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    Into the Unknown (Theo and Rin's A Rank Exam! ♥)


    Moderator- Alt Account- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Rising Star- Guild Master- Custom Slayer- Dragon Slayer- Legal Guild Ace- Neutral Guild Ace- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- Working Together- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Teaming Up!- Limited Edition- Legal Eagle- Helper- Guild Creator- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Over Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Shipped- Sticking Around- Dank Memer- Taskmaster- Halloween gfx'ers- Halloween Social - Halloween job event participant - Rich- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- X-Mas Event Participant- Cookie Achievement- Cupcake Achievement- Hero- Summer Special Participant- Have Onida On Your Friend's List- Have aeluri On Your Friend's List- Player 
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    Into the Unknown (Theo and Rin's A Rank Exam! ♥) - Page 2 Empty Re: Into the Unknown (Theo and Rin's A Rank Exam! ♥)

    Post by 88 26th August 2018, 8:34 pm

    theo silversong
    Crystal Swan || Sugar Squad || wc

    She was quite wrong. If Lily was perceptive in the least, she'd note his flushed face...and if that wasn't enough, he actually bent forward to wheeze and message the flesh over his poor struggling heart. The flush could possibly be simply embarrassment from Rin laughing at him, and still from her lack of suitable clothes, but surely his body's sudden weakness was a sure tell. Maybe he'd find out when they got home. Maybe he'd find out when they got home.

    Finally functioning as a human again, he straightened and made his way to Rin's side. They didn't have to hold hands to teleport, but Theo usually liked to. Just in case they'd somehow get separated after their guild marks were activated. Just as the two of them sent magical power the marks to get them home, Theo abruptly turned his head, brow arched high. "Wait, so...do you understand about the taco guy now?!" he asked, his second dumb question in five minutes compared to all the other ones he should be asking.

    Notes: [N/A]

    ivyleaf33 of FTRP


    Into the Unknown (Theo and Rin's A Rank Exam! ♥) - Page 2 65698_s
    Eden Knox
    Eden Knox

    She wolf

    She wolf

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    Into the Unknown (Theo and Rin's A Rank Exam! ♥) - Page 2 Empty Re: Into the Unknown (Theo and Rin's A Rank Exam! ♥)

    Post by Eden Knox 26th August 2018, 9:56 pm

    Holding hands with her lover made everything seem much better. It was almost calming and reassuring in a way. It was hard not to think that he would fear her or even hate her after seeing what he did. This made her worry a lot less. But a different kind of worry flared up when she heard what he had to say just before they teleported. The taco guy?! Oh my gosh. "Wh-What?!" She exclaimed just before they teleported away. Once they had fabricated onto the Crystalli, Rin let go of Theo's hand, staggering backwards awkwardly. "I-I-I... I don't know... What you're talking a-about?!" This was awkward. She had almost forgotten that the whole taco guy incident had happened! Her face began to flush a deep red as she thought about it. "L-Let's g-go!" She grumbled, stomping away towards her house.

    Once they had made it to her little house, the young girl fumbled with her key awkwardly, trying to unlock the door. It was a bit difficult when you weren't the most graceful human being! "Th-There!" She cheered to herself as the door finally opened. She loved her little home. Everything was just so calm and peaceful there. Unless Elvira was here. Then things were sort of messy and loud. But fortunately her roommate was nowhere to be seen! "Looks like Elvira isn't here right now! I really do wish that she would get her own place! Both of us would be happier that way!" It was a bit hard to share her already small house with another person. As it was, there was only one bedroom, a bathroom, a living room, and a tiny little kitchen, so sharing was pretty difficult. "It's so nice to be back here! That camp really brought my mood down!" She said as she flopped onto her couch, snuggling up to the stuffed animals that rested there. And there were many of them!

    Just as she had gotten comfortable, she realized that something was out of place. She needed to change her clothes! No matter how much she wanted to steal Theo's jacket, she just couldn't! He loved it way too much! Standing up, she unzipped the jacket and handed it to him, a small flush of pink spreading across her cheeks. Of course, because she was still a huge derp, she didn't think to just go to her room and take it off there. So she elected to be awkward. As usual. "I'm going to go change. U-Uh, I guess... W-Well... More like, um... Put something on... A-Anyways! I'll be right back! If you need anything, you know where to find it!" She rambled quickly as she quickly jogged to her room.
    coded by benetnasch of THQ

    Rin Mayou



    WC Exceeded


    Into the Unknown (Theo and Rin's A Rank Exam! ♥) - Page 2 I2D4CIg


    Moderator- Alt Account- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Rising Star- Guild Master- Custom Slayer- Dragon Slayer- Legal Guild Ace- Neutral Guild Ace- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- Working Together- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Teaming Up!- Limited Edition- Legal Eagle- Helper- Guild Creator- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Over Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Shipped- Sticking Around- Dank Memer- Taskmaster- Halloween gfx'ers- Halloween Social - Halloween job event participant - Rich- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- X-Mas Event Participant- Cookie Achievement- Cupcake Achievement- Hero- Summer Special Participant- Have Onida On Your Friend's List- Have aeluri On Your Friend's List- Player 
    Lineage : Descendant of the Candy Witch
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    Into the Unknown (Theo and Rin's A Rank Exam! ♥) - Page 2 Empty Re: Into the Unknown (Theo and Rin's A Rank Exam! ♥)

    Post by 88 26th August 2018, 11:24 pm

    theo silversong
    Crystal Swan || Sugar Squad || wc

    "R-Right.." stuttered the ace, making his way to the couch to sit in awkward, tense silence. Had his face stayed red this long before? Why had she taken his jacket off before going in her room? His eyes had merely followed her, then dropped to the floor when he realized Lily was nearby still. That's right. Even if she did have all the appropriate knowledge for someone her age, her faithful bunny cat was still around to make things difficult in certain regards. He sighed heavily, holding his jacket and not having the brain power to put it on. He was preoccupied with how she'd looked in it. Theo was preoccupied with...a lot of things.

    On that note, he suddenly stood, making his way to the bathroom. A cold shower would have been nice, but now wasn't the time. Instead he simply splashed his face with cool water, trying to soothe his burning cheeks. Speaking of cheeks... he rustled through the drawers for some healing ointment. Rin's face had been clawed, so the least he could do was take care of that when she came out. Distracted with that, he emerged from the bathroom to reclaim his position on the couch.

    Notes: [N/A]

    ivyleaf33 of FTRP


    Into the Unknown (Theo and Rin's A Rank Exam! ♥) - Page 2 65698_s
    Eden Knox
    Eden Knox

    She wolf

    She wolf

    Administrator- Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Main Account- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Rising Star- Guild Master- Legal Guild Ace- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- Eevee- Job Creator- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Teaming Up!- Limited Edition- Legal Eagle- The Completionist- Helper- Guild Creator- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Over Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Shipped- Sticking Around- Dank Memer- Fan Artist- Taskmaster- Halloween job event participant - Rich- Veteran Level 6- Veteran Level 5- Veteran Level 4- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Tertiary Magic- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Advertisement Achievement Badge- Cookie Achievement- Cupcake Achievement- Rainbow- Hero- Summer Special Donor- Summer Special Participant- Have Onida On Your Friend's List- Have an Admin as a friend!- Have aeluri On Your Friend's List- Player 
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    Into the Unknown (Theo and Rin's A Rank Exam! ♥) - Page 2 Empty Re: Into the Unknown (Theo and Rin's A Rank Exam! ♥)

    Post by Eden Knox 26th August 2018, 11:50 pm

    It felt so nice to finally be out of those torn up clothes! The young girl let out a long sigh as she made her way out of her bedroom. Her pajama shorts and tank top were a much more comfortable option now that she was just at home. Especially after it had been a pretty stressful day. "I'm back! Sorry about that! It was probably a bit weird." She said, trying to lighten the mood a bit. She didn't want to admit it, but she really wished that Lily wasn't around now, so the two lovers could have some time alone. But now probably wasn't the best time for all of that stuff anyways. They really needed to talk about what happened today. Even though Theo seemed to have other things on the brain. Making her way to her kitchen, she opened the fridge, grabbing two cold bottles of water. They had done a lot of running today, so they were probably a bit dehydrated! Finally, she walked over to sit next to Theo, smiling warmly as she did. "I grabbed you a water! I think both of us are probably a bit thirsty!" After handing him the water, she opened her own, taking a big sip before leaning back and closing her eyes.

    Why did she feel so awkward all of a sudden? Was it because she was nervous to tell him about all of this crap from her past? That was probably it. But he wouldn't treat her any differently, so why was she worried? Maybe... Just maybe... It had to do with that one nagging memory that stuck to the back of her mind. The one that enabled her to transform. The one she really wished she could just forget altogether. Opening her eyes once more, she sat up, trying to shake off the sadness that threatened to creep up on her. "So! Uh... Sh-Should we talk about what happened? I-I mean we don't have to... We could just.. Uh... Sit here... Or um... Yeah." Words were a challenge. How does one word? Noticing that her lover seemed to be holding onto something, she leaned over curiously, grabbing his hand so that she could get a better look. "What's this for?"
    coded by benetnasch of THQ

    Rin Mayou



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    Into the Unknown (Theo and Rin's A Rank Exam! ♥) - Page 2 I2D4CIg


    Moderator- Alt Account- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Rising Star- Guild Master- Custom Slayer- Dragon Slayer- Legal Guild Ace- Neutral Guild Ace- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- Working Together- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Teaming Up!- Limited Edition- Legal Eagle- Helper- Guild Creator- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Over Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Shipped- Sticking Around- Dank Memer- Taskmaster- Halloween gfx'ers- Halloween Social - Halloween job event participant - Rich- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- X-Mas Event Participant- Cookie Achievement- Cupcake Achievement- Hero- Summer Special Participant- Have Onida On Your Friend's List- Have aeluri On Your Friend's List- Player 
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    Into the Unknown (Theo and Rin's A Rank Exam! ♥) - Page 2 Empty Re: Into the Unknown (Theo and Rin's A Rank Exam! ♥)

    Post by 88 27th August 2018, 12:08 am

    theo silversong
    Crystal Swan || Sugar Squad || wc

    Theo chugged half his bottle of water before he trusted himself to speak and be as normal as he was capable of being. "Thanks," he gasped afterward, sucking in the air drinking had deprived him of before grinning at his girlfriend. She was right. They should probably talk about it all, not just the bits pushed forward to the front of his man brain. He was about to try and formulate some actually intelligent and appropriate questions before she grabbed his hand and reminded him of the ointment he'd brought back with him. "Oh, this is for your cheeks. They're all clawed up," he answered, angling himself on the couch to face her. He twisted off the lid and squeezed some of the clear gel onto his finger tip. "I don't want it to get infected.." he muttered, reaching out to gently apply some.

    While caring for her, his eyes slipped up the short distance between her cheeks and eyes. "So..." he started, pausing a second before chuckling at his own awkwardness. That was a really lame beginning. "I know the memories are all painful, or else you wouldn't have split into two people. It's hard for me to ask you something I know is going to hurt you, you know? I want to know everything so there are no secrets, yet I don't want to put you through reliving it, just so I can understand. How about you tell me what you want to, or as much as you can handle for now. We have time..." Theo explained in a gentle tone, as if his first aid actions had an effect on his voice. After smoothing the stuff on her cheeks, his hand paused to just caress it.

    Notes: [N/A]

    ivyleaf33 of FTRP


    Into the Unknown (Theo and Rin's A Rank Exam! ♥) - Page 2 65698_s
    Eden Knox
    Eden Knox

    She wolf

    She wolf

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    Into the Unknown (Theo and Rin's A Rank Exam! ♥) - Page 2 Empty Re: Into the Unknown (Theo and Rin's A Rank Exam! ♥)

    Post by Eden Knox 27th August 2018, 12:40 am

    A small, slightly nervous smile made it's way onto Rin's face as her boyfriend's hand gently caressed her cheek. It was nice to feel loved again. She could feel butterflies in her stomach as she looked into his beautiful blue hues. Placing a hand on his, she closed her eyes, mentally preparing herself for what was to come. It didn't exactly hurt to relive her past, but it was surely uncomfortable. Nobody wanted to look back on something like that. "Well... Um... I don't really know where to start." She giggled nervously. How was she going to phrase this? It wasn't something that you would normally have to tell someone. Especially your significant other. "I guess I'll just start from the beginning. I told you a little bit of what had happened when I was younger, right? I told you a bit about the camp. Well... I stayed at that camp for 2 years, and then I was transferred to the Murder Mission. That was basically the older division of the program. In the Killing Campgrounds, we learned lots of different things. Like I told you in the beginning, only 20 people from our "class" were allowed to survive. Those 20 got shipped off to the Murder Mission to complete their training. There, only one person got to live. The fittest of us all." She stopped speaking for a moment, her eyes moving downwards in shame. "I was the only one who lived. I was the prized possession of Captain Oswald, the one who trained me. It was all seemingly pointless. Like a game. But in reality, the founder of this organization, Dr. Hinami, had plans for the ones who lived. We were weapons. People trained to seduce and kill. But we had one specific person we were told to target. We were to kill anyone who got in the way of this. Children, mothers, whole families. It didn't matter. If they stood in our way, it was our job to eliminate them."

    She paused, closing her eyes to collect her thoughts. "In the Killing Campgrounds, we specialized in learning how to fight and kill. That was also the beginnings of resistance training as well. Resistance to pain and emotions. Both of which "got in the way of our mission". The Murder Mission was... Well... More... Adult. We learned how to seduce our victims. How to... Give them pleasure. Along with that, we learned how to torture people. In ways you would never even imagine. All of which were tested on us, so that we knew how it felt. These were ways to get what we wanted from them. And, finally, we were taught how to be skilled with weaponry. Guns were my specialty." Stopping again, she smiled weakly. "But I was too smart for them. All of them. I knew that there was a way that I could keep all of this information separate from who I really was. It took me a while to perfect it... And it took some help from... Someone... But I finally managed to create a separate self. That way, when I was sent out into the world, I could trick them into thinking that I was a brainwashed little weapon. Like all the other "graduates". But I never was. I had a fire inside of me that they were all afraid of. I think they all knew from the beginning that I was special, but they expected it to be in their favor." There was a small sparkle in her eye as she paused once more. "They were wrong."
    coded by benetnasch of THQ

    Rin Mayou



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    Into the Unknown (Theo and Rin's A Rank Exam! ♥) - Page 2 I2D4CIg


    Moderator- Alt Account- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Rising Star- Guild Master- Custom Slayer- Dragon Slayer- Legal Guild Ace- Neutral Guild Ace- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- Working Together- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Teaming Up!- Limited Edition- Legal Eagle- Helper- Guild Creator- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Over Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Shipped- Sticking Around- Dank Memer- Taskmaster- Halloween gfx'ers- Halloween Social - Halloween job event participant - Rich- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- X-Mas Event Participant- Cookie Achievement- Cupcake Achievement- Hero- Summer Special Participant- Have Onida On Your Friend's List- Have aeluri On Your Friend's List- Player 
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    Into the Unknown (Theo and Rin's A Rank Exam! ♥) - Page 2 Empty Re: Into the Unknown (Theo and Rin's A Rank Exam! ♥)

    Post by 88 27th August 2018, 1:15 am

    theo silversong
    Crystal Swan || Sugar Squad || wc

    Listening intently, the man before her seemed to visualize what she explained with a conflicted expression. Every now and then his jaw would clench, but he seemed to be digesting it fairly well. The two of them were similar, but she had it much worse. She was taught to be a perfect killing machine to do whatever necessary, where his training was much more rag-tag, survival and greed based... Sure, he was deadly with swords and had killed more than he liked to dwell on, but he hadn't been exclusively trained to do so. He just learned whatever would help both himself and the guild.

    His hand clenched subtly around her hand that he still held between them, lips pursing into a line. "It's hard to hear..." he sighed, twisting his head a little to pop his neck and release some of the tension he was holding in it. "I'm so glad you made it out, that you were so good despite what that means, if that makes any sense," the jello man tried to convey without offending her in any way. They'd both killed people, but they still loved each other and were on a different life path now. Well, mostly. "From how it sounds, I don't need to be afraid of losing control to Drathir. You can probably put both of us down no problem!" he half joked, trying to keep things light. Especially since he was about to ask a thing he was pretty sure she didn't want to answer, given her previously vaguely worded explanation.

    "Ah...was the 'someone' you mentioned...was it someone you loved?" he asked, knowing it was a thing hard to hear for both of them if it was so. But, he'd been up front about Tomoe, so he didn't want anything hidden. Maybe it was wrong of him to pry into the one thing she deliberately skipped over, but maybe it was just natural for a current lover to need to know these things, so trust would always be most important. "Does...he have to do with how you trigger the change, too?" There it was! The question he should have asked earlier instead of if she thought he was sexy or not!

    Notes: [N/A]

    ivyleaf33 of FTRP


    Into the Unknown (Theo and Rin's A Rank Exam! ♥) - Page 2 65698_s
    Eden Knox
    Eden Knox

    She wolf

    She wolf

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    Into the Unknown (Theo and Rin's A Rank Exam! ♥) - Page 2 Empty Re: Into the Unknown (Theo and Rin's A Rank Exam! ♥)

    Post by Eden Knox 27th August 2018, 1:47 am

    A small laugh left her when he spoke of how strong she was. It was half true. "Well. I'm pretty much useless in this form. That's why my physique changes as well as my mental state when I change over. The Murder Mission modified my appearance so I would conform to their version of "perfection". So that changes along with everything else. This is what I looked like before any modifications were made." She explained to him. It had actually made her a bit self conscious, actually. It never sat well with her. "I was too short, too small, and not sensual enough for their liking, so they just changed everything. It was a pretty painful process actually. Mentally and physically."

    His next question made her freeze in her tracks. A flash of hurt made it's way into her eyes just before she turned them away. This would always be a touchy subject for her. "Yes." She whispered simply. She really didn't want to have to talk about it, but they had promised not to keep any more secrets, so it was only fair. "His name was Simon. He was in the program with me. We knew each other for the entire 4 years that we were trapped. All the other children hated each other, and it was hard not to when we were told that we were all supposed to kill each other. But Simon was different. He wanted to work together. He wanted to get out. Everyone thought he was stupid, but I thought he was interesting. He never gave up... Until his last breath." A dark expression made it's way across her face as she finished her sentence. "I killed him... We were the last two people standing. Both of us were strong. We worked hard to stay alive. We fell in love. It was stupid, considering we both knew that the moment was going to come when we had to fight to the death, but we couldn't stop it. It just happened so naturally." A hand went up to cover her face. She was ashamed to continue. "I watched him take his last breath. We both fought hard, but in the end, he gave up his life so that I could live. He said he wouldn't, but he did. His last words are what I think of when I want to transform." Wiping a tear from her eye, she looked back at her lover. "That's why I'm so afraid of ever losing you. I wouldn't be able to handle it. You mean so much to me."
    coded by benetnasch of THQ

    Rin Mayou



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    Into the Unknown (Theo and Rin's A Rank Exam! ♥) - Page 2 Empty Re: Into the Unknown (Theo and Rin's A Rank Exam! ♥)

    Post by 88 27th August 2018, 2:22 am

    theo silversong
    Crystal Swan || Sugar Squad || wc

    Look at them. Quite the pair. If there was such a thing as fate, it had a weird sense of humor. They'd both killed their last lovers, yet here they sat staring into each other's eyes with such trust, as if such a scenario could never happen again. Both of them able to set said past lovers aside and not be petty about them like most couples.

    He couldn't lie to himself and say he didn't feel a twinge that she thought about him every time she transformed back and forth. At least he didn't have to actively think of Tomoe to accomplish anything...but then again, she was supposedly also alive again. Ugh.

    "I'm sorry that happened to you," he said earnestly, reaching out to hug her like he always does when she cries. She might not need it as much anymore now that her mind was more sorted, but he'd do it anyway. "All of that sucks..." huffed the man, closing his eyes for a moment. "But don't worry about losing me. We'll never lose each other, no matter what. I think we deserve to be happy together, don't you?" asked the jello man, leaning back to smile sympathetically. "I really hope so, because I love you so much. I'll always have your back. I'll always support you," the onyx haired boy reminded her, arctic eyes shining with intensity. Too bad he couldn't stay serious for too long. She seemed so sad, it hurt. "I personally like both versions of your body just fine. They both have their... perks." Theo chuckled, winking at her impishly.

    Notes: [N/A]

    ivyleaf33 of FTRP


    Into the Unknown (Theo and Rin's A Rank Exam! ♥) - Page 2 65698_s
    Eden Knox
    Eden Knox

    She wolf

    She wolf

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    Into the Unknown (Theo and Rin's A Rank Exam! ♥) - Page 2 Empty Re: Into the Unknown (Theo and Rin's A Rank Exam! ♥)

    Post by Eden Knox 27th August 2018, 3:46 am

    Wrapping her arms around her lover, she clung to him for comfort. Sure, she wasn't as upset as she was when she first remembered things about her past, but it still hurt. Her memories weren't pleasant, and they would never go away. But at least now she had Theo. She didn't even want to imagine what it would have been like to have to remember all these things by herself. As he leaned back, she returned his smile, appreciative for all that he had done for her. "You're right. We do deserve to be happy." Her mood had already increased a lot from what he had said. It was encouraging, knowing that someone would always be there for you. "I love you too... And you know that I'll always be there for you too. No matter what happens." Being in love was a truly marvelous thing. She felt so blessed to be able to experience it. So many people never do.

    His next words threw her for a bit of a loop, though. Normally, she would have been embarrassed and shied away, but not anymore. Things were much different now. A smirk made it's way onto her face just after he had finished speaking. Pushing Theo gently backwards, she pinned him down against the couch, her body resting gently atop his own. "You should be more careful with what you say now. I'm not as innocent as I used to be. If you keep talking like that, I'll just have to show you some of the things I've learned." She purred, leaning downwards to press her soft pink lips against his. As she pulled away, she returned his wink, before pushing herself upwards and off of the couch. She was quite skilled at the art of the tease. And now that she could remember it, she planned to use it! "I'm going into the kitchen to make something to eat. Did you want anything?"
    coded by benetnasch of THQ

    Rin Mayou



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    Post by 88 27th August 2018, 2:55 pm

    theo silversong
    Crystal Swan || Sugar Squad || wc

    "A-ah..." The poor man had known he should expect such responses from her now, but that didn't keep it from catching him off guard when it really happened. His face was a glow, brows high with surprise only to plunge low in intense disappointment when she stole her lips and body away from him. So much so that he continued to lay as she'd positioned him, turning his head toward the back of the couch to try and hide the expression, though a frustrated and defeated little groan was barely muffled by a cushion. "Nothing I want is in the kitchen..." he lamented, voice still muffled. That wasn't really true. The kitchen had all sorts of sweets he'd never turn down...and now help Rin herself, which he very much wanted.

    Slowly sitting up, his eyes dragged to her, just watching her move. He was in trouble. She'd bewitched him, and neither of them could hide behind her innocence anymore. It was officially more complicated, and he accepted that his fate was to drown in a cold shower. Rubbing his eyes, he sighed, compiling a list of just how many obstacles were still somehow in the way now that the largest boulder was removed, two being Elvira and Lily. But on the plus side, he could buy her lingerie now and she'd know what it was for other than being uncomfortable and impractical under clothes.

    Trying to derail his man brain from the den of debauchery that plagued nearly all men, Theo tried to form questions back to the issue at hand. "Where did Lily come in, then? And how does she know all of this?"

    Notes: [N/A]

    ivyleaf33 of FTRP


    Into the Unknown (Theo and Rin's A Rank Exam! ♥) - Page 2 65698_s
    Eden Knox
    Eden Knox

    She wolf

    She wolf

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    Post by Eden Knox 27th August 2018, 4:22 pm

    Rin hummed cheerfully as she searched around her cupboards. Most of what she had was sweet. Cakes, tarts, and various types of candies. It probably wasn't the most healthy way to live, but she couldn't help herself! Desserts were one of her weaknesses, after all! After a little while of searching, she decided to have a delicious looking piece of chocolate cake. It almost seemed to be calling her name. Grabbing a fork from a nearbt drawer, she stabbed it into the delicacy, getting a small piece before bringing it up to her mouth. "Mmmm~" She groaned as it hit her taste buds. It was perfect! Her eyes moved from the cake to Theo as he began to speak to her again, though. She had almost missed what he had said! "Lily... Well, she doesn't tell me that much, but as far as she's told me, she was created by my father after my mother died. She was basically supposed to be my mother figure as I was growing up, which you can kind of tell now by the way she acts." The young girl smiled fondly at the feline creature who was currently snoozing on the little bed she had gotten her. It was really similar to Rin's own bed, actually, just smaller. Lily wouldn't have allowed her to buy her a generic cat or dog bed. No, that was much too bland!

    "My mother supposedly died when I was very young. Too young to even remember who she was. Supposedly Lily is quite a bit like her though." Shifting to lean on the kitchen counter, she took another bite of her cake before speaking again. "According to Lily, my dad was a genius. A very well known scientist. So it was easy for him to create something like her. I still don't remember him, though. All I know about him is what I've heard from Lily." Rin shrugged, not really knowing how else to react. "Supposedly he was a very caring man. He helped many people with his scientific findings. I would very much like to meet him, but I have no idea where he would be. Even Lily doesn't know." It was frustrating to know that one of her loved ones was so close, but so far away at the same time. There had to be some way for her to find him. Shaking it off for now, Rin approached her lover, sitting next to him on the couch once more. "Here, have some of this! It's really yummy!" She cooed, loading up a piece on the fork before bringing it up to his lips.
    coded by benetnasch of THQ

    Rin Mayou



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    Into the Unknown (Theo and Rin's A Rank Exam! ♥) - Page 2 Empty Re: Into the Unknown (Theo and Rin's A Rank Exam! ♥)

    Post by 88 27th August 2018, 5:13 pm

    theo silversong
    Crystal Swan || Sugar Squad || wc

    Nomming the offered bite from the fork, Theo's face melted at the taste. Chocolate would always get him. "Mmm~" he echoed her earlier noise of deliciousness. He could always count on her house to be chocked full of desserts, just as he could rely on Lester bringing him muffins. Though his mouth was full, his eyes shifted to the sleeping Lily as he thought about what it must be like to be created, and wondered why she couldn't find the man who made her. It was odd she was sleeping through this, but then it sorta made sense. "Mmph...right...you did thwack her pretty hard..." he muttered as he chewed.

    Once he finished the bite, he spoke again, raising his longing eyes from the sweet confection to his sweeter companion. "We'll find your dad, one way or another. I'd like to meet the man who brought you into this world. I'd offer the same, but...hey, maybe we can find their graves one day. Hopefully time and sandstorms haven't buried them or eroded them so much that they can't be found. I just know my parents, especially mom would've loved you. My sister was very young when I last saw her, but I'm sure she'd have loved you, too." It was sorta a sad thing to say, but Theo seemed bittersweet at the most. Time and acceptance kept him from getting too broken up, since they'd have died nearly 250 years ago, give or take. That, and he'd basically mourned them as a child when he'd had no choice but leave them behind forever. Theo chose not to think about the times he could have gone back to see them once he was more free to do what he wanted at the end, simply because he didn't want them to see who he'd become. There was a bit of regret there, but no use dwelling on it.

    With a gleam in his eye, he leaned toward her, lips tickling her cheeks in a pleading way. "Please, miss, can I have another nibble?" he fake begged, really just wanting an excuse to touch and kiss her while also being rewarded with a tasty treat.

    Notes: [N/A]

    ivyleaf33 of FTRP


    Into the Unknown (Theo and Rin's A Rank Exam! ♥) - Page 2 65698_s
    Eden Knox
    Eden Knox

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    She wolf

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    Into the Unknown (Theo and Rin's A Rank Exam! ♥) - Page 2 Empty Re: Into the Unknown (Theo and Rin's A Rank Exam! ♥)

    Post by Eden Knox 27th August 2018, 6:27 pm

    This song reminded me of Rin and Theo <3

    A warm smile made it's way onto the pink haired girl's face as her lover spoke about his own family. It seemed as if he spoke of them in a bitter sweet way. She couldn't even imagine what it would have been like to be sold by your own parents. Well, she couldn't even really imagine what it would be like to have parents in the first place, since she couldn't remember having them in the first place! "I would have loved to meet them. I'm sure my dad would love to meet you, too." She bubbled joyfully. "There's no rush to find my father, though. I have all the family that I need right here." It was a bit embarrassing to say, but it was the truth! The idea of her father always in the back of her mind, but there was never any desperate longing for him. She was perfectly happy here without him. Perhaps that was a bit rude to think that way, but it would be wrong to say that she needed to know where he was right this second. Things would only be more complicated with him in her life. For right now, she just wanted to enjoy her life on the Crystalli, with her boyfriend, guildmates, and friends.

    Her thoughts were quickly interrupted by her lover. His lips against her cheek caused her face to scrunch up into a delighted grin. A small giggle erupted from her throat as he teased her. Looking down at the cake she had in her hands, she forked up another small piece, bringing it up to his lips once more. But it would never make it's way into his mouth. As quickly as she had brought it to him, she turned it around, placing it gently into her own mouth. A playful smirk spread across her lips as she chewed on the delicious treat. "If you want some of the cake, you're going to have to catch me first!" She teased as she finished her bite. Quickly after, she bolted up from the couch, keeping a tight grip on the plate that held the prize. Jogging away from him, she giggled cheerfully, enjoying her own little game.
    coded by benetnasch of THQ

    Rin Mayou



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    Into the Unknown (Theo and Rin's A Rank Exam! ♥) - Page 2 Empty Re: Into the Unknown (Theo and Rin's A Rank Exam! ♥)

    Post by 88 27th August 2018, 9:02 pm

    theo silversong
    Crystal Swan || Sugar Squad || wc

    Awww, she was so sweet. Calling him her family. It was true, but it was still warm and fuzzy to hear it out loud...then she went and ruined it by stealing his bite of cake and running off with the rest of it! He gasped dramatically. Some girlfriend she was! Playing a game with the cake and thus his heart! Once she ran off, he bounced up off the couch and started after her. It wasn't a very big place, so it wasn't long before his clumsiness started to wreak furniture casualties like lamps and chairs, but he'd replace anything that was broken. "Come back here!" he laughed, tripping and rolling along the floor only to get back on his feet and pounce after her again.

    One wrong lunge sent him head over heels into the bottom of the couch with a loud 'OOF'. A little dazed, he laid there and tried to reclaim his breath, then groaned and flopped onto the floor in potentially feigned pain, hamming it up to draw her in close. "Owww..." he laid it on thick, holding his side as if it hurt really bad. "All I wanted was some caaaake!"

    Notes: [N/A]

    ivyleaf33 of FTRP


    Into the Unknown (Theo and Rin's A Rank Exam! ♥) - Page 2 65698_s
    Eden Knox
    Eden Knox

    She wolf

    She wolf

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    Post by Eden Knox 27th August 2018, 9:42 pm

    The amount of laughter that came from the girl only increased when she heard him coming after her. He was like a bull in a china shop! Knocking things over and tripping over various things in the house. Luckily, Rin had the advantage of knowing the layout of her home like the back of her hand! So there would be no tripping for this girl! She also happened to be pretty agile, while worked in her favor in this instance as well. "You're gonna have to do better than that if you want this tasty cake~!" She taunted, waving the cake around with pride. Just as she had been about to run off again, she heard a loud thud. Oh gosh, that didn't sound good! "Theo!" She gasped, stopping in her tracks when she heard him cry out in pain. Putting the cake down on a nearby dresser, she jogged quickly over to him, wanting to make sure that he was okay.

    Kneeling down next to him, she looked at him for any serious injuries. He seemed to be okay in that regard, but she still felt terrible about it! "D-Does your side hurt? I-I-I'm sorry! I didn't mean for you to get hurt at all! Um... D-Did you need me to look at it or something?" She asked nervously, unsure really of what to do in the situation. "Y-You can have the rest of the cake if that'll make you feel better!"
    coded by benetnasch of THQ

    Rin Mayou



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    Post by 88 27th August 2018, 10:16 pm

    theo silversong
    Crystal Swan || Sugar Squad || wc

    He hammed it up for a few more moments, very fleeting once she came near and bent down. Didn't bring the cake, but she offered it to him anyway. Perhaps...it was for the best she didn't bring it. His arms flung up for her, grabbing her and twisting so that she was now the one resting gently on the floor, trapped between his arms. "I caught you," he celebrated with a little smirk. He lifted his shirt, and for sure there was a red place blossoming under his scars, but at the most it'd be a bruise. "Don't worry, I'm okay," he mumbled with a devious grin, leaning down to place his lips on hers much like she'd done to him earlier, still able to taste the chocolate he'd been chasing moments before. Pulling away a little, he took a hand to brush some strands of hair from her face, his cold eyes somehow managing to look warmly at his captured girlfriend.

    Since he'd captured his true prize, he didn't seem particularly inclined to make a run for the cake and devour it. Maybe in a couple minutes. Instead, he gazed at her, as if reacquainting himself with the subtleties of her face, getting to know the minute changes that had taken place with the reclaiming of her memories. "Hm.." he sighed, tilting his head a little. "I love you," he admitted like it was the first time, though it really really wasn't. Theo leaned back down, kissing her again.

    Notes: [N/A]

    ivyleaf33 of FTRP


    Into the Unknown (Theo and Rin's A Rank Exam! ♥) - Page 2 65698_s
    Eden Knox
    Eden Knox

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    Into the Unknown (Theo and Rin's A Rank Exam! ♥) - Page 2 Empty Re: Into the Unknown (Theo and Rin's A Rank Exam! ♥)

    Post by Eden Knox 28th August 2018, 12:09 am

    "A-Ah!" Rin squeaked as her boyfriend grabbed her and laid her against the ground. It took her a minute to fully register what had happened, but when she did, her face began to turn a bright shade of red. This wasn't supposed to happen at all! "Heyy! That doesn't count! You tricked me!" She whimpered, her face scrunching up into a frustrated pout. The expression seemed to dissolve, though, as soon as he lifted his shirt to expose pale skin. It was, well, a bit distracting to say the least. His kisses were even more distracting, though. She felt like her head was going to explode! As he pulled away, her eyes shifted away, her cheeks becoming even redder than they were before. His staring was pretty embarrassing! "I love you too." She mumbled shyly. Perhaps it was the proximity that was making her so flustered? But they had been close like this before. As he kissed her again, she began to feel dizzy, like each kiss was some sort of drug.

    Pulling away from him, her eyes moved downwards once more, training themselves on the scars that were littered across his skin. Reaching a hand upwards, she ran her fingers across them, tracing each one of them delicately. "I love everything about you." A sincere smile formed across her lips as her eyes moved upwards once more. His icy blue hues still mesmerized her, pulling her in like some sort of magnet. Throwing both arms upwards, she wrapped them around his neck, pulling him into a deeper, more passionate kiss. Perhaps this was escalating a bit faster than she was originally expecting. Letting up on her grip just slightly, their lips separated once more. It was almost with a sense of regret, though. "I-I'm sorry. Am I being a little too pushy?" She giggled nervously.
    coded by benetnasch of THQ

    Rin Mayou



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    Into the Unknown (Theo and Rin's A Rank Exam! ♥) - Page 2 I2D4CIg


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    Into the Unknown (Theo and Rin's A Rank Exam! ♥) - Page 2 Empty Re: Into the Unknown (Theo and Rin's A Rank Exam! ♥)

    Post by 88 28th August 2018, 12:51 am

    theo silversong
    Crystal Swan || Sugar Squad || wc

    "No," Theo's voice came out possibly a bit more breathy and gruff than he meant, but even as she separated from him his lips left ghost kisses on hers. After a kiss like that initiated by her, his mind got swept away. With much concentration he opened his eyes to meet hers, thinly veiled desire somehow making them brighter. Cheeks flushed for the umpteenth time today, he took a second to breathe. He wasn't pushy. As much as he was encouraged by this development, he had been a really good boy so far, the onyx haired man offered her a weak smile. "I...er... I've been so careful to not...uh...push too far. You know what I mean? Because you didn't understand, and I wasn't gonna be the one to ruin it," he admitted, even now falling back into that rut. Habit told him to move and let her off the ground. Perhaps he should.

    But he wouldn't.

    Leaning back down, he trailed butterfly kisses against her cheeks, sorta stalling to get her response to his former words, but lacking the true control to keep his lips off of her, especially since her fingers touched his scars. Rin had never really touched him other than for direct medical need unless it was a hand hold or a cheek brush. This was a little more intimate, and even if that's all he got, he'd take it. He craved her love, indeed like a drug. And he hadn't realized how truly starved of it he was until now. Yeah, maybe he really should leave.

    Notes: [N/A]

    ivyleaf33 of FTRP


    Into the Unknown (Theo and Rin's A Rank Exam! ♥) - Page 2 65698_s
    Eden Knox
    Eden Knox

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    She wolf

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    Into the Unknown (Theo and Rin's A Rank Exam! ♥) - Page 2 Empty Re: Into the Unknown (Theo and Rin's A Rank Exam! ♥)

    Post by Eden Knox 28th August 2018, 1:13 am

    A small sigh of contentment breezed it's way through her lips as his lips caressed her skin. It sent a shock up and down her spine. This was definitely a lot more intimate than they had ever been before. But she wasn't shying away from it. Not anymore. The old Rin would have been too scared to do something like this, but this Rin wasn't. Not in the slightest. Butterflies fluttered within her stomach, and her breathing became a bit heavier. Was this really a good idea? Sure, it would seem that they both wanted it, but was it okay to do it now? Lily was asleep not far from them, and Elvira could show up at any second. But for some reason, none of that mattered. Not in this moment. All she wanted was him.

    Instead of just her cheeks, her entire face had started to become tomato red. "Well... I-I understand now." She breathed, hand moving upwards to tangle itself in his inky locks. It was true. After all of her memories had come back, the memories of these sorts of things came with it. "You don't have to hold back anymore." Perhaps that had come off a bit strong, but she didn't even care at this point. "I love you so much." She mumbled, wanting to convey her powerful feelings towards him.
    coded by benetnasch of THQ

    Rin Mayou



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    Into the Unknown (Theo and Rin's A Rank Exam! ♥) - Page 2 Empty Re: Into the Unknown (Theo and Rin's A Rank Exam! ♥)

    Post by 88 28th August 2018, 1:49 am

    theo silversong
    Crystal Swan || Sugar Squad || wc

    Theo whimpered a little at her words, then awkwardly chuckled. Maybe from relief? To be honest, he was feeling a whole bunch of things right now, and it had been so long, he wondered if he didn't know what to do with them. A wash of nervousness gave him a moment's pause. Did he remember how to not hold back? It had been over three hundred years, technically...even if to him it had only really been three years.

    Firstly, somewhere more comfortable than the hard floor. After his lips softly lingered over hers for a moment, he pulled away again and moved away from her only long enough to get to his feet and gather her up into his arms. He stood with her for just a moment, his face uncharacteristically serious. "I won't hold back," came affirmation to her words, almost like a warning to her and encouragement to himself. His eyes searched her face, as if for any sort of doubt...not just in her, but in himself. Psyching himself up a bit, that this was okay now. His face was still flushed, but not nearly as much as before. Maybe just a cute amount, the sort of heat from making out with your lover. Coming to a true decision that he couldn't go back on, his expression softened. Brows quirking into a sort of impish smolder, he carried her into her own room, using his foot to kick the door shut behind him. Her body had only just been dropped onto her bed before he hovered over her again, one arm still coiled around her waist. Now Theo wasted no time claiming her mouth with his, playful passion stealing his breath away. Cake could definitely wait.

    Notes: [N/A]

    ivyleaf33 of FTRP


    Into the Unknown (Theo and Rin's A Rank Exam! ♥) - Page 2 65698_s

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