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    Mice and Mage! [Kranzer; Vale]


    Lineage : Light of Luna
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    Mice and Mage! [Kranzer; Vale] Empty Mice and Mage! [Kranzer; Vale]

    Post by Kranzer 11th July 2016, 8:33 pm


    Oak Town was a virtual treasure to the magical community with its rich history and vast expanse of architecture; most of which is dedicated to various wizards long since dead and considered to have been great. In fact the town boasts of the most extensive library that contains a wide array of knowledge on the magical arts. In fact some say there isn’t another library that even comes close to rivaling it. Did any of this matter to Tristan? Not by a long shot. His type of magic wasn’t something he could improve by spending hour upon hour pouring over some scroll or ancient text. His magic came from not only firsthand experience but an almost intimate knowledge of the form he wanted to take.

    So why was the young wizard in Oak Town? Why did he traverse the myriad of streets that ran through it? It was merely happenstance in truth. The main intention was to simply pass through. He would have too if it wasn’t for the information he’d received at the Oak Inn. Apparently some house was under siege by an infestation of mice. It might have made the young wizard laugh if he saw any humor in it. What he did see was that the inhabitants of the infested house were rather weak in their inability to remove the vermin personally. If they wanted to pay him to clear it out far be it for him to complain. After all a pay day was a pay day regardless of the means it took to acquire it.

    The young wizard was dressed in an array of dark clothing with white trimming. The long sleeves and gloves did wonders in hiding the scarred flesh beneath. That suited Tristan just fine since he didn’t like it when people stared at him. The last thing he wanted was to be pitied by anyone. He was just taking a turn around the street when he saw the house off in the distance. His casual gait slowly drew to a complete stop while he stared at the seemingly vacant house. There was a slight shake of his head before he started to walk towards it again.

    WC and PC:

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    Mice and Mage! [Kranzer; Vale] Empty Re: Mice and Mage! [Kranzer; Vale]

    Post by Vale 12th July 2016, 12:43 pm

    When inspiration - fickle mistress that it was - beckoned, you answered it's call no matter what.

    Which was how a certain ReQuip mage had ended up in her current predicament of being stuck out in the suburbs of the sleepy old town of Oak with a map that made little to no sense. Mostly because the map in question had been used as a canvas for sketching on. Inspiration had struck at the most inopportune of times and forced her hand; inopportune in this case being that she hadn't even a single scrap of paper on herself or in her dimensional storage save for that blasted map. It had been a no brainer at the time though now, now she wasn't too sure of it.

    After squinting at the map for the umpteenth time and turning it this way and that, Valerie decided that perhaps she didn't need a map to get to her destination. It was Oak Town, after all. How hard could it possibly be to find a certain house in such a boring little town?

    Extremely hard, apparently.

    The girl frowned in distaste, having wandered around for a good ten minutes or so without anything to show for her efforts. Perhaps, she decided, she was going about this the wrong way. Instead of looking at houses which honestly looked all the same to her, she should in fact have been looking for people that stood out. Mages usually stood out, after all. Especially ones working a job. She thought it unlikely that a town such as this one would have many jobs that required the help of a mage. Thinking that this was a far better plan, Valerie set off with more hope this time.

    It didn't take long until someone had caught her attention. A tall man dressed head to toe in dark clothing stood facing a rather nondescript house. Coincidentally, he was in the same area she was supposed to be at - which meant it had to be the place.

    “Hello. Are you here for the job as well?”

    The girl said by way of greeting once she had walked up to the stranger.


    Mice and Mage! [Kranzer; Vale] WjF9yCC


    Lineage : Light of Luna
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    Mice and Mage! [Kranzer; Vale] Empty Re: Mice and Mage! [Kranzer; Vale]

    Post by Kranzer 12th July 2016, 8:30 pm

    The young wizard intended to take a moment to take stock of the house and any discernable routes of escape but an overwhelming urge to yawn overcame him. The back of his hand was raised to his mouth and water steadily congregated along the edge of his eyes. Idly he wondered what could have possessed him to be out of bed so early and during the day. With a furrowed brow his gaze shifted to take into account the position of the sun. Just as he lowered his hand from his mouth he heard someone call out from behind him. In one fluid motion the young wizard spun around and took a step back. He was clearly started having been pulled so suddenly from his thoughts.

    It was also rather careless for a wizard to let their guard down like that but that wasn’t his prime focus at that particular moment. Tristan’s brow continued to furrow as he considered her words. Was he there for the job as well? This woman was a wizard? If she was here for the same job that meant he’d have to share the reward with her. That thought was less than pleasing but there wasn’t much he could do at this point in time other than tell a bold faced lie. Not that it’d likely help since she must have already identified him as a wizard. Tristan spent a few more moments as he focused his composure and relaxed his stern expression.

    Yeah, it’s supposed to be this house,” he said with a gesture of his thumb over his shoulder to indicate that the nondescript house was the right place. Rather than turning and making his way towards the house his hazel-eyed gaze remained fixated on her for a moment. "I didn't actually expect anyone else to pick up this job." The comment was made with a slight shrug of his shoulders to feign indifference. Damn he was going to have to split the reward. Tristan’s expression turned gloomy without explanation while he turned and waved for her to follow. He was looking forward to buying so much food with that money too!



    Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Player 
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    Mice and Mage! [Kranzer; Vale] Empty Re: Mice and Mage! [Kranzer; Vale]

    Post by Vale 13th July 2016, 11:13 am

    The stranger in black seemed to have been surprisingly startled by Valerie's friendly greeting and he didn't look to be particularly pleased at her arrival; if the furrowed brows were anything to go by. The girl wasn't sure if he had a problem with how she looked - unsurprisingly enough, her youthful appearance led a lot of people to doubt her capabilities - or if he had taken offense at having been made to wait for her. Most people didn't take kindly to tardiness, after all. Or perhaps the heat was getting to him. Surely it couldn't have been comfortable to go about bundled up entirely in black during the day time. Still, she could hardly cast stones at anyone else's wardrobe choices.

    The next words out of his mouth, however, silenced whatever awkward apology she had been about to make.

    He hadn't been expecting anyone else on this job.

    Valerie found this strange as the job had specifically that stated she was to meet up with a tall, dark haired mage and work together with him. Was he not told of her arrival, then? It was beginning to look like there had been some crossed lines of communication.

    "Oh, that's odd. I was told someone would be waiting here to fill me in on the details."

    Tall, dark and gloomy had taken off towards the house, motioning for her to follow. A bit rankled at having to almost jog to keep up with his longer stride, Valerie kept up with her reluctant partner nonetheless. It didn't occur to the girl in the slightest that the young man might have been miffed at having to split the reward with her. Such things, unfortunately, never occurred to her.

    "Alright then. Let's quickly finish up whatever we have to do here."


    Mice and Mage! [Kranzer; Vale] WjF9yCC


    Lineage : Light of Luna
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    Mice and Mage! [Kranzer; Vale] Empty Re: Mice and Mage! [Kranzer; Vale]

    Post by Kranzer 13th July 2016, 2:04 pm

    When she spoke he didn’t if that was what she’d meant to say originally due to a momentary pause, but she expressed confusion over it since she had apparently been instructed someone would be on site to brief her on the particulars of this job. Tristan gait slackened for just an instant as it suddenly occurred to him that just maybe she was supposed to meet someone else here. After all he did set out to take on this job on a whim after he’d overheard someone talking about it. That indecision lasted for all of a few seconds before he cast it away with a shrug. If her intended partner wasn’t here already then it was his loss. He’d be more than happy to take the reward once it was all said and done.

    She expressed an interest in wrapping up this little task quickly and that was something Tristan could definitely agree with. He always liked getting right down to the point. Decisiveness was the mother of winning after all, or so he heard. During his approach his gaze quickly fell upon a rather dejected looking young man that sat upon a small staircase that led up to the building’s front door. While he was probably only a few years older than Tristan lines of worry were etched deeply into his expression and the signs of stressed wore heavily upon his shoulders. It was the sound of Tristan’s footsteps that first alerted him that he wasn’t alone.

    The young man quickly stood up. His clothing marked him as being more middle class but well off enough to have little to no worries. He wore a casual suit that had a few wrinkles in it which might seem odd enough this early in the morning. His light brown hair was a mess from where he’d had his fingers dug into it. There was a light layer of hair upon his cheeks that would indicate he hadn’t shaved in the last day or so. There were dark bags that hung low beneath his puffy brown eyes. There was a certain light that ignited within those brown orbs at the sight of not one but two wizards. The man appeared to hesitate for a moment as he looked between then but ultimately decided not to question his sudden turn of luck.

    Please tell me that you two are here for the job.” Tristan quickly nodded and wanted to groan. Talking wasn’t really one of his strong points but there wasn’t much choice at the moment. “Yeah, are they in there?” Tristan nodded towards the door which drew the man’s gaze away. “Yes they are in there.” His hope filled gaze focused on the two wizards again while he took a step closer. He was just about to explain that the mice were rather elusive before he was interrupted by Tristan. “How many?” The man blinked. “R-right, straight to the point.” His shocked expression quickly shifted to take on a more confident demeanor.

    There are ten in there but,” he went on to say only to stop as Tristan turned and started to walk up the steps. The client reached out as if to stop Tristan but drew his hand back with no small degree of uncertainty. “Uh, just don’t wreck the place! Any damages will be taken out of your reward!” Tristan didn’t even look back as he went to enter the house.



    Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Player 
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    Mice and Mage! [Kranzer; Vale] Empty Re: Mice and Mage! [Kranzer; Vale]

    Post by Vale 13th July 2016, 5:09 pm

    As the duo approached the house, Valerie took notice of the man sitting despondently on the steps to what she assumed was his home. The only way he could have looked even more pitiful and hopeless was if he had someone play melancholic music in the background as the heavens poured forth upon his messy brown hair.

    "Wow. You look terrible."

    Ever the tactful young lady that she was, of course she had to cheerfully point this out.

    She piped down and listened to the brusque conversation between her partner and the man, picking up what she could. It still wasn't very clear as to what their job exactly was though the general gist of it had been easy enough to grasp. It was a home invasion of some sort. Those were usually pretty easy and all it took were bullets. Fortunately - or perhaps unfortunately for everyone else - she had an infinite supply of those and no qualms about putting them to good use.

    "Don't worry, you can count on us."

    Valerie replied as if to reassure the man as her partner went on ahead, pointing two of her fingers in mimicry of a gun and pretending to playfully shoot the man whose nerves were probably already shot to hell. Certain that she'd done her bit in calming the client down, the girl strode purposefully through the door after her partner.

    After looking around a bit, the mage failed to see any threats in the immediate area. She had clearly heard the client mention there were ten inside. Were the threats invisible? That would have certainly posed a problem for a regular person. Without further ado, Valerie called forth her ReQuip magic and within an instant, a six foot tall synthetic construct stood in place of the petite young woman. Strangely enough, no threats presented themselves even with her vastly improved senses. Deciding that they must have been holed up in a different room when she spotted a small movement and heard a squeak.

    It was a mouse. The most abominable and heinous of all beasts.

    Surprisingly bold for such a tiny little creature, it had scurried over to investigate the foreign presence in the house and currently stood on its hind paws. Perfectly within kicking distance. Never one to waste an opportunity, Valerie moved faster than the little beastie assumed and sent it flying into the opposite wall with a swift kick. The faint thump of its lifeless body landing on the carpet was surprisingly satisfying.

    "Now for the other ones."

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    Mice and Mage! [Kranzer; Vale] WjF9yCC


    Lineage : Light of Luna
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    Mice and Mage! [Kranzer; Vale] Empty Re: Mice and Mage! [Kranzer; Vale]

    Post by Kranzer 13th July 2016, 6:18 pm

    The man looked rather perplexed by the observation Valerie made about his current state. He was even more perplexed when she seemingly changed demeanor and announced that he could rely upon them to see this job through. He was helpless to just stand there and watch as she went up the stairs and right into the house. Tristan on the other hand was rather focused as he tried to ferret out the little nuisances. That is until he heard more than saw the magic his partner performed. When he turned around to see what she’d done the young wizard was left rather taken aback at the sudden emergence of a construct that was nearly as tall as he was. For a few seconds he stood there and blinked. Those hazel eyes vanished each time until he made a slightly interested noise.

    The first of the rodents to reveal itself did so shortly after their arrival. The little thing must have had a serious death with. His curious gaze followed its progress as it approached the strange construct that shared the room with them. The little thing walked in as if it expected the construct to offer it salvation. Rather than saving it the construct moved faster than he expected and delivered one swift kick. The little mouse soared across the room with a low squeal only to go silent as it smacked against the wall. “That's one down,” he said with a slight smirk. The voice that emanated from the construct, while roughly feminine, sounded nothing like the petite woman that walked in behind him. Well he assumed she had anyway. Had she summoned something to fight in her stead? The young wizard frowned slightly but before he could question her about it his ears perked up as a low squeak emanated from across the room.

    With barely a glance the young wizard turned and sprinted across the room towards an open door frame that led into a small hallway. The second mouse risked a look around the edge of the door frame. Idly he pondered if the little thing wondered what had happened to its friend? Despite the curiosity he didn't take the time to properly observe the little rodent to figure that out. His boot slammed down on top of it with a loud thud. The poor mouse's life was extinguished all too quickly. Tristan would have turned around if it wasn't for the fact that a third rodent scurried by. It gave Tristan one look before it tried to flee down the hallway and deeper into the house.

    A wry grin spread across his face as he gave chase only to vanish into the hallway. It took only a moment before the third mouse squeaked in protest. It's death cry was cut short prematurely with a sudden thud of his boot. "Three!"


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