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    CHERRY BLOSSOMS EVERYWHERE ★ private, job, shizuka

    Shiori Saikawa

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    CHERRY BLOSSOMS EVERYWHERE ★ private, job, shizuka Empty CHERRY BLOSSOMS EVERYWHERE ★ private, job, shizuka

    Post by Shiori Saikawa 8th May 2017, 4:10 pm

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    Shiori Saikawa

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Obtain A Lineage!- Player 
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    CHERRY BLOSSOMS EVERYWHERE ★ private, job, shizuka Empty Re: CHERRY BLOSSOMS EVERYWHERE ★ private, job, shizuka

    Post by Shiori Saikawa 8th May 2017, 4:11 pm

    (Rolling all enemies ahead of time for neatness)

    Last edited by Vesta on 8th May 2017, 4:12 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    CHERRY BLOSSOMS EVERYWHERE ★ private, job, shizuka Empty Re: CHERRY BLOSSOMS EVERYWHERE ★ private, job, shizuka

    Post by NPC 8th May 2017, 4:11 pm

    The member 'Vesta' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    CHERRY BLOSSOMS EVERYWHERE ★ private, job, shizuka WeakMonster CHERRY BLOSSOMS EVERYWHERE ★ private, job, shizuka NormalMonster CHERRY BLOSSOMS EVERYWHERE ★ private, job, shizuka NormalMonster CHERRY BLOSSOMS EVERYWHERE ★ private, job, shizuka NormalMonster CHERRY BLOSSOMS EVERYWHERE ★ private, job, shizuka NormalMonster CHERRY BLOSSOMS EVERYWHERE ★ private, job, shizuka WeakMonster CHERRY BLOSSOMS EVERYWHERE ★ private, job, shizuka StrongMonster CHERRY BLOSSOMS EVERYWHERE ★ private, job, shizuka WeakMonster CHERRY BLOSSOMS EVERYWHERE ★ private, job, shizuka StrongMonster CHERRY BLOSSOMS EVERYWHERE ★ private, job, shizuka NormalMonster
    Shiori Saikawa

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Obtain A Lineage!- Player 
    Lineage : Gold Rush
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    CHERRY BLOSSOMS EVERYWHERE ★ private, job, shizuka Empty Re: CHERRY BLOSSOMS EVERYWHERE ★ private, job, shizuka

    Post by Shiori Saikawa 8th May 2017, 4:48 pm

    CHERRY BLOSSOMS EVERYWHERE ★ private, job, shizuka WIjlryD

    Vesta Guildless C-Rank

    The young maiden sat upon a picnic bench, swinging her small legs back and forth, sort of like a pair of scissors. Her delicate hands gripped her seat slightly as she stared off in front of her, lost among her own thoughts. Her backpack, of which held her magic book, sat next to her on her right. She was glad to be back in this beautifully magical shopping district known by the name, Rose Garden. She had been here a couple times before, getting her passport, doing some jobs, etc. etc. But this time, she was yet again doing a job, but not by herself this time, neither with her young mother Kimial. But a complete stranger, a young girl about her age, of which she got stuck doing this job with. Though she didn't mind working with a person she didn't know very well, she wasn't asocial or anything, usually quite the opposite actually. The witch was looking forward to meeting another magic user around her age. Which was actually rather hard to find, though I guess she didn't socialize that much so maybe she hasn't looked to hard.
    Her hand traced up from the bench of which she sat upon, up towards her chest to fiddle around with the key necklace, pulling it out from its hiding place of underneath her shirt. It resembled something like a beak with wings, with the color scheme pink, gold and white, which stayed the same once it was transformed into it's staff form. Which was it's more useful form, to either help cast her magic, or just use as a weapon. Shaking her head, pulling herself from her trance like state of daydreaming. She reached over after dropping her one hand, to her bag. Picking it up, she set it upon her lap and stopped kicking her legs. Unclipping it she peeked in to look at the bag, she pulled the book up enough to see the front cover. A regally beautiful, golden and maneless lion was laid upon the deep red cover of the case. Once she heard footsteps, she pushed it back down into the pack, clipping it closed she put it back to her side. Then her soft green gaze looked up, assuming her mission companion has arrived, she looked at her through the large amount of cherry blossom petals falling from what seemed like nowhere.

    W o r d    C o u n t:
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    Shizuka Hebi
    Shizuka Hebi

    Lineage : Serpent's Fang
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    CHERRY BLOSSOMS EVERYWHERE ★ private, job, shizuka Empty Re: CHERRY BLOSSOMS EVERYWHERE ★ private, job, shizuka

    Post by Shizuka Hebi 9th May 2017, 5:31 am

    Among the cherry blossoms falling there was a blond hair girl, around 9 years old with a backpack on her back in the shape of a funny looking monster, she also wore a bluish green dress with black leggings with star patterns on them, she was kicking and jumping in the cherry blossoms just having a grand time, hey her dad might have been a Sky Dragonslayer, but Shizuka still loved it when Cherry blossoms fell, even though these were well a lot in Rose Garden for the season, well almost to much like an unnatural occurrence.
    As she played in the blossoms she looked up to see a young girl, her age with a backpack too sitting on one of the benches, she remembered that she had a job to do with a girl named Vesta, and judging by looks at her she could tell that was Vesta looking at her, she stopped jumping and lightly skipped her way over to her. When she got to her Shizuka smiled and stopped and held out her hand gently to her "Hehe, sorry about that, I'm Shizuka Hebi-Tyreal, it's nice to meet my job partner, you must be Vesta right?" she politely asked her, Shizuka had ways of telling good and bad people apart, with kids as well, though with Vesta, Shizuka felt like she was a good soul, nice and kind too, but of course that was just her thoughts before Vesta even spoke to her, she didn't know if Vesta was gonna actually be nice or not, she just had a feeling truth be told.

    "I hope you are liking Rose Garden, you must be new here right? I don't think ive ever seen ya around here before or maybe you have been and i've just never seen ya around but ya know i dont know if you have or not and ya now im just gonna quit talking." Shizuka blabbered on, as she blushed in embarrassment as she scratched behind her head chuckling and sweat dropping , another sorta...well fault with Shizuka is that around new people she sorta....blabbed on or made a fool of herself in front of them, well make that two checks for Vesta then since Shizuka had already been caught playing in the petals and she was blabbing on as well, not only that she wanted to try to hide she was partially deaf to people which some could tell by her slightly higher tone of voice, not really loud but just enough to tell the difference, that part she had been working on to fix, but right now in a way she hoped that she wasn't looking like a blasted idiot in front of her job partner Vesta right now.

    (Word Count: 458//2000)
    Shiori Saikawa

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Obtain A Lineage!- Player 
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    CHERRY BLOSSOMS EVERYWHERE ★ private, job, shizuka Empty Re: CHERRY BLOSSOMS EVERYWHERE ★ private, job, shizuka

    Post by Shiori Saikawa 9th May 2017, 9:43 am

    CHERRY BLOSSOMS EVERYWHERE ★ private, job, shizuka WIjlryD

    Vesta Guildless C-Rank

    The little witch looked at her new companion for this mission, she had just started walking over to her after playing with some of the many falling petals from the seemingly nonexistent sakura trees. The young dirty blonde came over after noticing Vesta sitting silently there at the picnic table. Then the young lady, probably about the same age as the summoner herself, started to speak. Introducing herself after apologizing about playing around, which she didn't really understand why she would have to apologize for that. But she let Shizuka finish, be it rude to interrupt, especially with someone she just met. As she spoke she stood, putting the pack back onto her back, expecting that they would be moving on soon. When the girl her age asked if she must be Vesta, she nodded with a chipper smile upon her fair complexion. Rocking back and forth from the ball and heel of her feet while the little mage before her spoke. She seemed like a nice person, and by her rambling and apologizing earlier, she seemed nervous around new people and about her own image.
    Not uncommon, a lot of the people were similar, she wasn't just going to immediately judge her by their first meeting even if she wasn't usually nervous around new people herself. Probably because she is more a social butterfly then not, though even she needs her alone time. Which she often got, buying groceries or cleaning the house. Doing so for her mother who was often busy doing something else, like reading more things about magic or different jobs. Which Vesta didn't mind doing all those things, it helped her think, and like I said, it's usually what she spent doing while alone. To regain her energy to socialize with others, which she needed or she may get cranky. When she might open up and be friendly later. Can't blame someone for being nervous. With a slight giggle, the girl bowed politely in greeting "Pleasure to meet you Shizuka" she said, standing up straight. Readjusting her bag that held onto her by her shoulders and rested against her back, before offering a hand out to the girl. And would either follow up with some shaking of hands with the girl, or would calmly put her hand back if her job partner didn't also offer up her hands. She wasn't the rude type of person that would laugh at her awkwardness or be offended if she didn't shake her hand.

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    Shizuka Hebi
    Shizuka Hebi

    Lineage : Serpent's Fang
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    Posts : 80
    Guild : Crystal Swan
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    Experience : 168.75

    CHERRY BLOSSOMS EVERYWHERE ★ private, job, shizuka Empty Re: CHERRY BLOSSOMS EVERYWHERE ★ private, job, shizuka

    Post by Shizuka Hebi 10th May 2017, 12:07 pm

    Shizuka looked at Vesta when she bowed, she was very polite and respectful too, Shizuka smiled when she saw that cause not many kids were that nice to do that to a random stranger or even their job partner. When Vesta reached out a hand to shake she reached out and shook her hand back and shook it and smiled brightly "Its a pleasure to meet ya Vesta" after a few seconds of shaking her hand Shizuka let it go and then grabbed the straps her own backpack and looked up seeing more cherry blossoms falling around them as she sighed "Ya know its sorta weird we gotta get rid of these petals, makes the roads and town look very prettier then what they already do" she shrugged slightly as she sighed ready to start the job.
    That was until she looked up and peered her eyes to the center of the town which was near their location but to the east down the stairs from them and she saw what looked like...Plant People "Whoa! Look at that, are those plants dancing in the petals??" she pointed and grabbed Vestas hand and pulled her over to the top of the steps to watch them. The plants that were dancing were vine like, they had cherry blossom flowers on their heads and around their necks, they were like dancing flowers, and around them they were flower like creatures that were making the petals fly around them while the vine like creatures danced elegantly in them, Shiuka was positively amazed by this....were these creatures the cause of it? and if so...did they wanna do this just to have a day to themselves, like just to dance and have fun? "What do you think we should do Vesta? They really don't look like they are causing trouble but....they are causing the petals to come around, do we ask them to leave or do you think they are hostile?" she asked Vesta slightly concerned, if they weren't harming nobody she hoped that they didn't have to hurt them for no reason, but if they were harming people....then they might have to even if it gnawed at her conscious if they were innocent, but if they weren't then she will fight no matter what. "Whatcha think Vesta? You think we should walk up to them down there or should we watch from afar?" she asked her fellow mage looking to her left at her.

    (Word Count: 410 // Total Word Count: 868 // 2000)
    Shiori Saikawa

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Obtain A Lineage!- Player 
    Lineage : Gold Rush
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    CHERRY BLOSSOMS EVERYWHERE ★ private, job, shizuka Empty Re: CHERRY BLOSSOMS EVERYWHERE ★ private, job, shizuka

    Post by Shiori Saikawa 22nd May 2017, 6:49 pm

    CHERRY BLOSSOMS EVERYWHERE ★ private, job, shizuka WIjlryD

    Vesta Guildless C-Rank

    It's good to see that the young blonde her age was getting more comfortable around Vesta, who was basically a stranger to her. The witch kept on a slight delighted smile on her fair complexion, her soft green gaze traced the surroundings. The air was fragrant and surprisingly intoxicating, due to the amount of seemingly endless amounts of the aroma filled flower petals. Everything seemed to be colored with a light pink hue, and she agreed with Shizuka, strange that they had to get rid of such pretty things that made the already gorgeous and enchanting city even more so. But she knew it had to be gotten rid of, she'd already seen other people slipping on the petals a few times. She'd go over and see if they were okay, luckily they were, but she knew it could get rather serious if this kept up. The sakura petals seemed to be falling at a decent pace, probably would have the entire ground (of however far the effect of falling flower petals spread) completely covered in a heavy layer in little more then an hour. It was actually quite worrisome for the child witch. Then of course she was broken from her thoughts.
    Her job partner Shizuka harshly grabbed her by her wrist and yanked her after speaking of some dancing ladies or some such. After she stopped and hopefully let go of the young Sartaq's wrist, she would hold it in her delicate hand and rub it slightly. Yes, she probably wasn't meaning to be harsh and hurt her, but she did. Though she didn't mind, she herself was also easily excitable, she wasn't going to get mad at her over a little pain that would fade in little less the a couple of minutes. Well, I guess it depends on the person, some people made her more easily angered then others, though the poison mage wasn't one of them. Finally the young maiden brought her attention to whatever the dirty blonde mentioned before dragging her along. And it was indeed was she said, plants dancing among the petals, though not what she expected. They were like fairies, elegant nymphs gracefully dancing amidst the falling petals from nonexistent cherry blossom trees. They were dressed in clothes made from the same kind of petals falling around them. Their skin was an unnatural color to that of a human, so they were probably something like what I previously mentioned. There quite few of them, eight Vesta counted, all dancing with such synchronization and elegance it was hypnotizing. Around them the petals seemed to fall faster then it was anywhere else in the city. Then as her companion spoke she noticed something.
    Though listening and considering her reply, she noticed short plant people similar looking to the many dancing, standing among the trees. Giggling and looking at the two nine year olds with mischievous glances. They were like midget versions of the dancers, though they held a slightly less looking graceful look to them and more devious. And there was a lot, a bit more of them than the dancers. Ten, no fifteen, all creeping in the trees surrounding the park area. "Be careful, the petals are slippery, and even if the dancers aren't hostile the ones in the trees are" she spoke in a more hushed tone to the girl. She grabbed the key around her neck and stepped forward, almost not bewaring of the warning she'd given to Shizuka. Slipping a little bit on the flowers before finding some of the ground beneath all the cherry blossom petals with her foot and catching herself.
    Then steadying her stance she took the necklace off and held her arm out, letting it dangle down she spoke in a commanding tone "Key that hides the power of the dark, show your true form before me. I, Vesta, command you under our contract. Release!" then the key did as told by it's master. As a magic circle the color of yellow gold appeared in a wide radius around the young witch, slowly it grew. The head staying the same besides in size, the body length of it increased, and when it came to a stop she grabbed it. The circle slowly faded as she twirled the staff around herself before holding it defensively in front of her person "Prepare yourself Shizuka" she said with a proud smile, the enchanting creatures about them were distracted by her little display. No doubt the dirty blonde was also, at least a little.

    W o r d    C o u n t:
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    Shizuka Hebi
    Shizuka Hebi

    Lineage : Serpent's Fang
    Position : None
    Posts : 80
    Guild : Crystal Swan
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    CHERRY BLOSSOMS EVERYWHERE ★ private, job, shizuka Empty Re: CHERRY BLOSSOMS EVERYWHERE ★ private, job, shizuka

    Post by Shizuka Hebi 23rd June 2017, 7:15 pm

    Shizuka was amazed by the display by Vesta to where she actually summoned a staff, she smiled as she held out her hand as she then summoned her Glaive, a light purple flame ball came up into her hand as she grabbed it and the flame shot up and down as it formed the Silence Glaive, soon the flames dissipated and the Glaive appeared in her hand, she then grasped it with both of her hands as she was ready to fight the off in order to help the town where she would stay from time to time with her father.

    The creatures looked at them as they danced a bit more but soon three of the smaller dancers lunged trying to tackle them "NO!" Shizuka exclaimed as she stepped forward in front of Vesta as she held up her glaive and thrust it forward, as the dancers hit what seemed an invisible wall in front of them as black cracklings happened as the little dancers flew back as they bounced on the ground back at their own comrades, they were perplexed, and Vesta probably was as well, how could they just hit a invisible wall, "Silence Wall....as long as i thrust the glaive forward or any side they will hit an invisible wall allow us to think of a plan of how to take them out or drive them away Vesta" she smiled back at Vesta as she ready for a plan if Vesta had one or just to wing it which either way is good for her, but she didn't want Vesta to be hurt from these creatures and she would do whatever it took to make sure they would getting out unscathed.

    The creatures continued to circle them as more just threw themselves from the front at Shizukas Silence Wall, each hit made her grunt as she kept her glaive up as she huffed doing her best to give Vesta enough time to formulate a plan for the duo.

    (word count: 333 // Total Word Count: 1201)
    Shiori Saikawa

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Obtain A Lineage!- Player 
    Lineage : Gold Rush
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    CHERRY BLOSSOMS EVERYWHERE ★ private, job, shizuka Empty Re: CHERRY BLOSSOMS EVERYWHERE ★ private, job, shizuka

    Post by Shiori Saikawa 27th June 2017, 8:48 am

    CHERRY BLOSSOMS EVERYWHERE ★ private, job, shizuka WIjlryD

    Vesta Guildless C-Rank

    The young witch was very thankful for the dirty blonde protectively jumping in front of her and protecting her, which is hard for herself to do immediately after summoning her staff. She seemed to have summoned some invisible wall to protect them from the swift dancers, which was confirmed when Shizuka told her so. But it wouldn't hold out much longer, so she needed to do something, and she wasn't sure if it would protect them from the little ones in the trees that looked very eager to attack them but weren't sure if a wall would block them from doing so. So with a slight nod in response to her companion, she swung her backpack off her back and over her shoulder as she knelt to the ground. Her knees squishing into the thick layer of petals that encased the ground, and continued to do so as they rained gently from the sky. Taking her book from her bag and clicked it open as she placed it upon the ground. She quickly and frantically looked through the few twelve inch magical cards within her possession, trying to choose one quickly, choose one that would work for this situation. Pausing for a second, noticing a rather persistent attacker who continued to gracefully but forcefully attack one spot. Which made the other little girl cringe whenever it was hit.
    So Vesta pointed a finger gun at what seemed like the most present threat and said in a demanding and confident tone "Shoot Petal Dancer!" and a light shot from her finger and darted over to one of their attackers with speed almost unable to be followed by one's eyes. And it attacked for only a little bit, but it got rid of the most persistent dancer who just became sakura petals that fell among the others on the ground. But while that happened rather quickly, the little witch grabbed a card and started the little ritual that was needed to summon it. Throwing the card up and spinning her wand as she chanted, a large golden magical circle appeared at her feet as she spoke Thunder card, attack the petal dancers and minions, Thunder card, Release and Dispel! and ending it she slammed the beak of the birdlike head of the staff onto the face of the card.
    With the air tasting slightly of ozone and sparks of blue formed the Thunder. A large feline like form made from pure electricity, it's roar sounded like it's namesake. And it glared with a sharp golden gaze that sparkled with pure energy, out from it's body shot bolts of lightning hitting their enemies and electrocuting them. This continued to happen as it ran and clawed some of the dancers. Instead of standing and watching in awe, the witch, decided she would fight also. Now with her enhanced speed, she hovered above the ground, little bits of blue electricity parted her from the ground. She charged someone who was already going to attack her and begun swinging her staff about.

    W o r d    C o u n t:
    2,074 2,000

    Shizuka Hebi
    Shizuka Hebi

    Lineage : Serpent's Fang
    Position : None
    Posts : 80
    Guild : Crystal Swan
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 168.75

    CHERRY BLOSSOMS EVERYWHERE ★ private, job, shizuka Empty Re: CHERRY BLOSSOMS EVERYWHERE ★ private, job, shizuka

    Post by Shizuka Hebi 7th August 2017, 3:39 am

    Shizuka was shocked, no pun intended, as she watched Vesta blast the dancers and then  went off to battle the rose dancers, she held up the shield and wondered if she should activate her powers to help her fellow mage. She contemplated as to what she would do but then saw two of the higher up dancers come from behind Vesta to attack her and Shizuka eyes widened...and then slit like a snakes as she then dropped the shield and then held up her hand sending some snakes from the grass and trees to attack the dancers tangling with them as they were audible hisses and they were not to happy with the creatures right now as they tackled them in front of Vesta.

    What then happened was Shizuka holding up her glaive as it glowed purple as she stepped forward seeing the snakes coil and wrap around the dancers and biting them, even though they were tree creatures and couldn't be poisoned, they were doing their job by holding them. She then twirled her glaive as it finished pointing up "No....You will no hurt my friend!" she then pointed it towards the creatures as she yelled out "Death Reborn Revolution!" and from the glaive spouted 4 lines  of magical energy, but anyone could sense it as it was very powerful, this only happened before when Shizuka was with Astrid attacking the Vulcans. The lines then grabbed hold of the two downed Petal Dancers and two of the little minions as they wrapped and squeezed on the creatures as her snake like eyes glowed a hue of purple before the lines of magic soon began to burn the creatures intently searing them as the creatures wriggled and snarled in pain and anger before the spell from Shizukas glaive literally disintegrated the creatures into a purple like dust as they were nothing more as the ropes of magic energy disappeared as well, but at the same time Shizuka wasted energy as she staggered back and fell to her knees holding on to the glaive.

    She sat there eyes still like a snakes trying to return to her normal self trying to recover her energy leaving her slightly vulnerable as she tried to get back to her feet for the up and coming fight, that was the cost of her power, the glaive took energy from her which was bad for her health since it left her so vulnerable to attacks if she wasn't with the right team mates.

    Word Count: 418 // Total Word Count: 1619 of 2000)
    Shiori Saikawa

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Obtain A Lineage!- Player 
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    CHERRY BLOSSOMS EVERYWHERE ★ private, job, shizuka Empty Re: CHERRY BLOSSOMS EVERYWHERE ★ private, job, shizuka

    Post by Shiori Saikawa 6th October 2017, 3:12 pm

    CHERRY BLOSSOMS EVERYWHERE ★ private, job, shizuka WIjlryD

    Vesta Guildless C-Rank

    The witch felt herself floating above the slippery ground, blue electricity similar to that of the Thunder separated her from the ground by an inch and increased her speed. She kept a wary eye on her summon, the Thunder she knew to have quite the temper and had to get rather out of control if she wasn't careful. She watched as the feline composed of lightening struck the petal dancers with the same lightening they were made of, and also ravaged them with their claws. Soon they were disposed of, the girl felt very bad for them, but since they were the cause of this she figured it was justified. Plus there was really no controlling the Thunder, they were aggressive and nigh uncontrollable, at least with how weak and inexperienced as she is now. She was distracted and didn't realize she was about to be attacked, but was thankfully protected by her job companion. The young girl scolded herself silently for not noticing, but was in awe of the poison mage's ability. "That was incredible Shizuka!" she praised the girl, a cheery smile on her expression. She would've been lost in the moment, with talking and praising the other girl if it wasn't for the next thing that happened.
    As expected of a cat, especially one as untamed and aggressive as the Thunder, they ran off at an incredible speed. Vesta noticed this due to the sound similar to that of lightening striking to earth, came from the feline as they ran off. "Thunder!" she called, but of course as she expected, he didn't return. The girl released a sigh "We should probably follow him, he probably caught their leader's scent" she stated. Then she held a petite hand out towards the other girl "Here grab my hand so you don't slip" she said, figuring that she wouldn't be able to leave Shizuka behind with her enhanced speed if she held her hand. Plus, it would help her not slip of course, just as she said. Since she felt that she wouldn't slip on the petals considering her feet weren't even touching the ground, so now she could help the other girl if needed.

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