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    There Is Sun And Spring And Green Forever • Private, Social [Erika & Lilium]


    There Is Sun And Spring And Green Forever • Private, Social [Erika & Lilium] Empty There Is Sun And Spring And Green Forever • Private, Social [Erika & Lilium]

    Post by Guest 18th March 2018, 9:42 pm

    "What do you think of the ruby one? Or is that too gaudy?... Oh the silver one looks pretty too. But people have told me blue is more my color. Then again, diamonds are tempting. They're overdone, but they pretty much fit everyone no matter what. Oh, then there's-" Window shopping. It was a poor person's worst enemy and yet greatest pastime. Astrid was not poor. Actually she had never really been poor in her entire life. Sure, when she lived with her grandfather his debt managed to run his bank account dry a few times, but it had never been to the point where they had to question if they could keep their house or have enough money to buy food. They didn't have a great excess of money, but at the same time it wasn't ever enough to not be comfortable. Even so, the elf was dedicated to the practice of the lost art of window shopping. She didn't like spending money when she didn't need to, it was just a habit she had earned over the time of becoming a mage, during the very beginning when she had almost nothing to her name. As a wizard saint and the ex-guild master of a famous and critically acclaimed guild now however, she had more than enough to purchase things for herself and live an overly comfortable life. But still, old habits die hard. She wasn't sure why she was so stingy with her money, or how she had developed becoming a bargain hunter. It was just something she did growing up. Astrid viewed money as a life source, only meant to be consumed when absolutely necessary. Throwing it away so easily? Would be like taking an entire bag of her own blood and then smearing it everywhere. It was just, a waste.
    Yet, as she stood in the bustling mall, gazing longingly through the window of the small jewelry shop and it's many shiny and glistening displays, she couldn't help but feel a strong urge to just splurge. But would splurging be good behavior on a first date? The slayer didn't know, seeing as how this was her first date... Ever. The word still rung weird to her. She was on a date. With Erika. The thought of them being together was prehaps a little strange. Not that she didn't like the dragon, of course she did, otherwise she wouldn't have kissed her back. But it had all happened so fast, Astrid still wasn't sure if this was some kind of dream that she would eventually wake up from or not. Well, she certainly hoped it wasn't a dream. She certainly did have feelings for the thread mage, even if it had taken her so long and so much for her to finally realize and accept. She was actually quite happy, being with her. Probably the happiest she had been in a long time, even though she had lost so much. If that didn't say anything, she didn't know what would.
    Pulling her red gaze away from the window she would look back to the dragon, touching the edges of her pointed ears. "Maybe earrings would suit me more. But then i would need to get my ears pierced... Would that hurt?" Always being a little sensitive about her ears ever since she was a child, Astrid had never gathered up enough courage to actually go through with anything like that. She always viewed it as mutilating herself. But now that she was older? She was curious to see what it would be like. Pretty much everyone got their ears pierced these days, so surely it couldn't be that bad. Though would she actually end up spending money on such a thing?... Perhaps if Erika thought they would look pretty on her. Love did strange things to people, even giving them enough of a reason to splurge when they normally wouldn't.

    WC: 654/4,000

    Last edited by Madame Astrid on 8th June 2018, 4:31 pm; edited 1 time in total

    Posts : 816
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    Third Skill: ραиα¢єα - тнє ѕσυℓ

    There Is Sun And Spring And Green Forever • Private, Social [Erika & Lilium] Empty Re: There Is Sun And Spring And Green Forever • Private, Social [Erika & Lilium]

    Post by Lilium 16th April 2018, 2:14 pm

    She didn't really expect to be dealing with much today, as she had taken a break from her normal excursions within the guild. A lot of her time as of late was spent rebuilding the guild hall and it was kind of draining to be there all day, in addition to having a different hotel every other night. Sure, she was grateful that it was all paid for by the guild, but at this point, she was still looking for a place that she could call her own home. The guild was the only home that she had for a while, so this sudden change where she didn't have anywhere to live was getting kind of tiresome to deal with in all honesty. But, she couldn't constantly be looking at the dull and drab of everything. As she was now getting her own apartment in Rose Garden. She had traveled to the Capital in order to pick up some future that she was establishing her home to be with. Lilium realized that she should have something to always look forward to return home to, and if it wasn't a person, it'd have to be a place. The guild may always be there in spirit, but the establishment was a breath of fresh air whenever she returned after a long mission. Perhaps a home could provide the same sense of being. Her sunglasses being flicked on, the holy mage would glance down in her hand to her iLac as she looked at the store's address that they were shipping to. It was in the middle of the mall, so perhaps the holy mage could afford to window shop now. She had been saving her money for once as opposed to impulse buying what she usually wanted and now had quite a bit to spend. Although, a drink in the warmth of the day sounded somewhat refreshing. Making a detour, the holy mage would walk into a cafe.

    The cafe was honestly really cozy. It wasn't too crowded for this time of day but still had a hum of life as it was full of many different patrons, such as some young students and some people who were heading to work. It was a nice ambiance to compliment the scent of roasting coffee in the air. Walking over to the counter, the holy mage would place her sunglasses on her head as she pulled her wallet out of her varsity jacket. She ordered an iced coffee, to provide some coolness to her internally while the day was still nice. Good days in terms of weather were far and few with what she was used to so she was taking this opportunity to relish in a colder drink without receiving death glares. Either way, the barista would nod silently as she handed her the jewels required to purchase it. A minuscule amount to be completely honest and that was relative to her money now, not even her family's worth in terms of jewels. But either way, she was excited to be able to have some more money to play around with now. Fiddling with her hair as she sat at a table waiting for her coffee, she would glance at the window as she glanced at all the passerby who were as entertained as she was with how pleasant the day was starting. Her ice coffee would be finished as she walked up to the counter and grabbed the drink. Lifting the cap up, she'd grab a packet of sugar and pour all of it in the plastic cup. She liked a lot of her things on the sweeter side and since it was still morning time, perhaps she could stop by a diner and try some pancakes, but that would have to wait until after. She had an appointment after all. She couldn't get too sidetracked.

    Walking around the mall for a couple of minutes, she would analyze the area before Arthur had tapped her shoulder. "So, is this where most people do their commerce?" Somewhat startled, the holy mage would jump back as she almost choked a little on her coffee. Coughing for a moment, she'd hold a finger in his face as he tried to offer some help but paused until she was finished. "Sorry. Wasn't expecting you to show up cause it's a rather calm day. But, yeah. This is where people come to get a lot of shopping done.". In all honesty, a lot of people came here just to browse. Buying a lot in here could be a hassle for an average working person unless they were playing around sales. The people that did play around sales however were not to be messed with. Arthur actually had casual clothes for once which was a pleasant surprise because the holy mage had always assumed he only had armor and it was pretty fashionable too. Today seemed to be full of pleasant surprises actually. Hopefully, it'd only improve from here.

    Omit the word 'pleasant'. Lilium turned her head and saw a familiar silver haired dragon slayer in front of some jewelry store. What a shame. The holy mage wanted to go in there too. Turning her head slightly, she'd see the person that she was talking to and sensed a familiar magic energy as she pondered for a moment. Squinting slightly in the direction of the two, she would mumble, "Is that... Erika?". Yikes. She wanted to say hi to her... she actually didn't know what to call the CEO of the Nightshade Company. Friend felt too familiar and acquaintance felt too far for someone you spent an afternoon with learning how to kill. Perhaps, personal trainer would do. It'd be fine if she didn't say hi. She wasn't sure about saying hello to Astrid as well, and the mood between the dragon slayer and the thread mage felt a little too... intimate to come in between. Hopefully, neither would notice her and Arthur on the other side of the mall. But, Astrid has always managed to be a pain for the holy mage so she would try to keep her hopes low.

    Total: 1,024/4,000

    Last edited by Lilium on 17th May 2018, 6:08 pm; edited 1 time in total


    There Is Sun And Spring And Green Forever • Private, Social [Erika & Lilium] QOmg1XE

    Special Snowflake
    Special Snowflake

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    There Is Sun And Spring And Green Forever • Private, Social [Erika & Lilium] Empty Re: There Is Sun And Spring And Green Forever • Private, Social [Erika & Lilium]

    Post by Special Snowflake 12th May 2018, 3:23 pm

    "Astrid, your eye got torn out of your skull, I don't think gerring your ears pierced would hurt all that bad in comparison, besides with your complexion a lot of colors would look good on you. "

    Erika stated casually as she looked on her lacdroid phone, shifting through mail after mail trying to keep up with work. She had put it off for a solid week, and being around the mall reminded her about all her responsibilities. After she saw one titled "important merger please read" Erika turned it off and placed it in her purse. She didn't feel like reading another offer from some company to buy her out, she wasn't in the business to sell, she did it to conquer by any means necessary. She was the boogieman that kept other CEO'S awake at night. As she looked at the jewelry store however Erika shuttered another bit.

    "Say Astrid want to go somewhere else? This place is pretty big, and we could always find some different styles else... "

    Before the blonde could finish her thought one the employees of the store came out with an excited look. "Is that really you Miss nightshade!?" The young starry eyed girl said as she tried to adjust her slightly frazzled hair. Erika however, was now resigning herself to be yelled at by Astrid. Now Astrid was probably going to ask for free jewerly, and since this was a new venture for Erika''s company she didn't know exactly how well she cold corner the market so free stuff wasn't too much of an option right now.

    "Yeah... it's great to see you uh... "

    "Oh, my name doesn't matter, I'm just happy to meet you. This place is great to work at and your jewelry designs are fantastic!"

    Sweat drops formed on Erika''s face as she looked towards Astrid, she knew her fate now. Attempting to find a distraction from this nightmare Erika looked around in a small panic before she spotted her salvation in the form of Lilium. Jackpot.

    "Hey Lilium, how are you doing, I was just checking out my new jewerly store, you want to come check it out as well... " in a panic Erika looked down towards Astrid. "Of course you can have some stuff as a gift Astrid, hahahha... " it was true love made you do some stupid stuff, and now Erika was caught between her love of making a profit, and Astrid not being mad that Erika owned something else that Astrid was loozing at, she had already threatened, which was a turn on mind you, Erika once over her having so much money, but now, well Erika didn't want to deal with that again, not in public at least...

    Wc: 458



    There Is Sun And Spring And Green Forever • Private, Social [Erika & Lilium] Empty Re: There Is Sun And Spring And Green Forever • Private, Social [Erika & Lilium]

    Post by Guest 14th May 2018, 12:08 pm

    Erika was right. There were not going to be a lot of things that could compare to getting your eye completely scooped out by a saber tooth tiger... Being... Thing. The only other amount of pain that could even rival that was when Izayuki ripped her stomach open back when she was a Black Rose mage. They had been in two separate locations of her body, with quite a large amount of space in time in between them, but even so they were both the most painful events she had ever experienced in her life. Unless you counted the times she died, but since the pain had only lasted a mere second that it wasn't even worth comparing them to instances where she was fully concision the entire times they were going on. Which, is why she was so hesitant letting a stranger touch her ears let alone puncture a hole through them. Call her a baby all you wanted, but she wasn't up for any kind of unnecessary pain right about now. Maybe one day, if she finally decided to cave in and brave the procedure. But paying money for someone to put a hole in you just kind of seemed a little too much right about now, even if it was for beauty.
    ... Sticking to bracelets it was.
    She continued to look at the dragon for a moment, watching her shift through her phone. She seemed to be fairly indulged with whatever she was doing. She hadn't even looked up to see the jewelry the wizard saint had inquired about. The elf pursed her lips before turning back to the window, going back to trying to figure out what would look best, given her lighter than normal complexion.

    After a few more moments of staring the slayer perked back up when she heard the dragon ask if they should shop somewhere else. It was true they would be able to find some different styles elsewhere, but the styles and how they looked here wasn't the problem. Rather, she was just having trouble trying to convince herself to actually spend money today. She had asked Erika what she should buy mostly so she would be able to convince herself to get something that would impress the thread mage, but with the vague answer she found herself hesitating once again, unsure it was even worth it. Was it because something else was on her mind? Or did she not really like the designs here?
    Then midway through the statement they were interrupted by one of the workers there, and everything clicked. The elf looked up to the name of the store before looking back down to the blonde. Her expression brightened but their air around her grew a bit dark and cold, eyes closed and a small smile upon her lips, letting out a small giggle. So, she didn't want to shop here because this was another store owned by her. She wasn't aware Erika's company included jewelry too. Wow, you certainly learned something new every day didn't you? While she wasn't going to pry Erika for free stuff due to her weird behavior on the ship when she requested it the last time, it didn't mean she was going to let the past go.
    Hundreds... Maybe even thousands of jewels, all spent on the thread mage because she made her believe she didn't have any money. You know what those jewels could have gone to? A charity for puppies. Puppies without legs. Yes, there was a charity like that. And now you know what was going to happen because Erika made her waste that money? Well, certainly not any prosthetics for those poor, adorable pooches that's for sure.

    The slayer closed the distance between her and Erika, placing a firm hand on her shoulder. It wasn't tight, not at all, but it certainly did have some sort of weird firmness to it. "Oh don't be silly. I don't expect to get anything for free. I'll pay with my own money." She would lean a little bit more forward toward's Erika's ear. "But i do expect a nice discount on all the items in the store, seeing as how i'm such a big sponsor when it comes to your pocket."
    Retracting herself from Erika's personal bubble the elf would look over towards where the dragon had called Lilium over. So Lilium was here too, and apparently Erika knew her... She wasn't sure why or how, but just to get her point across she would use the situation to her advantage.
    She would smile brightly despite the air of awkwardness that would be between the two after the events a few weeks ago, waving over to the holy mage. "Yeah, come check it out with us! I hear there's a sale going on right now with everything in the store!" She probably said that a little too loudly, for everyone within a few meters to hear. A few of the people scattered about would look towards them, before looking to the store. A few people who crossed them even started to now head towards the store rather than their original destination.

    WC: 1,516/4,000

    Posts : 816
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    Character Sheet
    First Skill: αєgιѕ - тнє мιи∂
    Second Skill: муѕтι¢ - тнє вσ∂у
    Third Skill: ραиα¢єα - тнє ѕσυℓ

    There Is Sun And Spring And Green Forever • Private, Social [Erika & Lilium] Empty Re: There Is Sun And Spring And Green Forever • Private, Social [Erika & Lilium]

    Post by Lilium 17th May 2018, 6:35 pm

    Ah, of course. Of course. The one time she was hoping luck would be in her favour and here came Erika, this meant that Astrid was soon to follow. It wasn't like the holy mage hated the white dragon slayer, but she just completely disliked being around the woman. The silver haired woman seemed to come into her life a lot and frankly, the former noble was hoping she'd just stop. It's not anything personal. But, it's one thing to not know anybody. It's another to dislike the one person you've met countless times on your journey when you could literally talk to anyone else. Was it Lilium's fault for not interacting more? Was there some hidden counter that decided to have her meet up with Astrid every couple of weeks if she hasn't talked to enough people? To be completely honest, she was more sick of the lack of new people she met. Astrid only had so much to her before Lilium wanted to meet the next silver haired elf in the line. Maybe she had a sister and this person was them? Nah, having a random sister who looks exactly the same would be too cliche to be completely honest. And the strength of the magic power emitting from the white dragon slayer would also act as confirmation that it was Astrid. Who knew she could get upset at an interaction with someone she doesn't even completely know. Fitting.

    Turning her head, the holy mage would try to sneak a glance at Arthur, only to find that his presence completely disappeared. Looking around slightly, the holy mage would further search for the former king's presence just to be greeted with nothing. He seemed to not lurk around when Erika was around and to be fair, that has some good reasoning. He didn't really care completely for boundaries and he knew that he would be too carefree with Erika and it might get him eviscerated. So, he probably just stayed within Arcadia when she was around. "I'm doing this for my own good. Trust me." The holy mage rolled her eyes as she sipped on her ice coffee as Erika walked over to her. She spoke of her new jewelry store and Lilium peeked a glance behind the thread mage. It already looked like a high class spot to buy jewelry and it just opened. It's kind of jarring how fast Erika works. It hasn't even been a couple of months since she met Erika. How did she already find such high quality jewel sellers. Unless, she made the jewels. After all, she made all the clothing. What's to say her magic couldn't let her create anything that she desired. She made an assassin basically become non existent. Smiling politely, the holy mage would look at Erika while saying, "Ah, I'm doing fine, thanks. It looks pretty prestigious. I don't think I could ever afford anything here." A slight exaggeration because if the Wizard Saint really wanted to, she could just take her family's money if she was really strapped for cash. But, she wasn't quite willing to stoop to that level just yet.

    Seeing the CEO panicked was somewhat amusing. Most of the time, she kept a cool and level head so that no one would really be able to tell how much twisted thoughts went on it her brain past what she actually says. But, seeing how panicked she was with Astrid and even offered her free jewelry. Ah, so this was the one who loved Astrid. The holy mage clenched her fist in the pocket of her varsity jacket as she gave a small smirk in pity towards Erika when she heard Astrid offer to check it out with the two of them. She would just get in the way of the couple and didn't really feel like putting up with Astrid's shenanigans more than once bi-monthly. The holy mage would chuckle with a hand over her mouth as she spoke, "Doing grand opening sales in a new branch of market doesn't sound very safe, but you're the CEO after all. I can't actually. I have an appointment, but I hope that you have a good day." She turned towards the furniture shop she was going to and was ready to stride away from them.

    But, in the back of her mind, she felt a surge of magic nearby. Oh please. Just be Astrid using a spell or something or even Erika just using her magic. If there turned out to be a threat in the area, she'd probably end up having to work with the two lovers to stop the panic. But, fate wouldn't be that cruel today... would it?

    Post: 785
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    There Is Sun And Spring And Green Forever • Private, Social [Erika & Lilium] QOmg1XE

    Special Snowflake
    Special Snowflake

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    Character Sheet
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    There Is Sun And Spring And Green Forever • Private, Social [Erika & Lilium] Empty Re: There Is Sun And Spring And Green Forever • Private, Social [Erika & Lilium]

    Post by Special Snowflake 8th June 2018, 4:16 pm

    This date had manifested itself as a nightmare in but an instant. Turning the tables against Erika was no small feat, but because she let her guard down only around the slayer, Astrid was becoming a master at it. The sheer mention of a sale was causing people to start to flock towards the store. Erika didn't have the kind of funds to keep this place running and hold a sale, well a substantial sale. She had to try and fix this incident, but how? The cost of some of the pieces was insane as she used real materials, but... it could be done but was the sale worth it. As some people began to walk into the store trying to find the sale price, Erika's brain began to calculate the profit she could make, and it turned out it was worth it, but she wouldn't have made nearly as much as she wanted to. twenty percent off would probably keep people in the store and convince them to buy, and she could say it was a grand opening sale... She wouldn't make back her investment, but at least she would make something and the store would turn a profit for a week potentially. Fine, she would do it.

    Weaving some threads over the opening to the store Erika created a banner that said grand opening sale, twenty percent off all in-store merchandise. In very small letters off in the corner where no one could really see, Erika wrote 'damn it, Astrid'. No one but her would probably know, but she just wanted to get a back a little bit at the silver-haired witch.

    "Miss nightshade, that was amazing, I'll get back to work right away, you are so generous!"

    "Yes. Generous. Me. Hahahaha."

    Annoyed Erika looked at Astrid with a glare, just to let Astrid know Erika's opinion on the incident. Losing PR or some money, with a new store she was PR, but money... Erika wasn't going to buy Astrid a vacation anytime soon due to that profit loss. As for Lilium, she appeared like she wished to leave, but the tension, Lilium, and Astrid did they not get along? Well, that was just... perfect.

    "Come now Lilium, you can tag along for a bit, it will be fine I know you and Astrid are just the BEST of FRIENDS now aren't you? Come on, you can join us for lunch, and you both can tell me all about your adventures together!"

    Yes, Erika was being petty, did you expect any less?


      Current date/time is 26th July 2024, 7:21 pm