Fairy Tail RP

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    Ashley Flowers


    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Viktor's Descent
    Position : None
    Posts : 3
    Guild : Infinity Hydra
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 0

    Completed Ashley Flowers

    Post by Ash_Carroll 28th June 2016, 10:41 pm

    Name: Ashley Flowers
    Gender: Female
    Age: 13
    Birthday: April 3
    Sexuality: Bi
    Special Characteristics: Cat ears.

    Personality: Ashley is a depressed girl who hides her emotions by being cheerful and shy. She also tries to be alone as much as possible due to her shyness. She is against violence unless it is needed to defend herself or the people that she loves. She tries her hardest outside of fights to not get noticed since she has problems fighting. Her shyness and depression leads to her having a few friendships. However, these friendships are really close and cause her lots of comfort. Like most of her problems, her shyness causes her to be alone unless her few friends are there.  She has problems with focusing on one thing when she is going about in her normal life and gets off tracked easily. She is very playful when by herself playing games with herself to pass the time in till she has work do to. This makes other people see her as kind of crazy and causes issues with her and the people she stays will, thus building a higher amount of shyness and fear of people. She also is very paranoid of being watched by everyone that causes her to be alone even more.

    Ashley however to her negatives is extremely intelligent and is really good at telling when others are feeling down. She is a really caring soul even if she is extremely shy. She tries her hardest to have to courage to help others and sometimes even breaks through her shyness. She overall is a good person in her normal everyday life.

    When Ashley fights alone, she changes. Even if she does not enjoy fighting, she becomes sadistic when "hunting her prey". When she can she toys with the people that hurt her or her friends and makes them pay. When battling, Ashley's focus shifts from her paranoia to the opponent in front of her. She forgets about her shyness and wants people to watch her. She wants to be praised for being a good fighter. This comes at a price for Ashley. It creates problems when she is not fighting in battles due to people watching after the battle ends.

    When following a leader, Ashley follows the majority of there orders. She however wont follow orders that will get her hurt. Besides this, she is very loyal to her leader and is happy that the attention is not on her. She is normally quiet when working in the group under a leader only normally talking to ask questions or to see what the orders are. She sometimes starts conversations with members in her group if she is more comfortable with them. She overall is good following others in groups as long as shes not the leader.

    When leading a group, Ashley panics. She is not a good leader no matter how hard she tries. All the pressure of leading the group starts to make her shut down. She slowly gets better as she gets use to the group but most of the time someone else takes over as leader not to deal with her. When leading her focus is on the people in her squad's fellings towards her and less on the enemy in front of her. She is a terrible leader.

    • Ashley likes being in quiet places. It helps her with thinking and calming her emotions.

    • Ashley likes when people attempt to talk to her. Even if she fears people, she feels a little better when treated like a person.

    • Ashley likes eating ice cream. Eating it helps make her feel better when she is down.


    • Ashley dislikes being touched on her head. Her ears make her head very sensitive so she hates being touched there.

    • Ashley dislikes being put into social situations without notice. It causes her extreme anxiety.

    • Ashley dislikes people of her own age. She finds comfort socializing with older people when she has to socialize.


    • Ashley is motivated by her few friends that she keeps close. She keeps there feelings in her heart always.

    • Ashley is motivated by the want of revenge on the kids that ruined her childhood.

    • Ashley is motivated by the want for justice to evil in the world. She has strong feelings towards evil beings in the world.


    •  Ashley fears heights due to a fall out her second floor window that caused her to break both legs at the age of seven.

    • Ashley has Scolionophobia, a fear of school, due to being bullied by multiple students. She was beaten up and the school turned the other way.

    • Ashley has Anthropophobia, due to the bullying she faced at a young age she became fearful of people. Her fear only grows stronger every time something bad happens in her life.

    General Appearance

    Height: 4 Feet 5 Inches
    Weight: 80 Pounds
    Hair: Purple on left side and pink on the right Twin Ponytails with bangs covering one eye.
    Eyes: Hazel
    Skin Tone: Light
    Appearance: Ashley is very skinny with a black dress. She also has a red bows for her ponytails


    Guild: Infinity Hydra
    Tattoo: Left Shoulder, Color Pink
    Rank: D
    King Elyx

    The Vanquisher

    The Vanquisher

    Administrator- Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Rising Star- Guild Master- God Slayer- Legal Guild Ace- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Rich- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Quatro and Stella
    Position : In bed with the harem
    Posts : 4043
    Guild : Golden Phoenix
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 26
    Experience : 1,538,536.25

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: ???
    Second Skill: ???
    Third Skill:

    Completed Re: Ashley Flowers

    Post by King Elyx 29th June 2016, 5:16 pm

    Ash_Carroll wrote:Name: Ashley Flowers
    Gender: Female
    Age: 13
    Birthday: April 3
    Sexuality: Bi
    Special Characteristics: Cat ears.

    Personality: Ashley is a depressed girl who hides her emotions by being cheerful and shy. She also tries to be alone as much as possible due to her shyness. She is against violence unless it is needed to defend herself or the people that she loves. She tries her hardest outside of fights to not get noticed since she has problems fighting. Her shyness and depression leads to her having a few friendships. However, these friendships are really close and cause her lots of comfort. Like most of her problems, her shyness causes her to be alone unless her few friends are there.  She has problems with focusing on one thing when she is going about in her normal life and gets off tracked easily. She is very playful when by herself playing games with herself to pass the time in till she has work do to. This makes other people see her as kind of crazy and causes issues with her and the people she stays will, thus building a higher amount of shyness and fear of people. She also is very paranoid of being watched by everyone that causes her to be alone even more.

    Ashley however to her negatives is extremely intelligent and is really good at telling when others are feeling down. She is a really caring soul even if she is extremely shy. She tries her hardest to have to courage to help others and sometimes even breaks through her shyness. She overall is a good person in her normal everyday life.

    When Ashley fights alone, she changes. Even if she does not enjoy fighting, she becomes sadistic when "hunting her prey". When she can she toys with the people that hurt her or her friends and makes them pay. When battling, Ashley's focus shifts from her paranoia to the opponent in front of her. She forgets about her shyness and wants people to watch her. She wants to be praised for being a good fighter. This comes at a price for Ashley. It creates problems when she is not fighting in battles due to people watching after the battle ends.

    When following a leader, Ashley follows the majority of there orders. She however wont follow orders that will get her hurt. Besides this, she is very loyal to her leader and is happy that the attention is not on her. She is normally quiet when working in the group under a leader only normally talking to ask questions or to see what the orders are. She sometimes starts conversations with members in her group if she is more comfortable with them. She overall is good following others in groups as long as shes not the leader.

    When leading a group, Ashley panics. She is not a good leader no matter how hard she tries. All the pressure of leading the group starts to make her shut down. She slowly gets better as she gets use to the group but most of the time someone else takes over as leader not to deal with her. When leading her focus is on the people in her squad's fellings towards her and less on the enemy in front of her. She is a terrible leader.

    • Ashley likes being in quiet places. It helps her with thinking and calming her emotions.

    • Ashley likes when people attempt to talk to her. Even if she fears people, she feels a little better when treated like a person.

    • Ashley likes eating ice cream. Eating it helps make her feel better when she is down.


    • Ashley dislikes being touched on her head. Her ears make her head very sensitive so she hates being touched there.

    • Ashley dislikes being put into social situations without notice. It causes her extreme anxiety.

    • Ashley dislikes people of her own age. She finds comfort socializing with older people when she has to socialize.


    • Ashley is motivated by her few friends that she keeps close. She keeps there feelings in her heart always.

    • Ashley is motivated by the want of revenge on the kids that ruined her childhood.

    • Ashley is motivated by the want for justice to evil in the world. She has strong feelings towards evil beings in the world.


    •  Ashley fears heights due to a fall out her second floor window that caused her to break both legs at the age of seven.

    • Ashley has Scolionophobia, a fear of school, due to being bullied by multiple students. She was beaten up and the school turned the other way.

    • Ashley has Anthropophobia, due to the bullying she faced at a young age she became fearful of people. Her fear only grows stronger every time something bad happens in her life.

    General Appearance

    Height: 4 Feet 5 Inches
    Weight: 80 Pounds
    Hair: Purple on left side and pink on the right Twin Ponytails with bangs covering one eye.
    Eyes: Hazel
    Skin Tone: Light
    Appearance: Ashley is very skinny with a black dress. She also has a red bows for her ponytails


    Guild: Infinity Hydra
    Tattoo: Left Shoulder, Color Pink
    Rank: D

    Approved by Elyx Reiaki

      Current date/time is 2nd June 2024, 11:49 pm