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    Escaped Convict


    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Player 
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    Escaped Convict Empty Escaped Convict

    Post by Garlim 22nd August 2016, 11:24 am

    Job: Escaped Convict
    Rank: D
    Player Requirements: D-rank and above.
    Job Requirements: Minimum of 5 posts of 150 words per character. Must be able to bring the convict back alive.
    Job Location: Era
    Job Description: An escaped convict has recently escaped custody and is on the lose. However upon finding him you will quickly learn that the man simply escaped to check on his wife and daughter and will go willingly with you if you allow him to simply watche them for a bit. Satisfied with knowing that his daughter that he has not seen in 2 years grow up, he returns with you without a fuss. Otherwise he attempts to run away from you and you mustchase him down.
    Reward: 500 Jewels

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Player 
    Lineage : None
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    Posts : 54
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    Experience : 200

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    Escaped Convict Empty Re: Escaped Convict

    Post by Garlim 22nd August 2016, 11:25 am

    The wind blew slowly through the streets of Era. Soldiers bustled around the young mage, barely paying him any heed. Civilians were a rare sight this close to the headquarters of the Magic Council, and yet a civilian he was. He snorted slightly as he considered that, in the eyes of the Magic Council, he was actually a Dark Wizard. Their rules about guilds were tough, and left little room for argument - which is why Garlim didn’t plan to give them a chance.

    He was passing through town and had decided to stop for a few days, choosing one of the seedier taverns in the downtown district to stay in - it was cheap, and you certainly got what you paid for. He itched his forearm just thinking about the crawling mess that had been his bed last night, a shudder running down his spine at the mere memory of the cacophony of scratches and bites he had received.

    As the most recent group of guards passed him, he felt his ears prick up almost against his will. Words, muffled by the sound of stomping boots, cut through the wave of noise and directly into his eardrums.

    “We’re putting out the bounty now. 500 jewels for the prisoner, alive only. Hopefully some travelling wizard will pick it up.”

    A smirk crossed Garlim’s face as he stepped aside, ducking into a doorway to allow a larger troupe of guards to pass. 500 jewels, eh? He could always use that sort of money.

    Words: 250
    Ella Elwes
    Ella Elwes

    Lineage : Pride of Mercenary
    Position : None
    Posts : 163
    Guild : Errings Rising
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 150

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    Escaped Convict Empty Re: Escaped Convict

    Post by Ella Elwes 22nd August 2016, 12:22 pm

    After traveling to Neutral grounds for the last job, Zoey decided to stay there for the night after her curse stopped harming her. That night she heard a rumor about an escaped convict in Era and later found a job poster to capture said convict. Zoey was a little afraid, especially because it would be her first actually possibly dangerous job. Nonetheless she traveled to Era and felt a relief after leaving the Neutral grounds.

    Zoey arrived in Era without any incident. Next was probably the most difficult part: gather information. Maybe she should have skipped out on this job. But now she actually was here she was going to give it a go. First she had to find a place to sleep. And since she was low on money that probably wasn't going to be a five star hotel. Underway she heard some guards telling that they were going to put out a bounty.

    "C...could I see this bounty please?" She asked carefully. Her voice wasn't really silent and didn't gave the impression that she was a seasoned mage.

    "Sure missy, just be careful okay." They beamed. Of course they probably were thinking that she was looking so she could stay away from the convict. What a pain.

    word count: 209

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Player 
    Lineage : None
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    Posts : 54
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    Escaped Convict Empty Re: Escaped Convict

    Post by Garlim 23rd August 2016, 4:05 am

    The Lightning wizard felt his eyebrow rise slowly as he heard another person requesting the warrant. He spun on the spot to glare over towards the short conversation, and his other eyebrow rose to meet its mate as his expression turned to one of shock. Some young scrub of a girl was being shown the bounty, while he was standing around twiddling his thumbs!

    His face grew determined as he took a huge stride forwards, passing around a group of guards who rushed past on important business. He strode over to the guards and the girl, his eyes moving over the bounty once he grew close enough.

    “I’ll take this one. I’ll be back soon,” he said to the guard, not even acknowledging the existence of the girl. He took the paper bounty from his hand and scanned it, taking in a few key details that he would need. “Get the jewels ready – I don’t want to be kept waiting.”

    He turned on his heel and took a few steps before something forced him to stop. A feeling in his chest was expanding, growing at a great pace until it had forced him to check his steps. He half-turned his neck to look over his shoulder, looking at the girl. Was this feeling… Guilt? No, it couldn’t be – he had never felt guilty for anything before, let alone completing a job.

    But what if she really needed the money? He had been in the situation before – hell, he was in that situation now. With a brief sigh, he motioned with his head for her to accompany him. “C’mon. The quicker we get going, the quicker we can get our money.”

    Words: 283
    Ella Elwes
    Ella Elwes

    Lineage : Pride of Mercenary
    Position : None
    Posts : 163
    Guild : Errings Rising
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 150

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    Escaped Convict Empty Re: Escaped Convict

    Post by Ella Elwes 23rd August 2016, 11:30 am

    "Alright thanks a lot."Of course, Zoey had her own picture of the man. She only asked to confirm if it was the same person. Which it turned out to be. She would find him. Maybe she should ask if they knew more of this guy.

    Just when she wanted to do that another man appeared and grabbed the paper totally ignoring her. That somehow felt rather bad. She also somehow didn't like the way he talked to the guards. Either he was very busy, or he really had no time to waste.

    She was surprised he turned around. A slightly confused look on her face looked back at the man. What was this man's angle? Somehow he somewhat scared Zoey a little, not that she would show that though. Not now at least.

    "Eh... alright!" Zoey said after being asked to follow him. She wasn't sure how she felt about this alliance, but if it got the job done she was willing to go through with it. She should ask what he knew about the culprit though. Maybe this guy knew something. if not at least looking together might go faster than alone. Not only that, having support how rowdy it might be is probably going to make Zoey more likely to ask other people as well. If only because she doesn't want to fall short on the information gather part.

    "So... what do you know... about the convict at least?" She asked the man hesitatingly while trying to keep up with him. She wondered if the other man was in a guild. She couldn't see a guild mark anywhere, but he might hide it under his clothes or elsewhere. Not that she wanted to know.

    word count: 286

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Player 
    Lineage : None
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    Posts : 54
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 200

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    First Skill: Raijin Magic
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    Escaped Convict Empty Re: Escaped Convict

    Post by Garlim 23rd August 2016, 1:26 pm

    Garlim didn’t pay the girl much heed as she sped up to walk beside him. He could tell that her short legs were struggling with his quick gait, but he wasn’t feeling overly generous just yet. He did, however, do her the courtesy of turning to look at her as she spoke - a courtesy that he didn’t extend to many.

    “I know his type,” Garlim said, looking back at the road ahead of them. They were headed to the outskirts of town, and the throng of people near them was steadily changing from military to civilian. “Prison isn’t a nice place - once you get out, there are some things that you just need as a man. I know a place just at the edge of town that doesn’t ask questions, a hive of scum and villainy if I ever saw one.”

    He stopped short of saying that he was staying in this particular establishment; after such a tirade, he doubted that this girl would look at him the same way again. But still, it was a cheap place to stay for the little amount of time that he was in town.

    After a few minutes they stopped at the door to a tavern, the old rusty sign moving slowly in the wind. “The Dog’s Head” was as rough on the inside as it was on the outside, and Garlim stepped through the door, holding it open for his companion. The noise simmered down slightly as the revellers within gazed suspiciously, but once they recognised Garlim they resumed their loud conversations. The Lightning Wizard spared a glance for his companion before motioning with his head that she follow, walking straight up to the bar.

    “Ah, Garlim; will it be the usual?” the barman said as he approached. A tinge shot down Garlim’s spine as embarrassment rushed through him, but he managed to rein it in before his face turned red.

    “Not today, Jack; I’m here on business. I’m looking for this fine gentleman,” he said, slamming the bounty down on the bar for Jack to see. He gazed at it for several seconds, his face unreadable. “I know every ex-con comes here when they get out, so you must have seen him.”

    When the barman looked up, a smile was on his face. Garlim raised an eyebrow, looking down at the bounty. Was there something amusing scrawled on it?

    “You won’t find him in here, Garlim; I knew him before he went in. Been in for two years, and I bet not a day has gone by that he didn’t miss that daughter of his. She must be growing up something fierce now - I bet she’s seven or eight. They used to live a few doors down, and I haven’t heard of anybody moving on up out of this neighbourhood in some time.”

    Garlim nodded slowly, looking down at his partner. “Well, looks like a lead to me. Shall we?” he said, raising an arm and motioning for her to lead the way. He offered a nod of appreciation to Jack, who nodded in reply before stepping away, beginning to wash a few glasses that littered the side.

    Words: 527
    Ella Elwes
    Ella Elwes

    Lineage : Pride of Mercenary
    Position : None
    Posts : 163
    Guild : Errings Rising
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 150

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    Escaped Convict Empty Re: Escaped Convict

    Post by Ella Elwes 25th August 2016, 2:28 am

    Somehow that place didn't sound all to appealing to little Zoey. Not that she had much choice but that didn't mean she had to like it. If it was necessary to complete this job then she was willing to go to such a place the man described.

    "Well that place as good as any?" She simply reacted. Giving the knowledge that she had no clue where to find the man herself. Still this place looked like it could use a makeover to put it lightly. Not a place she would like to hang out. Maybe sleeping out in the wilds was a better alternative? Maybe she should just head back home straight after finishing if all taverns looked like this.

    Once she stepped inside her impression of the place didn't improve much. Since the barman asked her partner to have the usual it probably implied he frequently came here. This also implied he was a local. Everyone seemed to have different tastes. It's not like she didn't have some embarrassing secrets. Well at least that meant that somebody around here knew the area. It would certainly speed things up. Especially with how shy Zoey could be sometimes. Zoey herself just listened to the conversation between the barman and her companion. She didn't really see any need to ask any questions nor to add to the conversation. All she wanted was actually get out of this part of town as fast as possible.

    "Alright, Let's go." She simply said after her partner appearantly called Garlim told her that it was a lead. She looked behind her to wave at the barman then walked outside. She then started to follow Garlim towards the convicts house.

    word count: 283

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Player 
    Lineage : None
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    Escaped Convict Empty Re: Escaped Convict

    Post by Garlim 25th August 2016, 12:29 pm

    As the girl started to walk out, Garlim turned back to look at the barman. Once his partner was out of earshot, he began to speak. “Save that drink for me. I’ll be back soon.” He turned on his heel and walked out of the bar into the sunshine outside, covering his eyes with the back of his hand. He started to walk with purpose, but not too fast that his companion could not keep up. As he moved his hand reached into the inside pocket of his jacket, pulling out a small box. He flipped it open and pulled one of the cigarettes out, placing it in his mouth before moving his finger to the end of it. He clicked his fingers together and lightning danced between his fingertips, catching the cigarette and setting it alight with ease.

    He took a long draught of the cigarette before exhaling and turning to look at the girl. “So, he has a daughter - I guess you would have more experience of that than me. How about you take the lead on this; if you distract him for a few moments, I’ll shock him into submission. And don’t forget,” he said, pausing and leaning in close to her. “We need him alive.”

    Garlim straightened up quickly as somebody passed, offering them a curt nod. He took a few more steps before pausing outside of a house, motioning for his companion to enter. “I’ll give you a minute or so to distract him, then I’ll strike. Make sure he doesn’t have a weapon.”

    He stepped backwards away from the door, leaving space for the girl to pass. “Oh, and good luck.”

    Words: 277
    Ella Elwes
    Ella Elwes

    Lineage : Pride of Mercenary
    Position : None
    Posts : 163
    Guild : Errings Rising
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 150

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    Escaped Convict Empty Re: Escaped Convict

    Post by Ella Elwes 26th August 2016, 5:45 am

    Garlim was out a few moments later than Zoey expected. Maybe he forgot something inside, or maybe he wanted to tell something to the barkeep? He was a local here after all, so maybe he personally knew the barkeep? Or did he meet someone he recognized inside? However, none of this was her business so she kept it to herself. Didn't mean she wasn't curious.

    Oh so he smoked, As if he couldn't try to look much better. The more she saw the less she liked her partner. She wouldn't show much of this though. She didn't think he was evil though, just a little... rough. Maybe that was a good word to describe Zoey's thoughts.

    "Better wait for that shock... I have something better if he tries to flee." Zoey reacted. Her vines could be a little less harming and equally effective at keeping holding someone from running away. She smiled a little when her partner wished her good luck. So he wasn't all tough and rough. She walked up to the door and knocked on the door. It didn't took long before a middle aged woman opened the door. Of course he wouldn't open the door himself. Of course, that would be too easy.

    "Yes, Can I help you with something?" The woman asked hesitatingly. Her voice seemed to imply that she was under tense. Zoey, unable to tell a lie, asked her upfront.

    "Say is your husband home?" She asked. Not really the best strategy, but the only one Zoey herself could come up with. Maybe they could talk this out.

    "I am afraid not, I... eh haven't seen him for two years." She said. Anyone with half a brain would see that she was lying. Zoey unfortunately, couldn't see through this. But where was he then?

    "Hmm... this might seem weird, but is your daughter home?" She continued, as calmly as ever.

    "N... I mean yes. but.. eh.. she can't come. She eh... is sick! yes terribly sick! Wouldn't want you to catch it as well." She quickly reassured the mage. Oh... Just as she wanted to close the door another voice appeared from behind the door.

    "What's that mom, I am right here. I am alright. You shouldn't lie to others." This was clearly the voice of a young girl. Only now Zoey began to see through her lies.

    "Ma'am... I must ask that I may look around. We are here on official business. " She politely and calmly said towards the woman. Whatever happened now, remain calm. The woman began to panic, until a larger hand appeared on her shoulder.

    "No dear... I must go back. I will only endanger you by staying here." The convict said as he appeared in the door frame.

    Word count: 459

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Player 
    Lineage : None
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    Posts : 54
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    Escaped Convict Empty Re: Escaped Convict

    Post by Garlim 30th August 2016, 5:02 am

    Garlim waited patiently just outside the door as his partner went about her business. As soon as he heard the woman’s voice, he knew that the man was inside - but would this girl be able to draw him out? He took another draught of his cigarette, finger tapping against his leg as his patience started to thin. The woman and girl continued to talk, but there was no sign of the man - yet. A few seconds later another voice sounded, this one a young girl - the daughter.

    As if on cue, a man’s voice came from within. Garlim nodded appreciatively for the job that his partner did, dropping his cigarette to the floor and standing upon it to put it out. He took a step forwards into the doorway, revealing himself to the group of people within. Lightning began to shock around his arms as he pointed at the man, his eyes burning with an electric intensity.

    “We’re taking you in, whether you like it or not,” Garlim said, his eyes darting between the three within. Lightning danced between his fingers as he stood, ready to leap up and strike the convict if he made even a single move. He looked down at the man’s wife and daughter, almost daring them to move as well. “Get moving, if you value your family’s safety.”

    Words: 223
    Ella Elwes
    Ella Elwes

    Lineage : Pride of Mercenary
    Position : None
    Posts : 163
    Guild : Errings Rising
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    Escaped Convict Empty Re: Escaped Convict

    Post by Ella Elwes 2nd September 2016, 8:01 am

    "Alright sir. If you have anything left to say. Do it now."It seemed the man had already given up. This certainly made Zoey's job a lot easier. If only her partner had a little more patience. This man literally just surrendered, at least give him some time so he can says his goodbyes.

    "It's fine. I already did. Goodbye, I love you both." He said, before walking out of the door. Zoey could hear the family fall in tears after she closed the door. She couldn't really see the face of the convict well enough, but zoey guessed if he wasn't crying he at least had to feel sad. It made her wonder what he had done wrong to be locked up.

    "Let's go. No need to prolong this any longer." She said as soon as they were outside. She just hoped Garlim wouldn't make to much of a show about this. The man certainly wasn't anything Zoey expected a criminal to be. She gave sign the convict could walk in front of her, if only Garlim would walk in front of him they could easily cut of any escape route he could take.

    Word count: 197
    Ella Elwes
    Ella Elwes

    Lineage : Pride of Mercenary
    Position : None
    Posts : 163
    Guild : Errings Rising
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 150

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    Escaped Convict Empty Re: Escaped Convict

    Post by Ella Elwes 17th September 2016, 10:40 am

    They reached the local prison without much trouble after another hour of walking. Because surely they wouldn't build a prison in the worst district in town. Once she was there Zoey said her goodbye to the convict, who somehow seemed less evil than the person she was working with. That's how Zoey herself saw it at least. She couldn't know him well enough to truly now, but she could have a first impression. Which was of a rather troubled and tough acting individual. In any case not someone she would want to spend too much time with.

    After receiving her payement she would make sure to leave the city that day. She just wanted to head home and contemplate on what had happened since she left. This entire thing felt wrong, why did he need to be locked up? What had he done wrong? So many questions that were flying through her head on her way back. Sadly, what was done was done. There was no way back.

    (OOC: Double post because Garlim hasn't been active lately)

    word count 168

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