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    MAKE ME FADE ♣ job


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    Private MAKE ME FADE ♣ job

    Post by Raven 17th December 2016, 5:52 pm

    Lucie ♣ Fairy Tail ♣ D Rank

    The sunlight felt hot on the small girl's silver head. Despite it being late autumn or early winter, one of the two, being out in the exposed cold sun for so long eventually did make one feel as if they needed to take their jacket or coat off. The urge to remove her fashionable red coat, outlined with black fleece and fastened with shiny obsidian buttons, was strong. Nevertheless, a cold chill in the wind reminded the young child that doing so would be foolish. Within minutes she would have to put it back on, or worse, she would catch a cold before she even could.
    Common sense was good to have in this day and age, and even though she had not much formal raising, nor any parents or guardian to speak of, Lucie knew that in a way, she was fine. The best guide one could have was logic, and despite her youth, the world had still blessed the girl with the gift of common sense.

    The only clouds in the sky were far away, and not as puffy or pretty as one would have hoped. The farthest ones seemed as if someone had taken white cotton and stretched it out as much as they possibly could. The ice crystals in the atmosphere really did reflect just how cold the day was, despite the winter sun looming over in full shine. The girl had a few jewels in her pocket, leftover from various odd jobs she had taken. Due to Fairy Tail no longer having legal status, some jobs were harder to find. She only had access to a few jobs now, and many of them were described as rather dastardly requests. Stealing recipes, blackmailing various individuals, destroying property, or worse- killing innocents. Did the child care? At one point in time, she might have. The sight of light and life leaving a person's eyes to grow dark and dull was not something that one would quickly forget. At first, the experiences had been horrifying.
    After so long? Not so much.

    Lucie had been numbed to the prospect of killing innocents. It was natural, and no longer a thing that she questioned or thought about. If someone was in her way, she had no issue with killing them. Did she prefer not to? Of course. Not for moral reasons, but simply, because it would be a bit of a hassle. But if someone was better off dead than alive, in her opinion, she would take their life without hesitation. Did her own life matter? No, it did not.
    But did she want to live? Of course. However, the emotions that she felt had no connection with others. She felt no sympathy, or empathy, even. Other people did not matter, and she was disconnected- unable to feel too much or reciprocate kindness. She had been sheltered from the ever so blatant ideal and concept of 'family', which her guild held fast to. They had gone dark for her sake, so the scared child would not be banished or handed over to the Rune Knights. Nevertheless, appreciation was hard to find. She wanted to... somewhat. It felt right. But she had been told that it was wrong. Thus, in the end, appreciating kindness was not a 'normal thing'.

    Who was to blame for the odd state of mind of the young girl? Nobody on that world who breathed. The thoughts and ideals all came from within, though they were not her own words and thoughts. Lucie had no words to speak aloud. None, zilch. Nevertheless, there was always a voice from within filling her with words, ideas, and thoughts, no matter how much she tried to block it out or completely silence it. That source was Ren- a rather malevolent spirit who lurked within her mind and body. She knew he was evil, and bad news overall. Currently, she still tried to quiet him despite the persistence. Nevertheless, the damage had been done, and though she knew he was not right... he was not wrong either. Her state of mind remained the same.

    What did that have to do with being at that outdoor market? Nothing much, except for the fact that she desperately was trying to battle Ren from within. She allowed none of his words to get through. Unfortunately, it required a hell of a lot of focus, and more than once, Lucie had almost run into some person or object because of it. All she wanted to do was buy some food to take home, but almost surely, if Ren had his way, they would take out everyone in that not-so-crowded market, and take what they pleased when it came to food. It was not something that the child was in the mood for dealing with. After all, they could not be so lucky every time. She was a Coming Storm- someone would recognize her face and call for help. Why else did she wear a red hood that was attached to her coat?

    Red eyes focused forward as she continued walking, only to briefly close her eyes as a rough breeze went through the market, sending chills down her spine. She held the top of her hood to keep it secure, yet as she slowly reopened her crimson eyes, it was not hard to notice a strange white fog that had rolled in. How uncanny... the air was dry overall, without many clouds that day. They were not near a body of water either, and it was midday- so no room for mist from evaporating dew and moisture. What was going on?

    Location;; Some not-so-crowded outdoor marketplace.
    Muse;; 9/10
    Word Count;; 937

    Spirited Away Job:


    MAKE ME FADE ♣ job VIxeskm
    That Adopted Kid
    That Adopted Kid

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    Private Re: MAKE ME FADE ♣ job

    Post by That Adopted Kid 22nd December 2016, 11:29 pm

    Ever just been wandering around in the middle of your home relaxing on a nice day off and suddenly you are surrounded by a mist that seems to just take over the entirety of the guild hall. Hecate was very displeased by this considering she had gotten up during the middle of the night (for her at least) and found herself suddenly within a strange land, as if she had been swept away to a more mystic place filled with wonders, and new adventure. The mist was filled with a mysterious quality about it, unfortunately Hecate hated anything she couldn't explain away with her mind, so naturally she began to assume the worst. Had she just been abducted from the guild hall and was now in grave danger of being killed? that was one of her first thoughts, her other thoughts were of her being attacked within the guild hall and she had to warn the others, then again they probably already had noticed what was going on. If she was still in the hall, Aiyana would probably get pissed at Hecate using one of her abilities, but at the same time Hecate knew that Aiyana was already used to being wet all the time, so she called down a storm around her to sense what exactly was going on. She couldn't sense anyone, which was concerning, she supposed it was the second part then, she had been kidnapped... or in her case grave napped? She wasn't sure what to really call it when one as old as her was taken, oh right... she could just call it taken.

    Too bad she didn't have a phone to intimidate whoever did this right now, that would make for a good reference.

    It was strange, this place seemed to try and calm one down but all Hecate could feel was anger burning within her mind, the calm simply faded as more rage grew. If this was some form of illusion or trap she wouldn't fall asleep during it, even if she was wearing her stylish PJ's. from within the mist came a call, a beckoning to her, and as the fog died down a figure appeared from it, it looked like a child but Hecate was no fool, well she was a bit of a fool when it came to her paranoia but otherwise she was pretty on the level. Vanishing from senses she tried to sneak upon on the little figure till she was right behind her, and then preparing to unleash any form of devastating attack she could do (because I am too lazy to think up one right now) reappeared only to state in a threatening voice.

    "Who are you?"

    WC: 451



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    Private Re: MAKE ME FADE ♣ job

    Post by Raven 17th January 2017, 1:07 pm

    Lucie ♣ Fairy Tail ♣ D Rank

    The mist was confusing to the small girl, though she tried her best to not completely lose her focus. If she did, that would mean allowing Ren to have an opportunity to slip his voice and influence into her mind, or worse, take full control of her physical body. Whenever he had possession, it never ended well. More than one person would die by his, or rather, her hands, and she would fall further and further into a pit that she could never return from. Ren had already just about numbed her to the concept of killing and TAKing life. She no longer cried or protested when forced to do so by him, but carried out the 'tasks' with a straight and emotionless face. Blood did not disturb her anymore, nor did the screams of pain or anguish from those being killed, or friends and family around.

    Fog was usually made of small particles of water, and while Lucie barely had any knowledge in the subject of science, she could at least sense that the hazy substance around her should have been water-like in nature. In a way, it was, but it was no natural mist. At first, the small child thought another presence had just been nearby, while all of the others disappeared.... or was it her imagination?

    No- she could not get too distracted. Not with the threat of Ren present in the back of her mind. She was too busy trying to calm herself down, that she did not notice the hidden presence suddenly appear behind her until those three words sounded. Startled, the child visibly started and turned around briskly to see the strange woman, ready to strike with an odd, ambiguous attack of some sort. Her tone was threatening, though the demeanor it gave off was lost to Lucie, who could barely pick up on and understand much emotion when it came to others. Who was she? Like hell was she even able to properly answer that! In response, the child simply began to back away, the worry and anxiety in her deep crimson eyes quite obvious.

    Location;; Probably in Nazo by now~
    Muse;; 7/10
    Word Count;; 353


    MAKE ME FADE ♣ job VIxeskm

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