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    You Need a Body Cast For All My Broken Promises ~ (Job w/ Theo ♥)

    Eden Knox
    Eden Knox

    She wolf

    She wolf

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    You Need a Body Cast For All My Broken Promises ~ (Job w/ Theo ♥) Empty You Need a Body Cast For All My Broken Promises ~ (Job w/ Theo ♥)

    Post by Eden Knox 29th August 2018, 5:45 pm

    It was early. Sometime between 5 and 6 in the morning. The pink haired woman hadn't been able to sleep well that night. It was most likely because of stress. It had been a few weeks since she had remembered a big chunk of her past, but she still couldn't get it out of her mind. There was still a deep seeded hunger for revenge lingering within her heart. No matter how hard she wished it would go away, it never did. It was frustrating, to say the least. Rolling over in bed, she looked at the sleeping goof who laid next to her. Normally, his presence was the only thing which allowed her to get some sleep nowadays. But it would seem that the anger had brewed to the point where even that didn't help as much. Smiling, she gave him a quick kiss on the forehead before slinking quietly out of bed. She didn't want to wake him! At least, not yet. Tip toeing quietly to her bathroom, she closed the door behind her, deciding to cool herself off with a quick shower.

    Maybe it wasn't such a quick shower, though. Standing under the water, Rin contemplated her next move. It wasn't realistic to live like this anymore. If she couldn't sleep, how was she going to function? There was a lot more on her plate now that Lester had become the guild master. Sure, she had obligations to her duties as an ace before, but now that one of her fellow squad members was in charge, she found herself working much harder than she had before. Maybe she wasn't good enough to be an ace.

    Or perhaps...

    Maybe it was the time to go back to the camp... For the final time. Her eyes lit up, anger and excitement mixed together as she thought of this possibility. Maybe... Just maybe, she would get the chance to finally kill Dr. Hinami. Now wouldn't that be just the thing to sate her hunger for revenge? Smirking from a sense of entitlement, she reached forward, turning off the water after it had begun to get cold. There was absolutely no point in staying in the water if it wasn't hot! That was one of the best parts of taking the shower! Hot water smoothing across bare skin, soothing the tense muscles that hid beneath it. It was luxurious! Plus, if she wanted to get to that camp, it would be best to leave sooner than later. Early in the morning might be the optimal time to strike! Grabbing her towel, she hid within it's warmth, cuddling with it for a moment before beginning to dry herself off. Once she had finished, she tied her hair up into a damp, messy bun before making her way towards her room once more, the towel wrapped around her like a fashionable dress. Well, not exactly fashionable, but a dress nonetheless!

    Stopping for a moment, rose tinted eyes swiveled to the right, observing her lover who seemed to be fast asleep still. The smile that had been plastered to her face earlier had returned. How could she resist smiling when she saw something as cute as that? Sauntering over to the side of the bed, she leaned down, pressing her peach colored lips lightly against his. "Wake up, Sleeping Beauty~" She cooed quietly, not wanting to jar him awake. That was the last thing he needed. No waiting for his response, she stood upright, making her way towards the closet that hid at the corner of her room. What was she going to wear? How embarrassing would it be if her clothes ripped when she switched forms again? It happened most times, considering the height and.... bust difference. There just wasn't anything stretchy enough! Grabbing an outfit off of one of the racks, she frowned at it. "This would definitely rip..." She mumbled to herself.
    coded by benetnasch of THQ

    Rin Mayou

    S rank here we come




    You Need a Body Cast For All My Broken Promises ~ (Job w/ Theo ♥) I2D4CIg


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    You Need a Body Cast For All My Broken Promises ~ (Job w/ Theo ♥) Empty Re: You Need a Body Cast For All My Broken Promises ~ (Job w/ Theo ♥)

    Post by 88 29th August 2018, 6:27 pm

    "Come baaack~" Theo whined, rustling out of his slumber enough to make sleepy grabby hands her way. His eyes remained shut, but his very being willed her to return to him. The bed was cold now, bringing a discontented scrunchy expression with it. "Mmrrrph....mean!" huffed the jello man, fitfully rolling over onto his stomach and burying his face into and almost slightly under his pillow to pout. How dare she not return to him the instant he wished it. Morning kisses and cuddles were the best, and she was depriving him of it for some reason.

    His internal clock was cursing the wake up at all, since it was before he should normally ever consider being conscious. Her gentle wake up kisses usually kept the sleep beast at bay, but he could feel the tendrils of exhaustion trying to drag him back under. Theo was never a very good sleeper in the sense that between bad dreams, exciting dreams, and waking fitfully over and over during the night, he never got much restful sleep. This was at the heart of his late sleeping habits, but just as his presence soothed his lover sometimes, so did she soothe him. Their new and improved sleeping habits worked wonders, and sometimes he was actually awake and functioning when it was still an appropriate time for breakfast! He'd never be an early bird like Lester, but baby steps were progress too!

    After his pouty reposition, he was left to scowl though no one could see it. The cool air of her room prickled his exposed skin. It seemed he wasn't wearing a shirt, but at least he had his underwear on. The sheets were slightly burritoed beneath him, leaving the young man vulnerable to chill but too stubborn to move to remedy it. No, instead he'd shiver, in hopes of drawing his love back to him, if out of nothing else but care for his general well being.



    You Need a Body Cast For All My Broken Promises ~ (Job w/ Theo ♥) 65698_s
    Eden Knox
    Eden Knox

    She wolf

    She wolf

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    You Need a Body Cast For All My Broken Promises ~ (Job w/ Theo ♥) Empty Re: You Need a Body Cast For All My Broken Promises ~ (Job w/ Theo ♥)

    Post by Eden Knox 29th August 2018, 7:20 pm

    Suddenly distracted by Theo’s shuffling and grumbling, Rin placed the outfit she had in her hands back on the rack it had been hanging on moments before. This could wait for now. Her boyfriend was always the most important thing! Walking over to the bed once more, she dragged the covers out from underneath him, placing them on top of his shivering body instead. “Don’t be so grumpy~” she giggled lightly as she laid beside him once more. Pulling the towel she wore upwards, she made sure nothing was showing, before wrapping her arms around him. “Are you a little warmer now?” She asked lovingly, placing her lips gently on his head. Trailing down, she left a few kisses on his bare shoulder as well. If she couldn’t kiss his lips, then this would just have to do! It was a bit of a chore to wake him up some days, but when she thought of it, it was a lot better than having to wait for him to wake up and come to her house.

    On the bright side, waking up to see him every morning was a treat. It almost made her wish that they stayed in the same house all the time. Wouldn’t that be fun?! They could make sweets together, she could make meals for them every day, and they could—. A blush cascaded across her cheeks as her thoughts went to... a bit of an inappropriate place. Shaking her head gently, she attempted to get the sinful thoughts out of her head. Now wasn’t the time for this! She needed him to wake up so that she could tell him where she was going! It wouldn’t be right to just leave him here while she went back to the camp. He had already told her that he wanted to help, and she wasn’t about to pass up the offer! “Hey. If I make you breakfast, will you get up? I have to tell you something.” This bribe ought to work! Food was one of the best things to motivate Theo with! “I may not be as good at it as Lester is, but I can try!” She bubbled cheerfully, trying to motivate both of them to get out of bed and start their days!
    coded by benetnasch of THQ

    Rin Mayou





    You Need a Body Cast For All My Broken Promises ~ (Job w/ Theo ♥) I2D4CIg


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    You Need a Body Cast For All My Broken Promises ~ (Job w/ Theo ♥) Empty Re: You Need a Body Cast For All My Broken Promises ~ (Job w/ Theo ♥)

    Post by 88 30th August 2018, 7:41 pm

    With some sort of noise of victory, it was hard to classify the sound he'd made after all, Theo turned to her and snaked his arms around her waist, snuggling into her warmth. Nuzzling her neck and shoulder with his lips, he resisted her insistence that they get up out of bed. She smelled so nice...had she taken a shower? Her hair was still damp and smelled strongly of her shampoo. She smelled like candied petals, and he so loved those things. Rin's skin felt even more soft and alluring than usual, inviting him to take some morning time to give it a little more attention. It's be rude to not appreciate her returning presence to bed, wouldn't it? There were worse ways to wake up.

    Her offer of breakfast met a surprising response. Her lover merely grunted to signal he'd heard her, but didn't seem interested, which she should definitely take as a compliment. Theo had gained a new motivation as of late, so the offer of food actually didn't work. It seemed he might have had other things in mind, one of which was not letting Rin go. He returned to his nuzzling and light kisses on her flesh, though it was obvious he was actually starting to wake up either way. His lips trailed their way to hers, offering a lingering smooch of greeting and persuasion. The sleepy wizard might not want to go back to slumbering now, but he was particularly unmotivated to leave his girlfriend's bed, especially while she was also in it. "What's so important that we need to get up and eat first?" asked the groggy man, pulling away just enough to look at her face with a smile. "And what kind of breakfast?" came the next question. Okay, so maybe her bribe would work after all. His stomach growled softly in an echo of his words, lighting his face in a soft, sheepish blush. He'd put off a meal for her, but that didn't mean that the thought of waffles and blueberry muffins didn't rouse his ravenous hunger!

    The jello mage finally released his captive lover, sluggishly sitting up with much reluctant huffing. He rubbed his sleepy eyes and proceeded to stretch with a deep groan only to mysteriously freeze right in the middle. Looking a bit like a lone disturbing tree, his eyes gazed out blankly at her bedroom wall, clearly processing something alarming. After a cold sweat coated his taut flesh, movement began to return. His body creaked haltingly around to look at her with wide eyes. "U-Uh....R-R-Rin?" he asked, voice as creaky as his wooden movements. "W-What's the...the thing you wanna tell me, habibi?" the voice of her lover was nearly an octave above usual, seemingly from terror. "Are you...uh...p-p-p-p-pre--?!"



    You Need a Body Cast For All My Broken Promises ~ (Job w/ Theo ♥) 65698_s
    Eden Knox
    Eden Knox

    She wolf

    She wolf

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    You Need a Body Cast For All My Broken Promises ~ (Job w/ Theo ♥) Empty Re: You Need a Body Cast For All My Broken Promises ~ (Job w/ Theo ♥)

    Post by Eden Knox 30th August 2018, 9:12 pm

    Sighing contently, rosy colored eyes closed slowly. Why did he have to make it so hard to get up?! If she didn't know any better, she would have called everything off and just stayed like this, but unfortunately, that wasn't in the cards. She could feel herself steadily melting into his grip, and it was going to take everything she had to get up! "It's just one of those things that I wanted to tell you while you were actually somewhat conscious." A small giggle left her as she teased him lovingly. She didn't want him not to hear or understand what she had in mind! This was a pretty big thing she was planning, after all. There would need to be some talk about strategy before they just left the house and busted into the camp. It couldn't be like the last time she had gone by herself. If she was caught this time, they would kill her for sure. As he inquired about breakfast, a smirk crept across her lips. Talk of food was always a good way to get the sleepy treasure hunter out of bed! "I was thinking maybe pancakes. I have some chocolate chips that we could put in them too!~" She bubbled cheerfully, becoming excited for breakfast herself! Normally breakfast wasn't her favorite meal of the day, but it would seem that today was different!

    As he began to get up, her face began to scrunch up into a frown. She knew that she had asked him to get up, but now she was regretting it! Letting out a small groan of frustration, she turned over, facing away from him for a moment before pushing herself up to a sitting position as well. How could she ask him to get up and then not get up herself?! That would just be rude, now wouldn't it? Deciding that maybe a sip of water would help, she grabbed the bottle she always
    kept next to her bed, bringing it up to her lips and taking a big gulp. Perhaps that was a bad decision. Hearing what Theo was saying, she tried to process it for a moment. Pre...? What did he... Oh... Surprised by the sudden realization, Rin inhaled deeply, bringing the water that was in her mouth swiftly into her lungs. She practically hacked said lungs up! "I-I-I... N-N-N-N-NO! No!" She managed to croak between fits of coughing. That was definitely not what she wanted to talk about right now! Being pregnant was not on the agenda! Not anytime soon anyways! "I... I'm going to... Go put some clothes on..." Getting up from the bed, she rushed to her closet, trying to remove herself from this awkward conversation! She closed the door slightly behind her, leaving it open just in case he needed to say something to her.

    Perhaps it would be a good idea to just wear something comfortable while they made breakfast? It would be a lot better than having to stress about finding an outfit that wouldn't completely rip later on. Especially when she was still coughing after that water mishap! Grabbing a t-shirt, sweatpants, a bra, and some cute pink panties, she placed them all neatly on the dresser beside her, before unwrapping the towel from her body and letting it drop to the ground. As she began to dress herself, she turned around, her face still flushed from thinking about the whole pregnancy misunderstanding. "Did you want to put something on before we make breakfast? I don't mind if you don't. Then I have an excuse to stare at you~" She joked, trying to lighten the mood a bit.
    coded by benetnasch of THQ

    Rin Mayou





    You Need a Body Cast For All My Broken Promises ~ (Job w/ Theo ♥) I2D4CIg


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    You Need a Body Cast For All My Broken Promises ~ (Job w/ Theo ♥) Empty Re: You Need a Body Cast For All My Broken Promises ~ (Job w/ Theo ♥)

    Post by 88 30th August 2018, 10:46 pm

    He'd already begun to imagine things; things like the pitter patter of little feet crashing into every conceivable surface. The wails of hunger and hurts. Black hair and rosy eyes....or pinkish hair and bright blue eyes... a mix of their two traits into one tiny human. His terror wasn't all negative. The notion of bringing a person into the world and being responsible for its wellbeing and future was a big responsibility, and he had a hard time finding matching socks! Theo was still young, and so was Rin. There was no wealth of parental knowledge from childhood experiences, having been sold off and essentially raised by sand pirates. He was taught to be selfish and careless by random people, and it had killed him once! Then there was poor Rin, his lover's past of imprisonment and torture to the point of extreme disassociation! Terrible things happened to kids, and though they would try to keep that from happening, he knew his parents had been reluctant to let him go. Rin didn't remember her dad, but surely he tried to stop what happened. But it was what it was. If she was pregnant, they would love it and do their best to keep bad things from happening! Could they possibly protect something so precious?

    However, he had to admit it wouldn't be all bad. The first words, the first steps, the adventure of having half of each of them combined into a tiny human that they loved with all their hearts and connected them together forever...that wasn't so bad. Smiling at each other as the small baby slept, taking it on picnics, refrigerator art, throwing food, and watching it grow...

    As she denied his panicked assumption amidst her choking, relief squished the air from his lungs, but also brought just a twinge of regret or disappointment. In that small pause in which he panicked and the time it took her to answer, he'd already begun to adjust to the idea of having a kid with her. Funny how fast that could happen. But still, relief was the strongest, as his body bent forward to rest elbows on the knees hanging over the edge of the bed. Hands went into his onyx locks, running through them a few times before he finally smiled at her next words. "A-ah. Sorry...heh heh...I'll be waiting for you in the kitchen, then," her lover called to her, standing and exiting her bedroom.

    Once he was out earshot, his shook the nerves out of his limbs forcibly, making some sort of growl or groan to go with it. How stupid could he be?! What made him assume that, other than their activities lately and how she worded it? Shuffling into the kitchen area, he pulled out bowls and spatulas and chocolate chips, hopping his underweared butt onto the counter to wait. He had no idea how to make pancakes, but he'd love to watch Rin do it...and love to watch her watch him. Surely him sprawling himself across her kitchen counters, scantily clad would have no affect on her breakfast making.



    You Need a Body Cast For All My Broken Promises ~ (Job w/ Theo ♥) 65698_s
    Eden Knox
    Eden Knox

    She wolf

    She wolf

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    You Need a Body Cast For All My Broken Promises ~ (Job w/ Theo ♥) Empty Re: You Need a Body Cast For All My Broken Promises ~ (Job w/ Theo ♥)

    Post by Eden Knox 30th August 2018, 11:41 pm

    Moving from her room to the kitchen, she tightened the bun on the top of her head, ensuring that it was secured and away from her face for the time being. How annoying would it be to have your hair in the way while you're cooking?! Or worse, getting a hair in the food! Now that would be nasty! Entering the kitchen, she stopped in her tracks, noticing the half naked man sitting on the counter. It was a bit... Distracting. "How am I supposed to pay attention to cooking when you look like that?" A smirk on her face, she leaned towards him, placing a soft kiss on his lips. "Thanks for getting all of the stuff out! I just need a few more things." She cooed, moving away from him for a moment to gather ingredients. It had been a while since she had made pancakes, but she had a pretty good idea of how to make them. "Let's see... Milk, flour, egg, butter... Maybe a little bit of salt? Oh gosh! I almost forgot the sugar! The sugar is one of the most important parts!" She rambled on, more or less to herself. Once she had grabbed everything, she gathered it all together, moving it over to where Theo was currently sprawled out. "Okay! This should be everything!" She cheered excitedly. She was hungry just thinking about it!

    "Alright... So I think all the dry stuff will go in this bowl... And then the wet stuff will go in this one." She explained, staring intently at each bowl. This was going to be an interesting experiment! It had been a while since she had made anything this fancy, so who knew how it was going to turn out. Reaching to grab the bag of flour, she opened it carefully, making sure that the white powder didn't go flying everywhere. That would just make a huge mess. But then it hit her. Looking over to her lover, a smile spread it's way across her lips. "Hey. It looks like you've got something on your face!" She pointed out, pointing with her right hand. All the while, she reached her hand into the bag of flour, grabbing a pinch of it between her fingers. "Riiiight... There!" As the last word left her lips, she flicked the small amount of powder towards his face. Looking at her work, a laugh rumbled in her chest, threatening to escape. "Pfff.. Hahaha!" Her attempts to cage the chuckle failed quickly, sending her over the edge and into a pit of giggles.
    coded by benetnasch of THQ

    Rin Mayou





    You Need a Body Cast For All My Broken Promises ~ (Job w/ Theo ♥) I2D4CIg


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    You Need a Body Cast For All My Broken Promises ~ (Job w/ Theo ♥) Empty Re: You Need a Body Cast For All My Broken Promises ~ (Job w/ Theo ♥)

    Post by 88 31st August 2018, 12:52 am

    "You're not supposed to pay attention...that's the point. Give in to my distraction," he taunted back, winking playfully. It was nice to be able to have this banter now without half explaining everything. Sometimes he missed her precious and pure innocence, but in a serious relationship it made things pretty tense...at least on his side. It took some getting used to, but it seemed Theo was pretty comfortable with it all now. Well, at least with memory-having Rin. Zulu...well....that would probably take a little time. Just like he was sure adjusting to Drathir was weird.

    Watching her was always so fun. So particular, even when she wasn't completely sure what she was doing. In the mean time, as he displayed himself for her to get flustered at, he opened the bag of chocolate chips and popped a few in his mouth every so often, unable to keep himself from munching on the sweet bits. Maybe if he memorized everything she did, he'd be able to replicate it himself. After watching Chef Dorgon Samray make muffins so many times, he did actually know how to make those quite well when he needed to. The inability to read kept him from following recipes that well, so it could be said he was a visual learner. Who knows, maybe if he watched her cook these enough, one day he could surprise her with breakfast in bed without having the ship chef or dear Lester help him. It'd be nice to be independent in that respect, wouldn't it?

    As his cute little girlfriend puffed powdered sugar in his face, he blinked and coughed a little, scrunching his nose up. "Hey!" he squawked, sneezing as the sweet fluffy dust sucked up his nostrils. Before he could fall off the counter, the jello man slid off and onto his bare feet, face a bit white where the sugar stuck. Reaching around her, he got a pinch for himself to counter flick into her face, before his fingers just found their ways to her side for a energetic round of tickling. "You think you can laugh at me, eh?" he asked, though he was already in the midst of a hearty laugh himself.

    Eventually the attack on her resided and he was left to lean against the counter, pulling her against him for a bit of canoodling. Covering her face in kisses, and thus cleansing her of the powdered sugar counter attack, he jerked his head back abruptly. "Oh!" gasped the man, turning to look at the ingredients in a spark of remembrance. "We don't have everything. What about vanilla? Doesn't that usually go?" Theo asked. Hey, maybe he was learning after all!



    You Need a Body Cast For All My Broken Promises ~ (Job w/ Theo ♥) 65698_s
    Eden Knox
    Eden Knox

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    You Need a Body Cast For All My Broken Promises ~ (Job w/ Theo ♥) Empty Re: You Need a Body Cast For All My Broken Promises ~ (Job w/ Theo ♥)

    Post by Eden Knox 31st August 2018, 7:41 pm

    As the white colored powder flew towards her face, her nose scrunched up, retreating from the sudden assault. She expected him to fight back, but not this quickly! Pink tinted yes opened after hiding from the foreign substance that threatened to infiltrate their domain. They adjusted back to a squint as her laughter continued, though. It made it a bit hard to notice the oncoming attack! Feeling her lover's finger's against her side, her laughter compounded, accompanied by squirming and a small shriek. "A-Ah! N-N-No! S-Stop!" She squealed between fits of laughter, trying to escape from the hands that held her captive. As they did, she took deep breaths, trying to regain a normal breathing pattern after all of that laughing! Leaning against her lover's bare chest, she smiled contently as his lips smothered her cheeks in kisses. These were the types of morning that she cherished. Mornings that she never wanted to forget.

    Leaning back to look him in his glacier like eyes, she smirked devilishly. "You're a big meanie!~" She teased, sticking her tongue out at him playfully. Running a hand gently up his chest, she rested it on his cheek, bringing his face down so that she could place her lips on his. "You're right. We do need vanilla! Let me grab that really quick!" Moving herself reluctantly away from her lover, she walked towards her spice cabinet, where she kept her vanilla. It probably could have been in a better spot, but for now, that was where it lived! Jumping up onto the counter so that she could reach the high up cupboard, she grabbed the little bottle, smiling with triumph as she carefully made her way down. "Got it!" It would have been a tragedy if she had forgotten the delicious vanilla! It made the pancakes even more sweet! Good thing Theo had remembered it before she had started making them. Walking back over to the counter where all the bowls stood, she began to start mixing everything together, finally getting a nice looking batter. Every few seconds, though, she would look over at her boyfriend, who was still being extremely distracting. How was she going to cook like this?! If she couldn't concentrate, she was going to end up burning herself! And burns really hurt! A loving smile tugged at the corners of her mouth as she admired him, using all of her strength to not drop everything and make out with him. "Now we just have to cook them in a pan!" Pancakes were super easy to make! It was exciting that they were so close to being ready to nom!"But, if you want me to give in to your distraction so bad, then you get no yummy breakfast! It'll all be for me!" She taunted, bringing the bowl close to her chest as if she was protecting it.
    coded by benetnasch of THQ

    Rin Mayou





    You Need a Body Cast For All My Broken Promises ~ (Job w/ Theo ♥) I2D4CIg


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    You Need a Body Cast For All My Broken Promises ~ (Job w/ Theo ♥) Empty Re: You Need a Body Cast For All My Broken Promises ~ (Job w/ Theo ♥)

    Post by 88 31st August 2018, 11:10 pm

    "Whaaaat!" cried the half naked man, having reclaimed his spot on the counter top. "You're the one who basically asked me to distract you with my body while you cooked~" he teased in a playful pout. "You can't eat it all anyway...you love me too much. Plus, you'd explode," grinned the scarred boy, slinking off the counter nonetheless to shuffle to her fridge while she commenced the harder part of the task that required much concentration. He didn't want her to burn herself, and she was as clumsy as him when she wasn't having concentration problems. He definitely was acquainted with burns, and he wouldn't ever wish that on his lover. Reaching into the chilling depths to find fruits, Theo took himself to a cutting board to do a bit of half naked fruit chopping with a sharp knife.

    "So...is whatever you need to tell me happening after we eat, or can you tell me now?" asked the young man, carefully concentrating so not to cut himself. His curiosity was eating him alive now that he wasn't distracted with distracting his girlfriend. If she wasn't pregnant, what else was it she had in mind that they needed to get out of bed and eat for? This proved to be enough of a concentration breaker that his chop missed a blueberry that shot away like a bullet, leaving his finger in the blade's path. "Mmph..." he stifled a yelp, not wanting her to burn herself or the food. Jerking the offended digit into his mouth, he sucked the blood away as if that would also soothe the pain. It didn't, and now all he tasted was metal. Slowly freeing his finger for a look, he saw a shallow cut. Nothing serious, but ouchy all the same. Frowning at his stupid self, he wrapped it silently in a paper towel so he could resume the fruit slicing.

    Dumping bits of strawberries, blueberries, cherries, peaches, and mangoes into a bowl, he plucked up one of the remaining whole strawberries and popped it into his mouth, stem still hanging out like a pacifier loop as he munched. Tip toeing behind her, he peeked at her progress, tummy growling the whole time to announce his presence.



    You Need a Body Cast For All My Broken Promises ~ (Job w/ Theo ♥) 65698_s
    Eden Knox
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    You Need a Body Cast For All My Broken Promises ~ (Job w/ Theo ♥) Empty Re: You Need a Body Cast For All My Broken Promises ~ (Job w/ Theo ♥)

    Post by Eden Knox 1st September 2018, 5:51 pm

    He was right. She had kind of asked him to. But it was a joke! Well, half a joke. A pout crossed her expression as she stared at him, trying to come up with some sort of witty come-back. Unfortunately, it would seem she was backed into a corner. There was no getting out of this one! “You’re right. I do love you too much.” She sighed lightly, admitting defeat. As he walked over to the fridge, the young woman got to work, bringing the bowl over to the counter next to the stove-top. Grabbing a pan from the nearby cupboard, she placed it on top of one of the burners, turning one of the knobs to set it alight. Pouring some of the batter into the center of the pan, she let it spread, tiny bubbles beginning to form on the surface. The batter looked perfect! It looked like breakfast would be a success! Smiling with triumph, she watched as the yummy looking batter turned into an even yummier looking pancake.

    As she listened to Theo’s question, though, a frown tugged at the corners of her mouth. She had almost forgotten about going to the camp today. After all of the laughing and teasing that was going on this morning, it was hard to want to think about something so negative. Sighing gently, she flipped the pancake, letting it cook on the other side, before placing it on an empty plate beside her. “Well... I guess I can just tell you now... I um... Well... I need to go back to that camp. There’s a score I need to settle.” The words were sour in her mouth. Similar to a deadly venom. Her grip on the spatula in her hand became tighter, her knuckles turning white from the pressure. “If you want to come with me, I won’t stop you. But I’m not changing my mind about this. Dr. Hinami needs to die, and those children need to be free. I don’t care if they try to kill me, they deserve to be set free. To have normal lives. To be... well... Kids.” It was going to be hard to convince the children that she was on their side, but it was something she was willing to risk her life for. Hearing her lover approach from behind her, she turned around, eyes fierce with a thirst for revenge. When it finally registered who she was looking at, her eyes returned to normal. That was, until she noticed the bloody paper towel on his hand. “What happened?! Y-You’re bleeding!” She asked, obvious concern written all over her face! “Come on, we need to get that cleaned up.” Gesturing for him to follow her, she made her way to the bathroom.
    coded by benetnasch of THQ

    Rin Mayou





    You Need a Body Cast For All My Broken Promises ~ (Job w/ Theo ♥) I2D4CIg


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    You Need a Body Cast For All My Broken Promises ~ (Job w/ Theo ♥) Empty Re: You Need a Body Cast For All My Broken Promises ~ (Job w/ Theo ♥)

    Post by 88 1st September 2018, 6:51 pm

    The abrupt change in tone and mood shocked the young man. leaving him to simply blink at her. Thankfully the strawberry in his mouth kept him from responding to such a serious matter, which let him think of his words more carefully on the way to the bathroom. Once there, he removed the paper towel from the wound, and also through the fruit stem away. "It's just a little cut. I'm clumsy..." he said softly, mind preoccupied by her former words still. Suddenly he pulled her into a serious embrace, uncaring for his finger. There were more pressing things. He'd agreed to help her before, and he'd stand by that. It was just a little hard to hear his precious love speak of killing a person, even if he deserved it.

    But he wasn't dumb enough to try and reason with her that they needed to simply turn the man over to the authorities, should they find him. This man was responsible for all the bad things that had happened to Rin, and he honestly hated the doctor for it without ever meeting the man. There was a dissonance inside, partly the reformed Theo who abhorred killing battling with his older and more present self who would feel better once the offender was cut down and permanently stopped from hurting both her and other children. Which side of himself would he listen to? "I still wanna help," he spoke firmly. Releasing her, he cupped both her shoulders warmly and stared into her eyes as if to make sure she knew what he understood and meant what he said. Then he tuck out the offended finger, awaiting medical care. "We need to hurry and eat our nice breakfast then. The day will be...busy. And intense," Theo continued, expression much more serious than usual. Perhaps he was getting into the mindset required for such a task. Something like this would need mercenary Theo to be useful, not lovable goof Theo. Once bandaged, he wasted no time leaving the bathroom and returning to the kitchen to finish up and put everything on the table except for the pancakes she still worked on.

    "While you finish those, I'll go get dressed," the jello mage said after few moments, disappearing back into her bedroom to dress for the day. He pulled on some black pants and tucked them into black boots. A belt would ensure his bottoms would stay in place, and his scarf was tucked into his back pocket. Next he slipped a black T-shirt over his scarred torso, and stuffed black gloves into his small bag. As if he couldn't look any more serious, he put the back part of his hair into a small pony tail, clipping the parts that usually hung in his eyes back as well. By the time he emerged to leave his bag and sword by her front door, he hardly looked like his usual self. Something could be said that he kept this gear in the bag be brought to her house. Maybe he hadn't divorced himself from his old persona as much as he thought.



    You Need a Body Cast For All My Broken Promises ~ (Job w/ Theo ♥) 65698_s
    Eden Knox
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    You Need a Body Cast For All My Broken Promises ~ (Job w/ Theo ♥) Empty Re: You Need a Body Cast For All My Broken Promises ~ (Job w/ Theo ♥)

    Post by Eden Knox 1st September 2018, 10:04 pm

    Rosy pink eyes widened slightly as her lover pulled her into a surprise embrace. Relaxing slighty, she wrapped her arms around him in return, trying to give him some sort of comfort. It probably wasn't the easiest thing for him to hear, but it had to be done. This man needed to die. If he died, this place would crumble. She could finally avenge all of the people who were slaughtered there. Good people. One death to save the majority seemed like a justifiable reason to Rin. Or perhaps it was just a way to make her feel better about it all. Either way, the revenge driven woman had no sympathy in her heart for this man. His death would mean nothing to her. "Y-You don't have to." She stuttered with uncertainty. It would be unfair to ask something like that of him. He wasn't a fan of killing after all that had happened in his past, so how could she ask him to do something like that for her? As they pulled away from each other, a frown slid across her face. His expression was fierce and serious, which concerned her a tiny bit. It wasn't that she didn't want him to come. In fact, it was the opposite. She didn't want to go all alone. But at the same time, she didn't want him to be unhappy. It was better when he smiled. "I don't want you to go just because you think you have to... I also don't want you to have to see me like this. Things... They'll most likely get pretty ugly." There was so much pent up anger and frustration, that she truly didn't know how she would handle it when she finally got the chance to unleash it all. Perhaps it was something that nobody should have to see.

    Turning away from him, she reached up into the medicine cabinet, grabbing a bandage and some disinfectant to keep the wound from worsening. It really wasn't that bad, but it still needed to be properly taken care of. After cleaning it up, she placed the bandage neatly on top, securing it gently, ensuring that it wasn't too tight, but also not loose enough to come off. "Okay. All done." She cooed gently, placing a gentle kiss on top of the bandage. Kisses made everything better, right? As he left to go get changed, she nodded slowly, a bit sad that the fun from this morning had to end so abruptly. Sighing, she made her way back to the kitchen, finishing the pancakes and placing them on the table along with the fruit that Theo had cut up. The breakfast looked yummy, but for some reason it looked less sweet now.

    Hearing footsteps coming from her room, she turned to look, watching carefully as her lover brought his gear out into the living room. Her heart dropped for a moment as she noticed his expression. He seemed to be a bit more serious than she had initially anticipated. Perhaps she should have just gone without him? Then he wouldn't have to worry about any of this. But at the same time, he would have wondered where she was. That would be cruel. Especially if she had ended up dying in that camp. "U-Uh... Breakfast is ready." She murmured quietly, a weak smile sweeping across her lips. Sitting down, she grabbed one of the pancakes and a small heap of the fruit, making sure that she got plenty of each. Placing a bit of the pancake and the fruit on her fork, she popped it into her mouth. As she bit down, her smile grew, expressing just how she felt about their creation. "Yummy!~" She cheered excitedly. They were delicious! As much as she tried to distract herself with the tasty food, it didn't seem to be working. The air around the two of them felt tense. She didn't want to, but it would probably be a good idea to talk about the plan. It would be stupid to just go running in there without at least briefly filling him in on what was about to happen. "I... Well... I wanted to tell you about my plan so far. I promise that I'm not stupid enough to just run in there without at least thinking about it... In fact, it's really the only thing i've been able to think about these past few nights." She sighed in frustration, remembering all of the sleepless nights she had endured. "I think I mentioned Captain Oswald and Lieutenant Sanders... Those two are going to be the biggest obstacles. Lieutenant Sanders is essentially harmless. A pervert and... A... Rapist... But harmless. He's scrawny and uncoordinated. Captain Oswald will most likely be the biggest issue. He's fast and incredibly strong. He was the one who taught me most of what I know. He's a genius when it comes to combat. He's not afraid to kill me on the spot. Even if it was against Dr. Hinami's orders. I gave him a pretty... Um... Well... Heh heh... Unfortunate injury. Needless to say, he won't ever be having children, so he has a bit of a grudge against me." Stopping for a moment, she took another bite of her breakfast, taking a minute to enjoy the lovely taste. "Both of them are useless to me. They can be killed or captured, I don't care. All I care about is Dr. Hinami, and I have no problems with using them however I need to to get to him." The words that came out of her mouth frightened even herself. Normally she was compassionate and kind, not wanting to harm anyone. Suffering was the last thing she wanted for the world. But these people. This camp. She wanted all of it to burn. Every last bit of it.
    coded by benetnasch of THQ

    Rin Mayou





    You Need a Body Cast For All My Broken Promises ~ (Job w/ Theo ♥) I2D4CIg


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    You Need a Body Cast For All My Broken Promises ~ (Job w/ Theo ♥) Empty Re: You Need a Body Cast For All My Broken Promises ~ (Job w/ Theo ♥)

    Post by 88 1st September 2018, 10:40 pm

    While the abnormally serious expression was jarring to her, it was needed to get in the right headspace for this mission. That said, he wasn't so beyond his normal self as to not get a goofy smile once a bite of pancake and fruit passed his lips. As if it wasn't sweet enough as it was, he doused it all in syrup, too. Could anything ever be too sweet for the jello man? "These are delicious, Rin~" he mumbled through a full mouth of sucrose, greatly pleased that his lover could produce such a taste. The hint of vanilla brought him just a tinge of pride. If not for him, that note would have been tragically missing, but he suspected these would have tasted fine without it anyway. The chocolate an fruit added in any other flavor that might need to be there, but a little extra deliciousness never hurt.

    Even if he smiled at every bite, it would fade in between, back into the expression of someone who had done this sort of thing before. Just as it was frightening to hear her say such things after he'd gotten to know her as a harmless bean, it was probably just as alarming to see him nod in agreement, eyes actually as cold as the color they were known for. It scared him how easily he could slip back into his old ways, though he didn't regret it at the moment. This was for Rin, and the more she spoke of the men who made her this way, the more he thought he might actually enjoy assisting her in her revenge. Love was a powerful thing, and it could cast a deep shadow of hatred. Popping a syrupy blueberry in his mouth, he chewed thoughtfully. "We'll need at least one of them to get either information about Dr. Hinami's location or to communicate with him and draw him out under false sense of safety. My assumption is that Oswald will need to be....taken care of. He'll offer no help to us, even under duress because of his grudge against you. He could either give us away or set a trap. Without knowing their communication lingo, we'd have no idea," reasoned the jello man, feeling queasy in his old skin but working through it. "So Sanders is our better bet. The motivation with him will be threatening his favorite appendage. People like him would rather betray or die than be unable to act upon their... sick urges. And knowing Oswald so well, he knows you won't hesitate to remove said appendage. That should be the leverage we need to get to Dr. Hinami one way or another." A grizzly commentary, but no doubt the logical way to go about this.

    Finishing his breakfast in record slowness, he sat back in his chair, the blackness of his clothing paling his flesh even more than usual. Arguably he looked more rugged this way, each article fitting tighter than his tracksuit for practical reasons. His arms being scarred the way they were, he looked the part of someone who might actually infiltrate a compound like this successfully...if he could keep from tripping over his own feet. Mouth setting into a tense line, he mulled over the other variables. "The children...I don't want to encounter them until the end. Do you know Oswald and Sanders' schedules at all? If we could get to them while they are away from the victims, that'd be best. If we need to surveil first, we can. I'm sure they have a building somewhere to themselves for a break from their...activities." If Theo had anything to say about it, the way he was feeling, he'd take out Sanders himself. That darkness him him brewed, pulling the neutral line of his mouth into a frown.



    You Need a Body Cast For All My Broken Promises ~ (Job w/ Theo ♥) 65698_s
    Eden Knox
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    You Need a Body Cast For All My Broken Promises ~ (Job w/ Theo ♥) Empty Re: You Need a Body Cast For All My Broken Promises ~ (Job w/ Theo ♥)

    Post by Eden Knox 1st September 2018, 11:56 pm

    It was a bit upsetting having to plan these things with her normally kind and gentle lover. But this needed to be done. Life wouldn't be enjoyed to the fullest if this continued to hang over her head. "That's right. Sanders would definitely be the better option. Especially since he seems to have some sort of sick infatuation with me. Some sort of a masochist, you know?" Leaning back in her chair, she poked gently at the final bits of her meal. Talking about this had made her lose her appetite. It was a real shame. The food was delicious. "As for their schedule, they do tend to take a smoke break at about noon. You would think it would be more frequent, but it's never changed. It's the same time every day, without fail. Makes it a bit easy to target them, doesn't it?" She chuckled mockingly. The idiots never seemed to learn from their mistakes. She had infiltrated the camp many times before, always at noon. "They like to hang out by the entrance to the forest, but occasionally they'll patrol the area as they smoke. That's the hardest part about it. If you don't catch them at a good time, it makes things a bit trickier."  Sighing, she put her fork down, bored with the fiddling she had been doing moments before. "For now, it would be best to just infiltrate the Killing Campground. The Murder Mission is filled with highly dangerous young adults. It would be a suicide mission for us to go as things are now. I was taught how to fight against large amounts of people, but that was never my specialty." Getting up from the table, she grabbed her plate, bringing it over to the sink in the kitchen.

    "I'm going to go figure out what to wear. I need something that won't tear so badly this time. That might be a bit hard to do, though. I used to have special suits that would stretch with me as I changed, but they're long gone now." Grumbling in frustration, she made her way into her room once more. As she made her way into her closet, she began rummaging through it's contents, desperately looking for anything that would keep itself from busting. Reaching out to grab a few things, she tossed them lazily onto her bed. These would just have to do for now. After taking off her current outfit, she began to put on the new ones. Suspenders were attached to the short, black skirt she wore, and underneath them sat a loose white shirt. Hopefully because it was so loose it wouldn't get completely destroyed. That was the hope anyways. Releasing her hair from the bun, she let it gently cascade down her back for a moment, before pulling the side parts away from her face, clipping them together neatly against the back of her head. Taking a deep breath, she closed her eyes for a moment. This was going to be such a big moment. She wasn't exactly sure if she was ready for it. Opening her eyes once more, she tried to fill herself with confidence before making her way into the living room once more.

    "I'm ready."
    coded by benetnasch of THQ

    Rin Mayou





    You Need a Body Cast For All My Broken Promises ~ (Job w/ Theo ♥) I2D4CIg


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    You Need a Body Cast For All My Broken Promises ~ (Job w/ Theo ♥) Empty Re: You Need a Body Cast For All My Broken Promises ~ (Job w/ Theo ♥)

    Post by 88 2nd September 2018, 1:44 am

    Once she reemerged, Theo promptly stood and moved to claim his items at the door. His body was tense but moved efficiently, possibly an outward expression of the nerves he felt. The idealogical hero new he needed to leave his reservations and nerves here in Rin's home. There'd be no place for such things where they were going, and his very tip top priority was her safety and making it back here alive for more morning pancakes and sleepy cuddles.

    Turning to look at her, he appraised her wardrobe choice. Probably her best option, but he'd packed his jacket in the bag just in case she exploded her clothing off again. Not that he was opposed to looking, but there was a time and place. "Alright, let's go then," said the young man, keen on making the jump so then it was too late for second thoughts and hesitations. Never would he back down and let her go do this dangerous and dark thing alone. It'd be tough for both of them, but if she needed this revenge to feel some sort of relief or peace, there was no way Theo would deprive her of such a thing. Once upon a time he'd sought revenge. Granted, it hadn't gone as planned at all and maybe that should have been enough for him to try and stop her, but he doubted this would be the same for her. His blame and target for revenge had been ultimately misguided, and Rin's target seemed to be very deserving and spot on.

    The two sent magic power through their guild marks and popped down to the same forest from recent history. Since they knew where they were going, it was a quick jog to the edge of the forest, the colosseum looming over the town like an omen of violence and death. The two paused in a bush, where the finer details of the plan would be hatched now that they had eyes on the place. "Rin, I'll follow your lead. All I can do really is provide backup. I don't know the area, and I don't know the targets. I can only be reactionary," he admitted, knowing all the experience in the world wouldn't help him here. He paused, taking his eyes from the area they'd soon be lurking through to his lover, tilting his head. Giving her another smile, a brow quirk followed. "So...is Zulu coming now or later?"



    You Need a Body Cast For All My Broken Promises ~ (Job w/ Theo ♥) 65698_s
    Eden Knox
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    You Need a Body Cast For All My Broken Promises ~ (Job w/ Theo ♥) Empty Re: You Need a Body Cast For All My Broken Promises ~ (Job w/ Theo ♥)

    Post by Eden Knox 2nd September 2018, 9:59 am

    As they made their way into a bush, she could feel the anger building up in her chest. She would going to be able to hold back transformation for too long. The hunger for revenge was powerful, and almost seemed to override any control she had over it. “I’ll try my best not to lead us into too much danger. But who knows exactly what will happen when I’m in my other form. Just don’t let me drag you into anything too dangerous. If you feel that I’m out of control, just let me go. If you try to interfere who knows what will happen.” A sad expression crossed her face as she looked towards her lover. The thought of him being hurt in any way, shape, or form drove her crazy. If anything were to happen to him, she would kill anyone who was involved. Even if they were one of the children in the camp.

    His question about Zulu stung a little bit. Her other form was not something she was proud of. Sighing lightly, she nodded, knowing that now would most likely be the best time to transform. It would be dangerous to walk into that camp without any of the skills she had learned there. “Yeah. I think now would be best.” Pausing for a moment, she leaned forward, placing a loving kiss on her companion’s lips. Who knew what was going to happen in this god forsaken place. Either one of them ran the risk of death. That thought tugged at her heart, making it nearly impossible to transform on a good conscience. “Please stay safe. If you feel like you’re in danger, just get out of here. I can handle this place.” She pleaded, wanting to make sure that he was completely unharmed. It would crush her if she was the one responsible for his death. Pulling away from the kiss, she stood, moving away so that the bright light wouldn’t distract anyone who was in the camp. It would be really bad if they were spotted before they had even entered. Taking a deep breath, she closed her eyes, thinking about those words once more.

    Almost immediately afterwards, the flash of white light appeared once more, engulfing the girl within it. It disappeared almost as quickly as it had appeared, revealing the fierce looking woman from before. Her dull eyes opened, training themselves on the first thing in sight, which just happened to be Theo. “Oh. You again, huh? I must have quite the interest in you. It’s understandable, really. You are pretty sexy. Especially when you have that little sword with you. I wonder what you could do with that~” She purred, approaching him with a smirk. Luckily her clothes hadn’t really torn at all. There was a bit of a tear on her shirt, and a slit that went up the side of her skirt, but nothing as serious as before. Zulu obviously didn’t care either way, though. Exposure was not the least bit concerning to her. Moving to crouch down in the bush beside him, she scanned the area in front of them, ensuring that it was safe to enter. “It looks like the area is quite clear for now. All of the children are most likely being fed right now. As for Oswald and Sanders, they could be anywhere. If we want to find them, we’ll have to be quick.” Finishing her explanation, she stood once more, preparing to enter the camp. Her eyes lacked any form of emotion or interest as she stared blankly forward. “There’s an abandoned shed at the farthest right corner of the camp. If we manage to capture them, it would be best to bring them there. Any resistance from them will only bring more attention to us.”

    Stretching nonchalantly, the pink haired woman advanced slowly into the camp. There was no reason to rush. At least not yet. “Gosh that transformation does a number on my body. Everything just becomes so tight. How am I supposed to fight when my muscles are tight?” She whined, stopping to bend over and touch her toes. This woman had no sense of shame. Not even a shred of it. Standing upright once more, she shook herself out, ensuring that she was in good shape. “Alright. I’m ready now. Let’s go find these bastards.” Breaking out into a light jog, she made her way towards the nearest building, sticking close to it in an attempt to shield herself from any prying eyes. Taking a sniff of the surrounding air, she smirked. “Their cigars have the most distinct smell to them. You can’t miss it. If we just follow the smell, we’ll go straight to them.” She explained knowledgeably. Before taking off once more, she allowed him to get a good whiff of it, just so that he had a good idea of what to follow. “Let’s go. They shouldn’t be too far from here.”
    coded by benetnasch of THQ

    Rin Mayou





    You Need a Body Cast For All My Broken Promises ~ (Job w/ Theo ♥) I2D4CIg


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    You Need a Body Cast For All My Broken Promises ~ (Job w/ Theo ♥) Empty Re: You Need a Body Cast For All My Broken Promises ~ (Job w/ Theo ♥)

    Post by 88 2nd September 2018, 11:42 pm

    Wondering if he'd ever get used to her Zulu form and all the extreme differences, Theo looked her over in a sort of wary unfamiliarity while a blush creeped into his cheeks. It was as if they really were two separate people. It was something he'd have to move beyond, but it didn't change the fact that currently he felt like he was helping a stranger. And while he could appreciate the bodily changes like before, it felt almost like infidelity. The only thing saving him from mulling this over too much was the situation they were in. She was explaining a different scenario than he's mentally planned, so it was time to wipe that out and start again. Temples pulsating, Theo returned to trying to psyche himself up for what was about to happen. There was absolutely no way he would leave her to her own devices, no matter what happened. Even if all he could do was follow, he would.

    Speaking of following, Zulu simply walked out of the bush and into the open, speaking for her confidence but driving his more stealthy, assassin-type brain batty. There was no choice but to keep on her heels, so he'd focus on that for now. Once inside the town, she thankfully adopted a more concealed tactic. It eased his stomach, but only for a short while. They paused to smell cigar smoke. Their first two targets were near, and Theo found himself more nervous than he thought. It was do or die time. No going back. He'd agreed to help her no matter what, and in just moments he could be taking a life or watching Zulu do it. He sincerely hoped they could take them both alive and get what they needed, but he wasn't so naive to think it would go ideally.

    Following the unique smoke smell, which reminded him why he always hated cigars, soon Theo was pressing his back against a wall and peaking around the corner of a building. In the opening, between buildings were the pair. Their backs were mostly two the incoming pair of attackers, laughing and chatting while they smoked away like a couple of your average coworkers on a smoke break. It was so normal compared to the atrocities he knew occurred in this place that it gave the jello man pause. The sheer averageness of even bad people had always bothered Theo. Most of the people he'd been hired to kill from in the past weren't caught in the act. Killing someone in the act of enslaving or killing was so much easier to stomach than a man having family dinner or a woman in the bath. The ace almost wished Sanders and Oswald were in the process of something horrifying, just so he'd be spurred to action with more conviction!

    Ah, but if he structured his mind, the conviction was there. Both of these men had hurt his Rin, fractured her. Ruined her life, the normal life she deserved. They may seem harmless with their cigars, chuckling about the day's hardships as if they worked in a simple office and only had to worry about an invoice getting out in time. No, these two cultivated an environment of violence of all types, dealing in death and mindless child soldiers. These were Drathir's people, those that deserve to be tormented by demons for eternity. Sufficiently pissed off, Theo flicked both his wrists and two green blobs of jello flew at and engulfed the two men's heads. With the element of surprise and depriving them of air, the ex-mercenary rushed in to kick the knees out from under the big one, hopefully.



    You Need a Body Cast For All My Broken Promises ~ (Job w/ Theo ♥) 65698_s
    Eden Knox
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    You Need a Body Cast For All My Broken Promises ~ (Job w/ Theo ♥) Empty Re: You Need a Body Cast For All My Broken Promises ~ (Job w/ Theo ♥)

    Post by Eden Knox 3rd September 2018, 12:52 am

    "Oooh!~ I didn't know you could shoot out sticky stuff like that! Nice job, lover boy!" The pink haired woman cheered, patting him gently on the back after he had managed to knock their targets now. It was a great move, really. They hadn't even seen it coming at all. But, at the same time, she wanted them to know what was going on. With their heads stuck like this, they wouldn't be able to beg her for mercy, now would they? "Hmmm... If we could, maybe I'll just take a liiiittle bit of this and put it on their hands and legs, then they hopefully won't be able to get away. The big one is pretty strong, though. So he might be a bit of a pain." Reaching her hand into the globs of jello, she retrieved a couple reasonable sized pieces, staring at them blankly. "This stuff is a lot stickier than I had originally thought. I don't want it to get stuck on my haanddss." Grumbling to herself in frustration, she smeared the goop onto her victims, making a sad attempt at keeping them restrained. It would just have to do for now. Moving some of the jello away from the men's faces, she smirked at them devilishly. This was her time now.

    It would seem that the two brutes were unconscious, though. "Aw man... They passed out already? What a bummer! I guess we'll just have to bring them to that shed and wait until they wake up." Shrugging nonchalantly, she grabbed Sanders' scrawny legs, casually dragging him along behind her. "If you wouldn't mind taking the chunky one, that would be great. I am just a dainty little flower, you know?" Sarcasm dripped from her words and she moved along, looking from left to right occasionally to ensure that they were not being followed. Once they had made it to the creepy looking shed safely, she shoved the man she had dragged in there before entering herself. It was a small area, but larger enough for all four of them to fit comfortably. "If you wouldn't mind doing that gooky thing again to keep them restrained, that would be great. I don't really have anything special like that, unfortunately." Zulu was a bit different than Rin. Rin was artistic, meaning that she could easily use her tablet to create fancy things. Zulu, on the other hand, was nothing of the sort. It was a bit hard to be creative when you're literally emotionless. So, she had a mastery over the requip magic. It helped her shine in combat situations, but dull in situations like these. "I'll take care of things when they wake up, if you wouldn't mind. Unless things get out of control, in which case you are welcome to join in." Leaning back against the dirty walls of the hut, the woman looked her companion up and down, similarly to how she had the first day she had transformed. "You know, it's going to be a little while before they wake up, if you wanted to... Mess around."
    coded by benetnasch of THQ

    Rin Mayou





    You Need a Body Cast For All My Broken Promises ~ (Job w/ Theo ♥) I2D4CIg


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    You Need a Body Cast For All My Broken Promises ~ (Job w/ Theo ♥) Empty Re: You Need a Body Cast For All My Broken Promises ~ (Job w/ Theo ♥)

    Post by 88 3rd September 2018, 2:04 am

    "What?!" Theo hissed, narrowly stifling a shriek at her suggestive words about sticky stuff. It sounded like something his formerly innocent Rin would have said and truly not understood, but he knew she knew better now, especially in this form. He'd almost tripped and fell just from hearing it, and no doubt his wide eyes aimed at her were amusing at the least.

    Despite her words, the two were down. That had gone easier than he anticipated, to be honest. It was probably the sheer surprise. Though he would have thought that after Zulu and his appearances the other day that the whole town and camp would have been on super high alert, but perhaps what they lacked in brains they made up for in brutality? Either way, the two were out, so to the shed they'd go. Lugging the sturdier of the evil duo like the dead weight that he was took a toll on Theo. By the time he got him into the designated hiding area, he was a bit winded. After binding their hands and feet with his goopy preference, he joined her leaning against the wall.

    An icy eye slunk to the corner of his eyelids, peering at her as she made her offer. With a sigh he leaned his head back and looked ahead. "Normally I'd jump at the chance, but..." he trailed, his uncertainty betraying him. It was an awkward situation. Rin was Rin, right? No matter what form, just like he was him even when using Drathir's takeover spells. "You feel...different. Like Zulu isn't Rin. Is it considered cheating?" Theo inquired, using a bit of goofy humor to mask his uneasiness. She was emotionless, so he had no way to predict her response. Safe to say it wouldn't be an answer normal Rin would give him, but maybe he'd get some insight. He needed to get to know her, this other side of her...so he might put the two halves together and save himself some trouble.



    You Need a Body Cast For All My Broken Promises ~ (Job w/ Theo ♥) 65698_s
    Eden Knox
    Eden Knox

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    You Need a Body Cast For All My Broken Promises ~ (Job w/ Theo ♥) Empty Re: You Need a Body Cast For All My Broken Promises ~ (Job w/ Theo ♥)

    Post by Eden Knox 3rd September 2018, 9:57 am

    A small chuckle left her lips when she heard what he had to say. Honestly, it wasn’t a completely stupid question. It could be a bit hard to understand. Even she didn’t completely get what was going on. Technically they were the same exact person. They shared most of their memories, had experienced all of the same things. and shared the same body. The only true difference was the skills and apparently the personalities. Normally this side of Rin wouldn’t have cared about what someone had to say about her, but for some reason, what this person thought about her was important. Moving away from the wall, she turned towards him, dull pink eyes filling with something almost foreign to even her. Placing herself right against him, she put a hand on the wall next to his head, almost trapping him in place. “Rin is me. Zulu is just a nasty little nickname, isn’t it? But if it helps you to keep this all together, that’s fine.” She said, searching his eyes for any changes in emotion. Even if she couldn’t feel emotions herself, she could understand them, especially when it came to her lover.

    Her attitude changed almost on a dime, though. Pressing herself even closer to him, she stood on the tips of her toes, still being a bit too short to effectively whisper in his ear. “If I wasn’t Rin, would I remember when we did.... And when we....” A small smirk tugged at her lips as she reminded him of what was most likely dirty things. Finally leaning back, she placed a passionate kiss on his lips, not being able to resist them anymore. An unfamiliar, warm feeling began to grow within her chest as she did. Surprised by it, she pulled herself away, a bit scared of whatever that meant. Was she sick or something? Recovering from it quickly, the peach haired woman smirked once more, moving her free hand to his chest. It began to move slowly downwards as she spoke her next words. “It’s not cheating if we’re the same person, is it?”

    Just as she had been about to lean in for another kiss, grunting noises sounded from behind her. Whipping around quickly, her eyes quickly returned to normal, emotionless and cold. The scowl that scrunched up her lovely face was frightening, to say the least. “You little bastard. Couldn’t you see I was in the middle of something?” She spat, moving away from her lover to get a better look at the awakening victim. Sanders stirred gently, more groaning rumbling in his chest as his eyes opened slowly. The first thing he would see, though, was definitely anything but pleasant. Leg jerking forwards, the girl who loomed over him kicked him roughly in the side. “I didn’t tell you to wake up yet, now did I? But I guess now that you are, we can starting asking you some questions.” The man’s eyes widened in fear as he noticed his current situation. It must have been quite the surprise. His lips opened to let out what would have been a loud scream, but was quickly silenced by a hand against his mouth. “If you make one sound other than giving me information, and your little man parts will be mine.” Pausing to look at the bulkier man next to them, a smirk stretched across her face. “I’ve done it once, and I’m not afraid to do it again. Now then, if you want to just do this peacefully, you would tell me where Dr. Hinami was.”

    It had been a little while of silence now. The lanky man refused to let anything slip. It was beginning to become quite frustrating. Threats didn’t seem to be working, so it looks like she was going to have to make good on her promise. “Hmm... I didn’t want to have to do this so soon, but I guess you leave me no choice.” The man’s eyes widened significantly, brimming with a delicious looking fear. Reaching underneath her skirt, she retrieved a small knife that had been hidden there. It may have been small, but it would definitely be sharp enough for the job. Leaning down beside her prey, she showed the knife to him, slicing it gently against the tip of her finger to demonstrate how sharp it truly was. Small drops of blood blossomed from the wound, twirling around the finger before falling gracefully to the ground. “Such a lovely little carving tool, don’t you think? You guys taught me how to sharpen it properly, and I think I did a pretty good job. Aren’t you so proud?” She hissed, slowly moving the knife downwards. Instead of exposing the appendage completely, she elected to just pierce right through the clothes. “In most circumstances I would have just exposed everything, so I could see the nasty little thing come right off, but I have a guest with me today! It would be rude for him to have to see your disgusting body, now wouldn’t it?” Just as she finished the sentence, she plunged the knife deep into his lower regions. A cry of pain crawled its way from his throat, escaping into the world around them. “Oh, did that hurt? I didn’t think monsters like you could feel pain! How interesting!” Blood painted the area where the knife had entered a crimson red, bringing a deranged look into the woman’s eyes. She had dreamed of this day for a while.

    “If you don’t just tell me where the doctor is, you won’t ever get to force yourself on innocent girls ever again, now will you? Remember when you used to push yourself on me? Because I remember perfectly. Oh come on now, don’t cry! Was I really that bad of a play thing?” She mocked, slowly moving her knife in a circle around the appendage in question. She had carved up an almost perfect circle around it, delaying the inevitable for as long as she possibly could. “This is your last call! Speak now or forever hold your peace!” Pulling the knife out of him quickly, she adjusted it to be right next to the desired area. If he wasn’t going to speak, then it was just going to be one quick slice. A quick slice that would change his pathetic life forever. “Nothing? Okay then! Here we go!” Her arm tensed slightly as she drew it back, revealing the rippling of muscle that was underneath the pale skin. Just as she had begun to bring it swiftly forward, there was a cry. A cry for mercy.

    “Please don’t do it! Please! I’ll tell you whatever you need to know! Just let me go! Please!” He pleaded, tears streaming down his cheeks, and his body trembling pathetically. It was enjoyable to see the tables turn in such a dramatic way. It seemed like not long ago, she had been in the opposite position. Unfortunately, though, the man did not provide her with the mercy she was about to give him. The woman’s hand stopped, retracting slowly away from him. That was all she needed. “I’m glad that you finally came to your senses! Now then, let’s hear it. Where is he?” Her eyes stared at his face with great interest, waiting for his response eagerly. “His office is at the top of the colosseum. There’s a staircase hidden in the right side of the viewing area. There’s a keypad that requires a password, it will reveal the stairs. The code is “Chiharu”. Now p-please just let me go. Please.” It was perfect. Exactly what she needed to know. She could feel chills running across her skin just thinking about how close she was now. This was it. “If this information is wrong, I’ll come back and finish the job, do you understand?” She threatened as she stood up. There was no time to waste now! “I have no use for them now. I don’t care what happens to them. Kill them, leave them here, it doesn’t matter to me.” She stated nonchalantly, walking towards the door of the shed with haste. As she reached out to grab the handle, her face scrunched up with distaste. “Ew... Now I have his blood all over my hand... Disgusting.”
    coded by benetnasch of THQ

    Rin Mayou





    You Need a Body Cast For All My Broken Promises ~ (Job w/ Theo ♥) I2D4CIg


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    You Need a Body Cast For All My Broken Promises ~ (Job w/ Theo ♥) Empty Re: You Need a Body Cast For All My Broken Promises ~ (Job w/ Theo ♥)

    Post by 88 3rd September 2018, 2:00 pm

    It was a rollercoaster of emotions, one he was starting to think was too intense for him to handle. He was certainly out of practice to endure nearly everything that was happening here. It was weird, because he'd worked so hard to kill his old self, and now that he realized he had successfully conditioned himself against the types of thoughts and feelings, he wished to undo it just for this one instance in time. Could he truly call back his amoral and ruthless self for this business, and hang up once it was finished?

    Attempting to rectify that both forms of his girlfriend were indeed still the same person was a struggle. Every action and every touch was unfamiliar, but she did still smell and taste like Rin. He took comfort in that, being careful not to freak out when she came onto him. Careful blankness is the expression he offered her, warmth and uncertainty warring in his eyes. The experience was different, but the woman was the same. It was Rin with an intriguingly dirty mouth. If he could just make his brain understand, then really he could enjoy this new facet of her more. She really was quite exciting, and very seductive. Enough that he could see how it could be weaponized, because once she turned her wiles on him, his cheeks felt hot and that unmistakable tingle from his heart to his gut made sure he knew he was at her mercy and nothing but a blob of jello at her touches and kisses. If anything she tapped into his more carnal side, as if her lack of emotion dialed down his romantic squishiness a few notches... He was grateful she pulled away when she did, because it kept him from flinching against her at the realization that this felt more like his relationship with Tomoe than Rin.

    The next part was difficult to watch, and very confusing. This man...he deserved every bit of what she did to him. Yet, to sit idly by, leaning against the wall and just watching someone get carved felt wrong to him now. He'd been a legal mage for a few years now in this new time for him, so it was hard to keep the switch that screamed to take him into custody turned off. A little bit of rage helped with that though. The sympathetic pains in his nether region might be making his queazy, but her speaking of what he'd done to her in the past made him feel more sick, and definitely more murderous. Refusing to entertain the idea that what he witnessed could taint his mental image of his lover, he reasoned that he might do some messed up things here as well, so they might as well come to terms and move on.

    Not wanting to be perceived as weak to Zulu Rin, Theo called more upon the darkness in his past, if not a little from Drathir as well. He was squishy, but deadly. Eyes growing as cold as the color of them implied, they narrowed and sharpened as he came to stand over the one named Sanders once Zulu moved for the door. Her comment about the blood didn't go unnoticed. Reaching down to rip a rag off the shirt the whimpering little man beneath him he turned to briefly glance at her long enough to toss her the cloth to clean her hands. "I'll meet you outside."

    A few minutes later, Theo emerged from the shed, skin a shade paler. The jello man didn't pause or even look at the girl, instead making a determined beeline toward the colosseum. The quicker this was over, the faster they could return to their normal life. His new life was more comfortable, and he missed it now more than ever.



    You Need a Body Cast For All My Broken Promises ~ (Job w/ Theo ♥) 65698_s
    Eden Knox
    Eden Knox

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    You Need a Body Cast For All My Broken Promises ~ (Job w/ Theo ♥) Empty Re: You Need a Body Cast For All My Broken Promises ~ (Job w/ Theo ♥)

    Post by Eden Knox 3rd September 2018, 5:51 pm

    Idk why, but this song really reminded me of the whole camp situation :'D Giving me all da muse.

    Accepting the torn cloth gratefully, she wiped off her hands as best as she could. Blood never truly came off so easily, but for now it would do. Tossing the now useless rag on the ground, she continued walking, acknowledging that Theo was still inside, but not wanting to wait one second longer. The colosseum wasn't far from here. She could practically taste the sweet revenge that she was about to dish out. A gentle humming floated gracefully through the air as she wandered forward. It was almost a bit of an eerie tune. A tune that seemed to foreshadow the events to come.

    Noticing that her lover had suddenly passed her without any indication, a little smirk adorned her face once more. She could sense that he had done something in there, but couldn't tell exactly what. She wasn't about to go and ask, either. It just wasn't necessary. "I'm terribly sorry if I frightened you in there. I know that must have been a bit unsettling for you. Especially since I'm not normally so harsh." She called out, almost jogging to keep up with his pace. Even in this form, she still had the damn short legs! When was she ever going to catch a break!? "It was something I had to do, though. If I hadn't done that, I would have never been able to find Dr. Hinami." It was the truth. If there had been another way around that, she would have tried it.

    Finally arriving at the colosseum, Zulu made her way towards the area in question. Thankfully, it would seem that there was nobody around, seeing as everyone was probably still eating lunch. When the area in question came into view, she noticed what indeed looked to be a small keypad. Excitement coursed quickly through her veins, causing her to pick up a brisk run to reach it. "This is it... This is really it..." She mumbled to herself, running her fingers gently across the keys. It was almost as if this were a dream. A glorious dream. Not waiting a moment longer, she typed the name she was given into the pad, waiting a moment for it to register. And it did. The sound of moving rods and cogs made her heart beat faster. As the panel in the wall opened, there it was. The staircase that led to the lair of the evil man she hated so passionately. "Requip" She called out with a sudden vigor. Her lovely candy pistol appeared, as it always did, with a gentle flash of light. Once in hand, she turned to look at the man who had come this far wit her. Perhaps it wouldn't be right for him to go in with her. It would most likely be even gorier than the previous encounter.

    "Hey... Maybe you should stay here. I mean, this will only take me a second anyways. I don't plan on staying to chat for very long." It was almost a bit hard. He had been here through everything, and in a strange way, she wanted him to hear everything that went on in that room. But, when it boiled down to it, was that important enough? Was it worth it? He would most likely see a side of herself that even she wasn't sure existed. Even she didn't know if she was prepared for that. "Just... Stay here... I promise nothing will happen." She pleaded, leaning in to give him a gentle kiss on the lips. As she pulled away, she gave him an almost... Gentle smile. It was completely out of character for the little weapon, but it was the only way she knew how to comfort him. Even if just a little. Turning away from him, she advanced quickly up the stairs, mentally preparing herself for the encounter she had been waiting for.

    At the end of the twirling steps, there stood a quiet, dull looking office. The walls were a bleached white, and just about everything else was black or grey. The only thing of color that stood out, were a small vase of flowers on the desk. What a stick in the mud. Just as she had expected him to be. Stepping nonchalantly into the room, her eyes widened, twitching almost psychotically. There he was. Just staring out the window without a care in the world. "It's been a long time, hasn't it, Dr. Hinami. I never thought I would see you again." The pink haired woman snarled, bringing her arm up to point the weapon at her target. Turning around slowly, doe-like brown eyes faced her, a twinge of a smile deep within them. "Ah. Zulu 379. A pleasure to see you again, my dear. I did not think that we would meet again either. At least, not under these unfortunate circumstances." An amused snicker escaped from the woman's mouth as these words reached her ears. "Unfortunate for you, anyways. For me, this is going to be a great pleasure. Seeing your disgusting brains splattered against these walls will make my day!"

    Just as she was about to pull the trigger on her weapon, it was smacked out of her hand. It was so quick she barely had the time to register that it was gone. Seconds after, two children, not much younger than herself, grabbed her by the arms, pinning her against the wall behind her. Their eyes glared with a malice that was frightening to even her. "Wh-What? Th-This can't be happening! We were so careful not to-" Her words were quickly interrupted when she noticed another child emerge from a nearby closet, a large syringe in her grasp. "You see, my dear. Ever since your last little... Infiltration, we have been taking extra measures to make sure that no harm could be done. To me, at least. Everyone else is completely disposable. So, these lovely little children are here to protect me. They hide here all day and all night. A brilliant idea, don't you think?" His words disgusted her. But what disgusted her even more was the sight of the child's approach, with the needle she remembered all too well. "Sierra 234. You know what to do. And Oscar 682, make sure that her little friend isn't allowed access to this room. We wouldn't want him ruining this."

    A yelp of pain escaped from the trapped woman as the needle was jabbed into her flesh, the liquid that was inside stinging as it made it's way into her system. In a bright flash of light, she was back to normal once more, a look of genuine fear filling her pinkish brown eyes. "You look so much like your mother when you're in your other form. I truly wish you could stay like that always." It was a strange comment, one that made her pause to think for a moment. Why did this man know anything about her mother? "Y-You know nothing about me! O-Or my mother! You... You repulsive bastard!" Rin yelled, struggling to get out of the children's grips. Their grips only became tighter, though, threatening to crush the bones within her arms. "A-Ah!" She cried out, relenting against their force for now. "Quite the contrary. In fact, I knew both of you very well... Like family, if you will." He chuckled sickly at his own little joke. Rin, on the other hand, was anything but amused. "I swear I'm going to kill you, Dr. Hinami! I'm going to kill you if it's the last thing I ever do!" She spat, a look of genuine hatred tainting her features. "Now, now, Rin, my dear. You wouldn't want to kill your own father, now would you?"

    She froze in her tracks, struck dumb by his accusation. Her... Father? But... How... Just as she had been about to speak once more, memories bombarded her thoughts once more. Happy memories. Mother. Father. Family. It was all there. Death. Anger. Betrayal. It played almost like a broken record in her head. "No... This isn't true... No... I won't believe it! I-I... I hate you... You're not my father! You can't be!" She lamented, streams of tears running down her cheeks. "You betrayed me! You put me here on purpose! And for what?! Your sick revenge?!" Screams erupted from her throat as she cried violently. None of this was fair. It was all so cruel. "Not for me, my dear. For us. I'm so happy that you remember now. You remember how much I love you, don't you?" The older man approached, placing a hand on her chin and forcing the crying woman to look him in the eyes. "I wanted you to be this way so that you could avenge your mother. That's what we both wanted, wasn't it?" Jerking forward, Rin spat in his face, offended that he would ever think she wanted any of this. "Ah... So fiery. You really are so much like her. She would have been so proud of you. But for now, I'm afraid that we will have to take those memories away. I can't have you reacting this way towards me forever, now can I?" Eyes widening in fear, Rin began to struggle once more, some sort of primal instinct taking over. "No! Please! Don't take my memories from me! You can do anything else. Lock me away, kill me, abandon me on a desert island. But please don't take my memories away!" She begged profusely. Her guild, her friends, Theo... All of that would be gone. How could she survive this again? How could she survive without all of them? "I'm so sorry, my dearest daughter. But this is just how it has to be."
    coded by benetnasch of THQ

    Rin Mayou




    Last edited by Rin Mayou on 3rd September 2018, 8:50 pm; edited 1 time in total


    You Need a Body Cast For All My Broken Promises ~ (Job w/ Theo ♥) I2D4CIg


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    You Need a Body Cast For All My Broken Promises ~ (Job w/ Theo ♥) Empty Re: You Need a Body Cast For All My Broken Promises ~ (Job w/ Theo ♥)

    Post by 88 3rd September 2018, 7:39 pm

    Oscar 682 had absolutely had better days.

    As the dispatched child went to detain Theo, he waited outside as she'd instructed. He didn't like it. Not one bit. But out of love and respect for her and what he thought was the end of their day's plans, he heeded her plea and stood dutifully by. He grew more anxious with each passing moment of silence. He'd anticipated a prompt gunshot. Or at least the screams of an older male followed by nothingness. Nerves were set on edge by his earlier dealings in the shed, thought he pushed out by keeping alert for his lover's return down the stairs, or at least any indication that she may need help after all. With how sick he was beginning to feel, he desperately wanted to end this day and go home, begin the work on forgetting this. Who was he kidding? Everything he ever tried to forget was just that much more carved into his memory banks.

    Soon, footsteps. Fast ones. Expecting to see a flurry of pink hair, he turned just as a boy emerged and shut the keypad locked door. A flash of confusion marred his expression, only an instant before the implications sunk in. Tactical gear. Expressionless face. Gun. Knife. Not all the kids were at lunch. This had not gone as planned. "Where is Rin?!" he demanded, but met no response from the blond young man. What he was met with, however, was some intense combat. It was only a few seconds of trading blows, earning each bruises and blood. There was no time to think about magic, perhaps that was his weakness here. While skilled, Jello was his second combat method he'd only had for a couple years. In a knee-jerk reaction, he was back in his magicless shoes. He never underestimated an opponent from experience, and he was right to not. This boy was far better trained than he ever was. His knowledge lied in ragtag training from rough mercenaries and learned behaviors from much trial and error, most of which earned him his various scars. Drawing his cursed sword, Theo attempted to gain the upper hand with what he was best at, and was somewhat successful. Between cutting himself and his opponent, he became faster and stronger, as well as got a nice bleed on the boy. "I don't want to kill you," he pleaded through clenched teeth, remembering the goal of saving these very kids. It mattered not. With the distance his pause allowed, he took a bullet to the shoulder and in return cleaved the end of the gun off with one swift slash of his blade.

    The turn in events came with the screams. Even though the locked door, the mage honed in on his lover's voice. Of course, there were more kids. She was in trouble. Overwhelmed, otherwise there'd be no screams from her. Not those kind. Something clicked. Another perfect storm was brewing, but this time it'd be a bit different. In addition to a contract, they had come to a truce. Instead of it coming for him against his will, he found himself welcoming it. Yellow eyes turning on the boy before him, his even faster and stronger body lunged at him with an entirely different countenance. More violent. Less merciful. And definitely murderous.


    From the top of the stairs, it was easy to hear the door being ripped out of the wall, an eerie symphony of steel shrieks and crumpling alloy, followed by a heavy bass thud. In the blink of an eye, before the sounds could be registered fully, a horned young man splattered in blood popped into view. Simultaneously a laser fired from between his horns at Sierra 234. Now that it had been long enough to register his presence, it was Theo who had arrived, though a different version. His horns were out and blood trickled from the holes the protrusions caused. His eyes were a brilliant gold, the scleras inky black, and he had razor sharp fangs and claws...both of which were slicked in thick sanguine. One demonic hand held something that looked like a bowling ball covered in grease if you didn't look at it directly. He tossed it at Dr. Hinami. It was totally a bowling ball.

    Poised to launch himself in any direction needed, the Drathir tainted man's eyes flickered to Rin, appraising her status. She seemed to be okay...but back in her normal form. A pang jolted him. He was pissed, but going in hot like this in a rage wasn't something he'd imagined Rin seeing. He'd assumed it'd be Zulu, which somehow made it easier. Brows puckering in inner conflict, he moved closer to her, sword pointing at Sierra. "Are you okay?" he asked his girlfriend, still possessing his normal voice, though it was tinged in such a serious tone that it sounded dangerous.



    You Need a Body Cast For All My Broken Promises ~ (Job w/ Theo ♥) 65698_s
    Eden Knox
    Eden Knox

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    You Need a Body Cast For All My Broken Promises ~ (Job w/ Theo ♥) Empty Re: You Need a Body Cast For All My Broken Promises ~ (Job w/ Theo ♥)

    Post by Eden Knox 3rd September 2018, 8:48 pm

    Her body almost seemed to relax completely with relief once she spotted her boyfriend. Even though he was in a form she was slightly afraid of, she knew that it was the same Theo she knew and loved. Tears blinded her vision as she yanked herself away from the people who surrounded her. Throwing herself forward, she clung to him with all of her strength. She never wanted to leave his side again. Not after all of this. Her body trembled and convulsed as she sobbed deeply into his chest. Now probably wasn't the best time to act this way, but after remembering the rest of her past, it was tough not to. It was grim, to say the least. "I'm so sorry... I wasn't strong enough... I'm so sorry." She whimpered in complete dismay. "I just want to go home... I don't want to be here anymore..." Her words betrayed her true feelings. There was still a deep seeded hunger to kill this man, especially after what she had remembered of him. But her fear hindered her from taking any action. If she could transform, that would most likely solve the problem, but it was impossible to do so when this medication roamed throughout her body. If she tried, there was a high likelihood that she would die.

    But was it worth it?

    This man had not only ruined her life, but the lives of so many other people as well. He had driven Theo to do this to the innocent children as well. She didn't blame any of it on her lover. How could she, after all he had done for her? Sure, what he had done was a bit... Well... Brutal... But if that was what needed to be done, then she trusted his judgement. Looking up into his now golden eyes, tears continued to stream down her cheeks. The fear she was experiencing was obvious in her expression, and her eyes almost seemed to be pleading for him to help.

    Just as she had been about to open her mouth to say something, she was dragged away from the demonic man she had been holding by her hair. A small cry of pain escaped from her mouth. Unfortunately, in this form, pain was even more powerful to her. The stinging of her scalp made it hard for her to concentrate at all. "I'm sorry to crash this little love affair, but I will be needing this little one now. She is my daughter after all. I can do whatever I want with her." The deranged man cackled, reaching into the pocket of his slacks to retrieve something. Pulling out a pocket knife, he placed it against the young woman's throat, pressing it ever so slightly against the pale flesh that rested there. Her face twisted in agony, feeling the sharp blade pierce her skin. Tears mixed with the blood that dripped from her neck, trailing downwards to stain the white shirt she wore. "If you come near us, I'll slit her throat, you got it? If I can't have her, then nobody can." He was completely crazy. Utterly, and completely crazy. Releasing the hand that was caught in her hair, he brought it around to gently caress her face. "Your skin is soft, just like hers... And those eyes of yours, they shine so beautifully. Your mother had lovely rosy eyes as well." Rin cringed, not enjoying this strange man's touch against her skin. It almost stung in a way. Hearing a deep sniffing noise, she flinched slightly. "The smell could use some work, but we can always work on that later, yes? After I wipe your memories again, you can stay here with me. You can become just like her. Everything will be perfect."
    coded by benetnasch of THQ

    Rin Mayou





    You Need a Body Cast For All My Broken Promises ~ (Job w/ Theo ♥) I2D4CIg

      Current date/time is 26th July 2024, 6:35 pm