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    Becoming Better Partners|job|


    Posts : 1219
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    Becoming Better Partners|job| - Page 2 Empty Re: Becoming Better Partners|job|

    Post by kittykool75 17th August 2016, 9:26 am

    Becoming Better Partners|job| - Page 2 BGj480f
    Lucius Foss Guildless C-Rank
    Y o u   c o u l d   b e   t h e   c o r p s e   a n d   I   c o u l d   b e   t h e   k i l l e r

    Though the mage would never admit it, Rokuro coming in and attacking the bodyguard was convenient. His pride would never allow this sort of behavior, it already didn't like the fact that he apologized. He is a psychopathic assassin that takes advantage of people for his own personal needs, he didn't ever apologize unless he was within an act. Taking this small breather break to hug his stomach and side, no his gash from way earlier, that one of the guard gave him, did not suddenly vanish, and the punch injured it even more so. Making it bleed again, he tried to stop it with his one hand, but to no avail. He would have to deal with this damn injury later. Seeing as the redhead got sent down the hall, he continued fight the well built, noble woman's body guard. Swinging his leg at the woman's armor, didn't work so well, especially one she grabbed his ankle and started to crush it bare handed. Going through the pain he twisted his entire body, lifting his other leg in the air and kicking her in the side of the face. This let him get his leg back, though when he tried to set it on the ground a sharp, fiery pain was sent up. Great, it was broken, forcing himself to stand on this leg and the other to have a firm stance he landed a few more solid punches on her.
    Rokuro got back into battle after walking over with a loud annoying screeching sound across the marble, probably just as irking as nails across chalk board, if not more so. Jumping back to let him continue the fight for a little bit, and letting himself gain his breath. Though he was only able to do this for a moment when he was shouted at to make the last hit on the guard. Pulling out his switchblade, flicking it open and transforming it at the same time. He swung at the guard, right at the place where that armor had finally gotten to its breaking point. Hitting her with a very strong hit, the scythe and armor pierced her chest open together. Finally she
    was dead, or at least very close to it. As she bled out of her chest, the green haired guildless dark mage turned and walked back over towards Rokuro who held their captive. Well you could call it walking, but it was more limping or hobbling, due to his now, broken ankle. Hugging he stomach he let out a sigh "Let's get the hell out of here" Lucius said to the other assassin as he started to lead them out of there. He heard whimpering from the girl, who just stared at the corpse of her most trusted attendant.
    As they made their way to another exit, whatever one that may be, they headed down some stairs. Hugging his stomach his his handless arm, he used to railing to help him get down without to much pain from his ankle. Which had been screaming at him every time he tried to walk on it since he got it broken. On their way down they encountered a butler, who in a ad attempt, tried to save their mistress. In reply to this Lucius jumped from the steps, and let himself fall onto the butler. Though when they landed, he was bleeding out of the head, the green haired teen decided to make sure he was dead. Checking this by stabbing him repeatedly in the chest until his friend made it all the way down the stairs. "Your dealing with the next one, if another one comes" he said. And just as he did, guess want, another employee came. This servant stood in their way to leaving, of which Lucius was not all that happy about.

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    "You've got me shaking from the way you're talking
    My heart is breaking but there's no use crying

    Becoming Better Partners|job| - Page 2 1LMjHkp
    Golden Lacrima until 4/16/2019


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    Becoming Better Partners|job| - Page 2 Empty Re: Becoming Better Partners|job|

    Post by NPC 17th August 2016, 9:26 am

    The member 'kittykool75' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

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    Becoming Better Partners|job| - Page 2 WeakMonster
    Rokuro Katsura
    Rokuro Katsura

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    Becoming Better Partners|job| - Page 2 Empty Re: Becoming Better Partners|job|

    Post by Rokuro Katsura 17th August 2016, 12:01 pm

    Roku watched Lucius take the last hit on the bodyguard who was now slowly dying from blood loss. The girl over his shoulder was now in tears and for sure scarred for life beyond compare. That's usually how it is the first time you watch one or a hoard of people die miserable, agonizing and very bloody deaths with decapitated heads and limbs, broken and twisted bones and body parts. If he were to recall.. the first time he had ever witnessed bloodshed on this level that he and his comrade had cause was when his adoptive father, who had saved him from captivity, and wouldn't let him leave, since Rokuro owed him a dept for saving his life when he was eight years old. He grew up with that man, and one day for his training he took roku on what he knew now as magic jobs, like the one he was on now. mages for hire, complete a task for a reward. The job description was to surprise a group of enemies that were planning to attack the person who had sent out the job request. But his father showed no mercy... He massacred everyone. All on his own, and let his son stand and watch as heads rolled, bodies fell and twisted and screamed in terror. He himself watched in horror, he hadn't gotten a taste of blood just yet, he was in the first stages of learning his blood magic. 

    His father had brought up a man who was bound with his hands and feet tied together, and threw him on the ground in front of Rokuro. "Kill him" he commanded the frightened young boy, who stood there bewildered with his eyes wide, begging Rokuro for his mercy. Didn't this man have a home? family? friends? maybe even children!? why would he, someone who was stripped of his own parents do this to someone else? he didn't have a choice... He'd beat him if he didn't do it. He wanted to prove he could be strong like he was. 

    Roku had sat on the man's chest, pushing his head back, as he opened his mouth wide revealing his unusually sharp canines. He dove downwards onto the man's throat squeezing his jaws tight. the rush of blood filling his mouth for the first time. ohh.. that tasted good. He smiled while he bit into his throat, not letting go until he fell still. He looked up at his dad to find him smiling down at him. He smiled back, relieved to have him be proud of Roku for doing something right. After that day, he had no problem killing anyone he didn't care about. they were all nothing but white noise, all just white static he awaited to get out of his head. 

    Snapping back into reality, Rokuro noticed that Lucius had killed another butler that had dared to come try and save his mistress. He took one look at Lucius and he knew he wasn't fit to walk. His ankle was bent in ways it shouldn't be, and a gash in his side was bleeding through his shirt. He saw a butler run around the corner and look at them horrified. Roku rolled his eyes, and lifted up his sword. The sharp shards of the crystallized structure broke off the blade and flung themselves at the butler. one hitting him in the head, and about five others in his chest. The wounds slowly bled through his suit as he fell to the ground. and They were able to casually walk out the front door. Roku set the girl down roughly on the front steps, and stopped lucius before he could walk any farther. "Hold up, Lucius..." He said, sitting him down on the yet again marble stair's that were right outside the mansion. Roku lifted up his shirt to see the gash and bruising that was around his wound. it was pretty bad.. but roku had brought some medical supplies since there was no way they were getting out of a fight like that without some wounds of their own. 

    Rokuro pulled out a roll of medical wrap and a little bit of goz and ointment. He rubbed the ointment onto the gash and applied some of the goz before taking the wrap and wrapping it all the way around Lucius's torso. making sure it was tight enough to hold the goz in place. he finished, then moved down to his broken ankle. "this might hurt, bear with me" he said, gently grabbing his foot and moving back into place. Hearing Lucius scream at the sudden pain. Roku winced, "sorry.." he said apologetically before making sure all the bones were aligned where they needed to be, and wrapping his foot as tight as he could to hold it in place. "there, It should heal better now" he smiled lightly at Lucius expecting him to either be mad or annoyed with Roku. "you still shouldn't walk on it, though.." Roku added before swinging the girl once again up and over his shoulder. He offered Lucius a hand, "You can lean on me if you want" He said caringly, trying to come off as he really did care and wasn't trying to mock him for being hurt in his current state. "lets just head to the drop zone, its not too far... they'll be expecting us soon." He said quietly regardless if Lucius was willing to let himself lean on Roku or not. 



    "Remember me
    As I go down in history
    So don't stand in my way"

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    Posts : 1219
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    Becoming Better Partners|job| - Page 2 Empty Re: Becoming Better Partners|job|

    Post by kittykool75 17th August 2016, 5:36 pm

    Becoming Better Partners|job| - Page 2 BGj480f
    Lucius Foss Guildless C-Rank
    Y o u   c o u l d   b e   t h e   c o r p s e   a n d   I   c o u l d   b e   t h e   k i l l e r

    Getting up and continuing to walk out the door and down the steps, he was stopped by the six foot redhead. Glaring at him slightly, he did what he wanted and sat on the steps. Lucius watched as he lifted up his shirt and looked at the nasty looking, deep cut, on his flank. Lifting his arms slightly so it would be easier for him to apply the ointment and wrap the bandage around him. He couldn't manage to get a thank you out, due to choking on some of his own pride. The green haired teen was actually rather surprised that the young man wasn't blushing as red as his own hair, being that he had a rather large and obvious crush on him. Rokuro then placed himself in front of him, and he gently held his foot as he took his boot off. Great now he was going to set it.
    "Of course it's going to hurt you idiot, this isn't the first time I got a bone set"
    Thinking these thoughts, he showed nothing on his face, then the redhead snapped it back into it's rightful place. His eyes widened and he yelped in pain, not really hearing the apology from the twenty-three year old. Lucius has got a tone of bones set, though usually setting them himself, and he never has gotten to used to the sharp and sudden pain. Sweating slightly he dropped his head back, letting his ankle get wrapped in a splint. After the blood mage finished, he stood back up and grabbed the girl. He offered his hand to the dark mage, trying to do it in a way so it didn't look like he cared. Assuming the reasoning for this was because he didn't want Lucius to think he was pitying him or something. Whether he was or not, was unknown to him, though he assumed he wasn't. Rokuro didn't really seem like that type of person, grabbing his hand, he forced himself up while also getting helped up. Taking his hand back from the other assassin mage, the teen leaned down and grabbed his boot and held it in his left hand. Then he placed his right arm on the blood mage's shoulder to help support him as he walked. He wasn't typically angry or irritated with his friend, just irritated in general, and wasn't really hiding it. So to the other dark mage, it probably looked like he was upset with him. Hearing that they would be heading to the drop zone, he glanced at him with his green blue eyes. "We still have some time before we have to" dropping his irritated face and looking forward. Grinning psychotically he continued "I'm going to get some enjoyment out of this girl whether you like it or not." saying this to Rokuro with a slight laugh.

    W o r d    C o u n t:
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    "You've got me shaking from the way you're talking
    My heart is breaking but there's no use crying

    Becoming Better Partners|job| - Page 2 1LMjHkp
    Golden Lacrima until 4/16/2019

    Rokuro Katsura
    Rokuro Katsura

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Shadows of Anarchy
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    Becoming Better Partners|job| - Page 2 Empty Re: Becoming Better Partners|job|

    Post by Rokuro Katsura 17th August 2016, 9:32 pm

    Roku tried not to blush too much when lucius put his arm around him and leaned on him for support. He coughed, double checking the time. His clock must've been an hour fast... well yeah, it was an hour fast. damn, he should really get that fixed. he listened as Lucius spoke "I'm going to get some enjoyment out of this girl whether you like it or not." Lucius said as if hes thought Roku wouldn't let him.

    "well now that we have time, I wouldn't mind at all. I was wondering what her blood taste like after all. I'm guessing it'll be so sweet it could make me sick. she seems like that sorta bitchy flavor." he laughed, looking around and found a bridge with a canal running through it. That would be a good spot where no one could hear her screams. "what are you talking about!? Ill have you know that I-" she tried to say as she had somehow gotten the duct tape off her mouth. Roku snapped around suddenly pissed off and dug his sharp fingernails at least two or three inches into the back of her thigh using his strength to get them in deeper. He heard her suddenly gasp and scream in pain and he threw his hand back over her mouth and clenched it so hard he probably bruised her cheeks. "you better shut your fucking mouth, you little shit." he growled at her with no mercy.

    They walked past a white fence with green grass that was next to a park before he began to walk down a ramp. The girl over his shoulder was whimpering and tears streamed down her face onto his jacket. Which also pissed him off, it was still his favorite jacket. As they finally made it down a steep sloped sidewalk and into a muddy marshy area under an old bridge, he picked the girl up and off his shoulder and slammed her into the concrete and bricks on the wall and floor. He was still helping to support Lucius, and walking him over to the curving side of the bridge so he could use that to lean on him. "I'd like to get a taste just for fun before she get's too terrified, it changes the flavor." he said, hoping that Lucius would oblige but even if he didn't he wanted to anyway, so he stooped down to the girl's sitting level on his knees. A devilish grin had plastered itself onto his face, showing his sharp teeth ready to bite. A low laugh rumbled in his throat as the girl's eyes widened only being able to see a predatory animal kneeling in front of her. he suddenly dove his fangs into the side of her neck, and she let out a scream as he latched on. he began to suck and bite harder to get the velvet liquid to seep out. ohhhh THIS was good, being part of a practically royal family he knew it was going to taste something like this. it wasn't too sweet, it tasted very healthy.. The metallic taste was just right, meaning she had good iron levels and she seemed to eat a lot of green foods. he could hear her screaming as he swallowed gulp after gulp, probably taking a bit too much. oh well, at least that way he was doing himself and Lucius a favor. She wouldn't leave such big blood stains on the side of the bridge that people would question if they ever came down here to see it.

    Rokuro decided to rip some of her flesh off with his teeth just for the fun of it. He wasn't exactly a cannibal, didn't really want to be. and so he spat out the chunk of muscle he had ripped out from her neck that now exposed her collarbone. Rokuro stood back and licked his lips and wiped them off using his sleve, seeing as now the rich brat was bawling her little eyes out in fright and pain once again but with more tears. "Try not to have too much fun, we need her alive after all." Roku snickered backing away so Lucius could have his turn. "she's all yours, my friend!" he said almost cheerfully sitting criss cross on the concrete floor waiting to see what Lucius would do first.



    "Remember me
    As I go down in history
    So don't stand in my way"

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    Posts : 1219
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    Becoming Better Partners|job| - Page 2 Empty Re: Becoming Better Partners|job|

    Post by kittykool75 18th August 2016, 12:36 am

    Becoming Better Partners|job| - Page 2 BGj480f
    Lucius Foss Guildless C-Rank
    Y o u   c o u l d   b e   t h e   c o r p s e   a n d   I   c o u l d   b e   t h e   k i l l e r

    Lucius just silently listened to Roku as he let him go and feast on the blood of the young noblewoman. Though he had a feeling that even if he wanted him not too, he wouldn't really have a choice, though he has no reason to not want him to do what he is doing. The green haired dark mage just watched as he pulled a chunk of flesh out from the girl's neck, and proceeded to spit it back out onto the stone bridge. Rokuro finished with his meal, which made the assassin think of him even more like a vampire or something of that lore. Grinning when he heard the redhead tell him that it was his turn to have some fun, giggling slightly as he limped over to the girl. Leaning down he put his hand on the stone, then slowly let himself down to sit next to the young blond woman. Letting out a happy sigh, he looked at her with a mischievous gleam in his bright green blue eyes. "Well I guess it's time to play with you" the guildess mage said, giggling a little bit more as he reached into his pocket with his only hand, pulling out Lex Ruptor, his prized switchblade. Flicking it open he talked to her in a disappointed tone "To bad I can't play with you to long or harshly, for your needed for a higher purpose then meeting my entertainment needs" saying this he heard some more whimpers from the already balling girl. He lightly grazed her face with the sharp magic blade, it wasn't to deep, but it made her bleed. Lifting it back up off of the noble after he cut straight through her recent wound that she received from his comrade, Rokuro. This making her scream, jeez it wasn't all that bad, the weakling, she deserved this. Getting up onto his knees he turned her so she would be resting on her chest, moving so her knelt over her body. He pushed down he side of which she had a chuck ripped out of her, making her scream in pain "Aww don't cry, I haven't even started yet" he said in a upbeat yet harsh voice. Holding her down with his one arm, he reached into one of his pockets and grabbed a simple, silver, totally normal lighter. Though it would do what he wanted, cutting off a huge piece of her skin and muscle off, feeling this pain she screeched. He smiled softly as he set down his knife and lit the lighter and put it to her wound. It bleed intensely, but the burning of the wound slowly stopped it, though it caused great pain to the blond. She was short on breath due to using all of it to scream and cry her lungs out. Seeing that most of the bleeding stopped he went on to a different area, taking another lump of flesh out from her belly, and repeating the process. He continued this torture for a little while, taking out about, twelve lumps of skin and muscle out total. "Now wasn't that fun?" he said, smiling a smile that would've looked innocent if he wasn't doing was he was doing. "Well we still have a lot of time left. So what do you suppose I do next, Rokuro?" Lucius asked in a happy-go-lucky voice, he was for sure enjoying himself.

    W o r d    C o u n t:
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    "You've got me shaking from the way you're talking
    My heart is breaking but there's no use crying

    Becoming Better Partners|job| - Page 2 1LMjHkp
    Golden Lacrima until 4/16/2019

    Rokuro Katsura
    Rokuro Katsura

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Shadows of Anarchy
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    Becoming Better Partners|job| - Page 2 Empty Re: Becoming Better Partners|job|

    Post by Rokuro Katsura 18th August 2016, 1:59 pm

    Rokuro sat with his legs crossed and his arms inside the small hole his legs made when they were crossed. he rocked back and forth, he seemed a bit... twitchy... almost. He probably drank too much, His hair seemed an even deeper shade of red than it was before, almost the color of dark red wine. He hummed as he let Lucius do his thing, she had various holes all over her body, none of them bled as Lucius had sealed them all by burning the tissue on the surface. Which in a lot of surgeries was a way to help the wounds heal better, so technically he was almost doing her a favor by not letting her new gaping holes bleed. His eyes seemed a bit, crazed, almost. 

    His eyes darted back and forth examining the girl and Lucius as he had his turn. Roku smiled with a low laugh in his throat, his evil intention could be seen behind his crazed expression and twitchy nature. He slit his arm again as kyusukiken leaked and formed from the wound, but this time it wasn't long and didn't cover his entire arm as it usually did. He got up from his sleeping position and knelt right in front of the girl. she was leaned against the wall, and he kneeled in front of her with her legs in between his. "She's too pretty... i can fix that..." He smiled devilishly as he harmlessly started to cut off her hair with his blade. making it look ragged and horrible, though he knew that wouldn't hurt, he'd make it hurt. He took his blade and used his free hand to force her to lean forward so he could see her scalp. He dragged the blood dagger down her scalp, cutting out long strips of her skin along with whatever was left of her hair. she was kicking and screaming but he slapped his hand across her face to shut her up. once he had thrown the thick layers of skin and hair to the side, pushing her head up forcefully and throwing it against the back wall again. He took the dagger and dragged it down her lips, He wouldn't drag it over her eyes or ears, she'd need her senses to cry for help for daddy when she was being held for ransom. 

    After her lip had started bleeding, he took the knife from under her eye and dragged it diagonally across her face, then across her nose, and stopped at the bottom of her other cheek. He kept giving her deep cuts everywhere in random shapes and directions just to get rid of her natural untouched beauty. Once he was done, he asked Lucius if he could borrow his lighter. He took the lighter and sealed off the wounds by burning them, and then burning the ends of her hair and putting them out before it got out of hand. He grabbed her right arm, gripping her wrist and forcing her to hold out her fingers as he held it close to his face. he smiled as he opened his mouth, biting down on her pinky finger at first gently, just giving her a hint of what he was going to do. before he bit down as hard as he could hearing her scream out at the pain as he forced his way through the bone biting her finger almost clean off. With her now missing finger in his mouth, he thought about just spitting it out... but in his crazed inhuman state, he wasn't thinking quite logically. So he just swallowed it whole, coughing as it was a little large to swallow since it was quite large for something to be swallowed without being in more bite size pieces. 

    She was now bald and smelled like a campfire, with three long strips of her scalp cut off and burnt. with several sealed gashes on her face, arms, legs, and stomach. Roku laughed psychotically  before dropping the lighter and moving off of her to let Lucius have another turn with their newfound play toy. He sat criss cross with his hands in the small hole he created in between them rocking back and forth. not even vodka could get Roku as "high" as he was right now, usually alcohol had no effect on him. He just liked the way it burned going down his throat. Roku sat contently waiting to watch what Lucius would do with his next turn, smiling unnaturally happily. 



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    So don't stand in my way"

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    Becoming Better Partners|job| - Page 2 Empty Re: Becoming Better Partners|job|

    Post by kittykool75 18th August 2016, 9:19 pm

    Becoming Better Partners|job| - Page 2 BGj480f
    Lucius Foss Guildless C-Rank
    Y o u   c o u l d   b e   t h e   c o r p s e   a n d   I   c o u l d   b e   t h e   k i l l e r

    Rokuro appeared to be rather excitable, drunk on the noblewoman's blood Lucius assumed. He was on his knees a few feet away as the blood mage ripped skin and hair off of her scalp, watching unphased by this torture that he gave the girl. Personally didn't use this torture often, maybe he should reconsider that. The giddy redhead asked for the lighter of which the assassin gladly handed to him. Watching with a little smile on his pale complexion, he sat back on his butt, putting his injured foot out and having his other knee bent. The guildless mage hugged his leg, and rocked back and forth, enjoying the screaming and crying that the girl erupted from her lungs and vocal chords. It was no wonder that her voice was starting to wear out, he throat was probably in agony, like a lot of other things on her body.
    After a while, his comrade finished with his playtime and let Lucius continue. And he had the perfect idea, standing to his feet, he limped over to the girl. Kneeling back down he grabbed her hand, she whimpered "Oh don't worry, I'm not going to eat your finger" He said gently, a calming smile on his face. This almost made the girl relieved, until he did what he did next. Contorting his snow white face into a psychotic grin fully of giddy joy and happiness "I'll do so much worse" wedging his knife under her index finger's nail, he then got it loose enough so he could yank it out. With made her scream so loudly it hurt his ears "Hey, that hurts" he said, his grin dropping for a moment and glaring at her with eyes as cold as ice. Lifting up his arm he formed it into a fist, the followed up by punching her stomach, knocking the wind out of her, causing her to stop screaming. Considering she lost the breath in her lungs temporarily, he continued to pry and yank out her finger nails, though this didn't take long. He finished both of her hands, then did so to her toes. She was screaming and breathing heavily, losing her ability to keep herself awake and fighting. Looking at her with a face of disappointment as he tugged out her last toenail "Damn, your passing out" the green haired teen said with a slight 'tch'. Looking back at the blood mage, who appeared to still be out of it "Guess we gotta finish up, she is gonna clock out soon" Lucius said, taking a breath as he stood up and folding his knife, placing it back into his pocket before continuing "She's passing out due to the amount of pain we are giving her. I'm surprised she lasted this long" the young man finished, watching to see what his reply would be.

    W o r d    C o u n t:
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    "You've got me shaking from the way you're talking
    My heart is breaking but there's no use crying

    Becoming Better Partners|job| - Page 2 1LMjHkp
    Golden Lacrima until 4/16/2019

    Rokuro Katsura
    Rokuro Katsura

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Shadows of Anarchy
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    Post by Rokuro Katsura 18th August 2016, 10:13 pm

    Roku opened his eyes as he had sat back to enjoy the screams of agony that didn't seem to annoy him in the slightest. his head snapped forward, his eye twitching slightly. "awwwwww!" Roku whined in a childish tone. and literally flopping over onto the ground on his side with his cheek pressed against the pavement. "why can't she stay awake lucyyy!~" He whined again hiccuping and rolling onto his back. He finally sat up again and let out a small burp and moving over again onto his hands and knees He crawled over to the girl and sat with her legs between his like he did before when he had his turn with her. he glazed his finger's across her cheek as he opened his mouth again to latch onto her neck once more before Lucius pushed his head back and Roku fell onto his back in annoyance. Roku almost growled but didn't go back to try it again as he watched the girl who could barely keep her eyes open.

    Roku felt something building up in his throat, oh no. oh nonono

    Roku suddenly stood off and sprinted off to the thick muddy water that was too low to actually be moving through underneath the bridge they were under. he leaned over and gagged into the mud, all the contents of nothing but blood he had drank rose up his throat and out his mouth and into the mud where it was practically absorbed by how deep it was. The girl's pinky finger came up as well, landing in the mud. The girl now with yet another horrified expression on her face, the scene completely made her pass out as she fell over onto her side with her eyes closed. she was still breathing, though.

    Roku fell to his knees and moaned rubbing the back of his head and spitting whatever was left in his mouth into the river. He felt sick, like he might vomit again but there was nothing left in there. He wished that he had some sort of pain medicine or a spell that could help solve his groginess and stomachache. "oww..." he complained, before standing up again and walking back over to Lucius and their tortured captive. All while still ruffing his hair, he saw the girl now passed out laying on her side. She looked absolutely horrible, just the way she should be. "so.. uh..." he started off awkwardly. "should we.... take her to the drop zone a little early then?" He asked, trying to ignore the fact of what he must've done while in his crazed state that he couldn't remember exactly what had happened or what had been going on. "I'll carry her, if you still need to lean on me you can too" He said, seeming totally like himself again. Roku proceeded to pick up their unconscious tortured victim and swing her over his shoulder with ease. she was a little lighter it seemed, maybe it was all the missing chunks of her body that made her seem a bit lighter.

    he turned around and offered Lucius a hand to help him up and support him on his shoulder. He didn't attempt to make any small talk as they walked away from the scene. he felt embarrassed for letting himself get out of hand and would rather avoid the subject of how he got drunk off of drinking too much blood.



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    Becoming Better Partners|job| - Page 2 Empty Re: Becoming Better Partners|job|

    Post by kittykool75 25th August 2016, 3:14 pm

    Becoming Better Partners|job| - Page 2 BGj480f
    Lucius Foss Guildless C-Rank
    Y o u   c o u l d   b e   t h e   c o r p s e   a n d   I   c o u l d   b e   t h e   k i l l e r

    Lucius just watched as Rokuro flopped about, whining in a childish tone and manner. It was really pissing him off, he hated people where drunk, they where like children, which is also something he doesn't like. Though he preferred this type of drink, whatever kind that is, then an angry one, which is what is father was. Abusive even when he wasn't, punching and kicking him, hitting him up against walls, pulling out his knife a torturing him. The same knife of which he now tortures and kills people with, another thing that' passed down through the generations of his family line. The assassin hated it, all of the pain that his father would give him, any kind of physical torture that you can think of, this young adult has experienced. From his own father none the less, but he couldn't blame him, I mean, it was really fun to hurt people. Seeing them scream and cry, begging for you to stop, doing it so much that their throats got sore and their voices turned to gravel. But he would do that when he wasn't drunk, he was relentless when he was, he wouldn't stop until he passed out. Worse thing that came from this was when he would hit him with a broken glass bottle, the one time that he almost knocked his own child into a damn coma. Leaving him with the blurry vision and the frequent headaches that he has today, it was rather irritating thing to deal with. At least his monster of a father didn't cause his photophobia, oh no, that would be his current guardian. One of the many traits that are passed down through the family line, insanity or psychopathy, photophobia, and another handful of things.
    Halting these thought in memories in his head when he saw the redhead, in his drunken state, go for another drink from the girl. With a roll of his blue green eyes, he quickly got in the way of him doing so, pushing him back with his long muscular arms. The vampire like blood mage growled slightly at the dark mage, but he didn't react at all. Standing back to his feet he stumbled slightly, his face twisting slightly in pain when he stepped with that foot. To prevent the pain from continuing he shifted his weight to his other foot and let out a relieving sigh. Turning his head and gaze over to his companion who darted off to the shore of the river that they where close to, rolling his eyes yet again as he placed his hand on his hip. Waiting for the other young man to finish throwing up his previous meal, that being the young noblewoman's pinkie finger along with all of the blood that he sucked out from her body. Looking back at him when he heard that he had stopped, just on his knees rubbing the back of his head, complaining cause it hurt. Well that makes two of them, the teenage assassin having a splitting migraine coming on. This was probably for multiple reasons, happened when he got highly irritated, when he fights to long, or because of previously mentioned head trauma. Though he tried to ignore the pain, he would have to down some pain pills and take a nap later after this mission. Well if his mentor allowed him to, considering that he did disobey him earlier by losing control of himself and going berserk. And when he does that, he always gets harsh training later on, not that the training is ever not harsh, but you know, worse then the norm.
    Staying fixated on the redhead as he dragged himself back over to the six foot ten assassin, tousling his spiked red hair he looked at the girl then started to speak to the seventeen year old. Examining him he deduced that he was rather nervous or embarrassed with himself, most likely reason was him going and getting drunk of the sweet and metallic crimson nectar of the noble girl. Though he studied him, the assassin still listened to the words that he had to say. "I suppose so" Lucius said in reply to his words. Keeping his gaze on his as he went over and picked up the unconscious noblewoman, throwing her over his shoulder. Taking his offer to lean on him, even though was ashamed to, not liking to get help from people. He was an independent person that wanted to do everything himself, but it seemed that he often needed what he hated. This happening rather often cause of all of the trouble he gets himself into, all he needed to do was get stronger. Then he wouldn't need to ask anybody for help, and he could just live all on his own and murder when he pleases. And when people try to stop him, he'll just kill then too, he just wants to be alone. Alone in a dark and quiet place, with all of his needs, until he dies.
    He was leaning on Rokuro, following his lead in not speaking, he didn't mind not talking much. For he was more of an antisocial person, along with a splitting headache on top of that. Talking hurt, loud noises also hurt, and light even more so then usual. Walking with a limp, though having the redhead for a crutch was helping. Lucius guessed it would probably be a while before they arrived, and that's wasn't all that good with the green haired assassin, at least he could put off his training and also have time to think. Not that anything he had to think about was favorable, he didn't often have happy memories, except times with his dearest elder sister. Well, most of the times with her, excluding the time in the alleyway, at the hotel and well, anytime that she lost her temper. Not that it was all that often, not at all really, but when she got upset, it was basically hell unleashed. Probably worse then himself, it was rather terrifying.
    Looking to his right, he studied the face of the other assassin that was accompanying him on this job. He looked back to normal, still a little disappointed in himself for getting drunk Lucius guessed. Letting out a quiet sigh he turned his gaze back to in front of himself, opening his mouth to speak he stopped himself. What was he thinking? Why was he going to say that? He blames it on his headache, and he opened his mouth to speak again, actually saying it this time. "I wouldn't mind going on another mission with you" the teen said softly, and in a more quieter tone. Truth be told, he didn't actually mind, he was a convenient asset. So having him around and 'getting attached to him' or at least acting like it, would be good, to make Rokuro trust him more then he already does. If the time comes when he is no longer of use, he'll just break his heart and leave him, simple as that. He has done it before, and it would only hurt the redhead, all it would do to the green haired boy is well. Losing a convenient asset, he wouldn't give a damn, a heartless one was he. Only ever caring for his sister, not having any sort of caring feelings towards another soul. Besides himself of course. "As long as you don't get drunk again" he said, chuckling slighting, saying it to mess with the blood mage more then anything. To see what his reaction would be, which was usually an enjoyable one.

    W o r d    C o u n t:
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    "You've got me shaking from the way you're talking
    My heart is breaking but there's no use crying

    Becoming Better Partners|job| - Page 2 1LMjHkp
    Golden Lacrima until 4/16/2019

    Rokuro Katsura
    Rokuro Katsura

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    Post by Rokuro Katsura 26th August 2016, 10:58 pm

    Lucius didn't seem to mind the silence so Roku decided it would be best to keep quiet... He could sense the physical pain that Lucius was going through at the moment, loud noise or talking would probably only make his head hurt more than it already did in the current moment. Rokuro tried to walk slow and gently so that Lucius's ankle would have the least amount of strain put on it as they walked slowly through the dark street. Of course there were a few street lights around and they were only walking down the sidewalk in a... neighborhood, of all places. A man helping another man walk with an unconscious girl slung over her shoulder wasn't exactly the most friendly appearing thing in a situation like this. He guessed it could have came off as a man with his two hurt friends, but... that was still a very unlikely scenario. 

    The drop zone where they were headed where they had to go in order to give the girl for ransom was still quite a ways away, and with carrying this much weight it was really starting to tire Roku out to his dropping point. They might be late if he didn't hurry, and he knew that these people were no one to mess with. They wouldn't give him the money if they were late, butttt....if they were, Roku could just threaten to kill the girl until they did give him the money. He had dealt with people who hadn't kept their promises before, he was sure that would work. It had always worked, his father was the one who introduced to him what blackmail was and how blackmail even worked in the first place. He tried to recall exactly the day that he had learned it... when he was growing up, after he had killed his first victim, his father figure in life that he had never gotten to have tried to show him the routes of how to be a good assassin, starting with single target missions, Roku had screwed up a couple of times like getting caught in the act or just going crazy with blood lust. Once he got a taste of blood... he would go absolutely insane and uncontrollable killing numerous others with out any sort of reason or thought process in the back of his mind. He was too young for the quantities of blood to get him into a drunken state, but more rather into a state where a child had perhaps drank a strong energy drink with more than the legal dose of caffeine. After his spree's however, his father always made sure to put him back in his place and would often force feed him blood in order to enable him to control his blood outbursts by not giving him food until he learned to control it. For a while he had so much of it that he had gotten sick of blood for a while... but he was grateful, since he was able to overcome his body's sudden urge to go predatory in his outbursts. Though he had never been perfect at controlling it... it happened only on rare occasions usually where his life was at stake. but since usually he was the one committing the crime and the pain and the torture so... he never exactly had a good reason to be in that state of mind either. It hurt, it was embarrassing since it meant he couldn't keep himself composed or controlled. He had gone on a few accidental unnecessary massecers while he was in that state as well... Usually when someone messed with his emotions, which practically never happened, since he always tried to distance himself from others for that exact reason. If he wasn't attached to others, he couldn't be blackmailed, he could not be emotionally hurt, he could do his job the way he needed to. Fast and clean, or at least most of the time it was that way. Nothing could ever always go perfect, but if it always did then no one would ever learn anything from their mistakes to better themselves since they don't know that they are doing something wrong in the first place. 

    As Roku walked down the path that he knew would eventually get him to the drop zone, though it was quite a tedious one. His back was beginning to ache from all the weight he was hauling down to the drop zone on his back. He was pretty tall but... he wasn't like... SUPER tall. He was a good height, probably make a good basketball player or something of that sort because of it. Lucius on the other hand... like damn, how the hell did he get so tall? and yes everyone's genetics are different and all but seriously what kind of genetics does he have to be so so tall and seem so so mature as well. Well... the mature part was probably because of events in his life that forced him to be the way he was. Roku didn't blame Lucius... it was probably some other damn person who hurt him, shaping him into what he is today. It was the same for Roku, if no one had ever come and taken him away from his mother and forced him to live in a cage and be sold to dark mages like some sort of cattle animal or slave, his life would have probably turned out way different. He might not even have turned out gay, who knows? He never truely was attracted to anyone, and he for sure knew that girls were just... eh... he didn't like them. They were weak short and demanding, they'd flirt with him and all it did was annoy him, he never felt any attraction to them. Thats when he had comes to terms with the fact that he was indeed gay, he didn't mind, he liked what he liked and if anyone told him otherwise? well, fuck them. Roku could just torture them into giving them a lesson on not judging others by their outer shell. 

    As roku walked, he could see a poster board coming up. It had old withered cork board on it so things such as papers flyers or job requests could be pinned to it. Even though some were already just taped regardless of the cork wood that aided in sticking the needles into it. Roku looked closely at the wanted posters, spotting a picture of him in his predatory state leaning over a dead body he had been feasting apon. he remembered that day, the day that person had taken his picture. He was eating, how dare he flash a camera at him... He ended up killing that man as well as the one he was feasting from, but he was so distracted at the time he had forgotten to get the camera since he was in his blood raged state, so now it was on his rather...very expensive wanted poster. he gritted his teeth, his hands were full right now... he'd have to come rip it off on his way back from the drop zone they were headed to. 

    Roku could finally see the drop zone in the distance, thank god! his back was killing him. He had also listened to Lucius's words, he couldn't tell if he was being sincere... but the cute tone in his voice, Roku couldn't help but blush every so slightly at his words anyways. He was really, really hoping that he could trust lucius and they could be friends someday in the future. though when your in the assassination business it is always very difficult to trust people, since betrayal seems to be very common. 



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    Becoming Better Partners|job| - Page 2 Empty Re: Becoming Better Partners|job|

    Post by kittykool75 29th August 2016, 10:02 am

    Becoming Better Partners|job| - Page 2 BGj480f
    Lucius Foss Guildless C-Rank
    Y o u   c o u l d   b e   t h e   c o r p s e   a n d   I   c o u l d   b e   t h e   k i l l e r

    Lucius watched him, he seemed to be getting tired, but he didn't really blame him. He had the girl, which was a rather petite little woman, but it wasn't helping that he had a over two hundred pound teen leaning on him for support. It's not that he wanted to lean on him, he hated having to lean on other people for support, literally and figuratively. He kept his eyes forward, thinking about his rather inconvenient and unrealistic height. I mean he has the genes for being tall, his family has always been filled with tall people. His father being six foot five and his mother being the same height as his companions here, six foot. But you would think he would reach to be an inch below his father, or maybe the same height. Not way surpassing it to almost be seven stinking feet tall. More trouble then it was worth really, hitting his already damaged head on door frames, bringing unwanted attention to himself, etc. etc.
    Turning his head when the redhead stopped, not that he wanted to, but he had to cause he was acting as his right leg. Watching with this color changing eyes, seeing him tear a wanted poster off. It had his face on it, probably a time he got careless, blood drunk perhaps. He continued to stay quiet though, it was not of his business to know what he has previously gotten himself into. And really, he didn't really want to know, he didn't care about other people's lives. Plus, if he wanted to know about others lives, then they would want to know about his, and he wouldn't want that. So if he really wanted to know, he wouldn't ask them, just find out some illegal way. Looking straight forward when they started to get a move on again. Seeing the drop off point a little ways off, finally, they where almost there.
    Making it to the place of where they where supposed to meet their clients, Lucius let go of the blood mage, and sat himself upon a bench. Sitting in a way that would hide his injured ankle, not wanting the clients seeing his point of weakness. There they where, a group of three people, two men and a woman, all dressed in black. "Hand her over" one of the men, a bigger more muscular one, said in a harsh tone to the two assassins. "You know the drill, money first" the teenage assassin said with an innocent looking smile on his face. With a slight 'tch' the bigger man shut up, crossing his arms and standing off to the side. "So we're keeping her then, that's nice" the boy said, not dropping the smug look on his face. Turning his head to look at the one woman in the group of three he said "Your the boss are you not? Be the smart one here, you know how people of our kind feel when you don't give us our things. Right Roku?" he said, looking over at the mage who still held the young unconscious noblewoman.

    W o r d    C o u n t:
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    "You've got me shaking from the way you're talking
    My heart is breaking but there's no use crying

    Becoming Better Partners|job| - Page 2 1LMjHkp
    Golden Lacrima until 4/16/2019

    Rokuro Katsura
    Rokuro Katsura

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    Post by Rokuro Katsura 29th August 2016, 4:35 pm

    Roku had his sharp nails up against the unconscious girl's throat, slightly digging into her skin, but not enough to make her suffocate....yet. Roku sneered and shrugged, "It would be bothersome to go through all this effort just to have her die before your eyes, hmm?" He took a step forward to threaten them making it look as if his nails were deeper in her skin. a few drops of blood landed on the concrete. Roku watched as they all stepped forward as a silent "don't do it" sort of thing. he read their expressions, and growled again. "what? if you fucking want her give us the damn money!" he growled in the back of his throat with his fangs bearing at them. one of the men looked to the woman who scoffed, turning into the dark and coming out with a giant sack of coins for the two. she handed it to one of her men as the man gave it to Lucius. "now, hand her over" He said, but roku still refused. "you really think i'll just hand her over? im not an amateur at this, you probably didn't give us the amount you promised, dumbass" Roku said sternly raising an eyebrow. The man looked taken back, as he looked at his boss who looked like she got caught in the act. Roku smiled triumphantly, looking at lucius who had check the cash. it was less than they said.... the bastards.

    She turned into the darkness again and came back out with another small bag of money, and threw it at lucius who double counted and nodded at roku in approval. They had given them what they had promised. Roku smiled, gently handing over the girl to one of the big tough guys as no one else said another word. Business had been taken care of, there was nothing else to be said. 

    Roku walked over to lucius and once he knew the girl and her two pawns were gone, he helped him up, knowing he probably didn't want them to see his hurt ankle. "Well.." Roku started as they began to walk away. "that was fun!" He said smiling, looking at all the money they had earned. 



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    Post by kittykool75 29th August 2016, 4:55 pm

    Becoming Better Partners|job| - Page 2 BGj480f
    Lucius Foss Guildless C-Rank
    Y o u   c o u l d   b e   t h e   c o r p s e   a n d   I   c o u l d   b e   t h e   k i l l e r

    Letting the redheaded blood mage do his little act, intimidating them his his shark like fangs, shouting at them for the jewels. Uncrossing his arms to catch the one bag that was thrown at him, taking his time to count it. They conversed again, true, it wasn't the right amount, this was enough money for one of them and half of the other. Finally giving in, they tossed another bag at them, it being a lot smaller then the previous one, this completed the amount of money that they wanted and deserved for doing the job. Then they where gone, just as quickly as they came, out through the darkness. The boy could easily see them though, night vision was a convenient thing, came with the whole controlling darkness powers. Knowing that they where now gone, he uncrossed his arms, letting them fall to his sides onto the bench. Releasing a large sigh from his lungs, he slid down slightly, so his head could rest on the back of the seat. Rokuro walked over to the teenager, reaching out his hand, the boy grabbed it. He didn't respond till he was funny on his feet, or foot, leaning some of his weight into his comrade. Holding the bags in his one arm, he spoke "Yeah, fun" though he was agreeing with him, the way he did so, sounded sarcastic. He was tired as all hell, his head wouldn't stop throbbing, and putting a ton of pressure on his skull. Trying not to show his exhaustion was well, failing terribly "I'm just ready for some sleep" he said. Keeping his pace the same as the other young man's, but stumbling slightly ever so often.

    W o r d    C o u n t:
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    "You've got me shaking from the way you're talking
    My heart is breaking but there's no use crying

    Becoming Better Partners|job| - Page 2 1LMjHkp
    Golden Lacrima until 4/16/2019

    Rokuro Katsura
    Rokuro Katsura

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    Post by Rokuro Katsura 29th August 2016, 5:51 pm

    As they walked, Roku thought of things to say.... but he couldn't get himself to say what he wanted to say,  he blushed hiding his blushing face with his long side bangs that easily covered his cheeks. He had finally made it into the nearest town late that night, he couldn't help taking some deep breaths as he walked along, sweat dripping from his forehead. He was pretty sure Lucius's migrane had gotten worse in their at least hour or two hour walk into the city. it took for fucking ever to get here... he himself was exhausted. He pulled into the nearest motel he could. he didn't care about the quality of the rooms he just wanted somewhere that wasn't outside to sleep. 

    He pulled up to the counter huffing with Lucius on his back. the lopsided weight had been killing his shoulder so he thought it would be easier just to carry him, and it would be less strain on Lucius, too. he threw money at the casheir and took the key, and walked up a flight of stairs to the second floor, Roku's legs were shaky as he tried not to flat out collapse on the floor. He wobbled over to their room number kicking the door open after using the key to unlock it. dammit, there was only one bed....

    Roku sighed, Lucius needed it more than he did, so he decided he would let him sleep in it. He walked over to the bed and sat on it, and therefore letting Lucius collapse on the bed. They were both exausted as hell, and roku felt personally really sweaty and smelled like blood, and there was a bathroom... so... 

    Roku took in a deep breath and undressed himself before hopping into the cheap shower and using the provided hotel soap to wash all the grime off his body. he even brought his clothes with him to wash them off too since he didn't want to have to put on dirty clothes again. when he finished, he hung his wet clothes on the shower rail by the curtain hoping they would be dry by mourning. but knowing that clothes take forever to try and they were in the bathroom that was now filled with steam from roku's warm shower, the likelyhood of them being dry was not very plausible. With a disappointed sigh, Roku  and walked out of the bathroom, realizing he now didn't have anything to wear until mourning... he blushed slightly seeing that lucius was already fast asleep anyways. so it didn't matter. Roku set up some of the extra blankets and an extra pillow on the floor, where he kept his towel on and sat there for a second, hoping lucius was still awake... "hey....Lucius...?" he asked, "would you....want to..go on a date, sometime..?" he said quietly, thinking lucius was still asleep. he frowned, guess that was a no.



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    Post by kittykool75 29th August 2016, 6:48 pm

    Becoming Better Partners|job| - Page 2 BGj480f
    Lucius Foss Guildless C-Rank
    Y o u   c o u l d   b e   t h e   c o r p s e   a n d   I   c o u l d   b e   t h e   k i l l e r

    Lucius wasn't really paying attention to anything that was going on around him, the pain in his ankle was distracting, along with the splitting head migraine. He'd have to get some pain pills or something, but not now, he just wanted sleep. He just hoped he would fall right asleep with now dreams this time, it sometimes worked that way. But taking into consideration that his mentor, Inanis, wasn't very please with him at the current time, he guessed he would. Just hearing all of the words, but not really listening, he ignored all of the weird stares that the two of them got. Trying to prevent himself from passing out, he purposely stepped on his injured foot, grinding his teeth whenever he did so. Finally making it to a motel, very low quality, probably didn't even have a half of a star on it's ratings. Roku pulled him along to their room, not really thinking about the fact that there was only one bed. The redhead sat down, letting go of the teenager, he let himself fall onto the bed. His eyes forcefully closed, yet he wasn't really asleep, not quite yet. He could slightly feel his soaked clothes, not in water, but something with that inside of it, and a lot thicker and redder. The wound in his side started to slowly come back to him along with everything else, great, just shove it all on him. Listening as the twenty-three year old opened a door, he assumed it was the bathroom when he heard the shower start up. As he enjoyed his nice warm shower, he slowly started to slip into a deep slumber. Barely awake by the time Rokuro left the bathroom, setting up his own little bed on the floor. He spoke, Lucius tried to respond to his question, but it was as if someone suddenly hit him over the head with a baseball bat. He was out cold.
    Just as he predicted, he was in a place darker then the color or lack of color and or ton of colors that is known as black. Standing on solid ground this time, the air in the void was stale, very dry, it was making him thirsty. He wondered if that was the glimpse of the void or if he was just thirsty out of the dream. Licking his lips he tried to moisten his mouth, then suddenly appearing a ways away from him. A boy standing about four foot eleven, an odd height to be at the age of six or seven. Malnourished, his skinny body covered in dried blood and dirt, wearing only a really large black hoodie. Tears streamed off of his sunken in face and onto the ground where they vanished within the void.
    WhY wOn'T fAtHeR sToP hUrTiNg Us?
    Another little boy, looking the exact same way, but instead curled up on the ground, balling his blue green eyes out.
    HeY lUcIuS, LeT mE kIlL tHeM
    Another young Lucius appeared, standing on the other side, fresh blood splattered on his skinny self. Along with a large psychotic grin, and shaking eyes that had no sign of recent tears. More young Lucius appears around him, either asking the middle one questions, or commanding him to do something. Then the same thing happened to him, current versions of himself appeared around him, repeating the same thing in the same tones of voice, and in the same positions. He stood there, his feared gaze darting back and forth between the different parts of himself. Then that person, that thing of which he had no idea who or what it was appeared before him yet again. A person with black fog puffing out of his eye sockets, countless amounts of scars covering his pale body. He only wore a black cloak, and his long black hair flowed even though there was no signs of wind anywhere else. He floated off of the ground and held the shoulders of the teen, a terrifyingly unsettling grin on his face. Opening his mouth and taking a breath, all of the other him's stared directly at him. Sending chills down his long spine as they opened all of there mouths, and screamed all at once, synchronized.
    He shot up from his bed, waking up suddenly and in a cold sweat. Holding his head, which now felt all dizzy, his migraine had disappeared in the least if not anything else. He panted, staring at the ground and trying to get his thoughts together. He knew what they wanted......what he wanted, but he couldn't allow that to happen, not again. It felt so much better not being that way, but he also wanted to be free again, but was that really being free? He never understood why he was this way, nobody else was this way, right? Nobody else had each of their bits of personalities wanting to be their own person, while still being the same person.......right? In a way he wish he wasn't, and in other ways he wished he was. What was that person or thing though, it always appeared in his dreams nowadays, ever since that one job a while back. It seemed like he should know who it is, like they are so familiar. Like that thing that's on the tip of your tongue, but yet couldn't place it.
    Finally gathering his thoughts together, well at least enough to to be able to act normal. In a weird way he hoped the thing that Rokuro said to him was real, otherwise it would be all in his head, and he didn't wanna think that he liked the blood mage. Seeing that he was still asleep, he limped around as quietly as he could, finding a piece of paper and a pen. He wrote a note, and he left it on top of the young adult, so no matter what, he would find it. Then he left, on a little quest to get himself some pain pills.
    "If the thing you said wasn't somehow all in my head, sure, contact me at this number.


    See you whenever, Lucius"

    W o r d    C o u n t:
    9,983 9,000

    N o t e s:
    The italic at the end was the note Lucius wrote for Rokuro.


    "You've got me shaking from the way you're talking
    My heart is breaking but there's no use crying

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    Golden Lacrima until 4/16/2019

      Current date/time is 26th July 2024, 11:11 pm