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    Mahogany table

    Special Snowflake
    Special Snowflake

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    Post by Special Snowflake 3rd July 2016, 1:38 am

    Angels and demons

    Erika had decided that it would be best for her and Faeral to take time out of their busy schedule in order to have a bit of a date. In Erika terms a proper date meant quite a long time, so the trip had taken them far away from the land of Fiore, using his luxury yacht the Jolly Rancher, or so Erika affectionately called it, they found their ways to an uncharted island. Sure the resort was merely on the other side and hidden from their view by trees but that was an unimportant detail, that wouldn't affect the enjoyment of the sun and relaxation. Chilling with a glass of her favorite, at this moment, wine a blend that combined the majesty of Erika's relaxed emotions with the warm sun and a fine breeze, and it also only cost her about five jewels at the market. She didn't feel like having the expensive stuff, that meant giving money to those who believed she was inferior or had to pay such a high price, no she would flip them all the mighty bird by buying the bargain brand that was consumed by the horribly lost on a Saturday night in front of soap operas. Take that society, you didn't deserve any of her money, which was far more valuable than normal currency anyway. Ignore the fact that it was also Faeral's money which she had spent, which in turn was his fathers, so in a way she got to flip off both the expensive wine companies and Faeral's father. This is why vacations were just... wonderful.

    Stretching a bit, she took a sip from the glass, as an umbrella adorned her in shade, and also her glass, a bet the glass one was smaller. Her bikini was as perfect as she was, matching her two-tone hair and eyes. if one wouldn't know better, they could say that the outfit would attempt to seduce Faeral, but that would imply that he wasn't already attracted to Erika, which simply wasn't the case, for it was Erika, and everyone was attracted to Erika in some way or another, after all, everyone adored perfection to a degree. The sand beneath her fine body, and chair wasn't just groaning like it would at the presence of another, but rather it was worshipping her every being, and it reflected a passionate golden glow upon her body, and in no way did she make it so it did such, the sand was merely doing it's best to be in her presence. As her toes curled within said sand she watched on as the waves and the tree's brushed against the backdrop and almost let herself just slip in a bit of a sleep, it was so nice that she didn't have to think about anything. Erika didn't have to deal with any plebians, bandit's, red haired women named Sasha Martin, or any other annoyance, all she had here was Faeral, herself, and the couple dozen people over in the resort that she chose to completely ignore by going to the other side of the island with Faeral. Yes, again vacations were wonderful.

    Suddenly as she began to close her perfect eyelids, a bright white light cracked within the sky. it was annoyingly bright, did the sun finally just give up in her presence and acknowledge how she was far more radiant? No that couldn't have been it, the sun was a dastardly foe who never admitted defeat in such a way, he was probably planning to try and ruin her next supper plans with his take out. Mark Erika's words sun, she would have her revenge for you spoiling so many garden parties, and it will not be pleasant for you. Back to the task at hand however, Erika put her left hand in front of her eyes, which fluttered with annoyance as the light got a bit brighter as the shattering expanded out. Seriously who was ruining this day, they would pay dearly.

    "You, how dare you attempt to invade our precious realm!"

    A loud voice boomed out as a beautiful woman clad in white emerged from the shatter in the sky. Her grace was flawless, and her appearance would make any jealous. In fact, she could almost be described as the perfect woman, which meant that naturally Erika fucking hated her. As the woman attempted to walk further within the sky, her majesty beauty was intrupted by a small whistling sound, until a loud THAWCK could be heard upon her forehead.

    "What was that, wait was that..."

    Her eyes glanced downwards towards her beautiful white dress as she saw a small impurity about it... it appeared to be of the earth, and small... wait was this...

    "A rock!? The demons throw rocks at us!?"

    "Not just any rock, that rock has been created from the pressure underneath the ocean, and it's shape has been smoothed by the waves, with such a graceful form it can fly through the air with bewhilering speeds and land directly upon targets up to your fat face meters away."

    "Such small tricks, the demons this time are quite path--- OW! STOP THAT!"

    "No, rocks for the rock god. Now explain why you are ruining my, and I guess Faeral's too, vacation! If you do not answer Quickly I shall be forced to bring out the 'big guns'"

    Erika proceeded to shuffle the sea rocks with diamonds, the most potent of all projectiles. If this woman liked to try and pretend to prettier than Erika, she would simply demonlish her with her superior wealth, even if it was all stolen, that's not the point, the point is the metaphor, you pleb.

    Total WC: 950/8400
    Post WC: 950



    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Player 
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    Mahogany table Empty Re: Mahogany table

    Post by Rohma 7th July 2016, 1:54 am

    ’Sometimes getting away from it all isn’t such a bad thing.’ Once Erika waltzed right in on that board meeting there really was no denying her request to “get out and relax” because that would’ve resulted in the death of everyone else there. The look on his father’s face when she all but whisked him away brought about an odd feeling of ecstasy, a euphoria that caused him to grin as he continued to relax in the lounge on the beach. Sand surrounded him, the resort not too far away as a waitress brought out his requested drink. For times like these he didn’t care: something nice, colorful, and fruity. Hard liquor could wait for a bit of gambling later in the evening. He wanted something to match the ocean’s current aquamarine hue.

    From where he sat the raven-haired man could spy his ship, named by his lovely companion who decided to trot off to some other part of the island for the moment. ’Probably running up a lovely debt.’ Not that he cared in the least, the money spent here coming from his father. Never mind the man held pennies to spare, but occasionally spurning his wallet brought about other little joys. Ones he knew his father couldn’t speak out against. Such was the magic of Erika…even he found himself inexplicably afraid of her, merely another trait the man adored about his companion.

    Dropping the shades back down the man settled further into his seat, ignoring any looks from the other patrons of the resort. He knew a lot of the types.

    At a nearby table beneath a large parasol sat a bunch of young women likely on the hunt for equally or richer men. Judging by the way they giggled and pointed here and there the man doubted the theory wrong, their glances coming his way occasionally as they debated who to approach and probably decide on “dibbs” and things. They wanted looks and money and not much else.

    ’They’d go for an older man if he turned out rich enough and left them alone with a checkbook enough.’

    Playing on the beach a group of heirs and the like, though he could likely pick out the first in-lines from those who’d have to wait for older siblings to bite the dust before they could get anything more than a corner of the company. He could see it in their faces: how some shook off a missed volleyball and other’s brows cringed even as they tried to smile it off. Success would be a sick obsession they sought after until they finally grasped it…but by that point it would never satisfy them. They’d always hunger for more until their souls twisted further and further into oblivion.

    ’Not unless they find something or someone else that draws their attention away from it. A rare occurrence, but I’ll warrant them the option I suppose.’

    No, more than likely they’d become minorly interesting, corrupt businessmen who’d dip into the darker side of society and its wicked pleasures. The idiot ones would inevitably be caught and drag their businesses down with them or find themselves completely disowned from the family in an attempt to save face. It was a cycle that entertained him at times, having planted evidence once or twice to lead others into believing the same of a partner or contact of his father’s. ’No matter how close they once were the old man dumps them once he thinks they’ve lost the ability to at least hide it. Heavens knows he’s hidden his shame well enough.’

    Hidden behind sunglasses, the couple of happy groups couldn’t watch as his eyes hardened whilst staring up at the cloudless sky. An endless ocean of blue he’d someday steal from that man. A part of him almost wish he’d dipped into the darker pleasures too, to watch as that old scum succumbed to the carnal side of the human psyche and devolve. Alas he’d already seen what such slackening of self-control produced when he’d been forced to choose between taking the young woman as his wife or suffering a wicked curse at the hands of Faeral’s grandmother. All until he could have them snuffed out by the council on suspicions of various nefarious acts.

    ’No, I can’t let myself fall into that hole right now,’ he thought on a sigh, reaching for the drink next to him and enjoying the sweet and sour duality of the drink. That tartness forced him back into the present and the man allowed the relaxing nature of the place to seep back into his body and force muscles into releasing their growing stress.

    All was fine until the fire nation attacked.

    Well not so much fire as a bright light in the sky and a few of the more airheaded people ran away exclaiming about the sun attacking or exploding. Others found themselves frozen in horrific curiosity as to what might happen, a figure slowly filling part of the white glow.

    ”Please, we need your help!”

    A hand from the impossibly bright light flung out as a winged figure became more and more visible, flying down and causing a few more of the patrons – and staff – to run off in abject horror. Something about doomsday. That hardly piqued the once relaxing man’s curiosity though as the figure that slowly descended down to him, decked out in armor and yet his hard features betrayed hints of worry and plea. ”Please, you are like our master! There have been reports of demons invading more frequently as of late and one of our best has come here to investigate. I sensed your presence nearby as she’s come under attack. You must come back with me and defend our home!”

    One eyebrow rose. ’I don’t have to do anything I don’t want too,’ the stubborn part of his mind pointed out. However he refrained from speaking it, instead steepling his fingers. Other things this man…or thing blurted out intrigued him. Heavily. ”I don’t suppose there’s a reward involved?”

    The warrior bit his lip, a gruff sigh releasing some of his annoyance at the question, ”Yes…our master did warn that his kind can act in such a manner. I’m sure if you help us and speak to him that our master will have some sort of reward for you.”



    Special Snowflake
    Special Snowflake

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    Mahogany table Empty Re: Mahogany table

    Post by Special Snowflake 8th July 2016, 5:38 pm

    "Your brutish ways shall not overcome our divine purpose, if you wish to prove your innocence despite your violence I shall allow you. Though at this point I believe you are an actual invader trying to take all of our treasures."

    "Seriously, you make no sense, I was just sitting here on the beach and enjoying myself... wait did you say you have a bunch of treasure?"

    "Uh yes, we have mountains of treasures from over the ages, that is why you are invading is it not?"

    "Well originally I was merely going to punch your pretty face out because you dared to insult that which is my vacation time, but if you have treasure too..."

    Smiling a grin that would only give another a shiver, Erika flicked her left wrist and a small portal rendered next to her, which glowed with the same brilliance as the ladies up in the sky. Sidestepping into it, Erika appeared behind the lady and gently rubbed her hand upon her face.

    "I suppose I'll just have to become the invader now, won't I? Oh, send me a postcard from earthland, and be sure to not draw a dick, especially on a pink heart."

    Sparta kicking her out of the portal, Erika closed both only to chuckle darkly. She was planning to merely sit around and enjoy herself, but now she had an entire realm to which to have a vacation, and they had wonderful treasure too, it was as if she had died and gone to heaven, oh wait, maybe she had, without the dying part as that was those who were lesser. Though as far as she could tell from the atmosphere around here this wasn't heaven proper, but probably a sub-branch of it, or a bunch of pretenders? Honestly, it was probably a bunch of pretenders since no actual God would allow Erika to just simply wander in and punch out an angel. No there was probably something else in charge here, or at least she guessed, and they were incredibly incompetent, which was great Erika loved to beat up baby seals on occasion. Reaching into another dimension Erika pulled out her favorite club, and began to whistle as she wandered forward, a small angel trying to stop her, only to be met with a swift rock to the head knocking him out upon the cloudy floor.

    Looking up towards the pearl city, all Erika could see was money, money, and more money. Sadly as she was now an invader many of the forces within the city were moving to intercept her, but that was fine, she could use a bit of a workout in order to get her brain a working, since she needed it at top form to identify all of the loot she was going to obtain, and to figure out where to sell it. Earthland was probably too poor to accurately get the money for it, so she might have to sell it a bit more on the galactic scale. As various warriors began to charge towards her, with their shields and swords raised, and their wings glowing a vibrant white. Erika simply slipped herself in and out of their reality, bashing and smashing them with her club named mister cuddles, and began to think about what all of it could buy, she could renovate the factory floors for the children she forced to work making clothes, maybe give them a nice carpet, and some better chairs, maybe even a couple water fountains, that might inprove productivity, and besides treating them horribly was becoming too mainstream.

    More and more of the warriors assaulting her were being taken out as she was only half paying attention, since the living room in Faeral's home really did need more of a woman's touch, and it could easily do with a repaint, and maybe some matching couches. Still what color would work? Grabing one of the warriors in the street that she was fighting at the moment, Erika looked him dead pan in the eyes.

    "Tope or cream?"

    "Excuse me!?"

    "Tope or cream? Wall colors, answer."


    "Ah good choice."

    Whacking him over the head with the club, she continued to whistle as the various streets rolled by and the mass of warriors began to thin. It was child's play when you couldn't be really hit, unless she got careless, which were the few moments when she manifested to smack another with her favorite club, which while not as good as mister sparkles, her favorite rock, was a fine weapon. Snap, suddenly as she came down upon another one of the warriors, her club made that noise. Snapping out of her mental quandaries about interior decorating, Erika looked back at her club only to see it was cut in half, with a giant of a man behind her, armed in the same outfit as the others, but with more decorations.

    "You have been disarmed, give up now before your punishment becomes worse!"

    "Mister Cuddles, you hurt Mister Cuddles!?"

    "Uh what? That was your weapons name, you are truly a villain and a fool to name something like that, and to dare and try to invade our realm."

    "Excuse me? Your realm? I'm sorry as soon as I walked into it, this became my realm, all of it is mine, everything, and you just broke something of mine, I believe YOU are the one who should be punished for breaking my stuff correct?"

    "Dellusional demon, you shant take any bit of land here, though many of my warriors have fallen, don't believe you can beat me with such simple weaponry and horrible logic."

    "Tell me, is this place magical? Like the buildings, the atmosphere, your clothing? I didn't sense it was, but I have to ask."

    "Magical? We rely on our own talents not some crutch of magical power."


    Suddenly the rich ground underneath them, the pearl buildings around them and the armor and weapons of the fallen warriors slipped into a thread form.

    "I guess I can take a bit of a loss on my investment in order to deal with the likes of your legion."

    Total WC: 1976/8400
    Post WC: 1026



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    Experience : 10,518.75

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    Mahogany table Empty Re: Mahogany table

    Post by Rohma 9th July 2016, 3:57 am

    A little too urgently for Faeral’s liking the wing-clad man ushered him through the portal. He’d managed to at least nab his button up shirt from the lounge chair, but being stuck in this place with little more than that, his swim trunks, shades, and a pair of flip flops he couldn’t help wondering exactly what they hoped he could achieve. Though admittedly the man could shift his outfit to a more appropriate one…he really wanted to feel out the situation a bit more. Casual would also let whatever threat happened to be rampaging around, acting like Godzilla to underestimate him. Maybe they’d laugh themselves into defeat? Then tuckered out and belly sore, he could simply slit their throat and be done with it and return to the now ditched drink at his chair. ’I already want to return. This was SUPPOSED to be a vacation after all and now it’s just a working one. Lame.’

    So for the moment he decided on sticking with casual despite the odd, questionable look from the armored angel. The being eventually shrugged his shoulders slightly, opting not to question it too thoroughly as he lead Faeral towards a pearlescent city. Truly the place could be called breathtaking. ’I might hazard that pearls were even used…though how they shaped them might be another matter. Or they’re merely a component material to it…hopefully Erika never sees this and demands the same. Sort of fits this atmosphere but might look a bit gawdy back home unless the right location’s found. Some place up high with lots of lights so the sun hits it just right maybe…’ It was more a matter of “would this be worth it?” than anything else really.

    Somewhere in this overly bright city rested some treasure with his name on it though. After all he’d gotten up from his chair and entered the portal so the raven-haired man would be damned if he didn’t leave with some spoils. These celestial beings – though being close to them caused him to wonder – promised him something for a little work and how his lovely girlfriend would be ever so disappointed if he didn’t return with a lofty haul. Mostly for her to choose what she wanted and he could maybe keep the rest he figured. She liked shiny things, and he found her adorable when she delighted in them.

    Sounds of battle and chaos started reaching their ears. Louder and louder it became, the warrior’s wings started to flap a little harder and faster, propelling him further and further ahead of his supposed “champion.” If the musician could so be called that. Really curiosity spurred him on more than anything as they eventually reached a plaza – though at one point they came across multiple men strewn about. Weaving through the masses they managed to see an impossibly imposing warrior stood before…


    Of course.

    He should’ve known.

    Nearly face palming the man sighed: this changed things. Quite a bit in fact. Not particularly paying attention to his escort, Faeral gathered the man might be instructing or ordering him to attack her as clearly this woman was the fiend. Truly he wasn’t surprised, but he tuned out the increasingly annoyed sounding angel to better understand the area around them.


    He could feel it.

    This was the work of one of them.

    At this point the man could confirm it as the energy permeated parts of this realm. Armed with not only his power, but Rohma’s as well they couldn’t hide it from him. He took a moment out of his (sort of) busy schedule to tease her a bit, the woman currently out performing some little job or mission with someone from her (their) guild. He needed to remind the forgetful woman – though he supposed it was and wasn’t her fault at the same time – a bit of what they really were. She made it so entertaining after all, rising a bit to the bait and yet holding back, trying to ignore him…

    Finally his companion became too much to bare and Faeral accepted that this vacation became full-work mode at this time. There wasn’t a flash as his wardrobe changed however, wisps of shadows rolling off him as the clothes shifted to something a little sportier. He wouldn’t waste his finer clothes on these beings, going for simple jeans, t-shirt, jacket, and a pair of goggles cause sometimes swatting flies could be a little…messy. Audibly his partner’s tone changed a bit, perhaps pleased to find him ready for combat despite his faraway eyes aimed at the “target.”

    A tune invaded the flying warrior’s ears, almost too calm for the moment as a sword appeared in the man’s hand. Brilliant and white, it only furthered his ideal “champion” in the man and having chosen well in that moment. Right up until the blond warrior realized he’d plunged the sword now in his hand into one of his comrades attempting to stand and fight again.

    ”I’ll admit it took me a bit longer than I’d have liked to figure out what all this is, but your master won’t be able to hide from me. I’m not sure I’d really call you angels to be fair…this is more…a “Play Heaven” if you will. Still, I give you all credit for your loyalty as I often do anyone who shows it truly and whole-heartedly. It won’t save you, but I do respect it! Good help can be so hard to find these days after all,” drawing his sword and slashing the throat of another “false being” as it attempted to rise a couple of ‘angel’s armed with shovels ran towards them in some sort of Hail Mary attempt. Rather than get near the fowl smelling things he flicked his wrist and the man gave a fearsome cry as he slew the lot of them. Watching the shock in their eyes…it held an intriguing beauty in it, but not one Faeral would indulge too much in right now.

    After all now was the time to be a proper gentleman.

    Streaks of tears wove their way down the man’s face as his body urged him forward, cutting down a few plebians that dared to aim for Erika’s back. Not that the conductor doubted his lady love, but because of one simple fact.

    He was a gentleman.

    ”Fear not my good lady,” he called out with a small smile, leaning on the scabbard lackadaisically, an amused and playful smile stretched across his face, ”I’ll keep them from interfering in your fun. It’d be a shame to watch a good performance interrupted after all.”



    Special Snowflake
    Special Snowflake

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    Mahogany table Empty Re: Mahogany table

    Post by Special Snowflake 20th July 2016, 6:54 pm

    There was a sweet serenade that filled Erika's ears with wonderful music. She would have normally attributed it to these pretend angels who wished to attempt to sooth her, or possibly buff up their own forces, but no this level of playing was far too advanced for the likes of these pretenders. There was only one person, well aside from Erika who could naturally do everything, that could perform such a sweet melody, and that was her hunk of man meat Faeral. Honestly, they were probably more friends with benefits, but at this point, we all know Erika just claims whatever she likes as her's and moves on. His attitude in helping, however, was very much appreciated since she didn't wish to deal with such a lowborn scum on her own terms, it was simply beneath her, though how Faeral got here was a bit of a mystery. Erika would like to think that he came here in order to assist her in attempts to rob more wealth from those who tried to ruin her days of fun, but... no, she would think that because clearly, he lived for her every tactful and perfectly purposeful whim.

    "Why, thank you Faeral, you are far too kind to come all the way here to assist me in this endeavor. Oh while you are here, what would you think of a taupe wall color? Would it clash too much with the drapes or do you think it would work out just fine? I believe we can melt down some of these buildings to make some solid gold furniture, but I didn't want it to have too much of a sheen or not blend with the walls."

    Obviously, a discussion about how the wall would look after they melted down a city filled with people, while they were conquering said city, was a great usage of time. It was imperative that at the end of the day they knew the plan going forward, even if it was just decorating, because if they couldn't spend all of the hard-earned swag, then that meant there was no point aside from just taking it. Granted Erika didn't mind just taking from others but at the same time, she liked to make everything count since it was now her's and that meant it had value.

    "Well regardless thank you Faeral though my favorite club is broken I suppose my fists shall do just fine, or possibly my magic."

    As various warriors fled or tried to surround the couple, Erika flickered her hand and the building burst into threads, hundreds of office worker angels came flying out as the thread thrashed at them and the ones who were trying to surround them. Erika was giving this entire place a sewing lesson seamlessly right now, and she was very pleased with how good of students they were. They had mastered the art of getting all tied up perfectly, and were quite good at using their bodies as pin cushions. Needleless to say she wasn't quite done with a puncturing lesson on the finer points of her craft, and sooner than later all of the 'angels' in the nearby area learned what it meant to be in a battle with Erika, inferior in every way.

    Mopping them up was quite easy, though the shovels were foul she avoided them, and many of the warriors while brave were wearing a fatal weakness, clothing. Yes from rags to riches Erika controlled that which all people wore, clothing, well unless they were a nudist, which of course were Erika's natural enemies and one true weakness. Those who didn't wear the best of fashion and instead just wore their birthday suit were quite the difficult little bunch to deal with for her magic as she couldn't just give them a death wedgie right off the bat and eliminate them from the battlefield in one go. Thankfully all of these uncivilized plebs wore clothing to make it easier for her to kill all of them in one swipe, really like a credit card it saved time counting out all of the profit, and just let you do one swipe and get what you wanted, be it diamonds to throw at enemies, or killing them outright. This is why Erika was also the richest of blatant murderers because her attacks were like platinum credit lines, they were never denied and worked fast.

    "I would have liked to enjoy it a bit more, but of course, they just had to destroy my weapon so I had to get a bit more creative, and then I went overboard. Oh well, Faeral which side of the city would you want added t your personal collection? I am quite fond of the archways on the left, but if you want them I suppose the fountains on the right are quite nice as well."

    With a bit of a smile, she said this as she looked in Faerals direction. The job was mostly done, none of them had actually stood a chance against her in the first place, and with Faeral by her side it was game over with even more style and charm. Truly this was a good vacation, she had gotten an entire outer realm city to plunder along with Faeral, and not to mention it was incredibly relaxing, especially since she had been doing quite stressful activities recently like going out and fighting against spirits and cults, she just needed some breathing room. Still, with nothing left but possibly average citizens, there wasn't much else to do but end this little adventure with a romp through the streets to gather as much of the loot as possible, before they made their way back to real space, or at least that's what Erika's mind believed.

    "Demons all of you! Reveal your true form this instant!"

    A blinding flash of white light from the sky dropped down upon Faeral and Erika's position, it was massive and certainly powerful, but the lady whom Erika had thought she had left behind, now was here and trying to fight them. All of the threads she had around her flung to life as she wove an interlaced defensive shield and blocked the light from touching them, sure it burned through a couple layers, but it couldn't get past all of them, nothing could. if this was her best trick, then certainly she would be defeated like all the rest.

    But then Erika felt it, it was behind her, it was painful, it was...

    Disabling her ability so shape shift.

    The white light from above had all been a distraction? Obviously, that could have been part of the ploy but how long had this lady been here in order to attack her this close, or maybe it hadn't been how long she was here, but she could hop between dimensions? It was certainly possible as she appeared out of an opening, but Erika thought she was just a harbinger and nothing more, to think she was probably one of the kingpins of this place, for once Erika had made a bit of an error, but could anyone blame her, the umbrella in her drink had fallen onto the sand due to that portal, she clearly was upset.

    Like the flash of white, the speed of this attack was also incredibly fast, and as the blinding energy encompassed Erika she felt her body shift back to the form that she detested, a form that brought her painful memories of the past and what it meant to live in her father's shadow, to be nothing more than an experiment. For the first time in years, Erika wasn't in the form of the woman who had taught her, her magic but rather her own original body or at least the closest that Erika believed to be her original body, it certainly was frail enough to be undesirable.

    Chuckling a little bit the graceful woman, vanished as the white finished encompassing Erika, and reappeared in the sky slightly above the city skyline, looking down. The true form of this demon had been shown, though this demons companion she just couldn't bring herself to try and harm, there was something about him that seemed very... familiar, regardless her main target was now grovelling without power upon the ground, the elimination of the one that had killed so many of her comrades would be easy.

    As the light faded Erika's long blue hair spread out down her now shorter and more petite back and onto the ground, almost face first onto the wonderfully constructed pavement, the various threads turned back into the buildings they had originally been stolen from, almost as if it had never happened, and the bodies of her foe's vanished as the lady in the sky lifted her hand. With a glee-filled taunt, she would speak up.

    "Defeated by one with righteousness in her heart, your evil deeds will be un done for the lord of this realm has granted me true power over this reality, and it is you who will be unable to steal any of it. This place shall be your eternal resting place."

    The taunting of the woman in white wasn't heard by Erika, it was only white noise to her ears. her eyes fluttering to life as she felt the aching pain well within her body. This is why she detested it, it was frail and weak all of the time, merely because her body was too busy struggling...

    To contain all of her power.

    Eyes flying open Erika picked herself up off of the ground to her knee's, her hair blinding others to the crazed look in her eyes as she felt is surfacing within her. Though she wasn't thinking right now, Erika would probably be grateful in this moment if Faeral wasn't in her front arc, as she flipped her hair backwards and looked up towards the woman in the sky, and opened her mouth to unleash a hellish roar. The deafening blast of sound waves wasn't the real power of it, though, rifts tore and opened as reality began to crumble in on itself within the roars wake, and various parts of the city broke apart into nothingness, and some reformed into the most nonsensical of things such as sheep or pillows. Complete uncontrolled chaos, and it's why Erika didn't take on this form much and limited herself overall, she couldn't control what she could actually do, and didn't wish to blindly end everything in front of her.

    As the roar died down, Erika coughed towards the ground, some blood spilling out of her mouth, why out of all people had this one encounter been able to drive her to this state, she couldn't fight like she normally did right now, it would be too chaotic and disruptive, everything would fall apart, and more importantly...

    She wouldn't get any of the loot.

    Too lost in it to think to ask Faeral for help she sat there trying to get her bearings as the lady in white warped in front of her, her body showing some marks from having dimensions almost opened up inside of her. Pulling her staff over her head she would attempt to drive it down on Erika to finish her off in one decisive blow before even more random destruction was brought out into the city.

    Total WC: 3874/8400
    Post WC: 1898



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    Post by Rohma 20th July 2016, 9:09 pm

    Watching the soldier now destroy his comrades left and right with a cry for them to end his life, Faeral merely stood there with a small and pleasant, business-like smile on his face. After all he generally remained in the background save for when a deal needed a figurehead for it. So far that’d been his general use for his father as well as some sort of tantalizing potential suitor for other business partner’s daughters…not that those families tended to survive long thereafter. Their money and companies generally became a part of Faeral’s family’s company and those people left to start anew. What happened thereafter rarely interested him, the man keeping only light tabs to see if they sunk lower or somehow managed to try and start up anew.

    However he’d become accustomed to sitting back through various lives of his, more curious to watch things play out naturally rather than carefully orchestrate too much like his kind enjoyed. He may not have been able to completely toss aside the need to conduct a few events – more so to keep many at a distance – but Faeral did like watching the work of others. It’d been what almost lead to his permanent death last life, and yet he so enjoyed spectating Erika’s work. In fact he rather enjoyed supplying a soundtrack to the creative and powerful woman, maybe a little support here and there so the overall craft wouldn’t be disturbed by unnecessary drivel.

    Waving a hand, he assured the woman, ”I’m sure taupe will work nicely, though we may have to dim the gold a bit so it doesn’t leave the room blinding…though that can also be counteracted via lighting.” In fact if they went for a more dim, soothing glow then the furniture would probably sit well…though maybe they should go more for a cream in that instance? They could discuss this a bit more when the skies weren’t raining cubicle rats. He didn’t care to conduct business during bad weather.

    The warrior currently dancing to his song dealt with a few of the brave shovelers, though with a few cords the man made quick work of those fleeing as well. Really Faeral had little use for these ‘toys’ – unable to think of them as proper beings. When one knew the secret behind a civilization it became horribly easy to dehumanize them, distance oneself. Knowing one of his colleagues ruled this little realm caused these angelic dolls and action figures to be little more than just that: mobile hunks of plastic. At the end of the day no one would miss this false heaven or it’s equally fake “God.” ’Probably got the idea from some realm’s religion. Hmm…I wouldn’t be surprised if they went so far as to interact with them as well and gain worshippers. Will admit though, he’s done quite the job on them as even the angels think themselves pure beings.’ The puppets really couldn’t see their strings…it was almost pitiable. Almost.

    A cry rang out, the smile vanishing as Faeral’s eyes turned towards the source and found a rather radiant specimen amongst all these knock-offs. ’Hmm…perhaps his strongest familiar? He’s certainly worked the most on her, or maybe just his greatest fantasy.’ His thoughts remained cynical, though a bit more caution filled him at this archangel’s arrival. Regardless of the number of dolls they crafted there usually stood one or a few “above the rest” so to speak. Familiars. Beings that likely started strong and found themselves further enhanced by their power and will. Beings meant to protect them and knew boundless loyalty, though most found themselves blinded by it and many forced into such positions. While the dark-haired man would never claim sainthood or anything close to it, his bonds to at least Morphine came from her circumstances rather than a forced will, something he treasured compared to the bonds of others he’d experienced over the years. He never had to question her actions or intentions.

    ’Maybe he even snatched her from a real heaven.’

    Eyes narrowing he utilized one of Rohma’s abilities, eyes looking through everything to find the hidden information.


    Her coding stood out amidst all the others. Whoever built this place stole her from another realm and created everything based off her memories and knowledge. Faeral would stake a multitude of lives upon it.

    Yellow orbs widened though, this woman using some ability, in a sense “purifying” Erika and then locking her into such a state. Before his eyes she changed from the two-toned, diabolical(ly stunning) woman into a smaller form. For perhaps the first time in knowing her…Faeral didn’t sense the endless heaps of confidence and strength in her. If anything he’d believe her to be a colleague’s “sickly” daughter of sorts, or at least weak compared to most. This was a troubling feeling and revelation…so strange compared to the normal reality. The fact she could apparently shape shift slid into his thoughts, though he couldn’t focus on it too much, and with how he’d helped Morphine modify herself to better suit his purposes…it wasn’t quite a huge shock as more of an interesting revelation or perhaps recollection really thanks to another encounter. Any questions related could wait though as an anger boiled inside his chest at her mockery. An odd protectiveness he wouldn’t ponder at this time.

    Once carefully controlled power slipped by the wayside, somethings turning nonsensical almost like a drug trip, he could see it as Erika’s power permeated the realm and forced the reality to shift chaotically. The rules and descriptions within everything altering in the blink of an eye as she roared out. The city the archangel defended and forced back to its proper form yet again found itself in a disheveled state. However for the first time in perhaps a millennium the man shed this incarnation’s form, and for the first time for the sake of another.

    Darkness exploded around them, tendrils growing until they wrapped around what remained of the buildings in the vicinity, a few of them winding around the “righteous” woman’s body and some tightening painfully around her wings. This stolen being found herself locked in the position of almost conquering Erika, unable to bring her staff down and unable to even release it as the shadows bound her hand and weapon in place.

    ”What…my…my power! Why?!”

    The question ended with a hint of desperation, one that tasted almost sweet as a man clad in shadows now stood between her and her victim, an eerily brilliant, white sword standing in harsh contrast to the darkness he wielded. Only glowing golden eyes stood out from his form, wisps of shadows wafting off him as the rest of the area slithered, acting like an organic being under his will.

    ” ‘Why?’ “ the warped voice mocked, ”You dare to ask me that? You, nothing more than a toy to your twisted god? You, who is little more than a doll for my ex-siblings’ pleasures? You, who call yourself “righteous” and yet don’t realize how far you’ve truly fallen because ’they’ bend you to their will and force this false reality upon you? Rather than waste time on pointless questions allow me to break the mirror that blinds you and shatter all that you know.”

    That holy looking sword plunged into her, though no blood spilled, the woman felt something break inside. Memories once bound with a neat and tidy ribbon slipped from its torn packaging, a gasp and pained moan growing into a bout of screaming as all the lies broke before her mind. It wasn’t the first time he’d broken the illusion of another’s familiar: merely another reason he treasured the bond he bore with Morphine. The wyvern wouldn’t find itself facing this painful return to “reality” as she’d chosen it herself, lived and breathed it in every moment. “Faeral” watched as those once magnificently white wings turned ashen and darkened to black as she faced her sullied reality, mind breaking as tears streamed down her face.

    ”Now you understand your master’s true nature,” he spoke to the sobbing woman, finally pulling the sword from her, ”the city of lies you’ve fought so hard to protect, filled with stolen lives forced to conform to their whim. None of you came here of your own volition, and you actively helped him destroy those lives to play this demented game of ‘House.’ Shall I show you your wicked ways?” A snap of his fingers and a few bodies rose up from the darkness, fallen soldiers and workers alike. Their souls already departed, the bodies painlessly shifted back to true forms of people from various worlds and animals, some of them going so far as to split into multiple creatures such as the oversized warrior Erika fought. ”Mere flesh crafting, tortured souls left to cry eternally inside. I recognize this work…he’s merely dressed it in a better fashion than back then.”

    He’d never been a particular fan of this “sibling” of sorts. To him they were a mere child who delighted in the tortured deaths of smaller creatures, and recalled the woman now known as “Rohma” commenting that she could still hear the voices of the beings he warped. His abilities left them in an eternal state of turmoil until something killed them, assuming they weren’t one of his familiars. ’I suppose I shall do a bit of “good” in the eyes of some.’ This man’s wicked fantasies wouldn’t persist. First things first however.

    From the shadows rose a large beast, brilliant blood-colored petals adorning the dark, scaled body of his most loyal ally. For the first time in a fair while Morphine took on her true form, roaring before setting her glowing eyes upon the fallen angel: gold to match her master’s. ”Devour this creature,” he commanded off handedly, turning his back to the angelic woman as the shadows forced her skyward and bared her to the beast’s fangs. The shadow-clad man had more important matters to attend to after all.

    ”Are you all right my dear?” he asked, kneeling before the shifted woman and offering a hand, ”I apologize for not interfering earlier. This should never have happened to you.” Behind him the woman gave a strangled cry, perhaps trying to say his real name from the sounds of it, but without knowing that name no one would figure it out. Likely his sibling calling out through their servant before that became impossible as she turned into a meal. In time he would explain, he just needed to see to her well-being first and foremost.



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    Mahogany table Empty Re: Mahogany table

    Post by Special Snowflake 21st July 2016, 1:43 am

    It was all so sudden, the darkness was enveloping Erika, and now it would all be over, she would fall, all because of her useless body. She had come to accept it, though, despite all of her bravados if this is all she really was, it didn't matter in the end, death could come. Except... it didn't, the darkness surrounding her wasn't here to claim her life, it was here to try and help her. Only but a moment of rational thought led her to a conclusion, was this Faeral? He felt completely different than normal, this wasn't him but it was him. She could feel it, the energy about the area, but it was so sinister, so full of malice, and focus... it almost rivalled Erika's level of contempt, no it did rival her level of contempt. This wasn't the man she knew, this was something far stronger, and Erika's body shook at the feeling of it. This shaking, however, wasn't from fear, but from excitement and anticipation, her own bodies power levels struggling to break free from their small mortal coil were bubbling as they felt a similar level of malice, and focus. Maybe this is why she had come to like the man, they were far more similar than she could have imagined, and Erika can imagine a lot, like a donkey performing a backflip while on a unicycle powered by midgets.

    The shadowed figure that she only assumed was Faeral began to speak, and all Erika could do was hold back her own energy with all of her focus, this place was getting to her, and she hadn't assumed this form in so long, it was like a giant pressure, the roar had helped, but it wasn't enough sooner or later she would have to get things to become a bit uglier, hopefully whatever was the real cause of this places changing atmosphere would send more towards her so her usage of energy and chaotic fighting would have some purpose than mindless aggression. Thankfully, though, Erika need never worry about being on the opposite side of his pet, and himself, for such power was quite terrifying, to drive someone to nothing and then devour them, well it was again reminiscent of her own belief of torture, and it all disturbed her. She had always viewed him as more of the gentleman who tried to do his best to wear a smile, and would get rough when it was needed, not a being who was like her, not one who could potentially rival her cruel nature to this degree if anything...

    He probably wasn't henchman material, and more like that of a partner.

    His cruelty to the lady in white was over, and she let out screams of pain, but all that Erika could think about was how different Faeral was and what would possibly happen next. Her mind tried to circle around about the various possibilities, and she couldn't find any real conclusions.

    "Do I look okay to you?"

    She scoffed towards him, she wasn't fine in this form, far from it. Erika remembered all those days in isolation to "protect her" from others, how she would struggle to keep herself from lashing out with surges of power, and how she was restricted to only certain abilities. It was a living nightmare, but was apparently all for her betterment, not that the man cared, he only desired for her to be a successful experiment, and that's all she was, just something to be discarded once the data on her was gathered. Attempting to stand up Erika shook a bit from her body desiring to show off it's full potential with the display of ability all around her.

    "Faeral... just what are yo--"

    Pierced straight through by a spear into her gut, Erika looked down as some blood fell from her mouth, and landed upon the ever growing corrupt ground. Looking behind her she saw them, hundreds of nightmarish ghouls wielding sick weapons, and horrific magic looking towards them. Whose work was this, the one Faeral was speaking of, who was the real enemy here, was it something she knew nothing about for once. Then it hit her.

    This form of her body was far too wounded, she couldn't contain her power any longer, and just when she thought it might be possible to remain pretty for once in her life.

    Motioning to Faeral with her right hand to stay back, even though she knew he could probably take any kind of impact, she turned and walked slowly towards the abominations, and with each step, her skin glowed and cracked as she slowly got bigger until it appeared as though she would burst. Smashing out of her smaller shell, the form of a slightly massive glowing blue beast appeared before the horde of nightmares, it's eyes turned towards only their destruction. The ground underneath the might beast ruptured with other dimensions rippling in and out, and the atmosphere seemed to shift from peaceful to malice filled in rapid succession. Any concieved rules of reality bended around the beast, that could only be described as a dragon, and with a snarl it proudly faced forward against the nightmares.

    "Wux bevi ekess xurwk ve assume nomeno adon, shio sia toil vur trouble ekess nakta sia gemuth houpetor, ekess forget wer boja, shio di wer harkaj batobot dout zyak relgra ithquent tepohaic xoada ekess unleash acht ve, si nishka return asildk fold ruadii dout mamissi. mobi ui thric salvation ihk wux ergriff marfedelom."

    With a crashing roar upon the horde, reality broke apart, and the various dimensions tore open thrusting them across all manner of realms and realities. And with a charge the masses of them became swept aside as her scales blocked the blows from the nightmarish weapons and magic with ease. swatting them aside with a force that crushed the fiber of their beings on a conceptual level, the various beings that appeared were eliminated from this and the next life, one by one. The mighty beasts roars and crashing talons rending all in their path till nothing remained. Sadly she could speak to Faeral in this form well at least not while engaged in such a battle, despite the inner desire she held to chat with him about what was going on, all she could really do was hope that he could have more of an open mind, least she might really end up becoming his enemy.

    Total WC: 4864/8400
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    Post by Rohma 21st July 2016, 4:21 am

    Ah there it was: a smart retort. Well perhaps she could do better in different circumstances, but importantly the woman’s bite remained. With her ignoring his outstretched hand the man retracted it as Erika sought to regain her footing on personal strength rather than assistance. Yes, the spirit remained the same though the cause of this sudden weakness intrigued him as it felt so unlike her. Unlike the woman he’d come to rely on for her ability to get jobs done and look down upon others. Standing up, he watched as she struggled, the woman unable to help asking…except the question never came. For a bit longer he could put off answering, though those golden lights that functioned akin to eyes widened.

    Darting up he spied the true forms of many of the beings in this fantasy realm. It appeared the sibling became more proficient in illusions as of late, wanting a “pretty” world – though whether for personal, wicked delight or to fool those who wandered in remained to be seen – and yet the true forms of the angels stood before them en masse. Twisted beings rendered from once sane beings stood atop the quickly decaying buildings and scenery, a variety of weapons from far too many cultures in hand. ’From other projects and societies they touched no doubt…trophies and trinkets from those he’s taken as well.’ They’d snuck up in that moment, Faeral’s attention riveted on the favorite doll and forgetting the legion of toy soldiers in the process.

    Viewing their mangled forms might’ve caused his human form’s stomach to turn queasy. Perhaps it was a good thing he’d shifted for the moment into that truer state.

    Though his shadows remained over a large expanse of the territory they’d rescinded a little from parts that the tortured beings now occupied. A part of them remained hesitant to fully step into his “domain” – knowing it’d end too quickly if they weren’t properly ready.

    Erika however silently commanded him to stay back, the shadow form of a man he’d become standing in place as she slowly made her way towards the army of abominations. Eyes remained trained on her, watching the words that comprised the woman shudder and shake violently, ready to burst from her into something else…something…


    May haps she didn’t think so – he didn’t rightfully know – but the phenomenon in his eyes proved truly brilliant. Possibly more so than any “show” she’d put on before him before, including bedroom ones but mostly centered on the scenes of destruction. This wondrous creature that’d exploded before him that the very space around warped under her power’s will…oh what he would’ve missed out on had he not absorbed his dear “sister’s” powers as well! This sight and knowledge she’d sacrificed to truly understand what their kind could do…how marvelous it was! Though even without it the man knew better than to get in the beast’s way. This primal, powerful creature demanded retribution, he could feel it in the ancient language she spoke.

    She may never know though the good she wrought upon those wretchedly tortured souls. The malformed beings crying out silently…yes…he could understand what lead his sister to the path of knowledge she sought and gained. Her abilities left her with a comprehension and empathy lost to the rest of their kind, no doubt the cause of her growing conscience. Faintly he could hear their cries of joy just before the end of their existence, the ‘thank yous’ Erika would never hear – and likely fall upon deaf ears in her current state – they uttered before their very existence became crushed under the weight of her rage.

    However as she defeated wave after wave of his sibling’s army Faeral would take his opportunity. Likely anything he tried to explain would fall by the wayside, and he shuddered at the thought of opening alternate forms of communication when she rampaged like so, not wanting to leave himself vulnerable when control seemed more like a concept than a reality. No, she’d get her answers in due time, but he’d act like the efficient businessman she otherwise knew him to be as the shadows rescinded, collecting around his other partner. Soon his very being enveloped Morphine, hiding even the brilliance of her rose petals, leaving her a draconic representation of his prior form as only golden eyes poked through. Enhanced wings easily pushed her away from the scene, delving deeper into the shifting city as once pearlescent buildings twisted and turned, becoming a demented jigsaw puzzle of a city.

    ”You leave her?”

    ”Better to let her work it out for a bit. I wouldn’t stand before an angry boxer training any more than I would her dragon form’s fury. When she’s settled and capable of absorbing everything…but first I cannot let them escape.” Morphine felt the growing desire in her master as he spoke, envisioning the growth of thorn-covered vines through their bond. This was an entity not unlike another he wanted to tear asunder, the fervor on par with only three other individuals she could recall. Even the sibling he first stole the reincarnation ability from couldn’t be held on these levels: that man merely a means to an end and an unfortunate fellow. No, this stood almost on par with Faeral’s human father, Morphine’s old master…and it. She shuddered at the memory, though only at the mere thought of that creature and its existence before he’d ended it.

    As a few creatures lunged from atop a tower the shadows shot out, tearing them asunder, seeking out the core that bound these beasts and undoing the writing of their existence. Finally they too would know an end, inner voices falling silent quickly. ’If only they knew the abilities I’d gained since back then. They might’ve thought twice before sending their toys to me with their siren calls. They would’ve fled already…though with the time they’ve spent here I doubt they’ll see that as a possibility until too late. My family’s hubris shall be their downfall.’



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    Mahogany table Empty Re: Mahogany table

    Post by Special Snowflake 25th July 2016, 2:11 am

    The army of the shadowy disfigured figures rushed towards Erika in droves, but they died all the same, in her chaotic and mismanaged rage. Each soul silently thanking her for their destruction, as she rampaged, burning through energy at an alarming rate, and tearing the fabric of reality around her asunder. It would have been a magnificent display if Erika was actually cognisant for it, instead, blind instinct had taken her over, a sad weakness of her right now until she could manage to recover the other bit of her power. This is the other reason she detested taking her original form since it was so hard for her to control all of her abilities, and to not rampage for a while. Still, at least there were enemies around this time, instead of others that she had valued, which was a positive. As the rampaging continued on Erika didn't notice the enemies below her began to gather into one spot in great numbers, seemingly being ordered to do so the beings began to form up together into a massive entity which shook the very air around it from moving. It was a horror to witness, an abomination of the highest order, and the screams from the souls within could be faintly heard emanating from it. The wash of pain that is spilled forth was almost palpable to the pallet as it's right fist formed and attempted to smash down on Erika. As it's fist descended, however, Erika's eyes widened, and a bright flash overcame the area.

    When the flash settled down and the light level returned to normal, everything was fixed, the town was beautiful as it ever was, and there was no dragon standing before the huge horror, but instead the tiny blue haired girl, standing defiantly before it. Letting out a scream of confusion, the beast threw its fist down once more to smash her, the impact of the blow creating a crater due to the force of the blow. in its own twisted way the creature was almost gleeful for ending the life of one who opposed it's master or...

    Did it really end her life?

    The impact was harsh but it didn't feel the ground around the center. Lifting its fist the creature looked down confused and saw that Erika was standing there, unharmed. In a fit of rage, the creature slammed its fist down, only to see the same result. roaring in a scream of agony and rage it began to pound down upon her, further and further till the ground, except where she was standing was smashed clean open.

    "It's pointless, in my reality, you are unable to harm me."

    Again the beast attempted to crash down upon her with it's left arm, but as it started to swing downward it felt a disconnect. turning its hideous head to look, the arm it was trying to slam down her was gone from the elbow down.

    "It's pointless, I've already destroyed your arm."

    lifting it's right leg to slam down upon her, the creature suddenly fell to the ground onto one knee as it's leg was shattered.

    "I've already seen what you could do in all possible futures and pasts. Such a sad creature, driven by instinct, another more rational being would retreat at this moment, but you have to fight. You cannot defeat, though, and if you are the peak of your masters care for power, your master can't beat me or my companion either, as a matter of fact, my companion has killed him at least seven hundred different ways, and the only times he has failed I stepped in, making that total at least a thousand."

    Walking forward, Erika created a thread bridge with which to approach the wounded and struggling creature. As she walked she placed her right and left index finger together and had a thread stretch between them as she slowly pulled them apart.

    "Do you see this? This is a thread, it is a magnificent little thing. It can make many happy by creating clothing and other textile arts, but... that's what I see when I view a thread. I see us in the middle of the thread in my hands during this moment, and the past to the left and the future is to the right. It is a straight line, we move forward and cannot move backward. Now, what if one's fate changed the thread would branch at the middle and a new line would form, then a new one, and a new one, and a new one, and all of these threads are linked together at the start of creation, both the universe and yours. They beautifully intertwine and create various universes where different futures happen at different times."

    As she approached the head of the kneeling beast, Erika smirked, removing the threads connection to her right hand, and placing said hand upon its head.

    "This is my domain, all possible pasts, all possible futures, all of them can be read. You stood no chance, for I knew what you would already do. Free will is a lie, everything can be foretold, reality is a lie it can be bent and changed at a whim. Did you believe that defeating me brought this world back to normal? No, I willed it back because I have business for it in this form, which too was pre-ordained by the threads of fate. All that can happen and will happen I have seen it, it is why I seek out amusement in this life, for I know that no matter what happens..."

    Closing her eyes, the beast vanished in an instant from her flurry of blows upon it, the many souls within being filled with joy as they were finally freed from their crooked master's grip, and could pass on.

    "No one will be able to challenge me."

    A small tear fell from her as she pondered upon it once again, despite all the frail aspects of her body, the fact that she could rampage from the sheer lack of control she had, and the painful memories she had in this form, the ability she had just softly gloated about was the main reason why she avoided this form, so she wouldn't have to be reminded of all that might happen, and could enjoy life without the sorrowful burden of being tethered by her own abilities. To say she was cursed with suck, would be an understatement.

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    Post by Rohma 2nd August 2016, 8:56 pm

    Through the air they weaved, avoiding towers and aerial pursuers in order to reach their goal. Faeral could almost taste it now as dark tendrils shot from Morphine and tore these despicable guardians asunder. The taste hung heavily in the air: fear. The word, the concept, wouldn’t leave his sibling’s mind, but he knew well enough that the entity that called this playground home felt it deeply. It became more and more palpable s they neared the grandest of all the castles – yet another woefully predictable choice. ’Their pride has weakened them…left them believing themselves immortal and invulnerable. I suppose it’s up to me, yet again, to remind them how suddenly downfall may claim them.’ The notion caused a gruesome smile, one hidden in his current shadowy cloak form, though Morphine could likely sense it. Her bond to the man stood strong enough to understand the flow of his emotions despite rarely reacting to them. She’d remain his steady rock.

    Just recalling the surprised horror upon other’s faces though in the past…their abhorrent fear of him brought the entity some form of delight. To know that those who believed themselves superior found their inevitable fall or better yet – their potential threat – left him in a state of ecstasy. He held little reason to align himself with most of his siblings beyond the one he’d bound unto himself. She was different though, an odd respect born of her growing conscience and desire to stand separately of their “family” even if it stemmed partially from lack of memories. Even she’d suffered a similar fear though even if it’d now been replaced with loathing. He could deal with that though: he didn’t need Rohma to like him. She could live her life outside instances he might require her help – far and few as they may be thanks to his lovelier ally – but many of the others continued to follow the same trend as their “Father.” Watching the pattern repeat disgusted him as each sought for a way to immortalize their creator in their actions and little play civilizations.

    Why couldn’t they understand the beauty and hilarity of watching creatures bumble about by themselves?

    Okay so maybe he was as pushy as ever, wanting to place his point of view above their’s, but honestly at this juncture Faeral couldn’t care less. Some may view him as a hero while others viewed him as just despicable as the rest. In the grand scheme of things it changed little as the man would continue to tread along his course to nowhere, more curious to see what the fates would decide and let other creatures cause their fortune or demise. It didn’t mean he wouldn’t interfere at all, just that he held little-to-no intention of pulling strings behind every single back. For him though it’d be more a matter of whimsy (or at Erika’s request) compared to the puppetry of his people. Though he really couldn’t deny a satisfaction in laying waste to this sibling, the fellow’s twisted love of every creature and soul’s anguish as he twisted and tormented them sickening to Faeral. He preferred to let them know a quick end, preferring to draw it out of those he found deserving.

    More souls cried out in joy as Erika wrought destruction on the malformed creatures and he smiled internally at the irony that this rampage brought about salvation for people where usually it destroyed lives. The shadowy man reveled in it until Morphine landed inside the castle, having barreled through the doors and ended her grand entrance with a booming roar.

    Various denizens of this twisted world backed off, fear overriding some of their basic commands to protect their master. Sitting upon a throne with an impossible and unnecessarily tall back was his target. He looked to any others like a wise old wizard complete with long robes with bits of armor atop them and long, silvery hair stretching from both his beard and head, the man’s hair pulled back into a ponytail. Slightly bushy eyebrows bent down in a menacing manner as the man glowered at the intrusion. Try as he might though Faeral caught the momentary widening of those eyes before the lids lowered back in displeasure. Maybe the fear, or maybe the questioning if what he hypothesized to be true or not?

    ”What brings thou here?” the man’s voice boomed as he stood, a staff in hand with a red orb atop it. A cloudy mist swirled inside, the speed fluctuating as the man’s emotions seemed to as well. ”If you seek treasure then be gone: you’ve already betrayed the trust of my kin. You chose the she-devil and now you must lie with your mistake!”

    Laughter echoed in the throne room.

    The shadow dislodged itself from the rosy dragon, doubling over at first with his chuckles and then bellowing as he bent backwards, a hand upon his brow as Faeral laughed to the ceilings and above. ”It’s sad to think you were never clever enough to do that on purpose!” he gleefully stated loud enough for all to hear in the hall, ”I might’ve thought better of you if you’d taught yourself such capability! Alas…I suppose you’ll never enjoy your accidental double entendres. But it’s okay, you need not play dumb on my account! I’m sure even you recognize my presence?”

    Ah, there it was! That hardened expression gave way to such beautiful emotion! The way his face twisted, blatant anger, a gob of fear, and even a hint of hysteria and insanity! This was the unstable sibling Faeral recalled! It was the truth as the man couldn’t seem to decide whether to glower, cower, or let loose the insane smile that always dwelt within!

    ”Yes…yes I do, as much as I loathe it,” came the purred reply through those clenched teeth, ”you, who should’ve died all those years ago! I’ve lost count since your betrayal, and while I mourned my lack of opportunity to bend you to my will I accepted that loss. Oh the things I could’ve done if they’d simply given your weakened state to me! But those pathetic bastards thought it better to let you die like the mortals we wield…”

    ”Yes,” Faeral agreed with the unsaid remark, ”they simply weren’t cautious enough in the end, were they? Feared my return if someone kept me like a pet…yet their egos demand I be “punished” rather than dealt with properly…and now you’ll all pay for that mistake. I must admit, as much as you delighted in the thought of toying with me like one of these dolls…I’ve dreamt just as much of ending your existence. I don’t like the smears our people leave….but I definitely abhor the large stain your life tends to leave.”


    As he spoke the man’s control slipped here and there, parts of the building denting and warping as some of the luster in the walls diminished and other parts became outright stained a myriad of colors. Even the angelic beings in the hall found their forms fizzling out into the same grotesque creatures, skin molded and wrapped around in ways that’d leave many stomachs churning.

    ”YOU WALKED AMONGST THEM FOR OUR SAKE! IT WAS THE GLORIOUS PURPOSE FATHER GAVE YOU! YOU WHO CONTROL OTHERS SO EASILY! AND YOU CAST THAT ASIDE FOR WHAT? FREEDOM? POWER?! WHAT CAUSED THE MADNESS THAT STARTED YOUR DESCENT?!” His hands waved out, a swirl of light now orbiting the end of his staff, another one flaring up and following a different path in the man’s fervor.

    The minions hurled themselves at the shadow-clad figure, the first wave finding themselves quickly entangled by vines. Swept up in the current of rapidly growing plants and impaled by thorns sprouting in them, they hit parts of the ceiling with sickening squelches, popped like insects under Morphine’s rare fury.


    ”You’re right, there’s a starting point for all of this.”

    The voice came out calm and yet audible plain as day. The once wise looking wizard of this pearlescent (and now deformed) palace found his breath lodged in his throat. Something wound its way through him, causing not only a growing pain but a transformation. Once smooth locks diminished until only patches of hair remained, healthy skin replaced with portions hardened like rock and other portions sagging and loose. Half the man stood like the illusion he exuded and the other gave way to the real half, a clear and crystal blue eye on one side as the other yellowed and bulged with a diamond for a pupil.

    ”For all that we’ve done unto others…it was the first time any creature explicitly requested death from me. I won’t deny it changed something. But there was no need for the purpose you set…no reason behind the torturous ways you all went about augmenting that life, that being. I suppose it was a bit eye-opening for me…and then…just like our kind is predisposed to be…I got…curious. Faeral watched the thing’s face twist in pain and fear. For as much as this sibling enjoyed bringing pain unto others it always abhorred the sensations. It wanted others to be made just as ugly as it’d been by their creator, a hater of beauty and one who tainted purity. His whims found inspiration through jealousy and hatred as others gazed upon him and responded with disgust. Idly he supposed he could understand this thing’s whims…but he took the desires too far.

    ”I’m afraid I couldn’t let those plans come to fruition. Not for any of the future ideas you lot held. You all chose to play boring games to satisfy yourselves…and I simply no longer wish to play. Not when you lot insist on sucking all the fun out of it as possible. You all need a weakness: I shall become that weakness. Your time is limited now, may you all embrace it.”

    With that final statement a growing cry of pain finally left the man’s lips, teeth bared to the heavens as he found his insides rent one way and then another. His very essence and core found itself under attack, the orb in the now fallen staff gaining cracks at an increasing rate. ”Ny-y-aaaar,” he tried to yell and yet couldn’t as pain stole away his vocals for its song. Inside the orb the mists swirled violently before finally the thing burst and the man slumped, little more than a drooling husk of his former self. It’d be a bit more time before his body died, but Faeral already crushed the being housing it. There’d be no more reincarnation for this despicable creature, it’s minions falling to the ground one by many in relief as their servitude no longer kept them bound. They could find rest and respite in another life time possibly, afterlives and realms depending.

    Finally all was silent within his mind.

    ’I can see why she turned to that path now…why she chose that end before.’

    Locked in his shadowy form, a part of the man’s mind of this lifetime returned as it mixed with who he truly was. It was merely another reason he respected Rohma enough to keep her alive and why he once opted to save the life of his now most loyal servant. He likely wouldn’t stop killing, but Faeral still held some small belief and ideal for the sanctity of life inside him. He may never become the most upstanding guy…he’d committed too many atrocities by human standards to ever claim such a title. But a part of him respected that sense in others…enough to – on occasion – protect them and such beliefs. And in the meantime…

    Do as he pleased.



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    Post by Special Snowflake 8th September 2016, 1:32 am

    "What a boring existence..."

    Erika scoffed out as she wandered into the grand room where Faeral had confronted his... "brother?" Was he truly his brother though or was it is like Erika's own relation to Sharp in that she considered her family, but in the end, they weren't really related. Erika didn't bother to try and find the answer throughout history as she didn't wish to try and pry that far back, and it didn't matter in the first place. Today an ancient being had fallen in every sense of the word and Erika had learned the truth, more than Faeral might know even. As she approached where the shadow-clad man was, Erika shifted her gaze towards the dying husk that was Faerals opponent, her threads enwrapped the disgruntled form and shredded it till nothing but a small black mist wafted from its previous location.

    "Such a form doesn't deserve in my sight."

    Pat, pat, pat, Erika lightly touched the ground as she arrived with a proper proximity to Faeral, and with a silent landing, she moved her head slowly to face his new, at least to her, form. Examining it up and down, Erika had obviously seen it all before, but being here and seeing it in person was different, the feeling was far more menacing than in her visions, it was marvelous. To say she was impressed would be an understatement, she was enamored. If one were to enter this room, the sheer killing intent might be enough to knock them unconscious and to madness. This was the type of environment that Erika thrived within, to feel the palpable hatred and crushing power in the air, it made her feel comfortable, and able to relax and let her power just flow out. How long had it been since she had actually used her abilities, and just let herself hang loose aura wise; Not since she was little had she done such an act, perhaps this is why she had originally found a connection with Faeral, with him she could just be herself, and at the end of the day, he was stained the same putrid black color as her.

    "The one you had slain, his servants have all fallen, or should I say... freed? Such fragile forms, not like your servant who is strong, his servants fell like nothing. Arrogance, or perhaps compliance at the hands of your opponent? How long had he lived in this paradise, playing with their lives, how long did he live like a god without conquering anything, without having to fight for his life, his purpose... This is the weakness of power, complacency. His life has fallen because he failed to realize simple aspects of life...

    Peace is a lie, there is only passion.

    Through passion, I gain strength.

    Through strength, I gain power.

    Through power, I gain victory.

    Through victory, my chains are broken.

    He had gained all of these but didn't desire to perpetuate and improve himself, and thus died to one who follows such principals... you. This is the reason I consider some to be my family even if by blood we are different. Faeral do you agree with me, or do you have another opinion?

    In a way Erika already knew Faeral's answer, but to her when she was using her abilities as she was now, it wasn't about the outcome, but to personally experience the outcome, to hear, see, feel all of it hit her in the here and now, that is what could give her any semblance of joy in these situations. Though she had rambled for a while, she still felt the need to state one more little fact towards him, before he could fully reply to her previous question.

    "Either way I am glad of one thing, that you aren't actually a proper human. I won't lie Faeral if you were actually just a human, I would have found it quite difficult to maintain our, for lack of a better word, friendship; this is because quite frankly...

    I'm really racist against humans.







    Thankfully you aren't one, so we can keep this little companionship going, so long as you understand I won't stop what I desire to do at any given point.

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    Post by Rohma 11th September 2016, 2:29 am

    That lovely voice beckoned the man clad in shadows to turn around. After all the twisted remains of his former kin no longer interested him, the entity glad to see that Erika regained some control and semblance of self. The small remains ceased to exist moments after and the shadowy tendrils turned into a dark smoke as they were no longer needed. Lesser minds might wonder at his form, peons and simple humans go so far as to fear – he’d seen such many times before – so it was with great pleasure he watched as the woman hardly batted an eye…though to be fair he hadn’t screamed like a high-pitched woman at her draconic one so perhaps fair was fair? After all she wasn’t some simple peasant who realized they glimpsed upon a single form amidst many of death or one that might steal away their freedom instead of an easy end. Her mind wasn’t so weak as to twist like grass beneath a foot.

    He reveled in her words, this woman understanding things her siblings became blind to in their hubris. Overconfidence overshadowed their perception in such a debilitating way…how many of them truly stopped moving forward? At one point they’d grown so fast, moved so far, and yet as time came and they realized their superiority to newer races they took that as a sign that things would never change. Maybe...no, that in part sparked his actions back then, a desire to remind them of what could happen and that any comfort they felt was little more than a dark veil they used to separate themselves from the truth. ’Pitiful.’

    A bark of laughter, a deeper tone behind his regular one as if another body laughed alongside the man: by all creation he adored this woman. When he spoke it was with a hint of mirth and that same double tone to his voice as if darkness itself spoke alongside him, ”Fear not, for as long as you leave him to me my motto remains: do as you please.”

    As they stood there dust began to fill the air as it fell from every wall of this fantasy city. Time gently blew upon the delusion and caused a slow disintegration until they stood only upon cracked earth of an otherwise void dimension. Nothing stood for miles beyond them and the wyvern form of Morphine, not even a tumbleweed to accompany the dying breeze as those purely golden eyes surveyed the decrepit landscape. ’No doubt a realm he destroyed to build his play upon…what wonders and fun one might’ve had here otherwise?’ However he couldn’t let Erika’s question go unanswered, though he figured they both knew where he stood on the matter, ”I agree…and…it angers me that he persisted with the same mentality he bore back then. He couldn’t even grasp the power of loyalty…though only a few of them could begin to comprehend such an idea. I suppose they’d all laugh to hear me speak of it, laugh to think of me purposefully sparing and ’saving lives’ so to speak…hell I would too, but the truly sad part of it is I can understand where they’d simply stare with empty eyes. I know that in all this time their eyes will remain empty as my attempt to open them before have failed for most. Only one of them has proven themselves in all this time, even if their change is wrought from an oversight they dared reach further than any of the others are capable of dreaming…they remain locked to a necrotic way of life I suppose I’ll have to cleanse. Besides…”

    Staring beyond the horizon Faeral’s back had turned to the more fragile form of Erika’s as he contemplated the past, present, and future. Pausing however he turned, those golden glowing eyes of his thinning a bit as a sign of a “smile” where his mouth remained invisible, ”They might try to ruin my fun if nothing else. They’ve tried before. Racist or not, surely we can agree that humans have their entertaining points, no?”



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    Post by Special Snowflake 12th September 2016, 2:25 am

    The environment shifted as the conversation persisted, it turned from a lush city into a barren wasteland. This made Erika quite disgruntled towards the already dead being, as she wished to loot what was left, ignore the fact that she could make anything she would ever need, that wasn't the point, the point was taking from others out of the sheer enjoyment of ruining their lives, that and everything was her's, she just let the majority of others hold onto such items for her. It didn't matter if it was ancient, or she had no knowledge of it, that just meant that it had been made and waiting for her to appear, see she wasn't born in the wrong time, such objects merely had to wait for her to arrive at the party.

    Though, in the grand scheme she supposed the city didn't matter that much, but Faeral's words did. Happy that she agreed with her, she found a bit of comfort in the strange voice, it was good to get everything out in the open, as a matter of fact, she hadn't gotten such secrets out in the open except with just one other, and she supposed her father, she had never known her mother, but she has a feeling if she ever did, she would probably hate her just as much as her father. He wasn't terrible, but he was cold, never showed her the respect she deserved, read all of it, and was too busy twisting others to try and find his own path to godhood. Perhaps that is why she desired omnipotence deep down, and respected Faeral's wish even if she would normally have ignored it, she shared a bond with him at that level. Rough "childhood", bad "parents" all of it lead to her becoming slightly twisted, perhaps if she had a different up bringing she might not have become so... tainted. Still, even if she looked at the different strands of fate and potentials, what would it gain her? Only potentially more pain at what she could have known, what Faeral could have known, what everyone could have. It was ironic, that she who possesses the ability to make everyone happy, would instead sit back and watch them suffer as she had. Maybe it was that aspect of the human spirit, the part that let them persevere through everything, that she despised the most.

    "Humans killed all of those I could try and draw a blood relation to. Magic was taught to them by dragons in order for them to survive in this world and they turned around and killed them with it, so no the only thing fascinating about them is how they can spread across the world like cockroaches, and claim that it all belongs to them."

    Sighing slightly, Erika started to view this entire realm as disgusting, but at the same time there was a use for this place. she could always re purpose the realm to her own needs, but in order to do so she felt she should ask Faeral for permission, since this was his siblings place after all, through it was a redundant asking, she already knew the answer would be yes, because she is the one that would ask.

    "Faeral? This barren wastelands, would you mind if I made it a bit more... enjoyable?"

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    Post by Rohma 24th September 2016, 1:44 am

    She made a fair point given the form she’d taken earlier. When faced with a threat humans held an odd tenacity and perseverance that allowed them to triumph over things that without their extra trappings they shouldn’t. Where the lands once ran rampant with “dragon overlords” or rather rulers of domains and little societies for the grand creatures now sprouted human settlements. Towns, farms, roadways, and even kingdoms. Little remained of the great reptilians though he felt sure that some continued to live, though their numbers certainly paled in comparison to before. Morphine should’ve been one of those great beasts, but his people warped her into a lesser being for silly reasons in his eyes.

    ”By all means do with it as you please,” that otherworldly tone offered uncaringly, ”He may’ve been decent at crafting fantasies, but they never held much of a backbone to them. His forte probably laid purely in creating space and torturing life, and little more.”

    To Faeral this “sibling” stood at the bottom of the rung. The only thing fueling the thing had been jealousy. Jealousy for the leaps and bounds of their shared family. Jealousy for the beauty of life. Jealousy for the appreciation of concepts he’d never understand such as purity. As Faeral stroked the rosy wyvern’s head the enshrouded entity could only experience a lifting sensation – happiness – that that particular sibling never touched this wondrous creature. He felt another spurt knowing that twisted entity never spoke directly to Erika either, because of a simple and obvious fact: he wasn’t worth it.

    However he couldn’t quite help himself, the glowing eyes staring out into the distance to watch what this intriguing creator might craft. ”Perhaps it is their likeness to cockroaches that fascinates me so? Strip them down to the bare and many of them will meet their end at the hands of a predator eventually. Knowing this they sought growth and power, accepted innovation into their lives rather than live in continued mediocrity. Well…not that they’ve fully pushed through that barrier, but they accomplish far more than simple apes and monkeys, more than even Vulcans – who strike me as primitive humans in a way. And yet…”

    Tilting his head a few degrees as wisps of clouded darkness continued to waft from him the glowing yellow eyes thinned a bit as some sense of malicious glee slipped out. There remained a few things from the olden days he couldn’t help…enjoying. ”And yet, despite what a few shining examples may produce the rest of the herd remains so deliciously simple and malleable! Peek into their heart and you find the switch to turn allies into enemies. The fear or greed that lurks and causes neighbor to turn on neighbor. They boast about their intelligence compared to animals, but all they’ve done is find a way to react more harshly and needlessly to stimuli! The way that some simply toss their strings into your waiting hands…well, I guess in some ways I’m not that much better than my family. At best I simply know how to enjoy the reactions I receive and properly play with the buttons they bare.”

    The way he spoke might’ve contradicted some of his plans to the normal, heroic ear. A part of him knew that Erika wouldn’t question it though, more likely accept it as a part of his “whims” and his “freedom” to choose. Those born of the same methods as he wouldn’t be able too, and that’s why he adored her above all other entities. They wouldn’t appreciate the time and consideration he employed, wondering why he didn’t simply off the man and be done with it. ’Some things are worth enjoying despite the wait.’



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    Post by Special Snowflake 29th September 2016, 6:45 pm


    Was the only reply Erika had to give and go ahead was the only reply she needed to hear from the man, or shadow. This place was dusty and ragged right now, and Erika had wished to loot it, but sadly that was an illusion, but an illusion or not she now had a pocket dimension within this land to call her own, which could prove very handy. The sheer fact was right now she had her few scattered labs hidden around parts of the world, to have a place with very few could ever hope to enter, let alone find and escape, would give her the perfect staging ground for all that she desired to accomplish. This made her ponder a bit, all that she wished to accomplish? Well, that was just a strange thought now, she had gotten so distracted from her original goals of effectively replacing most human history with her own variation that she didn't know what she was trying to accomplish. She supposed killing her so called 'father" was a lofty goal, but he had been silent as of late as well, it was if she was in a staging area, not moving forward and not moving backwards, she was stuck to a rhythm that didn't allow for variation, maybe this new realm could change that, or maybe she was doomed to forever just be locked into a perpetual survival state, rather than progress. The very humans she mocked, even now, were advancing their will so why wasn't she, had she grown soft, was she pondering other aspects of life or had she found a sort of peace within herself, or maybe she had just realised none of them could be considered worth it.

    In the grand scheme of things the multiverse that seemed to exist within this, for lack of a better term, "world", was ever expanding, and maybe her enlightenment and expectation of a long life dulled her senses, not to the point of weakness but to the point of contentment. This entire thought process, or to the insightful a "worry", is what sort of drove her desires with making the realm. She wasn't really making a paradise, she was making a natural fortress. The sky and the ground would represent more of a twisted source of her anguish and ambition, while any other added part "necessary" for life would probably be different in a way. Erika wasn't about a city of gold and enslaved minions at her beck and call, she was about sending a message right as you entered that you are not welcome.

    It wasn't going to be anything fancy, Erika wasn't going to wave her hands around and proclaim just how powerful she was, she wasn't going to rush about the place adding in various icons of her greatness if one made a proper realm, they didn't have to. The majesty of what she could do would be evident within the landscape itself and would speak of her abilities and powers. This was the true essence of power in her mind, for one to merely exist within the place and KNOW of the one who made its ability.

    The sky changed slowly to a more purple tint, as a sun took rise within the sky and the land began to form different barriers and shapes. Rocky and craggy, there wasn't much life growing, instead the sand-hued spired gained the purple and sinister tint to them as the sun rose and drown the atmosphere in light. Barren would be an accurate word, confusing would be another, For a place that one desired to live in, to make it so harsh was unusual, but Erika wasn't done nor was normal. A singular spire of rock rose up underneath Faeral, Erika, and Morphine's position, rushing high into the sky and piercing the pale light. Slowly it started to form more of a chamber and a building all around, and near this large second was where Erika would create more of an enjoyable form of life. Tree's would spring up, along with small rivers and more of a lush vegetation, of course, it was all compiled in and around the reaches of what was quickly shaping up to be her palace, as naturally, all the enjoyment would be within her own sanctum. This is why she made the rest barren, it would take one who was well prepared to hardy to take down this place, which meant that they couldn't just survive along the outskirts, they actually have to win or perish, eliminating options for opposition, which was never a bad thing.

    Come to think of it the appearance of such a spire was almost like that of the planet sin, but without all the foolish pirates who tried to make the planet their home. Naturally, she would need to take some time to move all of her older labs and other retreats to here, but that would need to be done in various ways by several of her clones. Such political maneuvering was both tedious and time-consuming, she couldn't just do it all right away, she had to play the patient hunter, but again was she playing said hunter too often recently or was she truly through with any and all of her plans?

    "Cockroaches? I suppose that is an accurate statement for them, they never seem to be fully squashed out. You would think a long raising period that they have would mean they wouldn't flourish as much and would die off before they became adults, but here we are now."

    The insides of the main room at the top were being formed, her for lack of a better term, throne room, was now being completed. The chair was simple and the room was merely decorated in a gothic style, a few dragons but nothing too fancy, again they would know what she was like by just entering the realm, not seeing her make up some grand place.

    "If only you knew the depths of which I attempt to infiltrate their world, prey upon those with greed and anger. Revenge against fellow man, I exact it, I take over in their stead. Humans will do anything if you can spin it correctly, and will believe anything as well. Earthland is flat is a fun one, their perception is weak, and their minds are frail. I suppose I am too, but I just deny it, such a weakness that they have I think all creatures share, but it is their arrogance in their blinding ignorance that is the true kicker. Why do you think I act so boastful all of the time, aside from it being kind of fun, it also serves a purpose if the one you are chatting with believes you to be a buffoon they won't estimate you to be a threat."

    She took a small pause to think before continuing.

    "The enemy that hits you on the home front if the deadliest of them all. I didn't just join Infinity Hydra  to keep myself close to you Faeral, I did it because I like to analyze potential threats to my eventual plans. Ardere, Wolfe, all of them, they amuse me greatly but won't hinder them too much, just like those pathetic rune knights, and if all else turns sour in Fiore, I can always go to other places and just have my plans flourish there. That's the thing, humans are divided, they aren't all on the same side."

    "Take Pergrande for example, they hate magic, it is what has made infiltration perfect within their ranks, they all believe skill is what matters and magic is heresy, well what if one were to take such a belief and twist it to say all those who fully practice it must be purged? What if I tipped a little scale to one side more than the other, they might attack countries right next to them, violently murder their own men. What if said country didn't have any defenses? What then? I suppose it would be an uproar, and someone would have to do something about it. Another country would fight against them, and then at that point power would be unstable in both lands, what if a single group took charge and helped the people one could rule without interference at that point. You see, I'll be the one to start the war, to lose the war, and to save the people all at the same time. I'll deal myself the winning hand, and before any of them know they are tricked, they will all willing service me. That is how one treats said humans, like the fodder and fools they are. "

    Sighing slightly she sat down in her chair to test the firmness, if only to relax a bit before letting out a smirk.

    "Now then Faeral, shall we continue our vacation?"

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    Mahogany table Empty Re: Mahogany table

    Post by Rohma 30th September 2016, 1:58 am

    Up they rose with the landscape, golden eyes enjoying the series of changes made upon this barren landscape. There remained a bit of “desert” for people to leave the lush vegetation, but it’d lead only to hopelessness for those who sought freedom. A grand way for any vermin to end their pointless lives he figured and the spire made for a lovely vantage point of the surroundings. It might receive further renovations as the whims struck Erika, but for now he enjoyed it as he stroked some of the soft, small petals lining Morphine’s jaw. She’d need to change back before they returned to the human’s realm so for now his loyal servant remained in her true form. It came as a rare reprieve for her.

    Hidden beneath the shadows the man grinned, though the thinning of those golden orbs likely gave him away. Just hearing about the possibilities of her infiltration sent him aflutter with chaotic joy. Oh the things this woman could accomplish! The strings she could pull! Faeral accepted a small truth: his true father would’ve probably adored her right up until she helped kill him. Gods knows that inexplicable being favored him a fair bit, enough to warrant granting him responsibilities as opposed to the tasks set aside for his siblings. An odd part of him believed that his true father might even still be proud of him compared to the wasted existences most of his siblings kept too.

    As the new ruler of this little realm took her seat the darkness finally slithered away to return to the nooks and crannies it usually dwelled. Rather than the usually dark haired fellow stood a man with fiery hair akin to soft embers, mismatched eyes as bright as his smile.

    ”Yes, allow me to pour you a drink my lady as you regale me with a tale or two of your past ploys. I’ll let current remain a secret if only to preserve the tizzy in my heart it leaves!”



      Current date/time is 26th July 2024, 6:54 pm