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    Unanticipated Tests of Strength

    Oras Auro
    Oras Auro

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Lineage : Chaotic Legacy
    Position : None
    Posts : 750
    Guild : Black Rose
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Izayuki
    Experience : 32,850

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Fictitous Actuality
    Second Skill: W.I.P.
    Third Skill:

    Unanticipated Tests of Strength Empty Unanticipated Tests of Strength

    Post by Oras Auro 22nd June 2018, 10:10 pm

    Target Word Count: 2,000 words

    Oras walked through the town with his hood over his head. It shaded his eyes from view of others as he walked among the crowd. He had been... Working towards his own personal training. Not training his magic however. Not training his body either, though both his illusion magic and his physical exercises were a daily thing. This training was something else entirely. And by far the most challenging form of training he had ever been forced to do. Even the lessons of his first master were not as challenging as the ones he faced with today. Back then his master would put him through lessons that were extremely brutal. The mage never once held back when he fought against Oras as a child, and never once gave him any lesson or challenge that wasn't his level. He only gave Oras lessons and challenges that were far more advanced than the stage he had been in. Any sign of Oras giving up or requesting a break and he would essentially be given punishments. It was his job to not only push on despite the pain, strain and stress, but to also succeed within a certain span of time. This time ranging between a few days to a week and a half. Of course there were certain lessons that would require a month rather than one or two days to a week but they were very rare indeed. Yet these lessons still didn't match the training he was putting himself through today.

    The training he chose to complete today, was mastering his chaotic and unruly soul.

    He was growing extensively tired of feeling everyone's emotions without any say in the matter, simply because his soul was able to do this. He understood that his soul was chaotic but he would like to find some way to control it. After much thought he wondered if the key to controlling it, was to instead let go of control. To instead guide his soul rather than cage it up. It was a worthy note to try and thus he was out in the midst of the crowd. He had never known how to learn a lesson one step at a time. The only way he knew how to was to dive into the deep end right off the bat. Which was why he had chosen a crowd rather than a less occupied street. With all these people around him Oras was completely surrounded by emotions which would make it very very difficult on him. As he walked through the crowds, he didn't look at anyone. He kept his eyes on the ground, or he kept his eyes closed using his other senses to navigate around. He didn't ignore the emotions, he listened to them. He didn't block them out, he let his mind wander and flow among them. And as he did so, these emotions became more sharp, clear, and he could discern them and the meaning behind them a little more. Someone was yelling at a merchant and he could feel anger, but with it a sense of betrayal, being cheated. With another he felt excitement, yet also anxiousness, nervousness, love, which he summarized as a woman who was recently engaged, and judging by the other person's matching emotions, was her boyfriend/fiance.

    Just as he learned to control multiple illusions and see through them all simultaneously, so he was learning to listen to all the emotions around him as he passed through the crowd. He could feel the emotions of anxiousness, excitement, nervousness, and greed approaching him, and Oras could tell just by that, what said person's intent was. Before the figure could 'bump' into him he opened his eyes and bumped into the man purposefully, using his hands to deflect the young individual's own and giving him a knowing look before passing on. He didn't stop the pickpocket, as there was also desperation, indicating he had no choice to do so. Sure the kid was greedy, but every child felt that at some point, it was nothing new. Besides, many of these people he could tell deserved to have their pockets picked. He could feel their arrogance, their boastfulness. Their negative feelings towards those they feel are unworthy of them. Just the kind of people who would gladly work for the magic counsel so long as their wealth increased and their pleasures continued.

    Even so, there were a few individuals among the arrogant leeches of the crowd. Individuals who were concerned for the welfare of others above their own, making efforts to save up a little jewel for those who aren't able to get a job or make enough. The kind of people who would stop and take a moment when passing someone who was hurt, attacked, or fell into an accident, and take their time to help the person in need rather than going to a meeting or the like. They were the people who lived a decent life while also sacrificing chances to rise higher, to ensure others didn't fall lower in the emotional sense. Helping them stay strong and cling to hope despite the odds or depressive thoughts they so often had. Which of course lead the majority which overwhelmed the first two categories by an immense amount: those in poverty. The ones who have no power of any sort. Even if they had the power of persuasion, without funds or aid one would never rise up unless they resorted to darker deeds due to desperation. Such as working labor for a small criminal group, or revealing some skill that would be useful in a higher underground organization. Resorting to thievery, whether it range from pickpocketing to breaking and entering, to robbing banks. Things that would get them in serious trouble with not only the soldiers and the law, but also wizards if they received a job. Especially since many wizards were not very gentle with their assignments.

    All of these emotions. They swirled and mixed with one another. Creating not a crowd, not a mess. It was a complex web, harmony, chaos, confusion, strength, weakness. It was many things and indescribable.



    "You think you know what is truth?  A world of facts? Right and wrong?  Universal Laws?  Soon I will show you.  Soon you will see.  You couldn't be more wrong, Guest."

    Unanticipated Tests of Strength TEm5Pci

    Oras Auro
    Oras Auro

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Lineage : Chaotic Legacy
    Position : None
    Posts : 750
    Guild : Black Rose
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Izayuki
    Experience : 32,850

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Fictitous Actuality
    Second Skill: W.I.P.
    Third Skill:

    Unanticipated Tests of Strength Empty Re: Unanticipated Tests of Strength

    Post by Oras Auro 22nd June 2018, 11:05 pm

    He could feel his soul spreading, moving, reaching through the crowds. Instead of like a tidal wave of emotions crashing into him, causing his head to hurt as badly as a normal man would receiving a lightning strike every second as it usually did. It was quite the opposite effect this time around. This time, it was as if he was the tide, washing gently over the masses, feeling their emotions himself, rather than them pushing against him, forcing him to acknowledge their inner most emotions and thoughts. It was quite interestingly rather soothing in a way. Not only was he using this method to actually block out the emotions entirely, but he was able to feel more than just emotions when he used this method. He could feel life. Life in addition with the emotions. The life that emotions and passion, desires and goals, needs and cravings gave the humans, the people, the organisms that surrounded him. He pushed for his senses to go further. Reaching past the human emotions around him, and into other aspects as well. He felt for the animals in the area, birds, dogs, cats, mice and rats. Even the lizards and serpents hiding and moving in the cracks and sewers within the streets walls and alleys. These beings had more simple emotions, but emotions nonetheless. The larger animals such as cats and dogs were filled with an interesting set of combinations. Dogs mostly had random emotions jumping through their being, whether it be excitement, defensive, contentment, boredom, sleepiness. The cats seemed to have a more calculative set of emotions, similar to what the Yokai guild master Izayuki had. It was a bit amusing to see the connection. Personality wise she was more of a cat than a dog like she could turn into.

    The lizards and serpents were even less emotional, and almost invisible to this particular sense. They were above all the most focused on instinct after all. The only emotion he could sense from either was anticipation, fear, or caution. Never two combined, only one of the three. It intrigued him how the world around him truly worked, and what one could learn when he looked closer. Not just closer however, but when he observed everything simultaneously. Soon enough he grew tired and withdrew his mind from the world around him however. He began to make his way through the crowd to a corner that would lead him on one of many paths back to the guild hall. He would practice with his soul more later on. For now he was tired, and needed to let his mind rest. There was more to learn of course. The differences between infants, children, teens, adults and the elderly. Comparing Izayuki and other non human beings with the humans that shared this world he lived in. Studying other towns and their emotions. At first he felt like it was a breach of their privacy, but now... Now he was not so sure. In a way he felt more in tune with the way the universe worked. He felt a greater understanding of the complex web known as life. While it was true it was ever changing, never ever remaining the same way longer than a zeptosecond, perhaps even shorter than that. It was also true that life itself had a rhythm to it. He would need to investigate the concept, and life in places other than a single town, or even world and dimension, but he hoped to one day find the truth to what life's true rhythm was.

    It was a concept that was alien to him, and it forced him to rethink what he knew. In the end he would contemplate this as a side journey, with his primary focus being on learning more about his own soul. What did his chaotic soul, which had incredible destructive powers, have to do with feeling the emotions around him? What did it have to do with the life he could connect with? He couldn't understand it... What was he missing? These thoughts only made him more tired however... He continued to walk along the street, moving past people left and right. Among the crowd, even if he had still held his ability to sense emotions over the waves of individuals. He would not have noticed the figure watching him carefully from the alley ways. The figure was cloaked, wearing a dark red and brown cloak and hood that covered everything. Their upper features shadowed by the hood, but while others could not discern the details of the hooded figure, the individual watching from the shadows could see clearly. And their gaze was focused on one individual alone: Oras Auro. The figure did nothing, nor said nothing, as Oras moved past their location. When Oras was out of view a voice whispered softly:
    "Why do you wait? Why not make your move? It could be easily handled and we could move on!" The voice that had spoken would not sound neither female nor male. It could not be said whether the voice belonged to a child, adult, or elder. There was nothing one could learn from the voice itself. The cloaked figure said absolutely nothing, and simply turned around and began to walk down the alley way.

    "Why watch it? Why? Do you want it to notice? Do you wish something unknown? It's not wise to keep me in the dark." The cloaked figure still said nothing as they walked down the alley to the other side. The figure had a decent view of the Black Rose guild hall and it's entrance. If the figure waited patiently (which they did), they would soon see Oras once again as he made his way into the guild. The voice fell silent as it appeared it was speaking to a wall, deaf ears. Eventually Oras was seen again and the figure stirred but nothing more. "You shall learn in time Aviern."



    "You think you know what is truth?  A world of facts? Right and wrong?  Universal Laws?  Soon I will show you.  Soon you will see.  You couldn't be more wrong, Guest."

    Unanticipated Tests of Strength TEm5Pci

      Current date/time is 26th July 2024, 10:31 pm