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    Mashyuu and Kira in: The Lair of the Geomancer!




    Developer/GFX Artist- Dragon VIP Status- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Slayer- Dragon Slayer- Legal Guild Ace- A-Rank- Rich- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
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    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Earth God Slayer
    Second Skill: Light Dragon Slayer
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    Mashyuu and Kira in: The Lair of the Geomancer! Empty Mashyuu and Kira in: The Lair of the Geomancer!

    Post by redheadedstepchild 4th July 2016, 10:47 pm

    job details:

    One week ago, while Mashyuu was on a job with his team Sacred Gaia the earth opened up under an old shrine to a god like creature and released elemental's. These creatures roamed the land of Talonia and started causing odd weather patterns. The moment Mashyuu learned about it he headed out to try and fix the problem before the Cult of the Hell Fire Lord made it on the scene. It was possible that they could get all the offerings to the Demon Lord they needed by destroying enough Elemental's.

    Black boots of thick leather crunched down on lose gravel as Mashyuu neared a set of steps that spiraled under ground into darkness just outside of Talonia. The land was barren, but clearly once held a large alter or shrine of some sort. The Blue eyed Earth Wizard glanced down at his stone Golem friend Rocky and he frowned. "Buddy I think you should stay here. Apparently another Wizard had already asked about this place and might already be down there. If that's the case I'll have help. If not make sure to let him know I"m down there. I'll be back in a day at most." Mashyuu assured Rocky and patted the stone dog on the head with his red and black leather, fingerless gloves. Without another word Mashyuu started down the steps that spiraled into darkness...

    At a point the high noon sun was no longer visible and for some reason the Wizard felt more at peace here, like he belonged under the ground, that made sense as far as Mashyuu was concerned since he was the Dragon Slayer of Earth and he had found his teacher inside a dark cave similar to this. Now he wore Ux, the spirit of the Dragon who taught him earth magic, on his right index finger in a golden dragon claw ring.

    It was strange to Mashyuu that no matter how deep he walked down the steps he never seemed to not be able to see. It was as if the only reason he couldn't see the sun anymore was due to some sort of magical protection on the land and not because he had gone too deep. After nearly an hour of walking Mashyuu found himself standing some seventy meters away from a large building of stone that seemed to run on for miles. Mashyuu ran his hand through his brown spiked hair and let out a long breath of air. He pulled his grey leather jacket over his shoulders and patted his right arm that had no sleeve. "Ya know I better wait for that other Wizard, just in case I can't handle this place alone." Mashyuu whispered to himself and looked at the strange looking building once again. It had a large almost glass looking dome at the top of it, the corners of the building made of rich marble and the walls looked to be shaped from black onyx. He could barely see the doors of dark red wood standing proudly in the center of the buildings front wall.

    WC: 515

    Post #

    Marshy @ THQ

    The Phoenix

    The Phoenix

    Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Rising Star- Guild Master- Demon Slayer- S-Rank- A-Rank- Haiku Contest Participant- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Hero- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    Mashyuu and Kira in: The Lair of the Geomancer! Empty Re: Mashyuu and Kira in: The Lair of the Geomancer!

    Post by Kirahunter 5th July 2016, 10:44 pm

    Simon then proceeded to come crashing through a wall only meters away from Mashyuu. He came stumbling out of the rock dazed and covered in dirt, "Wait what?" The mage looked around his surroundings the back at the hole had had come in through, "This isn't the Wizard Saint's vault..."

    Half an hour earlier...

    Simon ran down to the end of the tunnel, holding his lava coated hand in the air for light, to see it branch into two directions. Ghostly monsters were closing in close behind him. He looked down both paths, "Wow these both go a long ways I can't see the end of either. One of these should take me closer to the vault... but the other could go anywhere..." With the phantasms now only feet away he picked a random direction and started running. Then the tunnel continued. Then the tunnel refused to end some more. Despite going at the full sprinting speed of his God Leg magic after thirty minutes the tunnel had decided to not end or turn. Just as Simon was about to turn around and go the other way he saw the end! A solid stone wall.

    He was too elated to have reached the end of the tunnel to realize he had reached the end of the tunnel. As such he collided straight into it.

    Simon then proceeded to come crashing through a wall only meters away from Mashyuu. He came stumbling out of the rock dazed and covered in dirt, "Wait what?" The mage looked around his surroundings the back at the hole had had come in through, "This isn't the Wizard Saint's vault..."

    He brushed himself off and approached Mashyuu, "Uhm hey do you have the faintest idea where we are? I was just trying to exorcise some ghastly spirits in some ancient ruins. I think I took a wrong turn, like a really wrong turn and now I'm here." Simon grinned sheepishly suddenly really embarrassed about everything that had just happened, he could only imagine how crazy he seemed to the mage before him. As he continued to dust himself off he went on to explain in a bit more detail, "You see I have two jobs I need to complete today. Gotta clear out those ruins from earlier then go deal with some sacred temple that got earth quaked to pieces. I was getting fairly close to done with the aforementioned ruins when I got side tracked here. I really need to get back quickly so that I can wrap that up and get started on my next job. I'm in a bit of a time crunch you see?"

    It was clear just how little Simon did know about his circumstances, or his apparently miraculous luck, as the cave he had just happened to barge into was in fact the site of his second job.


    [20:44:53] Kirahunter : also I like the sound of my own voice
    [20:44:59] Kirahunter : so I had to say something

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    Developer/GFX Artist- Dragon VIP Status- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Slayer- Dragon Slayer- Legal Guild Ace- A-Rank- Rich- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
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    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Earth God Slayer
    Second Skill: Light Dragon Slayer
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    Mashyuu and Kira in: The Lair of the Geomancer! Empty Re: Mashyuu and Kira in: The Lair of the Geomancer!

    Post by redheadedstepchild 6th July 2016, 5:12 pm

    Silently Mashyuu stood with his hands on his blue jean covered hips and took a deep breath, he was about to take a step forward when he felt the ground around him tremble. Swiftly he took a step to the side and twisted to face the coming danger that blew out of the wall next to him. Mashyuu pointed to a stone that was flying through the air and let if float to his finger tip. Without a word he aimed at the figure that was coming out of the wall until the dust settled and the man before him spoke. Mashyuu let his jaw go slack and he stood up straight. "No, it's not the Wizard Saint's Vault. I cleared that out like.... four months ago." Mashyuu stated flatly while he tried to figure out who this character was.

    The man explained he was doing two different jobs and Mashyuu narrowed his eyes at the man, trying to understand what the hell was going on. "Dude... Are you crazy? Taking on two jobs at the same time... I can't believe your supposed to be my job partner for this." Mashyuu motioned towards the church like structure. His blue eyes glanced at the black building then to the man. "I'm Mashyuu.... This is the temple you are looking for and we are on a job together. Tell ya what, stick with me. Help me with this job and I'll go help you finish the other one.... Something tells me you aren't an Earth Wizard right?" Mashyuu was confused by the entire situation going on around him but he wasn't about to turn down help where he could find it.

    Mashyuu waited for a long moment then started to walk towards the ebony building. He glanced back at the man then stated firmly. "You got a name man?" The Earth Slayer walked to the large doors and pushed them in, letting what little light was in the room spill into the temple. "Say Simon, do you feel more at home down here? Like maybe we are stronger under ground for some reason?" Mashyuu voiced his feelings and looked to see if maybe he wasn't alone in his thought process.

    Carefully he stepped deeper into the temple and looked in the center of the room. A large set of steps spiraled down into the ground, leading under the hard concrete of the temple. Surrounding the spiral steps were four basins that radiated magical power. The Earth Wizard swallowed hard at the thought that something could come out of the basins. In two of them were light pools of water, still seemingly untainted. The other two held dirt and rock, prompting Mashyuu to wonder what on earth they were for. Perhaps they were some sort of key to keep others out but the elemental's had kept the stairs open.

    WC: 481

    Post #

    Marshy @ THQ

    The Phoenix

    The Phoenix

    Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Rising Star- Guild Master- Demon Slayer- S-Rank- A-Rank- Haiku Contest Participant- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Hero- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    Mashyuu and Kira in: The Lair of the Geomancer! Empty Re: Mashyuu and Kira in: The Lair of the Geomancer!

    Post by Kirahunter 7th July 2016, 10:11 am

    Simon waved of the man's comments about the Wizard Saint vault, "I don't know what you did there but it apparently didn't stick. The place is swarming with ghosts and what not and I was just there." He then turned his attention where Mashyuu was looking a black temple, "Oh this is that place huh? Well I guess I'm a lucky guy then. I'm also not crazy. I can handle jobs like this in my sleep!" Simon blustered on as he examined the temple from where he was, "Anyway no I'm not really an earth wizard. But I do have some neat tricks I can do with rock." He shoved his hands in his pockets and leaned back in, "I personally fancy myself a fire wizard. More specifically I command lava and magma. Anyway while I appreciate the offer I had the other job pretty well under control, I doubt there is anything a dragon slayer could help me with."

    Simon started towards the tower as Mashyuu did. It seemed like a simple enough job and he figured he might as well do it while he was here then worry about the phantasms running around in the vault. When asked to introduced himself he said, "Oh right! I'm Simon! Before you ask, yes I am that Simon. Former wizard saint and guild master. I'm also basically a specialist on dragon slayer's at this point too, incase you were wondering how I knew." He seemed to be counting things on his fingers, "I mean fire, lightning, poison, light, dark, lightdark, and I guess since you mentioned earth I can now add earth to the list. I should've started asking for signatures, I'd have a one of a kind collection." He laughed a little, "You've all got a certain something to your magic aura. I also dabble in demon slayers but I haven't seen one of them since the last one stabbed me in the gut..."

    Simon would ramble on until Mashyuu asked him about feeling 'at home,' and 'stronger,' which gave Simon a little pause. He rolled his shoulders around a little and shifted his magic energy around a bit before concluding that something did feel different. He looked at Mashyuu, "Yeah I'd say there is definitely something here. Although I have to try to feel it. You may have a sharper sense for it because of your earth magic." When they entered the temple and reached the room with the basins Simon raised an eyebrow, "Oh hey this is neat. Maybe its some kind of puzzle?" He thought about it for a second before his face lit up, "Hey this is an elemental temple right? So it's probably all about the four classical elements. What if we empty one of the earth and water ones and then fill one with fire! Then they'll contain the four elements and then something'll happen! What'd you think? Er well does lava count as fire? I hope it does..."


    [20:44:53] Kirahunter : also I like the sound of my own voice
    [20:44:59] Kirahunter : so I had to say something

    Missions Completed

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    Developer/GFX Artist- Dragon VIP Status- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Slayer- Dragon Slayer- Legal Guild Ace- A-Rank- Rich- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
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    First Skill: Earth God Slayer
    Second Skill: Light Dragon Slayer
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    Mashyuu and Kira in: The Lair of the Geomancer! Empty Re: Mashyuu and Kira in: The Lair of the Geomancer!

    Post by redheadedstepchild 7th July 2016, 9:33 pm

    "Ghosts? When I was dealing with it there were bandits trying to rob it. That place needs better security, at least some Strong Rune Knights to patrol the area every hour or so." Mashyuu mumbled. "A Magma Wizard? I can't wait to see that. Maybe we can make a volcano or something if we need a unison raid." The Earth Slayer's face lit up at the thought of it. He had always wanted to make a volcano and this guy could have been his ticket to doing something fantastic, so long as the cocky guy didn't get them both killed. After a moment of thought Mashyuu started to regret not having Rocky come down into the cave with them.

    Simon introduced himself as a former Wizard Saint and his brows furrowed in confusion. The Earth Slayer had never heard of him before. "...Sorry Simon, never heard of you. But to be fair up until almost a year ago I haven't been following the events of the world, just traveling and trying to master my magic. It wasn't even Dragon Slayer Magic at first. I didn't even know we had aura's the way you do." The Earth Slayer took a deep breath and sniffed Simon, memorizing the guy's scent in case they got split up.

    Inside the temple Mashyuu's sky blue eyes looked over to Simon and cocked a smile. "...Maybe. Maybe it's because I've been closer to the temple for a longer time than you. If Elemental's are crawling out of this thing then it could be making elemental magic stronger than it should be." Mashyuu reasoned. Inside his mind his ring went off and commented on the subject as well. Good thinking Mashyuu, it's good to see you using your head more than you did when we first met. The Wizards eyes narrowed even though he remained silent, unwilling to respond to the comment. Simon's next train of thought made Mashyuu snap back to the task at hand. "Yeah maybe, but wouldn't your lava melt the basin? maybe we should find something to light on fire and drop in there. Why don't you do that and I'll empty two of these things out, make sure we can get all four elements... How do you get wind?" Mashyuu continued to reason.

    Mashyuu lifted his foot and kicked over a basin holding rocks and then knocked over a basin of water, causing them to both crash into the ground and clatter hard. He just started to bend over to pick the basins up when the water and earth started to swing about and come up in the form of humanoids. The Earth Wizard went wide eyed and jumped back, facing the water and Earth Elemental's.

    Sky blue eyes darted from the Water Elemental on his right, and the Earth Elemental on his left. He couldn't help but smile at the two and pulled his right arm back. It crackled with golden electricity until he through it forward into the Water Elemental. The Water Elemental stumbled back from the massive blow he sent into it then he lunged at the Earth Elemental, his mouth open wide as he inhaled. The Stone creature whaled in shock as Mashyuu literally inhaled the creature in one gulp and powered himself up a good deal. "Simon, water and I don't get along all that well, got anything to help with it?" He figured water might disrupt his power too but maybe his secondary magic would do well.

    WC: 588

    Post #

    Marshy @ THQ

    The Phoenix

    The Phoenix

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    First Skill: Seith - Human Possession
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    Mashyuu and Kira in: The Lair of the Geomancer! Empty Re: Mashyuu and Kira in: The Lair of the Geomancer!

    Post by Kirahunter 7th July 2016, 11:04 pm

    Simon rubbed his chin at the prospect of making a volcano as some kind of unison raid, "That'd be neat I guess? But I sorta make volcanos where ever I go? I mean I get the logic, rock plus lava equals volcano and all. But what is a volcano but a rock surface that lava shoots out of? So really any time I cast a spell I am making a volcano." The notion did get Simon a little excited but he wasn't entirely sure what Mashyuu could really contribute to the fusion of spells. Sure he could funnel the lava or something but that seemed a bit arbitrary for a unison raid.

    Simon was broken from his contemplation at the earth shattering revelation that Mashyuu had never heard of him. Simon's eyes went wide, it didn't seem possible, everyone knew who he was. He was him! He was a big deal! Sure he hadn't been all that active over the last year, volcano hiding out and whatever, but he figured that surely people still talked about him. Right? It mortified him that he could have been fading from the public spot light. Simon tried to get the thought out of his head by thinking about the dragon slayer bit, "Well it isn't that distinct. I didn't really pick it out until I had seen it a bunch of times. And a bunch of time stareing at S... Erh by being around Heero a lot." Suddenly remembering why he didn't talk about dragon slayers much, he happily moved on when Mashyuu started theorizing about elementals and what not.

    Simon shrugged, "Could be, could be anything. I don't see much use thinking about it, it is what it is. If we're powered up the elementals will be powered up just as much so it'll be a moot point." He crouched down to inspect the basin, "I dunno seems pretty solid. But at the same time I am rather hot. Yeah let me see if I can find anything flameable and we can use that instead." He stood back up and began pacing around the room looking for anything that looked like he could burn. He said back to Mashyuu, "And to fill it with air we just need to empty it. If it is empty then it must be filled with air! Duh." He dug around in a few piles of dirt but he wasn't finding anything fast. A glance over his shoulder he saw Mashyuu was now fighting two elementals. He stood up and bear hugged the water elemental, which was pleanty awkward since it was made of water, "Cool this!" Simon's entire person turned into magma and the water elemental rapidly evaporated into steam. The magma that composed Simon had seemed to vaguely cooled down but Simon's constant flow of magma kept it hot until of course he reverted to his human form a moment later. He rolled his shoulders and grinned, "Fun fact naturally occurring lava is way hotter then water when it turns to steam. Funner fact magic lava is way hotter then the normal stuff. Do the math."

    He said do the math but Simon himself was likely unable to do the math involved. He was not a scientist or a mathmatician.


    [20:44:53] Kirahunter : also I like the sound of my own voice
    [20:44:59] Kirahunter : so I had to say something

    Missions Completed

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    Developer/GFX Artist- Dragon VIP Status- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Slayer- Dragon Slayer- Legal Guild Ace- A-Rank- Rich- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
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    First Skill: Earth God Slayer
    Second Skill: Light Dragon Slayer
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    Mashyuu and Kira in: The Lair of the Geomancer! Empty Re: Mashyuu and Kira in: The Lair of the Geomancer!

    Post by redheadedstepchild 8th July 2016, 6:34 pm

    The Wizard inhaled the Stone Elemental and infused himself with it's energy, making him feel like a million jewels. Just after he finished asking for help with the water elemental, Simon came up to Mashyuu's side and wrapped the water up in his arms. He burst into a lava like armor and evaporated the monster in one fell attack, leaving the area between his arms a simple steaming area of hot air. The Earth Wizard looked at Simon in awe, so that was the power of a former Wizard Saint, Mashyuu could keep up. Or at least Mashyuu thought he could. If anything Simon was just a step ahead of the Earth Wizard and it was something Mashyuu could work towards.

    Mashyuu cleared his throat and picked up the basins, then kicked the tile under him so hard a large piece of stone came up under his foot. He dropped down and picked it up then placed it in Simon's hand. "Here, light it up and lets get this going." He suggested to the Lava Wizard. Once the heated stone was in the basin Mashyuu chewed his bottom lip and watched the ground between the basins. After a moment the elements all flashed in the basins and the ground folded up in four angels, revealing a step of stairs that led down deeper into the temple. Putrid, rotten and moldy air hit the Wizards hard, forcing Mashyuu to drop to his knees and cover his mouth.

    "Oh gods, that is terrible. Give me a minute to get used to that..." He asked of Simon. The Slayer pulled himself up and started to wander down the steps, each of his foot steps echoing out around him while he traveled deeper down into the darkness. His right hand ran along the wall while he descended the steps, bringing to mind a fun fact to Mashyuu. "...So do you know why stairs spiral in places like this so close to the walls? It's to keep attacking forces in most armies from using their sword arm and keeping defenders free to attack." A soft grin pressed across Mashyuu's lips when he came to the bottom of the steps.

    On three sides of the steps were strong red oak doors. Mashyuu's nostrils flared while he faced each of the doors, his head shook his brown hair and he narrowed his eyes. "...Each door smells terrible, all burned too. I wonder how these things aren't rotted or falling apart. Think someone is down here keeping things kept up? Maybe that God thing is is actually around here and controlling the Elemental's. Could be planning something." The Slayer was starting to theorize more and more, something he didn't normally do. Hell he barely thought ahead more than a few steps but now he found himself worried about trying to open any of the doors.

    WC: 481

    Post #

    Marshy @ THQ

    The Phoenix

    The Phoenix

    Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Rising Star- Guild Master- Demon Slayer- S-Rank- A-Rank- Haiku Contest Participant- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Hero- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    Mashyuu and Kira in: The Lair of the Geomancer! Empty Re: Mashyuu and Kira in: The Lair of the Geomancer!

    Post by Kirahunter 8th July 2016, 6:57 pm

    Simon deftly caught the stone and spun it in his hand, "Well setting rock on fire doesn't usually work out well. But we should only need it to hold for a second." He placed the rock between his hands and willed it to heat up. His magic quickly set the rock ablaze and Simon set it in the basin. Simon impatiently watched the stair well appear, "We could've smashed through that. Heck you could have just eaten the rocks in the way. Everything we just did was silly." Of course Simon said it like it wasn't all his idea even though it was. Fortunately he was knocked off his high horse by the smell, he gagged and covered his face with his sleeve, his voice was muffled speaking through his coat but it was clear enough "Ugh that's nasty." Simon quickly followed behind Mashyuu down the stairs, in response to the lecture on stair-lore Simon quipped, "Sounds like the system falls apart against left handed people." When they reached the bottom of the stairs Simon gagged at the intensifying smell.

    He looked between the three doors Mashyuu was right they hardly seemed to be holding together much less up. Simon scratched his head, "Well they're all perfectly identical. There isn't any real way to safely choose right. So all there is to do is the avoid picking wrong..." He analyzed the doors, "But every door presents an equal probability of being the wrong one... So therefor the only way not to choose wrong... Is to not choose!"

    Simon sprinted at the nearest wall using his God Leg magic, time slowed to a crawl, but despite slowing Simon was still moving at running speed. Using his zero walk ability he ran along the wall stomping on each door as he passed launching each one off its hinges as he passed. The weak wooden splintered and shattered slowly wheeling through the air at the small army of elementals that waited behind each door. Behind one door was a collection of wind and fire elementals, Simon immediately got an awesome idea. As the first wood splinter deflected harmlessly off the front most earth elemental Simon dashed into the door way housing the fire and wind elementals, blowing past the fragmented wood as he passed. Time sped up, the world moved at normal speed but now Simon was a blur, he ran circles around the group slowly creating a tornado like effect. The force of his running began to pull the fire and wind elementals into each other pulling the collective group into a magical fire tornado occupying the far right door way from Mashyuu's perspective. While the effect seemed to cause the fire and wind elementals to burn each other up that wasn't Simon's plan. Simon yelled over the roar of wind, "Toss em' in Mashyuu! I'll cook them extra crispy!"

    Last edited by Kirahunter on 8th July 2016, 7:06 pm; edited 1 time in total


    [20:44:53] Kirahunter : also I like the sound of my own voice
    [20:44:59] Kirahunter : so I had to say something

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    Mashyuu and Kira in: The Lair of the Geomancer! Empty Re: Mashyuu and Kira in: The Lair of the Geomancer!

    Post by NPC 8th July 2016, 6:57 pm

    The member 'Kirahunter' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    Mashyuu and Kira in: The Lair of the Geomancer! WeakMonster Mashyuu and Kira in: The Lair of the Geomancer! NormalMonster Mashyuu and Kira in: The Lair of the Geomancer! NormalMonster



    Developer/GFX Artist- Dragon VIP Status- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Slayer- Dragon Slayer- Legal Guild Ace- A-Rank- Rich- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
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    Second Skill: Light Dragon Slayer
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    Mashyuu and Kira in: The Lair of the Geomancer! Empty Re: Mashyuu and Kira in: The Lair of the Geomancer!

    Post by redheadedstepchild 9th July 2016, 7:55 pm

    Mashyuu's blue eyes narrowed, then glanced over to Simon. "Yeah, I could have but this was more fun." He muttered in response to Simon's off handed comment about the pair being able to simply smash through it. "Besides, if I would have eaten stone that was holding that smell back I might actually be dead right now." The Wizard said while he started down the steps.

    "Maybe, but having a single soldier that is left handed can ruin a formation so it's not likely." Mashyuu watched as Simon smashed all three doors in at roughly the same time and went to work on one group of elemental's, forcing them together to make a fire like tornado. At his suggestion to toss the others inside Mashyuu reached both hands out and pulled up two shadows from the ground. One shadow was a six and a half foot long, three foot wide snake, the other a flying bat like creature that screeched loudly at the Earth and Water Elemental's. Thanks to residing inside of Mashyuu the beasts knew the job was to throw the Elemental's into the whirling vortex being held together by Simon.

    Mashyuu looked to one wind Elemental and pointed his right hand at the beast, then closed the hand. A moment later the ground erupted up around the wind Elemental and started to not only cut off air but swallow the Elemental while crushing it. The Earth Wizard looked on at the fire Elemental and let his left arm reach behind him. His glove lit up and poured thick stones, dropping them to the ground until he clenched his fist and let them all float up and form a war hammer in his hand.

    Deftly Mashyuu started to swing his hammer about then tossed it into his right hand while stalking towards the fire Elemental. The Earth Wizard slammed the hammer into the monsters head, causing it to go out and stumbled backwards. As the Elemental regained it's footing it's face lit back up, only to find Mashyuu spinning around and driving his weapon into the heated chest of the Elemental and straight at Simon at the same time.

    Over with the other two Elemental's, Mashyuu's summoned creatures fought hard, Brood, the bat like creature circled over head, firing blasts into each of the Elemental's while Sin, the snake like beast drove it's tail into the legs of each monster. The combined attacks drove the two Elemental's into the room with the stairs where Mashyuu waited and brought up a wall of stone with his free hand, pushing the Earth Elemental into the vortex that Simon had built up. Lining up his shot Mashyuu pulled his right hand back and dropped his hammer. Pointing his hand he unleashed a bolt of thunder straight into the chest of the water Elemental and blasted it right at Simon to finish the job.

    After the Elemental's were down Mashyuu took a seat on a step and looked to Simon. "Alright buddy, where do you think we should go from here on?" Mashyuu asked and took a big bite out of the wall next to him, trying to recover some of his magical energy.

    WC: 535

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    Marshy @ THQ

    The Phoenix

    The Phoenix

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    Mashyuu and Kira in: The Lair of the Geomancer! Empty Re: Mashyuu and Kira in: The Lair of the Geomancer!

    Post by Kirahunter 9th July 2016, 8:54 pm

    Simon deftly evaded the elementals as they got thrown in one by one. Most of them were torn apart by the flames and heat pretty quickly the earth elementals just weren't having it. Simon had to throw a couple punches here and there to keep the elementals staggered until the heat eventually claimed them as well. Finally he came to a stop leaving only a pile of blackened stones where the tornado had been. He spent only a second trying to catch his breath before he looked up to Mashyuu, "Man I dunno. Oh geez next time I suggest using fire to roast earth elementals..." He shook his hand which now stung from recently punching rock, "Encourage me to skip straight to the lava. I burn way hotter then these fire guys, using them as a weapon going forward probably isn't very economical."

    Finally getting his wind back he looked down the three tunnels "Well we're in the exact same situation we were in before. Just without doors blocking our way. So really we are down to a guessing game here. But now we do know the elementals behind the doors..." Simon started pacing in circles around the room, "There's two obvious theories we could pursue here. One where we go down the path with the strongest elementals because that indicates there is something more valuable to be protected. The other where we go down the path with the different elemental protecting it. While left and right both had more elementals they were a matching pair, the middle door was the odd one out implying there is something different about it. There is only one center of this temple so we don't want to go anywhere that is similar to somewhere else..." Simon's pacing had gained speed, he was now at what a normal person would call sprinting speed, but he was still walking, and he kept getting faster, "But what would cause someone to put weaker guards in front of the most important door? Maybe they're really a diversion. They're counting on us to pick the odd enemies out, to see the one that doesn't belong and pursue the in-uniformity of the middle door. They could have also been planted there as a path of least resistance. Think you open one mysterious door and you seen ten elementals, screw that you shut that door and check another one. That one only has like four, now you want to go that way because it is easier. They could have deliberately counted on this effect to make us pick that decoy door!"

    Simon was starting to kick up a trail of dust as he 'paced' at superhuman speeds around the edge of the room, "That leaves the left and right door as the safer choices. But which one? They had the same elementals behind them the only difference between the two is their orientation in the room. Left and right. You may think the right hand door because right handed people like to put important stuff to their right for ease of access even in situations where that doesn't really apply they do it anyway subconsciously. Rather that is what people think happens. In reality people are so scared of being predictable they frequently choose opposite their dominate hand even in total toss up scenarios." There seemed to be some sound from below as Simon rambled on but it was hard to hear over Simon's motor mouth, if Mashyuu tried to stop him, Simon would just keep going, he was so close to the answer he just knew it, he was on a roll he had to figure it out, "So then it is most likely on the left! But maybe whoever made the temple knew that. So they deliberately fought their subconscious urges and put the important door to the right! But then again where the people who built the temple really trying to mislead anyone? Sure its current inhabitants are hostile but originally it was just a place of worship. That being the case there may not be any special design motifs to it at all really and they just did the most simple thing. There for to get to the center of the temple we must go through the center pathway!" As he said it the floor collapsed from the combined force of the battle and Simon's violent pacing.

    Thus the duo fell into the unknown.


    [20:44:53] Kirahunter : also I like the sound of my own voice
    [20:44:59] Kirahunter : so I had to say something

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    Mashyuu and Kira in: The Lair of the Geomancer! Empty Re: Mashyuu and Kira in: The Lair of the Geomancer!

    Post by redheadedstepchild 11th July 2016, 10:54 pm

    Mashyuu's blue eyes narrowed, then glanced over to Simon. "Yeah, I could have but this was more fun." He muttered in response to Simon's off handed comment about the pair being able to simply smash through it. "Besides, if I would have eaten stone that was holding that smell back I might actually be dead right now." The Wizard said while he started down the steps.

    Mashyuu blinked rapidly while Simon started to pace and go over where they should go next. "Si- Uhhh.... Simon?" Mashyuu started to say as he heard the ground start to crack. He could feel the ground tremble thanks to ability to sense tremors in the ground. Suddenly the ground gave out and the pair started to fall rapidly. Mashyuu grumbled about not being able to deal with this right now and snapped his fingers. His flying partner, Hell Brood swept in low while Mashuu shouted. "Grab Simon and let him set him down safely." He ordered.

    The Hell Brood clamped down on Simon's shoulders with it's talons and drifted down to set Simon down safely. Mashyuu sparked golden bolts of electricity and teleported in a flash of lightning to the ground and stood next to Simon. He drew a short breath and let his voice silently carry through the darkness. Using the echo location that was granted to him from Hell Brood Mashyuu could sense the tunnel they were in went some twenty feet up and about four hundred feet long. Mashyuu let his body sag in annoyance while he sniffed the stale air. "Ya know, I'm getting sick of this job already. We need to keep moving and find the thing causing these stupid Elemental's to torment the town above us. How did the guy doing this even hollow out all of this place anyway?" Mashyuu muttered under his breath.

    He lurked forward, letting his sharp eyes strain while trying to get used to the darkness of the tunnel with no real luck. Giving up on simply seeing he put his left hand out and felt the stone wall until it suddenly started to feel like wood. His hand splayed on the door, his fingers pressing into the wood so he could be sure he wasn't going crazy. "Hey, there is a door here, and one ahead of us. This one is warm, I think that this is someone's sleeping room." Mashyuu whispered softly.

    Gently his hand moved to the door and grasped the handle, slowly turning it until he heard a click. His blue eyes narrowed and glanced down at the handle for a moment. When nothing happened for a moment he pushed the door slowly. It slipped open and a dim light came out of the room. A large bed, made with dark red sheets sat in the far corner of the room while a long dresser sat against a wall to Mashyuu's right. "What is making that light?" He asked while looking up into a glowing brick in the top of the wall across from him.

    WC: 513

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    Marshy @ THQ

    The Phoenix

    The Phoenix

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    Mashyuu and Kira in: The Lair of the Geomancer! Empty Re: Mashyuu and Kira in: The Lair of the Geomancer!

    Post by Kirahunter 13th July 2016, 8:23 am

    And now Simon was being carried by a shadow bird thing, this was fine. Everything was fine. He was completely okay with everything that was happening right now. Although he was feeling a little embarrassed for destroying the floor. On the other hand he was actually rather excited that he could do that on accident, and was kinda tempted to do it again. Now having been dropped off on the floor by the bird he started pacing a little, except it was just legitimate normal pacing not super-speed floor destroying kind. "Sorry about the floor destroying thing. At least it looks like we've made a bit of progress this way." He tried to get a feel for lava currents around them, "I dunno how this place was made, probably magic, but we're decently far down now." When Mashyuu started in one direction Simon walked along behind him. Simon couldn't see much more then the general outline of Mashyuu but it seemed like the guy knew where he was going so he rolled with it.

    When Mashyuu said he had found a 'sleeping room,' Simon laughed, "Oh breaking into ancient bedrooms now? What is this a magical panty raid?" He walked in very nonchalantly compared to Mashyuu's caution. He was relieved to see some light, "Oh neat light. I was worried I'd have to start using my powers as a torch or something, and that is always just a little degrading if you ask me." Simon flopped onto the bed with general abandon and rolled to look up at the ceiling. He grunted as he hit the bed, "Crap this thing is hard as rock. So much for a nice rest." He squinted his eyes at the rock, "Dunno. Could be anything really. An unknown kind of rock that glows, magically enchanted rock, rock filled with magic, rock that was already magic or a bioluminescent immortal animal trapped in dangerously thin bricks. But ten bucks says magic." He glanced at his job partner, "Hey now that we have a slow second how about you tell me a little about yourself? Since we're probably no more then twenty minutes from deadly mortal combat. I wouldn't mind knowing what makes the guy watching my back tick." Simon's gaze suddenly possessed a curious scrutiny. He suddenly seemed a bit critical for a person who had decided a random under ground bed was a good place to lie down. But he just couldn't be brought to care about consistency, he wanted to be on the bed, and he wanted to press this guy for some information. There wasn't much of a reason, he didn't need a reason, he was him, he could do what he felt like doing, which was what he did.


    [20:44:53] Kirahunter : also I like the sound of my own voice
    [20:44:59] Kirahunter : so I had to say something

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    Mashyuu and Kira in: The Lair of the Geomancer! Empty Re: Mashyuu and Kira in: The Lair of the Geomancer!

    Post by redheadedstepchild 14th July 2016, 7:19 pm

    Simon barged into the room that Mashyuu was being careful about walking around in and plopped down on a bed. The brown haired man winced in concern, thinking the bed might have been trapped but thankfully nothing happened. "Wha- No. this isn't a pantie raid." Mashyuu responded swiftly while turning a light red. He glanced over at the glowing stone again while Simon rattled off what could be causing it to light up. "Yeah, your probably right. We should take it so we can see." Mashyuu added and started to eat the wall around the glowing stone until he could reach in and pull the glowing brick out of the wall.

    Gently he tossed the glowing brick up and down in his left hand while Simon asked Mashyuu to go over his past with the Lava Wizard. His blue eyes narrowed at the former Wizard Saint then Mashyuu walked over to a dresser and flipped it over. He dragged it over to a rest in front of Simon and plopped down atop it. His head hung low while his forearms rested on his knees. The Slayer took a deep breath of air and looked into Simon's eyes. "What do you wanna know? There is a ton to tell." Mashyuu said in a flat tone. How did he start?

    "... When I was eight my mother, also an Earth Wizard, was murdered in Beanstalk Village defending it from a bandit raid. This jacket was hers, and some of her secondary magic clung to the jacket. Hence why I can use a few electrical spells. After that I dedicated my time to learning magic, I traveled Fiore and honed my skill before joining Sabertooth a year ago this October. After that I traveled back to Beanstalk Village and met Rocky, my Stone Golem pet. Then I met a dragon, Ux, and was taught Earth Dragon Slayer magic and developed my secondary magic, shadow summoning. Since then I've been been fighting against a demon summoning cult that has been murdering powerful elemental Wizards to raise a Demon Lord." Mashyuu stated calmly. "Oh, and I've been gunning to become the most powerful Wizard in Sabertooth as well. I'm getting there too." Mashyuu said in a dark tone.

    Mashyuu pushed himself up to his feet and dusted his hands off. "Oh and I met the woman of my dreams, we are having a baby so I can't die. I need to make sure my daughter is a strong, healthy baby." He muttered and placed the glowing stone in Simon's hand. "Alright lava man. You lead, I'll keep your back safe. But your magic seems to be more effective against these Elemental creatures."

    WC: 454

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    Marshy @ THQ

    The Phoenix

    The Phoenix

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    Mashyuu and Kira in: The Lair of the Geomancer! Empty Re: Mashyuu and Kira in: The Lair of the Geomancer!

    Post by Kirahunter 22nd July 2016, 7:09 pm

    As Mashyuu retrieved the brick from the ceiling Simon kicked his feet in the air, "Geez this mission is turning out to be terribly dull. Perfectly generic monsters flooding stone tunnels that just go forever." Simon hoping to find reprieve from his boredom, listened to Mashyuu's story with moderate attention. However his attention seemed to waver halfway through and was virtually gone by the ending. He had completely tuned out the bit regarding the girl and the baby. Simon only returned to reality when Mashyuu placed the brick in his hand.

    Simon took the brick turning it over in his hands several times. His closer examination turned up that this brick was in fact: boring. He'd seen a few too many glowing rocks in his time to be impressed by one that just happened to be shaped like a rectangle. Simon rolled off the bed, he deliberately fell on the floor falling on this back as he said "Geez could you tell a dryer origin story? Your narration is like sandpaper. Rough!" He stood up rocking back and forth on his feet, "Your mother died and I couldn't cry if I wanted to. No build up! No reason to make me feel invested." Simon started swaggering around the room waving the glowing brick around for no apparent reason, his words could only be described as raving at this point "I mean come on man! Your story involves evil cults and demon lords! How can you make that boring. Now you want me to lead." At this point the lava mage had turned his back to his job partner. He'd had about all he could take, he wasn't sure exactly what he was taking but he didn't feel like taking any more. He overly dramatically groaned with exasperation, "You know what? I'm not really feeling this job anymore Mashypoo. How about I just go back to my old mission and you take over here?"

    He spun around now frowning. He stared at Mashyuu as he went on to say, "You know I'm thinking maybe its not this job. I'm thinking its you!" Simon pointed upwards as he rattled on, "I've done nothing but opened up cans of whoop ass since we got here. I did the tornado thing, and broke the floor and evaporated the one guy. All you've done is bore me to freaking death!" Simon appeared legitimately angry, as if being boring was some kind of high level felony. He didn't know what he was thinking, he wasn't thinking. He was just bored out of his mind, and angry too. Boredom and anger; a lovely combination truly. Simon's free hand turned to magma lightning and warming the room considerably, "I think this is about as far as you follow me here Mashyuu. I'm bored, your boring, I'm taking care of this job myself. I don't need anyone else!"


    [20:44:53] Kirahunter : also I like the sound of my own voice
    [20:44:59] Kirahunter : so I had to say something

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    Mashyuu and Kira in: The Lair of the Geomancer! Empty Re: Mashyuu and Kira in: The Lair of the Geomancer!

    Post by redheadedstepchild 26th July 2016, 7:30 pm

    Brown haired brows furrowed as Mashyuu glared at the Lava Wizard. He wasn't sure what was wrong with Simon but he was starting to show high levels of aggression for what Mashyuu figured was no real reason. He lurched forward as Simon rolled off the bed and came to a slow stand. The Earthen Fighter tensed his body up and started to shift into his familiar Mountain Stance. "Hey hey hey. I didn't want to bog our time down telling a story. We might be here for a while and we don't know if we are on a time restraint here man. Come on pull it together." Mashyuu shot back while his hand balled up into a fist. The leather of his gloves cracked softly, while his nose flared up with anger. He could feel his pulse pounding. Was Simon trying to get under Mashyuu's skin? The demons in his body seemed to think so.

    "Hey, nobody said you had to come along on this job. And nobody asked you to pace so hard you dropped us down into a random hallway! I'd much rather have a hottie at my side but I got you. We need to both play to our strengths here and not let this extra magical power effect us the way it clearly is!" Mashyuu shot back at Simon while twisting his neck to let bones crack. Large sparks flew off his body every time he spoke a word, matching his mounting anger perfectly. Suddenly Simon lit his hand with flowing Magma and Mashyuu grinned ear to ear. He couldn't help it, stones flew up to his arms and wrapped around his forearms and hands tightly, forming strong gauntlets. "You might have some hot hands but I promise you will find my stones harder to break than anything you have come across in your life." He warned the man standing before him. Mashyuu pulled his arm back to start a fight that he was sure as hell gonna finish when the roof above the two fell down upon them. Reacting fast by sheer instinct Mashyuu grabbed up the ground under him and flung it over both himself and Simon. The ground moved like a blanket, wrapping the pair up in a dome that swiftly hardened and protected the two from the floor that fell upon them. A clear feeling of more than fifteen of the elemental creatures surrounded them. Mashyuu grinned at Simon and his lava covered hand. "Tell ya what. We both finish this job together, then we can kick the hell outta each other. Sound good?" He asked with a light tint to his voice as he pulled his shield down and jumped over Simon to tackle a fire elemental...

    WC: 460

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    Marshy @ THQ

    The Phoenix

    The Phoenix

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    Mashyuu and Kira in: The Lair of the Geomancer! Empty Re: Mashyuu and Kira in: The Lair of the Geomancer!

    Post by Kirahunter 29th July 2016, 9:33 pm

    Simon widened his stance and stared at Mashyuu was a savage intensity as the latter of the two attempted to talk him down. His pupils had shrunk and he seemed really riled up. His heels bounced up and down as he stood on his toes. He was ready to throw down. He was mostly tuning out the words he was saying, all that reached Simon's ears were "Please beat me up Mr. Simon. I'd really like to be clocked in the face right now. I bet you could knock me into space if you really tried. Let's give it a shot!" And Simon was never one to disappoint his fans. When Mashyuu gathered his earthen gauntlets Simon laughed a little. He dropped the glowing brick to free his hand which of course he turned into lava, "Harder to break then anything I've ever seen? Sorry buddy I've seen the black dragon. I sincerely doubt you're as strong as his scales. But if you're so eager we could test that out." That wasn't even a bluff or an exaggeration. He had seen some seriously hard stuff, including Acnologia; and he was very much intending to put Mashyuu's claims to the test.

    The lava wizard was about to let loose when the ceiling came down, frustrated at the interuption he yelled at the falling rock "Hey that's my move!" He quickly found himself under an earthen blanket created by the dragon slayer. When the debris settled Simon quickly broke out from the blanket and distanced himself from Mashyuu, he snarked back at him "How about no. I want to bust your ass now, and so I will break you now. Elementals be damned." It seemed magic inducing anger highs can't be disarmed by snazy one liners. He glanced around at the enemies who surrounded them, and then got a wonderful idea "Actually... I think this just makes for a better match." Developing an impromptu and awesome plan in just an instance he went straight to work with his super speed. He sprinted out of the ring of elementals to the wall. He jumped, hitting the wall feet first and used it as a spring board to launch himself back towards the center of the circle. He flipped mid air planting his feet firmly in the back of an earth elemental which was launched at Mashyuu by the force of Simon's impromptu kick. It wasn't every day he had literal piles of elements to throw at his enemies. Kicking off the elemental Simon was naturally launched in the opposite direction back to the wall. He turned again in air to put his feet to the wall again but this time instead of jumping he started wall running. Circling the room in a blur of super speed waiting for an opening to throw another attack at Mashyuu. A flaming punch awaited any earth dragon slayer who got too close to the edge of the room and a projectile elemental would be inbound for any who lingered in the center. That kids is why you shouldn't do etherno.


    [20:44:53] Kirahunter : also I like the sound of my own voice
    [20:44:59] Kirahunter : so I had to say something

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    Mashyuu and Kira in: The Lair of the Geomancer! Empty Re: Mashyuu and Kira in: The Lair of the Geomancer!

    Post by redheadedstepchild 31st July 2016, 11:15 pm

    Jumping past Simon, Mashyuu shoulder blocked a Fire Elemental, forcing a burst of flames to rush from the creature and explode out around the Wizard. The Earth Wizard almost hadn't noticed Simon rushing about the room, or the fact that he was already starting to attack not only Mashyuu but the other creatures in the room. It was gonna be one of those fights... An earth Golem came rocketing at Mashyuu and the brown haired Wizard started to laugh. His body pulled back and his mouth opened wide. He drew a sharp breath, dragging the creature at him even faster before Mashyuu caught the Elemental in a bear hug and bit it's head clean off. Holding a lifeless monster in his hands Mashyuu tossed the beast into a water elemental and forced it to stumble back. He clapped his hands together and whispered. "Mother, guide my magic, help me to bring Simon back to his senses." He prayed then shouted out. "Earth Dragon's Stone Golem!" Mashyuu scooped up a piece of clump of earth and blew into it like his mother used to do, giving the earth life as it expanded in the air and hardened into a massive beast made for war. In it's hands was a massive two handed morning star, it's brown eyes lit up an it lumbered at a fire Elemental that wasn't ready for Mashyuu's golem to smash into the center of the room and destroy the magical creature with a single swing of his club like weapon.

    Mashyuu's eyes never left the Lava using Wizard who thought he was the bees knees while running around the room. Mashyuu took a deep breath, then feeling his lungs create stones inside them unleashed a spell he had been trying to use since he became the Earth Dragon Slayer. "Earth Dragon's Roar!" His voice echoed out, launching sharp stones and sand in a cone shaped torrent. Weather it hit Simon while he ran around the room or not, his breath weapon managed to smash into all the Elemental's and Mashyuu's Golem, but luckily Mashyuu's Golem was easily able to absorb the blow.

    Anger and joy both hit Mashyuu at the same time, more than one of the Elemental's had been destroyed from Mashyuu's sudden and powerful roar attack, even Ux, the spirit in his ring went silent for a moment while it tried to process the fact that Simon was bringing out spells from Mashyuu that he hadn't been able to use on his own before this very moment. The Earth Wizard ran a hand through his brown hair and grinned ear to ear. "Oh fuck yeah! It's about time man!" He shouted, then swiftly realized that Simon might not be as excited as Mashyuu was if he had been hit with that Dragon's Roar.

    WC: 472

    Post #

    Marshy @ THQ

      Current date/time is 27th July 2024, 2:21 am