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    Make it Frosty

    Oras Auro
    Oras Auro

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Lineage : Chaotic Legacy
    Position : None
    Posts : 750
    Guild : Black Rose
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Mentor : Izayuki
    Experience : 32,850

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Fictitous Actuality
    Second Skill: W.I.P.
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    Make it Frosty Empty Make it Frosty

    Post by Oras Auro 15th September 2018, 2:45 pm

    Oras stared at the woman who stood before the two of them.  His eyes had widened with shock at her words and he stood there wordlessly.  "My..  My mother?  But I thought-"  "It's, complicated,"  she said as she walked forward with soft, graceful steps.  Her appearance was beautiful yes, but it wasn't overdone.  It was like a natural and gentle beauty.  She stopped when she was closer to the two, filled with excitement at actually being this close to him for the first time.  Well, the second time she realized.  Suddenly Oras snapped back into reality and opened his mouth.  "How is it complicated?  Are you actually my mother or my mother by other means?  What's your name?  Did you give me a different name than my birth mother?  Where have you been?  What am I?  What are you?  What is it we can do?  Is this where you live?  Were you watching me?  Why was I alone all those years?  Why-"  He stopped as he started to realize he was beginning to lose it, taking a deep breath.  The woman stood there with an understanding smile, patiently waiting for him to finish.  "Well I think I'll start with the first and important step of this introduction..  My name is Atia Oras.  It's nice to see you in person as well Izayuki.  And..  It's so wonderful to finally speak to you face to face my dear..."

    236 // 236


    "You think you know what is truth?  A world of facts? Right and wrong?  Universal Laws?  Soon I will show you.  Soon you will see.  You couldn't be more wrong, Guest."

    Make it Frosty TEm5Pci


    Make it Frosty Empty Re: Make it Frosty

    Post by Guest 15th September 2018, 4:13 pm

    Make it Frosty Uunc4B4

    The mysterious woman standing before them was not Kemuira or even a yokai. The slayer senses within the tanuki only screamed that she was a god, a deity of sorts. The realization put the silver bakedanuki on edge. Her fur standing on end and her fangs bared in a snarl, the tanuki glared with suspicious crimson eyes at the violet-haired woman. At her first words, calling Oras her ‘son’, more red flags were raised. Gods typically only used such words in two instances-- they were referring to a biological or adoptive child, or they were referring to a person they had chosen to train in elemental powers, thickly infused with darkness and made to kill their rivals.

    Oras’ tizzy of questions was not unfounded, but further unnerved the tanuki, who leaped from his shoulder to the voidlike ground below, somewhat shrouded in smoke. Tail sticking straight up in frustration, the bakedanuki listened, ears stiff and fur still ruffled. She knew just how problematic these gods could be, along with how quick they were to harm or deceive for their own entertainment. They had no consequences or rules holding them back, so they did as they pleased. Was this whole mother and son thing just some trick of a chaotic goddess? Stepping in between the two, in defense of Oras and still in her tiny tanuki form, Izayuki glared up at Atia. “Back up and don’t touch him, goddess,” the canine ordered. She knew she was in her small and seemingly vulnerable true form for the most part, but the bakedanuki was strongest in her birth form, despite not appearing as such. Besides, a part of her enjoyed the reaction of the humanoid beings looking down on the small critter when she spoke. It made it so much more pleasing to rip them apart and kill them slowly while in her tanuki form, the opponents’ faces in twisted shock.

    Oras Auro
    Oras Auro

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Lineage : Chaotic Legacy
    Position : None
    Posts : 750
    Guild : Black Rose
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Mentor : Izayuki
    Experience : 32,850

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Fictitous Actuality
    Second Skill: W.I.P.
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    Make it Frosty Empty Re: Make it Frosty

    Post by Oras Auro 15th September 2018, 5:06 pm

    Atia's eye twitched and the love faded for a moment as she looked annoyingly at Izayuki. Unlike others, she seemed to see her as any other being, not fazed at all by her size or stature. "Ex-Goddess Iza. I have grown to hate every last one of them, and everything they stand for. That title is empty and hollow, nothing but selfishness disguised as all caring beings. I would prefer you call me anything but that." Oras looked at Izayuki then back to Atia. He was confused but the logical side of his mind did it's best to piece things together. "You're a- sorry, were a goddess? What were your abilities? Why do you hate gods and goddesses? How do you know Iza? Have you been watching us?" Atia took a breath to compose herself from her temporary irritation. She hoped Izayuki would learn that, the only button she really had was being compared to those gods, goddesses and demi gods. "All will be answered Oras. First however..." In the blink of an eye they were somewhere else. Their surrounding had completely changed to a forest. It was well balanced, not too much or little of anything a forest needed. In addition there were stones and logs, even low branches they could sit on if they wished to. Atia sat down casually, looking at the two of them. "I hope this is to both of your liking. I doubt you'd enjoy having a conversation like this in a dark and smokey abyss... No offense Kemuira." she added looking into the middle of nowhere. She looked to Izayuki. "I understand how you may hate me right off the bat by the way. I don't know much about you, but I do know enough that you have.. History I believe, with other gods or goddesses. So I doubt I'll be able to convince you of anything due to a biased opinion on your part. Even so, I hope you'll humor me and hear me out. First appearances aren't everything." Oras looked around, still shocked at what was going on. He just sat down, seeming to almost pass out from the sheer shock of it all.


    "You think you know what is truth?  A world of facts? Right and wrong?  Universal Laws?  Soon I will show you.  Soon you will see.  You couldn't be more wrong, Guest."

    Make it Frosty TEm5Pci


    Make it Frosty Empty Re: Make it Frosty

    Post by Guest 15th September 2018, 5:20 pm

    Make it Frosty Uunc4B4

    When the scenery switched, an audible growl could be heard rising from the back of the tanuki’s throat. It was typical of gods to show off their range of power with large visual displays like this, manipulating reality to fit what they wanted in the moment. Such displays often did not spell well for someone unfamiliar with how the deities operated. Nevertheless, her words seemed reasonable even for the angered and unnerved bakedanuki. Deities often swore off godhood or hated other gods and goddesses, but even when they did that, they were all alike. They had no reason to trust or agree with the goddess no matter how logical or reasonable she presented herself. They were crafty and malicious, thus Izayuki held onto her tension and her guard, remaining standing in between Oras and Atia as the goddess sat down.

    “Fine, I’ll hear you out,” the silver tanuki grumbled, her fur still spiking in irritation. There was no realistic way to easily leave the area without trouble, and both her and Oras’ curiosities likely were getting the better of them. Still, she would prefer to have nothing to do with the goddess if she could help it. “Just don’t touch me or him. Keep your distance,” Izayuki demanded again, still standing protectively in front of Oras. She knew that a single touch from a deity could prove devastating. They had mysterious powers and could completely rearrange a person, their place in time and space, or their mind with just a bit of physical contact.

    Oras Auro
    Oras Auro

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Lineage : Chaotic Legacy
    Position : None
    Posts : 750
    Guild : Black Rose
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Izayuki
    Experience : 32,850

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Fictitous Actuality
    Second Skill: W.I.P.
    Third Skill:

    Make it Frosty Empty Re: Make it Frosty

    Post by Oras Auro 15th September 2018, 8:10 pm

    "You know, for someone who hates me so much it's interesting that you aren't cursing me out like hell. Maybe it's manners? Consideration? Decency? Or perhaps something else I haven't thought of.. Either way, it's not often I'm with people who don't do that. It makes this moment all the nicer~" From Oras and Izayuki's perspective, it would seem Atia didn't take the Yokai's aggression very seriously. Though whatever they believed, the truth was that she's had so much hate aimed at her that what most mortals believed to be aggression was a nice walk in the park for her. She nodded to Izayuki. "Now then. I'm willing to answer any and every question you have for me Oras.. And with you being his close friend Izayuki, I will answer your questions as well." Oras was silent for a moment, still processing everything. Finally he sat down. Izayuki seemed to want to, protect him from Atia. Was this the same protective instinct that he'd seen when his soul had detonated? He wasn't sure...

    "...How are you my mother," he asked. This time more like his usual self, now starting to compose himself a little more. Atia smiled and nodded. "Yes, I figured that would be your question.. Though it is a bit, complicated. Long story short I used to be the deity of emotions, purpose and guidance. I was supposed to help mortals reach their goals in life. However I was young and ignorant to how corrupt mortals could truly be. They had tricked me into helping them with greedy intentions and the gods I was a family with had turned on me. This abridged tail links to your answer in that over time my perspective and powers changed from their horrid treatment of me into an entity of chaos. I've been hell bent on revenge, destroying anything I could that was theirs. Innocents were spared of course, but everything else was ravaged. Eventually in my anger I started to cross the line. I wanted to mess with a soul the god of creation himself was in the process of making. I used my powers of chaos to completely mess it up... But, even after I had realized what I had done, and that I was becoming the beings I hated so much. I noticed that the soul I tried to corrupt didn't get destroyed. In fact, it had become a mixture of both the original state, and my powers. It was you, Oras. You were the soul who resisted my powers, and in the end. Creation's dull design. My powers heart and soul, and your willpower had created something new. I was full of intrigue at first, and kept my eyes on you. Watching you grow up since you were a baby. And over time, that intrigue grew into love and pride for the man you've become. I may not have been your birth mother, but you could say that I am your origin mother. Or at least, that's what I hope to be.. It's been too long since I cared about anything more than my anger towards them." Oras just stared at her for a moment. That was the short version? how much detail was missing? How destructive was her rampage? And that was the truth of his soul? It was chaotic because she had become a chaotic entity who interfered with his soul's creation? He may not be able to die, but he still wasn't sure how he felt about all of this...


    "You think you know what is truth?  A world of facts? Right and wrong?  Universal Laws?  Soon I will show you.  Soon you will see.  You couldn't be more wrong, Guest."

    Make it Frosty TEm5Pci


    Make it Frosty Empty Re: Make it Frosty

    Post by Guest 15th September 2018, 9:15 pm

    Make it Frosty Uunc4B4

    The bakedanuki kept silent at the observations. There was no fruit in cursing the being out so quickly, especially after they bothered to ask to explain themselves. She did not trust the goddess and doubted that she would even if the story seemed good and accurate. “Who said I hate you?” the tanuki growled, remaining stiff in where she stood. She had never once eluded to the fact that she hated gods, after all, despite the fact that she did indeed hold a deep grudge, fear, and anger against them after her many negative encounters with them. From what she could see, the goddess was quick to make assumptions and take aggression somewhat personally, likely from past experience.

    Izayuki listened intently to her story, unsurprised at the details. From what she could gather, Oras was at first treated like nothing more than an experiment, much like she herself had been treated by past deities. The only difference was that this deity had formed an attachment to her project, nothing more and nothing less. Regardless, she never bothered to step in when the going got tough, like she would have done for her own daughter, Astrid. The thought annoyed the bakedanuki, who knew she could have expected nothing less from a goddess. She would keep quiet for now, however, and await Oras' response and questions.

    Oras Auro
    Oras Auro

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Lineage : Chaotic Legacy
    Position : None
    Posts : 750
    Guild : Black Rose
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Izayuki
    Experience : 32,850

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Fictitous Actuality
    Second Skill: W.I.P.
    Third Skill:

    Make it Frosty Empty Re: Make it Frosty

    Post by Oras Auro 16th September 2018, 8:19 am

    Atia found Izayuki's comment rather humorous. "My dear Iza~ Have you already forgotten that my powers were, and still are, specialized in the emotions of others? I can feel that deep seeded hatred for them, and by extension for me. At any rate let's move on from this topic, I doubt you want to talk about such things." Oras was thinking about what Atia had just told him, but he needed more details. "...I, need to know more details on a few things. Just to make them clearer. How were you tricked by humanity? What did the gods and goddesses do to you? And what did you do as a form of revenge?" Atia sighed, clearly not enjoying the specifics of the topic but willing to discuss it with him. "It was partially my fault, I was so innocent back then. Wanting everyone to be good, and trying so hard to see the good in everyone. Remember how my job was to help mortals reach their goals and desires in life? I wanted help them all as best I could. What I didn't know in my youth was that I couldn't help everyone, despite being an all powerful being. My attention was spread thin, and the mortals had caught onto this. Those whose desires were greedy and corrupt began gaining my help in subtle ways. Working in the shadows until they had slowly grown their power. Soon enough they rose from the shadows with full control of the world. While I was shocked they committed massacres, enslavement. Sacrificing innocent lives to collect more power for themselves. Selling women for pleasures, children into slavery, you're typical human stuff. It devastated me to see how twisted humans could truly be and I looked to my family. The other gods and goddesses for help. Instead of showing compassion to me and forgiving me for making a mistake, and helping me to correct it. They placed all blame on me and exiled me. Every god and goddess who ever knew me would scorn, curse and scold me. I was the goddess of emotions and dreams, and they had shattered my own.

    "Thousands of years passed. With each passing year more of my heart cracked and shattered. I stared at the hearts of humanity, watching as one by one. Each innocent soul was either snuffed out, or turned into darkness. I began to learn the hard way what corruption was truly like. And how easy it is for you mortals to become so selfish, uncaring of others. How quickly you turn on each other for your own benefit. How much you crave power over friends and allies. And while some of you were not like that, it seemed to be the common area mortals of all races seemed to have fallen into. By the time ten thousand years had passed I saw no more purity in humanity. No one else lived who could be called pure and good... And I had come to hate humanity. I had come to hate the ones who forced me from my home for one single mistake. Because gods are meant to be 'perfect'. They are no better than mortals. Like son like father so to speak. Over those ten thousands of years my soul and powers had changed. I had become an entity of chaos and destruction, strong enough to rival their creations and powers. And I had sworn to take my revenge on them for the rest of eternity. And to start off: I shredded the universe I had been exiled to watch my faults grow. That entire universe filled with corrupted mortals, not a shred of humanity left. I burned it all to the ground, as they should be. And made sure each one went to the worst hell available.

    "From there I continued my conquest. Traveling from dimension to dimension, destroying everything they had created. I spared the innocent, sending them to other worlds but I still believed they would turn in the end. The gods and goddesses came to hate me, and used their powers to erase the memories of me from everyone in existence. Everyone they could reach so that 'their failure' would not be discovered. I continued my onslaught on their creations, but I had made a fatal mistake. By letting my hate consume me, I was slowly becoming them. And by extension, my own morals were chipping away. And in the end I wanted to destroy their creations before they were finished. And my thought process had been: What better creation to ruin than those they give life to? So I had interrupted your creation ceremony and altered it. I felt the surging hatred from the gods and I felt that it was my greatest achievement. I had finally stopped him from completing the one thing he enjoyed doing... But it was, at my own cost. I hadn't thought that he would use the soul after it had been altered by me, but he made the attempt anyway. He placed you in your mortal mother and I watched carefully to see what would happen. I watched you be born and was shocked that you had survived. Every other soul was obliterated by my presence, but you were so pure.. So innocent and pure that you had fused with my power. It was enough to put a pause to my endless rage and helped me to focus on what it was I had been doing. I saw the line I had crossed and worked harder to never make the same mistake again. Now however I had two goals: My never ending thirst for revenge, but also to observe this new life I had helped to create, not destroy. Even if it was by accident.

    "My intrigue had shifted over time. It had been so long since I had observed the lives of the innocent. Of a child growing up with wishes, dreams and excitement. And yet you were different than others. You never realized it but your process of thinking was different than the other children. It's one of the reasons you survived the wizard's onslaught. Why Raven protected you. Watching you grow up... I had forgotten what it was like to care for someone. To genuinely love someone. From that moment on Oras, I decided to put my revenge in the backseat. You are my first priority."

    "Then why weren't you there? Why didn't you help me? Protect me? Stop the wizard? Why weren't you there when I was growing up?" He asked. There wasn't any hostility in his voice. The logical side of him was back and dominant again, there wasn't any real reason to be angry at her for what had happened. However he wanted a reason for why she wasn't there for him. This time she looked away. "...The primary reason was that I was afraid. For what you mortals could call an eternity I had spent every moment acting out on revenge. It has been so, so long since I had done anything to help another. I was terrified that my interacting with you would do more harm than good. I especially didn't want to make it harder for you to gain friends. Your distrust of people doesn't just come from your experience, but from me."


    "You think you know what is truth?  A world of facts? Right and wrong?  Universal Laws?  Soon I will show you.  Soon you will see.  You couldn't be more wrong, Guest."

    Make it Frosty TEm5Pci


    Make it Frosty Empty Re: Make it Frosty

    Post by Guest 21st September 2018, 3:50 pm

    Make it Frosty Uunc4B4

    The bakedanuki gave a low growl at the goddess’s words towards her. Deep seated hatred was not an accurate term-- while she did not trust gods at all, she did not truly hate all of them. Hate was a strong word, one that meant she would prefer to see them all drop dead if she could. Her anger was not quite at that level, but there were a few gods she would like to see killed off of course. It was quite pathetic, with how many demons she knew were nicer than gods. In silence, Izayuki listened to the goddess’ long sob story about her life. She maintained her stoic pose and no emotion fazed her one way or another other than the desire to protect her guildmate from the shifty chaotic being.

    Oras was finally asking the right questions as she ended. Izayuki herself was still not convinced. Almost everyone had a shitty life of betrayal in one form or another, yet they did not rampage on revenge sprees-- there was no excuse. The origin of her guildmate was equally curious, as she basically stated that he was nothing more than a soul she had messed with to a point he was something akin to a relative of hers. If there was anything the bakedanuki wanted to call bullshit on, it was that.

    “‘Genuinely love someone’” the ayakashi repeated, a scowl on her muzzle. “Bullshit.”
    The tiny tanuki took a pawstep forward, clearly unhappy with the situation. She herself was a mother, and at least tried to put forward her best effort in protecting her daughter. The fact that this goddess could not even do that despite having the power and opportunity to do so, out of something as small as a prick of fear… it was inexcusable. “If you actually loved him, you would not have left him to that tragic life he lived. You would have at least delivered him to the hands of some other parents who would love him, after he lost his birthparents, if you were too scared to raise him yourself.”

    The yokai paused for just a moment, before the blistering words continued. Her tone was even and low, but a serious fire burned in her crimson eyes. “‘First priority’, enough of your lies. That is the shittiest excuse I’ve ever heard. Your first priority was saving your own face-- don't blame it on him or his ability to make friends with you around. Quit pretending that you’re a parent who cares; your excuses won’t work. You gave up that role a long time ago.”

    Oras Auro
    Oras Auro

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Lineage : Chaotic Legacy
    Position : None
    Posts : 750
    Guild : Black Rose
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Izayuki
    Experience : 32,850

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Fictitous Actuality
    Second Skill: W.I.P.
    Third Skill:

    Make it Frosty Empty Re: Make it Frosty

    Post by Oras Auro 22nd September 2018, 7:29 am

    Oras was busy thinking about what Atia was saying, trying to process everything in his mind. So, according to her, she was terrified doing anything with or to him would make his life far worse off than he already was, due to the fact that she had spent an eternity acting out her revenge and not helping anyone. There was some logic to that, but it didn't excuse the fact that she had failed to be a proper mother and be there for him. Even if it was just to comfort him. What he desired more than anything was someone to call family. Someone he could relate to and grow in relationship with. It was that side of him that was working so hard to find it in him to give her a second chance. Then Izayuki went into a sort of outburst to which Oras turned to look at her. Was she right? Did Atia not truly love him because she left him there? Or... Was it possible that Atia loved him, but feared herself equally? Thus too fearful of corrupting him by accident? Atia was losing her patience with the Yokai and glared at the small Tanuki. "Listen here Izayuki, I don't make excuses! You think I don't know how shitty of a mother I've been? All the mistakes I've made?! Yes I made those mistakes out of fear but that doesn't make it right now does it?! I'm telling you this because my son asked for the answer, and satisfying or not THAT is the truth!" Her body began to cover in a chaotic aura, her eyes flashing with infinite power. "I may have issues with hatred and revenge. I may not be a good mother just yet, or good at helping others. But if there's one virtue about me? I. NEVER. LIE. And you can count on this: No matter how many times I fail, I will NEVER stop trying to become the parent my son wants and needs me to be. So, why don't you go and-"

    "ENOUGH!" Oras yelled ceasing both from continuing their argument. He looked at Atia, then at Izayuki with an impatient glance. "Both of you! Izayuki, I am not dismissing your feelings, distrust or words in this situation. However anger will only make getting answers harder. Let's listen to everything and analyze the information after. Then arguments can commence. Mother?" He said, as it was a solid fact now that couldn't be ignored, and he used the term as just that: an appropriate term. "That goes for you too. No matter what is said, please keep calm and focused." Atia's aura lingered for a half second before vanishing completely and she sat back down again with a sign. "Very well son... Are there any other questions you would like to ask?" she replied. Oras rubbed his forehead, frustrated that he's having to handle both of them in order to stabilize things. "Yes I do, a few more. Firstly: What were your plans for if I accept you as my mother and choose to build that relationship?" "My intention was to focus on whatever it was you wanted Oras." "Then wouldn't it have been a good idea to learn more about the world I live in? The people and their culture?" She blinked. "I hadn't seen the need at the time. My hatred for mortals had grown as well as my hatred for the gods because of their evil nature, bringing me to care little for them." "But you know there are those who are good and innocent within the hordes of the corrupt." She nodded. Oras turned to Izayuki, indicating that if she had any questions he would like to hear them while he processed this.


    "You think you know what is truth?  A world of facts? Right and wrong?  Universal Laws?  Soon I will show you.  Soon you will see.  You couldn't be more wrong, Guest."

    Make it Frosty TEm5Pci


    Make it Frosty Empty Re: Make it Frosty

    Post by Guest 5th October 2018, 11:26 pm

    Make it Frosty Uunc4B4

    The reaction of the goddess was certainly satisfying. Izayuki had not witnessed a deity’s anger in a while, and thus it almost felt refreshing to see that her words had triggered it. She was right, after all, everything about this situation was wrong. Deities were tricky beings, they could not take this one’s words as full truth so easily. Such words would need to be tested. Oras suddenly shouted for the tangent to stop. His impatient gaze met Izayuki’s dauntless and blazing rose colored eyes.

    “Funny how you suddenly care when forced to face us thanks to Kemuira,”
    the bakedanuki commented with a huff and daring taunt. It was not said as an intentional jab, but rather just in the act of laying the truth on thick. Everything about this situation was fishy and likely false. To the deity, her guildmate was nothing more than an experiment from what it seemed. Why else would she have waited this long to reveal herself. The story was all just in a futile attempt to cover her ass and Izayuki could only hope that Oras saw that. She still stood defensively in between the two, refusing to allow any physical contact to be made if she could help it.

    Oras Auro
    Oras Auro

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Lineage : Chaotic Legacy
    Position : None
    Posts : 750
    Guild : Black Rose
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Izayuki
    Experience : 32,850

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Fictitous Actuality
    Second Skill: W.I.P.
    Third Skill:

    Make it Frosty Empty Re: Make it Frosty

    Post by Oras Auro 8th October 2018, 8:56 pm

    Oras sighed when Izayuki, instead of asking a legitimate question like he was hoping for, she tried taunting his mother. Why was she acting this way? Being distrusting of another, especially a god apparently, was one thing. This however, was her trying to get said god riled up. What was her end goal? What was her plan? "You're correct in thinking that I hadn't planned on appearing before him if that's what you're jabbing at Izayuki. I already admit that I was and am a horrible mother, and that I wish to become a good one for Oras. I'm not going to keep repeating myself." There was a hint of frustration, annoyance and anger in her voice but it was at a minimum. Probably due to his request for no anger or violence, or at least that's what Oras thought. If Izayuki tried to jab or taunt Atia a second time Oras would interrupt her and ask that she focus on questions alone so as not to anger anyone on either side. He had no idea why, but she was acting extremely childish. Did she have history with a god or goddess herself? It was possible that if this were the case, old wounds were resurfacing as hostile emotions. "...Do you care about anyone other than myself?" Atia stiffened a little bit. "If I'm being blunt, not really no." "Do you think you can learn to care about innocent lives? And I don't just mean not being the cause of their deaths." Atia looked away for a moment, seemed to have some sort of internal struggle with this one. And Oras was guessing why. She'd been betrayed by all of mankind once, and thus she was naturally reluctant to even consider trusting them. When she looked back at Oras however, and into his eyes her body instantly relaxed, and her questioning loosening. "I..I will try and do my be-" "No." Oras said suddenly. "You'll do better. And you'll do whatever it takes to learn about the people in this world on a personal level as well. Many of them are idiots and fools, but they have lives, dreams, hopes, goals. Learn them. Help them. Protect them. I want you to go above and beyond with this. And I want you to do it without using godly powers." Atia was surprised at this to say the least but she said nothing at first. All her life she'd been a deity. What he was suggesting was the equivalence to telling Izayuki to never again take on an animal or Yokai form, to abandon her heritage and only appear like a human. Of course she expected the hypocrite to be pleased with Oras saying this. She closed her eyes and took a mental breath. "I will not use my powers of Chaos-" "Or prior powers of emotions and guidance," Oras added. "....Or the powers I had forsaken long ago... And instead focus on learning about humanity..." "...In a personal manner." ".......In a personal manner........" Oras nodded. Hopefully she would eventually change from doing this because he wanted her to, and instead seek mankind out on her own free will.


    "You think you know what is truth?  A world of facts? Right and wrong?  Universal Laws?  Soon I will show you.  Soon you will see.  You couldn't be more wrong, Guest."

    Make it Frosty TEm5Pci

      Current date/time is 26th July 2024, 9:42 pm