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    The Halo of Stars! An Unexpected Skyjacking


    Lineage : A True Magician
    Position : None
    Posts : 509
    Guild : Sabertooth (Ace)
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 567,759

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Heavenly Body Magic
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    The Halo of Stars! An Unexpected Skyjacking Empty The Halo of Stars! An Unexpected Skyjacking

    Post by Imai-chi 1st August 2016, 4:59 am

    Job Title: The Halo of Stars! An Unexpected Skyjacking
    Rank: B-Rank
    Player Requirements: Max 4 mages, min 2. Must be the equilavent of one B-Ranked mage or two C-Ranked mages.
    Job Requirements: Min 400 words per post in 50 posts max for D-Ranked mage if any mages of that rank is joining (increases by 50 extra words for every ranked higher than D), or the equilavent word count for it. Minimum of 8 rolls in total. ONE TIME ONLY!!!
    Job Location: Crocus

    Job Description: A request paper has been sent overall of Fiore, informing you of a certain problem with the presence in Crocus, the capital of Fiore. Something with randomly floating items, belongings, soars away from people's residences. That was just the beginning of the issue; before a long while passed, buildings' blocks began detaching and floating away as if they were being vacuumed up into space. It's been a pain for the citizens, and they fear that they'll be the next to be sucked away; hence they have asked your guild to help them find a solution. They're convinced that magic is involved, so they rely deeply on the job's participants. Nothing else is written, no profiles of potential enemies or any more summary of the situation...

    Once you arrive, the entire city has gone to the worst; entire buildings are disappearing before your eyes. People are mercilessly, and randomly as hell, sucked up into the skies, disappearing. You have no idea of the cause of all this, except if you begin finding a way to stop this. You won't be the only ones to try and solve the problem; while you search around the town with difficult due to the weird gravity, you'll eventually cross paths with the client, Ray. He'll explain about how he believes that the issue might be up there, and that your only option is to go up. The gravity won't just pull everyone up at once, so take advantage of the floating blocks if you need it.

    There's a giant, inhuman spaceship above the clouds, with a large hole that appears to be the vacuum cleaner. Everyone sucked into it will appear in inside cages where they'll be treated as captured prisoners. Find out how to get to the core of the ship, and take down any obstacle on your way! Ray will support you with his Gravity Magic, but that's your task to find out how!





    Reward: If performed with more than two mages - 1.5x EXP equivalent of a B-rank job. If not, then just normal B-rank job EXP <<<

    Dark Power: Pieces of the goo will still contain some mana from the giant 'battery' earlier. If equipping them, or noticing its presence on your body, then it'll leak in and grant you an increase of 10 MP on top of your mana pool. This works as a magic item; when using the extra mana, your magic will have a dark nature around it and be effective against Light Magic. Only two persons can achieve this magic item; have to roll an Attack Dice to see if you gain one or not.

    Upon destroying Lou, you'll hear strange words from speakers; the moment after, the ship is breaking apart! Find a way to survive, somehow; when in safety, you'll notice a device that reveals several spaceships that are all flying around the highest skies of Fiore. The issue is far from over, but enjoy your temporary pause...

    (Unlocks access to the next Halo of Stars! job when finished.)

    Last edited by Imai-chi on 4th August 2016, 5:41 am; edited 1 time in total



    The Halo of Stars! An Unexpected Skyjacking Empty Re: The Halo of Stars! An Unexpected Skyjacking

    Post by Guest 3rd August 2016, 2:45 pm


    Hey there! Nothing too major to change here, just a few things.
    First, please lower the amount of MP "Dark Power" gives the user to 10 MP.
    Secondly, there are currently no more double EXP slots for B-rank missions, so it needs to be change to the regular EXP reward for the rank.

    Lineage : A True Magician
    Position : None
    Posts : 509
    Guild : Sabertooth (Ace)
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 567,759

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Heavenly Body Magic
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    The Halo of Stars! An Unexpected Skyjacking Empty Re: The Halo of Stars! An Unexpected Skyjacking

    Post by Imai-chi 4th August 2016, 5:41 am

    A'right, edits done ^^ Bump



    The Halo of Stars! An Unexpected Skyjacking Empty Re: The Halo of Stars! An Unexpected Skyjacking

    Post by Guest 4th August 2016, 6:51 pm

    Only 1x job EXP is currently permitted, so we had to change the reward slightly.
    Other than that...



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