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    Dragonfall Empty Dragonfall

    Post by Guest 13th October 2016, 1:32 pm

    Dragonfall Acnolo10

    Rank: 100y
    Solo Word Count: 12,000 words
    Group Word Count: 24,000 words
    Additional Requirements: Must defeat dragon king
    Job Location: Graveyard Sea
    Job Description: A survivor of the attack on Era several years ago to this day has heard of the defeat of Heero at the hands of Acnologia,  bringing back troubled memories of tragedy and heartbreak,  the survivor has sought out the rumors of the wish-granting devil.  Hopeful but doubting, their fantasy became reality as the rumors were true.  The wish-granting devil accepted the desire,  primordial powers having no influence over the life of another who did not make the pact but instilling the means into the devil herself to bring about the wish.

    Knowledge of the Dragon King's movements since it's last sighting at the situation with Heero have provided the opportunity.   Now to fulfill the wish.

    Kill Acnologia.

    You must roll once each post, per player.  One Monster die, and one Number die.   Odd or Even numbers paired with the monster die dictate the attack for the post.  Each attack is done towards whoever it is currently attacking, the easiest person to hit at the moment,  or done in a way to hit as many of the player characters as possible,  or is done in response to the actions of the current player's turn.  

    HP: 5,600 (40 H-ranks)

    Death Damage:  Death Damage cannot be healed by traditional healing magic and stops HP Regen.   Death Damage instantly kills Pets and NPCs that are not resistant or immune to Death damage or are otherwise unliving.

    Resistance:  Acnologia is resistant to death magic effects by 50% and cannot be subject to mental control or attempts to physically transform him,  and ignores attempts to suppress any of his abilities or attacks.   Acnologia is resistant to Demon and God slaying, but vulnerable to Dragon slaying.

    Odd: Rending Claws
    Acnologia lashes out with a viscous claw attack that deals 150 damage on hit and can send someone flying on impact.  Deals an additional 100 Death Damage from the claws outwards with a series of razor waves of slashing death energy that keep traveling and growing in length for 1 mile at 400mps   If Fury is active,  this will instead deal damage and Grab them, potentially immobilizing them for 1 post.

    Even: Warp Wings
    Acnologia beats is powerful wings once and vanishes completely,  disappearing to reappear somewhere within the mile.   The gale force of his wings stirs up a hurricane force wind that tears across the ocean surface creating fog in the area and sending all who can't resist it flying away up to 500 meters in any direction from the origin.  This can knock away projectile effects of S-rank or less.   Where Acnologia appears is a burst of black and blue death magic for 500 meters around him,  160 meters per second.

    Odd: Dragon's Fury
    Acnologia's blue markings glow more vibrant and a blue haze surrounds him for the post as he strikes with twice the speed and +50% to all damage dealt.  Roll again, ignoring a Normal result.  Additional damage applies to both physical and death damage independently.

    Even: Dragon's Fervor 
    Acnologia's blue markings glow more vibrant and a red haze surrounds him for the post as he moves in general twice as fast and resists all damage by 50%.  Roll again, ignoring a Normal result.  If Acnologia is Slain while Fervor is active,  Acnologia will continue to attack in a frenzied death-state for the next three posts before finally dying,  roll an additional time for each of these posts.

    Odd: Crushing Maw
    Acnologia strikes with a devastating bite attack with a maw full of black and blue death magic that deals 300 damage and 200 death damage on a hit and can brutally sever limbs and destroy items/objects, ignoring armor or shield effects that function similarly to armor.   If the target is Grabbed,  they take double damage and this attack cannot miss.

    Even: Vital Strike
    A blue sheen springs to life around the focus of Acnologia's next attack.  The next attack heals Acnologia for twice the damage dealt in total, to all affected by it as blue flames return to Acnologia from it's victims.

    Odd:  Apocalypse Roar
    Acnologia gathers blue death magic in his mouth before roaring,  sending a torrent of destructive force powering out across the land.  Five miles long cone, five miles wide at the end,  dealing 700 death damage to all hit,  instantly destroying generic objects in the background including the land itself and most buildings.  Continue an extra five miles (10 miles wide) where it's damage lowers by 125 per mile.   

    Even: Dragon Force
    For the rest of the fight,  Acnologia takes and deals 50% more or less damage by default,  further increased by Fury or decreased by Fervor.   Roll twice each post per player now instead of once.  If Dragon Force comes up again,  instead use Apocalypse Roar. 

    165k Jewel and the honorary title of 'dragon slayer' (doesn't affect magic or abilities) 

      Current date/time is 17th June 2024, 9:46 am