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    Long Time... Nice to Meet You...


    Lineage : Glory of the Slayer
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    Posts : 242
    Guild : Fairy Tail
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    Long Time... Nice to Meet You... Empty Long Time... Nice to Meet You...

    Post by Sogeki 12th February 2018, 5:37 pm

    Long Time... Nice to Meet You... 937f0995e86836723e0ae3523dff98c8

    Long Time... Nice to Meet You...

    "What?... where am I?" Said Sogi as he opened his eyes. He was laying down on a solid surface. After a few seconds feeling his surroundings, Sogi noticed he was on the softest grass he had ever felt. "How did I get here?" Asked again to himself as he switched from his laying position to a sitting one. He looked around and noticed he was in a completely new place. He had never seen such a place. It was green, very green. There was grass everywhere and a few strong and healthy trees nearby. He was able to see some mountains far from him but couldn't tell the height they were approximately at. After looking at the sky, he noticed even the sky was quite green. The place was well lit, but he could see no sun nearby, in fact, he had no idea where the light was coming from but noticed it was identical to normal sunlight.

    Sogi stood up and felt the breeze push through his blond hair. His body and eyes felt more relaxed than ever. It was a strange feeling, he felt completely fresh and had to make absolutely no effort to move. He felt lighter yet a bit stronger than usual. He looked at his right hand and then jumped backward, performing a backflip in the air and easily landing on his two hands. That was not a feature he could perform usually. "I guess I'm dreaming then." Said to himself as he gave his first step towards exploring this new world. "This is no dream." Said an unexplainable familiar voice. Sogi turned around and saw what looked like an angel. A blond girl with long wings levitated only about 5 meters from Sogi. Sogi had never seen such girl in his life, however, he unexplainably knew who she was. He could not tell how or why, but he knew her name and who she was. Sogi did not understand why, but he was very sure that she was his sister.

    "Yui?" Said Sogi. The girl blushed in surprise. "You remember me?" Asked the girl as she slowly levitated down and touched the grass with her feet. "Of course I do sister." Said Sogi. After a few seconds of silence and a quick wind current that granted the grass around them with movement. "Sister!" "Brother!" Shouted both of them as they ran with their arms open. Once they reached each other, their bodies slammed into a hug, letting the taller girl carry Sogi. Yui, the girl, flew about 3 meters high in a spiral-like shape with Sogi in her arms. Once they touched the ground again, both Yui and Sogi let go of their respective sibling and step about a meter away to have a more comfortable distance. "I thought you would not remember me. Especially when I look older than you." Said Yui. Sogi instantly transformed into his teenage version to show his sister his abilities. "I did recognize you, plus I can grow faster too." Said Sogi and then changed back to his kid version.

    Yui laughed and pat Sogi with her left hand. "I am very glad you do Sogi. But I haven't grown quicker. In fact, I have not grown physically since the day I died. As you can see, I'm an angel now." Said Yui. Sogi's reaction was nothing but surprise. "Wow, so you've looked like that since we turned a day old?" Asked Sogi. "Mhm." Yui nodded with her eyes closed and hands around her waist, showing how proud she was of herself after becoming an angel.

    "Anyway Yui. Where are we?" Asked Sogi now that he remembered he was indeed not in a dream. "It is hard to explain. Your body is indeed asleep in the human world. But your mind is here. So, almost like a dream, but it isn't." Sogi looked at Yui as she explained the whole situation. He was confused but was also very excited. "This place is not exactly heaven; however, it is as close as you can get without dying. I think." Said Yui and giggled a little as she was not really sure about that last part. Sogi turned around as he analyzed what his sister had just said. "But then, what am I doing here?" Asked Sogi. Yui pointed at her head and started to express her idea. "With my incredible abilities, I was able to convince my superiors to summon you here." Sogi decided to interrupted before any other explanation was given. "So... it really wasn't your incredible ability that brought me here..." Yui looked aggressively at Sogi, easily convincing him to apologize and pushing him to lower his head. "It was my ability that convinced my superiors, so yes, it was me." Said Yui.

    It was incredible the chemistry between the two. Despite only sharing 1 day of life, their bond was incredibly solid as if they lived their 7 years of life together. "Anyways... As I was saying." Said Yui with an oppressive glance attacking Sogi to make him shush. "I think I saw mom..." Both their faces turned a bit darker. What started like a nice brother and sister reunion just became a sad, depressing and strong moment between them both. "I think we can find her and you know... talk to her... But I need your help, that is why I summoned you here." Sogi took a deep breath and looked at his sister who was now walking towards him. The girl extended her hand towards Sogi who was now in his normal 7-year-old form. "Okay then, what are we waiting for? Lets do this." Said Sogi as he grove his sister's hand and was then pulled in between her arms. Yui, with his brother between her arms, flew towards the sky at very high speeds. After reaching about 80 meters in height, she changed directions to start glidding and letting Sogi take a good look to the almost paradise-like place he had just been summoned to. normal 7-year-old form. "Okay then, what are we waiting, lets do it." Said Sogi as he grove his sister's hand and was then pulled in between her arms. Yui, with his brother in between her arms, flew towards the sky at very high speeds. After reaching about 80 meters in height, she changed directions to start glidding and letting Sogi take a good look to the almost paradise-like place he had just been summoned to.

    WC: 1077



    Theme: Sogeki the Talented God


    Lineage : Glory of the Slayer
    Position : None
    Posts : 242
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 1,243.75

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    First Skill: Poltergeist
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    Long Time... Nice to Meet You... Empty Re: Long Time... Nice to Meet You...

    Post by Sogeki 12th February 2018, 8:07 pm

    "Woow! This place is awesome." Said Sogi as he saw the beautiful world surrounding them. The place was plagued with whites, blues, and mostly by greens. Birds flew below Yui and Sogi. Rainbows melted into the sky above the same two. It looked like a paradise and a forest at the same time. Sogi had only been there for a few minutes, but it was already one of his favorite places. "Yes, this place was created as some sort of sanctuary between what you call the real world and heaven. Many different living beings who do not exist in your reality anymore come here to pass the rest of the eternity." Said Yui explaining. As Sogi took a closer look at the birds flying nearby, he noticed they were indeed a species he had never seen. Similar to a white pigeon but with 4 wings instead of two. "Why don't you call it our eternity Yui? You were born there too." After these words, Yui smiled. Yui's words got Sogi thinking about his world and how Yui never had a chance of living a life there. After her death 7 years ago, only a few hours after their birth, Sogi never thought he was going to see his sister again. In fact, he really did not even remember her. "Yui... have you been following me in my world?" Said Sogi after a few minutes of silence. Yui closed her eyes with a big smile on her face and nodded. "Yes Sogi. I never actually left. I've lived the same 7 years you have, but I've stayed in your heart all these years. That is why you recognized me." She explained. After that, silence reigned. Sogi had lived quite a lonely life and Yui hadn't even lived one herself. They were both shared a tragic backstory.

    "We arrived." After around 30 minutes flying, they finally reached their destination. Yui took both herself and Sogi to the ground where she could then rest her wings. She was not tired at all, as an angel, she was used to carrying stuff around as she flew, but she still decided to walk instead of flying next to Sogi. When they touched the ground with their feet, Yui pointed at a nearby cave. "It is there. That cave should take us to a much darker and colder place. I did not actually see mom, but instead just felt her. I think we both know by now she did not just die from an illness." Both Yui and Sogi were still hurt by the loss of her mother. His father on the other side was never an important character in their lives. "Yes, I feel that way too Yui... I guess there's a more complicated reason. Anyway, I'll follow you." Said Sogi. His sister nodded and started to walk into the cave. The insides of it were more than dark. It was difficult to describe but it was black. A solid black blocked their sigh, not allowing them to see the walls of the stone cave they were in. But this solid dark cave eventually turned into a black cylinder-like tunnel. "Where are we Yui?" Asked Sogi. "This is a portal to quite a disturbing place, it might be a bit dangerous but I understand you're actually very capable of defending yourself. Plus I know my way around here and am sure we can just avoid the real threats."

    After a short walk, a red light appeared on the other side of the tunnel. It was probably the exit, but it felt hotter and what was once a black cylinder path was again turning into a cave. "Yui... Are we entering hell?" Asked Sogi. Yui offered his hand to the little kid who was walking beside her. Sogi took her hand and waited for an answer. "Not exactly Sogi, this place is more of a purgatory. Or something similar. Any soul that left your world, but did in an unholy way, comes here. Around half of the souls here are victims of horrible things. The other half are the bad guys who committed dark rituals and essentially failed. It is a harsh reality but it happens." Explained Yui to his younger brother. Yui was essentially a 7-year-old as well; however, the moment she died, 7 years ago, she was given immense responsibility and was forced to act older than she was. She lived no childhood.

    Once they both got to the cave's exit, Sogi was able to take a good look at the place. It was quite the opposite than the paradise they came from. Black and red were the colors that reign. The place looked like a giant cave with pits of fire and stone constructions everywhere. Sogi did not imagine how would hell look if this purgatory-like place was this horrible. A loud roaring noise scared Sogi. The kid jumped behind his sister and hugged her left leg to feel protected. "Sogi, this place is pretty intimidating. I think you should bail out of this one. Let your future self do this." Said Yui to his younger brother. Sogi nodded and transformed into his teen version. "I'm ready then." Said the new and enhanced Sogi. He was stronger, faster, and most importantly, older. They were in no paradise anymore, things there could be found pretty disturbing, especially for a younger mage like Sogi.

    Yui pulled her wings out again and took Sogi by the hand. "You ready brother?" She asked. Sogi nodded, letting Yui know he was ready to fly with her. And so she did, again, she pulled his brother up heigh letting him have a good view and glance of the situation. "Yui, how many times have you been here." Asked Sogi. "Not many to be honest, it is not pleasant for an angel to see all these people suffer. Most of them are innocent, so a pure-hearted like us should really be exploring this part of our realities. I really hope we quickly get out of here."

    WC: 1006
    Total WC: 2083



    Theme: Sogeki the Talented God


    Lineage : Glory of the Slayer
    Position : None
    Posts : 242
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 1,243.75

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    First Skill: Poltergeist
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    Long Time... Nice to Meet You... Empty Re: Long Time... Nice to Meet You...

    Post by Sogeki 20th February 2018, 5:52 pm

    The now teenager 15 year old Sogi flew alongisde his sister. Yui flew with Sogi between her arms. After 7 years they had finally met, but their hearts knew they lived there 7 years together, never apart from each other. They loved each other, maybe even more than an average couple of siblings. Hugging was not at all something they did not like. In fact, even teenage Sogi, who was maybe the grumpiest in between Sogi's versions. As they flew, Sogi took a better look at the place. The fire covered absolutely every corner of the dungeon-like cavern. Some shouting victims could be heard even from afar. While Sogi was not able to see what was happening exactly, they were most likely suffering in a slow and painful torture session with some demon. It was horrible just to think about, painful as well, but Sogi could do nothing to save those people. "Yui... have you suffered these few years as an angel? Have you exhausted yourself protecting me all these years?" Asked Sogi. Yui smiled and turned to his brother. "Of course not. There aren't that many things to do around heaven and you know... around here. But even then, I've had fun and never suffered even a bit. I'm strong, I'll show you once we arrive at the place I'm telling you." Replied Yui. Sogi was not a cause for his sister's suffering. That was what she meant. Sogi knew this and while he was sure she cried a few times in her life, he knew she was not lying. She was happy as an angel.

    A few minutes later, they arrived at their destination. Once they touched the ground, Sogi quickly scanned the place to see if there were any demonic-like creatures around. If there were, it would not be the first time he saw one. In fact, he had just recently lived quite an adventure with his best friend Rina. After his quick scouting, he saw nothing out of the normal flames in that cavernous world. Yui walked towards a gate in front of them. The gate was wooden, which made Sogi curious about the material. Normal wood would probably burn in that place, then again, he was not even close to being an expert in that place. "What is that?" Asked Sogi. "This is the entrance to a friend's of mine..." Said Yui as she easily pushed the door open letting both Sogi and herself inside. They walked through a big corridor. There were pillars surrounding them making it look like an endless room and that was exactly what it was. "Sogi, this is where it gets dangerous. This place is the home of a friend, but he is, in simple words, very friendly with everyone, even demons." Said Yui as their footsteps echoed through the endless hall.

    "Bahahahaha! Look what you just bought, a new friend." Said a very loud voice. "Is that a friend or food?" From a pillar, a creature, half man half worm crawled its way down. The worm was pretty big, quite bigger than both Sogi and his sister together. "He is my best friend. He is my brother." Said Yui, getting a couple of laughs from the man. "Oh, so did you bring him to ask for a favor?" Asked the man. "No, in fact, I did not come to see you, I'm here to help you with your little problem." Said Yui. "So, you can leave this to us." The man started at Sogi who was now in his teenage form. "Are you sure he can handle it?" Asked the man. Yui nodded. The worm man then crawled his way back up the same pillar he came from as he just laughed and wished the best of luck for both the adventurers. "Let's keep moving." Said Yui as she pulled his brother from the hand and started to walk.

    After a few minutes, Sogi decided to speak. "Yui, where are we going, I'm starting to feel we are running in circles." Said Sogi. "That is because we are." Said Yui "We are just waiting to let him find us." Sogi did not know what him stood for; however, he was not able to ask since a loud roaring noise passed through the hall, letting the pair know something was coming. "Get ready Sogi, we will have to fight." Suddenly, from the darkness surrounding the pillars, a demonic monster appeared. It looked like a giant centipede. It crawled around them as it surrounded the two with its body. It was enormous. It was so big that Sogi could not tell the size of such creature. Sogi, however, decided to brace himself and pull his small flute out which instantly turned into a spear. "I'm ready!" He said as he got into a combat stance. "The name of this demon is Seir. He is a giant centipede that eats souls and traps them in his stomach. They are then tortured for the eternity by being permanently digested by this creature. This is one of the most savage fates one can presence here." Said Yui just before the centipede showed his fact to Sogi and opened its mouth. From it, a face showed itself, revealing the beautiful face of a woman. Sogi had never seen such a face, but he was able to recognize it, it was his mother.

    Stunned by what he was seeing, Sogi did not move a muscle as the demon known as Seir slowly got closer to him. "Sogi, focus!" Said Yui. She knew that was a normal reaction but that was not the time have Sogi lose himself in his thoughts. "Sogi!" Said Yui as the centipede rushed at him in an attempt to bite him. Yui created a light bow on her hand and shot a light arrow at the demon. It pierced their mom's face and caused the creature to move in pain as it quickly returned to his surrounding activity. "We have to fight Sogi." Said Yui as the centipede prepared his next attack.

    WC: 1010
    Total WC: 3093



    Theme: Sogeki the Talented God


    Lineage : Glory of the Slayer
    Position : None
    Posts : 242
    Guild : Fairy Tail
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    Experience : 1,243.75

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    Long Time... Nice to Meet You... Empty Re: Long Time... Nice to Meet You...

    Post by Sogeki 24th February 2018, 9:00 am

    ´The centipede continued to move each time faster to confuse his prays. Sogi was still confused about why was his mother's face inside that monster and Yui was easily able to notice this in his brother. "Sogi, focus, that creature might have our mom inside." Anyone who died once and was brought here to become immortal. Damaging the centipede did not mean their mom would suffer nor die in any way. Sogi shook his head, trying to throw out any distractions from his mind and focus merely on fighting. "Sorry, Yui... I'm ready now." Said Sogi as he prepared to see the centipede move directly at them.

    With his jaw open, showing a pair of saber-like claws, the centipede moved directly at Sogi. He was able to smell the power of those around and could feel Sogi was an easier target. "Speed Up." Sogi quickly used his movement spell, allowing him to move at very high speeds. 27 miles per hour was Sogi's exact movement speed. In fact, that was not even his maximum one, but sprinting all day would just get him quickly tired. He used his new speed to evade the centipede and land on top of the creature, very close to its head. "Time Crush!" Sogi created a black sphere around his hand. Everything inside looked black and white making for an interesting to look attack. He then smashed his spell on the centipede's face, dealing only some damage to it; however, the creature barely moved in response and instead started to shake and pushed Sogi away. The teenager fell around 10 meters away from the centipede. Meanwhile, Yui was the creature, opening her arms in mid-air. "Rain of Mercy!" Said Yui as a rain of yellow light darts fell from the sky and pierced through the creature. This time, the monster yelled in pain and started to shake as the ground from around him released dust after the energy strikes it was receiving.

    After such attack, the creature started to move its feet. He was not moving his body from its position, instead, he was just stomping the ground violently. As he did, the ground started to shatter. Yui instantly knew what he was doing. This place was infinite in space. They were not able to see the ceiling or walls of such hall. Instead, only a jungle of stone pillars grew their way to the infinite darkness above them; however, the hall was also infinite downwards. The only thing separating Sogi from falling was the ground he was now stepping on. "Sogi! Jump!" Said Yui as she glided at full speed towards him. Sogi also ran towards her sister, gaining enough momentum to jump and grabbed his sister's hand. The ground instantly shattered, causing the centipede and stone ground to fall. There was now a huge hole in the hall, around 40 meters radius. The pillars, however, would not only grow upwards. As the surface was clear now, the two could see the pillars infinitely extending downwards as well.

    "Did the creature die?" Asked Sogi as they could no longer hear the screaming of the falling centipede. "No Sogi, he's not as easy to defeat." A loud noise interrupted them. Some sort of roar shook their bodies the now winged monster flew towards them. Yui turned around and started to fly towards the other direction. He held Sogi with her two hands to avoid dropping him. "Why did I do nothing to him with my attack and why did you almost kill it?" Asked Sogi. He was able to feel the power of his sister. She was not stronger than him. In fact, he was almost positive he was capable of more things. "My magic, Sogi... as an angel, I am able to fight dark presence. I am able to fight evil." Explained Yui. "But you are able to use that magic too. As I said, I've always been around you, in fact, we are even now connected. You are essentially able to use that magic and I'm going to need you to use it right now." Said the girl. "You're going to need to fly!"

    The centipede was each time closer. Sogi was not sure what his sister meant, but he closed his eyes and looked for some sort of energy inside him. He was not sure how his magic felt, how it worked, but he knew it was somewhere inside him. The centipede was about to reach them so he opened his jaws to reach for a bite at them. Yui had no option but to drop his brother and fly quicker herself. This might have been a selfish decision, but it was not only that they had no time to keep flying together, Yui was sure Sogi would find the answer inside him. And so, she let go of his brother, having the male fall and the girl evade the attack by flying up. Sogi yelled as he fell, but just as he saw his sister fly and distract the creature, Sogi again decided to focus and look for his power.

    A few seconds after, a pair of wings started to grow. Angelic wings showed their size as Sogi grew them on his back. "Wow!" Said Sogi as he stabilized and then moved quickly towards his sister and the creature. "I found it." Said Sogi as he created a yellow light sphere on his hand. He charged towards the centipede with his fist behind his head and then threw a powerful punch, piercing through the centipede's body and reaching his sister. Again, the centipede cried in pain and started to bleed from the large hole he had in its stomach. "Nice job Sogi, I knew you'd make it." Said Yui with a huge smile on her face as she then started to shape a yellow bow with her hands. She then pulled some sort of light arrow and held it firmly by aiming at the creatures face. She then shot the arrow, piercing the creature and cutting him in half.

    The centipede was chopped in two, releasing some sort of black energy from inside and expanding in a pulse-like shape. "Sogi quick, I think I saw our mom." Said as she pointed at one of the many directions the energy was shot.

    WC: 1050
    Total WC: 4143



    Theme: Sogeki the Talented God


    Lineage : Glory of the Slayer
    Position : None
    Posts : 242
    Guild : Fairy Tail
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    Experience : 1,243.75

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    Long Time... Nice to Meet You... Empty Re: Long Time... Nice to Meet You...

    Post by Sogeki 24th February 2018, 9:42 am

    Both brothers raced towards the direction Yui had recently pointed at. They quickly got to an area where the gray ground was again seen. Sogi was getting tired of flying and decided to move down and run. He was faster than his sister, even when he was not flying. After a few minutes running, they saw a woman. She was naked and covered in some sort of black sludge. She covered her breasts with her hands and was on her knees. She looked confused and scared, but Sogi easily realized it was his mother. "Mother!" Shouted Sogi getting the woman's attention. "Sogi?" Said the mother as she opened her arms to receive his son with a gentle hug. Yui flew quickly and joined the hug, covering the group in her wings and squeezing quite tightly her family. "Mom!" Said Yui to greet her. After a few seconds of a strong hug, they let go and took a few steps away from their mom to give her some space. They all sat down, making a triangle shape. Each of them acting as a corner of such construction.

    "Mom, we have so many questions for you!" Said Yui. Their mom smiled at them. Her smile felt warmer than any other smile Sogi had seen. It was hard to explain but Sogi felt younger around her. He felt protected. "You're so grown up." Said their mother as a tear fell through her left cheek. "Look, kids, I'm sorry I was not able to be with you. I did not want to leave either of you alone, but..." Her face turned darker as she did not want to touch the subject. "Have you seen your father?" She asked. Both kids shook their heads in response. They did not know how their father looked like, then again, Sogi had no idea how his mother and sister looked like either. "Mom, why are you here? How did you die?" Asked Yui. As she had explained to Sogi earlier, that was a place only people involved in dark rituals or other 'unhealthy' deaths went. Their mother closed her eyes as she again did not like to speak about it. However, it was the time for them to know the truth about her death. "Look, kids, your father was a very bad person. I did not really know his true self until before I died. By the time that was done, before you were born, he was no longer with me. But I was eternally guilty for what I had done with him."

    The kids were confused. They did not know entirely what that meant, but she had done stuff. Bad stuff apparently. Anyway, it was obviously their father's fault. It was his fault the three of them were no separated in different realms. One lived between the humans, one lived between the angels, and one lived between the demons. Their heart, however, would keep in touch and connected for the rest of their existence, but Sogi and Yui were still curious and wanted to know the specifics. Their mother refused to move into detail and instead stood up and asked the other two to join her. After they all stood up, she walked towards them both and opened her arms to give them one last hug. More tears fell from them all as they knew that was the last hug they were giving in each other in a while. "We miss you mom." Said Sogi followed by Yui's nod. "I know kids. I miss you too, but right now, I've gotta leave. My punishment has been finished but I can not leave this place." She said and then started to dematerialize. She slowly started to turn into some sort of dark mist. Both kids stepped back for their mother to easily finish her process. And after a few seconds. There were only two people left in that giant hall.

    Sogi turned towards his sister and hugged her. "Thank you Yui." She smiled in response to his brother's hug then stepped back from the hug. "Sogi, there is something I need to explain to you. You have now understood the magic power we share. That is because we are connected. Now that we both know about t, however,l be able to stay closer to you than ever." Said Yui as she smiled and again, started to dematerialize. She however started to turn into light. Her body turned into a yellow light that slowly banished. "See you soon brother." She then dissapeared leaving the lonely Sogi in the chamber. Sogi just stood there a few minutes. He says nothing nor thought about anything. He just waited around 3 minutes, staring at the infinit hall he was in. But before he realised, he passed away and fell on the ground.

    He took a very deep breath as he felt he was missing oxygen. He was in his bed. In the fairy tail rooms. It was not teen Sogi anymore, it was kid Sogi. Was that all a dream? Or was it real. "Was that really a dream?" He asked to himself outloud as he looked at his right hand. "I told you. This is not a dream."

    WC: 867
    Total WC: 5010



    Theme: Sogeki the Talented God

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