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    Key To Exploration! [Job | Bass]


    Lineage : Kohl's Plague
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    Key To Exploration! [Job | Bass] Empty Key To Exploration! [Job | Bass]

    Post by Narumi 30th September 2017, 10:49 am


    What a busy busy town! Narumi had never seen this many people all crowded in one place? Whatever were they searching for? The Kitsune would be located in the center of the crowd of people, as they all seemed to be in quite a hurry to get somewhere. Where? She had no idea! However, it seemed whatever it was it posed quite the urgency. People everywhere were shoving past her. The only clue to what they were after that she got was the direction they were all headed too. She squinted at a sign that hung above a large stone archway reading simply- "Train Station" now she needed to know! She had too! And whatever it was, the fox wanted one as well!

    123/500 Words.


    Key To Exploration! [Job | Bass] Request


    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Coming Storms-- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Dragon's Spirit
    Position : None
    Posts : 500
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    Experience : 125

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    Key To Exploration! [Job | Bass] Empty Re: Key To Exploration! [Job | Bass]

    Post by Bass 30th September 2017, 2:01 pm

    A passport. A document that would allow passage to travel to other nations, some which would have advanced technology, specialised magic or wouldn't even accept that magic was a thing. Now Bass wasn't one to discriminate. It was in her nature to do such a thing. All she wanted to do was learn, especially if the learning allowed her to learn where she'd come from. As such travelling to other nations would be useful. It would provide her with access to documents and other forms of knowledge not available in Fiore. She did wonder how the anti-magic nations would treat her. She wasn't sure whether what she did was magic or technology. It was often called magic so perhaps it was. It certainly used eternano in some way.

    Bass however was not the type to wait in queue. She understood the concept of a queue, but it wasn't really her style. With a great leap she got into the air and grabbed onto the side of a building and looked across with her crimson orbs. There were lots of people and many of them were in her way. It seemed that the aim of the game was to get to the front of the queue by any means necessary without breaking a law. No killing, no over the top violence. Those who used such methods were driven back or turned away. However, those that did manage to get through but didn't do too much bad things did manage to jump the queue.

    "Goal confirmed. Get to front of queue with minimal force. Reward: Passport"

    264 words


    Welcome Guest.

    Key To Exploration! [Job | Bass] 8Xdz1Cq

    Current missions(0/6):

    Lineage : Kohl's Plague
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    Posts : 57
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    First Skill: Spectral Void
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    Key To Exploration! [Job | Bass] Empty Re: Key To Exploration! [Job | Bass]

    Post by Narumi 30th September 2017, 5:01 pm

    "Aight then. Just gotta get to the front of the line... Without hurting anyone. Easy!" Narumi thought to herself as more people shoved passed to get into the lines. She was still confused as to why today of all days the lines were so busy. Were there really more trains coming and going into foreign lands that so many people needed a passport that badly? She could only guess that was the reason, but she also she needed one just as badly. If Narumi hoped to return to her homeland one day, it'd probably require her to leave this place called Fiore. With that thought in mind, she began to devise a plan... A plan only a trickster would play... And with that thought in mind, a soft smirk developed across the Kitsune's lips.

    She'd make her way to the edge of the street where the crowd wasn't so intense, and step into a tight ally. Looking up to the top of the building, her eyes would glow blue for a moment before she vanished. She'd reappear a second later on the top of the shingled roof. Smiling, she'd quickly but quietly run across the building, making progress towards the busy train station. From here she still couldn't tell where exactly they were handing out passports, but she was confident she'd find them at the end of the line. So with acrobatic skills she'd leap off the building onto the edge of the Train Station's roof. Using her agility she effortlessly climbed on top of it and gazed down through the massive skylights as the gigantic station with awe, looking for her goal.

    397/500 Words


    Key To Exploration! [Job | Bass] Request


    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Coming Storms-- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Dragon's Spirit
    Position : None
    Posts : 500
    Cosmic Coins : 1
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    Experience : 125

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    First Skill: Naknight
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    Key To Exploration! [Job | Bass] Empty Re: Key To Exploration! [Job | Bass]

    Post by Bass 1st October 2017, 4:26 am

    Like Narumi Bass had her own method of getting onto the roof of the train station to get a better view. By focusing she controlled the nanites contained within her body to restructure her body to form a set of metallic wings upon her back complete with thrusters. She didn't need the full power of flight so used it as more of a jump pack to launch herself with enough force to land on top of the building. As she did so she deactivated the pack and began to look through a different skylight. Her gaze hadn't yet fallen upon Narumi so she was not aware she wasn't alone. She wasn't using sensory either and even if she had there was so much magic in the air around this busy train station that pinpointing a single individual would be near impossible.

    "Based on the line structure and the way the crowd is moving the optimum entry point would be..." she walked around the sky lights and ended at a particular one. "...right here." It was at this point that she noticed Narumi. It seemed her rooftop entrance had been thought of by another. Bass merely nodded at the individual and then extended metallic claws from her hand and sliced off a large enough portion of the skylight for her slip through. It was precision work and it opened almost like a can with the circular part she'd cut sticking out attached by a thin part of glass. An easy repair job. Bass wasn't a vandal after all.

    "Good luck." Bass said to the other individual. Not out of any real care, but more out of common courtesy and politeness. With that Bass dropped through quickly reactivating the pack to allow herself to hover down right near the front of the queue. It wasn't at the exact front.

    "Hmmm six from the front. A slight miscalculation upon landing. Disappointing." she said in her usual monotonous tone, but did not try to barge her way through. It would not take long for three people to get their passport. She glanced upwards briefly to see how the other person was doing, more out of curiousity then anything. Bass had a jetpack basically. It would be interesting to see how the organic lifeform got down. She continued to walk forward as the queue reduced in size.

    392 words


    Welcome Guest.

    Key To Exploration! [Job | Bass] 8Xdz1Cq

    Current missions(0/6):

    Lineage : Kohl's Plague
    Position : None
    Posts : 57
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    Experience : 175

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    First Skill: Spectral Void
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    Key To Exploration! [Job | Bass] Empty Re: Key To Exploration! [Job | Bass]

    Post by Narumi 1st October 2017, 8:11 am

    She'd continue to look down through the skylight, carefully observing the large crowds, and watching the many trains stop and go, leaving to unknown lands, filled with passengers who she could only assume had the very thing she came for. Now this would be a lot harder than she anticipated. How on earth would she manage to get down there without making enough sound to be noticed? Sure she could easily break the glass, however that would probably get her in a lot of trouble. It's not like she could just steal a passport either, seeing as they apparently needed your photo on them.

    As Narumi planned various ways to infiltrate the train station a new noise hit her fox ears. She turned her head from the glass to her left to see what appeared to be a woman... Except she wasn't. Not entirely after all. Her skin was a dark shade, with lines of gold tracing along her body... And rabbit ears. Was she a yokai just like Narumi? Possibly, but she seemed rather a strange sort. Not once had the fox ever seen a yokai looking like that before. She just watched the girl with a confused look, not realizing she had been staring at the robot woman for quite some time. However, when the other girl finally noticed Narumi she said and did nothing. Not at first anyways. THe woman simply nodded to the fox before saying "Good Luck." Now what could she possibly mean by that? However, before Narumi could even finish her thought the robot woman had begun cutting a hole in the roof!

    Looking around to make sure no one had noticed the little act of vandalism, the fox quickly peered down the hole to see where she had gone. After a few moments, her enhanced canine sight picked up the strange woman (Not that she was very hard to find with the rabbit ears) near the front of the line! IT turns out Narumi and this strange woman had similar goals. How funny. Smirking, she'd use the newly cut hole to her own advantage as well. Sliding down, she didn't completely fall though, not yet. Instead the fox would quickly phase teleport to a chandelier above the train tracks. You see, the booth from which they were handing out passports was situated right on the edge of the tracks, so with careful planning Narumi would be able to do this swiftly and quietly. Just as another train pulled in, the kitusne fell from her perch on top of it, rolling as she landed with a hard thud. Without hesitation, she'd continue to jump from the train car's roof onto the roof of the passport booth. Luckily she wasn't that loud, so nobody had noticed when she landed. With that, she'd silently climb on the back of the booth facing the tracks to where a large open space had been. As the men at the front were taking people's pictures and handing out passports, Narumi silently crept in, grabbing a stationary camera, pointing it to herself, smiling wide as she took a picture of herself. Once that was done, the picture was soon printed along with her very own passport! Smiling at her cleverness, she'd swipe it, leaving a small wad of jewels in its place.

    Soon after, she'd be waiting outside the train station staring at her very own passport, smiling with content. However, she had a reason to still be here, she was waiting for her new friend to exit so she could thank her! And when she did arrive, Narumi would do just that.

    "Hi! I'd like to say thank you for providing a means of entrance! My name is Naarumi!
    What's yours friend?"

    1020/500 Words. Word Count Completed.


    Key To Exploration! [Job | Bass] Request


    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Coming Storms-- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Dragon's Spirit
    Position : None
    Posts : 500
    Cosmic Coins : 1
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    Experience : 125

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Naknight
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    Key To Exploration! [Job | Bass] Empty Re: Key To Exploration! [Job | Bass]

    Post by Bass 1st October 2017, 10:29 am

    It seemed, from her observation, that the fox lady had managed to use some impressive agility to get beyond the front of the queue and soon after left presumably with her passport. The hole had been used very well it seemed. She nodded in approval and eventually got to the front of the queue where the rather surprised and confused guard took her picture and printed out a passport. Once that was done she didn't head out via the normal way, but instead flew back up to the ceiling and through the hole. Using nanites from within her body she repaired the damage flawlessly and then flew down off the roof where the fox lady seemed to be waiting for her as she began to introduce herself. She referred to Bass as friend which was an odd concept considering they had literally exchanged two words.

    "My name is Bass. It is a...hmm whats the word here...pleasure...to meet you....friend" Bass replied in her usual tone the word friend feeling rather pleasant on her vocal modulators. ]color=darked]"As for the hole no need to thank me. I needed to get to the front of the line and you just happened to be near the optimum entry point."[/color] She tilted her head observing the woman more clearly now. She wasn't human or wasn't like any human she'd met. Perhaps she was from Joya as that had animal people though if her memory units were functioning correctly that was cat people. "I was quite impressed by your agility and acrobatic skill. You managed to get beyond the front of the line and get your passport without even the guards noticing I think. It was an approach I hadn't thought of. Very impressive."

    288 words
    944 words total

    Word count completed


    Welcome Guest.

    Key To Exploration! [Job | Bass] 8Xdz1Cq

    Current missions(0/6):

    Lineage : Kohl's Plague
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    Key To Exploration! [Job | Bass] Empty Re: Key To Exploration! [Job | Bass]

    Post by Narumi 2nd October 2017, 2:06 pm

    Narumi smiled cheerfully as the woman now known as Bass complimented her. "Thanks!
    Your quick thinking was the only thing that made it possible though."
    She said. Now that they were face to face, Narumi could more easily observe the girl. Like she had suspected, this woman was indeed not like the many she had encountered so far. Closer inspection showed her skin was in fact not skin at all... Rather metal instead! This woman was some sort of robot! How cool! That would explain the odd, honest choice of words.

    "Well then Bass! I think we could make a good team together! What say you and I stick together for a while?"


    Key To Exploration! [Job | Bass] Request


    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Coming Storms-- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Dragon's Spirit
    Position : None
    Posts : 500
    Cosmic Coins : 1
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    Mentor : -
    Experience : 125

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Naknight
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    Key To Exploration! [Job | Bass] Empty Re: Key To Exploration! [Job | Bass]

    Post by Bass 3rd October 2017, 1:01 am

    An invitation for further jobs? That certainly had potential. It was at that point that her lineage triggered allowing her to see into the future briefly. The path seemed like a rather good one as far as she could tell so Bass nodded. "That seems like a good idea." she replied. It would also give her a chance to allow her to further observe this fox lady and gain a further understanding of exactly what she was and what people like her were like. "It will be a pleasure to work with you I think." Bass was also curious about Narumi's magic and exactly how it functioned. She was sure she'd seen her disappear.

    With those words the two headed off together for future jobs a friendship beginning to form.


    Welcome Guest.

    Key To Exploration! [Job | Bass] 8Xdz1Cq

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      Current date/time is 12th September 2024, 3:00 am