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    Retrieving the Package

    Tsubasa Kageyama
    Tsubasa Kageyama

    Main Account- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Demon Slayer- Christian Minecraft Server- Achiever- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Player 
    Lineage : Adventurer’s Spirit
    Position : None
    Faction : The Ironheart Pact
    Posts : 264
    Guild : Silver Wolf
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 273,376

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Hodgepodge
    Second Skill: XVI Battle Suit
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    Retrieving the Package Empty Retrieving the Package

    Post by Tsubasa Kageyama 2nd April 2019, 7:44 am

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    His bespectacled eyes took in the sea for just a few more moments before he turned back towards the city itself. He began to walk, for standing still too long without purpose made him feel as though he was wasting time. “Well I think I’m all set up. A passport. A… you. And I’ve got base level magic, which should be something I can work on. So how do I start taking real jobs?”

    Optix sprung from the necklace on Kameyama’s chest, “An excellent question, aaaaas usual. There are a few ways.” It spun around. “You could consider joining a guild, which provides a steady income of guilds. Alternatively there are postings in many cities for guildless adventurers such as yourself. There are also ranks to jobs. Currently you are able to take C-rank jobs alone or a B-rank job if accompanied by another.” In the distance, Optix caught sight of a small cat person working through the crowd, tugging on people’s pant legs or shirts in order to get their attention. Like a small solicitor, he spoke for a few moments, handed out a piece of paper, then worked to the next person. They seemed to be at random, but when he caught the eye of the little AI, Optix seemed to wave the little cat man over.

    “How do I find other mages?” Kameyama stopped at a small vendor and purchased a few rations for the next few days. “A B-rank job sounds like a nice little challenge. How bad could it possibly be?” There was a small gust of wind and a moment of silence that seemed eerily telling.

    “Nyyyexcuse me,” The aging mage was halted by someone tugging on the hem of his coat. A small cat man wearing goggles and dressed in objectively adorable travelers clothing stood at approximately two feet tall. He handed Kameyama a piece of paper, “Did I hear you mentioning you’re looking for a job? You’re a wizard right? We’re currently looking for someone willing to discover the location of our lost supplies. We werrrre expecting delivery weeks ago but there’s been nyooo trace of it. It contains something special that we can’t go without for very long. Won’t you please help us?”

    Kameyama looked at the paper, which detailed the information known about the job. The reward for the recovery of the package seemed to pay well, but that wasn’t what was most important to him right now. The worried look on the small cat creature’s face was more telling. He knelt down to the small cat person and said, “Absolutely.” With a kind smile on his face.


    It took days of walking to get to the road leading towards the little cat person village. They spent the days chatting about this and that, with Kameyama learning how to best utilize Optix and Optix spent the time learning how best to work with Kameyama and dialing in on how to more accurately gauge his overall health and mana levels. To call them fast friends wasn’t a far stretch, as once Kameyama got over the fact that he was talking to an AI, he treated her exactly like anyone else.

    “So according to the information provided by the cat person, we know that this road is where they lost communication with the delivery person. Speaking of which, do they all look like that?” Kameyama wondered aloud, “I swear we’ve had traveling cat people in our village before that didn’t look like bipedal cats…”

    Optix had taken to sitting on the side of the necklace strap, essentially resting on Kameyama’s shoulder. She whirled about for a moment and responded, “There are a few types. They tend to aggregate and live together for safety and companionship. You’ve probably seen one before, they travel rarely but tend to be very adventurous and curious when they do. But otherwise they’ll often stay in their own villages and have things delivered. For them to have send missionaries to search for something must mean that something big has gone missing.”

    “Well, homebodies don’t leave home unless there’s something home needs,” Kameyama murmured quietly. “Is that what I think it is?” He stepped off of the road and towards a small blanket which seemed to be covering something, as though thrown haphazardly. Kneeling carefully over the blanket he pulled it down to reveal a deceased cat person. This one was of the more humanoid variety and had been left alone long enough to be rotting. He covered the body again and took a moment to press his hand against the ground.

    He tucked the body completely in the cloth and tried to figure how best to return the delivery person to his village.“Peace upon your soul, rest for you have earned it.” He murmured.

    "What should we do now?" Optix asked, the AI turning between looking up at Kameyama and back at the covered body.

    He turned away and said, “Theft is one thing, but murder is another problem altogether. We must find these people and put a stop to this. Who knows who else they’ve hurt...”

    “We’ve hurt a lot of people…” Said a voice from the forest, “And we’re about to hurt one more…”

    WC: 870
    Nessa Cordelia Lux
    Nessa Cordelia Lux

    Starlight Maiden

    Starlight Maiden

    Administrator- Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Main Account- God VIP Status- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Rising Star- Custom Slayer- Neutral Guild Ace- Z-Rank- Y-Rank- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- EXP Grinder- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Teaming Up!- Limited Edition- Hired Help- Idolize- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Over Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Obligatory Beach Episode- Shipped- Sticking Around- Dank Memer- Fan Artist- Taskmaster- Halloween gfx'ers- Halloween Social- Halloween job event participant - Haiku Contest Participant- Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Supreme Grand Master [5000]- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- 2nd Place Event/Contest Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Hero- Summer Special Donor- Summer Special Participant- Have Seijin On Your Friends List- Have Onida On Your Friend's List- Have an Admin as a friend!- Have aeluri On Your Friend's List- Best GFX Artist Award- Player 
    Lineage : Vassal of the Cosmos
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    Posts : 6990
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 145
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    Experience : 26,209

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Starlight Maiden
    Second Skill: Valkyrie Summoner
    Third Skill: Moon Goddess Slayer

    Retrieving the Package Empty Re: Retrieving the Package

    Post by Nessa Cordelia Lux 5th April 2019, 9:11 am

    "It is about time you took me on a job." The little grey exceeds snapped irritably, Nessa who was currently creating a portal from Valhalla to their next location rolled her eyes. She had caved in, after over an hour of his incessant nagging. She had agreed to take the cat on a job. His complaints about how often she went on jobs without her, had finally worn her down. She couldn't help it, her work was dangerous, and she didn't want the exceed to get hurt. But even so, her actions had only encouraged the Exceed to take jobs without her. When she was out doing her dutie as an Ace for Fairytail, he had been off fighting all sorts. Even Nessa could sense that he had grown stronger, so she decided to see what he was capable of now.

    As it turned out, it seemed today had been a good day to take him to the Guildhall. Upon arriving, she had received a notice from one of the Wisps with a letter. As it turned out, it had been from the Neko people she had assisted a while back with Aven. It seemed they remembered her and were facing the same difficulty as before. It seemed like bandits had returned, and their cargo had been stolen. She wondered for a moment if she should try and contact Aven for the task. She hadn't been able to get in contact with him since he disappeared from the job in Tsar Ordahic. She was worried but seeing as the Valkyries had told her it was Aviel's doing. She knew at least; he was likely to be in safe hands. At least, she hoped so.

    She continued to read the contents of the letter; it seemed they had also recruited another mage for the job. Which meant there would likely be enough hands for the task assigned to them. Without further ado, she opened a portal to Valhalla and pulled Sebastian through. She glanced at him after his comment, "Just keep your guard up okay, I don't want you getting hurt." Once there, she re-opened a separate portal. This latter portal she intended on using to take her to the place she and Aven had gone last time located in the unknown lands. The portal reopened behind one of the bandits quietly, Nessa stepped out, followed by the little grey exceed. She glanced around; it looked like she was in the forest. As memory served, she had walked into this forest when they had gone after the bandits camp.

    Her violet eyes watched as the Bandits seemed to be making their way towards an older gentleman. She glanced at their weapons idly, shaking her head. She spotted that Sebastian was looking at her with a pleading look. She sighed, nodding. The exceed ran forward, running out, he leapt. Jumping onto of the bandit's legs, he latched onto his leg with his claws. Opening his mouth, the Exceed bit down onto the leg, releasing a burst of ice magic as he did so. The bandit shrieked loudly, attempting to shake the cat off. Nessa could see the exceed enjoying this and biting down harder to release more magic into the man's wound. Nessa sighed, taking a few strides forward at this point. Moving out of the trees, she hopped up to the bandit Sebastian was attacking. She tapped him on the shoulder; he glanced at her.

    "Hi there," She said before throwing her fist back, she punched him square in the jaw. The force of the blow caused him to the crumple to the ground. Sebastian let go, eying the man. "Seriously Ness, I had it." He remarked with a scowl. "I know, but we have to do this quickly, remember. I could tell you were toying with him." She scolded the exceed. There were still a few remaining bandits, but Nessa didn't care about them. Instead, she glanced up at the blonde man; she blinked at him for a moment. Then her eyes lit up, she turned on her heel, running over to him. "You're a mage, aren't you? I can totally sense your magic power! Are you my job partner? The Neko's told me I'd be working with another mage," She said perkily having stopped right in front of him, "I'm Nessa, I'm a member of Fairy Tail, and my Exceed friend here is Sebastian."

    "Oi! Don't ignore us! We're still gonna hurt ya, especially after what ya done to our Micky."

    "Yeah, yeah, don't worry, we'll get to you soon," She called over her shoulder casually, as though she wasn't actually in a fight right now. She returned her gaze to the older man, "Some people are so impatient. Sorry, I kinda stepped in on you huh? Did you want to finish them off, or shall I?"

    WC: 808
    Total: 1678 / 7000


    Retrieving the Package 60582_s

    Tsubasa Kageyama
    Tsubasa Kageyama

    Main Account- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Demon Slayer- Christian Minecraft Server- Achiever- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Player 
    Lineage : Adventurer’s Spirit
    Position : None
    Faction : The Ironheart Pact
    Posts : 264
    Guild : Silver Wolf
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 273,376

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Hodgepodge
    Second Skill: XVI Battle Suit
    Third Skill:

    Retrieving the Package Empty Re: Retrieving the Package

    Post by Tsubasa Kageyama 8th April 2019, 10:06 am

    “Ominous,” Kameyama said, turning to stand up. He could see a few men in the shadows behind the speaker, figuring that these were the bandits that had caused the initial death and the initial theft that brought him to this place. He slid one foot forward, taking a defensive stance as dirt kicked up from the ground beneath his boot.

    Electric energy danced subtly between his fingers, hopping from digit to digit playfully, almost restlessly. Almost as quickly as it had begun, the energy stopped as he released his combat stance and looked curiously behind the bandit that had spoken to him. “Normally I would consider those to be words of harmful intent but I think you’re about to have a bigger problem. Well. A bigger problem in a smaller package.” He purposely gestured to the Exceed a moment later than would have been helpful, attempting to help by confusing to assist in removing any chance of premonitory reaction. The bandit shriek was followed by an additional figure revealing herself and decking him across the face.

    She was seemingly much younger than him, although Kameyama knew better than to trust youth at face value. He gave her a courteous nod, “A pleasure to meet you, Nessa. I believe we are partners, yes. My name is Raiji Kameyama. Kameyama, if you please. An honor to meet you as well, Sebastian, I don’t believe—”

    His statement was interrupted by a shout. Looking over to the bandits remaining, he frowned. To Nessa’s question he responded, “Murderous and rude? That is wholly unacceptable. Please, allow me.” He took a step forward and seemed to burst into electricity, traveling like a bolt until he was right in their faces. As fast as he was, they had prepared to attack even as they spoke prior, and he reached them just as they revealed their weapons. Two daggers slashed out at him. Leaning backwards away from the attacks, it put him in the best position for his own counter-attack. Reaching for the focus on his side, he pulled a single card from the pouch.

    With his back leg bent slightly and his front leg extended, digging slightly into the grass before him, he had a single card in his left hand, tucked underneath his right. He seemed to flick it as though haphazardly shuffling a deck, and released a torrent of electric cards that crackled and popped like fireworks in the faces of the bandits.

    Allowing the fifty two distractions to do their job, he reached out and grabbed the faces of the bandits, slamming them down into the ground with little resistance. The hidden scars covering his arms lit with an eerie glow as the electric magic worked its way down through his hands and effectively neutralizing the two in sharp light blue shock of energy. There were quick, sharp grunts of pain before the two of them remained still, save jerks of movement caused by latent shocks of electric energy surging through their bodies.

    The third and final bandit, still effectively blind from the deck of cards, attempted a wild haymaker on Kameyama as his back was turned.

    “Behind you!” A cute, high-pitched voice from his chest called.

    Kameyama dropped back down at the last moment, evading the haphazard attack, and kicked backward, catching the bandit in the chin with a kick that wouldn’t easily have been expected of one his age. With the bandit now blind and reeling, Kameyama grabbed the thug’s hand and spun him around, kicking the back of his knee to take him to a kneeling position. Grabbing his other hand, he put them both behind his back and released a small jet of energy that composed itself into a rope, securely tying the bandit’s hands behind his back. Blind, bound and potentially concussed, he made for a perfect interrogation suspect.

    However, never forgetting manners, Kameyama turned back to his new allies. Wiping off his hands, he said, “As I was saying, I don’t believe I’ve had the pleasure of meeting an Exceed before.”

    “Aaaaand yoooour traveling companion iiiiiis…” A voice from his chest, the same that had spoken during combat, said.

    “Ah, yes. I’m joined by Optix, a modified traveling AI companion. She’s not meant for active combat, but provides a lot of non-combat assistance.” He gestured towards the six pointed necklace hanging from his neck.

    “Nice to meet you!” The AI said, taking the holographic form of a semi-transparent white ball with little arms and legs, “I like your hair, Madam Nessa! It’s quite lovely!”

    Kameyama smiled appreciatively at his AI. The two had only recently become friends, but he was very proud of how she greeted new companions, “At any rate. Do you think we should attempt to gather information from him? I don’t believe his companions will be telling us anything anytime soon.”

    WC: 822
    TWC: 2500/7000
    Nessa Cordelia Lux
    Nessa Cordelia Lux

    Starlight Maiden

    Starlight Maiden

    Administrator- Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Main Account- God VIP Status- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Rising Star- Custom Slayer- Neutral Guild Ace- Z-Rank- Y-Rank- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- EXP Grinder- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Teaming Up!- Limited Edition- Hired Help- Idolize- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Over Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Obligatory Beach Episode- Shipped- Sticking Around- Dank Memer- Fan Artist- Taskmaster- Halloween gfx'ers- Halloween Social- Halloween job event participant - Haiku Contest Participant- Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Supreme Grand Master [5000]- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- 2nd Place Event/Contest Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Hero- Summer Special Donor- Summer Special Participant- Have Seijin On Your Friends List- Have Onida On Your Friend's List- Have an Admin as a friend!- Have aeluri On Your Friend's List- Best GFX Artist Award- Player 
    Lineage : Vassal of the Cosmos
    Position : None
    Posts : 6990
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 145
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 26,209

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Starlight Maiden
    Second Skill: Valkyrie Summoner
    Third Skill: Moon Goddess Slayer

    Retrieving the Package Empty Re: Retrieving the Package

    Post by Nessa Cordelia Lux 12th April 2019, 1:24 pm

    The man introduced himself as Raiji Kameyama, confirming he was, in fact, her job partner. He greeted Sebastian, although he was cut off by the Bandit before he could finish what he was saying. After he offered to end the fight for them, Nessa nodded stepped out of the way. She would watch as the man seem to burst forward like a bolt of electricity towards the bandits. The bandits went at him with their weapons, only to fail pitifully as he dodged them easily. Pulling out what appeared to be cards, he would shuffle them before launching them at the energy. It didn't take long after this, grabbing the men by the face he slammed them to earth and used what appeared to be more lightning magic to shock them into incapacitation.

    Nessa saw the third bandit moved towards Kameyama, for a moment starlight would pool into her palm, ready to help if needed. However, there was the sudden sound of a voice warning him. The older man was able to use them to handle the bandit with ease. Restraining him with a magical rope. Nessa let out a loud whistle, beaming at her job companion, "Wow, you got some real skills Kameyama. Consider me impressed!" She told him perkily. he turned to her, continuing what it was he had begun to say. Sebastian stood up a little straighter.

    "Well, guess today is your lucky day." The exceed said with a cheeky wink. There was the cute, high-pitched voice again. Nessa looked around, wondering where it was coming from. Kageyama explained that he was being accompanied by someone called Optix and would gesture to the necklace he was wearing. Nessa looked down at it, only mildly surprised. Months ago, this might have surprised her. But in her time as a Fairy Tail mage, she had met an array of peculiar beings like grumpy talking books, and solemn clams. Optix greeted her, commenting on her hair. Nessa flushed slightly, "Oh thank you, you're so sweet." She said, a little charmed by the necklace's words. Kageyama suggested they interrogated the man. "Oh yeah sure." She said, skipping over to the man.

    "Alright, so how about you tell us who you work for?" She asked the man politely, he scowled at her incredulously.

    "I ain't telling you nothing." Nessa sighed, reaching over she cupped his chin. Her hand would begin to glow with bright light, it would start off warm, but grow hotter with each passing moment.

    "Are you sure you wanna do that? See I use Starlight and can recreate the physical properties of a star with my magic. Which means this light that's warming your jaw right now. Is only going to get hotter. Do you know how hot stars can get or would you like to find out first hand?" She narrowed her eyes as she said it, increasing the temperature slightly so he would notice them the difference. He would sweat there for a moment before cracking from fear.

    "Alright I'll tell you, please don't burn my face off!" Nessa smiled happily. She hadn't intended on actually burning his face off, she could never do anything so cruel, but he didn't need to know that. With her free hand, she clicked her fingers and a small floating star appeared next to her head.

    "Who do you work for?" She asked again.

    "We work for a group of men who call themselves the Brotherhood of Anarchy-"

    "Oof, what a name, very edgy," Sebastian commented sarcastically. Nessa ignored the exceed and continued.

    "Where is your base?"

    "It is the forest, about four miles north-east from here. There's a map in my front pocket." Nessa reached over, putting her hand in the pocket, she pulled out the paper he was talking about. She was surprised by his honesty, just how much had she scared him?

    "And what are your numbers like?"

    "There's about forty of us, including our generals." Nessa smiled, she didn't need to know much more than that. She let go of his face, straightening up. Her eyes would glow white for a moment, and the wind around her would pick up. The Norse symbol on the back of her neck would begin to glow, and she called forth her summon. "Tiphanae." the air to her right picked up, moving faster and faster until it formed a human-sized whirlwind. After a moment it would settle back down, and in its place stood a beautiful woman in a full set of armour and white wings. Nessa smiled at her wind Valkyrie.

    "Hey Tiphanae, I'm on a mission right now and I need you to keep an eye on these prisoners for me. If that's alright?" The woman bowed her head, unsheathing her longsword. "I shall ensure they do not flee." Nessa nodded, she turned to the little star that was floating by her head.  "Inform the Rune Knights we have some criminals that need to be taken in." She told little ball of light, it bobbed happily for a moment, before bouncing away eagerly disappearing moments later. She turned back to Kameyama. "Oh right, Tiphanae, this is Kameyama, he's doing the job with us today." She turned to the blonde man, "This is Tiphanae, she is a Wind Valkyrie and a dear friend of mine.", Tiphanae turned towards the man and bowed to him. "Pleasure to meet you Kameyama." She said in a polite tone.

    "Right, shall we head to the base then?" She asked the man, eager to get on with the job at hand.

    WC: 924
    Total: 3424 / 7000


    Retrieving the Package 60582_s

    Tsubasa Kageyama
    Tsubasa Kageyama

    Main Account- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Demon Slayer- Christian Minecraft Server- Achiever- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Player 
    Lineage : Adventurer’s Spirit
    Position : None
    Faction : The Ironheart Pact
    Posts : 264
    Guild : Silver Wolf
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 273,376

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Hodgepodge
    Second Skill: XVI Battle Suit
    Third Skill:

    Retrieving the Package Empty Re: Retrieving the Package

    Post by Tsubasa Kageyama 17th April 2019, 7:43 pm

    Kameyama smiled politely at the Exceed. The pair certainly seemed quite interesting. As he turned to the highwayman to see exactly how the two of them planned to interrogate this man. He folded his arms behind her, attempting to act as a silent muscle if necessary. Soon it would be obvious that it was completely unnecessary. He himself couldn’t help but be a little intimidated by Nessa at work.

    The radiating heat caused him to take a half-step back but he stepped forward to receive the map from Nessa as she continued her interrogation. He opened it up and attempted to decipher it as she questioned him about numbers. Peering through the lower half of his bifocals, he began to mark out where they were against where they needed to be, when Nessa once again impressed him with another skill that he had never seen before.

    With a glowing rune, she seemed to easily summon a somehow larger than life, yet human sized woman in full armor and wings. A verifiable angel. His eyes were wide with a mixture of amazement and disbelief. When she was introduced to him, it took him a moment to realize that this was one of the summon creatures that he had heard about but never experienced. He nodded his head with respect and said, “Tiphanae, it is an honor.” He gestured to the defeated thugs, “I am sure they are in trusted hands.” As they turned towards the mission at hand, Kameyama gestured with one hand towards the direction he had discerned they should head, one that would get them to their direction and seemed mostly clear and free of fallen trees and other distractions.

    “They're calling in Rune Knights? Just like that?” He whispered in a low questioning voice. At his chest, the little robot was whirling a search while the events occurred. Having come from a far village in the outskirts of anywhere, living a simple life, the Rune Knights were something that he had only heard vaguely of, as something you shouldn’t need business with. In his ear, Optix murmured a bit of information on the Rune Knights and how they operated. Apparently the two of them had ties with the local police, in a sense, or Nessa had chosen to turn this lot in rather than finish them off. Of the group of them, likely only one would have any lasting injuries. For her nobility and choosing to do what was right rather than what would have been easy, she immediately gained considerable respect from Kameyama.

    To Nessa he said, “Forgive my bluntness, but I’m getting the sense that you’re considerably stronger than I am, but I would assume that forty men of that strength coming in wildly and crowding about might well be capable of overwhelming anyone, especially if there are those of greater strength among them. Therefore I’d like to propose a plan. My magic, compared to yours, would perhaps be less powerful and more along the lines of distracting. Lots of flashing and electricity. If I make myself known from the southern side, effectively drawing them towards me, it would make it easier for you to make a bigger splash from the northern side and properly take the weaker opponents out of the picture. Once that’s done, we’ll most certainly have the attention of the stronger generals, as he called them, and we can divide and conquer them as well. It would cause less unnecessary loss of life and allow the opponents that we will be facing less time to arm themselves. Furthermore, the less of their belongings that are damaged, the greater chance we have of recapturing the shipments that were stolen from our gracious job providers.” As they passed through the woods, he lifted a tree branch out of her way, partially out of politeness and partially to ensure neither of them bumped into it and caused unnecessary noise.

    In the area they managed to find themselves they could see the outskirts of the camp, roughly another twenty five minutes away. Far enough that patrols would be only semi-regular rather than often. Turning to her for her input before they proceeded, he asked, “What do you say?”

    WC: 727
    TWC: 4151
    Nessa Cordelia Lux
    Nessa Cordelia Lux

    Starlight Maiden

    Starlight Maiden

    Administrator- Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Main Account- God VIP Status- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Rising Star- Custom Slayer- Neutral Guild Ace- Z-Rank- Y-Rank- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- EXP Grinder- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Teaming Up!- Limited Edition- Hired Help- Idolize- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Over Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Obligatory Beach Episode- Shipped- Sticking Around- Dank Memer- Fan Artist- Taskmaster- Halloween gfx'ers- Halloween Social- Halloween job event participant - Haiku Contest Participant- Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Supreme Grand Master [5000]- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- 2nd Place Event/Contest Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Hero- Summer Special Donor- Summer Special Participant- Have Seijin On Your Friends List- Have Onida On Your Friend's List- Have an Admin as a friend!- Have aeluri On Your Friend's List- Best GFX Artist Award- Player 
    Lineage : Vassal of the Cosmos
    Position : None
    Posts : 6990
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 145
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 26,209

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Starlight Maiden
    Second Skill: Valkyrie Summoner
    Third Skill: Moon Goddess Slayer

    Retrieving the Package Empty Re: Retrieving the Package

    Post by Nessa Cordelia Lux 23rd April 2019, 11:38 am

    The man's questioning of her guide would cause Nessa to smell. "Yeah, it's kind of like a free messaging service I suppose. It will track down the closest Rune Knight and deliver the information to them in the form of a telepathic imprint. It's also a guide that can help me track down anything I seek, provided it exist in this world. It's pretty handy for jobs." She explained happily, watching in the distance as the little star bobbed away in an almost happy manner. Starlight guide had always proved fairly useful to the Starlight Maiden. In fact, she was pretty sure she used them to the fetch the Rune Knights the last time she handled the bandits in this area. It just seemed like the most efficient method.

    He would speak once more, remarking that she was stronger than him. Nessa flushed slightly at the compliment; she didn't know about that. She hadn't really got to test her magical progression recently, so she wasn't actually so sure that she was. Aside from the job in Tzak Ordahic with Markus, Aven and Haraka, her magic hadn't really been pushed to her limit. Perhaps she should really find a means of testing her strength; it was great to be able to progress and all. But it really helped to know your limits too, which unfortunately for Nessa right now. She wasn't really sure of. Kameyama would go on to propose a plan, choosing to draw attention to himself which she snuck up from the north side of the camp and took out the weaker targets. Than to divide the remainder between the two of them. She nodded as he made a remark about not wanting to damage any of the Neko's peoples goods. She beamed, it was a solid plan and likely the most fair.

    "Sounds good to me." She replied Sebastian cleared his throat, looking a little irritable. "And my job is? Cause don't expect me just to sit there and look pretty." He snipped, Nessa sighed. "You can attack from the north with me. I'll even save a nice tasty general for you to fight." She offered, although undoubtedly she would be watching the fight like a hawk. She just wanted to say something to perk him up in preparation for the fight. It seemed to work to, cause a devilish grin to seem to spread across his feline features.  "Ooh, yeah." He purred excitedly.

    They had moved through woods at a fairly quick pace. Moving quietly through the area, Nessa couldn't sense that Tiphanae was still present which meant nothing had happened to force her to return to Valhalla. That was one of the perks of the Valkyries if they separated from her. They could open their own portals and return home, which would alert her through the contractual marking branded on the back of her neck. She crouched down, eying the outskirts of the camp. She turned to Kameyama; she would bring her hands together, so both her index fingers were touching, before moving them away from each other. It was her way of telling him it was time to split up, and that she was going to separate from him to move towards the north side of the camp. With a smile, she mouthed at him the words 'Good luck!' with a wink and thumbs up. It was perhaps a little cheesy, but Nessa wanted to give him one last small encouragement before they began the plan.

    Suddenly Nessa would disappear, in her place floated a tiny star, which would suddenly dart away, weaving through the trees without a sound. Sebastian quickly followed after her. In this form, it didn't take her long to get to the north side of the camp, although she had to slow herself a little to allow for Sebastian to be able to keep up. Fortunately, the feline was a fast mover. As she arrived on the other side, she would reappear as herself. Sebastian arriving moments later. The two of them would shrink low under the cover of the bush. She would wait for Raiji's attack, eying the men in the cap. They appeared to be completely relaxed, clearly unaware that their comrades had been caught and were about to be arrested by the Rune Knights. Not to mention that two more mages and an exceed were preparing to launch an attack on all forty of them. Nessa eyed the range. Fortunately, the camp wasn't so large that she wouldn't be able to sense Kameyama. That was at least something she'd noticed about herself now. She could pick up traces of magic up to three-hundred and fifty metres away, perhaps even more. When Kameyama used his magic, she would know, and that would be the signal for when it was time for her to jump in and do her thing.

    Nessa's WC: 811 | Total: 4962 / 7000


    Retrieving the Package 60582_s

    Tsubasa Kageyama
    Tsubasa Kageyama

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    Retrieving the Package Empty Re: Retrieving the Package

    Post by Tsubasa Kageyama 29th April 2019, 9:25 am

    For his part, Kameyama winced an apology to Sebastian, “My apologies, Sebastian. I assumed that you would, as younger ones say, do your own thing.” He tried to smile it off, but found that Sebastian was assuaged instead by Nessa’s promising of a feat of battle. Pleased that she was in agreement with his plan, he nodded and they continued on a little further before it was time to split up.

    As the four split off to two and two, he returned her wishing of good luck with a two fingered salute, tip of his index finger touching his forehead and casting it off towards her. He had no doubt that she would be able to carry herself with aplomb and finish off her part of the deal. It was instead his duty to carry on his own part.

    As he swung around to the southern side of the encampment, he spotted a few lookouts facing away from him. They seemed to be looking toward the interior of the camp, which seemed a bit foolish given their assignments. As he looked on, they passed playing cards between each other with a bored expression on their faces. Every once and again they would halfheartedly look to the side or somewhat behind them, but they were clearly mentally checked out of the job. Their interest in their duties was so poor that Kameyama was able to sneak up to the other side of them. The tree upon which they were leaning was thick and insulated. He couldn’t shock them through it. Instead he timed his movements carefully and jumped around to face them. Just as he saw a look of shock on one of their faces, he pressed his hands against both of their mouths. A burst of energy against each of them saw them lose consciousness without any real struggle. With any luck that turned forty into thirty eight. Not a huge improvement.

    As he continued inward he could clearly see a truck being loaded up with goods. He tapped Optix a few times then held her up to his eye, like one would a monocle. She seemed to turn translucent and magnify his sight. He could see labeled on the boxes was something similar to the handwriting of the cat people. They were likely transferring the items for sale. Among them were other goods and likely stolen supplies. This seemed to be the perfect time to raid them, as long as they did little harm to the truck, it would leave most of the supplies in tact. Fortunate.

    As he slipped past the trees he figured it was a fair chance to try one of his newer techniques. This spell was an evolution of something he’d used earlier, but since it was potentially dangerous, he hadn’t wanted to use it on people. A few trees would likely be fine, however. As he moved, he placed the glowing playing cards against the trees like stickers, approximately one card per three trees. When he reached the camp itself, he found a few temporary buildings and did the same, aiming for structural points.

    Finally, he had prepared himself for his grand reveal. Perhaps he hadn’t thought this next part through, but since his job was to draw attention, he couldn’t see a better way to do it than to do it. Stepping out into the open he created an affectation to his voice, “‘Scuse me gentlemen. Ya’ll seen a dog around here, ‘bout waist height, all brown and black, one eye a bit lazy? Dumb as shit but lovable as the day is long.”

    As soon as he made himself known there was a gathering of men standing and heading towards him. Weapons were drawn and he found himself getting cornered.

    “Whoa there now fellas ain’t no reason to get physical, ‘M just lookin’ for my dog, like I said.”

    The men continued to advance until one man stepped up through them and said, “You idiots gonna kill a man who just wandered in by mistake? He’s looking for his dog, we’re not gonna waste him for that.” Turning to Kameyama he said, “We haven’t seen any dogs, unfortunately, now we’re running a private operation here so if you’d turn back and—“

    “Private operation, I’ll say!” Kameyama said, walking past them. The men were so shocked at the audacity of his movements they didn’t even attack him. “Ya’ll lookin’ at doin’ some kinda lawn sale in the future? Me and my cousins just love a bargain. Tell you what if you give us first dibs at your wares we’ll pay a pretty price. Better’n what you’ll get in the city, I give you fair shake on that.”

    “Not really for private sale, friend,” the man said, gritting his teeth, “Now I really will have to ask you to leave the area or I’m afraid I will let my men get physical here.” Even as he spoke, others were leaving their assignments and coming from the woodwork to surround him.

    “Well as’n I said, ain’t no reason to get all huffity. Just tryin’ to help each other out as I said. Y’sure y’ain’t seen my dog? Like I said he’s ‘bout waist height and answers to the name of—” He dropped the affectation, his voice returning to its natural tone and timbre, “Boom.”

    Just as he said it, the cards exploded into a burst of light and electricity, sending trees falling into the camp and blowing some of the buildings to the ground. The men around him scattered and jumped in surprise before turning their attention on him. “Sunnova—!” The fires were controlled and the explosions contained. There would be no forest fire or anything of that nature here. Just a huge distraction, as he and Nessa planned.

    “I’m really surprised they let me get this far in,” Kameyama remarked as the battle commenced, “This is not a professional operation.” The man whom he’d spoken with stepped towards him only to be met with a shocking grasp straight from Kameyama’s wrist. The impulse blast was a bit stronger than he’d expected but did nothing to slow the man down. “Well damn,” Kameyama remarked, his entire body igniting in electricity. He burst forward with a dynamic punch to the man’s jaw as he passed him, leaving a blur of lightning in his wake. Turning again, just as the man recovered, he repeated the attack with another shocking punch to the general.

    “Come on, chief!” Kameyama taunted, “I’d say you’re a bit too slow!” He turned to punch once more, but his lightning burst ran out half way and he met the general with a regular punch, which was deflected by the aggravated assailant, who then struck Kameyama several times in the chest. A final kick sent Kameyama sliding into the dirt.

    “What was that about being too slow, old man?!” The general responded, bearing down on the mage.

    Rolling backwards into a standing position, Kameyama grasped at his lucky pouch, pulling out two six sided dice. “I’m getting on in years,” He admitted, “But I think I’ve got a few lucky days left.” He threw the dice to the ground as they each landed on sixes, sending a flurry of electric bolts in all directions, including two at the general.

    Giving a brief glance at his ally in this fight, he was curious as to how she was cleaning up.

    WC: 1271
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    Nessa Cordelia Lux
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    Starlight Maiden

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    Retrieving the Package Empty Re: Retrieving the Package

    Post by Nessa Cordelia Lux 4th May 2019, 10:27 am

    After separating from Kameyama, and reaching the north side of the camp, Nessa would settle into the grass quite patiently. Waiting calmly for the promised distraction. In her head she was working out which spells she would try out, she hadn't gotten to enjoy her newer magics much since the alliance job. So having the opportunity to play around and see what else she could do with her spells would certainly be fun. She just hoped these guys were tough enough to give a little back to the Starlight Maiden. It was curious just how much she had changed since first doing these sorts of job. There was a time when she would be scared to go out on job likes this. That first job she'd done rescuing those flesh-eating mares. That had been pretty terrifying, going up against mages that could've genuinely taken her out. Now that she thought about it, if she faced the same men now, she likely wouldn't even break a sweat.

    There was a big boom in the distance, and Nessa grinned, that was her cue. She would wait a moment, just to allow for the distraction to have it's desired effect, before standing up. Strolling through the camp casually, Sebastian trotting alongside her. She would glance around, the majority seemed to be moving deeper in the camp. There had been at least a few that had lingered back to look after the goods.

    "Another intruder! The woman with the cat there, quick grab her." She heard shouted in her general direction, Nessa turned her gaze to Sebastian. "Which one do you want?" She asked warmly, Sebastian would turn his sparkling green eyes towards her, the Exceed's face practically gleaming with happiness that she was letting him pick one for himself. He glanced around, inspecting each assailant with an examiner's gaze.

    "Huh, too skinny, too old, totally weaksauce, oh that one! He's mine!" He ran off in the direction of a muscular fellow, one holding a sword. Nessa nodded, taking a moment to scan the area. The men were moving towards her, there had to be at least fifteen lingering around her. A mixture of bandits, some looked fairly easy to take out, others might be a little tougher. She rolled her shoulders, loosening her muscles in preparation. "Guess I should start chipping in." She would raise her right hand and snap her fingers. Sudden the area would begin to shower, as though raindrops were falling. Except instead of raindrops, it was little beads of starlight. The winkling rain would fall on the men around, except for the man Sebastian had targeted. As soon as it's touched their skin there was an immediate uprising. The searing pain from the burning starlight taking a lot of them out quickly. The weaker ones would fall to the ground, the smarter ones would move under cover, and the tougher ones took it. Although not without difficulty, all of the men's movement would be significantly slower.

    The general that Sebastian had targeted seemed slightly confused, unable to feel the same pain as his comrades. The exceed would launch himself at the man, climbing up his body, he would move around so he was scaling his back. Digging his claws in, the Neko opened his mouth before clamping down on the man's shoulder. The man roared as the Exceeds fangs sung in deep. Sebastian allowed his magic to pour into the wound, covering the man's entire shoulder with frost. He would pull away just as the man reached up in an attempt to nab him, moving across his back to the other side of his ribs. Taking another bite he repeated this process. He did this several times, into the man was covering in frost and bite marks. It didn't take long until the entirety of the man's body was frozen and he would fall to the ground.

    All the while Nessa would focus on the remaining few she had to deal with. Although it didn't take much, as she strolled along she summoned her orbs. Sending them in every which direction, the little balls of starlight crashing into the bandits endlessly. For every one that hit, two more appeared. None of the men even got close to her. A few minutes passed as the camp was filled with the bodies of unconscious bandits. Nessa sighed glancing around, "Was that it?" She couldn't help herself, she felt a little disappointed. She hadn't even gotten a chance to try any new magic. She pouted slightly, a little disappointed.

    There was a sudden cry, and she turned to spot the two remaining generals running towards her. She smiled at the sight of them, watching as they moved closer. Preparing to fire magic at her. Then only two metres away from the women they were attempting the capture, a giant cage of starlight fell upon them. Trapping them inside. Nessa tilted her head, tutting at them.

    "Sorry boys, maybe next time." She said with a shrug. There was a 'boom' inside the cage, and inside of the cage exploded with Starlight. Knocking the two men unconscious. Nessa twirled on her foot, looking at Sebastian with a smile. "Guess we're done, Wanna get sushi after this?" She asked the exceed with a smirk, the Exceed smirked back. "Hell yeah!"

    Nessa's WC: 885 | Total: 7118 / 7000 WC Reached.


    Retrieving the Package 60582_s

      Current date/time is 26th July 2024, 6:22 pm