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    [Social/Private] The earth, the Shadow, and the snow


    Lineage : None
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    Age : 23
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    Character Sheet
    First Skill: -Snow Fairy-
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    [Social/Private] The earth, the Shadow, and the snow Empty [Social/Private] The earth, the Shadow, and the snow

    Post by AriaLumine 25th January 2018, 8:54 pm

    Aria was bored. Not even reading the book on ice magic seemed to help this. She let out a sigh, noting the fact that it was warm enough outside for her breath to create a cloud of mist every time she exhaled. it was kinda sad really. Aria found herself missing her snowy hometown and reminiscing about the fun she had with everyone in the snow. At least back home she didn't feel like she wanted to pass out all the time. Here it was ridiculously warm, and it melted the small patches of Ice she made when she walked, though the forest shade allowed her to turn the bushes she was in into a cool paradise. 'Ahh.. Much Better...' she thought, turning her head to face the sky. The leaves let dappled rays of sunlight fall on her face, giving a small bit of warmth, but not enough to take away the comfortable temperature. 'I'm so glad my body acts like an air conditioner. If it didn't, I'd surely melt!' Aria played with a pale lavender flower, enjoying the beautiful plant. Plants weren't very common back at her village (Save for rather large evergreens of course!), so seeing some that were that small was a relief to her... though the poor thing was nearly swallowed up by her large hands... one of the downsides to being a giant person. Her one good eye was busy scanning the book she had been reading. "That's kind of... dull..." she murmured, "What kind of Ice mage would stand that close to a fire mage like that... I don't even know how my brother could do that for very long... " not that Aria would find that out anytime soon. She turned back up to the sky, and heard a bunch of birds fluttering through the trees above, along with a few squirrels.
    Oras Auro
    Oras Auro

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Lineage : Chaotic Legacy
    Position : None
    Posts : 750
    Guild : Black Rose
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Izayuki
    Experience : 32,850

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Fictitous Actuality
    Second Skill: W.I.P.
    Third Skill:

    [Social/Private] The earth, the Shadow, and the snow Empty Re: [Social/Private] The earth, the Shadow, and the snow

    Post by Oras Auro 25th January 2018, 10:11 pm

    Oras Auro was outside of the town of Magnolia. Out by the East forest with his apprentice Amora, who was given the assignment of doing some more reading. She had many books involving combat, culture, history, languages, and also a small journal Oras had written in his spare time for her to read. The journal was everything he was able to determine about the unique weapon that Amora had decided on. Since she wanted to use it Oras told her that she needed to learn about the weapon inside and out, and how it functioned so that when she created it, it would work properly. If even one gear was out of place or the wrong shape then it wouldn't work. That's why she was reading through so much... That and her social experience was at ground zero due to having lived her childhood surviving in the wilderness. It was the middle of the day so he doubted that her bruises from the morning were too painful now, though he was willing to bet she was dreading tonight's combat. He had never once taken it easy on her, save for their first bout but that was due to the wound he had placed on her. He recalled the first time they fought was the first time she had encountered a cheap trick like throwing dirt in your opponent's eye and was angered by it. That was her first lesson. He did everything he could to show her the worst of mankind so she wouldn't be caught off guard. Their encounter with the infestation a few weeks ago only hardened that lesson further.

    He was resting in a tree a little ways away from their small camp, keeping watch while Amora read through her books. She had a dictionary and thesaurus on hand in case she needed to check, as well as a paper and pencil in case there was something she wanted to discus with him afterwards. As he sat in the tree he spotted someone approaching. A woman who was standing rather tall, taller than most people did. His eyes narrowed through his visor and made himself invisible to the eyes of others, standing up and using his magic crystal to communicate with his apprentice.

    "Amora, someone is nearby. Be prepared if anything happens, but don't give away the fact that you know there's someone out there."


    "You think you know what is truth?  A world of facts? Right and wrong?  Universal Laws?  Soon I will show you.  Soon you will see.  You couldn't be more wrong, Guest."

    [Social/Private] The earth, the Shadow, and the snow TEm5Pci

    Amora Shade
    Amora Shade

    Lineage : None
    Position : None
    Posts : 484
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 3,787.5

    [Social/Private] The earth, the Shadow, and the snow Empty Re: [Social/Private] The earth, the Shadow, and the snow

    Post by Amora Shade 25th January 2018, 10:30 pm

    I sigh softly with a thrown as i walk alongside you towards wherever we are heading not really knowing where, but not caring all that much either since i have been assigned to read. Reading through the weaponry first do to really wanting to learn how to use the weapon i had ordered more then anything else. Learning every little mechanic behind the bow. Resting peacefully within the camping space keeping one hand ready to slam into the ground encase i need to be able to use my magic in a offensive manner. Gently writing into my journal a few notes on the mechanics of the bow. More so focusing on how it is moving, but not getting stuck in place. Not understanding the mechanics of all the little gears and how they work together every so fully.

    My body becomes ramrod straight in slight panic hearing your voice out of nowhere as i breathe a sigh of relief still not use to the fact you can speak within my mind do to this weird magic thing. I just remain on the ground leaning against a tree while reading feeling rather glad to have had the dictionary, and advanced book the first day that accelerated the learning process by orcing me to learn the big stuff then the smaller things.

    "got it Verus i'll stay here reading. If they come closer and seems dangerous i'll try binding them for a interrogation." I say through the power of the crystal.



    Lineage : None
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    Age : 23
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    Character Sheet
    First Skill: -Snow Fairy-
    Second Skill: None
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    [Social/Private] The earth, the Shadow, and the snow Empty Re: [Social/Private] The earth, the Shadow, and the snow

    Post by AriaLumine 26th January 2018, 11:18 am

    Aria had put away her book, opting to look around using her bad eye. everything seemed to be in a strange milky white color when she used it to look around, save for when she was around people, which had the milky white glow of Ethernano. Children had the brightest glow, with adults and mages having slightly darker glows. right now, Aria could only see 1 faint outline, so she stopped, and opened her right eye. It was a fairly tall young woman, probably right around her own age, that stood at a little under a foot shorter than herself. Her straight black hair, and bright yellow eyes stood out quite a bit to her. It was somewhat unnerving to see a random person standing around to Aria, after all, she did hate social situations. Aria simply watched the girl for a few moments, before walking to another tree, this time the snow and growing more pronounced under her feet, and she allowed her temperature to partially frost the tree over where her back and head touched it. It didn't harm the tree after all. Aria turned back towards the other girl, her eye filled with confusion. 'Is she focused on her book? I wonder what she's reading...' Aria felt something furry brush by her hand. she glanced behind her, and noticed that a big cat had nuzzled it's head on her hand. She felt a slight panic rise in her mind. 'Eep! B-big Kitty!' Apparently, the cat had noticed her Ice, and was reveling in the cold aura coming off of her. Aria let out a small laugh, and caused her aura to grow slightly in range, letting the big cat curl up by the tree to enjoy the cold. Aria looked back up to see the girl was still standing there. she was... interesting to say the least. She was simply reading the odd textbook, and recording notes inside of her notebook with a pencil, and occasionally murmuring into a Lacrima. It was a bit annoying to see that she was being completely silent. Normally someone would have at least acknowledged that she was there (Not that Aria found that a bad thing, it was just strange to her).
    Oras Auro
    Oras Auro

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Lineage : Chaotic Legacy
    Position : None
    Posts : 750
    Guild : Black Rose
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Izayuki
    Experience : 32,850

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Fictitous Actuality
    Second Skill: W.I.P.
    Third Skill:

    [Social/Private] The earth, the Shadow, and the snow Empty Re: [Social/Private] The earth, the Shadow, and the snow

    Post by Oras Auro 27th January 2018, 11:29 am

    Patience and observation took many a great distance forwards.  The problem was that not many people possessed the patience they required.  Oras was not one of those.  He could lay in waiting an entire day if need be.  He was waiting for a message right now in fact.  However while he may be a very patient man, he wasn't an idle one.  He was going to analyze this newcomer while keeping an eye out for any reaction.  He leaped from tree to tree silently, invisible only to her eyes.  Besides being tall she seemed to cause frost to spread wherever she walked, though the sun was melting it swiftly when she walked away.  She was either a wizard or a being that Oras had never heard of, nor seen in his entire life before.  Regardless, it was definitely magical abilities she was using.  The girl was watching Amora the entire time, all the while Oras was crouched on a branch above her, giving him a good view and able to detect any movement she may be making, or about to make.  Oras watched cautiously as the ice spread up the trunk of the tree, but it soon stopped before reaching halfway, meaning Oras was safe from it.  

    When Oras spotted the large cat he wondered how she'd react to it.  When it reached her and nuzzled against her hand to escape the heat of the day, the girl seemed to freak out at first, having not seen the creature and thus surprised from the sudden contact.  After she got over it however, she laughed a little and seemed to enjoy it's company.  So she was a friend to wildlife then.  She continued staring at Amora so she would never see him coming.  Oras leaped from the tree and rolled behind her, using his magic to keep the sound of his movement from reaching her ears.  He turned to the large cat and the girl and became visible again, standing behind her so as not to be noticed just yet.  The cat noticed him of course, but he'd been here long enough for the animal to know he was no threat to it..  Or rather he didn't have any intention to harm it.  Oras threw one of his throwing knives which landed on the tree, catching her sleeve there as well preventing her from escaping.  The animal looked at him but made no other movement.

    "Stop staring at my apprentice," he said in a tone that would get her attention.


    "You think you know what is truth?  A world of facts? Right and wrong?  Universal Laws?  Soon I will show you.  Soon you will see.  You couldn't be more wrong, Guest."

    [Social/Private] The earth, the Shadow, and the snow TEm5Pci

    Amora Shade
    Amora Shade

    Lineage : None
    Position : None
    Posts : 484
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 3,787.5

    [Social/Private] The earth, the Shadow, and the snow Empty Re: [Social/Private] The earth, the Shadow, and the snow

    Post by Amora Shade 27th January 2018, 11:40 am

    I remain seated with a smile not even paying attention to the intruder to much extent since i am more focused on writing up my notes just keeping the entire bottom of the treeline within my gaze, so that if a being were to step into the clearing i could react accordingly. I pick up my notebook and go over what i had written down so far. Seeing maintenance of the gears to prevent something called rust, and other things. How to properly draw back the bow, and things to keep in mind if a piece is out of place. Then finally how to draw the bow whatever hitting your arm. 'How could someone do that? It seems easy not to do that.' I think to myself as i look at that bit, but knows the Verus would want something like that to make sure i don't hurt myself do to not being applied correctly for handling the weapon. Most of the notes being about care, and basic functionality of a normal bow and how that works out.

    I go back to my book going over when it starts mentioning how to aim and what factors can go into aiming like something called gravity, wind, all the minor details including placing the arrow incorrectly.



    Lineage : None
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    Age : 23
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    Character Sheet
    First Skill: -Snow Fairy-
    Second Skill: None
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    [Social/Private] The earth, the Shadow, and the snow Empty Re: [Social/Private] The earth, the Shadow, and the snow

    Post by AriaLumine 27th January 2018, 12:15 pm

    Aria was stroking the large cat with one hand, while holding her book in her other. She was currently reading about a few famous mages that used Ice magic, as well as takeover mages. Aria truly loved her book. It was an enchanted version of sorcerers weekly that updated on it's own, so long as she mailed off the fees for it, and it came with interviews of famous mages and guilds! it made buying it so worth it in the long run. 'Ah~! I love this part!' she thought excitedly, 'These mages are so cool! Big bro would have loved reading this one, he always did seem to be fond of the famous dragon slayers...'
    Aria felt something pin her sleeve down, and heard a voice ask her to stop staring at the girl. She turned around, just enough to see the one who probably just ruined her coat-sleeve. "You know... " she said dryly, "It's kinda rude to sneak up on someone like that." Her only visible eye darkened slightly, changing from the dark blue, to an icier one. "Is there something you want from me?" she asked, "Or are you just gonna sit there and stare at me like that. I'm not doing anything wrong." Aria let the ice start to creep over her sleeve, and over the knife. Her gaze was still freezing cold.


    One tends to forget about faries, after all, they seem weak right?
    One couldn't be any more wrong. They can become a terrifying nightmare.
    Basking in the cold of snow...

    Oras Auro
    Oras Auro

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Lineage : Chaotic Legacy
    Position : None
    Posts : 750
    Guild : Black Rose
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Izayuki
    Experience : 32,850

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Fictitous Actuality
    Second Skill: W.I.P.
    Third Skill:

    [Social/Private] The earth, the Shadow, and the snow Empty Re: [Social/Private] The earth, the Shadow, and the snow

    Post by Oras Auro 27th January 2018, 9:44 pm

    While the girl was reading her book, she was occasionally looking at Amora, which he would never feel comfortable with. And he especially would not allow someone to be anywhere near them. Not while they were in the middle of training. He disliked it when people stumbled onto him like Amora did. How he got in a situation with her becoming his apprentice in the first place was still a total and complete mystery to Oras. However he would not let such a thing repeat itself, and refused to accept anyone who ran into them. She was rather calm and when she looked at him he could see the deadly glare in her eyes. Despite this he was very confident he could handle this woman. Especially with Amora, untrained as she was. When Oras heard her comment about sneaking up on people and it being rude, and thought this sentence being hypocritical given the fact that she was staring at Amora from a distance. "So is staring at someone from a distance, but that hasn't stopped you it seems."

    The woman seemed to be very impatient person to say the very least, as in only a few seconds she demanded to know what he wanted and if they were going to stare at each other forever. Luckily for her, Oras was always blunt and straight to the point. He walked over to her but never looked at her in any regard. As he passed her he pulled the dagger free from the tree with ease, just before the ice coated it. "Leave," he said. "Or I'll make you." He knew Amora had never seen him fight at his true best, and while he still hadn't explained how his magic worked, nor showed her just what his magic did exactly, he felt he could show her a demonstration if need be. If the girl decided to stay he'd force her out. If she tried to fight him, he'd show Amora some new fighting skills, and what it looks like to lose from an outside perspective. He wasn't arrogant, no. He was confident. This girl's magical aura was weaker than his so her magic wasn't strong. And he had been training in martial art techniques and honing his physical body, whereas she didn't appear to. Still, he should expect her to be skilled in martial arts, as well as quicker and stronger than she appeared to be. He could never be too careful.


    "You think you know what is truth?  A world of facts? Right and wrong?  Universal Laws?  Soon I will show you.  Soon you will see.  You couldn't be more wrong, Guest."

    [Social/Private] The earth, the Shadow, and the snow TEm5Pci

    Amora Shade
    Amora Shade

    Lineage : None
    Position : None
    Posts : 484
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 3,787.5

    [Social/Private] The earth, the Shadow, and the snow Empty Re: [Social/Private] The earth, the Shadow, and the snow

    Post by Amora Shade 27th January 2018, 9:52 pm

    I relax as i continue writing up notes, but eventually i feel the magical aura flaring ever so slightly with my untrained senses as i look up and see Verus, and some girl getting weirdly close together for some reason. 'Is Verus dating someone....no definitely not. Must be the person that was trying to watch us from the distance.' I think to myself as i get up putting my book into the pocket of my coat as i make my way over towards Verus, and this girl looking at them curiously as i quickly forms a iron dagger from a clump of metal encase i get surprise training. That or the girl decides they were better off attacked.

    Verus' teachings having always taught me to try and be careful to some extent, so i have a weapon and myself ready to dodge at a single moment. hello sir, miss. What is happening? I ask curiously trying to play it off like i don't know Verus encase he doesn't wish for the connection to be known, or even his fake name to be known to the girl.



    Lineage : None
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    Age : 23
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    Character Sheet
    First Skill: -Snow Fairy-
    Second Skill: None
    Third Skill:

    [Social/Private] The earth, the Shadow, and the snow Empty Re: [Social/Private] The earth, the Shadow, and the snow

    Post by AriaLumine 29th January 2018, 11:04 am

    Aria's eye narrowed when she saw the girl walk up to them. 'She's a friend of his...' The cat underneath the man seemed to be nervous of the magic energies coming off of them all, and promptly fled from the group. Aria turned towards the woman in front of her. "Nah, nothings wrong." she said coolly, "Other than this guy telling me to leave... Apparently he doesn't like the idea of a stranger popping up out of nowhere and staring at someone reading a book?" Aria turned to the guy who had told her to leave. "You're kinda acting like it was a crime to do that by the way, and I don't appreciate how you're acting towards me." she paused when she heard his threat. "You'll make me?" her eyes flashed a darker blue as she spoke, her gaze quite a bit darker. "I can tell you aren't someone weak. you give off an aura of power... How about you back off, and I leave you be?" Aria's aura changed to a evil feeling cold, and the Ice around her retracted back, and instead covered her trench coat, encrusting it with Ice, strong enough to ward off any attacks from the man beside her.. 'He's provoking me... best to err on the side of caution, then.' Aria let her aura start freezing her temperatures down, just in case she needed to quickly activate a spell. She certainly did not need to be injured because of the man attacking her, and it was all to obvious that if she fought back that the girl might help him beat her down...


    One tends to forget about faries, after all, they seem weak right?
    One couldn't be any more wrong. They can become a terrifying nightmare.
    Basking in the cold of snow...

    Oras Auro
    Oras Auro

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Lineage : Chaotic Legacy
    Position : None
    Posts : 750
    Guild : Black Rose
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Izayuki
    Experience : 32,850

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Fictitous Actuality
    Second Skill: W.I.P.
    Third Skill:

    [Social/Private] The earth, the Shadow, and the snow Empty Re: [Social/Private] The earth, the Shadow, and the snow

    Post by Oras Auro 29th January 2018, 9:49 pm

    Amora seemed to have decided to intervene and make an attempt to defuse the situation. If anything it would more than likely confuse the woman. However he was mistaken. Instead the woman seemed to try complaining to Amora in what seemed like an attempt to get his apprentice to side with her. He doubted she would however, as she was beginning to legitimately trust Oras which he was happy about. While he'd never admitted it, and didn't realize it just yet, he was growing fond of Amora, both as an apprentice and just being someone there with him. He hadn't had any company since his young childhood which was all but shattered and forgotten. All that remained of his childhood was Raven, and he wasn't even sure she was alive. His mentor had left and he knew he'd never find the man ever again in his lifetime. The girl had accused him of acting as if it were a crime to stare at his apprentice. And in truth he was to an extent. Anyone who showed too much of an interest in her would have to deal with him. They had recently taken care of a cultist who was protecting an obelisk that spread a purple taint and corruption which killed and twisted all life, energy and mana. That cultist being the one who had injured Amora. He wouldn't let something like that happen again. Oras didn't care who she was or what she wanted. Staring at his apprentice for longer than a few seconds and staying in a position where she could watch her at any point in time was a red flag in his mind.

    Then she had reacted to his warning, her eyes shifting into a darker shade. This made Oras wonder if her magic was somehow connected to her emotions or heart. If it was that would be something to look out for as her anger could potentially increase her power to some extent. When she spoke again, Oras couldn't help but notice the complete and total lunacy of what she was saying. She was literally contradicting herself. Stating that he was definitely stronger than her, but at the same time giving him a command to back off entirely.
    "If I'm as strong as you deem myself to be, then you aren't one to be giving orders girl." He thought about it for a second and decided that his warning was enough. If she made any attempt to push his patience further then she would get more than she bargained for. Mainly, vertigo... Or a nightmare beyond her imagination, he hadn't decided yet. Then again, he should probably keep those two a secret longer. They would never be his ace in the hole if he just tossed them everywhere. He turned to look at Amora, his eyes still on the girl just not through normal means. He slipped his dagger back into one of his void bags hidden under his cape. "Go ahead and pack everything up. It's getting close to sunset and I don't want to have to put things away in the dark." He then turned his attention back to the girl, his mask and visor betraying no emotion whatsoever, unlike her own eyes which acted as windows to the soul. "I will not let any harm come to my apprentice in any manner. Any attempt to do so will leave you wishing you'd never risen from bed this morning."


    "You think you know what is truth?  A world of facts? Right and wrong?  Universal Laws?  Soon I will show you.  Soon you will see.  You couldn't be more wrong, Guest."

    [Social/Private] The earth, the Shadow, and the snow TEm5Pci

    Amora Shade
    Amora Shade

    Lineage : None
    Position : None
    Posts : 484
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 3,787.5

    [Social/Private] The earth, the Shadow, and the snow Empty Re: [Social/Private] The earth, the Shadow, and the snow

    Post by Amora Shade 31st January 2018, 7:25 pm

    I chuckle a little bit at Verus' words when telling the girl to back off from the contradictory statement. not knowing the term, but knowing the mystery girl did a thing that went against itself. I watch as the girl seems to get upset, and weirdly get stronger for a moment as i look towards Verus and hear his command as i look towards the girl, and back towards my mentor as i nod slowly. Don't give her a hard time alright. I say with a look at Verus as i use the earth magic i have tap the back of his foot with a small tentacle of earth. Then pause then make a not equal sign. then three taps. Hoping he understands that i am saying two is not better then three people in any task when it comes to such dangers this world could have.

    With that i make my way back towards the camp and starts packing things up as requested knowing their is no point in trying to argue against. Since otherwise the pain for combat training would be much greater most likely especially when it involves such a thing as dealing with a stranger that could mean harm.

    Last edited by Amora Shade on 3rd February 2018, 8:16 pm; edited 1 time in total



    Lineage : None
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    Age : 23
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    Character Sheet
    First Skill: -Snow Fairy-
    Second Skill: None
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    [Social/Private] The earth, the Shadow, and the snow Empty Re: [Social/Private] The earth, the Shadow, and the snow

    Post by AriaLumine 2nd February 2018, 9:50 pm

    Aria closed her eyes, and simply listened to him talk to her. Apparently, he was just concerned for his friend. "Then I guess I'll leave then." she muttered, "For future reference, though... try to actually ask what someone's doing before you threaten to attack them... Not all people like being social." Aria completely suppressed the cold aura she naturally gave off, and drew it in. Her eyes faded back to the lighter blue color, and she straightened up in front of the man. "... bye, I guess." she murmured, before turning and walking away from the man. Aria walked away, taking note of the fact that the man's energy seemed to change every so often. it was as if his powers couldn't decide how to process his energy... it was slightly unnerving to Aria. Aria jumped into the tree just above her head, and climbed up, before jumping to the next few trees, continuing for several moments, before finally concealing her presence. 'Hopefully he doesn't follow me...' Aria created a miniature ice hammock in the tree she had stopped in, silently hoping that she wouldn't be followed by the strange man... but then hoping that he would at the same time... she desperately wanted a new friend, but he didn't seem that open to a new friend, and she wasn't about to initiate a conversation like that with someone who ended up being hostile with her at first.


    One tends to forget about faries, after all, they seem weak right?
    One couldn't be any more wrong. They can become a terrifying nightmare.
    Basking in the cold of snow...

    Oras Auro
    Oras Auro

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Lineage : Chaotic Legacy
    Position : None
    Posts : 750
    Guild : Black Rose
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Izayuki
    Experience : 32,850

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Fictitous Actuality
    Second Skill: W.I.P.
    Third Skill:

    [Social/Private] The earth, the Shadow, and the snow Empty Re: [Social/Private] The earth, the Shadow, and the snow

    Post by Oras Auro 3rd February 2018, 8:28 pm

    Amora moved to do as he said, and began to pack everything up. His attention was still on the girl when he felt the earthen movement along the ground, focusing his attention on it but not turning to look. He felt the movement, the tapping, and imagined the tracing. She was trying to remind him that three are better than two. Oras personally didn't feel so sure, nor did he feel comfortable with that idea in any manner. There were many issues with bringing a third member into their group. especially when they knew literally nothing about her. The only reason Oras had allowed Amora to join him was because of her determination, a skilled eye, and a few words: She told him her past, and how she'd been living in the wilderness nearly all her childhood. How she wanted to learn more of the world and that she wanted him to teach her. He tried to scare her off by showing no mercy on her during training but she insisted anyways. Not only was she strong, she was in fact naive and ignorant of the way the world truly worked. Therefore, against his better judgement, he took her on as his apprentice as asked in order to make sure she was strong and smart enough to survive this God Forsaken world. In other words, it was a miracle she joined him in the first place, let alone got him to actually train her. And now here she was attempting to persuade him to add an additional member to their travels. Oras was not at all for it. But he'd have to explain it later.

    When the girl talked to him about asking what someone was doing before threatening them, it only proved her ignorance as well. He'd run into several individuals who clearly intended to attack if he had asked them such a question. One of the biggest laws of survival was to never give someone else the advantage. You reduce or nullify the threat level if possible, and if need be destroy it entirely. Oras rarely killed, and hadn't killed anyone just yet other than animals. He would only do so if necessary. If a prisoner escaped a prison it was the government's own incompetence, not his problem. Unless they went to hire him that is. The girl then turned around and said goodbye before leaping into the trees. So she was agile then. That was something to note in case of battle with her in the future. He waited till she was out of earshot before turning to Amora.
    "It was a miracle I took you on as my apprentice instead of leaving you Amora. I'm not interested in a party."


    "You think you know what is truth?  A world of facts? Right and wrong?  Universal Laws?  Soon I will show you.  Soon you will see.  You couldn't be more wrong, Guest."

    [Social/Private] The earth, the Shadow, and the snow TEm5Pci

    Amora Shade
    Amora Shade

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    [Social/Private] The earth, the Shadow, and the snow Empty Re: [Social/Private] The earth, the Shadow, and the snow

    Post by Amora Shade 3rd February 2018, 8:37 pm

    Hearing your voice i see you, and only you as i pout a bit as i then make my way towards you with a raised eyerbrow and then check the area and notice some leaves being disturbed which means something moved through their. Knowing not a lot of animals have been nearby means it was the girl who was just here. I then glance back at you. You say you're not interested in a party, but yet oh so clearly at times you seem to want people to be near you. To allow you not to be left alone. If you want friends you should try being nicer. Being rude doesn't get you anywhere with people. I say then quickly dashes over towards where i see the path leads just following my natural hunting instincts in hopes of trying to find the girl. Figuring if she travels alone she is probably just looking for a friend like i was after looking for civilization.

    After a bit i see what i was trying to find in the form of the girl resting in a ice hammock. I grin a bit loving the creativity as i tap my foot on the ground as a wall rises me upwards till i am at her height as i gently shake her. Excuse me miss my name is Amora i believe things got off on the wrong start. My name is Amora, and i would like to get to know you. I say in a gentle voice.



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    [Social/Private] The earth, the Shadow, and the snow Empty Re: [Social/Private] The earth, the Shadow, and the snow

    Post by AriaLumine 7th February 2018, 6:05 pm

    Aria was slowly trying to drift off to sleep, her hammock providing extra cold, and making it a rather comfortable spot for her to sleep. the ambiance of birds singing and chirping, along with occasional squeaks from mice or something similar. It was one of the reasons she liked nature, other than the fact that it naturally produced what her magic created during the winter months. Aria heard a rustle nearby her, and felt a hand on her shoulder. she immediately turned around, and noticed that it was the girl that had followed her. She had a pleased grin on her face, and introduced herself as Amora. Amora had essentially apologized for her friend's behavior, eliciting a smile from Aria. "It's Nice to meet you, Amora." She said, "My name is Aria, and uh... sorry for freaking out your friend... that guy's your friend, right?" Aria felt nervous now... it was obvious that Amora had followed her to talk to her... but that didn't stop her from feeling nervous. A thin sheet of Ice had glazed over the part of the tree she had created her hammock in, and had caused the air around them to become chilly enough to see her own breath.


    One tends to forget about faries, after all, they seem weak right?
    One couldn't be any more wrong. They can become a terrifying nightmare.
    Basking in the cold of snow...

    Oras Auro
    Oras Auro

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Lineage : Chaotic Legacy
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    Guild : Black Rose
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    Experience : 32,850

    Character Sheet
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    Second Skill: W.I.P.
    Third Skill:

    [Social/Private] The earth, the Shadow, and the snow Empty Re: [Social/Private] The earth, the Shadow, and the snow

    Post by Oras Auro 9th February 2018, 9:08 pm

    Amora's words had little effect on Oras Auro. She stated that he wanted people near him. That was partly true. He did indeed wish for companionship, but he only wanted those whom he could not only rely on, but those he could work well with. He could not do such a thing with a complete and total stranger. He never cared about someone on first encounters. If he started running into them multiple times, then it became a goal for him to learn about them. Analyze their skills, magic, personality, thought patterns, sub conscious patterns, and even their history. Moon was a prime example of that. Of course there was the exception of Amora but those were unique circumstances. Oras was also more cautious than before because he was responsible for Amora as well as himself. He could not, and would not allow her to fall victim to pain or death of any sort. He would train her to be prepared for any and all enemies. He would teach her until she could identify anything, anyone, and everything within first glance as he could. He'd teach her the ways of this world and how to think when encountering certain situations. He'd teach her how to be observant and see what is hidden to most others. He would teach her how to decipher truth from lies. He would teach her how to survive. The one and only thing he could not teach her however, was how to love. For Oras did not know how to love. Survival, caution, and fighting was all he had ever known... Well there was a chance he did love in his childhood, but it has been so long that if he did he doesn't recall feeling that way.

    Amora then ran off to find the girl and Oras sighed. He created a vocal illusion, not in the shape of himself but in the shape of a bird. One native to this forest. The illusion went out and followed her to the girl and would watch cautiously while appearing to act perfectly normal for a bird. In the meantime Oras began to put everything away so that they could leave at a moment's notice.


    "You think you know what is truth?  A world of facts? Right and wrong?  Universal Laws?  Soon I will show you.  Soon you will see.  You couldn't be more wrong, Guest."

    [Social/Private] The earth, the Shadow, and the snow TEm5Pci

    Amora Shade
    Amora Shade

    Lineage : None
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    Posts : 484
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    Experience : 3,787.5

    [Social/Private] The earth, the Shadow, and the snow Empty Re: [Social/Private] The earth, the Shadow, and the snow

    Post by Amora Shade 9th February 2018, 9:16 pm

    I chuckle a little bit at that as i put my foot once more against the wall as it lengthens a bit and then forms a chair as i sit down in it with a kind smile. It's fine Aria i know how Verus can be at times. Trust me. I say with a chuckle as i relax around the girl as i do notice it getting colder though, and once more the trees becoming frozen? So umm i hope you don't mind me asking but how are you doing the ice thing? I've never meet someone who can do that. I say in a sense of wonder and excitement on how a person can do that so easily almost like it is not part of you. I then focus back on our question realizing i should answer it to not be rude. Well i like to think of Verus as a friend, but i don't know if he sees it the same way. If you want my honest opinion i think he is scared to let others get near him, and for some reason i was just an exception to that rule by a ever small margin. He wants people to be near him, but he is scared to allow a chance for something to happen. I tell the girl Aria not having that problem since i wish to try and explain Verus' behavior that had happened.



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    Second Skill: None
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    [Social/Private] The earth, the Shadow, and the snow Empty Re: [Social/Private] The earth, the Shadow, and the snow

    Post by AriaLumine 10th February 2018, 8:12 pm

    Aria had a nervous smile on her face. Her magic was a bit Iffy when it came to her emotions, and it was the main reason that she refused to partake in any physical contact with another person. She always ran the risk of freezing them solid. "It's a side effect of my magic." she replied, "It affects my core temperature, as is the norm with most Ice mages. But for me, it also affects my surroundings to an extent, and I sadly have no control over it.. It usually does that only when I feel some type of strong emotions towards something." Aria took a couple of deep breaths, and calmed her emotions, and the Ice slowly began to recede. "I'm a bit of an oddball Ice mage, since my whole family happens to be fire or water mages. I'm just weird, I guess." Aria chuckled for a moment, a fond memory filling her mind. "I'm the only one from back home, most of the people there showed a better affinity to flame magic, which is kinda useful If you live in a snowy village.." Aria noticed that Amora was now sitting in an earthen chair, and was explaining how her friend seemed to behave. "Is that really It?" She asked, her face blatantly showing off her confusion. "I'm familiar with people like that, that refuse to open up to strangers..." She murmured, her face falling to a grimace. "but I really didn't appreciate how he reacted to me watching you, even if it did have him concerned about what I was doing. I just wanted to know about what you were reading to be honest." Aria had a dejected look on her face as she spoke. "People always freaked out when they spotted me in towns and other places..." She continued, her voice level falling to a mere whisper. "Usually, I would just Ignore them, but... It just makes me feel lonely. I'm not a social person, but I'll talk if someone prompts me... just... just not the way your friend did it. I was scared he was gonna attack me, so I prepared for a fight. It's always how it is for someone like me..." 'It's why I hate talking in the first place, too.' Aria melted her hammock, and instead allowed a bridge to cross the gap between herself and Amora. "You can come over here if you'd like. I don't mind."


    One tends to forget about faries, after all, they seem weak right?
    One couldn't be any more wrong. They can become a terrifying nightmare.
    Basking in the cold of snow...

    Oras Auro
    Oras Auro

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Lineage : Chaotic Legacy
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    Experience : 32,850

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Fictitous Actuality
    Second Skill: W.I.P.
    Third Skill:

    [Social/Private] The earth, the Shadow, and the snow Empty Re: [Social/Private] The earth, the Shadow, and the snow

    Post by Oras Auro 10th February 2018, 9:14 pm

    Oras listened to the conversation through the connection he had with the illusion that observed everything. He didn't care how she felt about him, though he was annoyed that Amora would speak about him in that manner. He'd need to remind her that he was her mentor and that she should show him more respect than that. He was after all, the one who was keeping her alive. And he would do so in the future. He was certain that she would not let him face this new cult alone, so he'd need to keep her strong, and become stronger still, in order to protect her properly. He was nearly finished with preparations. Once everything was packed he would be arriving at their little gathering to urge Amora back since they would need to train. That could not, and would not stop. The training was brutal, and she could attest. He never showed mercy, and each night he pulled new techniques, new strategies, new advantages against her. At the same time, he would use tactics that were considered cheap, dirty, and underhanded so that she would know how to hold her own against such tactics... He grinned under his mask. He wondered if Amora would try to convince the girl to join them. If she did, Oras would more than likely involve her in their little training exercises. If she was strong. If she could hold her own against them. If she could use her head as well as her strength and was competent enough to learn. Then perhaps she would earn his respect... But not his trust. It had only been recently Amora had finally earned Oras Auro's trust, though it was still lacking in the safety department.

    Of course, he wouldn't actually be visiting the two physically. He'd simply project an illusion and have it leap into the trees after receiving his answer. He didn't doubt that Amora would follow and join him in the combat session, but he wondered if the girl would follow Amora to the camp. She hated Oras no doubt, but... If she understood the reasons behind his methods, and if she gained his respect, then perhaps they could be allies in the future. Not friends, the requirement for that was extremely high and difficult to obtain.


    "You think you know what is truth?  A world of facts? Right and wrong?  Universal Laws?  Soon I will show you.  Soon you will see.  You couldn't be more wrong, Guest."

    [Social/Private] The earth, the Shadow, and the snow TEm5Pci

    Amora Shade
    Amora Shade

    Lineage : None
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    Posts : 484
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    Experience : 3,787.5

    [Social/Private] The earth, the Shadow, and the snow Empty Re: [Social/Private] The earth, the Shadow, and the snow

    Post by Amora Shade 10th February 2018, 9:23 pm

    Ohh so you're ice magic. I say with a big smile on my face as i look at the girl with a excited grin. Well as you can tell i control the very ground we walk upon to an extent. However, my magic seems to be more animalistic and bestial in nature at some points that i think being raised in the woods by myself for the most part had a influence on. I say with a chuckle as i talk with the girl. Wait if you came from a snowy village how did you make it all the way out here? It is really sunny, and i could imagine rather far away from your village. I say to the girl curiously with a tilt of my head.

    When you talk about how he reacted i do sigh softly and just nod my head. I'm so sorry he is like that again Aria, and i don't know really why he is like that. I can only think that maybe he is worried about me a lot. Also even if you aren't that much of a social person feel free to please come along with us Aria. We're all kind of outcasts in a way from what i understand, and we all need friends. I say in a gentle tone of voice as i see a ice bridge formed as i curiously gets onto the bridge then walks on over towards Aria with a smile, and sits beside you.



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    Second Skill: None
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    [Social/Private] The earth, the Shadow, and the snow Empty Re: [Social/Private] The earth, the Shadow, and the snow

    Post by AriaLumine 12th February 2018, 10:26 pm

    Aria smiled when Amora mentioned that her magic was based from earth. That would make the very first Earth-make mage that she'd ever met. "That's wonderful Amora!" she cheered, "I've never really met an earth magic user, so that's awesome!" Aria laughed when Amora asked her how she had gotten here from her hometown. "Believe it or not, my hometown is a little further north, nestled in Mt. Hakobe!" She replied, a fond smile crossing her face. " my home village is fairly small, so it's not put on very many maps at all, so it's very rare that we'd get travelers." Aria paused for a moment, before continuing. "As for how I got here, I should probably clarify my magic. I utilize Takeover magic, and Transport happens to be made way easier with them. I can show you If you'd like me to, just not while we're in a tree." Aria let out a sigh when Amora started to apologize about the way her friend reacted. "It's fine to be honest." she said calmly, "I didn't expect someone friendly out of him.
    Maybe If he hadn't thrown a knife into my sleeve (Which he ruined by the way), I wouldn't have lashed out like that.
    " Aria looked startled when Amora asked if she would join them at their campsite. "I'm not sure about that one... he doesn't exactly seem to be very friendly to strangers. I can fly you back to that place if you'd like me to though!"


    One tends to forget about faries, after all, they seem weak right?
    One couldn't be any more wrong. They can become a terrifying nightmare.
    Basking in the cold of snow...

    Oras Auro
    Oras Auro

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Lineage : Chaotic Legacy
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    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 32,850

    Character Sheet
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    Second Skill: W.I.P.
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    [Social/Private] The earth, the Shadow, and the snow Empty Re: [Social/Private] The earth, the Shadow, and the snow

    Post by Oras Auro 13th February 2018, 9:00 pm

    Oras continued to observe the conversation even as he finished the last preparations.  An ice magic user.  It was very painfully clear what type of mage she was when he had met her, what with the ice spreading and all.  Hearing her say that she had ice magic meant nothing.  What was valuable information was hearing her state that her magic was takeover magic.  That meant that she couldn't hold her magic on forever like he could.  While his spells consumed magic, most of his important magical abilities did not, such as his duplicates, the fear aura, and the ability to manipulate how the world is perceived by the five senses.  Hearing her state that she didn't expect any friendliness from him didn't effect him much.  That was the goal as it was an automatic warning to any who would wish to bother him.  In addition, it came in handy when keeping thugs away.  One glare of his mask and they wouldn't bother him or Amora.  Again, while Amora was correct in that he sought companionship, he didn't want someone he couldn't trust, nor did he want someone who wasn't strong enough to keep up with him.  When she mentioned how he wasn't friendly to strangers he chuckled to himself.  She thought that wasn't friendly?  In the harsh world they lived in, he was being generous.  He believed himself to be a kind person even though others didn't.  He could be blunt, straightforward, not sugarcoating anything.  But at the same time he had reason for it.  

    When they mentioned coming over to the camp he stood up and moved to the trees and pulled off a few branches.  From there he used his magic to carve it until he had two strong and smooth handles to use for practice combat.  It wouldn't kill them, probably wouldn't break any bones, but it would certainly leave some good sized bruises.  A good lesson for them, especially if it was two on one.  He grinned under the mask at the thought of either of them believing they'd have the advantage against him.


    "You think you know what is truth?  A world of facts? Right and wrong?  Universal Laws?  Soon I will show you.  Soon you will see.  You couldn't be more wrong, Guest."

    [Social/Private] The earth, the Shadow, and the snow TEm5Pci

    Amora Shade
    Amora Shade

    Lineage : None
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    Posts : 484
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    Experience : 3,787.5

    [Social/Private] The earth, the Shadow, and the snow Empty Re: [Social/Private] The earth, the Shadow, and the snow

    Post by Amora Shade 13th February 2018, 9:10 pm

    I grin a bit at the girl's excitement about me being able to control the earth. Yeah i can do that, but nothing overly big yet like i get the impression Verus knows people can do. Right now what i have is more so like trap preparement then anything else, and then trying to strike when the moment is just right. I tell Aria with a small chuckle. I do nod when you say it is relatively close. Well that is pretty cool Aria i more or less grew up...in some direction i forget which by now. Verus could probably tell you better then i could. I'm still struggling with maps from time to time. I admit with a chuckle as i then take your hand and moves you over to my earthen wall and chair area by briefly picking you up, and then quickly setting you back down. With a single tap of my foot the earthen wall descends once more along with the chair back into the ground leaving us standing on solid earth once more, and the only signs of the wall being the ground looking slightly displaced with dirt rather then cleanly done.

    At hearing you might not want to go back i pout a little bit. I know Verus can be a bit...much at times, but trust me once you get to know him he does actually care. He just needs some people willing to punch through that initial layer of stubbornness and distrust. After that he kinda becomes a really nice companion to have. If not a bit of a harsh teacher since he likes to make sure i'm prepared for fights by having me fight him. I say to the girl optimistically. So you willing to head back to camp with me? You don't need to stay the full night, but at least stick around to try and see the Verus i know is their. I ask the girl in a gentle tone of voice. Knowing Verus means well and does actually care as a friend despite how much he tries to tell me otherwise. That is at least my reality of the situation.



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    Second Skill: None
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    [Social/Private] The earth, the Shadow, and the snow Empty Re: [Social/Private] The earth, the Shadow, and the snow

    Post by AriaLumine 16th February 2018, 7:52 pm

    (Aria is now at 80% MP)

    Aria smiled cheerily when Amora continued to describe her magic for her. It was one of the first times she had a discussion like this before. "Really?!" she gasped, "I don't care if it's limited, it's still really friggin cool!" Aria paused when Amora mentioned that she was from the area near Mt. Hakabe. "Really?" Aria asked, tilting her head in confusion. "One of these days I've got to go see if I can find it. I really hope to be able to see what it's like!" Aria felt herself get hefted up by Amora, and placed on the earthen pedestal, which slowly retreated back into the ground. "You're pretty strong!" gasped Aria, a startled look on her face. "It's not everyday that you meet someone who can heft around someone who weighs 200+ pounds! That's Amazing!" When Aria was finally on the ground, she gave a smile to Amora. "I'm guessing you wanted a demonstration then?" She asked, a Cheshire grin on her face. "Let's take a bit of a flight test, shall we?" Aria radiated cold from her head to her feet, and felt Ice creeping across her face and body, slowly enveloping her until she was completely covered from head to toe. There was the faint sound of creaking and snapping, before the Ice shattered into hundreds of gleaming crystals that fluttered through the open air. her snowy white wings were gleaming in the afternoon light, and her dark outfit had changed to a cold and crisp white, with frost encrusting it. Aria immediately fluttered a bit higher than Amora, and held out her hand. "Well?" She asked, her face breaking out into a happy smile. "Are you coming or what? I did say I would fly you back, didn't I? If you do hop on though, don't touch my wings or skin with your hands unless you wear gloves. You might end up partially stuck to them until this spell set ends."


    One tends to forget about faries, after all, they seem weak right?
    One couldn't be any more wrong. They can become a terrifying nightmare.
    Basking in the cold of snow...


      Current date/time is 25th October 2024, 10:54 pm