soaked in a highly toxic substance meant spcifically for killing dangerous targets; though it rendered their meat unedible, it was a last resort safety device. The lioness and hunter circled each other slowly glaring the other down. Suddenly, the lioness pounced at the hunter, who sacrificed his right arm to catch both paws of the lioness, and stabbed the lioness in the shoulder firmly with the poisoned stake. The lioness tried to pounce back again to topple the man over, though he stood his ground and stabbed the lioness in the spine to seal the deal. The lioness pushed one more time with its remaining strength to topple the hunter over; though in that short amount of time it took for the two to fall she had died. The hunter pushed the corpse off of his torso, and stood victorous over his opponant. The next three encounters appeared to be similar. Some struggled more than the others, but in the end the three next hunters managed to survive by the skin of their teeth. However, so did their lioness opponants. As the entire group redied for the finishing encounter, a bright light flashed into the village; blinding everyone. The light came blaring through the village gate rendering the entire group motionless in the inability to see. When the light faded after what felt like an eternity, the hunters looked about their village to find out what the source of the light was. They noticed that their lioness opponants were all heavily dazzed and incabable of fighting for the moment. One rushed to the village gate to check up on their cheif, to find one of the hired mages, Aian, standing with his left arm out extrodinarily burnt and panting heavily. When he scanned the area, he could see countless numbers of golden fleeced lionesses laying upon the ground, many of which were dead while only some were still standing in the same dazzed state as the black ones in the village were.  


    The Cheif and Leonidus fend off the oncomming swarm, while the hunters defend the village; but what has Aian suddenly performed?

    kiwii at btn and gs!

    Last edited by NightDrivenEn7 on 16th December 2013, 7:40 pm; edited 2 times in total


    "True Strength shall be shown, and the corruption of magic shall be broken."

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    Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Empty Re: Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse)

    Post by NPC 9th December 2013, 6:49 pm

    The member 'NightDrivenEn7' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    #1 'Damage Dice' :
    Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Miss Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Attack Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Miss Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Attack Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Miss Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Attack Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Attack Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Attack Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Attack Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Miss Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Attack Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Attack Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Miss Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Attack Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Attack


    #2 'Block Dice' :
    Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 FailedBlock Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Block Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 FailedBlock Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Block Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 FailedBlock Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 FailedBlock Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Block Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Block Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 FailedBlock Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Block Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 FailedBlock Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 FailedBlock Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Block Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Block Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 FailedBlock


    #3 'Damage Dice' :
    Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Attack Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Attack Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Attack Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Attack Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Attack Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Miss Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Miss Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Miss Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Attack Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Attack Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Attack Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Miss Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Attack Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Attack Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Miss Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Attack Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Attack Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Miss Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Attack Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Attack Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Attack Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Attack Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Attack Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Attack Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Attack


    #4 'Damage Dice' :
    Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Attack Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Attack Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Attack Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Attack Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Attack Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Attack Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Attack Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Attack Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Attack Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Attack Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Attack Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Attack Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Attack Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Attack Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Miss Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Attack Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Miss Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Attack Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Miss Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Attack


    #5 'Block Dice' :
    Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Block Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 FailedBlock Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 FailedBlock Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 FailedBlock Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 FailedBlock Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Block Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Block Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Block Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Block Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 FailedBlock Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Block Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Block Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Block Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 FailedBlock Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Block Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Block Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Block Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Block Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Block Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Block


    #6 'Damage Dice' :
    Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Miss Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Attack Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Attack Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Attack Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Attack Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Attack Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Attack Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Miss Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Attack Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Attack Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Attack Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Attack Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Attack Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Attack Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Miss Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Miss Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Attack Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Attack Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Miss Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Attack Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Attack Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Miss Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Attack Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Miss Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Attack Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Attack Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Attack Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Attack Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Attack Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Attack Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Miss Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Miss Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Attack Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Miss Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Attack

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    Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Empty Re: Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse)

    Post by NPC 9th December 2013, 6:57 pm

    The member 'NightDrivenEn7' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    #1 'Damage Dice' :
    Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Attack Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Attack Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Miss Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Miss Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Miss Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Attack Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Miss Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Attack Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Attack Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Attack Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Attack Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Attack Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Attack Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Attack Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Attack Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Attack Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Attack Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Attack Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Attack Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Attack Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Attack Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Miss Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Attack Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Attack Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Attack Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Miss Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Miss Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Attack Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Attack Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Miss Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Attack Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Attack Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Attack Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Miss Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Attack Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Attack Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Attack Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Miss Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Attack Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Miss Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Attack Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Attack Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Attack Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Attack Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Attack Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Attack


    #2 'Block Dice' :
    Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 FailedBlock Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Block Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 FailedBlock Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 FailedBlock Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Block Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Block Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Block Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Block Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Block Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Block Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 FailedBlock Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 FailedBlock Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Block Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Block Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Block Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Block Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Block Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 FailedBlock Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Block Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Block Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 FailedBlock Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Block Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Block Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Block Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Block Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Block Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Block Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Block Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 FailedBlock Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Block Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Block Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Block Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Block Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Block Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Block Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Block Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Block Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Block Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Block Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 FailedBlock Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Block Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Block Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Block Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Block Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Block Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Block


    #3 'Damage Dice' :
    Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Attack Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Attack Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Attack Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Miss Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Miss Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Attack Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Miss Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Miss Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Attack Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Attack Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Attack Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Attack Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Attack Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Miss Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Attack Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Attack Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Attack Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Attack Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Miss Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Attack Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Attack Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Attack Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Attack Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Miss Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Attack


    #4 'Block Dice' :
    Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Block Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Block Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Block Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Block Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Block Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Block Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Block Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Block Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 FailedBlock Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Block Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Block Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Block Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Block Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Block Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 FailedBlock Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 FailedBlock Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Block Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Block Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Block Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 FailedBlock Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 FailedBlock Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Block Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Block Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Block Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Block


    #5 'Damage Dice' :
    Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Attack Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Attack Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Attack Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Miss Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Miss Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Attack Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Attack Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Miss Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Miss Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Attack Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Miss Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Attack Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Attack Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Attack Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Attack Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Attack Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Attack Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Attack Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Attack Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Attack Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Attack Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Attack Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Attack Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Attack Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Attack


    #6 'Damage Dice' :
    Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Attack Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Miss Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Miss Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Attack Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Miss Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Attack Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Attack Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Attack Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Miss Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Miss Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Attack Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Attack Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Attack Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Miss Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Attack Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Miss Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Miss Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Miss Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Miss Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Attack Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Attack Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Attack Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Attack Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Attack Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Attack Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Attack Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Attack Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Attack Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Attack Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Attack Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Attack Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Miss Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Attack Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Attack Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Attack Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Attack Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Attack Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Attack Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Attack Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Miss Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Miss Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Attack Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Attack Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Miss Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Attack Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Attack Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Attack Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Miss Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Attack Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Miss Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Attack Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Attack Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Attack Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Attack Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Attack Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Attack


    #7 'Block Dice' :
    Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Block Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 FailedBlock Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Block Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Block Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Block Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Block Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 FailedBlock Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 FailedBlock Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 FailedBlock Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 FailedBlock Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 FailedBlock Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Block Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Block Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Block Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 FailedBlock Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Block Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Block Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 FailedBlock Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Block Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 FailedBlock Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 FailedBlock Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 FailedBlock Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Block Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 FailedBlock Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Block Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Block Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Block Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 FailedBlock Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Block Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Block Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 FailedBlock Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 FailedBlock Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Block Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 FailedBlock Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Block Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 FailedBlock Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 FailedBlock Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Block Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Block Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Block Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 FailedBlock Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Block Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 FailedBlock Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Block Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 FailedBlock Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Block Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Block Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Block Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Block Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 FailedBlock Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 FailedBlock Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 FailedBlock Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Block Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Block Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Block Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Block

    The Windrider

    The Windrider

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    Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Empty Re: Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse)

    Post by Alye 26th December 2013, 7:49 pm

    Shatter every window 'til it's all blown away. 'Til there's nothing left standing, nothing left of yesterday.




    ~ Alye ~

    With Reiki's approval, Alye readied herself for the impending battle. When her partner finished with his words, he shot forward bound for the towering lion that loomed over herself and Reiki. She watched carefully as he raced along the landscape. Something caught her attention when she noted that the lion was moving rather oddly. His fur seemed to shift into some kind of shadow-like fire before it quickly dispersed into the ground and out of sight. Alye raised herself higher into the sky a bit so she could have a better vantage point. When Reiki suddenly stopped and cocked his arm back, Alye saw that the lion had made it's way behind him. She watched him instantly conjure some of his icey magic to his hand. The white-haired woman felt a definite change in the air behind Reiki when the beat suddenly reformed back into it's natural state. That could be a way to track it...

    As the lion shifted back into it's physical form to try and attack Reiki, she watched in satisfaction as Reiki's Shotgun Fist pounded right into the beast's snout and pierce it. It was very humanizing to know that this thing wasn't invincible. Alye, seeing an opening as the beast reared back to break off the ice on it's face, raised her hand into the air. Sheer static electricity crackled around her fingertips for a moment before pale lightning rang out into the night. She brought her hand down and pointed towards the beast but just as she was about to fire, he brought one of his massive paws out to try and swat Reiki away. Alye extinguished the power in her hand so she might not accidentally hit Reiki. She watched in slight relief as her partner gladly saw the impending attack coming and jumped right out of the way. The white-haired woman was certainly impressed with how Reiki's combat abilities had changed. the old Reiki would have tried to catch the lion's paw midswing or something.

    While Reiki was using his leverage to land onto the beast's nose, Alye was analyzing the animal's twisted frame for some sort of weak spot. It was obvious that places where there was muscle were as tough as steel. She could even tell by the whipping of the animal's fur that it's hide was even thick. Alye had to admit, this was going to be tough. Especially if this thing was anything like the golden lion Reiki had came riding on earlier. Alye banked to the left and brought herself into the view of the beast as she watched Reiki jump once more and land on the lion's neck. She looked on as he then started beating into the beast's neck. Her eyes widened a bit as it seemed to drive the beast into a rage. That was it!

    Alye began flying forward but stopped when she saw the ink-like coil that was the lion's tail come slinging from it's behind and towards Reiki. She opened her mouth to warn him but he must have seen it coming because he braced himself and then used the attack to his advantage and snagged onto the tail. The animal must have felt Reiki since it quickly thrashed it's tail downwards but Reiki was still prepared as he landed feet first and as soon as his shoes touched the shadowy ground he flash froze them into place to keep him from moving. Hearing him call out to her, Alye nodded to him and moved forward once more. She angled her flight path down by ground and kicked up a dust cloud as she rushed across their battleground. She poured on the speed and curved her flight as to move closer to Reiki. Her sparkling long white locks brushed just against his skin just as she raised a hand towards him and cast her Enduring Ice spell to strengthen any ice he cast by a complete rank. She then shot back up in between the space of the lion's tail and it's torso and into the air above the beast.

    Her mind raced with calculations as she banked backwards, doing a flip in the air. She had to subdue this animal so her and Reiki could at least cause some real damage to it. As her foot was flipping her over, she made it her center of gravity. A bright, gleaming whiteish-blue magic bloomed in the air right under her foot and as it came down it hit the circle and a thick 40 foot long and 30 foot wide ice shard pumped outwards. The force of Alye's kick sent it careening downwards and right into the left paw of the beast and into the ground below, anchoring it there. The lion roared in anger and began to lift it's other paw to try and shatter the ice but Alye wasn't having that. With another swift kick combo, another shard embedded itself into the lion's right paw and right into the ground which caused the beast to roar even louder. Clearly seeing that this could be her only chance to subdue the creature, Alye angled backwards and preformed the same move on the lion's hind legs and the middle of it's tail. The shards were stained with the creature's blood but it only seemed to piss off the animal. As Alye raced back up the lion's spine she noted that the lion didn't seem to be able to shift into it's shadowy state as it was unable to move. This was good!

    However, it wasn't good enough. As Alye banked upwards into the air she noticed that the lion's agitated shaking was causing the ice shards in it's body to loosen somewhat. Alye's eyes shot over to Reiki. If the lion suddenly got loose he would have no way to escape. This lion had to be completely immobilized. There was only one way of that.

    Alye brought herself around the beast's middle section and closed her eyes. It was a sight to behold. Alye's body began to shine very brightly. She looked down to her guildmate. "Reiki, move back! Now!" The light from her aura even illuminated the ground below her. She raised her hands up to either side of herself as she centered the magic she was exuding over to the air above her. As a massive pearly white magic circle that was just the size of the lion bloomed in the air above Alye. In an eerie sense, the air in the circumference of the circle suddenly seemed to freeze altogether. Everything was moving at a slug-slow pace. Alye's long shimmering hair swayed ever so gently outwards as she opened her eyes. Her crystal blue eyes were illuminated by magic circles as well. All was completely silent over the dark prairie until Alye's lips parted and she uttered one word.


    The heavens seemed to rip apart as the air in the circle seemed to suddenly thicken and then crash down onto the struggling lion, pushing the mighty beast completely into the ground as the air around it was so heavy that it could barely open it's maw. As the shine around Alye faded away, she raced back over to Reiki and took his hand as she then angled backwards. She poured on the speed to bring the two quite high into the air over the beast. She looked down to Reiki as he dangled below her. [blur]"How about another acid ice combo?", she yelled over the winds as she swung him around and then wrapped a air cell around him for him to use to keep still.

    Last edited by Lady Alye on 26th December 2013, 9:22 pm; edited 1 time in total


    Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 VzaWKfF

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    Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Empty Re: Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse)

    Post by NPC 26th December 2013, 7:49 pm

    The member 'Lady Alye' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    #1 'Damage Dice' :
    Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Attack Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Attack Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Attack Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Attack Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Attack


    #2 'Damage Dice' :
    Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Attack
    Emilia Hawke
    Emilia Hawke

    Ysmir Ddvansebrom

    Ysmir Ddvansebrom

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    Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Empty Re: Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse)

    Post by Emilia Hawke 28th December 2013, 6:49 pm

    Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Nye9nc

    Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Nye9nc

    NOTES !




    Freezer Burn All

    "If you have time to think of a beautiful end, then live beautifully until the end."

    Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 1ew2ol

    - Reiki

    Reiki watched on as Alye went to work. She started off by casting a spell towards Reiki, making the air temperature in the area surrounding them all. Reiki knew the colder it was around him, the more powerful his own magic would become. This helped out a lot, but the only spell that he would really be able to use that would even so much as scratch this behemoth was his roar. Using it this early in the fight wasn’t exactly ideal, so he decided it would be better to wait and save it for some sort of combination with Alye. That would prove far more effective than simply roaring at the beast. Alye then created giant icicles beneath her, kicking them down to spear through the lions paws, pinning him down to the ground. The beast was writhing in pain, trying to break free, but Reiki stood his ground holding the beasts tail. He wouldn’t let go until all four of its paws were stuck in place.

    It was good that she had pinned it when she did, the beast’s flailing had broken and dissipated the ice Reiki was trying to form over his bones to give him a firmer hold. Dammit. I still need to work on that one… How the heck did my dad say I was supposed to do that again… Reiki asked himself, breaking free of the ice he had frozen himself in the ground with and jumping back out of the range of the beasts massive tail. He turned back to Alye in the sky, just in time to receive her warning. “Reiki, move back! Now!” she shouted, as Reiki’s eyes widened. A massive pearl white magic circle was hovering in the sky above the lion, about the same size as it from what Reiki could see. Reiki was far out of the circles range by now, but it still sent a bit of a chill through his spine. That chill increased slightly as Alye uttered the word “Skyfall”, the air around the magic circle thickening heavily, driving the beast completely into the ground. J-Jeez! I knew you were powerful but… Th-That was seriously incredible! Reiki stuttered, before Alye raced over and picked him up into the air.

    ”How about another Acid Ice Combo?” Alye asked over the howling winds of the Skyfall cell, wrapping Reiki in an air cell to keep him afloat. That outta hurt him a lot. Sounds perfectly fine to me!!! Reiki shouted in response to her. If it had worked on that idiot fire mage a few months back, then it was sure to be incredibly effective against this behemoth. Reiki knew the toughness of its hide, but he would be surprised if it would be able to live through being frozen in an acidic rain.

    Reiki closed his eyes as he floated in the sky, calming his mind down to focus on the chant for his roar. The third word of the chant still eluded him. The other two words he could remember about the spell were in a completely different tongue, he knew the third would be in the same language. For the life of him though, he couldn’t remember it. He hated the fact he still had amnesia over his training with Gellidus. All the things that he was taught by his father should have come back to him by now; yet they hadn’t. Despite his training with Alye, his training at the ruins, and his discovery of and fight with Azrael, Reiki still didn’t feel as powerful as he should have been. This frustration began building in his mind and clouding it. Even if Azrael began speaking to him, he couldn’t hear it. All that Reiki could hear was his own anger at the fact he couldn’t even remember his own father.

    As these thoughts ran rampant throughout his mind, a strange yet familiar voice shot out through his mind through the frustration. Iizdovah Rein was all the voice said, as Reiki widened and opened his eyes once more. He looked around in confusion. He knew that voice, but where was it coming from? It wasn’t Alye’s or Azrael’s and it surely wasn’t the twisted lions, so whose was it? Regardless, the voice had rang through and given him the answer he was looking for. Reiki smiled at this, as he turned towards Alye and nodded. I’m ready when you are!

    template by darkee of btn.


    Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 471 Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 H05POqb Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 471

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    Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Empty Re: Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse)

    Post by NightDrivenEn7 1st January 2014, 11:47 am

    "To protect life.
    To destroy life. Sometimes they are the same thing."
    Aian waited for the oncoming swarm to collide; and when it did he was surprised. Only one Lioness came to attack him; as though his image alone meant he was easy prey. The lioness leapt towards Aian in a false manner, landing in front of him instead of on him; fooling Aian into putting up his guard. However, this irritated Aian to grab the lioness quickly by its shoulders-lift it off the ground- and hurl it into a charging group of four others; displaying his own immense strength. Though the lionesses ignored the aura he let off as they charged, they couldn't ignore him now after he displayed his brute strength. The thrown lioness lie dazed on the ground as the four others got up and charged at him. All four pounced, two faded landing to his sides while the other two aimed directly for ontop of him. Aian managed to catch hold of one of the Lionesses as they landed on him; but the other was able to sink its fangs slightly into his skin; Which it found incredibly dense and tough to do any real damage, only drawing blood. Aian retaliated at the lioness that bit him throwing a heavy uppercut. The beast let go finding no reason to try and hold on evading the attack. Aian grabbed the one he managed to block by the jaw and followed up to slam the beast head first into the ground with a loud bang from the impact of its skull. Aian lifted the relaxed body effortlessly and used it as a fleshy club to bash the two lionesses at his side. This is when Aian began to notice a fatal flaw in his attack pattern: He had no group based attacks.

    All this time, I focused so heavily on defense and tackling only one enemy...I forgot entirely about trying to target multiple enemies at once. He thought to himself as he continued to fight against the lionesses: He lunged himself into a full body punch just missing a charging lioness by a hair as it leapt over him. His fist drove into the ground with momentum forcing him to continue on rolling into a forward kangaroo kickEven Kamuy, I noticed, has only been able to attack enemies one at a time; yet he does it so viciouisly it hardly matters. Even with magic we never really strike many enemies with most of our attacks. Granted, we do have a few spells into dealing with enemies but it drains so much damage and they have proven to backfire more often than be successful. Aian's kick struck a lioness clean in the jaw launching it skyward. Aian used the momentum of the kick to bring himself back to his feet in time to use a rolling palm slam onto yet another Lioness directly in front of him; crushing its skull into the ground. Aian straightend himself out, grabbin two passing Lionesses by their spines. How can I?...How can I?... His thoughts raced on as he hurled the two lionesses back forward in a heavy throw. Aian clenched his fist and lunged himself once more into a wide heavy swing. Be useful to my team!? His thoughts climaxed as he slammed his whole weight in a single punch into the muzzle of a lioness; crushing its face inward and launching its body like a bullet backwards. Aian came to a small skidding stop to notice he was surrounded quickly by a vastly increased number of lionesses. Aian braced himself for impact, tightening his guard as the beasts each began to take their turns one by one charging at him.

    The first lioness aimed behind his guard to his kneck, leaping high with her jaws wide. Aian however turned in time to have the lioness's jaw clamp down onto his forearm which he continued to throw the beast away and bring his guard back up in time as the throw itself managed to send the second lioness off course. Each of the lionesses were aiming for his neck to bring him down, as two more repeated the same process which Aian responded too by using his shoulders to brush them aside and gently knock them down and out of retaliating position. The fifth lioness however was sucessful into breaking Aian's guard open by sinking its teeth into his neck; finding it more tender but still tough as he flexed the muscles to prevent further penetration. His attempts to shake the lioness off managed to strike a lioness away before she even ahd a chance to lay down its attack. His thrashing about stopped another lioness from attacking him, but as they changed their attack patterns to try and pin Aian down instead of simply taking him out; Aian was left vunerable to the eight lioness gripping hold of his right leg with its claws and fangs leaving him only a ble to pivot instead of rolling around. Aian continued his struggling escape, as he noticed a lioness coming in for his left leg. He managed to grab the lioness's muzzle and slam her onto the ground; though his left arm was captured by the tenth lioness; who sunk her teeth into his shoulder and was trying to pull him onto the ground. Aian pulled himself up but found it harder to move as now most of his body was held with the massive beasts's weight. One lioness failed into stopping her attack, bouncing off one of her sister hunters, though the othesr were not as stupid and were able to follow up through with ther attacks. Using what he could of his right arm, Aian elbowed one lioness away and hammer bashed the next in reataliation before it even got close enough to strike. However, the next two Lionesses attacked in unison, grabbing his right shoulder and his left leg with their claws and fangs. Aian was now completely coated in a mass of black fur, leaving only his head exposed and unprotected. Yet he did not stop to try and pry his body from the lionesses to free himself before the next lioness attacked.[color=darkgrey] W-what do I...? He began to question as something temporarily began taking control of his body; leaving him half concious and aware to what was going on while having no control over his body currently. W-what is- Shut Up! an all too familiar dark voice overshadowed his thoughts.

    Aian's body began to act under the influence of Kamuy's demands. He pulled his right and left arms out of the jaws of the lionesses the long way; leaving large deep scrapes down both arms. Yet the moment they were free, he punched each of the coresponding lionesses as hard as he could into the ground; before ripping his legs out in a similar manner and mule kicking each one away. His focus quickly turned to the lioness around his throat, which he slowly began to pry open. The moment he got enough room around his neck-he pulled himself away-flipped the lioness over his back-and snapped its jaw before dropping the large cat. He began to use his length strength to make great bounds backwards towards the village gate, avoiding as many of the lionesses as they made their way past Leonidus within a matter of moments. During this time, Aian and Kamuy met each other once more in their mind:
    "Kamuy, what are you doing?"
    "Weren't you the one suggest we work together for once? I couldn't simply stand by and WATCH you get carved to bits."
    "D-does that mean...?"
    "No. You die, I die. Simple as that. I am not going to go down to a bunch of pussy-cats like those."
    "But what can we do? Most of our magic wouldn't work against these things; they require time to set up and I doubt any of them would wait while we gathered up our few attacks that can deal with most of them."
    "That is why we are doing something you don't even realize what you can do...Yet I performed it some time ago."
    "What are you talking about?"
    "Remember when I took control against all those urlong bandits? That attack I opened up with?"
    "No...I don't."
    "Idiot, just how dense are you!?" Kamuy roared in annoyance, before letting out a grieving sigh. "Look, just follow my instructions and we should be able to clear out this ENTIRE field of whatever lionesses remain alive; got that?"
    Aian reluctantly agreed; unsure of what else to do. "Okay."
    By this time, they ended up in front of the village gate as Kamuy propped up Aian's left arm and faced it towards the black waves of darkness that were the lionesses.
    "Okay, just channel all of that annoying positivity that you somehow manage to keep holding me back with; and pile ALL of it into your left arm." Kamuy instructed, holding up Aian's arm within the black void of their mind out into the battlefield.
    "But- how would that?"
    "JUST DO IT!"
    Aian looked forward, gaining partial control over their body once more and began focusing on his left arm with every single thought he could. The times he spent with Reiki, Joining the guild, the new friends he has made, his teachings of his master, anything that made Aian feel strong enough to overcome even Kamuy at times when he was at his weakest and channeled it into his arm. Aian felt the collected power surge throughout the arm as runes began tracing themselves towards his open palm, glowing brighter and brighter.
    "Now, this will probably take out your arm for a bit; but I will move your arm in the arch to clear out this field. When I say fire, let it all out okay?" Kamuy instructed once more, Aian seeing an apperition of Kamuy next to him; propping his arm up to enable him to perform the task at hand. Aian nodded, facing towards the black wave of darkness still ahead as his arm began to glow brighter, and brighter, and brighter; Gleaming at first before erupting into an explosive shinning force that appeared to slightly shake the ground he was standing on. "Fire!" Kamuy ordered. His arm dulled for a moment, giving Kamuy time to position the arm in the right direction. Aian knew the village chief was in the way, taking the time to let out as loud as he could:
    "Cheif, Get out of the way!" After calling out, A large bright yellow beam of light exploded out of Aian's palm that seemed to stretch out over the coarse of the field sharppening out into a flaming point at the end. As the beam was shooting, Kamuy pushed his arm to force the beam to arc/turn into the direction as to cover the entire field. As the beam faded after five seconds; Aian's left arm dropped as he was left panting lightly. Kamuy went back into the depths of his mind as Aian noticed a sudden change in the environment. The beam did not cause any physical damage to the ground, but utterly destroyed the wave of corrosion that was consuming the area in front of the village gate. Aian glanced as best as he could ahead to no longer see a line of darkness; but a line of mostly gold covering the battlefield. Aian rushed forward to see what exactly the beam had done.

    Leonidus, the village cheif, and Aian stared at the countless numbers of golden fleeced lionesses that laid motionless on the ground dead. The beam of light cleansed all of the lionesses struck clean of corrosion; allowing them to return back to their normal forms. Aian looked around harder, to find that even the lionesses who took shelter in the piled up rocks Leonidus made were now completely cleansed. After doing a quick head count, he came up to fifty two lionesses who were now back to their original state. They all looked forward towards the direction of the Dark Lion, seeing that only a single hundred black lionesses remained; dazzed by the blinding light that had just passed in front of them moments ago. All three of them were speachless as they gathered together; before Aian turned towards Leonidus with a serious look in his face. Leonidus simply nodded at Aian in a responce, not needing to hear an explanation. Aian turned towards the village cheif, who also replied immediately with a nod. Aian steeled his nerves, and began charging forward towards the wall of corrosion; rushing as fast as he could to aid his team mates in whatever way possible. Now that I have a way to fight back against you; You will not take my mind again. I doubt they need my help, but there is already so little for me to do here now. Alye, Reiki, I will aid you both in whatever way I can.


    here here here.

    kiwii at btn and gs!

    Last edited by NightDrivenEn7 on 3rd January 2014, 5:47 pm; edited 1 time in total


    "True Strength shall be shown, and the corruption of magic shall be broken."

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    Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Empty Re: Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse)

    Post by NPC 1st January 2014, 11:47 am

    The member 'NightDrivenEn7' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    #1 'Damage Dice' :
    Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Miss


    #2 'Block Dice' :
    Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 FailedBlock


    #3 'Damage Dice' :
    Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Attack Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Attack Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Attack Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Attack Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Attack


    #4 'Damage Dice' :
    Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Miss Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Attack Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Miss Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Attack


    #5 'Block Dice' :
    Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Block Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 FailedBlock Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 FailedBlock Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Block


    #6 'Damage Dice' :
    Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Miss Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Attack Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Attack Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Attack Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Miss Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Attack Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Attack Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Attack Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Attack Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Attack


    #7 'Damage Dice' :
    Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Attack Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Miss Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Attack Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Attack Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Attack Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Miss Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Miss Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Attack Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Attack Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Attack Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Miss Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Attack Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Miss Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Attack Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Attack


    #8 'Block Dice' :
    Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Block Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 FailedBlock Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Block Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Block Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 FailedBlock Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Block Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Block Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 FailedBlock Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Block Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 FailedBlock Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 FailedBlock Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Block Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Block Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 FailedBlock Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 FailedBlock


    #9 'Damage Dice' :
    Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Attack Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Attack Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Attack Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Attack Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Attack Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Attack Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Attack Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Attack Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Miss Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Attack Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Miss Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Attack Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Miss Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Attack Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Attack Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Attack Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Attack Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Miss Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Attack Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Attack Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Attack Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Attack Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Attack Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Miss Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Attack Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Attack Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Attack Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Miss Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Miss Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Miss Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Attack Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Miss Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - Page 2 Miss Mission: The King of Beasts (Alye, Eclipse) - 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      Current date/time is 3rd June 2024, 11:07 am