Fairy Tail RP

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    Master of Dragons: Darkness


    Master of Dragons: Darkness Empty Master of Dragons: Darkness

    Post by Guest 6th October 2017, 9:02 pm

    Job Title: Master of Dragons: Darkness
    Rank: 10Y
    Player Requirements:
    • S Rank
    • One person must complete "Master of Dragons: Acquisition"
    Job Requirements:
    • 30,000 Team
    • 14,500 Solo

    Job Location: Graveyard Sea
    Job Description:
    The Death Dragon can be found in the Graveyard Sea among the wreckage of thousands of ships. The dragon's unable to be hit by any attack regardless of element, or slayer status. Upon finding the dragon, it'll tell you that it's a being born of the darkness of other beings hearts. The only way it'll give you one of its scales is if you can defeat the darkness within yourself, and retrieve its lost stuffed animal.

    Weak: Undead Pirate
    A zombie pirate that'll try to kill you.

    Normal: Shark
    A great black shark that'll try to kill you.

    Strong: Killer Whale
    A massive undead orca that'll try to kill you.

    Boss: The Darkness Within
    A clone of yourself that's 100% equal to you. It'll constantly throw your short comings and regrets at you, while reminding you of everything you hate about yourself. If your character is the kind that has nothing to hate about themself, it'll hit 5x harder than you do. These clones will attack you with an absolute intent to kill and cannot be reasoned with, or persuaded by any means to not come at you.

    • 1x Black Scale
    • 125,000 Jewel
    • 1 Artifact if you've completed 5 Master of Dragon jobs AFTER Master of Dragons: Acquisition

    -- credit to kaori

      Current date/time is 5th June 2024, 11:54 pm