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    It's a Thriller


    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Caine's Descent
    Position : None
    Posts : 93
    Guild : Infinity Hydra
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    Experience : 200

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    It's a Thriller Empty It's a Thriller

    Post by LOTRspartan 12th March 2017, 10:56 am

    Undead EXP Farm

    Ugh, zombies. I've always hated zombies. Not to mention this place. I mean look at it GL, it's practically a rot infested forest and I do love my forests not dead.

    GL gave a little nod of his paper head as he hovered above Hiro, trying to look at anything out of the ordinary. Every slight noise put Hiro even more on edge than he already was. People he was used to fighting, monsters on the other hand, not so much. Still monsters, especially those that are undead are the worst.

    Ah yes, the Cursed Lands. A terrible place filled with terrible creatures. the demon voice within Hiro spoke in his mind once again.

    So the great and mighty Oni doesn't like the undead, considering he kind of is one, Hiro snapped back.

    There is a difference between us and them. WE know when to stay dead. These monsters don't.

    Yea yea whatever. I just want to hurry and kill these things so I can get some jewel- Hiro was then cut off by Gl abruptly stopping in front of Hiro's face. What is it lad? I don't see anything.

    GL turned into an arrow and began to point in a direction near one of those destroyed old fences. There stood a man, or woman, he couldn't really tell. They had purple hair and quite a nice looking coat but just stared looking off into the distance like in a trance. He and GL exchanged a quick glance.

    Um, excuse me? Hiro shouted. Are you here on the job too?

    288 words


    It's a Thriller ARVke1f

    Sword of Time
    Shipping Goddess
    Shipping Goddess

    Hero To Be

    Hero To Be

    Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Coming Storms- Demon Slayer- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Truth
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    Age : 23
    Experience : 1543.75

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    It's a Thriller Empty Re: It's a Thriller

    Post by Shipping Goddess 25th March 2017, 11:40 pm

    Alex walked through the Cursed Lands, until she reached her destination: The Silent Cemetery. This job was one that she wasn't exactly looking forward to. She had to fight zombies, the undead, monsters, they had many names. Each of these names weren't pleasant. Alexis wasn't afraid of such things, but the idea of fighting something that has the ability to kill her, while also not having any fear for bodily injury, put the tactician on edge. These zombies have nothing to lose when fighting, so they'll fight more recklessly. This will put her in danger more, but also leave them more susceptable to being attacked. This calmed the strategist a little bit, but not by much. Suddenly her thoughts were disturbed when she heard a masculine voice from the distance.

    Turning to see this new arrival, it was evident that they were here for the same purpose as Alex. They were embarking on the same job, meaning it wouldn't be a solo dangerfest for Alex alone. Both good and bad, as this job will put more than one person in danger, however with 2 people it'd be easier to defeat all of the ghouls. Thinking was always double-edged when it came to Alex. She always thought of both pros and cons, never just one. That was how strategists should always think.

    "Yes, I am. I am Alex, wandering tactician from Golden Phoenix. Let's begin, shall we?"

    A voice could suddenly be heard through both of their heads, telepathically.

    I am the requester of this job. You two, who dare take this quest, I give you these.

    Suddenly the two of them had their left hand cloaked in a glove, that was fitting to their hand. On this glove, their was a blue gemstone.

    This stone collects the souls from the zombies. If the stones turn orange, your quest is complete. If the stones turn red, I'll reward you with more than normal. I'll contact you once your mission is complete.

    Well this was strange. The man who requested the job could simply telepathically speak with them. This was a new one, but Alex lived in a world of magic, so this was much to be expected. What was really surprising was that the man apparently could give them stones to collect the soul power, however couldn't do it himself. But no matter, it could be due to laziness, physical incapability, etc. Alex was on a job, and it didn't exactly matter what the reason was for, so long as it wasn't malicious.

    The sound of moaning and groaning rapidly increased, as soon the duo were surrounded. That was fast, the tactician thought to herself, as she felt that some of the zombies around them had magic, while others didn't. The dreaming mage went into deep slumber, which was evident by the fact that her posture was nowhere near as prestine as it was a minute ago, and she looked quite intoxicated. Alex's mind now distorted the world around her so she was, quite literally, taking a trip down memory lane. The trees now looked like buildings, with each window showing her memories, both good and bad. Of course none of this would be seen by her partner, but this was Alex's point of view, as she was asleep after all.

    "Some of our 'visitors' are stronger than others. Perhaps we should solo the weaker ones, then gang up on the strong? All we'd need to make sure we do is avoid confrontation with the strong, and we'll be fine."

    Last edited by Shipping Goddess on 25th March 2017, 11:41 pm; edited 1 time in total


    It's a Thriller M7mHyEw
    It's a Thriller CKWpl03

    Posts : 23945
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    It's a Thriller Empty Re: It's a Thriller

    Post by NPC 25th March 2017, 11:40 pm

    The member 'Shipping Goddess' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    It's a Thriller NormalMonster It's a Thriller NormalMonster It's a Thriller WeakMonster

      Current date/time is 26th July 2024, 6:51 pm