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    New, Old Memories [Evia's B rank Exam] (Private)


    Silver Glare

    Silver Glare

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Player 
    Lineage : Glory of the Slayer
    Position : None
    Posts : 811
    Guild : Lamia Scale
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    Experience : 8952

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    New, Old Memories [Evia's B rank Exam] (Private) Empty New, Old Memories [Evia's B rank Exam] (Private)

    Post by Benjamin 29th July 2016, 1:15 am

    Not far outside the town of Hargeon, there was a rather large mansion.

    This impressive home happened to be the dwellings of two members of the Lamia Scale guild, two mages that worked as partners. The one who first awoke in this building was the pink haired female of the two, who seemed to have know memory of who she was and how she got there. The other was a certain gray haired young man who had been invited by the former to live at this mansion as a means of aiding her in regaining her memories, as well as to give the mage a more permanent residence than the rooftops of Hargeon. However, on this stormy night, one of those residents was struggling to make his way home.

    Dmitry Kazakov's body was in awful shape, both inside and out. Set upon by two skilled enemies, ravaged by a deadly aura, thrown into a maelstrom of suffering, and forced to except a new and intense power on top of a body that was already failing him, the mage dropped down to his knees and coughed up blood on the ground, the red fluid quickly washed a way by the downpour. Forcing himself back on to his feet, Dmitry pushed onward, the mansion that had become his home finally in sight. After stumbling over to the door, he barely managed to twist the handle open and throw his broken body into the entrance, collapsing like a broken toy that had been cast aside by a spoiled child.

    As he lay there on his back, he coughed more blood all over himself, nearly choking on it. His vision was now blurred and he was panting heavily, struggling to remain conscious. But even he couldn't fight against the white haze that was overtaking his vision as the world around hims slowly drifted away, his consciousness along with it.

    (OOC: Right, so it's finally here! You know most of the plan already, just need to get to a word count of 3,000 before the exam can be concluded. My posts will not contribute to that count in any way.)

    Last edited by Dmitry on 2nd August 2016, 10:36 pm; edited 1 time in total
    Rowan Miles
    Rowan Miles

    Lineage : Oblivion's Might
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    New, Old Memories [Evia's B rank Exam] (Private) Empty Re: New, Old Memories [Evia's B rank Exam] (Private)

    Post by Rowan Miles 29th July 2016, 10:05 am

    Her head had been pounding ever since she had woken up from her sleep from the mission that they three mages had taken in order to retrieve the friend of one of the mages. The curse of the land had infected her body and had caused for the angel wot hurt with every movement. But the only reason that the pinkette had managed to escape the cursed lands was due to a mental connection that had been formed between her and her parter. But due to that the pinkette had passed out and had only woken recently.

    Her head was pounding, she had been having nightmares every time that she had tried to sleep, shots of guns, blood around her as well as bodies, things that she knew was familiar, she much have seen them before as they were so vibrant and so exact in every detail. But she couldn't remember how she know them or where she knew them from, just the fact that she knew them.

    It was a stormy evening, lighting struck and thunder shook the house, the female was curled up on the couch with her hot chocolate as she looked out the window of the mansion that she had woken up in. Not only were her nightmares keeping her up that night but also her partner had disappeared for several days, missing the day that she had woken up. Worry flitted through her veins, but of course it wasn't as though she would admit it. She had come to the conclusion that she liked the man, but she knew that he was just too dense to understand how she felt.

    But as another strike of lightning flashed across the sky she heard her front door creek open, the angel sprung from the couch and ran to the door to see if it was who she had hoped it was.

    It was.

    However the look of him was frightening to the eye, blood was slipping from his lips. Evia cried out and raced to his side, gently picking up his head and resting it on her lap as she looked down at him. Her fingers brushed against his face and the girl moved the hair out of his eyes. She wanted to save him, but hesitance ran through her head, her magic, that healing spell was the same one that she had used on his friend, what if it only made him worse.


    She didn't have time for this. The pinkette shifted her hands over him and merely held them over him, a ball of golden white energy began to form in her palms and small strands of the healing magic danced along his skin, healing him slowly. But he was gone from her sight. Not dead, but unresponsive.

    Taking in a deep breath the angel moved her arms under the man and with a strength she didn't know that she had lifted the man off the ground and to the coffee table that resided in the living room of the mansion, she didn't have enough energy to move him much farther as bags resided under her eyes from her lack of sleep. The pinkette found herself next to him, her eyes finally sliding closed the angel slid her hands into his and fell sleep at is side.

    WC: 554/3000


    New, Old Memories [Evia's B rank Exam] (Private) KFWnRQr
    Rowan Miles



    Silver Glare

    Silver Glare

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Player 
    Lineage : Glory of the Slayer
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    Posts : 811
    Guild : Lamia Scale
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    Experience : 8952

    Character Sheet
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    New, Old Memories [Evia's B rank Exam] (Private) Empty Re: New, Old Memories [Evia's B rank Exam] (Private)

    Post by Benjamin 29th July 2016, 1:27 pm

    One Week Earlier...

    It was a bright day when the doors to the enormous mansion just outside Hargeon opened, two of the town's resident mages stepping inside. One of them, a gray haired young man surveyed the building with curious eyes, not accustomed to this kind of home.

    "You know, I thought these things were supposed to be smaller," Dmitry said as he looked about. "Do most folks live in a place this big?" It was to be expected that he would show such ignorance, his own accommodations typically limited to whatever place he could find since he was a small boy. Many questions went through his mind, most of them tumbling out of his mouth like a child at a zoo.

    "Hey, where do we sleep around here? Oh and where do I go to take a leak and stuff? Is there anything else living around here I need to worry about? Is there anything to eat or do I gotta go out and find it?"
    Rowan Miles
    Rowan Miles

    Lineage : Oblivion's Might
    Position : None
    Posts : 137
    Guild : Guildess
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    Experience : 2,287

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    New, Old Memories [Evia's B rank Exam] (Private) Empty Re: New, Old Memories [Evia's B rank Exam] (Private)

    Post by Rowan Miles 2nd August 2016, 12:15 am

    The pink haired mage stood behind the other mage as she opened her door, her hands were fidgeting in front of her, slightly excited that the man would be staying with her, but also slightly anxious as she was having these feelings, they were unwanted. She knew her home was larger than most, but it was normal to her as it was the first place that she had seen when she woke up. The pinkette watched the man in front of her closely incase he had decided to change his mind, she hoped that he wouldn't. Her blue orbs followed his every movement, though he didn't seem to be entering the house.

    However the pinkette was never one for patience. Taking the hand of the man she attempted to pull him into the house.

    "Well first of all, where you sleep will be called a bed and those reside in a room."

    The female made her way down the hallway, at this point she didn't care if Dmitry was following her or not. She reached a staircase in which she made her way up, step by step before she reached the top and went right to the second door on the right, the first being a linen closet, opening it and revealing a room that held a bed.

    "This is called bedroom, this is where the bed is. This is the room you will be staying in. Next, t-to go to the restroom there is a bathroom attached to your room. The restroom is where you can go to relieve yourself. Release it into the thing that looks like a chair with a hole in it."

    The pinkettes cheeks were burning by the end of the sentence.

    "As for anything else living in this house, all that there is me. And for food. There is a fridge down in the kitchen downstairs. I will make breakfast and probably dinner, you have to find lunch on your own. Bt everything is in that bug shiny silver greyish box. Any other questions?"

    The room: http://twevy.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/Victorian-bedrooms.jpg

    WC: 894/3000


    New, Old Memories [Evia's B rank Exam] (Private) KFWnRQr
    Rowan Miles



    Silver Glare

    Silver Glare

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Player 
    Lineage : Glory of the Slayer
    Position : None
    Posts : 811
    Guild : Lamia Scale
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Mentor : Hati
    Experience : 8952

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Nature spirit Invocation
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    New, Old Memories [Evia's B rank Exam] (Private) Empty Re: New, Old Memories [Evia's B rank Exam] (Private)

    Post by Benjamin 2nd August 2016, 11:03 pm

    Dmitry was a bit shocked at the odd feeling he had when Evia took his hand, dragging him to this bedroom she was talking about. When they arrived, woodsman saw something he had seen in an inn once, when he was staying overnight in clover with Mao at an inn. At the time, he had assumed it was just for decoration or something like that, taking one of the sheets and sleeping in the corner of the room while his friend slept in the closet.

    "So that's what these things are for..."
    He said as he poked the mattress with his index finger, perplexed by it's softness. "But...how do you sleep on somethin' so...squishy?" It was around this time that the bathroom was mentioned, leading Dmitry to explore the newly revealed domain. In truth, he had heard the word thrown back and forth quite a bit and had developed an adequate understanding of it's purpose, but he had never actually bothered stepping inside one. The toilet was easy enough to understand, but what truly caught his eye was the strange metal object sticking out of the wall behind a curtain. This was, of course, a shower.

    "And what the hell are you, buddy?" Dmitry said as he examined the device, his attention slowly turning to the strange handle beneath it. And of course, not suspecting a thing, he proceeded to fiddle with that handle until water sprayed out from the shower head and onto his head. As he felt the cold fluid land on his hair, the mage leaped back as if he was being attacked, tripping over the side of the tub that sat underneath shower and landing on his back.

    Rowan Miles
    Rowan Miles

    Lineage : Oblivion's Might
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    New, Old Memories [Evia's B rank Exam] (Private) Empty Re: New, Old Memories [Evia's B rank Exam] (Private)

    Post by Rowan Miles 6th August 2016, 12:54 am

    The pinkette was mostly out the door, thinking that the man would be fine on his own, what could go wrong? But her thoughts of what she would be preparing for dinner were shattered as she heard the familiar sound of the shower turning on and a loud crash and a thud from the bathroom. Blue eyes flashing wide Evia spun on her heel and raced back into the room and to the bathroom, where she pushed the door open frantically. What if the grey haired man had hit his head and there was blood? What if he had been knocked out in the bottom of the shower? What if he had broken something?

    However, what the pinkette saw had her breathing out a sigh of relief. A slight laugh escaped her lips and the angel moved forwards and pulled the shower curtain back and reached over the male in the bottom of the bathtub to the shower handle, turning it off. The water stopped coming from the shower head and the girl stood back up, pulling her now wet hair up into a ponytail. "I see that you've introduced yourself to the shower. This is where you bathe and clean yourself." Bringing her hands back down to her sides the female propped them up on her hips, she could feel the water from the shower dripping down her back and wetting her shirt. It wouldn't be until later that she would realize her light pink shirt would show her bra underneath it when wet.

    "To turn the water on you pull it out, to change the temperature of the water you turn it side to side, left for heat, right for cold."

    With a smirk on her lips the pinkette would offer Dmitry a hand in order to get back onto his feet.

    1198/ 3000


    New, Old Memories [Evia's B rank Exam] (Private) KFWnRQr
    Rowan Miles



    Silver Glare

    Silver Glare

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Player 
    Lineage : Glory of the Slayer
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    Guild : Lamia Scale
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    Mentor : Hati
    Experience : 8952

    Character Sheet
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    New, Old Memories [Evia's B rank Exam] (Private) Empty Re: New, Old Memories [Evia's B rank Exam] (Private)

    Post by Benjamin 6th August 2016, 10:03 pm

    Dmitry blinked a few times after the water stopped, his face coincidentally angled perfectly to gaze upon the now visible bra of his new landlord. He didn't know why, but his eyes seemed to be fixed on something for a few seconds, eventually rising up to the pinkette's face as she explained the function of the appliance. Not even thinking about his earlier gawking, the mage took the hand offered, stood to his feet, ignored the water that had soaked his own clothes, and marveled at the device. Dmitry then proceeded to pull the handle out like she said and turn it to the left, curious at such a function. Sure enough, the water went from cold to hot in seconds, causing a child-like wonder to fill his eyes.

    "Damn, this is way more convenient than goin' out to a river," he said, as if he had made some new discovery. "Do you got one of these in your room? Is it for clothes too?" As the grey mage turned around, he found his eyes caught on the site of his roommate's bra yet again, an odd sensation to say the least. Fortunately, however, it only lasted a moment and he didn't look down again, something that may or may not have saved his life...
    Rowan Miles
    Rowan Miles

    Lineage : Oblivion's Might
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    New, Old Memories [Evia's B rank Exam] (Private) Empty Re: New, Old Memories [Evia's B rank Exam] (Private)

    Post by Rowan Miles 6th August 2016, 10:38 pm

    Her blue orbs watched as Dmitry tested what she had told him and looked at the simplistic thing with such awe only found in a child. Well she supposed he was a child. A child to the modern world, the world in which she had woken up in and had to learn about quickly. A soft smile appeared on the girls features as the grey haired made made several comments before talking about washing his clothes which she had then noticed were soaked due to the water. A blush crept across her features before the pinkette looked down at her own clothes and her eyes went wide, how long had they been like that. Her blush turned furious and she crossed her arms over her chest before looking back up at the male who stood across from her, how she wished that he hadn't taken notice.. or if he had. Of course it wasn't the first one, she didn't want anyone to see her like that.

    "F-for your clothes there is a different machine. It's down stairs. B-but first some clothes."

    How Evia wanted to run and change her own clothing, but she wanted, no no, she didn't exactly want the grey haired man to see her, she wanted to make sure he didn't get a cold.

    "There are long white pieces of cloths, these are called towels. You dry your hair and your body with it. D-Don't use it now while I am in here cause you usually have to take off all of your clothes. Also when you take a shower you take off all of your clothes and you use soap, the little white block in the shower, to clean yourself. Don't get it in you eyes. The towel is for when you are done with your shower and you want to dry off."

    The pinkette reached over and grabbed one of the man towels in the restroom and offered it to Dmitry before turning her back on him. During their time in the bathroom the door had closed and placing her hand on the handle she opened it and the steam that had gathered from the hot water rushed out and cool fresh new air brushed passed the girl.

    "When you are finished drying off don't exit the bathroom without the towel wrapped around your waist covering y-your p-private parts. Don't put on your wet clothes, put them in the basket by the door to your room. There will be new clothed for you on the bed."

    With that the heavenly mage walked out of the bathroom, closing the door behind her and walking over to the dresser where male closed had been stored, it was as if the people that had placed her in this house were prepared for everything. She picked out a couple of things including boxers and laid them on the bed for Dmitry to find when he was done. With that she left the room and walked down to hers which was at the end of the hallway and to the right. Pushing open the door and entering before running to her bathroom and moving to dry herself off.



    New, Old Memories [Evia's B rank Exam] (Private) KFWnRQr
    Rowan Miles



    Silver Glare

    Silver Glare

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Player 
    Lineage : Glory of the Slayer
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    Guild : Lamia Scale
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    Mentor : Hati
    Experience : 8952

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Nature spirit Invocation
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    New, Old Memories [Evia's B rank Exam] (Private) Empty Re: New, Old Memories [Evia's B rank Exam] (Private)

    Post by Benjamin 7th August 2016, 9:28 pm

    Upon the pink haired girl's departure, Dmitry took off the coat and shirt that had gotten wet and used the towel that had been shown to him. Despite what the pinkette may have thought, he needed know introduction to something as simple as a towel; even he could wrap his head around it's function. After drying his upper body, he left his pants on as they had not gotten wet from the shower. Just as he was about to leave the bathroom he stopped and looked at the towel in his hand, remembering what Evia said earlier.

    "I don't really get it, but it's her house." Dmitry said as he wrapped the towel around his waist, unable to find a way to make stay there. "Now how do I...oh...ah, there we go." He mumbled, finally deciding to tie the ends together. Something told him the odd, sash-like arrangement wasn't quite correct, but he figured that he wouldn't understand it any time soon and walked back into the bedroom.


    After finding the clothes Evia had laid out for him, he put on the the button up shirt and headed out the door, intent on finding the girl and learning more about this place. He hadn't properly dried himself off, so there were wet spots on different parts of the white shirt and he hadn't managed button even half of the buttons due to the fact the hadn't actually worn this type of clothing before. This resulted in a mismatch of buttoned and unbuttoned portions up and down the shirt, on top of the fact that he was still wearing the towel around his waist. Completely ignoring these facts, Dmitry stepped out of the room and looked left and right for his tour guide, eventually spotting some water on the ground. Following the water for a few seconds led him to another room, which he walked into without a second thought. He then followed the trail to an adjoining door, not having the sense to know that this was most likely the bathroom that Evia was changing in.

    Again, he entered without a second thought.
    Rowan Miles
    Rowan Miles

    Lineage : Oblivion's Might
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    New, Old Memories [Evia's B rank Exam] (Private) Empty Re: New, Old Memories [Evia's B rank Exam] (Private)

    Post by Rowan Miles 7th August 2016, 10:30 pm

    With her pink hair up in a ponytail on top of her head the mage closed the door behind her before reaching to the hem of her shirt and sliding her fingers under it. Her shirt was soaked wet in the back and she knew that it was visible but she needed to pretend that she didn't care if someone saw it even though she completely did. Her cheeks were a bright red as she lifted the shirt above her head and let it drop to the floor. Her blue eyes looked up into the mirror, there she stood. Evia, not a clue of who she was or what she was, but she was in this home with the only person that she trusted, that she liked in any sort of way despite him acting like a puppy and his unimaginable like for salt. Her pink hair looked bright against her skin, matching her cheeks. Her chest was glaring back at her, she didn't like how big they were, they were too big for her tastes, but they lead down to her thin waist. She didn't know why she was so skinny, she could shove whatever she wanted in her mouth and it wouldn't even make a dent on how thin she was.

    A sigh escaped the lips of the heavenly mage and she closed her eyes before reaching behind her back to unclip her bra as it too had become soaked from the water that she had turned off when Dmitry had fallen in to the shower. Her fingers pausing at the thought of the man. He was different, she didn't know why she could tell but she could. He was protective, obstinate, his grey would sometimes flicker in the light and give off a hint of sliver and his eyes were always like that of an alpha if that made much sense. But catching herself thinking about the man the pinkette frowned and shook her head before unclipping the hook behind her back with her nimble fingers.

    But it was at this moment that a perhaps unwanted guest burst into the bathroom. Evia froze and looked up at the mirror to see who had entered. The grey haired man who had been on her mind and she had her bra half slipped down her shoulders barely covering her breasts. Her eyes went wide and her cheeks began burning red, she could feel the floods of blood rushing to them and not just reddening her cheeks but her entire face in general.



    New, Old Memories [Evia's B rank Exam] (Private) KFWnRQr
    Rowan Miles



    Silver Glare

    Silver Glare

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Player 
    Lineage : Glory of the Slayer
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    Posts : 811
    Guild : Lamia Scale
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Mentor : Hati
    Experience : 8952

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Nature spirit Invocation
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    New, Old Memories [Evia's B rank Exam] (Private) Empty Re: New, Old Memories [Evia's B rank Exam] (Private)

    Post by Benjamin 8th August 2016, 12:27 am

    As the he saw a completely different side of his partner from what he had seen thus far, Dmitry simply stood in place. Naturally, his eyes were more focused on the mirror in front of the woman than her back, though he couldn't understand why. Furthermore, there was an extremely warm sensation welling up in his face, one that felt only slightly familiar.

    In any event, Dmitry wasn't moving from this spot. No survival instinct would kick in and have him shutting the door. No sudden urge to run for his life from the potential wrath of the half naked girl in front of him. No, he was quite clearly rooted to the spot he stood on, both his feet and his eyes refusing to budge a centimeter. For reasons his mind could not process or comprehend, he would stay in that spot staring at Evia through the mirror until something moved him from that spot. His ears would hear nothing and his eyes would only see what they were staring at now, his mind the blankest it's ever been.
    Rowan Miles
    Rowan Miles

    Lineage : Oblivion's Might
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    New, Old Memories [Evia's B rank Exam] (Private) Empty Re: New, Old Memories [Evia's B rank Exam] (Private)

    Post by Rowan Miles 17th December 2016, 2:59 pm

    He wasn't moving, not his eyes not his body it was as if the grey haired man was frozen in place. The blush that had crept across her cheeks grew and the girl snapped out of her trans of staring into the mirror. A high pitched shriek escaped her lips and she grabbed a towel off the rack before wrapping it around her body tightly and the punching the man who stood at the door straight in the nose.

    She knew that he stumbled back and the girl slammed the door behind her. She swiftly locked it and leaned her back against it releasing a deep breath that she didn't know that she had held in.

    H-he saw her. With the entirety of her face red the girl sunk to the floor and held her face in her hands. H-he saw her. What was she going to do now. Someone that she lik-no someone that she didn't like saw her.

    Her mind was screaming at her and her heart was pounding out of her chest, this was more than she could handle. Why was her heart pounding so fast?

    She needed to get a hold of herself.

    Taking a deep breath the girl stood up and pulled the towel off from around her before hanging it back up. She reached around behind her and unfastened her bra, letting it fall to the floor. Her blue orbs shifted up and looked in the mirror, there she stood in all her glory. But, but now Dmitry had seen her.

    Remembering this the girl glared and snorted before climbing into the shower and washed herself off.



    New, Old Memories [Evia's B rank Exam] (Private) KFWnRQr
    Rowan Miles



    Silver Glare

    Silver Glare

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Player 
    Lineage : Glory of the Slayer
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    Posts : 811
    Guild : Lamia Scale
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Mentor : Hati
    Experience : 8952

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Nature spirit Invocation
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    New, Old Memories [Evia's B rank Exam] (Private) Empty Re: New, Old Memories [Evia's B rank Exam] (Private)

    Post by Benjamin 18th December 2016, 1:41 pm

    Dmitry didn't show any kind of reaction to Evia's motions until her fist was nearing his face, causing him to throw his hand up vainly like a deer in headlights. Putting his evasive combat style to shame, he was hit squarely in the nose before stumbling back out the door and falling onto his rear. Finally having snapped out of his trance, he laid down against the floor and put a hand on his nose.

    The hell was that about? Why'd I freeze up like that? He thought to himself as he assessed the damage to his nose. I mean, I know she's good looking, but that was just stupid of me...

    Letting out a long sigh, Dmitry put his hand down at his side and closed his eyes. What the hell am I doing here? The question echoed through his head. He had never been so confused by his own actions before, let alone his own feelings. Deciding he wasn't about to understand anytime soon, he kept his eyes shut and ignored the pain in his face, allowing himself to drift off to sleep right there on the floor with his hand resting on his stomach.

    Ten years earlier...

    Dusk began to settle over the river the boy sat by, perched on the large trunk of a long dead tree. He stared out at the rushing water, not sure what to say to the person sitting next to him as the light from the soon-to-be setting sun danced across the surface in front of him. Blush crept across his face as he took a quick, fleeting glance at the girl by his side. Of course, the young boy didn't have the courage to look at her any longer than that, much as he wished to.

    Thankfully, they weren't far from his village, so he didn't have to worry about the encroaching night. However, that also meant that it wouldn't be long before his mother called him home, leaving him unsure of what to do in the precious moments that he had left to spend with this girl.

    So he simply sat there, hoping one of them could think of a way to break the silence.
    Rowan Miles
    Rowan Miles

    Lineage : Oblivion's Might
    Position : None
    Posts : 137
    Guild : Guildess
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    Experience : 2,287

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Heavenly Judgement
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    New, Old Memories [Evia's B rank Exam] (Private) Empty Re: New, Old Memories [Evia's B rank Exam] (Private)

    Post by Rowan Miles 18th December 2016, 11:17 pm

    The soap ran down her skin in piles of white bubbles, she needed to get this guy out of her mind. She didn't know why he was always on her mind and why he was always there in the back of her mind, haunting every decision that she made. A loud groan escaped the girl's lips and pushed her fingers in the the scalp of her head.

    Taking in a deep breath the girl let it out hoping that it would calm her down. She pulled her fingers out of her pink hair and put them under the shampoo bottle where she squeezed some onto her hand. She quickly rubbed her hands together before kneading the liquid into her had, causing for it to foam up under her fingers. This was so relaxing to her. It was her time alone time when she didn't have to care about anything.

    Finishing rubbing the shampoo into her hair the girl moved to rinse it out, letting the hot water run over her head.

    She could remember the day that Dmitry, the grey haired man, had moved in with her. It was a little after their date, the time that she had suggested it, but she could remember it like it was yesterday.


    He didn't have anything to take with him. Nothing, he had been living out on the streets, from building top to building top with only the clothes on his back and what he had in his pockets.

    Biting on her bottom lip the girl would push open the door to her home, well their home. It was their home now.


    No! She was not going to think about him!

    For Dim's flashback


    The water was so shiny. The sun was reflecting off of it making it seem like a stream of jewels. The boy who sat next to her was quiet. She wanted to say something as she saw the sun setting on the horizon, but there were no words that were coming to mind as she looked at him.

    She knew that their time was limited, that she would be leaving in the morning for her mother's wishes. She was going away. She didn't live in a very safe place, her mother and her father seemed as though they hated her.

    This was why she like the boy sitting next to her, why he was so precious to her, he took care of her and looked after her in the times when she couldn't.

    Her blue orbs would look up at the boy as he sat next to her, trying to form words. But.. but there was nothing coming from her lips.



    New, Old Memories [Evia's B rank Exam] (Private) KFWnRQr
    Rowan Miles



    Silver Glare

    Silver Glare

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    New, Old Memories [Evia's B rank Exam] (Private) Empty Re: New, Old Memories [Evia's B rank Exam] (Private)

    Post by Benjamin 19th December 2016, 12:51 am

    The boy could feel her eyes on him, something that made him even more nervous. Ever since they met, he had the feeling that she would likely be gone someday and her behavior along with the tenseness in the air seemed to confirm that. But he didn't want things to end like this, not in such a somber state.

    Finally, he took a deep breath, as if there was courage in the air.

    "I'll find you!" He awkwardly shouted, sounding anomalous among the soft sounds of the natural world around them. "Even if we get split up...even if we don't see each other for a while...I'll find you again..." His voice lacked any confidence, yet one could pick up a strong will pushing that voice along.

    "I...I promise!"

    Present day...

    Dmitry's eyes slowly drifted open, his vision somewhat blurry at first. Ignoring his momentary blindness , he placed a hand on his throbbing head. Though his body had been healed, he had still gone through quite a bit in the previous fight. As his vision returned, he found himself in the mansion that had become his residence, lying on a coffee table. As his eyes drifted upward, they were met with the face of his landlady and partner, her hand grasping his own. Had she helped him last night? All he could remember was trying to find his way home; apparently he had succeeded. After a gentle squeeze of the hand within his, the gray mage sat up and looked down at the woman next to him, the look of epiphany on his face. The dream he had of his past still echoed in his mind, causing him to stand up table with a strange purpose about him.

    Upon scooping up the angelic mage bridal style, he ignored his lingering sluggishness and carried her up to where he remember he room was. Dmitry placed her down onto her bed and then sat down beside her, pushing some of her hair out of her face with an uncharacteristically gentle smile. Dawn had come and the curtains let in just a few dim rays of the rising sun, lighting her face.

    He understood now. He understood everything. Why he had walked so far for so long. What he had been searching for all that time. And why this girl was so important to him.

    He made a promise and he kept it.

    "I found you..."
    Rowan Miles
    Rowan Miles

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    New, Old Memories [Evia's B rank Exam] (Private) Empty Re: New, Old Memories [Evia's B rank Exam] (Private)

    Post by Rowan Miles 19th December 2016, 1:28 am

    She hadn't taken much more time in the shower before climbing out of the heated water and turning it off. That had relaxed her and had calmed her nerves of what had happened previously. Wrapping the towel from before around her body the girl exited the bathroom only to see the man whom she had punched laying there on the floor, his hand over his nose. Looking at him the girl panicked slightly. She raced to her room and dressed herself in her pjs, after all it wasn't as if she was going to leave the house for the rest of the day, she was just going to have to deal with her new housemate.

    A few mumbles slipped from her pink lips as she felt something warm tighten around her hand. It was so comforting. It was like something that she had held before, but she didn't know where or when. Mumbling a bit more as the man in front of her suddenly stood up she sleepily looked up at him. Her hair was draping slightly over her face as her lips were parted, she had just woken up after all.

    But her slow wake up was sped up rather quickly as her small body was scooped up into the arms of Dmitry. A soft squeal escaped the girl's lips as she clung to him, wrapping her arms around his shoulders. What was going on? She could remember healing the man and then falling asleep from lack of previous sleep and using too much energy in her magic. But what was going on the girl had no idea.

    He carried her a bit until he pushed open the door to a room, her room actually. What was going on? She could feel herself being placed down on her bed as her blue eyes stuck to the grey haired male in front of her. A soft gentle smile graced his face, uncharacteristically of him, and his hand moved to push her pink hair out of her face and behind her ears.

    His next words hit her. She had heard them before. She knew there was something important about those words.

    Her head started to hurt. With a cry the girl gripped her head, bowing it down to the bed. "I don't. I don't. What don't I remember. Why can't I remember?" Tears slipped from her eyes and slid down her pale cheeks.

    She wanted to remember, but her head was hurting so much.

    With tear stained eyes the Evia looked up into the eyes across from her. "Help me. Please, help me remember."



    New, Old Memories [Evia's B rank Exam] (Private) KFWnRQr
    Rowan Miles



    Silver Glare

    Silver Glare

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    New, Old Memories [Evia's B rank Exam] (Private) Empty Re: New, Old Memories [Evia's B rank Exam] (Private)

    Post by Benjamin 19th December 2016, 2:26 am

    Without saying a word or even losing his smile, Dmitry leaned over and tightly embraced Evia.

    "I found you..." He repeated, tears welling up in his eyes. "I finally found you." His body shuddered as he gave into feelings he still barely understood. "I looked for you for so long...I walked for ten years. Even after I threw away my memory, even after I couldn't remember your face or your name, I just kept walking and walking..." His breathing was heavy as the tears in his eyes began to fall. "And I found you...I don't know how...but I found you..." With this, Dmitry simply held the girl, unable to control his emotions for once.

    "I kept my promise."
    Rowan Miles
    Rowan Miles

    Lineage : Oblivion's Might
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    New, Old Memories [Evia's B rank Exam] (Private) Empty Re: New, Old Memories [Evia's B rank Exam] (Private)

    Post by Rowan Miles 19th December 2016, 2:37 am

    The girl was only merely embraced by the man that was across from her. What did he mean that he found her? He had walked for ten years? He had done so many things for her, but, but why? Who was her? Was she important to him?

    Her head hurt from all the questions, from the memories that were trying to rise to the surface. He was someone from her past? Who was he? Tear slid down her cheeks and tainted his shirt, the one that had only dried over night. Her arms wrapped around him as he held her, her finger curling into the cloth of his shirt.

    Well, that was until he mentioned his promise. Her head began to pound. It hurt. It hurt so much. Her fingers tightened on his shirt, holding on to him for support.

    A single memory of sitting on a long fallen log appeared in her head, the glimmer of the river that went by them, and the boy that sat next to her, making a promise to find her.

    That was him, he was someone important from her past. But why was he making that promise? Was he leaving her? Or... or was she leaving him?

    It was all too much right now for her to understand, but her head had stopped hurting, only a dull throbbing from all the questions and the crying remained.

    "What took you so long."


    New, Old Memories [Evia's B rank Exam] (Private) KFWnRQr
    Rowan Miles



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