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    In Progress DOWNPOUR;; GROUP JOB

    Post by Alun 4th August 2018, 8:57 pm

    Job Information:

    Last edited by Seth Augusta on 7th August 2018, 7:10 pm; edited 4 times in total

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    In Progress Re: DOWNPOUR;; GROUP JOB

    Post by Alun 4th August 2018, 9:00 pm

    I will be rolling the monster dice until I get any two rolls that are not a boss~ <3


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    In Progress Re: DOWNPOUR;; GROUP JOB

    Post by NPC 4th August 2018, 9:00 pm

    The member 'Seth Augusta' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :

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    In Progress Re: DOWNPOUR;; GROUP JOB

    Post by Alun 5th August 2018, 1:59 pm


    Loud chatter drowns out the background music in the Silver Moon Inn. It's Friday, and hoards of exhausted businesswomen and businessmen pack into local pubs and nightclubs to clean away their problems with food and drink. Luckily, Rose Garden, known for its lively nightlife provides a fun and usually safe environment for a blackout drunk. Eager for a quick buck, Seth regularly waits tables and uses his 'talents' to persuade large amounts of tips from his customers. However, today, the main vocalist of the usual band fell and broke her leg apparently and they needed a replacement. He volunteered, of course, if the only audience he can perform in front of is a tavern full of uninterested drunkards, so be it. So, he sings. He isn't a prodigy or anywhere near as skilled as the usual songstress, but he is still a capable singer in his own right. Despite a few ill notes here and there, he still thought he did pretty good: and the drunk taverns-people apparently didn't notice his mistakes either. After a moderate amount of applause, he steps off of the stage and walks into the guild-member's only section; he then sits on a dusty barrel next to crates full of restaurant supplies, napkins, to-go boxes, and the like. He was wearing an open-back sweater and a pair of faded vinyl pants, which he shortly changed out of. The loose top and tight bottom combination was sorely uncomfortable. He put on a pair of plush joggers and a loose v-neck tee shirt and let his hair down. Bobby pins fly everywhere. He doesn't remember putting THAT many in.

    After a moment of decompressing after his day, he takes a swig of ice water and pressed his face into his hands. It had been cloudy ALL week long. He even had to eat human food TWICE in the last few days. He got used to not pooping. Early in the morning, he stretched under the bright tavern light trying to absorb as much light as possible. Such was the life of someone to photosynthesize. He was so tired. He pops behind the bar and looks for the orange juice used to make screwdrivers and pours himself a cup and then chugs it, to the dismay of several customers. That should keep him from passing out for a day, at least. Speaking of, the clouds have been unusually thick lately, as if blocking more sunlight than usual... And his magic wasn't able to force the clouds open to reveal the sun, like it usually does. Maybe it was just a bad case of smog. Or a magical prank gone wrong. He wouldn't put it above humanity. But whatever. The point was, it sucked. It might start raining soot soon, as far as he knows. Then, he heard it. He was on the ground floor of a multi-story building, but he could hear it. Rain, sheets of it, pouring down from the skies, as if the clouds had been indecisive to when to start raining. The rest of the tavern must have heard it, too, as the babbling of the customers dimmed as they listened into it as well. At least it isn't smog. Ugly, ripping noises of thunder echo through the awe-stricken populace. Seth steps into the main atrium of the tavern to join in. For a few relatively peaceful moments, the people mutter and gossip about the weather while some still hack away at their food.

    All is good until a gust of wind makes the large door of the tavern blast open. Gasps of surprise turn into screams as... purple..? disgusting-looking wind pours through the door. The people sitting closest to the entrance, a group of new recruits into Black Rose, instinctively spring up and rush to close the door, breathing in large amounts of the horrible air. It came to be unusually silent. Citizens living in a magical world have certainly seen more... surprising things. And they ARE sitting in a guild hall with many powerful mages sitting in the back or upstairs. Dull confusion turns into panic as the three mages collapse to the floor, coughing and spitting. From their mouth and nose, gas flows out, flickering like a weak light in the wind. Two clones of each mage appear, six copies in total, with pallid skin and glowing purple eyes. They looked ready, as well. With each group of look-alike clone's magic sparking at their fingertips: glowing embers, small snowflakes, and crackling sparks. Bartends and waiters rush to let guests into the back rooms of the inn, the main room quickly being emptied with a few tipped over tables about. It looks like the clones--well, whatever they are--want a fight. Seth braces himself and calls out, "Are there any mages nearby? There's a... situation!" (800/2000)

    Last edited by Seth Augusta on 5th August 2018, 3:36 pm; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : grammar fixes lol)
    Victoria Sheridan
    Victoria Sheridan

    Alt Account- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Legal Guild Ace- Z-Rank- Y-Rank- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- EXP Grinder- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Limited Edition- Unknown Powerhouse- Unknown Legend- The Completionist- Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Sticking Around- Taskmaster- Halloween Social- Halloween job event participant - Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- X-Mas Event Participant- Summer Special Participant- Player 
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    In Progress Re: DOWNPOUR;; GROUP JOB

    Post by Victoria Sheridan 5th August 2018, 2:38 pm

    Wearing a blue t-shirt with khaki cargo shorts and white tennis shoes, Victoria was sitting in the members-only section of Silver Moon Inn drinking a Cherry Charge. She was elated over her successful action against the slaver in Rose Garden a few nights ago. She read on a bulletin board in the inn where the slaver and his accomplices were tried and convicted in a court of law. The paper the slaver dropped had proved to be a damning piece of evidence; so was the testimony of his would-be victims and the confessions of his accomplices. Faced with such a preponderance of evidence against him and no way out, the head of the tiny operation pleaded guilty and was sentenced to prison.

    Victoria had also read that there was an ongoing roundup of slavers in Rose Garden. She wished that she could personally take part in it, but she had other responsibilities to take care of. While taking one slaver gang out of commission was hardly a decisive blow to such a disgusting institution, it would serve notice to others that slavery would not be tolerated in Rose Garden. The brunette could live with a victory like that. Seeing that outcome made her glad that she did not just kill them... maybe there were still some honest people left in the justice system.

    With that success behind her, Victoria had to find some new endeavor to keep her going forward. She could not afford to rest on her laurels. She had to get stronger because all slaver gangs would not be so easily defeated. She was perusing a list of jobs on the bulletin board, looking for one that involved fighting. Maybe one of them would even pay big money.

    She was looking at a job called "Road Fighter" and was seriously considering taking it when she heard commotion in the front of the inn. One phrase in particular stood out.

    "Are there any mages nearby? There's a... situation!"

    That was Victoria's cue. She slammed the job list down onto a crate and quickly threw her empty Cherry Charge can into the recycle bin. She then barged into the front of the inn and found that it was deserted and in disarray. The staff had done their job, emptying the room of all the patrons and staff. Now she would not have to worry too much about hurting patrons or staff with stray spells.

    There were six mages with glowing purple eyes, but they were not ordinary mages. They were copies of three new Black Rose recruits lying on the floor behind them. She did not know what magic the recruits wielded, but these mages appeared to control fire, ice, and electricity. Two of them controlled each element; two fire mages, two ice mages, and two electric mages. That was a balanced team composition.

    In front of her was another mage, but he did not have glowing purple eyes. The guy had olive skin and wore a loose v-neck shirt with plush joggers. He also had long hair, much longer than Victoria's own. He must have been the one to call for mages. Judging from the looks of the opposition, his call for assistance was completely justified.

    "I'm Victoria Sheridan. I'm a member of Black Rose. Looks like we've got our work cut out for us." Victoria said to the guy. She did not know his name. Now was a good time to ask.

    "Before all the fighting starts, I have to know something. What's your name?" Victoria asked him, eying the purple-eyed mages across from them. She was trying to think of a game plan. She was also hoping that more mages would come to lend a hand.

    [Word Count: 620] [Word Count: 620/2,000]
    Mayumi Katsuya
    Mayumi Katsuya

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    In Progress Re: DOWNPOUR;; GROUP JOB

    Post by Mayumi Katsuya 5th August 2018, 3:27 pm

    Mayumi was relaxing in the room she'd been staying at at the Silver Moon in. More specifically, she was in the bath, letting the hot water soothe the bruises she had from a recent training battle. She was planning on taking the next couple of days off, and she was very much looking forward to it. Perhaps she could pay a visit to her family. It had been a while since she'd seen any of them.

    Or at least, that was her thought, until she heard a commotion downstairs. First came the sound of the door being roughly flung open, although that didn't startle Mayumi at first. Probably some drunk and disorderly patron storming out of the bar. But then the screaming started, and she knew something bad was happening down there. She leaped out of the tub, rejecting the temptation to dry off- that would be a waste of time. She quickly tossed one of her kimonos on, and was still trying it closed when she ran out the door of her room. Her hair was still dripping wet, and she almost slipped and fell on the wooden floor. She hadn't even taken the time to put shoes on, not that she would need them inside.

    She made it out of the room just in time to hear the call for aid from downstairs. A situation that required mages? Yeah, that spelled trouble. She hit the stairs and raced down, quickly emerging downstairs, and she paused to take stock of the situation.

    There were eight other people in the room when she arrived.The first thing that caught her eye was the group of six people right in the middle. The odd thing was that there appeared to be two of each of them. They looked exactly the same, almost like twins, except they matched down to the clothing. One pair even had matching scars. That was... Odd. Then Mayumi spotted the three figured laying on the ground. Again, exact duplicates of the others before her, but they appeared to be unconscious.

    No answers seemed to be forthcoming from that group, so she turned her attention to the other two in the room. They were across the room from her, on the far side of the group of the six creepy mages. The first was a man who seemed a little younger than her, with long blue hair. He looked vaguely familiar, and Mayumi felt she must have seen him before. Then she spotted the guildmark on the back of his hand, which confirmed her suspicions. He was another mage in Black Rose, which explained the familiarity.

    The second mage, a slight, dark-haired girl, she recognized immediately. She and Victoria had gone on a job together in the past, training with some former Rune Knights. It was nice to see a familiar face in this situation. She didn't know what exactly was going on here, but she knew which side she would be taking.

    After all, it was clear that battle lines were being drawn here. The six mages in the middle, who didn't seem to have noticed her yet, were clearly spoiling for a fight, and one of them literally crackled with electricity. Great. She sighed. She just hoped no one would trash the inn here. She had a feeling no one would be happy about that, least of all their guild master or aces. After all, this was a great source of profit for the guild. Perhaps she and her guild mates ought to try and move the fight outside...

    "Oh my. It seems situation is the right word here. Dare I ask what exactly is going on here?"

    Post Word Count: 611
    Character Word Count: 611/2,000
    Total Word Count: 2,031/8,000



    Lineage : Warrior's Heart
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    In Progress Re: DOWNPOUR;; GROUP JOB

    Post by FangXinglong 8th August 2018, 11:54 am

    The Silvermoon Inn was bustling with morning activity like it usually does. Normally the sun would be rising from the eastern horizon, but with these thick dark clouds above Rose Garden it was hard to see the sun. Fang was in his room sitting on a simple wooden chair with a round table next to him. His blue eyes gaze out into the eye of the storm through the closed window as the wind howls. The glass panels sealed shut actually shuttered from the wind’s presence.

    “Something about this storm doesn’t sit well with me.” Fang muttered seemingly to himself as there was no one else in his room. Just Fang and his trusted sword whose blade is hidden in the mostly black leather scabbard with a gold-brass cap on the tip. Around the opening which allows the beautiful blade to stay secure is another gold-brass engraved onto the leather in the design of a celtic knot. This sword rests across on Fang’s lap.

    Fang is garbed in clothing fit for warm weather. Wearing a short-sleeved grey shirt with dark green shorts. His feet bare to the elements as normally it is warm around this time of the year. Yet for some reason there was a chill in the air. It was like the wind itself is dripping with magic because of how Fang’s sensory towards magic is going off. He can understand if it was coming from the inn somewhere because this is the base HQ of Black Rose so naturally there are people who are going to practice magic. However this is coming from the outside, and it seems to cloak the entire building and beyond.

    That’s when Fang heard rapid footsteps running past his door after a commotion disturbed the morning for Silver Moon. Fang rushed to throw open his door with Azusena in hand yet still sheathed. Looking around the corner Fang saw a strand of near golden hair going down the flight of stairs. The young man followed leaving his door open and his feet bare on the polished wooden floor. It wasn’t until he got midway down the set of stairs when Fang touched something wet and next thing he knows Fang slips.

    That brief moment of panic was just fuel to his instincts. Fang pushed off with his other foot to move forward and essentially backflips his way to the base of these tricky stairs. Where the man lands on his feet with a solid thud and Azusena still clenched by his hand. ”Who in the world left water on the stairs?!” Azusena telepathically exclaimed as she was already unnerved by that small speck of water. Her answer came from Mayumi, who was dripping wet from the hair as her skin gives off a slight steam, and Fang finds another familiar face. Victoria and Mayumi appears to be holding a focused gaze at the six with the purple glowing eyes. Both asking them what their business, or more specifically what happened to cause such a commotion. Yet Fang was silent as the clasp was released revealing the deep blue gem-like blade.

    ”Fang… These things are…” Azusena spoke to Fang mentally as worry can be felt from the spirit. ”They hold the same aura as the storm outside. And these six are decently strong from the looks of it.” Fang’s sharp eyes analyzed the six and noted how each pair were identical to the three Black Rose mages laying on the floor. Not to mention these things have the gall to wear the guild mark.

    Fang recognized the three, but never truly conversate with them. However they were still friendly to him and never gave Fang the benefit of a doubt in their abilities. Fang remains standing where he is with Fang’s right hand on the soft hilt of his sword. In other words he is just waiting on the inevitable, but of course if these six attack first then it is fair game. If not then hopefully Victoria and Mayumi can handle it. “Be careful with these things. Something tells me that they’re just pawns of a bigger game.”

    WC: 686 | 686/2,000

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    In Progress Re: DOWNPOUR;; GROUP JOB

    Post by Alun 8th August 2018, 7:21 pm


    His call did not go unanswered. From various parts of the guild, mages respond. The first to arrive, Victoria, he recognized. A friend of a friend, he knew of her from the small talk he makes with other guildmates.. Only good things. Unless… That was a backhanded compliment they said. Nevermind. Surely it wasn’t implied.

    This focus is distracted by a voice, "Before all the fighting starts, I have to know something. What's your name?" He does not turn his head, but moves his eyes to look at the new person.

    "It’s Seth," he said plainly, not letting onto any particular emotion, but not rudely, either. Another person bounds into the scene, sopping wet. Probably from the private bath house, which he hasn’t visited yet. "I… don’t know what’s happening.". Soon after, another person arrives, which he also doesn’t recognize. Silence falls over the room for a second and Seth tries to think. Even with the amount of backup that came to his call, they are still outnumbered. He already knows the enemy’s magic, if not by the obvious displays rounding their hands, the aura protruding from them. Even if the original mages were less experienced than himself, which they were, the clones made from them exude a powerful and slightly off-putting aura.

    Right. The beginnings of a plan come to him.

    "Mitus!" he extends his right arm and opens his hand. A golden motif resembling a golden crescent moon appears. Golden light surrounds his arm, swirling around his wrist and fingers, before dramatically slowing and turning an inky black. "Lunares," he clasps his hand, pulling the shadow into his palm, the area immediately surround his hand darkening. "Ira!" He sprawls his hand backwards and twirls his arm about his body, magic seeping from his hand onto the ground. The magic creates a circle around his perimeter. It immediately expands to cover most of restaurant interior. Dark mist spouts from the ground and swirls around ominously. The enemies flinch in response, visibly struggling to keep themselves upright for a minute. They quick fix their posture, but seem to move quite slower. He shouldn’t waste time before they begin attacking. "I increased their their weight and decreased their speed," he says. He begins preparing another spell, opening his right hand. "Quickly! What are your magics? We need to strategize hastily." A different golden symbol appears in his hand, resembling an artist’s depiction of the sun. "Mitus," he chants, before closing his palm around his hand, yellow and green lights spilling between the openings between his fingers. He braces his stance, slightly stomping each of his feet. Sparks appear at the ground, before exploding in white embers, swirling around his torso, and following his arm as he lifts it above his head. "Solis," the ribbon-like flames begin spiraling around his hand, increasing in speed as the flames grow larger. The embers suddenly explode into a large mass of bright, white flames. "Aestus!" he throws the fiery mass onto the ground the enemies stand on. They all recoil, some fall to the ground and others pat out parts of their outfit that were set on fire. They stand up with some effort and goad their magic.

    The tempest clone closest to Seth, the lightning mage, by the look of it, crosses her hands and an bright, X-shaped mass of lightning appears between them. She grunts and releases an arc of lightning at him. He manages to move in time, but his leg catches on a table and he trips, falling and allowing his left foot to be hit by the electricity. The other clones are bound to release their attacks at any minute as well. (800+612 = 1412/2000)

    Last edited by Seth Augusta on 8th August 2018, 10:15 pm; edited 2 times in total
    Victoria Sheridan
    Victoria Sheridan

    Alt Account- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Legal Guild Ace- Z-Rank- Y-Rank- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- EXP Grinder- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Limited Edition- Unknown Powerhouse- Unknown Legend- The Completionist- Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Sticking Around- Taskmaster- Halloween Social- Halloween job event participant - Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- X-Mas Event Participant- Summer Special Participant- Player 
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    First Skill: Merces Letifer
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    In Progress Re: DOWNPOUR;; GROUP JOB

    Post by Victoria Sheridan 8th August 2018, 9:55 pm

    "I don't know what happened, Mayumi. I was in the members-only section going over job listings when Seth called for help. I barged in and found those sketchy-looking dudes facing down Seth." Victoria told her part of the story to Mayumi. It was not much. It was all the brunette had to offer since she was not present to witness the arrival of the purple-eyed mages. Victoria looked over the inn. It was a bona fide mess.

    "It looks like we won't be able to take this outside. And I just cleaned the place the other day too. This is gonna be much worse than cleaning up hair." Victoria lamented. She had not even met the sketchy mages five minutes and she already loathed them. They were going to make her have to clean up the inn after this was all over. She was probably going to have to rebuild it too. What a drag.

    Seth had already sprung into action, using his magic to slow down the enemies before giving them a fiery surprise. He was fast. There was no time to sit down, draw a map, and come up with a plan. The quartet had to join the fight. Or more accurately, the trio of Victoria, Mayumi, and Fang had to join the fight... Seth was already involved.

    "Guys, we've gotta help Seth!" Victoria declared to Mayumi and Fang. Seth was about to eat at least five attacks after taking a hit to the left foot from an electric mage after tripping over a table. She needed to draw away the attention of at least one of the enemies.

    Victoria pointed the fingers of her right hand at an ice mage who was staring her down. A wireframe pistol barrel appeared over her pointer and middle fingers. She aimed and fired a Heavy Pistol spell, striking the ice mage in the shoulder and causing their own attack to veer off and hit the wall behind her. The injured mage glared at her with murder on his face. She had definitely gotten his attention.

    Victoria bolted for cover, ducking behind the thick wooden bar counter. She got a glance at the alcohol available for sale and was envious. It was the high-proof good stuff, not the cheap watered-down swill available for sale in most taverns. Her envy was replaced by a sudden realization. High-proof alcohol was rather flammable.

    The enemy had two fire mages on their team, fires mages who were not the least bit concerned with the concept of collateral damage. Fire plus high-proof alcohol equaled flames everywhere. Flames everywhere meant that the Silver Moon Inn would be gutted. A gutted inn meant that no one in Black Rose would be getting a paycheck for a very long time. Victoria swore under her breath... she hated these guys.

    Victoria took just enough time to summon her shotgun before emerging from behind the bar with shotgun barking. She aimed at the same ice mage and fired, striking them with stinging magical buckshot. A fire mage let loose a fireball that landed near her feet, exploding and releasing a small cloud of embers. Victoria shrieked and hastily put out her shoes, which had gotten a few small embers on them. Her legs were also mildly burned, but nothing that she could not endure until the threat was taken care of.

    She then shot at the fire mage, hitting him in the shoulders. He glared at her as an electric mage stepped in front of the firebug and hurled a bolt of lightning at the brunette. The lightning hit her squarely in the right arm, causing her to scream and throw the shotgun under a table as her arm involuntarily jerked. Her right arm was numb. The mages seemed to know that and advanced on her.

    Victoria aimed the fingers of her left hand at them, singling out the ice mage as the target. She aimed and fired a Derringer spell, hitting him squarely in the head with the shot. He recoiled for a moment, then put a hand to his head and threw an ice ball at her. She ducked and countered by forming a wireframe mini-crossbow on her wrist, then aiming and firing a dark green bolt of magic that hit the ice mage squarely in the chest. Her Disorienting Mini-Crossbow spell was a success... the affected enemy already looked disoriented.

    Her success was short-lived as the fire mage kicked her in the chest and sent her sprawling backwards. He stomped down on her left hand and pinned it to the floor. Her right arm had still not recovered feeling. This was bad.

    "Guys, a little help here!" Victoria called out to Mayumi and Fang.

    [Word Count: 786] [Character Word Count: 1,472/2,000]
    Mayumi Katsuya
    Mayumi Katsuya

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    Lineage : Beast Pride
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    In Progress Re: DOWNPOUR;; GROUP JOB

    Post by Mayumi Katsuya 9th August 2018, 5:44 pm

    Oddly enough, Mayumi was not the least bit surprised when the clones, as she had now gathered they were, attacked the group. They'd seemed rather aggressive from the start. And she almost snorted when Seth asked them about their magic. As though they had time to just sit around and strategize! A point that was proven when the man suddenly went down, and Mayumi knew Victoria was right- they needed to step in before he got seriously hurt. She hadn't grabbed her sword before she left her room, but that was fine, since that was what magic was for. She decided there was no point in wasting time, and she ought to even the odds a bit.

    "Requip: Whip of Entanglement! Requip: Bracelet of Immobility!" Then she added one last touch- "Soul Summoning: Misa!"

    Instantly, the whip she'd summoned appeared in her hand, and the bracelet on her wrist. The two were part of the same set, and they had the same purpose- to take enemies out of action. At the same time, the spirit she'd summoned appeared next to her. The girl was blonde, with some metal plate armor, odd black and white shirt, and a red skirt and cape. Not to mention she wielded a whip similar to Mayumi's.

    Mayumi knew all too well that Misa was prone to get confused easily, so she knew she had to set her a simple task, and quickly. Victoria seemed to be handling one of the ice mages, so she figured the second one would be a good target for the spirit.

    "Misa, take out that mage!"

    She gestured to the one she was talking about, and the spirit nodded, heading straight at him, swinging her whip, her first strike hitting home. Mayumi didn't take time to watch her fight. Instead, she turned her attention to one of the lightning mages, who was about to follow up on its advantage over Seth. She crossed the room in a few quick strides, ready to help, when one of the fire mages attacked her from behind. She realized the attack was coming, but she wasn't able to dodge it in time. The explosion threw her to the ground, and she groaned for a moment, but she didn't have time to dwell on it. She surged to her feet, swinging her weapon at her opponent and using its special attack to bind him in place. She followed up on her advantage and hit him with three more quick hits with her weapon- enough to take him down for the count. Thank goodness for that...

    She turned to check on her spirit. She realized that although the girl had gotten in a couple more hits, she'd taken a lot of damage too. Sure enough, one more hit and her spirit was down. Well, that was a downer.

    She was about to go to Seth's aid when she heard Victoria call out for assistance. Her situation seemed a bit more, well, dire, so she just hoped Fang would be able help Seth out. She raced over toward the fire mage, knowing she had to get creative, or she wouldn't get there in time. She needed to get his attention off of Victoria, so she grabbed a random glass off the table and threw it at him. It hit him in the head, not doing any damage, but it got his attention. He turned to her right as he was about to attack. Of course, that just means he attacked her instead of her original target, and she fell back, hitting her head on the table in the process and finding herself disoriented and unable to act. She just hoped she was able to get back on her feet soon, since she was sure more trouble was heading her way.

    Post Word Count: 633
    Character Word Count: 1,244/2,000
    Total Word Count: 4,748/8,000

    Combat Notes: Opponents:



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    In Progress Re: DOWNPOUR;; GROUP JOB

    Post by FangXinglong 9th August 2018, 10:17 pm

    Magic erupts in Fang’s vision as Seth, Victoria, and Mayumi sprung to action. Whips lashing out, bottles of glass thrown across the room, magic circles springing to existence, etc. Each of the three seems to be having some sort of trouble. Seth fell prone, Victoria is backed into the bar where a lot of alcohol is kept, and Mayumi fell back to hit her head on a table. All happening roughly around the same time too. ”Is this where we can finally go all out?” Azusena asked her wielder as she was eager to join the fight. To be frank, Fang shared the same excitement although it was more coming from instinct. The instinct to survive, and so Fang moved swift and acted fast.

    Slinging off the scabbard to free the azure blue blade, Fang stepped forward as he raised an extended free hand. “Multi-Fire Bolt Barrage.” A blue magic circle appears in front of his open palm, and bursting from the middle is a dozen small orbs of raging blue fire spreading out like a shotgun towards the Fire Mage, Ice Mage, and one of the Lightning Mages. As these bolts of fire strikes their targets catching the three off-guard as Fang rushed over to step in front of Seth. For the untouched lightning mage releases a bolt of lightning originally for Seth, yet Fang took that lightning by the palm of his left hand. It stung like hell as the electrical discharge threatened to knock him back or send him flying. Yet Fang stood his ground as sparks of electricity flickers around his left hand.

    The fire mage was casting another spell, but Fang was quick to kick a table at the mage’s way and slams the clone prone. Ice Mage was quick to start casting as the pale blue magic circle appears before the clone, only Fang did not forget that one since it holds an elemental advantage over his spells. So the instant Fang flipped the table on fire clone he launched himself at the clone’s direction. It immediately tried to back up only to hit a wall as Fang thrusts the beautiful blade dead center of the magic circle and effectively shattering the spell. In addition, the sword continues to pierce into the clone’s hand. Seeing a few sparks coming from the lightning mage from the corner of his eye, Fang moves in on the ice clone and delivers a nasty uppercut into the solar plexus.

    With a twist of his own body, Fang simultaneously grabbed the clone’s shirt to lift it from its feet and with the twist he brought the clone just in time as the mage launched a bolt of lightning. As the bolt slammed into the clone seemingly to be instantaneous, Fang used his momentum to spin away towards the bar. Seeing the fire mage getting up from under the table, the swift swordsman leapt over an overturned table with a flip to deliver a heavy heel drop on the clone’s head causing it to stagger on the clone’s knees. The fire mage reached out with a fireball about to launch which would engulf both Victoria and Mayumi including himself. Plus with the alcohol that is a nasty combo. So with a quick, mighty swing of his blade, Fang dismembered the clone of his casting arm and just as the fireball was half a second from going off. Fang lashed out with his free hand to smack the severed arm at the two lightning mages’ direction.

    The fireball was launched at the two mages, but the explosion still washed over the area. As the wave of fire was coming at their direction, Fang flipped another table to shield Mayumi from the blast while standing in front of Victoria just in case. He would like to protect Seth as well, but it was a small distance that Fang couldn’t cross in a millisecond. So in short Mayumi and Victoria should be safe from the fireball, but the two lightning mages are still up as small fires flicker into existence nearby. Fang’s shirt is most scorched off and his shorts look a bit singed. ”You really should be more careful. These are powerful mages after all and you can’t take them all on.” Azusena reminded Fang as signs of recent burnt marks can be seen on his arms and chest. His left hand still tingled madly from the shock earlier. Yet he still stands with a sword firmly in hand as Fang takes in a deep breath to calm down.

    757 WC | 1,443/2,000 | 5,505/8,000

    Combat Notes: Opponent:

    Combat Notes: Fang:

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    In Progress Re: DOWNPOUR;; GROUP JOB

    Post by Alun 10th August 2018, 8:59 pm


    Seth isn't unaccustomed to bar fires. The alcohol on the floor and Fang's fire attack quickly ignites most of the bar area. Which he's in. So much for the evening drink he wants to get. Anyways, despite his leg -- which is kind of twitching randomly, ew -- he uses his remaining limbs to heave himself closer to the nearest thing on the ground. A barstool. Well, it's better than nothing. The flames explode in a fiery rage, licking around the mostly useless barstool, threatening to burn his skin. He recoils back, the fire biting at his skin. Eventually, the flames stop, and the two remaining clones struggle, but get up eventually. He better get up, too, before any of the wounds become permanent.

    Seth focuses his mana and his eyes begin shining a bright, light blue. He blinks and the light materializes into a beam, traveling to his leg, where it covers the wound in a bright blue light. His leg stops twitching and the redness of the wound disappears. He puts his weight on his better leg and then on his previously wounded one, initially struggling but regaining his balance after a quick second. He stares down the enemies in the fire, heat radiating onto his face, causing him to squint his eyes slightly. He steps back a few feet, his shoes clacking against the satin-finished wood floor, away from the bulk of the fire. Ignoring the all-over stinging of his body’s exposure the the fire, he extends both of his arms and opens both of his palms.

    Golden motifs appear in both of his hands, sparkling light emitting from them.
    “Lunares Cressoire!”
    He lifts both of his hands above his head, forming an X-shaped cross with his forearms.
    Closing both of his palms and then slashing both of his arms downward, a bright light begins engulfing his hands and wrists. Trailing behind the light on his hand, a comet-tail-like, crescent shaped blade of light materializes and launches itself at the enemy, bright sparkles and star-shaped particles behind it. They travel towards the enemy while spinning, creating a halo-like projectile that hits both of the remaining enemies squarely. Upon contact, they disappear and the tempest-clones’ bodies glow a bright white light before they collapse to the ground defeated.

    The bar fire, however, should still probably be put out next, lest the rest of the building’s structural stability be put in danger. He stands up with his leg now being useful able enough to support his weight. He focuses his mana again, spreads his legs slightly and moves his arms through the air, almost like he’s swimming (but standing up). From behind him, water vapor gathers and gathers into a cloud-like apparition of mist in front of him. He stills his arms and the cloud flattens and condenses, providing enough water to extinguish the flames.

    Now that the immediate threat is neutralized, he focuses on his de facto teammates -- who despite their powerful magics -- all ended up sustaining some sort of injury and probably would like some first-aid. Healing magic IS pretty hard to come by these days, honestly. Without a word -- which would probably be rude, considering their current business of being in pain -- he turns and opens his palm. He lifts it above his head and chants, "“Mitus!” The golden crescent moon in his hand releases small spotlights in all directions, before he closes his palm and waves his arm in the general direction of where the others were taking cover. ”Lunares Clarleo!" he shouts, before a wide wave of light washes over them, healing the other (as well as himself) as a very loud tubular bell-like sound reverberates throughout the enclosed space. Loud enough for you to want to cover your ears, but it isn’t really irritating enough to actually plug them either. Seth is used its sound, at least.

    He exhales and relaxes for a second, closing his eyes and straightening his back out. His vision blurs, maybe from exhaustion, and purple sparks appear on the ground nearest to the door. Purple mist spouts from the ground and plume up into humanoid figures, taking on the form of Seth and his teammates. It looks like the boss finally appeared. Luckily they form inside the increased gravity zone, the effects on their agility immediately taking effect. He does a mental uh-oh. He looks around the room. It doesn’t look like there are any mirror-like surfaces large enough to block his spells. They are in for a good fight. (758) (2170/2000 Done! <3)

    OOC: Our word counts are probably going to be finished in our next posts. It would be pretty litty if we could finish the battle in the next few posts as well~ If we don’t I can use my lineage spell and probably finish them off if we really needed.

    Note: If ya want to get technical; Lunares Clarleo, the healing spell I used on y’all did C+ healing (68 HP) * 1.25 (Lineage) * 1.45 (Soothing Touch UA) * 1.45 (Lunar Gifts UA) = 179 total HP restored.

    Last edited by Seth Augusta on 11th August 2018, 3:13 pm; edited 1 time in total
    Victoria Sheridan
    Victoria Sheridan

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    In Progress Re: DOWNPOUR;; GROUP JOB

    Post by Victoria Sheridan 10th August 2018, 10:11 pm

    Victoria was facing down the wrong end of a spell when Mayumi and Fang came to the rescue. They defeated the enemy mages in short order with a combination of flair and strong magic. Those two made it look so easy. In a bit of good news, feeling was returning to Victoria's right arm. In a bit of bad news, the alcohol had caught on fire and was threatening to burn the bar down!

    Victoria panicked. The worst-case scenario was coming true! Why? Thankfully Seth managed to save the bar with his magic by somehow creating water vapor to quench the flames before they got out of control. The brunette breathed a sigh of relief. It looked like they were almost in the clear.

    Seth was even generous enough to cast a healing spell on everyone so that they would be ready for the next fight. That was a welcome gift. Victoria had taken a few hits in the last scuffle, but she had managed to help save Seth from a five-on-one beating. That made taking the hits worthwhile. Now to take a breather.

    The brunette looked around the bar and surveyed the damage. The area was still a mess, but the mess was even worse thanks to the combat that had just taken place. It could not be helped. She would just have to bite the bullet and help pay for damages to guild property. She would likely be called upon to help rebuild... she would do that as well.

    The real loss was all the alcohol that was gone. That the brunette did not like. Oh well. It too would be replaced in time. Victoria would get over it, but... all the alcohol, all of it was gone.

    She did not have time to mourn the loss. She crawled under the table and retrieved her shotgun. She had a feeling that there would still be a need for it, so she kept it close. That concern was soon vindicated as a female stranger barged in. Well, they were not totally a stranger.

    It was a clone of Victoria herself. A purple clone with terrible fashion sense and the same hair problem she had. The clone even had a shotgun just like hers. Purple Victoria acknowledged the original with a sinister grin. The original sighed.

    "Well guys, you know what they say. Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery." Victoria remarked to her colleagues. The purple clone looked at her as if daring her to make a move. The brunette took a deep breath. This was going to be a tough fight. If the copy had all her spells, the property damage was only going to increase from here.

    "So... how are we gonna play this? Do we each take on our own copy? Or do we try to focus down one before moving onto the next?" Victoria asked her teammates. Mayumi was the best planner of the quartet, but Seth was no slouch himself. He was the one who cast the gravity-altering spell that gave the Black Rose mages such an advantage. Victoria was more of a fighter than a thinker. She could think on the fly, but it was not something to be banked on with any regularity.

    With her limits in mind, she faced down the clone. She wondered if the clones copied their team dynamic as well as the spells of each member. Maybe the copy team would have a clone Mayumi leading them. That possibility would be more than slightly worrying. The brunette would have to just wait and see.

    "Let's hope that they don't have any kind of leader. If these guys are smart, we'll be in for trouble. A lot of it." Victoria opined.

    [Word Count: 622] [Total Word Count: 2,094/2,000]
    Mayumi Katsuya
    Mayumi Katsuya

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    In Progress Re: DOWNPOUR;; GROUP JOB

    Post by Mayumi Katsuya 11th August 2018, 2:54 pm

    Mayumi was just regaining her feet when the eerie purple mist filled the room. Oh hell no! She whipped her head around, just in time to see the clones of her and her teammates form. Great. Just great. Fighting duplicates of these new magicians had been painful enough. She'd seen what her teammates were capable of, and she did not want to fight them. Of course, it seemed that they didn't have much of a choice. She sighed as she considered Victoria's questions, weighing their options.

    "I definitely think we should take a divide and conquer approach," she said quietly, not wanting the clones to hear them as easily. Her three allies were close enough to her that they would be able to hear her well enough.

    "But I don't think we should all focus on the same one at once. That would leave three clones free to wreak havoc. I think we should go two and two, and I think the clones of Seth and I should be the first targets."

    Her gaze flicked over to Victoria and Fang. "No offense- I'm not saying you aren't strong or anything. I don't want to leave any of them around. But as we just saw, Seth has healing magic. If his clone uses it on his allies it will prolong the fight significantly. If we take him out, we can then defeat the other quicker. And me, well... I have an armor that strengthens all my allies. If my clone pulls that out it would make things a bit difficult. That's why I think they should go first- they'll make the others harder to fight."

    She knew getting down to business was crucial, but she took one more moment to think on what she knew of her and her teammates' abilities.

    "Seth and I know our abilities best, of course, so I think we ought to fight our own clones. It will probably be easiest that way. I think Fang should fight with me, and Victoria with Seth."

    She was no expert on Fang and Victoria's magics, but she'd seen Fang using fire magic a minute ago, and she'd seen Seth use both fire and water magic. Fire magic against fire magic wasn't always the best, since they tended to resist each other. Fire magic against water magic was even worse. Logic told her Seth was not the best opponent for Fang to fight. In addition, Victoria's magic seemed to revolve around weapons, similar to Mayumi's requip magic. Having all three mages in the same battle with similar magics probably wasn't the best bet. She wondered if she ought to explain her reasoning to her teammates, in case that would make them more likely to agree with her. Then she shrugged that off. They didn't exactly have time for that right now. Of course, she was hardly in a position to just order them to obey her, but she hoped they would agree with her.

    First thing was first, though- if they were going to focus on just two of the clones, they would have to keep the others occupied, and she had an idea on how to do that.

    "Soul Summoning: Saeko Rikiya!"

    The blue-haired warrior appeared, wielding a staff of sorts that didn't look like much of a weapon, but Mayumi knew she was no joke. She looked a bit on the young side, but she was a fierce warrior nonetheless.

    "Saeko, keep those two occupied. Focus less on doing damage, and more on avoiding taking damage. If you get taken out they won't be distracted anymore."

    For a moment, she wondered if the spirit would argue about that less-than-heroic tactic, but she just shrugged and headed toward the two enemies fearlessly. Then again, she did just about everything fearlessly. That taken care of, she turned her attention to her clone, who was just opening her mouth, undoubtedly to summon some spirit or armor. Oh no, there would be none of that! She triggered the special ability on her bracelet, and the clone suddenly froze mid-motion, mouth half open. She smirked slightly. That would buy them just a little bit of time.

    "Requip: Armor of Charisma! Requip: Necklace of Leadership!"

    She added those two on top of the equipment she already had. They wouldn't help her out much, but it was the aforementioned set that would help out her allies, and they could use the boost right now. Then she lunged forward, swinging her whip at the clone of herself, taking advantage of her momentarily disability and striking her across the chest and shoulder, wincing slightly as she did so. It felt weird, attacking herself.

    "Now would be a great time to hit her, before she can fight back!" She warned Fang.

    Post Word Count: 791
    Character Word Count: 2,035
    Total Word Count: 7,732

    Combat Notes:



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    In Progress Re: DOWNPOUR;; GROUP JOB

    Post by Alun 19th August 2018, 6:33 pm


    Seth knew from his own knowledge of his magic that he had to act quickly if not for the sake of his group, his own. He stares down his clone and tries not to think about the mental effect of killing a copy of himself. Nothing a pill or two could fix. His eye almost twitches. Enough about his personal problems for today. He should take this as an opportunity to release his self hatred and anger. He could be imagining, but the feeling is mutual between him and the clone.

    "Mitus!" He shouts, this time without stretching his hand. He takes a step forward and aligns his right foot at a ninety degree angle with the toes of his other foot, with his inner heel sticking out. A golden light covers his feet and he begins to twist his body to his left, moving his arms and torso to a magical beat marked by a light pulsating in the magic lights on his feet. He sweeps his right leg outwards and moves his arms across his torso in opposite, diagonal directions, before stopping his leg and pulling his body toward its landing point. A red font of magical light appears underneath his foot. He continues, quickly, and repeats the process six more times, hopping and spinning for about six more seconds before he stands in a complete ring of rainbow lights. "Solis Scurtio!" he says, the lights converging onto his body, highlighting his silhouette. He feels a wave of power flow through him, goaded even further by Mayumi’s support.

    The clone grumbles to itself and crudely slashes its arm in the air in front of itself, copying one of Seth’s previous spells, sending a wave of light towards him. It was launched horizontally and knowing his spell, he drops to the ground, landing on his back, the crescent wave missing him by about a third of a meter.

    "Mitus!" he says, wondering if the original creator of his magic knew how much he would mutter that word, while beginning to levitate off of the ground in a gold light. His body returns into an upright position, and a large motif of a detailed full moon appears behind him. Absorbing rays of energy from it, he braces his hands and a misty, glowing pink sphere appears within a space between his hands. "Lunares Niteo!" he says before he throws the sphere at his clone and then returns to the ground. The buffed-out attack struck with such force that it knocks the clone back into the bar, where it screams silently and writhes with pain.

    He brings both of his hands above his head and his fingernails and eyes glow a bright yellow. He shakes his hands and and moves his arms to his side, his whole body glowing with a golden light. He mutters the incantation quietly this time, feeling slightly stupid for saying the same word so many times. He then jumps forward, with a comet-like trail behind him flying across the inside of the inn and into his clone, utterly destroying the bar, but defeating his clone--where it disappears into a puff of black mist. He hopes his allies are doing well, as well. (537) (2706/2667 Finished, again! <3)

    OoC: With all of the buffs from Mayumi and my own magic, my spells did some good damage. I did the calculations freehand on my phone calculator but I can provide them if anyone wants them.

    Victoria Sheridan
    Victoria Sheridan

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    In Progress Re: DOWNPOUR;; GROUP JOB

    Post by Victoria Sheridan 19th August 2018, 9:38 pm

    Victoria was more than a little dismayed to find herself facing down a Mayumi clone. She was also staring down a clone of herself. She watched as Original Mayumi summoned a blue-haired warrior woman and started fighting Clone Mayumi. This was like something out of an old sci-fi show, but what was happening was very real. As the fight with the elemental mages taught her, the clones were very real and could do real damage.

    Mayumi requested that she focus on Clone Mayumi because of the ability to summon the same spirits that the original used. That was a reasonable request. The ability to summon warrior spirits with the same potency at the original could be quite a problem. The brunette swallowed her pride. She would shoot herself later, but right now Clone Mayumi had to go.

    "OK." Victoria said to her friend before aiming her wrist towards the Mayumi clone and firing a Disorienting Mini-Crossbow shot. The dark green bolt missed by a country mile when the target ducked, giving the clone enough time to look her in the eyes and give her a smirk. Victoria huffed. She would trash that copy soon enough.

    Victoria aimed her fingers and fired a Heavy Pistol, another attack the clone effortlessly ducked. Now the brunette was getting pissed. She really disliked the smug blonde staring back at her. Was this a preview of what would happen if Victoria ever fought Mayumi? Maybe.

    Victoria took aim and fired her shotgun, winging the clone in the left arm with a spray of magical buckshot. The clone stared at Victoria in shock while clutching the arm. The brunette gave a smirk of her own. Playtime was over. The copy of Mayumi was going to get both barrels.

    Victoria aimed for the legs and fired a second shot. The clone dodged the second round with a jump to the left and used a one-handed cartwheel to sail past the third blast but was struck with stinging pellets from a fourth shot. That was the marvel of buckshot. One only needed to aim in a general direction and pull the trigger. If she missed, the buckshot would embed in the wall instead of punching through and hurting innocent people on the other side.

    Clone Mayumi clutched her leg but stood defiantly. Victoria prepared and fired a Big Shot spell that staggered the enemy. A Solid Slug was fired but struck the ceiling as a whip coiled around the barrel and yanked it upwards at the time of firing... a surprised Victoria forgot all about Mayumi's whip. The clone smirked at her as it pulled the weapon in, then casually tossed it aside, where it clattered on one of the few wooden tables still in its original place. It thought it had won... how cute.

    Victoria pointed her fingers and fired a Derringer spell, hitting the target in the left shoulder. The clone then used the whip to seize Victoria's leg and pull her down. Victoria landed on her back and was being pulled by Clone Mayumi, who was waiting with a smirk. The brunette brought her hands together into a gun and focused magic. She then fired a Hand Cannon shot that nailed the clone squarely in the head.

    Clone Mayumi dropped to the ground and disappeared just as she hit the wooden floor. The brunette did not have much time to rejoice because Clone Victoria was firing at her. The clone's shotgun barked as magical buckshot bounced around her.

    "Hey guys, a little help here!" Victoria requested as she got up and ducked behind an overturned table. Shot after shot hit the table without punching through. She then heard clinking as something rolled on the floor, stopping just behind the table and close to her. Victoria screamed. It was a Grenade spell!

    The frightened original quickly gripped the ball and stood up, lobbing it through the open inn doorway just in time. It exploded outside, most likely startling the locals but otherwise harming no one. Victoria was hit with a Solid Slug shot to the stomach that made her double over with pain. So that was what being shot felt like.

    "I can't get a shot. You guys might have to take it from here." Victoria commented as she kept behind cover.

    [Word Count: 716] [Total Word Count:2,810/2,000]
    Mayumi Katsuya
    Mayumi Katsuya

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    In Progress Re: DOWNPOUR;; GROUP JOB

    Post by Mayumi Katsuya 22nd August 2018, 5:52 pm

    Seeing that her friends had finished off two of the clones, Mayumi realized that it was time for her to take out the third, and fast. She'd seen how devastating Victoria's spells could be, and she didn't want to give her clone time to cause that much damage. This needed to end now. Of course, that meant she needed to be able to do as much damage as possible. Her whip requip had ended, her spirit was gone, and besides, her companions didn't need her support armor anymore. It was time to switch things up a bit.

    "Requip: Sword of Fury! Requip: Armor of Might! Requip: Bracelet of Strength!"

    Yeah, that could be one devastating combination. Those were all pieces of the same set, and when combined they more than doubled her physical strength. She certainly wouldn't want to get on her own bad side right now. She had a feeling the clone wouldn't want to either, but she was already there. The equipment didn't have much defense, true, but hopefully she'd take her opponent down quickly enough that she didn't need it.

    Mayumi charged the clone before she had time to continue firing at Victoria. The shotgun seemed to have finally run out- that was a good sign. But it definitely wasn't out of spells. Oh no, it put its hands together, forming some sort of gun barrel and firing at her. Mayumi hardly had time to dodge, so she just ignored it, taking the hit. It hurt, of course, but she didn't exactly have time to worry about that, now did she?

    She reaches the clone, swinging at her with the sword, and the copy shrieked in pain. Made her wince, how similar she sounded to Victoria. And by similar, of course she meant exactly the same. That didn't stop her from getting in a second hit, though, before the clone regained her wits, firing at Mayumi with another spell before trying to retreat. This one wasn't as powerful, though, and she followed again, catching the close across the shoulder as she tried to duck under the table.

    "Not so tough now, are you," she muttered darkly under her breath, dodging the knife the clone flung at her and ignoring the vehement swearing. Someone wasn't very happy.

    Mayumi darted around the table, trying to close the gap between her and the clone, but it circled the table in the opposite direction. Damn it. She didn't exactly have time to play games right now. She paused for a minute, then realized there was only one solution. Before the clone could realize what was happening, she jumped on top of the table, swinging her sword down at it, catching it across the neck. Ouch, that had to hurt. Oh, and she also kicked it right in the face, just for good measure. The thing finally dissolved into purple mist, and Mayumi breathed a sigh of relief.

    She hopped down off the table, letting go of her equipment. She might regret that if more nasties showed up, but there wasn't exactly anyone else around for this... Whatever it was to clone. And besides she had plenty of other armors and weapons to use. Right now she felt pretty beat-up, and she wanted the healing boost she got when she wasn't using her equipment.

    She scanned the room, spotting her allies. They seemed a bit battered, but then again, so was she. That hadn't exactly been an easy fight, but they were all in one piece, which was always a good thing. She sighed. Well, today certainly hadn't gone as planned.

    She also got a good look at the condition of the room. Yeah, it was just a little bit... Trashed. The owner was not going to be pleased. She just hoped they didn't try to blame it on them. And maybe they would get some credit for putting out the alcohol fire? After all, if they hadn't there would be anything left of the building. She sighed again. With her luck, she'd get stuck fixing everything back up- and paying for it too. Oh joy.

    She walked over to Victoria, still crouched behind the table, and held out a hand to help her up.

    "Is everyone alright?" she asked calmly.

    Post Word Count: 709
    Character Word Count: 2,744/2,667
    Total Word Count: 8,260
    (Note: Fang was removed for inactivity, so total word count does not include his posts)

    Combat Notes:


      Current date/time is 26th July 2024, 11:02 pm