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    Oh, God (Job: Takumi/Julius)


    Lineage : Maelstrom
    Position : None
    Posts : 43
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Celestial Spirit Magic
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    In Progress Oh, God (Job: Takumi/Julius)

    Post by Aquar 5th September 2016, 2:30 pm

    BG Music:

    Walking down a dreary path, in the midst of a eerily dark cloud-cover, the lone, Celestial Mage searched for his comrade's meeting location. Aquar, clad in 'explorer's' garb (a sturdy, cotton tunic that reveals so much of his torso through white lace that there's not really any point in wearing it; a long, beige overcoat, made to look like a women's cardigan; light blue jeans; mountain boots; and a numerous amount of pointless accessories) tinkered with the key-ring hung around his right wrist, like a bracelet. The over-all atmosphere of the place made it feel like it belonged in an role-playing game of the sorts, or in a fairy tale. Calm as ever, he walked down the path like there was nothing wrong with the scenery, never-mind the mangled, dead trees and lack of any living creatures, save himself and the occasional moth or mosquito.

    The path twisted and turned, not seeming like it went anywhere important. Aquar's feet hurt, most importantly. It felt like he'd been walking for hours since he got off of the train, which he probably had been doing. Sighing and trekking on, Aquar lazily ran his hand through his hair, per habit. Upon bringing his hand down, we found that it was covered in a fine, ash-like substance. Ew. Finally, after a mental battle of 'should I waste my mana on summoning Monoceros so he can give me ride or not' Aquar arrived at their meeting point, a purple-leaved maple tree. As described in the job description, the graveyard should be about ninety-eight yards left of the tree, hidden behind a grove of trees. He examined the area, and after a minute of looking, decided it was safe enough to sit down. With a huge sense of relief flooding over him, Aquar almost fell next to the tree, glad he was the first there --- and to an extent, not late.

    Mana: 100%
    Word Count: 317/300
    Post Number: 1
    OoC: Remember that it's a 300 word minimum! ; 0


    Takumi Yoshino
    Takumi Yoshino

    Guardian of Storms

    Guardian of Storms

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Sticking Around- Loyal to the Bone- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Player 
    Lineage : Blessing of the Gods
    Position : None
    Posts : 1143
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 23
    Mentor : Iris, Goddess of Rainbows
    Experience : 675

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Infinite Ice
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    In Progress Re: Oh, God (Job: Takumi/Julius)

    Post by Takumi Yoshino 5th September 2016, 3:49 pm

    Takumi was walking with Wist perched on his shoulder in falcon form, wearing his typical black cloak with silver fastenings over top of black jeans, hiking boots, and a blue shirt that matched his sapphire eyes. The mage searched for the meeting spot, eyes scanning his surroundings with fascination. It almost reminded him of his birthplace. Like the forest in which he had been born, this place was dark and creepy. Takumi's hand inched towards the Scythe strapped to his back, the feeling that someone- or something, was watching him.

    The ice mage looked around nervously one last time before putting his pet down and asking him to change into his horse form. The shapeshifter complied, and soon Takumi was riding much more comfortably atop a black and silver stallion with a spiral pendant around its neck, identical to Takumi's own. The ice mage urged Wist into a gallop, unable to shake his bad feeling. He soon forgot his feeling, which was instead replaced with a free feeling as he flew down the path atop his pet's back. His inky cloak streaming behind him, Takumi almost laughed. He had forgotten what freedom felt like. Atop West's back he could almost forget everything that had happened to him.

    Takumi soon spotted the meeting place, a tree with purple leaves, and rode towards where he was to meet his 2 companions on this mission. He realized that Aquar had beaten him there, and smiled. Good. He liked it when his job companions were punctual. "How did you beat me here? Wist can turn into a horse, I don't see how you could've beaten me." He called as he jumped off West's back and ran up to Aquar. He fixed his spiky mess of hair as he went, though it refused to stay flat and instantly spiked back up again. Takumi's eyes were sparkling, full of joy at the prospect of a fight. The ice mage looked at Aquar. "More importantly... what are you wearing?" Takumi laughed as he said this.


    Julius Seas
    Julius Seas

    Moderator- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Knight of Destiny
    Position : None
    Posts : 1623
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 26
    Experience : 1,855

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Water
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    In Progress Re: Oh, God (Job: Takumi/Julius)

    Post by Julius Seas 6th September 2016, 6:08 am


    Julius was walking through a dark and creepy forest. Julius wasn't really a fan with everything associating with darkness but some times you have to over come your fears for a while to become stronger. Squable Julius doesn't like this forest... At all... Just look at the environment it just screams death and despair... A shiver went down Julius' spine. I get how you feel Julius-kun... i don't like this forest either... It kind of reminds me of the deep jungle back on the island... Please don't start about that jungle... Julius still has nightmares about it sometimes... if it weren't for John to save Julius after getting lost Julius probably would've been lost forever...

    Why were we here again? Squable asked. A new guild member asked Julius to go on a job and well Julius just couldn't refuse! Julius said with a light blush on his face. Wait do you mean that guy that you have been drooling about since yesterday? You only want to go with him on a job only to be close to him. Squable said woth a smirk on his face. T-T-That is not true! The blush of red became even more red. And in fact Takumi-kun will be joining us on this job so Julius has no time to become close to him! So you're saying that you want to become close to him? Squable said again with a smirk. Oh shut up parrot!

    Julius was looking for a purple-leaved maple tree since it was their meeting point. In the distance Julius could see purple leaves and two figures standing. Coming closer he could see Takumi and the new guild member Aquar. Hi Takumi-kun and Aquar-kun! How are you two doing? Julius hopes you didn't had to wait to long? Julius smiled. the tree wasn't actually to hard to find since it sticks out like a sore thumb in this dark forest



    Oh, God (Job: Takumi/Julius) X9tEBuc

    Lineage : Maelstrom
    Position : None
    Posts : 43
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Celestial Spirit Magic
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    In Progress Re: Oh, God (Job: Takumi/Julius)

    Post by Aquar 6th September 2016, 5:23 pm

    After about ten minutes or so of waiting under the tree, Takumi arrived atop a steed. 'Cute," Aquar thought, as Takumi jumped down his pet. "Impressed?" Aquar remarked, with a slight bow of the head. "Ah... This tree makes me feel nostalgic, one used to grow near my house," he reminisced. Turning his head towards the path oncoming, Aquar smiled, seeing the last teammate arriving. He ran his hand though his hair, a habit he's had since he grew it out. Standing up in a swift motion, he smiled at Julius, "I'd wait forever for you," he said, leaning on the sturdy, purple maple. "It's nice to see a beacon in this dark forest," he added on, teasing.

    "Anyways," Aquar started, "I'm going to be the leader, strategist, since I don't have to fight, myself," he lied, liking it because of the leadership role and also to boast his impressive thinking. "I already know Eye's magic," he turn to Julius, giving him imposing eye contact, "So, what magic do you use?"

    Aquar started walking to where the graveyard supposedly was, although he was counting his steps, in his head. However, out of the grove of trees to the group's right, a group of undead decided to make their approach early. How quaint. He scoffed, and backpedaled his way behind this two other mages. "They're coming," he said, seemingly not even phased, "Try to stay near my Celestial Spirits, they make you stronger or the enemies weaker." Aquar fumbled for his key ring, hung around his wrist and grabbed Monocero's key, Gate of the Unicorn Key. Brandishing it with his right hand, he held it high into the air chanting, "Gate of the Unicorn, I open thee! Monoceros!" The key, shining with a gilded light that contrasted the group's surroundings, made an iconic door-bell chime before Monoceros, the uni-centaur landed softly on the ground. "Happy to help, Aquar," he said, then yawned.

    Mana: 92%; -10 (D-ranked spell), +1 (natural), +1 (Vow of Loyalty)
    Word Count: 321
    Post Number: 2

    Last edited by Aquar on 6th September 2016, 6:39 pm; edited 1 time in total



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    In Progress Re: Oh, God (Job: Takumi/Julius)

    Post by NPC 6th September 2016, 5:23 pm

    The member 'Aquar' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    Oh, God (Job: Takumi/Julius) StrongMonster
    Takumi Yoshino
    Takumi Yoshino

    Guardian of Storms

    Guardian of Storms

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Sticking Around- Loyal to the Bone- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Player 
    Lineage : Blessing of the Gods
    Position : None
    Posts : 1143
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 23
    Mentor : Iris, Goddess of Rainbows
    Experience : 675

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Infinite Ice
    Second Skill:
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    In Progress Re: Oh, God (Job: Takumi/Julius)

    Post by Takumi Yoshino 6th September 2016, 6:02 pm

    Takumi grinned. Not eager to use his magic right away, he reached for his scythe instead. "Sakura-no-hana! Gun form!" He called as he swung it around. There was a blinding flash of light and the Scythe became a gun. Takumi aimed it at the undead, squinting one eye. He fired off a single shot, and then took out his sword. "Wist, take the gun and cover me from behind. I'm going in." The ice mage ordered his pet before charging at the undead, sword giving off large amounts of heat and light. Takumi sliced his sword through the air with deadly grace and precision, having trained in sword fighting since he was big enough to hold a practice sword. Takumi swiped his sword at the nearest undead, stabbing his sword straight through the Skeletons knight's rib cage. About five of the skeleton knights had turned straight towards him. The other half moved to head towards Takumi's companions.

    Takumi was practically dancing through the dead, slashing and hacking at anything that moved. His pet was firing off shots whenever he was sure he wouldn't hit his master, green eyes squinting behind his glasses. After a while, Takumi got bored of merely using his sword and decided to use a spell. "Icemake: Dragon!" Cried the mage, bringing his hands together. A large dragon made of ice appeared, attacking any undead it saw with a fury. Takumi did the same from the ground, launching himself at the dead with renewed fury. Nothing would escape him, he knew it. As Takumi waded through the dead, one managed to land a hit on his arm. A small trail of blood began running down his arm, and he felt it, but kept going. Takumi winced as the pain grew more intense. The pale mage wanted to clutch at his arm, but found himself surrounded by the undead, about 5 of them, which were refusing to fall to him. "Wist!" The young mage called. His pet nodded and holstered the gun, before transforming into a snarling wolf that ran straight to where his master was.

    Last edited by Takumi Yoshino. on 7th September 2016, 5:21 pm; edited 1 time in total


    Julius Seas
    Julius Seas

    Moderator- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Knight of Destiny
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    Guild : Fairy Tail
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    Age : 26
    Experience : 1,855

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Water
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    In Progress Re: Oh, God (Job: Takumi/Julius)

    Post by Julius Seas 7th September 2016, 1:35 pm


    Aquar started to ran his hand through his hair when he looked at Julius. Julius couldn't help but blush a little. Oooooh... He looks so handsome doing that.... Julius thought to himself. But his imagination really went loose when Aquar said that he would wait for Julius forever and that he was a beacon in this dark woods. *giggle*- Julius let out a small giggle like an eight year old girl but quickly covered his mouth when he noticed it himself. Julius started to sweat and had an awkward shade of red on his face. P-P-Please don't mind Julius' behavior! Julius gets like this when Julius is nervous! hehehehe... Julius let out a nervous laugh he was obviously lying but he hoped that Aquar and Takumi would believe him. Come on Julius! Focus... Focus... Focus! Don't let your imagination run wild! Don't give of a bad impression! Julius slapped his cheeks.

    Aquar proposed to be the leader well he actually didn't proposed to be the leader but he assigned the role himself. Julius didn't really mind it he wasn't really leader material so he just went along. Aquar said that he knew what Eye's magic was but didn't knew what Julius' magic was. Before Julius answers that question! Julius has to ask... Who is Eye's? Julius was a bit confused since: he, Squable, Takumi and Takumi's pet Wist were the only one there besides Aquar himself. But to answer your question. Julius uses water magic! Julius said with a smile on his face.

    Suddenly Aquar grabbed a key and a magic circle appeared out of it and out of nowhere there was a unicorn standing there. Julius walked up to it and inspected the creature. Impressive... Say Aquar-kun what kind of magic do you use? But then suddenly the unicorn started talking. Julius got startled by it.


    When Julius was recovered from his almost heart attack a being that looked like a human appeared out of nowhere from the cemetery near the tree. But when it came closer it was actually a walking skeleton. Julius got a bit scared since he isn't really a fan of the dead. Julius mustered up all of his courage and prepared for a attack but then Takumi started rampaging through all of the skeletons that were there. Julius tilled his head a bit and decided to sit down near the tree to see what happens.



    Oh, God (Job: Takumi/Julius) X9tEBuc

    Lineage : Maelstrom
    Position : None
    Posts : 43
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Celestial Spirit Magic
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    In Progress Re: Oh, God (Job: Takumi/Julius)

    Post by Aquar 7th September 2016, 6:11 pm

    Aquar chuckled and smiled at Julius's reaction, cute. He slipped forward, lifting the shorter mage's chin with his index finger and thumb. "I'll protect you. Don't be nervous," he said, aware of what effect it would have on him. While walking and while Julius asked who 'Eyes' was, Aquar lazily point toward Takumi, admiring his eyes again.

    In response to his earlier question, Julius said he uses water magic, which visibly lifted Aquar's face. "Perfect," he remarked, looking ahead, "We'll compliment each other nicely in battle." And even though the enemy was far enough away where the group would be out of attacking range, Takumi decided to rush them. Aquar audibly gasped, then said loudly yet calmly, "What was that?" Half of the group of black skeletons, all knights surrounded him as he fought them off. Boi. Turning on his 'commando' mode Aquar ordered, "Wist, work together with Takumi to make a hole in the enemy, and, uh, Monoceros, use your blessing." Monoceros nodded and shot a beam of pure light at Takumi, healing him of D-ranked damage this turn. Aquar hustled over to Monoceros, jumping onto his back then turning to watch the battle. Five black skeleton mages coming toward him and Julius and five knights attacking Takumi, and soon them too.

    He turned to Julius next, "Protect me and Monoceros, he can't attack, stay imbetween us and the enemy. And I can't attack unless you leave some of your water on the ground. Don't stray far, Monocero's presence bolsters your attack and defense." 'Where... Should I hold onto him...' he wondered, Monocero's being a centaur, after all. Not the chest, or torso, or head(?), or below the torso... He tightened his leg grip instead. Aquar grunted, riding as close to Takumi as possible in the pursuit that he'll reap the passive rewards of his spirit but also staying far enough away from danger that he won't get attacked.

    Spell Used:

    Mana: 94% (simile)
    Word Count: 320
    Post Number: 3
    OoC: A more accurate description of Monoceros is in my magic idk I didn't feel like copying and pasting it all over.  (A link is in my signature.)


    Takumi Yoshino
    Takumi Yoshino

    Guardian of Storms

    Guardian of Storms

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Sticking Around- Loyal to the Bone- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Player 
    Lineage : Blessing of the Gods
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    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Age : 23
    Mentor : Iris, Goddess of Rainbows
    Experience : 675

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Infinite Ice
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    In Progress Re: Oh, God (Job: Takumi/Julius)

    Post by Takumi Yoshino 8th September 2016, 11:32 am

    Takumi slashed at one of the skeletons with his sword, managing to land 2 hits before forced to leap away. His sword was powerful enough that had Takumi been of a higher rank he would have destroyed it with a single hit. Wist was growling, knocking over any skeletons that came near his master. The short boy knew what he had to do. "Attack when I give the signal!" Cried Takumi. The ice mage touched one hand to the ground. "Ice make floor!" Ice spread out from where Takumi was touching, causing the enemy to fall over. "Now!" He shouted, hoping Julius would attack along with him and Wist. The mage, who was more used to the ice, stabbed each of the skeletons once through the breastplate. His eyes had darkened in colour, as had his amulet, it would seem. His cloak streamed out behind him as he glided across the ice of his making. The other skeletons had been just out of range of Takumi's ice, and kept advancing towards the others.

    "No. You. DON'T!"
    Using the ice to boost his speed Takumi launched at the other skeletons. He attacked one of them with a fury, eyes blazing. Anything that came at Aquar or Julius would be dealing with him. Wist had run over to Aquar's side, sensing that Takumi no longer needed help. As the ice mage attacked his pet snarled and attacked anything that came near the other mages. Takumi looked at his gun with a sigh. It wouldn't be able to change shape again for awhile. He continued slashing and hacking at the skeletons, who also continued attacking him, landing a few hits on his unprotected back. He could feel the blood running down his back but continued his assault. His messy hair like a beacon in the darkness, Takumi stabbed at his target with intense fury. The heat of his gaze was overwhelming as he attacked. Takumi was fired up, something that happened in every battle he took part in. He loved to fight, immensely so. There was almost a smile upon his lips as he fought on.


    Julius Seas
    Julius Seas

    Moderator- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Knight of Destiny
    Position : None
    Posts : 1623
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 26
    Experience : 1,855

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Water
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    In Progress Re: Oh, God (Job: Takumi/Julius)

    Post by Julius Seas 13th September 2016, 2:23 pm

    Aquar suddenly lifted Julius chin up with his thumb and index finger. His face was very close to Julius' and said that Julius shouldn't worry since Aquar would protect him. H-H-He... Will protect Julius?! Julius' eyes began to sparkle and he had yet again a furious shade of red on his cheeks this time not from awkwardness but more of... love? Julius couldn't really tell what he felt. T-T-Thank you... Aquar-kun hehehe... Julius w-w-will protect you to! Julius said nervous. Aquar pointed towards Takumi as a response to his question who eye's was. Julius had a confused look on his face since his mind was still up in the clouds. Psst Julius-kun! You're drooling! Squable whispered into Julius' ear. Huh? Oh... Wait... Julius isn't drooling! He said with a death stare towards Squable who was laughing loud. Julius is sorry for Squable he can be quite the prankster hehehehe...


    Julius would then look towards Takumi and noticed that he got attacked from all different kind of angles. Watch- Before Julius could finish his sentence he noticed that Takumi had the situation under control. Aquar ordered Julius to keep distance between him and the enemy since his celestial spirit couldn't attack nor Aquar unless Julius left some splashes of water. R-R-Right! Julius responded still being confused about the whole situation. Squable search for a tree to sit on it's to dangerous for you down hear! Squable nodded and flew away. Julius started running ahead of Aquar and his unicorn and five dark skeletons appeared in front of Julius. Get out of Julius' way undead scum! Water cannon! Julius used his most powerful D-rank spell. A spray of water shot towards the dark skeletons and all five of them were sent flying like bowling pins. The spell had left some puddles of water on the ground for Aquar to use.

    Water cannon:




    Oh, God (Job: Takumi/Julius) X9tEBuc

    Lineage : Maelstrom
    Position : None
    Posts : 43
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Celestial Spirit Magic
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    In Progress Re: Oh, God (Job: Takumi/Julius)

    Post by Aquar 15th September 2016, 6:32 pm


    Aquar smiled, looking down at Julius's water. Monoceros, still using his Celestial Blessing on Takumi, which has now healed him of a C Ranked spell, turned to Aquar, "My time is up," he said, before disappearing in a golden light, leaving Aquar standing in his midst. Aquar, looking down at the puddle, smiled, knowing he could turn the tide of this battle in their favor. Probably. He pulled a beautiful golden key from his key ring bracelet and held it in his hand, bending over and submerging it in Julius's water. With a thoughtful sigh then a roll of his eyes, he chanted, "Gate of the Water Bearer, I open thee! Aquarius!" The small, sad puddle shone a brilliant gold, before erupting like a geyser -- forming into Aquarius. Coming out of the golden light with a scary look, Aquarius cocked her head towards Aquar, "Did you summon me from a puddle?! Who do you think you are, little boy," she said, scoffing. Aquar flashed a grin, then pointed toward the oncoming skeletons. "You would't want me to die, would you?" he said, aware of the consequences of doing something so heinous. Aquarius scoffed again, holding her urn close to her chest, water agressively shuring inside of it. Holding her urn above her head, she released its water contents with a scream, coiling it into a whirlpool, aimed at Aquar, but also catching the enemies and Takumi (unless he dodged) in the process. "Fuck," Aquar muttered under his breath, riding the painful water rather calmly.

    Meanwhile, behind a mangled tree, the writer of the job, hid scared for his life. The skeletons were feeling awfully bold today, he thought to himself, pushing up his glasses. Taking a deep breath he watched the battle intently, waiting for it to die down so he could go and meet the mages.

    Damage Dealt: 20 HP (D Ranked) to the 5 black skeletons surrounding Takumi and (probably) Takumi; 10 HP (1/2 D Ranked) to Aquar

    Spells Used:

    Mana: 86% (+1 Vow of Loyality, +1 Natural, -10 D Rank Spell)
    HP: 90/100 (Aquarius' whirlpool.)
    Word Count: 308 (laughs)
    Post Number: 4



    Posts : 23945
    Mentor : Admin

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    In Progress Re: Oh, God (Job: Takumi/Julius)

    Post by NPC 15th September 2016, 6:32 pm

    The member 'Aquar' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Normal Dice' :
    Oh, God (Job: Takumi/Julius) Die_01_42158_sm
    Takumi Yoshino
    Takumi Yoshino

    Guardian of Storms

    Guardian of Storms

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Sticking Around- Loyal to the Bone- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Player 
    Lineage : Blessing of the Gods
    Position : None
    Posts : 1143
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 23
    Mentor : Iris, Goddess of Rainbows
    Experience : 675

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Infinite Ice
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    In Progress Re: Oh, God (Job: Takumi/Julius)

    Post by Takumi Yoshino 16th September 2016, 11:37 am

    Takumi looked up to see the whirlpool bearing down on him and his eyes widened. The ice mage shouted and began running as fast as he could while attempting to get atop Wist, who had changed back into a horse. The ice mage managed to vault onto his pet's back but was too slow to get out of the way of the whirl pool. He ended up caught with Aquar and the skeletons, muttering about what he would do to Aquar for this after it was over. The ice mage held onto Wist for dear life, who was managing to stay just above the surface, swimming for both of them. The ice mage cursed violently, though not realizing he was doing so aloud, and nearly puked as the wave washed over him. he never was a strong swimmer. Or good with water in general. As he got closer to Aquar he began yelling at the top of his lungs. "You trying to kill me, fucktard?! I'm not a very good swimmer!"

    Takumi had turned a faint shade of green and proceeded to puke, drenched to the core thanks to Aquarius and her wave. The short boy wretched and heaved, blue eyes glaring murderously at Aquar the entire time. With a sigh he managed to detach his sodden cloak, which was dragging both himself and his pet below the surface with it's weight. As the whirlpool continued to swirl himself,Aquar, Wist, and the skeletons around, he began wondering if he would ever get out. This felt like it had been going on forever. His white hair flat against his head he nearly puked again but managed to stop himself in time. Takumi had gotten extremely dizzy, and closed his eyes. The ice mage began to pray for it to be over with more fervor than he had ever used before.


    Julius Seas
    Julius Seas

    Moderator- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Knight of Destiny
    Position : None
    Posts : 1623
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 26
    Experience : 1,855

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Water
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    In Progress Re: Oh, God (Job: Takumi/Julius)

    Post by Julius Seas 17th September 2016, 3:12 pm


    Julius got out of Aquar's way to let him do whatever he is planning and searched for Squable. Luckily for him was that Squable's feathers were bright enough to spot him since there were a lot of dark colors in this forest. He noticed that Squable was sitting on the top off a tree near the cemetery's entrance. Oi! Squable! Are you alright? Julius screamed. I am Julius-kun! You shloud see the view up from here it's amazing to see the fight from on top! Julius rested his face on his hand and could only sigh. Only Squable could see the sensation in a fight since he can't fight.

    Julius turned around and noticed that Aquar grabbed another key though this one was gold instead of silver. He chanted a summon and struck the key into one of the puddles on the ground created by Julius' water cannon. The puddle turned golden for a second and a mermaid appeared out of it. *gasp* It's a mermaid! Julius got excited since he would get excited by everything that has to do with water. Julius wanted to run towards the mermaid but stopped right away when he noticed her attitude towards Aquar. As Aquar ordered her to eliminate all the skeletons wandering around. With a angry expression on her face she swung around her urn and a whirlpool appeared out of it not only grabbing the skeletons but with Aquar, Takumi and his pet along. No! Julius has to do something!


    That's it! Julius ran towards the whirlpool but still held a distance between himself and the whirlpool. Water tentacle! Julius changed his right arm into a tentacle made of water and threw it towards Aquar. He grabbed Aquar and pulled him out of the whirlpool onto the ground near Julius. He then grabbed Takumi and Wist pulling them out of the whirlpool onto the ground next to Aquar. Aquar-kun, Takumi-kun, Wist! Are you three alright!?

    Water tentacle:




    Oh, God (Job: Takumi/Julius) X9tEBuc

      Current date/time is 26th July 2024, 10:58 pm