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    You're really going to regret this you know


    Demonically Bound

    Demonically Bound

    Developer/GFX Artist- Demon VIP Status- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Have Seijin On Your Friends List- Player 
    Lineage : Warrior of Steel
    Position : None
    Posts : 1093
    Guild : Rune Knights
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 206,450

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Requiem
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    Completed You're really going to regret this you know

    Post by Hania 30th April 2017, 7:36 am

    Advent, who at the moment was lent against a notice board of jobs going over everything that had happened to him since he ended up on Fiore, recently there had been quite an unusual turn of events for the white haired youth, with meeting a the red headed man named Ezra that wanted that to help him get his magic stronger. "That guy doesn't know what he's dealing with... How could he?" he whispered his fingers moving up his left arm touching the long and intricate set of purple runes that sat there; as he did the runes glowed and hummed a little. "I'm not strong enough yet to hear what it does... perhaps that's a good thing..." his voice soft as if deep in concentration as he pushed off the board turning around tilting his head to the right just slightly as he sighed "I know, no mopping what happened, happened, it wasn't my fault" he was frustrated of the same old pep talk and he knew they meant well but in truth he knew it was his his fault and nothing in the plains of existence would ever take away that one sin he committed.

    Shaking his head, his white hair elegantly danced around his toned athletic frame as he tried to change his frame of mind. "Perhaps a job will take my mind off things..." he stated placing his hand on a random flyer "Junii, what does this one say?" he asked smiling listening to the information being given to him "Babysitting? Why would someone want to pay a person to sit on their baby?" he looked confused for a moment before pouting at what seemed to be mid air "You are so mean!" he huffed to anyone passing buy he would seen like a madman talking to himself but soon he collected his composure "Oh, it's when you look after a child... I can do that" he had an almost cat like grin on his face now as he took the flyer and moved to where it had said that the job issuer lived.

    Slowly walking up to the house house knocking on it navy blue door waiting for it to be opened and he smiled bowing his head a little in respect "Hello, my name is Advent and I'll be baby sitting your little monster tonight if you'll permit me." he now raised his head to be level with the woman who looked confused at the blindfolded youth. "I'm not meaning to be insensitive at all, but are you..." "Blind, yes." Advent cut off Katy mid sentence, to him the blindfold was a dead give away to what many deemed his handicap and soon found it was far from that. "Please, don't underestimate me because of that, because I don't have one other senses are heightened and I use that to my advantage." he said honestly, what he really wanted to say wouldn't be appropriate given that for this evening she would be his employer.

    "So you know I can do this without my eyes, you are around five foot, seven inches tall, have elegant black hair tied tightly in a bun with two gold hair pins with opal and pink pearl and a gold and mother of pearl hair comb, they have an aged effect on them so I would say a family heirloom; you're dressed in a wonderful elegant red dress which flows outwards the further it ge-" he said describing the woman but was cut off as she raised her hand she was spooked at how accurate he had been and wanted to close the door on him but there was no way she could hope for another person to come given the time "Okay, fine you proved your point. We have to go now and if you hope for payment Aeron must be asleep by the time we get back." he said sternly "No worries miss, he'll be in the best of hands" he said with a smile walking into the house as he was finally invited in only to have Katy and her husband dash out as their carriage pulled up.

    Last edited by Tamashi on 30th April 2017, 5:11 pm; edited 2 times in total

    Demonically Bound

    Demonically Bound

    Developer/GFX Artist- Demon VIP Status- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Have Seijin On Your Friends List- Player 
    Lineage : Warrior of Steel
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    Completed Re: You're really going to regret this you know

    Post by Hania 30th April 2017, 10:11 am

    Advent walked around the house for a moment listening for where Aeron could be, seeing as the mother never showed him where mummies little demon was before she ran out of the house "Now, if I was the spawn of evil where would I be hiding?" he asked himself stopping his head going to look at the bookshelf "Ha, ha very funny Hyru and if was me I'd be hiding under the sofa anyway" he said almost in a pout tone as he headed to the front room grinning as he heard little clapping hands and hit the deck suddenly, quickly and quietly crawling towards the tot almost as if he was a tiger stalking his pray a big grin on his friend as if he was going to get the upper hand but as he got closer he knelt up no longer hearing the clapping, and scratched his head unsure where Aeron had actually gone.

    Within a few minutes he felt subtle vibrations behind him and remained almost completely still except looking left and right as almost frantically as if trying to figure out where the baby had gone, all the while Aeron had been crawling up behind him; at the last moment Advent turned around picking up the child who had been holding a sharp pair of scissors "Wow, mummies little psychopath in the making" he stated taking the instrument away from him and headed into the kitchen placing them into a nearby drawer. He started to wonder if he was like this when he was young to, but then that stopped suddenly as he held Aeron out at arms length almost like he was looking at him for a moment "You know what, we should play a game... tags out because you can't run yet... but then what do children your age play? I mean peek-a-boo would be redundant since well yeah..." he moved back into the front room and sat down with Aeron on the play mat as he thought Aeron who was now tugging on the purple piece of material that was hanging from his top at least for the moment.

    After a moment he grinned widely "I know, we're going to do some baking and then painting!" he said picking up the tot and heading towards the kitchen once more. When in there he placed Aeron on the kitchen counter as he began to walk away. "Oh, right... how was I suppose to know he wouldn't be able to stay there?" he grumbled as he started feeling around for the high chair finding it he placed him in it then proceeded to move around the kitchen to find a few things. Placing them on the counter near Aeron placing a small bowl in front of him that had flour and water in it with a spoon doing the same thing for him and began mixing it into a stiff dough as Aeron had toppled his bowl over on the small table of the high chair and started hitting his hands making a sloppy mess not that advent minded because he wanted to do the exact same thing since it sounded fun by how the baby was laughing.

    "I don't care if he makes a mess if he's having fun, I mean you said that baby sitting was making sure the child is happy, safe, secure and that the building stays in one piece..." he chuckled scratching the back of his head "I never thought about destroying the building but now you say about it that does seem like f-" he stopped almost as if he had been cut off by someone his cheeks instantly puffing out like a little boy been caught with his hand in the cookie jar "I didn't say I was going to do it, I just said it sounded like fun Aiko!" he was annoyed at the lot of them as they believed that he would destroy a house for fun. They would actually be right he would destroy a house if it was fun but for now he was content playing with Aeron in the kitchen. While he had been having the huff fit he had rolled out the dough really thin cutting out shapes using cookie cutters before putting them on a baking tray and placing them into the oven to bake.


    You're really going to regret this you know 59875_s

    True sins are the ones that you cannot atone for.
    Golden Lacrima: Valid until December 8th 2019

    Demonically Bound

    Demonically Bound

    Developer/GFX Artist- Demon VIP Status- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Have Seijin On Your Friends List- Player 
    Lineage : Warrior of Steel
    Position : None
    Posts : 1093
    Guild : Rune Knights
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 206,450

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Requiem
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    Completed Re: You're really going to regret this you know

    Post by Hania 30th April 2017, 1:21 pm

    During the time that the shapes where being baked inside the oven his head moved to the fridge for a moment "I wonder if the little demon would like something to drink" he stated thoughtfully before walking to the fridge opening it "Tinker tot, you want a drink?" he called out almost as if expecting a 'yes' from the Aeron but of course nothing but giggling and splashing splats came from where Aeron was sat with the things that advent had left him with. His hands reached out for both apple and orange juice not sure what Aeron liked best he thought perhaps a sippy cup of both would be the best thing after all choice is what made everything better.

    Taking both cartons from the fridge he moved around trying to find where the sippy cups would be, he found them over head in a cupboard and proceeded to pour one juice in each cup before putting the juices back and handing the one with orange juice to Aeron only to feel a quick blow to the head as he felt the cup hitting him leaving him stunned for a minute unsure what to say or do he had no idea how to discipline someone that couldn't understand him or even punch in retaliation so decided to pick him up and walk into the back garden leaving him on the porch while he decided to clean up the mess. He heard the tot crying and as much as he himself didn't like it he ignored him soon hearing hard banging on the door that made him turn suddenly due to not expecting such a thing.

    "Aeron?" he seemed somewhat concerned as he walked to the class door opening it feeling something stub his toe, it didn't hurt any but it was enough to let him know the kid was annoyed. "Well that's what you get for throwing things. I mean I don't care if you throw them at your parents... hell they most likely deserve it, just don't throw things at me" he said with a warm smile hugging Aeron to him placing him in the now clean high chair that had the sippy cup of apple juice which Aeron picked up and started drinking. "Oh hush, it's likely true. I mean they left him with me so they could go to a party." he said grouchy taking the baking tray out of the ovens "Well you all needed social deaths too, and still do to be honest but you've all, always stayed by me disregarding what you need or want so either they're selfish or you people just have way to much time on your hands" he was being dead serious about the whole subject.

    As he had been talking he placed the cut-outs to a cooling tray. Though made from flower they didn't look like biscuits or cookies but little trinkets or decorations that you would hang around the place. He brought up one that looked like a heart and showed it to Aeron who was now banging his sippy cup against the small plastic table squealing happily to himself. He wondered once again if he was ever like Aeron then chuckled believing that he was likely much worse given he had nine care givers and would have wanted to drive them all nuts. As he was thinking he had finished placing the items onto the cooling tray and was now cleaning the baking tray before putting it away and looking for some food coloring and a thin paintbrush his hearing keeping an eye on the banging so he could know if anything was a miss which didn't seem to be the case at least for now.

    Demonically Bound

    Demonically Bound

    Developer/GFX Artist- Demon VIP Status- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Have Seijin On Your Friends List- Player 
    Lineage : Warrior of Steel
    Position : None
    Posts : 1093
    Guild : Rune Knights
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 206,450

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Requiem
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    Completed Re: You're really going to regret this you know

    Post by Hania 30th April 2017, 4:07 pm

    After a few minutes he had found the items needed and placed them into small bowls before going to get some water so he could clean the paintbrush he took one of the cooler hard cookie things and moved to put the paintbrush into the food coloring before stopping "Like I know where they keep their paper and no I am not going to look and you can't make me!" he huffed putting down a few of the things in front of Aeron before placing a small bowl of blue, green, red, orange and yellow food coloring in front of him with a paintbrush shrugging "Well if he puts it in his mouth and chokes on it he'll learn not to do it again now won't he" he stated in a matter of fact way, he had to learn through trial and error after all with how he had been raised and he turned out somewhat fine at least in his mind.

    "Hay you can't keep using the dead card, that's just plain unfair and you all know it" he seemed almost hurt that he had been accused of something before moving to take Aeron's hand but before he did he heard the plastic bowls topple over some onto the floor others remained on the small table and splashing sounds could be heard. Advent shrugged he really couldn't care that was until the splashing stopped and he hear a sound that almost sounded as if Aeron was trying to get out of the high chair and leaned forward frowning with a slight pout "hay, enough of that, I thou-" he stopped mid sentence as he felt two wet hands going to his face making him blink under his blindfold "Never had war paint on before so this is new" he chuckled moving to the small pots on the counter where he was going to work picking up the red one and the paint brush he moved back to Aeron with a mischievous grin on his face "To go to war against your would be overlords you must have war paint!" he proclaimed with passion before starting to paint what almost looked like red cat whiskers on Aeron's cheeks which would have been rather precise even as Aeron struggled at first against the paint strokes but ended up giggling at what was been done as the bristles of the paintbrush ticked his cheeks.

    When he was done he smiled starting to clear things away covering his mouth as he yawned, this hadn't been as physically taxing as his magic but for some reason it had tired him out, not that it bothered him to much in his mind he had made a new friend that was small, cute and somewhat psychotic but hay who was he to judge he was having fun and it seemed so was the little demon. Once putting the bowls in the sink he placed the baked art supplies onto a plate, it would give them something to do with Aeron tomorrow if they didn't have another party or engagement to attend. "Hay bud, how about we trick your parents into thinking your asleep then you can pounce like an angry tiger and scare them wit- wait I doubt they have wits nevermind" he said scratching his cheek that had a green hand print "Come on you can te-" he complained but sighed "Fine, I'm sorry." it still didn't change what he thought of the people really.

    Picking up the tot he he smiled hearing the giggling "I thought this was going to be really dull but you have definitely livened things up with me, just remember parents are the enemy... you must throw as many sippy cups as possible!" he chuckled knowing it was unlikely that Aeron actually understood what he was saying but it was still funny in his mind as he left the small mess on the floor and high chair moving towards the front room almost skipping "I didn't think it was so late, time flies when having fun and learning so I hope you have lots of fun and learn much Aeron" he said happily placing him on the mat sitting down beside him dragging the baby blanket over Aeron who tried to push it off but Advent kept it there. "shh, come on just a little while and if you still don't feel sleepy we can play more." he said truthfully listening as the young Aeron stopped fussing over the blanker "Thank you"


    You're really going to regret this you know 59875_s

    True sins are the ones that you cannot atone for.
    Golden Lacrima: Valid until December 8th 2019

    Demonically Bound

    Demonically Bound

    Developer/GFX Artist- Demon VIP Status- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Have Seijin On Your Friends List- Player 
    Lineage : Warrior of Steel
    Position : None
    Posts : 1093
    Guild : Rune Knights
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 206,450

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Requiem
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    Completed Re: You're really going to regret this you know

    Post by Hania 30th April 2017, 5:02 pm

    Advent remained still for a moment before he moved to be kneeling he took a deep breath in sighing his eyes closing beneath his blindfold how he wanted to yawn but he pushed that backwards as he placed his hands into a lotus position he begin with slowly he allowed it to open the tips of his finger dully glowing a pale baby blue the quiet room slowly filling with what seemed a quiet and gentle music his hands moving above his head coming together almost as if it where a tree his left arm slowly fell his wrist moving in a circular movement almost like a leaf or flower that was falling to the ground, his right hand following soon after the quiet music becoming slightly louder as he done a gentle circular motion with his right hand as his left hand creating wave like motions which moved towards the right hand the song continuing as he lowered his hands to the floor bringing his hands together almost as if creating a seed slowly he brought his hands remaining together but moving slowly and ever slow slightly until they were back to where he started sitting in the position that he had started in a smile on his face as he heard gentle breathing.

    "The lullaby requiem, seems to come in handy" he whispered to what seemed himself, his head turning as he heard the door open and moved to stand the tips of his fingers no longer glowing. He walked over after dusting his trousers off and smiled bowing his head a little to the parents in respect like he had been taught as he grew. "How was your party?" he asked not that he cared but it seemed polite to at least ask "It was wonderful thank you for asking." she said having looked around the room as if expecting to see holes in the walls "Nothing's smashed, broken, your uninjured... where is Aeron?" Katy had asked seemingly confused at the turn of events Advent turned pointing to the sleeping tot on the play mat "He was tired, I didn't know where his room was and didn't feel right going to look so I placed him there; I hope you don't mind" he said gently

    The mother then noticed Advent's face that had two small hand prints on them one in green and the other in red "What happened to you?" she asked with a chuckle "Mummies little monster happened, we done some arts and crafts and he decided war paint, just like he has some" he said with a smile the mother laughing seeing the small whiskers on his cheek. "I hope he wasn't to much trouble for you. I must admit I was kind of worried leaving him with you but you seemed to have done just fine." she said almost concerned Advent shook his head when he heard her concern "No, he was a lot of fun to be around and I learned things so I'm happy." he said walking towards the door completely forgetting about the pay though Katy stopped him "Your pay, he is asleep like I asked so here please take this with our deepest gratitude" she said with a happy tone "Anytime, I wouldn't mind looking after the little demon again." he said taking the small pouch leaving them to their son.

      Current date/time is 25th October 2024, 10:54 pm