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    HELLBENT ON MAKING YOU LOVE ME TOO ☾ private, job, inari

    Shiori Saikawa

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Obtain A Lineage!- Player 
    Lineage : Gold Rush
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    Posts : 105
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    HELLBENT ON MAKING YOU LOVE ME TOO ☾ private, job, inari Empty HELLBENT ON MAKING YOU LOVE ME TOO ☾ private, job, inari

    Post by Shiori Saikawa Wed 22 Nov - 14:33

    Job Description:
    Shiori Saikawa

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Obtain A Lineage!- Player 
    Lineage : Gold Rush
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    Posts : 105
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    HELLBENT ON MAKING YOU LOVE ME TOO ☾ private, job, inari Empty Re: HELLBENT ON MAKING YOU LOVE ME TOO ☾ private, job, inari

    Post by Shiori Saikawa Fri 24 Nov - 19:42

    HELLBENT ON MAKING YOU LOVE ME TOO ☾ private, job, inari Quwptwg HELLBENT ON MAKING YOU LOVE ME TOO ☾ private, job, inari PoA8vwK

    Naomi Enma Savage Skull D-Rank

    The witch, being a dark mage, was asked to do things such as, well I don't know. Perhaps slander the name of and take revenge on a man that was probably more fitting to call him a dog then a human with his tendency to jump from one woman to the next. It sounded like a very delightful thing to do, though she didn't really like doing other's bidding, she did always love giving people their just deserts. It was her job after all, being the goddess and queen of hell and all. It was sort of in the job description to give people who sinned on earth the torture that best suits them, though this man wasn't dead, she didn't have any problem giving him issues while he was still alive. And they couldn't kill this man otherwise they wouldn't get their jewels. That being one of the witch's main motivations, she'd like to have more jewels then less, and if that meant not killing someone for them, she was fine with that. Eventually this man would die anyways, as all humans do, and she could give him his eternal punishment in hell then. Plus she wasn't some sort of barbarian after all, she didn't go killing everybody without a second thought, she killed with reasons justified by herself.
    So here she was, in Talonia, a place known for the amount of guildless mages that took residence within the town's borders. Of course, she took along her servant, or slave, she preferred to address her as the prior as it seemed more merciful and like she actually had a choice to follow or not follow her around. When really she didn't, due to being an girl risen from six feet under by Naomi, she couldn't be that far from her without returning to her previous state of decaying. As per usual, it was silent between them, since Inari wasn't really one to talk unless spoken to, and even then her words were little to none. And though the necromancer and the zombie were here on a job, the first stop she made was to the town's famous pub known as the Soul Bar. Cause who doesn't some good ol' alcohol before a day of treachery. Plus she wasn't quite sure where to find this person that they were supposed to beat the crap out of, and the bar was her best bet. Figuring it would be a good place to try and get with some more woman, though she wasn't quite sure if he'd be doing so within the daylight, but she wouldn't be surprised if he did. He seemed like that kind of person.
    As always she was all dress up, though not as extensively this time. She had a large dark orange butterfly ornament holding up her long black locks into a very loose bun. To match the butterfly theme she had a light blue choker around her neck with a little butterfly in the middle. Across her chest she wore a white flowing drop shoulder crop top, which didn't appear to fit that well since it was showing quite a bit of cleavage, but she wore it perfectly. With that she had a highwaisted light blue jean shorts, and her feet were covered by slip-on low heel sandals. She had some bracelets and anklets similar design to her choker, and some faint amount of make-up on her face, the orange lipstick was probably the thing that stood out the most. Lastly her toenails and fingernails, were painted with orange and blue, with different styled butterflies on each, each of them the opposite color of the color they were on. Blue on orange, orange on blue, yatta yatta.
    The young woman made herself comfortable at the bar counter, gracefully crossing her legs and placing her bare elbows on the table, hands held out to hold her pale chin. Naomi ordered a drink, it was easy to get service, as there wasn't that much people there this early in the day. But some people could be spotted here and there, though they were rather quiet or just straight up sleeping, probably from getting drunk the night before. "Would you like to get a drink to my dear?" the witch asked the teenager, she knew she didn't need any sustenance, being undead and all, but then again she didn't either but she still enjoyed it. Her deep red almost brown gaze was set upon the zombie, a slight playful smile upon her expression, as one often was. She didn't expect the young adult to want one, but she decided to be polite anyways and ask. Though she loved having tons of money, she definitely didn't mind spending it, why do you think she wants so much money to begin with? She needs some way of getting all of her clothing, sometimes buying them from stores, but usually having to get them personally tailored due to her rather odd body type.

    W o r d    C o u n t:
    831 1,000

    HELLBENT ON MAKING YOU LOVE ME TOO ☾ private, job, inari Empty Re: HELLBENT ON MAKING YOU LOVE ME TOO ☾ private, job, inari

    Post by Guest Mon 27 Nov - 16:27

    Men. Men were despicable.
    They played with women's hearts like chew toys, squeezing them between their gnarled jaws until they were broken and run down. Then the minute a better and newer version dropped down out of the sky, they would leave the old one behind, like it never existed in the first place.
    Inari had never been cheated on, not with the one boyfriend she had. He had actually been rather nice to her for the time they were together. He was one of the small group of people who took the time out of their day to interact with her, or refer to her by something other than the dreaded nickname 'Zombie Girl' which she had gained from her tendency to show little to no emotion with anything. She did not mind the nickname, for she just really didn't care in general as it didn't effect her. They could call her what they wanted. However, she would have preferred maybe something more sophisticated than being compared to a decaying corpse.
    Yet in retrospect, seeing what she was now, it made more sense than it ever had. An actual zombie, brought back from the dead by the queen of hell. Either the students were psychic, or it was just fate playing a sick joke.
    As stated before Inari could not say she hated her boyfriend, nor did she hate men in general. She just hated how some men treated their lovers. Her ex killed her, without any rhyme or reason. One sunny day, after class, she told him her secret, only for him to act so viciously and plunge his sword right into her. Yet for some reason, she could not bring herself to hate him. Over the course of being brought back, she had a lot of time to reflect upon it. She was mad at first, but the more she thought about it, the more she could conclude that he was just scared... Confused... The thought of being a father at such a young age was scary to anyone in their position. It was not his fault... It wasn't...
    But this man... This man was just a monster. Getting together with three women and leaving them all as soon as the water got too hot? Disgusting. Unlike her significant other he had no reason to act this way. He was just another dog looking for its next chew toy. And the one thing about Inari, was that she didn't like dogs.

    The storm mage had taken a seat next to the death goddess, staring at the counter without any indication of emotion on her face, her hands placed upon her lap. The only time her gaze moved was when Naomi inquired about buying her a drink, to which she had to decline.
    "This mission will be done faster the less drinks are involved."
    Not that she needed to drink anyway, but she really preferred tea over liquor. And by the look of this place, she could deduct that there was no such thing her. Inari was hoping to meet their target quickly, and deal with him as soon as possible.
    Just at the thought of him the teen's fist would tighten into a ball, though she still did not show emotion. It was still a sign that she was angry, and urging to punch the guy's face in, even if she didn't show it on the outside.

    WC: 571/1,000

      Current date/time is Fri 26 Jul - 22:16