Fairy Tail RP

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    The Great Escape


    Cortesan of Mist

    Cortesan of Mist

    Get Married- Mythical VIP Status- God VIP Status- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Coming Storms- Custom Slayer- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- Villain- Player 
    Lineage : Death's Cycle
    Position : None
    Posts : 484
    Guild : Rakshasa
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Sol
    Experience : 21,756

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Cursed Existence
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Completed The Great Escape

    Post by Oykai 11th June 2018, 1:24 pm

    Last edited by Yuiisai on 12th June 2018, 2:05 am; edited 1 time in total


    The Great Escape 59867_s

    Cortesan of Mist

    Cortesan of Mist

    Get Married- Mythical VIP Status- God VIP Status- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Coming Storms- Custom Slayer- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- Villain- Player 
    Lineage : Death's Cycle
    Position : None
    Posts : 484
    Guild : Rakshasa
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Sol
    Experience : 21,756

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Cursed Existence
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Completed Re: The Great Escape

    Post by Oykai 11th June 2018, 4:48 pm

    It had been a week or so since Yuiisai had completed her last task with one of the other members, it frustrated her a little that she had certain restrictions on her that others didn't. She understood Ahote's way of thinking, he was the guild master and wanted all of the members safe, even when they left the safety of home. It didn't change her wants or desires to move freely instead of being stuffed into a beautiful room, a sigh passed her crimson painted lips before she sat up looking amongst the many items that she had been gifted. "Do I even have a right to complain?" she asked herself, she had warmth, security, many items that many could only wish for, her clothing was made of the finest silks; still she was restless within the world that had been made for her. Standing slowly she moved to the window opening the silk drapes to see the ever flowing snow, she couldn't help shudder at the thoughts of how cold it was outside at current. Still if she wanted to go on a job she would have to brave the cold weather as well as the harsh and often hazardous mountain to get to where ever it was she would be going. Then there was the other side of things, she would need to find someone to accompany her on the task.

    Pulling her hand back she allowed the golden crimson drape to cover the window once more, with a deep breath she moved from the window to her mirror to see how she looked. Her make-up was fine but she hadn't yet dealt with her hair, she had no memory but it seemed as if something was missing, as if her hair would already be done by now. "Why does this seem wrong?" she asked herself before shaking her head, she sat down doing her hair in elegant jade and ruby hairpins a smile on her face as she again rose after twenty-five minutes. going to a wall she slid it open to reveal an in build wardrobe filled with coats and cloaks warm enough to brave the weather outside. She moved her hand forward withdrawing an emerald coloured cloak with a hood, putting it on she left her room and headed towards the guild job board though made sure to bring up the bottom of both the cloak and hanfu that she was wearing so they wouldn't get dusty or dirty in other ways. "I really should buy a broom while I'm out to clean this hallway." she said to herself continuing forward to her destination with no interference. 'So far so good' she thought to herself as she got to the board looking at jobs that she would be able to manage on her own if she couldn't find another. "All birds eventually leave the nest." she said to reassure herself, still she remembered the village and hugged herself. She didn't want to bring unneeded misfortune so perhaps leaving a note on the board for someone to tell Ahote where she went would be enough for the gods not to be angry with her again.

    Taking a breath to calm herself, her milky blue jade eyes scanned the board for something interesting to her, it was hidden by others but something did catch her eye and so pulled it off the board carefully not to disturb other flyers. Quietly she read it tapping her cheek as she debated why someone would be forbidden a pet and who had the right to decline another to look after a pet. "Okay, I'll take this one..." her eyes looking around the hall but soon realised that others where busy or had taken tasks of their own "Seems I'm on my own, I'll write the note to appease the kami... I mean a job like this nothing could go wrong right?" she said trying to convince herself that this was the right course of action before bringing up her hood and heading to the double doors to move down the mountain, she realised that that be a very long trek so went to one of the near by villages and paid for a sled ride to the bottom. At first the villager was against it, that was until she said the amount she was willing to pay and if that wasn't a good enough reason she would find another but it wouldn't be as lucrative for him or his family. Her tone was cold at the later part which showed just what she meant, so the nervous male agreed making Yuiisai smile as she handed over the agreed price and off she went in the sled.

    Before to long she was at the bottom of the mountain and thanked the man once more as she began to walk towards the closest village to get transportation. As luck would have it a car was passing, she put her hands out in the hopes to stop them. They slowed eventually stopping, Yuiisai moved to the car and looked to the couple at the front a weak smile on her face "What's wrong?" the driver asked, Yuiisai bit her bottom lip and looked away almost ashamed "I-I..." she stuttered knowing for a fact that she couldn't tell them the truth "Is everything alright?" the passenger asked concern heard in their voice "N-no... not really, I-I was on my way to visit a friend in Magnolia..." she started tears starting to fall "I got a ride from someone who said they would take me if I paid them, I paid them then we got here in the middle of nowhere they wanted something more..." she brought up her sleeve and wiped the tears careful not to mess her make up. "I-I refused and they... they threw me out here." she continued to weave her tale to these unsuspecting people. "Oh my! You poor thing!" the woman exclaimed looking at her husband. After a few minutes of whispered speaking they looked at the sniffling Yuiisai "We are heading to Hargeon, we can drop you in Magnolia. Just when you get there with your friend go to the police and report this." the man said Yuiisai nodded quickly "Th-thank you, I-I will." she said watching as the woman opened the back left door allowing Yuiisai to slip in.

    Along the way the was conversation on why she was visiting her friend, she explained that they were sick and she was lonely so it seemed to fit both needs at the same time. They noted she didn't look or sound like she was from Fiore, she smiled a little saying they were right she was from Midi and was on an exchange program so she spent a few months in a place before moving to another to learn a bit more. She had no idea if this was true or not just seemed like the right thing to say at current, she informed them that her friend and herself had been friends since they visited midi with their parents when they were a child. The couple believed it sweet that the two had remained friends for so long especially since they came from different cultures and traditions, Yuiisai let them know that's were the true strength of friendship shines through. After covering her mouth as she yawned the driver suggested that she sleep, that they would wake her when they got to Magnolia. Nodding again she said her thanks and closed her eyes to sleep, she had no idea how tired she truly was as she seemed to have slept the rest of the way only waking as she was shook gently. She was then told they had arrived in Magnolia, she thanked them and told them she would be able to get to her friends from there. Moving out of the care she bowed a little thanking them once more and even telling them she remembered their request and would do that as soon as she met up with her friend.

    With smiles and waves she watched as the couple drove off, once out of range she rolled her eyes a little, before she brought out the flyer reading it a little so she could remember where she was going and why. Sliding it back into her hanfu she moved to a person walking by "Excuse me... um, I'm sorry to disturb you but I'm looking for paw pals. Would you happen to know where they are located?" she asked sweetly, the man blushed nodded "If you follow the street take the second right and it's the third or fourth shop down." he said with a warm voice "Thank you, please have a good day." she said waving before following his instructions to the pet shop. Entering it she understood why this was a well known pet shop as it seemed to have all sorts of pets, treats, food and the likes that would make any pet feel pampered and wanted. She then realised that she was the same as these animals and like herself where they may feel loved they were also likely refused the one thing they wanted, freedom. 'I'll get them out before dealing with the rest of the task.' she thought to herself before noticing that there where another customer in the store, she thought they where there so late because it a slower time. She then took note of the cashier and janitor, both look stupidly bored with their tasks but she tried to think which of the two would be more likely to have the item she needed, well that was before she noticed the keys on the janitor.

    It was now she had to figure out how to incompasitate the happy shopper, while causing a distraction to the staff to steal the keys and get the pets out before destroying the place. That was when she got the idea to move over to the customer who had turned to look at the food for her beloved pet. Silently and quickly making sure that no one could see, she got the customer into a sleeper hold and held it there until she lost conscious where she let go allowing the woman to just slump to the ground. "Help... the woman.. she..." her voice seemed distressed as she looked around in the hopes to attract attention of at least the cashier which it had. They moved over quickly and knelt down to feel the woman's vital signs, it was then he seen the red mark around the woman's neck and realised what had just happened. Still this was already to late as Yuiisai had gripped her hand a tanto made of seemingly black would but it changed colour every so often, before the man could call out for help she skewered it through the man's neck before pulling it out and pushing it through his back and out through his chest. Unlike a normal blade it left no mark on the body which surprised even Yuiisai, but then she had lost her memory so most of her magic was now new to her again.

    "Two problems dealt with now the man with the keys." she said to herself as she moved to try find the janitor her hand clenching ending her spell "Do you work here?" she asked the janitor who nodded a little wondering where she came from and why she wasn't asking the cashier. "The man at the counter is helping another customer and I seen the cutest little hamster, I was wondering if I could hold him." she said with a warm smile "This is unorthodox." the janitor said shaking his head "I can't sorry miss." he continued making Yuiisai pout "I understand... I really hoped it wasn't going to come to this, but I guess you don't know the rules." she continued, the janitor just believed her to be one of the spoilt brats that often came in wanting to play with the pets, she began to dance elegantly her fingers moving along each movement precise and made with reason. Soon her fingers would be glistening, a mist around her feet doing the same the janitor was surprised but strangely enamoured by the dance of the one in front of him, the mist taking shape into what the man desired the most. This suited Yuiisai fine as eventually stopped but the mist continued. While the man was distracted she decided to take the time to knock him out using his own broom. "Sorry, but now you've learned the rules." she said dropping the broom beside his unconscious body before picking up his keys and heading to the cages releasing everything. "Be free!" she exclaimed moving to wedge the pet door open, giggling watching as everything seemed to make their way out one way or another.

    Soon as the last animal was out she now knew it was time to do what she was accepted to do and that was blow up the place. "Should I get them out?" she asked herself before shaking her head, wasn't her job to deal with them, so now they were collateral damage. Taking a deep breath she started to build up the elements she could use within her body, once the energy had reached it's peak she released it taking not only the shop down but every other building within thirty meters of her. She had anticipated the roof collapsing and so this is why she done it by the door when no one was watching. To those who came to help she would just look like one of the unfortunate victims of a bombing, more so as she crawled to find safety within one of the allys nearby.

    Word count: 2'298


    The Great Escape 59867_s

      Current date/time is 21st October 2024, 5:11 pm