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    Oliver Windhelm

    Oliver Windhelm
    Oliver Windhelm

    Lineage : Spirit of Corruption
    Position : None
    Posts : 34
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 27
    Mentor : George Windhelm
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Gloves of Fury
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Completed Oliver Windhelm

    Post by Oliver Windhelm 16th May 2016, 5:59 pm

    Oliver Windhelm Gama_profilepic2

    Name: Oliver Windhelm
    Gender: Male
    Age: 18
    Birthday: April 26th
    Sexuality: Straight
    Special Characteristics: N/A

    Personality: Oliver Is a very determined individual who tries his best to finish everything that he starts, no matter how long it takes and no matter what must be done to finish it. He tries to be kind to people when he can, as he is a very social person who doesn't like being alone, but he is a very blunt and honest person who will tell it like it is. If you aren't acting like yourself, he will cut to the chase and ask you what in the world is going on, and he will be persistent about it to, not caring about you wanting to keep it to yourself. If you are being a bully to others for no reason, he will be on your case about it, and will even resort to physical assault if he has to. If you are doing something that annoys him, he will ask you kindly to stop. If that doesn't work, he will challenge you to a duel (it can be anything, really) and if he wins, you must stop (that was how he was raised unfortunately). There are plenty of other things he will call you out on as well (too many to write down, I am afraid).

    While being kind and caring, Oliver can be rather cruel when it is deemed necessary. His duty is to keep the peace, as he was raised as a guardian who protects whatever country he lives in. He was taught that if the land is in chaos from war, it will be much harder for anyone to get the materials they need in a peaceful manner, and that many innocent civilians who didn't want any trouble in the first place would die, so it is best to not let war occur at all. If he has to kill someone to prevent chaos from occurring, he will. He would also kill you to protect himself if you came at him with murderous intent. Some people, especially the magic council, might not agree with murdering no matter what the reason is, but Oliver doesn't care, as he feels that it is the only way at times.

    During a fight, Oliver will do just about anything he can to win. He isn't a traditionalist like most people from his homeland are, but fighting like this has saved his life many a times. He prefers planned and not reckless fighting, but will go in recklessly if the situation is dire and he has no time to think about the consequences. When fighting with his allies, Oliver does his best to listen to the leader, doing almost everything that is asked of him unless he feels that the leader is making stupid decisions. If he is leading the fight, he will do so tactically, not always rushing his soldiers in blindly. Usually as soon as an ally goes down, Oliver will attempt to tend to them before he goes for anymore enemies, putting their lives before the task at hand.

    - Socializing: Oliver can almost always be seen talking to someone, as he doesn't like being alone. The people he has conversations with may get annoyed after awhile, but Oliver could care less.

    - Games: Oliver never passes up game time, loving rock, papers, scissors, simon says, several board games and many others.

    - Fighting: While he hopes for peace, Oliver still enjoys fighting, as he has been doing it ever since he was a little boy. Most of the time he likes to get into friendly fights, using a wooden sword to combat his opponents, not going for kill shots like most of his fights.

    - Cocky People: Oliver can't stand people who think too highly of themselves, thus thinking they can take on tasks way above them.

    - Leaders being Cowardly: Where Oliver group up, many armies fought for control. During this time he has seen several of these armies fail due to the cowardice of their leaders, pulling back when situations got ugly, thus having wasted their soldier's lives for nothing. He can't forgive someone like that.

    - Euphemisms: Oliver gets annoyed when someone tries to sugar coat things. If you are going to say something, say it how you mean it, in Oliver's opinion.

    - Peace: Oliver longs for a life where he doesn't have to use his blade against people just to ensure another's survival. He wants everyone to get along, so he will do many things to get to that life.

    - Exploration: Oliver wants to see everything that the world has to offer. He loves experiencing new things all of the time, because staying in the same place can be boring.

    - A Guild to call Home: Oliver wishes to find a guild that will like him for who he is. While it is true that he doesn't like staying in the same place, it is always nice to know that there is always going to be a home that he can come back to.

    - Pure Chaos: Oliver used to live in a corrupted area where the fighting never stopped. Seeing the looks on the faces of the innocent as they were subjected to die by the hands of tyrants is a sight that Oliver dreads and never wishes to see again.

    - Becoming Emotionless: Oliver has had to kill many people over the years to protect others. Though what he did could be considered a heroic act, killing is still generally looked upon as the most evil power that every person is able to use. He feels more depressed with every kill, so sometimes the young man just wants to turn off his emotions, but to do that would make him into a monster with no morals. Oliver tries his hardest to fight this urge, but he doesn't know how much longer he can fight for.

    - Magic: While Oliver uses magic himself, he is afraid of what it can be used for. Someone with enough potential can drown entire lands in chaos with the use of their magic, and something like that is a huge deal.

    General Appearance

    Height: 5'11
    Weight: 165 lbs
    Hair: Blue
    Eyes: Light Brown
    Skin Tone: Light
    Appearance: Oliver has an athletic build that he keeps with daily exercise. He has smooth skin and is of average height for his age. He has blue hair and light brown eyes. He wears a light blue yukata with a red hakama. Underneath the Yukata is a black undershirt with a purple lining going down it. He wears long black gloves on his arms with finger holes in them, long black socks, and sandals.


    Guild: Guildless
    Tattoo: On his abdomen to the mid right (when he gets one)
    Rank: D
    King Elyx

    The Vanquisher

    The Vanquisher

    Administrator- Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Rising Star- Guild Master- God Slayer- Legal Guild Ace- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Rich- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Quatro and Stella
    Position : In bed with the harem
    Posts : 4043
    Guild : Golden Phoenix
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 26
    Experience : 1,538,536.25

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: ???
    Second Skill: ???
    Third Skill:

    Completed Re: Oliver Windhelm

    Post by King Elyx 20th May 2016, 6:02 pm

    Oliver Windhelm wrote:
    Oliver Windhelm Gama_profilepic2

    Name: Oliver Windhelm
    Gender: Male
    Age: 18
    Birthday: April 26th
    Sexuality: Straight
    Special Characteristics: N/A

    Personality: Oliver Is a very determined individual who tries his best to finish everything that he starts, no matter how long it takes and no matter what must be done to finish it. He tries to be kind to people when he can, as he is a very social person who doesn't like being alone, but he is a very blunt and honest person who will tell it like it is. If you aren't acting like yourself, he will cut to the chase and ask you what in the world is going on, and he will be persistent about it to, not caring about you wanting to keep it to yourself. If you are being a bully to others for no reason, he will be on your case about it, and will even resort to physical assault if he has to. If you are doing something that annoys him, he will ask you kindly to stop. If that doesn't work, he will challenge you to a duel (it can be anything, really) and if he wins, you must stop (that was how he was raised unfortunately). There are plenty of other things he will call you out on as well (too many to write down, I am afraid).

    While being kind and caring, Oliver can be rather cruel when it is deemed necessary. His duty is to keep the peace, as he was raised as a guardian who protects whatever country he lives in. He was taught that if the land is in chaos from war, it will be much harder for anyone to get the materials they need in a peaceful manner, and that many innocent civilians who didn't want any trouble in the first place would die, so it is best to not let war occur at all. If he has to kill someone to prevent chaos from occurring, he will. He would also kill you to protect himself if you came at him with murderous intent. Some people, especially the magic council, might not agree with murdering no matter what the reason is, but Oliver doesn't care, as he feels that it is the only way at times.

    During a fight, Oliver will do just about anything he can to win. He isn't a traditionalist like most people from his homeland are, but fighting like this has saved his life many a times. He prefers planned and not reckless fighting, but will go in recklessly if the situation is dire and he has no time to think about the consequences. When fighting with his allies, Oliver does his best to listen to the leader, doing almost everything that is asked of him unless he feels that the leader is making stupid decisions. If he is leading the fight, he will do so tactically, not always rushing his soldiers in blindly. Usually as soon as an ally goes down, Oliver will attempt to tend to them before he goes for anymore enemies, putting their lives before the task at hand.

    - Socializing: Oliver can almost always be seen talking to someone, as he doesn't like being alone. The people he has conversations with may get annoyed after awhile, but Oliver could care less.

    - Games: Oliver never passes up game time, loving rock, papers, scissors, simon says, several board games and many others.

    - Fighting: While he hopes for peace, Oliver still enjoys fighting, as he has been doing it ever since he was a little boy. Most of the time he likes to get into friendly fights, using a wooden sword to combat his opponents, not going for kill shots like most of his fights.

    - Cocky People: Oliver can't stand people who think too highly of themselves, thus thinking they can take on tasks way above them.

    - Leaders being Cowardly: Where Oliver group up, many armies fought for control. During this time he has seen several of these armies fail due to the cowardice of their leaders, pulling back when situations got ugly, thus having wasted their soldier's lives for nothing. He can't forgive someone like that.

    - Euphemisms: Oliver gets annoyed when someone tries to sugar coat things. If you are going to say something, say it how you mean it, in Oliver's opinion.

    - Peace: Oliver longs for a life where he doesn't have to use his blade against people just to ensure another's survival. He wants everyone to get along, so he will do many things to get to that life.

    - Exploration: Oliver wants to see everything that the world has to offer. He loves experiencing new things all of the time, because staying in the same place can be boring.

    - A Guild to call Home: Oliver wishes to find a guild that will like him for who he is. While it is true that he doesn't like staying in the same place, it is always nice to know that there is always going to be a home that he can come back to.

    - Pure Chaos: Oliver used to live in a corrupted area where the fighting never stopped. Seeing the looks on the faces of the innocent as they were subjected to die by the hands of tyrants is a sight that Oliver dreads and never wishes to see again.

    - Becoming Emotionless: Oliver has had to kill many people over the years to protect others. Though what he did could be considered a heroic act, killing is still generally looked upon as the most evil power that every person is able to use. He feels more depressed with every kill, so sometimes the young man just wants to turn off his emotions, but to do that would make him into a monster with no morals. Oliver tries his hardest to fight this urge, but he doesn't know how much longer he can fight for.

    - Magic: While Oliver uses magic himself, he is afraid of what it can be used for. Someone with enough potential can drown entire lands in chaos with the use of their magic, and something like that is a huge deal.

    General Appearance

    Height: 5'11
    Weight: 165 lbs
    Hair: Blue
    Eyes: Light Brown
    Skin Tone: Light
    Appearance: Oliver has an athletic build that he keeps with daily exercise. He has smooth skin and is of average height for his age. He has blue hair and light brown eyes. He wears a light blue yukata with a red hakama. Underneath the Yukata is a black undershirt with a purple lining going down it. He wears long black gloves on his arms with finger holes in them, long black socks, and sandals.


    Guild: Guildless
    Tattoo: On his abdomen to the mid right (when he gets one)
    Rank: D

    Oliver Windhelm Merp%202.jpg_zpszdcapnj1

      Current date/time is 2nd June 2024, 11:49 pm