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    Enacting Kanai's contract (2nd magic)


    Alt Account- Quality Badge Level 1- Christian Minecraft Server- Achiever- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Villain- Player 
    Lineage : Gold Rush
    Position : None
    Posts : 64
    Guild : Errings Rising
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 1,325

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Playmates & Necromancy
    Second Skill: Kanai's contract
    Third Skill: Locked

    Private Enacting Kanai's contract (2nd magic)

    Post by Ophelia 2nd April 2019, 10:53 am

    Words written: #494
    Total written: 494/2,000
    #e45e9d Ophelia's speech
    #5de3a4 Nanai's speech
    "Ok Pheli, your turn to come out and have fun... Pheli, PHEEELLLIII??"

    _____The childish voice resounded as she stood within the light revealed from the connection to the world via the mirror her friend was trapped in. Most times the place only had the line of white where the two would meet and swap out, Pheli always making sure to tell Ophelia never leave the patch of light when it was time to swap or they would both be trapped inside so she sat down waiting. She was OK with this now, seeing as the two had managed to grow strong enough together to keep the mirror stable as long as they needed. After a few minutes turned into an Hour of waiting Ophelia yawned looking around the darkness from the edge of the light.

    "Pheli... I'm getting sleepy... can we swap now please... I wanna hear the last story of the grey princess... Did she ever find someone to lift her curse..." "Yes child she has... But before that we need to talk... You wanted to grow stronger so you could have friends, so you could play and be a kid forever... I offer you that chance in exchange for sharing that body. So far we have done well together but as you grow stronger it comes time to move to the next step of the deal we made. I need your help, will you help me escape the mirror?"

    _____Ophelia rose to her feet at the sound of her friend's voice, a childish smile on her face that would quickly fade when she did not see her friend walking out of the darkness but seemed to stay hidden away. Moving to try and give the other half some space since it seemed she was taking up all the light to still get no reaction or sense of movement. Scratching her head as she stood near the mirror exit looking for her friend but opting to simply speak while turning her head since she did not see her.

    "Ophelia said she would help you, shock you grey princess... but still want to help you more now... what they did not fair... Ophelia will make them pay for it! How can Ophelia help more?" "I Need two things, the first is for you to try and focus on the mirror from this side, expanding it to allow more light in so to speak... The second, we will get to that when we pass this first hurtle... I trust you... Something I thought I would never do with another human ever again..."

    _____Ophelia nodded before turning to the exit to the mirror and raising her hands. After a few moments she would tip her head slowly, and after another she would blink a few times. How in gods name was she supposed to expand a mirror from the inside? Childish mind clicking away but coming up with no results as she lowered her arms down.
    The child and demoness

    Last edited by Ophelia on 2nd April 2019, 11:50 pm; edited 1 time in total


    Enacting Kanai's contract (2nd magic)  JALxGTw
    Character | Magic-1 | Magic-2 | Trackers | History
    4.5 of 6 Exp Doubler remaining
    Golden Lacrimas Until 4/4/2020
    Current missions: 4/5
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    Alt Account- Quality Badge Level 1- Christian Minecraft Server- Achiever- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Villain- Player 
    Lineage : Gold Rush
    Position : None
    Posts : 64
    Guild : Errings Rising
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 1,325

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Playmates & Necromancy
    Second Skill: Kanai's contract
    Third Skill: Locked

    Private Re: Enacting Kanai's contract (2nd magic)

    Post by Ophelia 2nd April 2019, 10:37 pm

    Words written: #506
    Total written: 1,000/2,000
    #e45e9d Ophelia's speech
    #5de3a4 Nanai's speech
    _____Ophelia kept looking at the exit to the 'mirror world' as she was starting to call it, wondering how anything worked at all with it only made it harder on the child's mind as she opted to try the first thing that came to mind. Hands reaching to the edge of the mirror and pulling it to find it was far heavier then she would have liked. Frame starting to fall into the darkness as her mind was barraged with screams causing Ophelia to scream out in pain.

    _____Hands reach to push the child back into the light as the screams stopped and she exhaled rapidly trying to calm down. Tears tracing her face as she looked to just see darkness from where she felt the hands that helped her back to standing into the light. Part of her wanted to cry more, not from the pain but the idea her friend was dealing with that shouting all this time because the 'inside' area of light was so small. Getting more resolve to try and expand the light area as Ophelia took hold of the side again and kept trying to pull it wider. A sigh breaking her focus as she turned to look into the darkness.

    "Child it is a magical mirror and you are trying to use brute strength against it? Focus on the light, channel magic into it and push it that way." "I don't know that sort of magic! I make friends with magic... not make light or move it!" "You can do it, If not I would have said something else child so try it."

    _____Ophelia grumbled to herself before moving her hands off the mirror edge and kneeling down in the light, her hands pressed flat to the ground as she closed her eyes and focused on magic. It was hard, but the child simply recalled the old days when Pheli spent the better part of a year trying to get Ophelia to listen to the fundamental of magic to find out what her affinity was. Building from that base idea of magic, the building blocks she tried to focus more on light rather then what she felt was part of her core.

    _____And slowly but surely, unseen by the child with her eyes closed the edges of the light began to pull from the mirror, revealing the frame, part of the blank grey walls and floor, and the edge of the ceiling above before a hand was felt on Ophelia's shoulder breaking her focus. Turning she did not see herself, but an older woman with horns and a tail. Fumbling away as the figure seemed to laugh at the reaction but kept her distance as she spoke. The voice felt the same as Pheli's but Ophelia did not trust it until she heard the famous words.

    "Well done child yo..." PHELI!!!" Ophelia bolted up and jumped towards her friend, still not sure why she looked different but more then happy to know this odd new look was still Pheli.
    The child and demoness


    Enacting Kanai's contract (2nd magic)  JALxGTw
    Character | Magic-1 | Magic-2 | Trackers | History
    4.5 of 6 Exp Doubler remaining
    Golden Lacrimas Until 4/4/2020
    Current missions: 4/5
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    Alt Account- Quality Badge Level 1- Christian Minecraft Server- Achiever- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Villain- Player 
    Lineage : Gold Rush
    Position : None
    Posts : 64
    Guild : Errings Rising
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 1,325

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Playmates & Necromancy
    Second Skill: Kanai's contract
    Third Skill: Locked

    Private Re: Enacting Kanai's contract (2nd magic)

    Post by Ophelia 2nd April 2019, 11:50 pm

    Words written: #519
    Total written: 1,519/2,000
    #e45e9d Ophelia's speech
    #5de3a4 Nanai's speech
    "Yes yes child this is how I truly look now would you please stop hugging me, it is very unsightly and annoying." "NOPE! Ophelia never gets to hug Pheli before, not passing the chance! Now we can play tag... and and hide and seek... and fight together!" As fun as all of those sound we still can not. You might be able to see me in my real form and reach me in this realm but you are not yet strong enough to break that seal just yet... also... my name is Nanai, Before the first seal stopped me from saying my name to you so please stop calling me that child..." "Then Nanai has to stop calling Ophelia child! It is bad feeling when you say it that tone you do... Nanai has to call Ophelia... ... um... UMMMM..."

    _____The hugging broke slowly as Ophelia kept trying to think, figurative smoke could be seen flowing out her ears in large amounts as she seemed to be directing everything to think of a name for herself only her best friend could call her or would. Grumbling after a good few minutes of thought she opted to the simple idea that took so long to come to think of. If Nanai wanted her name to be said, Ophelia wanted the same. "Nanai has to call Ophelia, Ophelia... No more child, no more Pheli!" "Sometimes it shocks me how long it takes you to think of such simple things... chi... Ophelia..." The small girl puffed her cheeks up when she was almost once again called child in the undermining tone of her best friend. Smiling happily when she was called by her name before she started to run around the larger lit area.

    We can still play tag in here, and marco polo! OH OH We can do the braiding of hair also!" "That is not what this was done for Chi... Ophelia... I had you do this so we can progress our contract to the next step, said part allowing us to be closer to setting me free... and you gaining my magic as a way to grow stronger also."

    _____Ophelia looked over to her friend as she spoke, not entirely getting anything as her mind was racing with all the new fun things they could do together up until it was said she would have to get stronger. Puffing her cheeks as the child spun on her heel to face away from Nanai and grumble to herself some. "I don't wanna get stronger... last time you made me be like an adult..." "Thankfully you won't have to this time if all goes well. If we can do this next step I spoke of after making more room here we can swap out without the mirror, and your aging will come to a near halt. You just have to do and say what I tell you and when." Ophelia spun back around and rushed over looking more focused then ever. She wanted to be a kid forever, and now she seemed to have her way of achieving it in reach.
    The child and demoness


    Enacting Kanai's contract (2nd magic)  JALxGTw
    Character | Magic-1 | Magic-2 | Trackers | History
    4.5 of 6 Exp Doubler remaining
    Golden Lacrimas Until 4/4/2020
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    Alt Account- Quality Badge Level 1- Christian Minecraft Server- Achiever- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Villain- Player 
    Lineage : Gold Rush
    Position : None
    Posts : 64
    Guild : Errings Rising
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 1,325

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Playmates & Necromancy
    Second Skill: Kanai's contract
    Third Skill: Locked

    Private Re: Enacting Kanai's contract (2nd magic)

    Post by Ophelia 3rd April 2019, 6:33 am

    Words written: #495
    Total written: 2,014/2,000
    #e45e9d Ophelia's speech
    #5de3a4 Nanai's speech
    "About time I got your full attention Ophelia... Now then... Your part of all of this is simple enough but there is a number of things I must warn you about. Firstly this is going to hurt... In essence I'm going to partly be fusing my soul with yours to stop your aging and adding my magic power to yours. Secondly whatever happens you can not break hand contact until the pain stops... and lastly all you have to do is say 'I accept the contract' when I finish saying it to get things started."

    _____Ophelia simply nodded as she reached her hand out for the woman who started changing to look like a smaller demon child to make them even height. Feeling the large claw against her hand was just the start of the pain as she watched Nanai cut her opposite hand and took hold of Ophelia's cut hand with it as she calmly exhaled and seemed to be focusing on something so Ophelia chose this time to keep quiet since it was important and all she was told to do to stop her aging was be quiet until needed to speak.

    "I Nanai pose this contract to you, Ophelia. In exchange for breaking the first seal and in-order to break the second and other two later on my prison I offer you my magic and part of my immortality so that you never fear growing older. As proof of this contract a blood seal shall be inacted between my demon blood and your human blood... Do you accept these terms of the contract Ophelia. The space between thier hands starting to glow dragging Ophelia's focus for a moment before she caught onto Nanai glaring at her mouthing the words she needed to say. "I Accept the contract..." Not even a second would pass before Ophelia felt the warned pain.

    _____Their hands glowing wildly as Ophelia's head surged with pain making her scream out and fall to her knees, Nanai doing what she can to keep Ophelia from breaking away as the girl was left feeling like her skin was being flayed and burnt away with the new magic and her blood mixing with her friends. After A few hours Ophelia did not feel the pain, but her body surged with aches as she was allowed to fall over finally. Looking with pained eyes to see Nanai back in the adult form smiling and petting her head as she walked towards the mirror's exit.

    "Thank you Ophelia... Take the night to rest... We can talk in the morning some more about what my magic is... and how you can learn to control it to help break the next seal later on..." Ophelia nodded slowly before she passed out cold from the pain, she could still feel her friend exit the split area they shared. She could feel the new magic and other things effecting her body, but simply wanted to sleep for now.
    The child and demoness


    Enacting Kanai's contract (2nd magic)  JALxGTw
    Character | Magic-1 | Magic-2 | Trackers | History
    4.5 of 6 Exp Doubler remaining
    Golden Lacrimas Until 4/4/2020
    Current missions: 4/5
    1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5

      Current date/time is 26th July 2024, 11:08 pm