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    Guy Stratus Strikes Once! Exclamation Point!

    Grappa & Jellisha
    Grappa & Jellisha

    Moderator- Main Account- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Ancient Sealer
    Position : None
    Faction : The Rune Knights
    Posts : 326
    Cosmic Coins : 200
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Serilda Sinclair
    Experience : 19,341

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Twin Storms
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    Guy Stratus Strikes Once! Exclamation Point! Empty Guy Stratus Strikes Once! Exclamation Point!

    Post by Grappa & Jellisha 8th April 2019, 8:20 pm

    Wow! A real tomb adventure! Grappa and Jellisha would be tagging along with the dorky looking archaeologist on his most recent delve into the ruins. Right off the bat, Grappa was assaulting the poor man with question after question after question of what he was working on, why he wanted to work on it, and then what exactly he was going to do with it. To his credit, poor Guy did his best to answer but for each question that he replied to, another 5 would be in their place. "So how come we're here again? I...sorta forgot." she asked, watching as Guy would ponder the solution to the puzzle hallway. "Because we're trying to obtain the artifact in here, Gra- Grappa! Don't touch that!" The Exceed would pull her paw away from poking the colored tile as he would solve it while Jellisha did her best to control her sister. Grappa smiled and then rubbed the back of her grape colored neck. "Sorry. Continue?" An aggravated sigh left the archaeologist's lips as Jellisha took Grappa's right paw and flew along with their guide. "I'm getting you a leash when we get back to the guild hall."

    "Anyway, like I was saying, we're after the Prismatic Aegis of Gen'atoh, the legendary King Gen'atoh and his six Prism Knights housed the item we're after. All the rumors and legends behind the stones being so powerful tha-"


    Guy stepped on a plate by the statue's foot and revealed a beautiful shield. "Jackpot! There's our treasure!...Right?" Grappa looked back at the tour guide just in time to see a dust outline of where Guy was at. Her hopped up towards the shield and picked it up as a crimson light would shine down upon them. CUrious about the changes, the twins peered around the area while Jellisha poked Grappa. "Stay close this time, okay?" "Okay!" The skeletons around them would begin to move as Guy's chest would be pierced with one of the crimson gems. "Holy shi-" Grappa's hand would move to muffle her sister's mouth as the other would shoot her a rather murderous glare. "Seri told us not to curse."

    Meanwhile, four rather well armed skeletons would be shambling their way towards the party while Guy would sit, vulnerable as he was hopefully okay? Being pierced in the chest was usually not the greatest indicator of one's prime physical condition.

    [ 400/1000 ]
    Shipping Goddess
    Shipping Goddess

    Hero To Be

    Hero To Be

    Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Coming Storms- Demon Slayer- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Truth
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    Posts : 962
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    Age : 23
    Experience : 1543.75

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    Guy Stratus Strikes Once! Exclamation Point! Empty Re: Guy Stratus Strikes Once! Exclamation Point!

    Post by Shipping Goddess 9th April 2019, 5:41 pm

    Jin Suzuka

    Jin wasn't hired by Guy Stratus himself - no, he was hired by someone else. He received an anonymous letter from apparently someone apart of Guy's family or friend group, telling him of how dangerous the ruins he was entering was truly. He offered the same sum of money as Guy was giving to his accomplice, but the catch was that he couldn't make himself seen until it was necessary. Jin would simply hide and not tell anyone else that he was going - simple enough, but something told him that it would be very odd along the way. A gut feeling, and something about this just seemed... familiar. He couldn't put his finger on it, but such was life.

    Jin set off behind the group of 3 by a good margin, suppressing his magic presence since he could feel that he was much stronger as a mage than anyone and anything inside of those ruins, including the two mages that were accompanying Guy. He made sure to stay far enough behind as to not attract attention, yet close enough that he could still keep an eye on the group, but something made Jin think a little hard on it - if this job was so simple that a pair of D rank mages could accompany Guy on safe terms, why was Jin needed? He felt enemies from inside the ruins, but none of noteworthy strength comparable to his, and if Guy already hired his own help... Why was Jin even here? The man never denied work, but... there are also so many jobs on his plate. This one seemed very mundane, and Jin despite being quite the "yes man" that he is, was already starting to not like this. However, he trekked onward.

    After a while, and after a couple of traps, Jin saw that some enemies started to appear, seemingly spontaneously. 4 brittle-looking skeletons rose from the dead, and Guy got pierced by some stone of some sorts. Jin was only hired as a bodyguard, so Guy being pierced by the gem wasn't his main concern. Instead, he finally made himself known to the group. He stepped forward, no longer suppressing his magical presence and Jin simply stepped into the room, saying nothing.

    He gave a look to the twins that said "Get your shit and move out of the way, now." As he gave this look, a magic circle appeared below all of the skeletons, and a loud burst could suddenly be heard - but nothing else could be seen. No explosion, nothing of that sort could be seen and it was entirely invisible, but the effects could definitely be seen. The 4 skeletons completely vanished, completely from existence. Along with this, the entire space they were standing in now had a perfect semicircle of a crater in it, as though it completely got deleted from the world. Still saying nothing to the group, Jin checked around for more enemies. He wasn't here for them, he was here for his task.

    Post WC: 505
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    Guy Stratus Strikes Once! Exclamation Point! M7mHyEw
    Guy Stratus Strikes Once! Exclamation Point! CKWpl03
    Grappa & Jellisha
    Grappa & Jellisha

    Moderator- Main Account- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Ancient Sealer
    Position : None
    Faction : The Rune Knights
    Posts : 326
    Cosmic Coins : 200
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Serilda Sinclair
    Experience : 19,341

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Twin Storms
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    Guy Stratus Strikes Once! Exclamation Point! Empty Re: Guy Stratus Strikes Once! Exclamation Point!

    Post by Grappa & Jellisha 9th April 2019, 6:54 pm

    Standing in awe of Jin's power, Grappa was quick to celebrate while Jellisha would be far more realistic in her response. "He...wiped away those those skeletons like it was nothing..." Grappa looked over just in time to see more skeletons getting up from their rest after the creater creating attack. "Oh! Jin! Can you do that again! More skeletons are coming! Wow that's a lot!" Their numbers appeared to have no end, as more and more rose from inside of the crater. Just then, an explosion of force pushed everything back. The twins would be pushed onto Jin and hang onto his coat to prevent from being blown away. Few skeletons survived the force of smashing into walls, and those that did happen to stay in tact were not for long. A red blur erupted from the center of the room, smashing each and moving to the next with incredible speeds. It was only when he was posing dramatically in the middle of the room did he become visible. "Is that...""...our Guy?"

    "It is! Haha, sorry for worrying you guys!" Guy said with much more vigor and energy than before. "WHen that gem pierced my heart, I thought I was goner, but I've been chosen by the King himself! As the leader of the Knights! I feel like I could kick any wizard's butt right now!" Jellisha shot Jin a look as if to ask if this was actually happening although her sister was quite enthralled by the act. "Now if you excuse me, I've gotta go find the other knights! Thanks for the help!" Without another word, Guy blasted off outside, leaving the party of three in a room of blasted skeletons and confusion abound. "Wow! That was super cool! I hope we run into him again!~" Jellisha let out a groan and would just lead the way outside to report back with their progress.


      Current date/time is 26th July 2024, 10:11 pm