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    A Walk in the Valley of the Shadow (Private: Kaori/ Dmitry)


    Silver Glare

    Silver Glare

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Player 
    Lineage : Glory of the Slayer
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    Posts : 811
    Guild : Lamia Scale
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    Mentor : Hati
    Experience : 8952

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Nature spirit Invocation
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    A Walk in the Valley of the Shadow (Private: Kaori/ Dmitry) Empty A Walk in the Valley of the Shadow (Private: Kaori/ Dmitry)

    Post by Benjamin 17th May 2017, 12:58 am

    Job Description:

    Within the Kingdom of Fiore, there is a dark, wretched place. A place of death and decay, where the land lay barren and life is a pleasant memory. Every cruelty and sin against nature and man dwells within this place, forever preserved by whatever dark power keeps it. There was nothing in this place that any living thing should reasonably desire, no resources to claim and no prize to plunder. And yet, some souls found themselves making their way into this prison of every horror known to man, such as a certain gray haired wizard and his peculiar companion.

    Dmitry Kazakov gazed into the abyss that was the cursed lands, a place he was always loathe to visit. While that was a fairly common sentiment to be sure, in his case, the cause was incredibly rare. Due to a unique ability to sense entities and beings of less physical nature, things that couldn't see or hear or touch. While some would consider such a thing a gift and it had certainly benefited the young wizard on many an occasion, it was a sick joke in such a place as this where he could feel the malevolence crawling up his back. 'Steel yourself, boy.' Came the voice of the wolf spirit, Hati. 'There is worse yet to come, I'm afraid.' Dmitry scoffed despite his own cold sweat. 'Don't need you worryin' over me, old man.' He had begun to regret agreeing to come along for this mission, but it made sense for him to tag along for any job involving this place, considering his unique experience in such phenomena. He also seemed to recall something about a request made by a large breasted woman, something to do with corpses and hostages and such. In all honesty, thinking on the subject seemed to only confuse him more, perhaps due to his own inability to understand other people.

    All the same, he lamented that he had to be here yet again, albeit with trusted company. On that note, he turned his head to the companion at his side.

    "So why are we here again?"

    WC: 352/3,750

    Last edited by Dmitry on 13th June 2017, 5:52 pm; edited 2 times in total

    Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Rising Star- Legal Guild Ace- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Fan Art Contest Participant- Haiku Contest Participant- Lineage Making Contest Participant- Rich- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Tertiary Magic- Vehicle- Ship- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Motor City Rush- Player 
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    Guild : Lamia Scale - "Jizō"
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 1,444,887.5

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Assassin Magic
    Second Skill: Celestial Crew
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    A Walk in the Valley of the Shadow (Private: Kaori/ Dmitry) Empty Re: A Walk in the Valley of the Shadow (Private: Kaori/ Dmitry)

    Post by ○Kaori 19th May 2017, 6:54 am

    A Walk in the Valley of the Shadow (Private: Kaori/ Dmitry) Ukar8e11

    A Walk in the Valley of the Shadow (Private: Kaori/ Dmitry) Nviajx11

    Kaori had planned to spend the day working with her new friends at the docks to build a new ship. She had already made the plans and arranged for the materials to be brought to the local ship yard when Dmitry, a strange acquaintance of hers' had decided it was a grande time to decide that he was going to the cursed lands... again. They got the job when some chick with breasts large enough to store her brains had bumped into, well, tackled Dmitry and began shouting at him in a worried tone. At first it was incomprehensible, but a firm smack of the broad side of her sword against booby lady's dome seemed to be enough to force reboot her senses. The woman was a member of a trading guild, the leader's daughter to be exact. She explained that she and her clan were traveling near the cursed lands on a route they'd taken before that was basically a shortcut. They new the dangers but took the path anyways. This time however... things were different. They were attacked and overwhelmed by undead. Creatures that were slain but still walked among the living. But unlike conventional zombies, these ones were organized under one banner. She had begged Dmitry to save her guildmates, bringing up the fact that they were the only family she had and asked what he'd do if they were his guild, or Kaori specifically. Naturally Kaori wouldn't let him go at it alone...

    "Why are we here?" Kaori repeated Dmitry's question with a somewhat irritated voice. "Because you get so damn sentimental when someone mentions friendship and family you damn shemale!" she shouted it him. "I bet you were entranced by her chest, pervert!" She was prepared to have delivered a rather fast, powerful punch to his torso that ended with a low fluff instead of a thud, something resembling what would happen if you punched a pillow, or a bed made of memory foam. The cause for the sudden drop in power from her punch was that she was taken by surprise when a random pressure was felt on her head. "Nanidesuka?" she said in a curious tone that was muffled severely by her mask, like everything else she said. The pressure shifted to her shoulder, something sitting on two feet... two... small feet. Kaori turned her head, locking eyes with a small spider monkey that pressed its' palms against the front of her mask and let out a set of curious sounds. Kaori lifted her opposing hand to poke at the small creature, but it leaped to the hand and began hanging from it while making a sound that resembled laughing. "That's right... Mitsy's too dull to notice a woman's body." she said in a hushed tone, having remembered he's closer to an animal than a human male mentally.

    Kaori knelt down and set the little simian on the floor, noticing that it was missing something important... a portion of its' stomach. "How are you still alive?" she asked, as though the monkey could understand human speech. The creature replied in the only language it knew, Kaori's ability to command animals naturally letting her understand them. "But if you're dead then how are you... you know, alive?" She asked, not caring if she looked crazy for talking to an undead monkey. "Oh, you were resurrected. Why aren't you attacking us?" She asked after the critter replied. "That sounds about right. You know how to get back? My friend and I needa handle some business with the guy raising the dead." she said calmly, the monkey replying by pointing in a direction and letting out a single 'Ook' to acknowledge it being the right direction. It jumped on Kaori's shoulder, establishing that it was willing to help.

    A Walk in the Valley of the Shadow (Private: Kaori/ Dmitry) J6q08l11

    WC: 633


    Silver Glare

    Silver Glare

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Player 
    Lineage : Glory of the Slayer
    Position : None
    Posts : 811
    Guild : Lamia Scale
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Mentor : Hati
    Experience : 8952

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Nature spirit Invocation
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    A Walk in the Valley of the Shadow (Private: Kaori/ Dmitry) Empty Re: A Walk in the Valley of the Shadow (Private: Kaori/ Dmitry)

    Post by Benjamin 19th May 2017, 11:22 pm

    Oddly enough, Dmitry actually got frustrated with Kaori's accusations, albeit he had no idea what a 'shemale' even was. "Hey!" He shouted at the demonstrably smaller person, barely even noticing her deteriorated punch. "I ain't sentimental! Friends and crap had nothing to do with it!" It was then that he noticed the tiny, flesh-eating, zombie monkey on her head, Kaori chatting away with it as usual. "Don't get too attached to that thing." He warned indifferently, having a brief amount of experience with the undead. "Once we deal with the necromancer, odds are, that little guy's gonna fall apart. Life's supposed to die and the planet takes what it's owed." It may have been blunt, but Dmitry knew it to be true. After all, it was the first lesson he was taught by the wolf spirit, one that guided his survival as well as his understanding of the natural world. Nothing truly ever ends, it simply changes form. Everything is recycled. Nothing is wasted, not really. There are no exceptions, not even so called immortals.

    "C'mon, lets get going before that monkey rots anymore." He said before heading in the direction the newcomer pointed. 'You know, I'm quite curious myself,' Hati mused. 'Why did you accept such a request?' Dmitry pondered the question, not entirely sure of the answer himself. 'I'll figure it out after we're done.' He responded, deciding not to think too much about it. 'Till then, I'll stick with it seeming like a good idea at the time.'

    On that note, the gray haired wizard looked back to his partner, a thought coming to mind. "So why'd you come along anyway?" He asked, legitimately confused. "Not like you stand to gain anything. Even seems like you didn't want to in the first place." To his mind, he could think of no sensible reason for her to tag along, although he couldn't see much reason in most of her actions anyway. It seemed as though she helped with a great many things that had nothing to do with her, a course of action Dmitry had been raised to avoid. More civilized folk might find this to be callous, but the wild had no sympathy for the kind and generous.

    "What's in it for you?"

    WC: 728/3,750

    Last edited by Dmitry on 13th June 2017, 5:53 pm; edited 2 times in total

    Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Rising Star- Legal Guild Ace- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Fan Art Contest Participant- Haiku Contest Participant- Lineage Making Contest Participant- Rich- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Tertiary Magic- Vehicle- Ship- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Motor City Rush- Player 
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    Experience : 1,444,887.5

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Assassin Magic
    Second Skill: Celestial Crew
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    A Walk in the Valley of the Shadow (Private: Kaori/ Dmitry) Empty Re: A Walk in the Valley of the Shadow (Private: Kaori/ Dmitry)

    Post by ○Kaori 20th May 2017, 9:53 pm

    A Walk in the Valley of the Shadow (Private: Kaori/ Dmitry) Ukar8e11

    A Walk in the Valley of the Shadow (Private: Kaori/ Dmitry) Nviajx11

    "I don't needa be reminded about things dying. I've been putting an end to lives for the past decade- alone." Kaori snapped at Dmitry upon his friendly warning about their monkey guide. The reminder was something she interpreted as him treating her like a child. Kaori hadn't had the chance to be a little girl, or even a girl at all in the past ten or so years. She was too busy putting an end to Saia's clan, and anyone else who proved to be too dangerous to let live. While many would say that Kaori was killing off dangerous people and being a hero of justice by doing so, Fiore's magic council would disagree and the crown along with it. Some people Kaori killed were just lowly thugs, people who should be in jail. Others were wealthy, powerful nobles who helped fund the magic council in exchange for pardons for their magical abomanations.

    Dmitry had asked Kaori what her reason for coming was, what she had to gain from this little rescue mission. The question alone was somewhat insulting, but Kaori had remembered that Dmitry was different from 'civilized' people in that he didn't have much of an understanding of them. "Did you hear us strike any deals?" she said in a fairly cold voice. "I came to make sure you get home safe, dumb ass. That's what's in it for me." she said after a second or two. It wasn't that Dmitry had truly insulted her, but the fact that he'd assumed she had something to gain, or that she wanted anything more out of this was what insulted her. For someone who walked around with a talking wolf, he didn't seem to understand pack-logic. Wolves rarely hunted alone, and while Kaori knew very little about summoning, she did know that the summoned beings couldn't linger forever.

    Kaori had stopped walking and reach for the hilt of her katana. She didn't hear anything, but her instincts were telling her to be on guard. Unlike most people, she had a powerful sixth sense. She could feel it in her skin, her bones, and her heart that something was about to attack. The monkey dismounted Kaori's shoulder, confirming that it was time to fight. Hands began sprouting from the ground around her and Dmitry. It was an organized ambush, probably the same ones that came after the merchants before considering as they weren't very far into the cursed lands yet. Kaori could see they were weak, and Kaori had an attack that would take advantage of their formation. "Mits, don't move." she said with a fairly serious tone while switching to a 6 inch shuriken she kept under her kimono. The object began spinning on her finger, gathering energy and getting larger to create a shuriken 5 feet wide. It shone brilliantly as the energy pulled into it, radiating holy energy that caused the undead to all shield their eyes while backing away slightly. "Tengoku no sutā..." she said, and the star had finished taking form. White flames took over the object and Kaori threw it while shouting "...sekai o moyasu!"

    The star shot out, flying in a circle around them and cutting through nearly every last one of the twenty undead. Those that weren't cut clean through were engulfed by the holy flames of the attack, and were consumed by it. Those that weren't consumed by the flames, were torn apart by the wind around the attack and hand their limbs strewn about. The spider monkey found itself taking refuge, clinging to Dmitry's leg for what felt like an eternity to the undead primate. As the star returned to Kaori, she grabbed it and let the object return to its' original size. The attack left Kaori panting, obviously out of breath. Her magic wasn't for taking on crowds, and what few spells she had that could do it were extremely taxing on her. She was used to using burst spells, things that were very fast and only required her to momentarily expel magic. So spells like her Heavenly Star, that required her to gather magic, control it, and then release it, were things she didn't use often. Her reason for using it now was because Dmitry needed to save his strength. This was his mission, so the kill at the end belonged to him. "Okay... let's... get moving... before more show up." she said between breaths before continuing to walk behind Dmitry.

    A Walk in the Valley of the Shadow (Private: Kaori/ Dmitry) J6q08l11

    WC: 744
    Total: 1,377
    Heavenly Star: C Rank
    Base Damage: 50
    Heavenly Shuriken: +50%
    Total Damage: 75


    Silver Glare

    Silver Glare

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Player 
    Lineage : Glory of the Slayer
    Position : None
    Posts : 811
    Guild : Lamia Scale
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Mentor : Hati
    Experience : 8952

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Nature spirit Invocation
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    Third Skill:

    A Walk in the Valley of the Shadow (Private: Kaori/ Dmitry) Empty Re: A Walk in the Valley of the Shadow (Private: Kaori/ Dmitry)

    Post by Benjamin 22nd May 2017, 8:36 pm

    Dmitry wasn't sure what to expect when she told him not to move, having only seen a small portion of what the ninja could do. However, he was somewhat surprised to see the shuriken expand and cleave down the surrounding undead, something even he was impressed by. It was about this time that he noticed the corpse monkey by his feet, clearly learning for the first time how frightening its new friend could be.

    "Yeah, I know." He said to the tiny, rotten ball of fur and bile. "She scares me too. Just don't look at her." All humor aside, Dmitry noticed that she seemed awfully exhausted after that attack, suggesting it might have been one of the more costly in her repertoire. Surprisingly, he seemed to feel a twang of concern, something he rarely felt over anything. "Hey, why don't you..." The words seemed to evade him, having never had worries to voice, let alone any experience voicing them. "I don't know, hang back or something? You look pretty beat after that." He spoke cautiously, hoping to avoid another confusing rant. Her earlier talk of keeping him alive simply made no sense; why would she need to do that? She knew full well the kind of beings he commanded and his own ability in combat. In nature, living things typically stick together out of a need to survive, dispersing when staying together held no benefit. But she clearly needed no protection from him, nor did it make sense for him to need the same of her.

    'My, my...' The wolf said, as if on queue. 'I haven't seen you this confused since you first tried to build a fire.' Dmitry instantly frowned at that, the memory rather irritating. 'I was eight.' He snapped, crouching down by one of the corpses. Upon examination, it was clear that this husk had only been dead for a few weeks at most, something that didn't add up for most of the dead in the Cursed Lands. Few people ever entered the domain of such evil and it wasn't as though anyone was still working out a living in this hell, meaning most corpses were decades old at least. For there to be any flesh remaining on these bones meant that either there were some, unlikely means of preserving the flesh of these dead men and woman or...

    "These people," he muttered. "They're from the outside world. This guy brought them here, maybe even still kicking." He then looked back to Kaori. "You really need to take it easy for a while. The way this is looking, there's a lot more where these guys came from."

    WC: 1,171/3,750

    Last edited by Dmitry on 13th June 2017, 6:04 pm; edited 2 times in total

    Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Rising Star- Legal Guild Ace- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Fan Art Contest Participant- Haiku Contest Participant- Lineage Making Contest Participant- Rich- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Tertiary Magic- Vehicle- Ship- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Motor City Rush- Player 
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    Experience : 1,444,887.5

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Assassin Magic
    Second Skill: Celestial Crew
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    A Walk in the Valley of the Shadow (Private: Kaori/ Dmitry) Empty Re: A Walk in the Valley of the Shadow (Private: Kaori/ Dmitry)

    Post by ○Kaori 25th May 2017, 5:47 am

    A Walk in the Valley of the Shadow (Private: Kaori/ Dmitry) Ukar8e11

    A Walk in the Valley of the Shadow (Private: Kaori/ Dmitry) Nviajx11

    Kaori's heavy breathing leveled out after a few minutes, but it had brought to her attention just how inexperienced she was. She couldn't even attack Dmitry for telling her to hold back, and stay behind him because she knew that he was giving her good advice. Behind her mask she had red cheeks, embarrassed that there was someone showing concern for her; something that she hadn't had in over a decade. Kaori had felt a small knot in her stomach when thinking of what Dmitry said, that the corpses were from people on the outside word. Outside, meaning from places other than the cursed lands. She didn't like it, the act of killing someone; but she didn't like the act of reanimating the dead even more.

    Kaori was silent while walking behind her comrade, feeling something tugging at her spine the whole time. It was something that just would let her be, something that was begging for her attention as much as she didn't want to give it. Dmitry wasn't particularly good with people, and Kaori was a particularly proud person sometimes. Grabbing her left arm at the elbow, Kaori bit her lip and tried to force herself to see things through Dmitry's eyes. He was someone who was a bit of a tsundere in that he cared about people, but didn't want to admit to it. While he did snap at her first, she was teasing him and when she went after him, he was expressing concern. He was giving her advice that he thought was warranted. Kaori sped her pace up just a bit and gently pinched the back end of Dmitry's coat while saying "Hey Mits..." in a soft, almost vulnerable tone. Her face was bright red under her mask from the embarrassment of apologizing, especially when it was for something that should have been known. If Dmitry turned around to face her, he'd notice her seeming to shrink despite remaining the same size. "I- uh... I'm s-sorry... about earlier." she said before finishing up by adding "I shouldn't have gotten so mad at you."

    A Walk in the Valley of the Shadow (Private: Kaori/ Dmitry) J6q08l11

    WC: 349
    Total: 1,726


    Silver Glare

    Silver Glare

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Player 
    Lineage : Glory of the Slayer
    Position : None
    Posts : 811
    Guild : Lamia Scale
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Mentor : Hati
    Experience : 8952

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Nature spirit Invocation
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    Third Skill:

    A Walk in the Valley of the Shadow (Private: Kaori/ Dmitry) Empty Re: A Walk in the Valley of the Shadow (Private: Kaori/ Dmitry)

    Post by Benjamin 28th May 2017, 12:06 am

    Dmitry sighed when she expressed her sorrow, realizing he'd done something wrong once again. Upon turning around, he was surprised to find her in such a state, having only seen the bold and proud warrior up until now. An odd feeling rose up in the pit of his stomach, one that was lost on him. Still, he decided not to dwell on it and did the first thing that came to mind: he placed a hand on her head, ruffled her hair a bit, and put on an uncharacteristically warm smile. "Hey, don't worry about it." He said softly, one more thing he didn't commonly do. "I...don't know much about this whole friends thing, so I'm gonna need a bit more time before I get this figured out." With that out of the way, Dmitry turned back the direction of the necromancer and went back to walking.

    'Well now, I'm shocked,' came the response of his mentor. 'I didn't think you had it in you, boy.' Dmitry raised an eyebrow at the statement. 'The hell are you on about, old man?' The young medium asked in confusion, the wolf spirit only chuckling in response. "Stupid old man..." Dmitry absentmindedly muttered out loud. Soon after, he stopped in his tracks and leaped backwards, a skeletal arm wielding a sword piercing up through the ground and narrowly avoiding his face. The monster climbed out from the dirt along with three others, while Dmitry already had a circle formed. "I invoke the Great Wolf: Hati!" As the spirit beast charged forth, the wizard that called upon him looked back to his partner. "Stay back this time," he told her. "I don't need you dropping on me out here." Just as he said this, Dmitry dropped down to avoid a swing from his skeletal assailant, sweeping its legs out from under it and stomping through the softer facial bones after it landed. He then took its sword and quickly sidestepped the slash of one of its comrades, delivering a two handed swing to its knees and breaking through them. After it too hit the ground, he brought down the sword onto its neck, decapitating it.

    Meanwhile, Hati already had one of the others' leg in his mouth, swinging the skeleton at the remaining enemy and knocking both to the ground. The leg in his mouth snapped in two upon impact, a result of both the force of both skeletons colliding and the wolf's jaw strength. Dmitry calmly walked up to them and pinned the sword in his hand through both of their rib cages, immobilizing them. As they struggled on the ground, Hati leisurely bit down on one of their necks, twisted, and tore the head from the rest of its body before moving to do the same to the other.

    WC: 1,639/3,750

    Last edited by Dmitry on 13th June 2017, 6:29 pm; edited 1 time in total

    Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Rising Star- Legal Guild Ace- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Fan Art Contest Participant- Haiku Contest Participant- Lineage Making Contest Participant- Rich- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Tertiary Magic- Vehicle- Ship- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Motor City Rush- Player 
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    Experience : 1,444,887.5

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Assassin Magic
    Second Skill: Celestial Crew
    Third Skill:

    A Walk in the Valley of the Shadow (Private: Kaori/ Dmitry) Empty Re: A Walk in the Valley of the Shadow (Private: Kaori/ Dmitry)

    Post by ○Kaori 28th May 2017, 3:00 am

    A Walk in the Valley of the Shadow (Private: Kaori/ Dmitry) Ukar8e11

    A Walk in the Valley of the Shadow (Private: Kaori/ Dmitry) Nviajx11

    Kaori puffed her cheeks, causing her mask to move forward slightly while she also resisted the urge to kiss Dmitry with her fist for rubbing her head like she was a child. The only reason she was being so patient with him was because it's rude to hit someone directly after apologizing for something; doing that sort of negates the apology. Luckily for Mits, he couldn't see her face, otherwise he'd see Kaori with a thick, red line across her face and puffed up with anger and embarrassment. He'd also notice her giving him a glare that made sub-zero seem a bit toasty. Deep in the back of her mind she could only be grateful that he was showing affection instead of being a tsundere again, which rightfully would have gotten him a free, one-way ticket to the other side of the cursed lands courtesy of Kaori's heavenly claw; one of many attacks he hasn't seen.

    Once he removed his hand from Kaori's skull, she fixed her messed up hair while walking behind him while still convincing herself that apologizing was the right thing to do. It took her hours to get her hair brushed, and very expensive oils to make it look as silky as it did. After some time of walking and Kaori adjusting her hair strands, Dmitry stumbled across more undead. Upon instinct, Kaori got ready to attack and had gotten as far as halfway drawing her sword before Dmitry told her to stay back. She had recovered from her slight workout earlier, and was getting ready to tell him off again but stopped. Kaori knew that the undead were normally slow, and physically weak. There weren't very many of them, and Dmitry was better with magic than she was. Kaori let out a sigh and slid her katana back into its' sheathe, a loud metallic sound echoing just before a click. She took a couple steps back to let him handle the situation. Meanwhile, she tried to think of a way that she might be useful against the necromancer.

    While Kaori didn't have her major explosives with her, she did have her small ones; but against a single target, when it was two on one, they were a bit dangerous. Explosives, flash bombs, air blasts, and things that obscure vision are the kinds of things best saved for one-on-one fights since they also could harm her partner. Kaori began examining the way Dmitry moved, and how he fought. It wasn't as refined as her style, which was the result of intense training under a master, and then intense practice in battles. He took the enemy's weapons and used them without aiming for anything critical, just hitting whatever he could. Against undead that kind of style was fine, they were slow, stupid, and quick to kill. The opponent that it might be a bit harder on would be the living one, the necromancer. If the necromancer were a well trained fighter, then Dmitry's method would lead to more injury than success... If he got too hurt, Kaori would have to use 'that' again to end things quickly. The only issue is that Lady Ceostra wouldn't be present to help her recover quickly...

    A Walk in the Valley of the Shadow (Private: Kaori/ Dmitry) J6q08l11

    WC: 536
    Total: 2,262


    Silver Glare

    Silver Glare

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Player 
    Lineage : Glory of the Slayer
    Position : None
    Posts : 811
    Guild : Lamia Scale
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Hati
    Experience : 8952

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Nature spirit Invocation
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    A Walk in the Valley of the Shadow (Private: Kaori/ Dmitry) Empty Re: A Walk in the Valley of the Shadow (Private: Kaori/ Dmitry)

    Post by Benjamin 28th May 2017, 10:53 pm

    "Well, that was boring..." Complained the wolf spirit, clearly disappointed by how easily their enemies were defeated this time around. "Why even bother invoking my name for such a pitiful affair as this?"  Dmitry looked over one of the swords that hadn't been used to pin the still struggling skeletons to the ground, not giving Hati much though outside of his answer. "Figured it'd be best to have you ready to fight nice and early." He said with a calmer tone than he typically had when addressing his mentor, somewhat fixated on the blade. "We're probably gonna run into this schmuck pretty soon and we don't have a clue what they'll have up their sleeve. No sense having to worry about an invocation in the middle of a fight like that."

    Dmitry was no expert on weapons, hardly ever using them himself. However, he could tell the one in his hands was extremely old, between the tarnishing and rust. It went a ways toward explaining why it broke through the skeleton's knee rather than cutting into it and getting stuck, the way one might expect. Not to mention the fact that these undead were so old as to have not an ounce of soft tissue remaining, even having to sprout from the ground. "This guy's no slouch." The gray wizard said, dropping the sword on the ground next to him. "Takes a good bit of power, not to mention skill, to pull up dead like this. Usually the bastards have to rely on residual negativity and malice to manipulate these things, but by now that's pretty much left these bones. That means they were controlled with raw magic power." He suddenly felt worse than he did simply standing in the cursed lands, a feat in of itself. Something was gonna happen. Something bad. It was a feeling he rarely got, particularly to such an extent. But every now and again, he had a feeling of dread that could only be described as instinctive, something he had never ignored. Still, he wasn't alone and they were too far in to turn back now. "C'mon, shouldn't be much longer." He finally said, moving in the direction of their foe.

    WC: 2,007/3,750

    Last edited by Dmitry on 13th June 2017, 6:50 pm; edited 2 times in total

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    A Walk in the Valley of the Shadow (Private: Kaori/ Dmitry) Empty Re: A Walk in the Valley of the Shadow (Private: Kaori/ Dmitry)

    Post by ○Kaori 28th May 2017, 11:59 pm

    A Walk in the Valley of the Shadow (Private: Kaori/ Dmitry) Ukar8e11

    A Walk in the Valley of the Shadow (Private: Kaori/ Dmitry) Nviajx11

    While the fighting was going on, Kaori had reached into her tool belt and pulled out one of the mana thingies she found in the clan's armory. It was one of the good ones, a rectangular prism shaped rock that shone bright blue. The stone was supposed to contain a lot of magical energy, and activating it was supposedly easy; but, Kaori didn't have much experience with using magic. If anything, she'd learned more in the past couple months at the castle, then she'd learned in the past twenty years in her clan in Midi. The crystal shattered in her hands, turning into dust before her very eyes. The dust collided into her palm and seemed to be absorbed into her, causing her eyes to widen. She felt her energy returning in earnest, even 'overcharging' her just a bit; but she didn't mind that since it didn't hurt.

    When she saw the fight was over, Kaori began looking around. Something was tugging at her senses. Her gut had a slight queasiness to it that she couldn't dismiss. It was the feeling she got when she was about to be attacked, but she couldn't hear anything moving. Granted the cursed lands smelled like death, she couldn't smell anything approaching that stuck out from the surroundings. Normally by now she'd be all over Hati like water on a dolphin, but she was distracted by something more powerful than her adoration for all things furry... Dmitry was busy looking at a sword, commenting on how strong their enemy must've been. Not far from the group, directly in front them, Kaori saw what was grabbing at her senses. The rest of it blended into the cursed lands almost perfectly, but the fireball it was forming in its mouth didn't blend in so well. Everything slowed down for Kaori and her eyes grew narrow, her hand instinctively reaching for her Holy Shuriken. 'How did it sneak up on us!?' she thought while throwing the star. Kaori vanished, reappearing between Dmitry, Hati, and the undead dragon with her hands extended towards the Shuriken with open palms. "Mizu no Seinaru Kabe!" she blurted out, rushing the spell and forcing the shuriken to expel magic rapidly, on top of altering the element of the spell to be water based. At the same time, the dragon was letting its breath attack out. Kaori saw the barrier expanding in slow motion, barely being able to get wide enough before being assaulted by the attack. Flames erupted on either side of the barrier, and Kaori's snow white hair flickered violently in the wake of the wind kicked up by the attack. The water element of the spell helped to cool the flames just enough for Kaori to keep the barrier up, but she had to incorporate her telekinesis in keeping the shuriken from flying back and slamming into her.

    Kaori felt the ground shifting below her as she was beginning to be pushed back. While most would think this impossible, since there was clearly nothing putting pressure on her to warrant it, that was because they didn't understand physics and how even telekinesis couldn't counter it. When Kaori was using her telekinesis, she wasn't just lifting or moving objects. She was exerting force on the object, in a specific direction. For the shuriken, she was exerting force to keep it a set distance from her. So when the force the dragon was exerting on the shuriken was greater than the force Kaori was exerting, it pushed the shuriken back. Since she was focused on keeping that distance, the shuriken began exerting force on Kaori; an equal, and opposite reaction. This was why she began moving backwards, and with nowhere to go on account of the fact that she was essentially in a bubble in the flames, Kaori was in a bad spot. She could escape, but Dmitry would likely die. 'Think...' she thought to herself while her arms began to buckle. 'I can't use my clones, they'd be gone instantly.'

    Her eyes returned to their original, focused state. She had an idea but she knew that she'd have less than a second to do it, and one shot. One of the pouches on her right side opened and a shockwave bomb was pulled out with a purple glow around it. The button on the top was pressed, and Kaori waited while counting the seconds that passed. It was a five second timer, and just as she reached four, she vanished and her barrier broke. Dmitry would see the flames and Kaori's shuriken moving toward him for a moment. Just as a loud explosion went off, the flames would be pushed aside by a powerful blast of air and the dragon's head would be thrown aside. It turned to Kaori, snapping its jaws and growling at her. The dragon was mostly rotting, already dead, but also very much alive. It began turning to Kaori, accepting her challenge. Kaori drew her sword and took a fighting stance. She'd never fought a dragon, but there was always time for new experiences; even if it would be her last one. "Mits, grab the monkey and go on ahead!" Kaori shouted. If Dmitry would argue, she would instantly interrupt him. "GET GOING DUMBASS!" she'd start, following with "It's obviously undead! We don't stand a chance in hell of winning if we fight the dragon, so find the necromancer and kill him!" The dragon would wait while Kaori made the fight one-on-one. If Dmitry tried protesting again, Hati would hear in his mind 'Get Mitsy out of here!' and feel Kaori trying to use her lineage to force him to do it. At the same time, he'd feel Kaori's fear, and desperation to keep Dmitry safe. He'd feel her passion, and love for her friends; and hopefully, would understand why she was trying to force him.

    A Walk in the Valley of the Shadow (Private: Kaori/ Dmitry) J6q08l11

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    Silver Glare

    Silver Glare

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    A Walk in the Valley of the Shadow (Private: Kaori/ Dmitry) Empty Re: A Walk in the Valley of the Shadow (Private: Kaori/ Dmitry)

    Post by Benjamin 5th June 2017, 3:35 am

    While he was certainly surprised that he let such a high profile enemy sneak up on him, what truly shocked him was Kaori's suggestion. True, it was certainly a logical conclusion that taking down the necromancer was their best bet at surviving the dragon, something he could certainly understand. What he couldn't comprehend was why she would make such a gamble based on his abilities, considering how little she knew of him. Even if they had been on a few missions, they didn't know each other well enough to warrant such faith and trust. Why would she risk so much based on so little information?

    Her shout brought him to his senses, the dragon itself aiding in that effect. There wasn't any point in debating the issue, what with the impending doom before their very eyes. Dmitry turned to leave, ready to end this nonsense, but found his feet wouldn't move forward. It felt as though he was anchored to the spot, confusion pouring over him like a tidal wave. A flash of images ran through his mind, his eyes widening and his breath becoming even heavier than before. It all felt so dreadfully familiar, despite the bizarre nature of their current situation. He had been here before, well before he joined Lamia Scale. It was his first time traveling to this specific location, but this scenario was well known to the gray haired wizard. A village burning in the middle of what would have been a dark, moonless night. Men, women, and children dead or dying, begging for mercy from their killers. A mother crying out to her son, pleading him to take flight, lest he die in that place. And the boy ran...

    Dmitry grit his teeth, his heart beating faster. He couldn't just leave, not without doing something to aid his friend. But staying was suicide for both of them, no matter how he looked at it. Regardless of how he felt about the situation, Kaori was still right. "I invoke the World Serpent..." He said in a panicked voice, doing the only thing he could. "Jormangand!" Upon manifesting in the physical plane, the massive snake quickly made its way to the dragon, Hati taking off as well. As the serpent moved to provide cover for Kaori's approach, the wolf quickly closed the gap to leap up and sink its fangs into the dragons neck before it could react, hanging from the flesh he was biting. If the ninja decided not to use the cover provided, Jormangand would simply wrap itself around the dragon's body, preventing it from moving from the spot it was in. It would then sink its own fangs into the creature, adding to its restraint as well as the damage done to it.

    "I'm gonna trust you not to die on me..." He muttered before sprinting off in the direction of his target, even more intent on ending this quickly than he was before.

    WC: 2,499/3,750

    Last edited by Dmitry on 13th June 2017, 7:24 pm; edited 3 times in total

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    A Walk in the Valley of the Shadow (Private: Kaori/ Dmitry) Empty Re: A Walk in the Valley of the Shadow (Private: Kaori/ Dmitry)

    Post by ○Kaori 10th June 2017, 10:22 am

    A Walk in the Valley of the Shadow (Private: Kaori/ Dmitry) Ukar8e11

    A Walk in the Valley of the Shadow (Private: Kaori/ Dmitry) Nviajx11

    Kaori put on a light smile under her mask at Dmitry's comment before leaving. "Me... die?" she said in a soft voice, hushed by her mask. "Assassins don't die, we just go to hell for a vacation." she finished, raising her blade and getting ready to attack. As the dragon got ready to launch its flames at Kaori, Jormangand provided her the cover she needed to get in close. She jumped on the giant snake's neck and projected her heavenly wall before saying 'Go!' in the snake's mind. Even if it couldn't understand human speech, it would understand Kaori. As the snake charged, the flames would begin splitting and Kaori would cling to one of the snake's scales as best she could. Hati biting down on the dragon's neck caused its flames to move off course, and Kaori took that time to advance.

    The dragon wrung itself, flailing and letting a chunk of its neck be torn out; setting itself free. It then raised its wings and took to the skies, putting itself out of the range of the three land based beings. Kaori stopped her advance and force herself not to panic. Packing would be the death of her, it would distract her and cause her to miss a vital opportunity. "Hati, Jormangand..." Kaori said in a somewhat unsure, but thought provoked tone. Meanwhile, a red flicker was showing on the horizon and closing in fast. "I can get it on the ground, but I need you to make a hole in its stomach and the other to keep it pinned." She then reached her hand up, and began waiting. The dragon began closing in, getting a massive fireball ready to fire at them. Suddenly, a red streak shot past the snake and wolf and Kaori was gone. 'Good boy.' she said in the hawk's mind as it began turning back and heading for the dragon.

    Kaori had the hawk move towards its head where Kaori dropped another shockwave bomb. Upon detonating, the bomb threw the dragon off target again and sent the fireball into the distance. The hawk then turned upwards, doing a loop and coming back around the dragon's side. Dangling from its neck, attached to a rope was Kaori's Fusion Core fore her motorcycle. She grabbed the core and landed on the dragon's back, quickly setting one of her explosive charges on the joint where the wing was. She ran to the other side, leaping on the dragon's spines to avoid falling into its body through one of the rotted portions of its flesh; the throwing up part would have to wait till later. She set the other charge down and jumped off, using her telekinesis to land safely on the ground before pulling out her iLac. When she pressed the icon on the screen, the two bombs exploded, sending the dragon to the ground; from here, it would be Hati and Jormangands turns.

    A Walk in the Valley of the Shadow (Private: Kaori/ Dmitry) J6q08l11

    WC: 489
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    Silver Glare

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    A Walk in the Valley of the Shadow (Private: Kaori/ Dmitry) Empty Re: A Walk in the Valley of the Shadow (Private: Kaori/ Dmitry)

    Post by Benjamin 13th June 2017, 12:55 am

    As the dragon fell back to the earth, landing on its back, the two animal spirits quickly fell upon it. Naturally, Hati was the first to reach the fallen beast and quickly sunk his fangs into its chest, this time with far more savagery than before. The monster howled out in agony as the spirit wolf tore his way to the sternum of his massive prey, sparing not one moments pause in this brutal task. Before the dragon could return to its feet and attack, Jormangand closed in and wrapped itself around the monster's upper and lower legs, as well as its wings. It would stay in this position until Kaori had completed her scheme, barring that plan involving some other action on the spirit's part. Of course, it left the freshly made hole exposed, Hati jumping off shortly after. "Your move now, my dear!" The spectral canine shouted, taking an unhealthy amount of joy from the current predicament. "Make your play!"

    Meanwhile, Dmitry was sprinting hard for the necromancer's location, carrying two of the swords from the earlier, skeletal opponents. While he still wasn't anymore an expert on weapons than he was earlier, it was likely that he would at least find some use or another for the blades in his upcoming fight with the man causing all this. As he was closing in, he could feel the earth shaking, something that only made his worry grow ever more. It may have been from the dragon hitting the ground during the fight he had left, something he wouldn't be able to entirely figure out from his location on his own. Then again, it could just as well have been the enormous abomination he soon found charging in his direction, something he didn't have time to stop and think about. A monstrous and grotesque collection of corpses held together with magic to form one, hulking beast, it wasn't something he could kill quickly, if at all. Instead, he would have to slow it down and buy himself just enough time to kill its maker, something he could do rather effectively. As the rotting thing closed in, Dmitry fell backwards without breaking his momentum and slid on the ground between the walking obstacles legs, planting a sword into whatever lump of flesh constituted as its 'knee'. Even if the abomination didn't feel the slightest hint of pain, having a piece of steel pinned through its leg would be enough to adequately hinder its movement. Sure enough, as it made an attempt to turn around and pursue its prey, the walking insult to nature and creation tumbled down to the ground with a loud thud, its size and abhorrent components making it nearly impossible for the disgusting mass of body parts to push itself to its feet. As Dmitry stopped sliding, he quickly scrambled to his own two feat, left the befuddled corpse collection behind him, and continued his sprint toward his final opponent, the one who caused this whole mess.

    It wasn't long before the dark wizard was in sight, the wretched filth quickly launching a dark orb of concentrated death energy at his gray-haired assailant. Dmitry had barely enough time to duck underneath the projectile that would have sapped the very life essence from his body, nearly losing his balance and falling to the ground, but recovering just in time to dodge another orb of death. This time he had to dodge to the left, causing him to fall over to the ground. However, he rolled on impact and used the momentum to spring to his feet, continuing the charge for his target. At this stage, there was too little distance between the two for the necromancer to stall him with attacks, so he used his foul magic to conjure a wall of bones in an effort to buy himself more time that he may put further distance between himself and the Lamia Scale wizard, perhaps summon more undead minions. However, before the wall could reach three feat, Dmitry leaped over the partition of bones and rolled to a stop before shifting direction and charging for the death wielder. Panicked, the necromancer attempted to conjure yet another orb of death, running out of ways to stall his attacker and, by proxy, his demise. But before he could even begin the spell, Dmitry hurled the sword at the man, the pommel bashing into his forehead and halting his attack. By the time the weapon hit and bounced off the man's head, the spirit wizard had already closed the distance between them. As the blade spun through the air, Dmitry caught it at its grip, braced the pommel with his left hand, and drove it into the necromancer's chest, using all of his collective momentum to push the sword through his target's heart.

    It was something he tried to avoid in most fights, as killing humans typically brought about feuds and quests for revenge. However, it was clear that this man was alone in this world and even if he wasn't, Dmitry could no longer afford to spare his life. Rather than bother with removing the blade, he simply let the man fall to the ground, impaled. He coughed up mouthful of blood and muttered something unintelligible, perhaps his own shock at being killed. Soon after he stopped breathing, the necromancer quickly disintegrate, much like sand blowing away in the wind. As he did so, whatever was left of the dragon after Kaori's next move, along with everything else that was reanimated, would follow their master's example and fade into the wind. 'Old man?' He called to his mentor, desperate to know how he and, more importantly, the masked ninja fared. 'Don't worry boy,' the spirit responded. 'The young lady is alive.' Dmitry let out a sigh of relief, then marveled at the fact that he was worried in the first place. He began to wonder if this was why guilds formed, why humans always clung together. Was it more than simple survival instinct? Could there ever even be something more important than living? It was beginning to seem that he had found his answers, at least, those that he sought from the Lamia Scale guild.

    "Um, excuse me?" A timid voice caught Dmitry's attention, snapping him from his musings. "Who...who are you?" It came from the guild member that he and Kaori were there to rescue. "C'mon," he said to them. "Your boss sent me and a friend of mine to come get you out of here." Not wanting to look a gift horse in the mouth, the survivors simply nodded and followed behind him as he made his way back to Kaori, dispersing Jormangand and Hati from their physical forms as he went. After regrouping, the full group would then make their way back to the nearest town and report back to the woman who gave them their task to begin with, their mission thoroughly accomplished. After that, Dmitry would part ways with Kaori.

    "I've learned something from the guild," He said with a calm and somewhat serene expression. "But that just means I gotta go my own way again. Figure the rest out for myself. Tell the rabbit not to get to ticked with me. And make sure you don't get yourself killed anytime soon. Also, the old man says goodbye." Dmitry turned to leave. "And...I guess it's goodbye from me too." With that he walked out of town and into a brand new journey of his own.

    After Dmitry's good by, Kaori would here a voice in her head.

    "So, long my dear."

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    A Walk in the Valley of the Shadow (Private: Kaori/ Dmitry) Empty Re: A Walk in the Valley of the Shadow (Private: Kaori/ Dmitry)

    Post by ○Kaori 15th June 2017, 8:33 pm

    A Walk in the Valley of the Shadow (Private: Kaori/ Dmitry) Ukar8e11

    A Walk in the Valley of the Shadow (Private: Kaori/ Dmitry) Nviajx11

    Not a single tear was shed upon the notice of Dmitry's departure. Kaori didn't feel sad when people she liked left, she simply treated them as though they died. He had gotten whatever he'd come to the clan to get, and now was moving on with his life. Kaori would go on to let the clan leader know this, and continue living as though they'd never met. It was something she'd done countless times before, and she would do countless times again before she died...

    A Walk in the Valley of the Shadow (Private: Kaori/ Dmitry) J6q08l11

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