Fairy Tail RP

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    Delphonse Amure W.I.P


    Lineage : Aspect of Jupiter
    Position : None
    Posts : 2
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 30
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill:
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Delphonse Amure W.I.P Empty Delphonse Amure W.I.P

    Post by Delphonse 27th March 2017, 5:35 pm

    Name: Delphonse Amure
    Gender: Male
    Age: 23
    Birthday: 3/23/94
    Sexuality: Straight
    Special Characteristics: none

    Outside of combat Del is a studious person. Always doing his best to learn as much as possible. Coming from a modest family he has done many odd jobs in order to pay for his books. Whenever you are looking for him your best bet is to check the local library or book store. Del loves trying different types of food and often never passes down a chance to eat. For a bookwork Del is not very shy. Often chatting with people around him to pass the time. Del is a very relaxed person and does not enjoy physical confrontation. Often doing his best to disolve a situation before it gets out of hand.

    In Combat Del is a very defensive and calculating person. Doing his best not to kill or seriously injure someone. If backed into a corner Del will only apply enough force to stop an enemy and never any more than that. If given the opportunity and if time allows. Del will usually patch up an enemy or request a ride for them to go to the hospital. If an opponent looks as if they are near death Del will do everything in his power to help the person no matter the situation.

    - Books, Books bring knowledge and knowledge can be stronger than magic sometimes.
    -New food, DIfferent foods are a must for Del. Repetativness gets old quick new foods bring new flavors and interseting experiances.
    -New places, Delphonse is a very adventurous person. Delving into new worlds through books or new experiances with food is one thing but seeing a new place with his own eyes is a completely different feeling.

    -Killing, Delphonse has never been someone that condones killing even in self defense.
    -Repetativeness, Life is too short to be doing the same things constantly.
    -Conflict, Aurguments never were Dels strong suit. Being someone reserved Del tends to do anything in his power to calm a situation before spells are flung.

    - Adventure, Experiancing danger and exploring area that were once inhabited.
    - The Unknown, Seeking knowledge about the unknown is almost addicting.
    - Self Improvment, Seeking new methods to improve his mind and magic.

    -Monophobia, Del cannot stand being alone and constantly surrounds himself with people when he can.
    -Killing, Del fears that one day he will be forced to kill someone during his journey.
    -Becoming a sociopath, Over the years Del has become slowly more disconnected from the world and fears that one day he will stop caring about people and will only do things out of habit.

    General Appearance

    Height: 6 feet
    Weight: 145lbs
    Hair: long mithril blue hair in a ponytail
    Eyes: light blue/grey
    Skin Tone: healthy but light
    Appearance: Light tan dress shirt, red vest, brown pants with gold embrodry down the side, dark brown boots, light brown waist skirt with a dark brown inside.


    Guild: None atm
    Tattoo: None atm
    Rank: D
    (Image from my graphic novel "Fools Paradise" Character is Wittorf.)
    Delphonse Amure W.I.P 17547611

    Delphonse Amure W.I.P Empty Re: Delphonse Amure W.I.P

    Post by Guest 16th December 2017, 9:19 pm

    Delphonse Amure W.I.P XEibTrW

      Current date/time is 3rd June 2024, 1:44 am