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    eeewwww, blockades D= (Job w/ Strange)


    eeewwww, blockades D= (Job w/ Strange) Empty eeewwww, blockades D= (Job w/ Strange)

    Post by Guest 9th February 2017, 10:46 am

    Job: Get Rid Of That Pesky Blockade!
    Job Location:Train Station, Clover Town
    Rank: C
    Player Requirements: At least 15 posts long. Posts must be 200 words minimum.
    Job Requirements:C-rank mage or two D-rank mages minimum, maximum four mages on this job. To remove the blockade and fight off the goblin and the vulcan.
    Job Description: "We been having some trouble by these pair of annoying whipper-snappers, a goblin and a vulcan who keep terrosing and being a general nuiscence at our train tracks, but now they just went ahead and blocked the tracks with a great old tree! They say we give 'em 100 pies and 100 tubs of sherbert or they'll never move the tree! Those rascals are holding up the trains and closed our station! Go over there and teach 'em a lesson, so we can get things moving again!"- Station Controller Albert.
    Weak: Goblin
    Medium: Vulcan
    Reward: 1,500 jewels

    eeewwww, blockades D= (Job w/ Strange) Empty Re: eeewwww, blockades D= (Job w/ Strange)

    Post by Guest 9th February 2017, 12:06 pm

    WORDS COUNT: 321

    Aerwyna sighed softly as she walked up to the train station with her toadstool companion in her arms. Kinopio wanted to be put down, but Aerwyna didn’t allow him, instead keeping the midget in her arms for various reasons… she didn’t want the cute little toad squashed now, did she?? No, no, no. That simply wouldn’t do. The little toad knew that far too well now and so Aerwyna wasn’t having any of it.

    “But Aerwyna!” The toadstool protested, trying to wriggle out of the mermaids arms while the opportunity was still up, but all that made the mermaid princess do was hold him tighter in her steed.

    “No, Kinopio!” Aerwyna shook her head in return, trying to scold him but is struggling to tell him off at the same time. He was incredibly cute after all. “Okay, if you stay in my arms, I will let you paddle in the pool, deal??” It was clear that Aerwyna was trying to bribe him to keep himself quiet, but it was the best tactic around for the toadstool like him. She had much more important matters to discuss, she had to discuss with two mischievous creatures who decided to plant a big tree in the middle of the train for no reason at all. She found it to be quite an inconvenient situation and so she decided to help calm the issue. With her, she brought someone else from the guild and hoped everything will be okay with him around, not that it matters now.

    “WHO ARE THEY?!” one of the creatures shouted, they were in the middle of the train tracks, and the tree was humongous. This was going to be quite difficult. “ARE THEY HERE TO REMOVE OUUUUUR PRECIOUS TREE?! WELL WHAT A SHAME!”

    “Oh god…” Aerwyna shook her head in disbelief. This was going to be harder than she thought it would be. What a shame, what a shame.

    Last edited by Cascade on 17th February 2017, 5:49 am; edited 1 time in total

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Player 
    Lineage : Magician's Spirit
    Position : None
    Posts : 59
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 112.5

    eeewwww, blockades D= (Job w/ Strange) Empty Re: eeewwww, blockades D= (Job w/ Strange)

    Post by Strange 12th February 2017, 12:47 pm

    No crowds, no cheers, and no fans in sight. This was no place for Horatio! And as such, Strange, the original timid one, was left in charge for this venture. Unlike what most people were used to, the man in the overly fancy and dapper outfit seemed less explosive. His eyes and facial expression void of the usual sparkle, devoid of the usual aura of passion that oozed off him. His body language became less extravagant and his voice monotone. Yet there were gains to be made as well. When not depending on his extravagant counter-part Strange was more witty, and his words seemed to carry more weight and a seriousness to it that they would otherwise lack.

    The creatures on the track seemed to have a lower level of intelligence than humans. Obviously, or they would be the ones dominating this planet. Shaking his head strange set a step in front of his partner. He thought about how it might have seemed awkward, as he hadn't spoken as much more than a couple of words with her, but he was here for a job, not for idle chit-chatter.''You two. I would like to keep this simple. Get this tree away or we'll be forced to take counter measures that would not benefit you in the long run.''  The words were spoken and his message was straight to the point. The sentence was even followed up with a sigh of slight annoyance. It was a job that had to be done, but it all seemed so meddlesome.


    eeewwww, blockades D= (Job w/ Strange) Empty Re: eeewwww, blockades D= (Job w/ Strange)

    Post by Guest 14th February 2017, 6:12 am

    WORDS COUNT: 339

    Even with the words of her fellow companion. It seemed they both were having none of it. Aerwyna didn’t know how to sort them both out, but it was clear that something needed to be done. The train station needed to get grooving once more, there was so much to do which included travelling from station to station, even jobs were at stake here. It needed to be removed immediately.

    “Aerwyna, they seem mean!” The toadstool spoke in his croaky voice, he was unamused as the mermaid princess was herself, yet with Kinopio’s midget height, there wasn’t much he could do himself unless he wanted to be their dinner, considering he was a mushroom that has feelings and could speak to his own accord. Not that Aerwyna minded though. He was lovely in more ways than one.

    “Ooohh, words won’t get to us, good man!! And the female there won’t be able to do anything either!” The vulcan protested, tilting his head to the point that he was trying to intimidate the young lady. Aerwyna wasn’t scared though, and for obvious reasons at that.

    “Well excuuuuussseeeeee me!” Aerwyna began, her tone of voice was harsh, but it was strict at the same time. The vulcan seemed to notice this and froze up, not knowing what to do with Aerwyna’s tone of voice. “You sir, are NOT my father!” The mermaid princess shouted this as she was squaring up to the vulcan, whose feathers seem to be shrivelling up as if he had a bullet to his heart.

    “Hahahaah!! Don’t listen to her, don’t listen to either of them! HAHAHAH.”

    “You sir, sound like a hyena!” Aerwyna grunted as she got her leg ready, the goblin looked like a gnome and it was most certainly time to prove that he could be kicked just like one!

    The sound of a shoe colliding with the goblin invaded the whole area, and soon the goblin was high in the air, blasting off as if that the only thing they could possibly do.

    Last edited by Cascade on 17th February 2017, 5:52 am; edited 1 time in total

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Player 
    Lineage : Magician's Spirit
    Position : None
    Posts : 59
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 112.5

    eeewwww, blockades D= (Job w/ Strange) Empty Re: eeewwww, blockades D= (Job w/ Strange)

    Post by Strange 14th February 2017, 11:59 am

    Strange always wondered why Horatio was gathering peculiar people to join their 'team bravado'. His doubts were especially high with the newest addition, Aerwyna. Then again, he acknowledged as well that he had very little information on her, or for that matter, most of the guild. It was one of the side effects of staying on the side lines, or in the shadows of his grander alter ego. He was always left alone tinkering in the Silver Moon Inn's kitchen when nobody was around. It was nice and quiet that way, however this day was everything but that. He sighed annoyed at the creatures remark, but before he could take any further action it seemed his companion had quite enough of their attitude as well. What Strange didn't see coming was that one of the creatures was promptly kicked sky high, with an astonishing little amount of effort. He considered himself physically fit, but no way in hell would he be capable of pulling the same trick.

    Grabbing his cane tightly Strange felt a faint sense of determination. Sure his alter ego would be claiming responsibility for handling some kind of distraction, or using some kind of enchanting magic on his teammate, but he was different. He knew fully well his own limitations but also realized he couldn't stay behind bluffing on forever. Some part of Strange was even happy there were no crowds for Horatio to jump on. He hadn't had the possibility of testing his hours of training yet. While Horatio was showboating all day long, and whilst that definitely had it's merits, Strange was training during the night. Honing his physical aptitude, becoming just a tat stronger step by step, more nimble, everything that could help him cover up Horatio's biggest weakness. Without a smile, or any expression at all he swirled his Cane around as a show of agility and strength, after which he quickly swung it downwards on top of the remaining creature after a sudden dash. The Cane of Canes as it was known wasn't made to fight, it looked sturdy, even had a golden ball mounted on top, but as soon as it hit the creatures head it broke into pieces, leaving the gold ball to bounce off towards somewhere else. It might not have been real gold after all! (wordcount; 388)

    eeewwww, blockades D= (Job w/ Strange) Empty Re: eeewwww, blockades D= (Job w/ Strange)

    Post by Guest 17th February 2017, 6:12 am

    WORDS COUNT: 257

    Seeing what the man done got Aerwyna a bit nervous, but she only went on a debbie downer the moment that his cane shattered, goddamnit… they would have to find another way to get the vulture out of the way… Aerwyna had an idea, but it was gonna be bloody brutal. Sighing softly, the female nodded to her team leader before picking up the vulture by it’s neck. Of course, the vulture was struggling to breathe and he was even trying to croak out for the female to let him go. Aerwyna eventually did when Kinopio bit on the hand that he was cooped up in, causing the mermaid princess to let the toad and the vulture to leave both grasps of her hand.

    “Ouch!” Aerwyna grunted as she held on the hand that was bitten with the other. Maybe she really didn’t have to strangle the vulture so hard after all, she couldn’t help it though, the vulture was annoying!

    “Awwh! Did your mushroom pal… leave with a bitter taste?? HAHAHAHAHA, tell me, why do you smell of fish anyway?!”

    Aerwyna grunted and shook her head, she wanted to strangle the little bugger again. “That is none of your business!” Aerwyna replied as she crossed her arms. That’s it, she wasn’t letting Kinopio have his little paddle in the pool now. She was going to, but he bit her. “Now move this tree!”

    “Ah ha! But I want the ransom!”

    Aerwyna looked to her team member and shook her head, she didn’t know what to do.

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Player 
    Lineage : Magician's Spirit
    Position : None
    Posts : 59
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 112.5

    eeewwww, blockades D= (Job w/ Strange) Empty Re: eeewwww, blockades D= (Job w/ Strange)

    Post by Strange 20th February 2017, 4:14 pm

    Strange just stared at the creatures as he his consciousness started to slightly fade. He felt the wind picking up and blowing against his skin, he heard the grass rustle all around him, and he noticed the strange feeling of standing on a completely quiet train track. No vibrations, no sound. It was weird, unnatural, and something that began to be annoying. But at that moment in time something weird happened. It wasn't the first time, but it was extremely unpleasant. Over the past couple of months he had noticed it had began to become a bother. It was a state of mind where he seemed to loose himself. Not necessarily in the way that he usually did with his alter ego Horatio, but something in between. Somewhere his urges became more apparent. His poker face faded. His emotions became more bare, yet they remained honest to his personality. It wasn't a complete one hundred and eighty degrees change like he would usually experience. He was in control, but at the same time, not as much as he'd like.

    Feeling this, and noticing his senses sharpening ever so slightly Strange hold both the palms of his hands against his eyes, seemingly in a bit of pain, as if he experienced a normal headache or a migraine attack of the sort. But that wasn't it. His poker face showed a slight grin, his eyes seemed to contain a small spark, and his body language straightened up in every subtle way he could. He wasn't here to kid around. He wasn't here because Horatio wanted it. This was his moment. No crowds, no fans, no stage. He had to define himself. He had to make sure he was alive, that he was Strange, someone useful, someone recognizable. And this urge had driven him to do morally questionable things before.

    With a quick jolt in posture Strange dropped his arm, and with the quite wicked expression that had slowly taken over his face he looked at the two creatures. His voice, as it began to speak, seemed to contain a less monotonous tone. Every now and then there was an unpleasant crackle, or a sudden stop where it shouldn't be. It was out of character, to say the least.

    ''A ransom you say? Now, I don't think the two of you vile little useless creates understand. I'm not here to negotiate, I'm here to demand. I'm not here to come and cuddle you off of these tracks. However, I'm quite unlike you two. I'm not some monster incapable of compassion, so I will give you one, but only one more chance before I will force you off of these tracks. And I'll tell you now, as a tiny little secret, I will rip your very beings from the soul that inhabits your pesky little bodies if you give me the chance, so either start running, or get the hell out of my way..''

    It was crude, rude but also strange because although the words spoken were close to barbaric, the tone seemed nothing of the sort. It was told in a way one would scold children, though it lacked a sense of care. It was unlike Strange.

    wordcount; 535

    eeewwww, blockades D= (Job w/ Strange) Empty Re: eeewwww, blockades D= (Job w/ Strange)

    Post by Guest 9th March 2017, 6:46 am

    WORDS COUNT: 290
    The demeanor of the team leader dramatically changed, it was completely unusual, merely because she has never seen such a thing before, she has seen two sides to him, but she has never seen this side of him before, could this be a third side of his?? It felt awkward to say the least, being a part of the mission while seeing this side of him. But she decided to not let it bother her for the time being, she could merely ask him the questions afterwards. Right now, the two had to focus on getting this vulture out of the way and to get this tree off the train tracks so everything can run smoothly once more.

    “Now sort this out or we will end you, good sir!” She joined in with her companion, even if it didn’t work immediately, she was sure that it would get into the vultures thick skull soon enough, otherwise she would have to kick the vultures butt like she did to the goblins butt. It was only when she got out her sword, when he finally panicked, he didn’t want to be sliced up!

    “Fine fine! You get your wish! But you’re sorting out this tree yourselves! Fuck this shit i’m out!” The bird creature spread out his wingspan before he dashed off. Oh god, she was glad that they both were gone now, but it was time to get the tree off the train tracks now since the awful creatures didn’t.

    “Awwwhh…” The female whined as she stared at the tree, her sword was still unsheathed, but she quickly placed it back where it belonged.

    “Aerwyna! You did it!”

    “No, I didn’t Kinopio. We need to get rid of this thing now…”

      Current date/time is 24th October 2024, 3:05 am