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    Restless Beings [w/ Phaje and Guzmial]


    Main Account- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Sticking Around- Loyal to the Bone- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Ariel's Descent
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    Guild : Hidden Blades
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    Experience : 225

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    First Skill: The Abyssal Firestorm
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    Restless Beings [w/ Phaje and Guzmial]  Empty Restless Beings [w/ Phaje and Guzmial]

    Post by Vagrant 19th January 2017, 8:18 am

    Do you feel it? The ghostly presence...behind you.

    The road she walked was darkened by both the night sky and the shadows who seemingly reached out towards her as if to pull the witch into their own realm. The wind whistled an almost haunting tune as it passed through the trees and the very area of the oh so silent cemetery, Artemis was a fearless and powerful woman who was a perfect candidate for facing those not of this world. She herself had requested something harder than what she had previously achieved as the girl knew that in order to progress with her goals in mental, physical and spiritual strength there would be enemies she would have to face who were mythical beings or otherwise. Accompanying her on the assignment was her trusty throwing knives and the ten bonds who's power radiated within her. "Artemis, was this really necessary? Your power is uncanny, fighting a few zombies is stupid" Came the voice known as Angeline, her concern was for Arty's safety as she believed it was useless. In all honesty she was scared. The witch sighed before she took a break beside a large oak tree with scratch marks all over the bark, she sat down beside it and lay her head thinking to herself for a moment.

    It was a long journey from the guild home all the way into the forgotten area called the Silent Lands. She had heard numerous stories of how those who went in never came out or their souls were taken the minute they tried to leave, Artemis wasn't fond of those stories and knew them to be myths. Worked up by stupid lonely idiots who wanted to frighten kids and mages alike, for what reason the girl didn't know. It just annoyed her. Perhaps she'd even go into town and ask around about the Silent Lands to see just who knew their stuff and if she got the wrong answers then sadly they would meet an untimely death. "Hush Angeline, stop pulling Artemis away from her goals. Be wary girl and act fast, never hesitate in the midst of battle" The deep voice of Azreal grumbled. Our onxy haired witch understood Angeline's worries but she had wished that she wouldn't and maybe trust in her abilities as a mage, on the other hand Azreal had always been the voice of power and rage two of which had always pushed Arty harder in most things in life. She shook herself off as she stood up placing a hand on the markings on the tree and studying them for a moment, taking note of the marks the girl kept up her usual pace then sped up down the crackly path before making her way down to overlook a large space surrounded by wooden fences. The secluded cemetery gave off bad spiritual vibes but the girl took nothing off it and hopped off the edge descending down into the desolate area.

    Around her smelled like death and decay, a few bones and full body skeletons were scattered across the field as she closed in on the main entrance to the cemetery. "Wait Arty, remember you're supposed to wait for two more wizards...please" Spoke Angeline which had halted Artemis just centimeters from entering, folding her arms she stood near the fence to the left and sat upon it ever so observant she stared into the blackness within the trees awaiting those who deemed themselves ready for such an odd mission. Maybe they could even please the likes of Artemis. Ha. Good one.

    TAG ―ARRIVAL MUSIC ― word count - 587


    Restless Beings [w/ Phaje and Guzmial]  Vagrant

    Lineage : Oblivion's Might
    Position : None
    Posts : 59
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 375

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    Restless Beings [w/ Phaje and Guzmial]  Empty Re: Restless Beings [w/ Phaje and Guzmial]

    Post by Guzmial 19th January 2017, 2:35 pm

    Zeron wandered through the Cursed Lands, her gaze focused on the scenery around her. The Cursed Lands were a very different experience from the rest of Fiore; as the name implied, they were filled to the brim with dark magics and curses and the like. She loved it; she could feel her demonic heritage resonating with the surroundings, helping to minimize her deplorable human heritage and making her feel truly in touch with the shadows inside of her. She almost felt like her magic was strengthened just by being here, but that had to be a lie; her magic was too strange, too specialized to be boosted by the general darkness of the area. Plus, she had a feeling that allowing the magic in the area to infuse her might allow some, well, unwanted guests to sneak into her body.

    Just because there was some danger, however, had no effect on Zeron's general good mood. She twirled slightly, enjoying the fit of the new clothes she had grabbed for herself on the way out of Oak Town. She would have been fine with her other, rather loose clothes normally, but going into a combat situation with loose-fitting clothes was a bad idea. Enemies could use them to grab her even though she should have dodged, and the possibility for wardrobe malfunctions had a high positive correlation with looseness of clothes. It was just generally a bad idea.

    At the very least, though, it'd be interesting to see at least one person's reaction to it. She shot a quick glance at Phaje, who was walking behind her at the moment. It had been his idea to take this job, and Zeron had agreed rather readily. It was a great way to burn off some steam, although it was a shame that they weren't living and thus wouldn't make a good experimentation target. The path was lined with trees, however, that looked dead but weren't really; they would make good targets when the time came. Apparently, however, there was another mage supposedly taking the job with them. Hopefully it would be somebody Zeron could get along with. Morals were annoying, but not necessarily a deal-breaker. If they were an idiot, though, that'd be the end of that.

    As they approached the cemetery, Zeron took note of a taller female figure standing right beside the entrance, dressed in a corset and shorts and looking dangerous. It looked like their unknown companion had beaten them to the punch. Well, at least she looked competent. "Hello there," Zeron said cheerfully, approaching the woman with a warm smile. "My name is Zeron Guzmial. My companion and I," she said, jabbing a thumb back in Phaje's general direction, "were told that there would be another person joining us in clearing out this graveyard. Would that happen to be you?"

    Zeron's Current Appearance:



    Demon VIP Status- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Player 
    Lineage : Kuroryu: The Void Dragon
    Position : None
    Posts : 121
    Guild : Fairy Tail
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    Restless Beings [w/ Phaje and Guzmial]  Empty Re: Restless Beings [w/ Phaje and Guzmial]

    Post by Amanaki 19th January 2017, 6:01 pm

    Phaje remembered the man that had approached him about this place. He purposely took up the rear to make sure no one got to Zera before him. She had no clue what he was like in combat and this would be the perfect spot to show her. He was skilled at playing the battle field like it was a game of chess. Strategy was an amazing strong point of his, but he was even more devastating when he got physical. His magic was one that was designed to keep them at bay, but also to put them to a quick rest if they ever did reach him. He was hoping this would be a more accurate display of his powers, as the gingerbread man was a joke. He also didn't want her to notice his mood change. He tried to keep it off his face as they approached the third individual he had heard was recruited for this job.
    He was battle ready. He was in a cold and calculated mood, hoping the vision of the Dark Sun wouldn't have an affect on him this time like it had so many other times. It was no concern for him if he did, he was sure his feelings towards Zera would pull him out of the blood lust that would ensue if it happened this time. He was sure that was the only way... It had been a nice long while since he had that vision though of his ancestral home. Maybe it was finally removing itself?
    He continued walking as Zera talked to this other individual. He had no time for small talk. He had a job to do, and that was blow off all the steam of meeting Inaris and Megalos. The more he remembered the encounter, the more his blood boiled. He walked right passed both of them with a pace that most would see as a light run, right into the entrance of this forsaken spot. It was time to knock some skulls. Literally. This would be good stress relief. He didn't look back to see if they were following, he just pressed forward. It was time for some real fun. They could save the small talk for later. His gravity intensified as he noticed the feeling of the air shift as he entered the graveyard. He had come across places like this before. It was time to play a game of chess. He would enjoy playing with both sides of the board.


    Restless Beings [w/ Phaje and Guzmial]  39392910

    Demon VIP Status- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Player 
    Lineage : Kuroryu: The Void Dragon
    Position : None
    Posts : 121
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Restless Beings [w/ Phaje and Guzmial]  Empty Re: Restless Beings [w/ Phaje and Guzmial]

    Post by Amanaki 19th January 2017, 6:11 pm

    forgot to roll~

    Last edited by phaje on 19th January 2017, 6:13 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    Restless Beings [w/ Phaje and Guzmial]  Empty Re: Restless Beings [w/ Phaje and Guzmial]

    Post by NPC 19th January 2017, 6:11 pm

    The member 'phaje' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    Restless Beings [w/ Phaje and Guzmial]  NormalMonster

    Main Account- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Sticking Around- Loyal to the Bone- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Ariel's Descent
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    Posts : 101
    Guild : Hidden Blades
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 225

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    First Skill: The Abyssal Firestorm
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    Restless Beings [w/ Phaje and Guzmial]  Empty Re: Restless Beings [w/ Phaje and Guzmial]

    Post by Vagrant 28th January 2017, 8:18 am

    Do you feel it? The ghostly presence...behind you.
    As the night sky ever so slowly moved over the world Artemis massaged her temples with her eyes closed. She was quite impatient when it came to missions or even just daily life, as she was supposed to meet new people it annoyed her that they were late to the meeting point. Aside from her own thoughts about the coming allies she turned around slightly to gaze into the cemetery and immediately felt and ethereal presence radiate from it. There were all sizes of bones scattered everywhere as far as the girl's eyes would allow her to see, the tombstones also differed in size and shape with inscriptions of loved ones on the plaques. That night the area was caked in a low mist, enough to be spooked by things that go bump in the night but not enough to properly limit someones perception. Arty jumped off the fence she previously sat on and cracked her knuckles whilst rolling her head around to rid herself of the neck pains, the girl's boots crunched in the dry soil beneath her as she set off on a walk around the graveyard to get a better grasp for the surroundings and as a time burner.

    A few hut like structures and tombs could be seen the deeper she headed on the outskirts of the sinister cemetery, she passed a certain hut which looked as if it had been blown to shreds by either extreme winds or a previous battle back in the day. The girl could've sworn she heard some low groans as she walked past. In a few minutes of surveying she finally arrived back at the main entrance and was stunned to see that no one had made an appearance, she started to seethe slightly and returned back to her post again with her eyes fixated on the darkened area a few metres ahead of her.

    As if by magic two figures emerged through the brush at the same time, one a girl and the other a boy. The girl had slightly tanned skin and silver long hair, her clothing was certainly something of a civilian as she wore a light pink and red highlighted top alongside her bottoms. Her alone made Arty wonder if the two had accidentally wondered into the cursed lands. The boy's features came clearer from his blackened hair to black and gold robes adjoined by a white cloth. Artemis gazed at the two as they came closer, the girl's whole demeanour was joyful and kind as she introduced herself as Zeron Guzmial and clarified that they were the two mages Arty was to team up with for this mission. "Greetings, yes it is I who will be joining you. I'm Artemis the Basilisk Princess" She uttered with her same blank expression as she began to read both of her new allies. The boy simply walked past the short conversation of Zeron and Artemis and delved straight into the cemetery without and introduction, her blankness suddenly turned into disgust, Arty turned on her heels and headed to the man in order to give him a piece of her mind. A shocking moan sounded from the ground beneath them and in moments five skeletal knights groggily arose from the earth, they all possessed armour from their previous lives and weaponry. "Artemis..." Azreal's voice sounded through her mind as she simply nodded closing her eyes and allowing her circlets to form, Azreal began to take control. Speedily, she thrust two of her ball & chains into the skulls of the skeletons which caught their attention whilst leaving a large dent. Enflaming her right chain she swung it twice with great strength which resulted in her blowing out the limbs of three skeleton knights who happened to be drawn to her, their bones were scattered across the ground as the the other two knights cocked their heads seemingly in confusion.

    She still swung the flaming chain as she waited for the skeletons to make a move and that they did, one of the skeletons thrust a sword in her direction which she deflected easily but somehow the other had gotten behind her and jutted it's shield in her back which threw her forward onto the floor. With Azreal in control she was an angry fighter not really thinking about the defensive and tactics, slowly getting her bearings she used her second B&C to shroud it in darkness allowing her to disappear from sight. The two remaining skeletons looked around and moved slowly back in their daze of confusion, they were about to attack the boy before she reappeared swiping the legs of the creatures and slamming both B&Cs into the respective chests of the beings.

    Slightly out of breath in her fighting state she grunted and twirled them around her fingers yet again before they dissipated. "Oi! Now who-" she was cut off via the same groans behind her. Somehow they had reformed and were back in action. All five of them. "Arty, come on now" The sweet voice of Angeline bounced around her mind as she allowed Angie to take over. Her eyes glowed a brilliant white as she moved her hands about the air, she was drawing moisture from the atmosphere and coated the chains with it increasing their overall damage. As the undead inched closer and closer she unravelled her right index chain and threw it in a curve headed towards all the enemies, the ice magic instantly grew over it creating a 10cm sharp icicle over the chain link. The curve allowed the chain to zip through the skulls of all five of the skeletons then come straight back out, to add insult to injury she broke apart the chain into ten to head directly for the enemies causing a icy mist as they struck each of their targets.

    With their enemies defeated she never let up her guard as she held the chains close to her, still angered by the boy's lack of respect but happy that Zeron was there as a barrier of sorts.

    TAG ―ARRIVAL MUSIC ― word count - 1010


    Restless Beings [w/ Phaje and Guzmial]  Vagrant

    Lineage : Oblivion's Might
    Position : None
    Posts : 59
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    Experience : 375

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    Restless Beings [w/ Phaje and Guzmial]  Empty Re: Restless Beings [w/ Phaje and Guzmial]

    Post by Guzmial 28th January 2017, 8:25 pm

    Zeron turned as she finished introducing herself to Artemis, the so-called Basilisk Princess, expecting Phaje to introduce himself as well. He proceeded to brush both of them off, however, and walk into the graveyard instead. The half-demon frowned. This was unusual, to say the least. What had gotten into the boy? Had she done something to him without realizing it? The thought nagged at her for a brief moment before she swatted it away. There was no way that it had been her doing; she had been nothing but courteous, other than that rather unsavory incident with the gingerbread monster. And why did she care, anyway? They were traveling companions, not some...couple or something.

    Still, if he died, it would be a shame, and the rest of her trip would be boring. Best to follow along and make sure he didn't do anything too stupid. Zeron followed after Artemis in chasing down Phaje, admiring the graveyard's scenery as she went. The whole place seemed rather dismal, with rows of tombstones and bones littering the ground. A low mist hung over the area, preventing her from seeing too far, but it didn't seem like the area would change anytime soon. Nothing living was in sight within the graveyard other than Zeron and her companions as well; it was a shame that she lacked the material for an experiment here, but she would make due. Experience using her magic against things that resisted her experiments was a fine idea, regardless.

    A sudden rumbling under the ground caught Zeron off guard, and she leaped back just in time for a cadre of skeletal knights to appear. She prepared her magic, purple miasma swirling in her hand, only for their newfound companion to move first. Artemis acted precisely and cleanly, taking apart the skeletons with ease and then again when they got back up. Zeron couldn't help but be impressed with her fluid movements, and her magical chains were fascinating. She clapped as Artemis rose back up and caught her breath. "Very nice," she said appreciatively. "Going with you certainly wasn't a wrong decision. Let's keep up with Mr. Angst up there, shall we?" She made her way over towards Phaje, giving Artemis a friendly pat on the shoulder as she passed.



    Lineage : Oblivion's Might
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    Restless Beings [w/ Phaje and Guzmial]  Empty Re: Restless Beings [w/ Phaje and Guzmial]

    Post by Guzmial 28th January 2017, 8:27 pm

    ((Forgot to roll >.<))



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    Restless Beings [w/ Phaje and Guzmial]  Empty Re: Restless Beings [w/ Phaje and Guzmial]

    Post by NPC 28th January 2017, 8:27 pm

    The member 'Guzmial' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    Restless Beings [w/ Phaje and Guzmial]  NormalMonster

    Demon VIP Status- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Player 
    Lineage : Kuroryu: The Void Dragon
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    Posts : 121
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    Restless Beings [w/ Phaje and Guzmial]  Empty Re: Restless Beings [w/ Phaje and Guzmial]

    Post by Amanaki 29th January 2017, 7:16 pm

    Phaje heard noises from behind him, and turned to watch as Artemis took out the group of skeletons quickly and Effortlessly. She would definitely be of benefit of something major were to happen here tonight, but he really didn't see why she was needed. Zera and himself could have done this on their own. As Zera complimented this new companion of theirs, Phaje heard something behind him. He turned to find 5 Skeleton Knights had gotten dangerously close to him: way too close for his comfort.

    He simply lifted a clenched fist with his middle and index finger pointed towards the group, letting out a blackish hued blast from the two fingers, sending them all flying with his Gravity blast. He saw the others and how they reconstituted themselves, and prepared for their oncoming. He ran towards where they had landed, creating a miniature black hole between his hand,sucking the bones and armor towards him. He then ended it prematurely, detonating the black whole and sending all the bones and armor that had been pulled into him flying back, landing a ways away from him. Upon their dispersal, he approached Zera and the witch that had identified herself as Artemis.

    "If I am going to get to play chess, these things move too slow to not enjoy hitting them all at once. I rather wait for a small army of these than waste such time on the likes of these. They are child's play." He looked deep into Zera's eyes, his look softening slightly. "If there is anything that looks a little too peculiar that raises, point it out. I want to have a bit of fun with it and see if its going to be worth playing chess with."

    With his words said, more sounds started coming from all around him. This time, the ground shook a little, and the moaning was intense. There were more than just one group coming this time. He looked at his companions, a smirk on his face.

    "Looks like they are accepting my challenge."


    Restless Beings [w/ Phaje and Guzmial]  39392910

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    Restless Beings [w/ Phaje and Guzmial]  Empty Re: Restless Beings [w/ Phaje and Guzmial]

    Post by NPC 29th January 2017, 7:16 pm

    The member 'phaje' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    Restless Beings [w/ Phaje and Guzmial]  NormalMonster Restless Beings [w/ Phaje and Guzmial]  StrongMonster Restless Beings [w/ Phaje and Guzmial]  NormalMonster

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