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    mσnѕtrσuѕ vєndíng mαchínє


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    Private mσnѕtrσuѕ vєndíng mαchínє

    Post by ghðst 7th July 2018, 8:48 pm

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    The expanse of light collapsed upwards, devouring the cosmos till the azure shuddered and unfolded into the day. It was true that everything was beginning, starting or maybe it had all worn itself into the end. Desires drawn into the liberty of a task that had just been concluded meant that it was time to depart. Crisp morning settled on him in a solemn stillness, bare company wandering from what it had been prior to the evening. He'd adjusted the hood of his sweatshirt against the unruly whirl of strands, crimson peering from the nape of the neck.

    Gratifying it was to rouse much earlier. When the life of the city had not yet crowded forth and the persistent voices crept through his thoughts, overlapping them with something akin to paranoia. As much as he'd hated to confront his fear, knowing it existed was more frustrating than anything. It was not as if the ability to rid of it was there. Strange and unfamiliar personas were the least of his worries within the expanse of bloom. Only one had truly comprehended such uncertainty for being caught, features nearly enraptured by the avalanche of flame. Vivid the images were of that beginning.

    "Hm?" flickering of a shadow tugged upon the heed, golden looking towards the passing of a stray cat. Inclined by the like of such creatures, he pursued it at a casual pacing as it glanced backwards. Almost as if to make sure he had still been there, apparent it was that it could have potentially been leading the way. Swiftly it bounded from sight, turning the corner and disappearing into the more isolated part of the city. Into the maze of towering silver and the layer of greenery that cornered every section, there lingered a silence that was neither peaceful nor discomforting. Meager stores with shut doors, the distant call of the singing birds. Theo halted for a moment, figuring the shadow had played him as a fool and into the eventual scenario of being lost. However the rebound of a placid hum left sightings on the black cat. Kneading itself against what had been apparent as a vending machine.

    "What is it?" immediately the response came in an adorable meow, teasing a slight curl upon his lips as the shadowy block eased into a more sharper image of what lay inside. "...Is that-" tiny stars roused from the staleness of one which was so ordinary for being sullen. Within the worn vending machine, faded of its vibrant shade, were foreign treats from all over the world. More specifically it seemed at just the center had been one last packet of mochi. Theo glanced over at the still awaiting cat, then back at the machine, fingers curling into the fold of his pocket. Neither wealthy or suffering in debt, there was just enough to spare himself and the company a small snack.

    The money shuddered within, echoing from metal to metal as the device sprung to life. Slowly did the packet move forward, further and further till it slid from the hold. Just as the motion severed, what he'd been so abruptly yearning for was trapped by the mere fragment of the end. Baffled by the notion, he waited for a few seconds before smacking the glass. Still it did not move. The jaw tensed, straining in the build of irritation, "Are you serious?" he'd say, forcing the harsh impact of his hand against the surface once again. A single foot raised, poising itself in pursuit of storming the machine. Trembling against the greeting however, it hardly budged.

    Theo let a low growl start from the base of his throat, extending itself into something more audible as a groan. "Hey!" shouting at nothing in particular, it had not been expected that the empty alleyway of still slumbering shops had occupied an also wandering presence. Enraged oculars of golden appeal turned over, "Hey... you," though not intentionally purposing the idea of wanting to intimidate the stranger, the sour voice continued the approach, "This stupid machine just ate my money, help me." sounding more as a demand than a plea for help, Theo towered over the much more feeble figure in await for a counter. One that was anything but a denial.

    | 712 WORDS |

    Last edited by Calathes on 7th August 2018, 8:06 am; edited 5 times in total
    Ray Jyx
    Ray Jyx

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    Private Re: mσnѕtrσuѕ vєndíng mαchínє

    Post by Ray Jyx 12th July 2018, 1:57 am

    7 stared up at the man demanding her self, face the picture of unfussed in the dictionary. The placid girl was nearly unable to be intimidated, so while he might have been imposing to most other people in the world, this young woman with the delicate primrose locks simply gazed at him, her hands full of shopping bags and snacks. Crimson eyes relocated from his golden ones to the machine that vexed him. A command to help. That's all she required. It didn't matter what the delivery of said command was like in tone or in motive, a plea for help meant she could accomplish her purpose in living, and that was to be used. No matter was too trivial or too involved for her to lend her entire being to. She wasn't even spurred on by morality or lack there of. 7 was the perfect tool, in the sense of willingness to do as she was told without question and to the best of her ability.

    "Okay," came her simple reply. Moving from under his shadow, she rested her things against a nearby wall close enough to keep an eye on them, but far enough away that they couldn't get underfoot. How did she have bags if the stores weren't open yet? Well, they were from the night before. She hadn't gone home to sleep like the normal town folk, choosing instead to read by a fountain in the square until her drowsiness lifted and she could make her way home to start her day. Something about night time longed to draw the curtain of eyelids over sighted windows, but she'd always resist such a thing. In the darkness of night and the darkness of slumber came the images she couldn't rationalize, the things that confused her and in their inexplicable nature frightened the short-lived girl. No matter how much research she did, 7 could find no satisfactory explanation for the visions that plague those that sleep. Having never been a child, she lacked the practice to process the nonsensical. Without creativity and imagination, she was missing a vital piece of the dream puzzle. The clone was a black and white type of mind, astute yet completely gray in her beliefs.

    Making her way to the machine, 7 took a long moment to examine it. It seemed a bit old, possibly seized up due to lack of use. It wasn't in a place with much foot traffic. Attempting to jar and shake it was futile. Mashing buttons and pushing the money return button was a failure. Looking for the best way to help, she turned to the man and dug out her wallet from a small purse at her side. She'd spent a lot of her allowance from the profits she brought back to the lab, but she could certainly cover the price of the snack. That was the quickest and most effective answer. "I can offer you replacement money. Will that help you?" she asked, tone a bit flat, though not from any negative attitude. Her default was stoic, and not much had ruffled her out of that state in her five short years of acclimating to the human condition. She was intelligent in many ways, but reading people wasn't her strong suit yet. More abstract notions were new for her, since the subtle nuances of humanity couldn't be effectively taught by book or person. Dr. Raelin did his best, but even he had to admit the best teacher was experience, something she still lacked. It hadn't occurred to her that he might want to exact revenge on the machine for its personal transgression, or want the snack more than the money. That didn't seem efficient.

    While she waited for an answer, she placed her foot against the front of the machine and started idly rocking it. Whether he took the money or not, now she kind of wanted to see if she could get the snack free. 7 might be more on the unemotional side, but she did very much like food, and the treats in here were new to her. It slowly started to fascinate her, so if she could just fix it, maybe she could safely spend her cash to try some of them before heading home...the machine started to vibrate, though it still did not release any of the treasures it held hostage. It seemed very stupid to consider the thought that popped in her artificially created brain, but the gyrating seemed almost...menacing. Threatening. Like it was about to try to get rid of them...but it was a simple machine. That was preposterous. That was something that belonged in her hellish dreamscape, not here in the real world where everything had an answer.



    mσnѕtrσuѕ vєndíng mαchínє Jkp0PmI


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    Private Re: mσnѕtrσuѕ vєndíng mαchínє

    Post by ghðst 30th July 2018, 4:40 am

    Unaware in the differing counters of one that poised himself somewhat hostile, he held a look of startle in the words of the girl which had so effortlessly complied with simply helping. Whether or not it proved to be lacking of complication was dependent on the machine, golden hawking the figure as she'd place her belongings just to the side. Coral strands vibrant in the blooming of early daylight, the shadow of the feline peering from the opposing side.

    "No," he answered, irritation strained in the breath which parted from his lips, "It took my money, and it could just do the same again." though was there any other solution? Perhaps it was best just to force the impending object into motion, loosen the piece from inside just enough for it to slip into reach. Stepping from the center of the reserved pathway, closer to the dilemma partially gloved hands took hold and abruptly shoved the machine. Unfortunately it was heavy, and unfortunately for his own safety in the paranoia of what ifs, he'd refused to tear open the metal with the edge of his blade. Regardless in the presence of a stranger, it was likely that anyone could have been watching the pair.

    Theo took in another breath, shifting from his pursuit as the candy settled motionless and still bounded to the machine. Again it started the vibrate, releasing something akin to what could only be ghostly. Faint cries that shuddered against the metal. His brows furrowed, uneasy with the idea that it were perhaps growing just as annoyed as he was. Eventually it faded into the silence which surrounded them, hesitant sightings resting on the girl to his left.

    "Any other bright ideas?" there was a pause, scarce consideration for the continuation of his words, "Or are you just going to stand there looking lost." an additionally motion was made into jerking the towering structure. As if on the invisible current of karma itself, strung along in the fate of doom, the lights of the vending machine started to flicker excessively. Trembling against the concrete flooring, it shrilled outward as if it could have been comparable to that of a wolf howling. Or was it just a bit more unsettling?

    The hiss of the cat was a faint yet notable whisper, distracting him as it bounded off in fear with just enough that what had been discharged outward traced the top of his head. Alarmed by the tumble of a soda can, his eyes faced the still lively object as it gradually became more hectic. Taking a step backwards, caution started in his form of light, awaiting the next deciding move of their sudden appearance of an enemy. How it had come to be so left his mind racing with possibilities.

    | 464 WORDS |

    Last edited by Calathes on 7th August 2018, 8:06 am; edited 1 time in total

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    Private Re: mσnѕtrσuѕ vєndíng mαchínє

    Post by NPC 30th July 2018, 4:40 am

    The member 'Calathes' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    mσnѕtrσuѕ vєndíng mαchínє NXDHjfc mσnѕtrσuѕ vєndíng mαchínє OdAaNwh mσnѕtrσuѕ vєndíng mαchínє OdAaNwh
    Ray Jyx
    Ray Jyx

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    Private Re: mσnѕtrσuѕ vєndíng mαchínє

    Post by Ray Jyx 3rd September 2018, 11:23 pm

    Despite his general hostility, the girl attempting to help him seemed unruffled. If anything she was analyzing the machine, her head tilted ever so slightly to the side. It was made of metal. She had an affinity for metal. Maybe if she pretended she was a can opener and carved up the menacing metal monolith of money munching, she could reach in and eat it's parts for a nice snack. That should solve the problem. Though it wasn't alive, it would essentially die and then this man could reach in and get the snack worth all of this trouble.

    Reaching out into the air, a large obsidian blade appeared in her hand, twisted oddly and seeming slightly dreamy. While the tan specimen of man backed away, she lunched in, trying to pierce what should have been thin metal. Instead, her sword was reflected and it launched a counter attack! Beeping and whirring and grinding its gears, the unmistakable thunk of a heavy drink falling from its shelf of safety toward the dispenser hole could be heard, but instead of a drink appearing gently for retrieval, it was shot at her like cannon ball! "Oof," she huffed as it landed right in her mid section with enough force to skid her back a few feet. Her skin might be resistant, but that still didn't feel very good.

    "It's attacking us," 7 commented, stating the obvious with a small amount of interest. How could a vending machine start behaving like it had a will of its own, like it was alive? That should be impossible. She'd never read such a thing, nor had anyone ever mentioned an incident like this before. While her own creation was probably one of those things labled impossible in traditional knowledge outlets, that little fact had little effect on her working knowledge fo the world. Her studies had lead her to know what was and wasn't real, so this fell under dreams to her. Dreams and nightmares defied everything logic and reason stood for, so her conclusion was....she was asleep.

    However, this dream was surprisingly more lucid than usual. That was an anomaly in itself she tried to rectify. "Sir, I must be asleep. If you could kick me awake, that would be helpful. If Dr. Raelin finds me sleeping on the bench again, he'll be cross," the pink haired girl spoke, making complete sense to herself but probably not to any to Theo. Deftly she dodged aggressively vended goods being shot at her, as if it wasn't really happening but she also didn't want to take that chance. "However, studies say you can't invent people in dreams, and I'm certain I've never seen you before. If this is a dream, which it must be, are you an invader?"



    mσnѕtrσuѕ vєndíng mαchínє Jkp0PmI


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    Private Re: mσnѕtrσuѕ vєndíng mαchínє

    Post by ghðst 4th September 2018, 2:55 pm

    With every fragment coming into view, it took the shape of an almost ethereal blade. He certainly hadn't been expecting the nearest and only stranger to wield such a fascinating tool. In spite of the faint rumble that rebounded from the machine, the clash of metal against metal did naught but further what lingering anger it had. With full force it throttled out a soda can, rather than what they had been wishing for. Theo minded the scene while taking note that it may have impaired the state of the girl. "Hey, are you alright—!" not given a chance for conversation, the harsh impact of an additional drink struck the center of his face. Hefty enough that balance had nearly been lost, the marked hand raising to knead the gradual beginnings of a bruise.

    "No kidding," he'd remark, time for thought dissipating as the vending machine pursued with the attack. Not entirely well acquainted with evading the speedy advance of snacks and other feeble objects, Theo took the full brunt of almost everything, "T-This is getting... a bit ridiculous..." out of breath, the mutter slipped through, vision swaying slightly in the blur. With the girl uttering nonsense, he wondered if she had taken to many hits to the head. As much as he wished this was a dream— unfortunately for them it had been quite the opposite.

    "W-What?" fumbling in movement, he shifted from the floors of cement into the usual stand, "— What are you talking about?" the rise of frustration allowed him to grasp the avoidance of still soaring snacks, "If only this was a dream!" shouting mid-dive, he took cover behind a nearby trash can. Light slipped through the palm, retreating from the opening was the handle of a blade. Swiftly he tore it out, the form wavering like melted wax. It did not take long until it gathered itself into the solidity of a silver katana. Rising from the shield, he swung the brilliance of the blade outward, releasing a powerful burst of light that did naught but stun the machine. "Hey, what's your name?" Theo called, with the few seconds he was granted, another can landed square in his face. He was pretty sure at this point he was seeing stars.

    |377 WORDS|

    Ray Jyx
    Ray Jyx

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    Private Re: mσnѕtrσuѕ vєndíng mαchínє

    Post by Ray Jyx 16th September 2018, 3:37 am

    So this wasn't a dream? Oh, that perplexed the girl. Her brows puckered a bit, as if the nonsensical nature of this event was very nearly physically painful. Far more bothersome than the snacks and cans pelting her skin, which had sense taken on a scaly metal quality. As things hit her, it sounded like metal smacking metal instead of dull thumps half absorbed by the squishy flesh of a normal body like the tan man near her was experiencing. "I don't understand," she said to him, beginning to half heartedly slice open the assault snacks and smack cans back at the machine as if her sword was the bat to its baseball. "How is this non-living machine behaving...well, anyway at all. It should not have behavior. It's a vending machine."

    Her flat voice should have denoted emotionlessness and acceptance, but instead it seemed to hold blatant bamboozlement. This happened on occasion. Her mind didn't handle the illogical and ridiculous at all. The machine now scared her as much as her nightmares did. She couldn't make sense of how it was personifying, unless perhaps it was controlled by someone's magic somewhere? Then what purpose would that serve? Attacking two random people made no sense. Nothing made sense!!

    "I want to see how you tick..." she muttered just before opening her mouth. She spewed out a nightmarish display of thousands of rusty spiders. They filled the area around her, but all rushed the machine, wiggling into every nook and cranny of the possessed snack contraption. The machine bucked and screeched as damage was done, from the inside and one rusty spider leg at a time. Now that it was occupied with its new illness, the clone turned to the dazed man half probably collapsed behind a trashcan. Placing her hardened body between him and the trembling metal enemy, she both shielded hi and answered him. "My designation is 7. You may call me whatever you wish."



    mσnѕtrσuѕ vєndíng mαchínє Jkp0PmI

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