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    Uriel Peris

    Maxim Waldgrave
    Maxim Waldgrave

    Lineage : Pride of a Mercenary
    Position : None
    Posts : 23
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 81.5

    Character Sheet
    First Skill:
    Second Skill:
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    Uriel Peris Empty Uriel Peris

    Post by Maxim Waldgrave 17th February 2016, 4:00 pm

    Name: Uriel “Urie” Peris
    Gender: Male
    Age: 24
    Birthday: October 9th
    Sexuality: Straight
    Special Characteristics: None

    Personality: Urie is someone that seems a little stern at first. His ideals and morals are based on people being true to themselves, whether they’re good or bad. Once you’ve made your choice, then changing is more of a sign of weakness. He doesn’t understand people who would just simply switch allegiances, or guilds. He finds it very strange that people would even begin to think about switching. He believes in testing people to show that they really have aligned to their new colours, and will not even start a pleasant conversation with someone who has recently changed their allegiance. He would even go to the point of stopping someone who leaving one guild to join another simply because it doesn’t make sense to him.

    However he is usually fine around people, Urie can be seen as a little confident in how he approaches people. He lacks the diplomacy and understanding that people don’t always want others around them. And especially when it comes to his guild he finds that he does have some time to help or assist. He’s just very blunt when it comes to it, with little tact.

    Besides that, Uriel is very much into discovering new kinds of information, and gaining leads about different kinds of gods or titans in the world. He would want to be able to explore where they are based, so he could actually meet them. Having been born with the name of an angel, he finds that he has some kind of affinity to these beings. Maybe not serving them, as that would go against the free will of humanity. But in a way he would like to aspire to be like them, and eventually take over as a titan. This is exactly how he plans to live his life, and through studying and finding where gods reign, and how they go about it is how Urie will try and become like that.

    On the battlefield Urie is a fierce contender. He would prefer to do a full on assault rather than move around in stealth. His abilities also match his likes, and he prefers fighting that way. Using sneaky attacks isn’t always out of the question, but remains the last resort in all forms of combat.

    As a leader of a job, he is commanding, and expects everyone to pull his or her weight in the job. Failure to do so will often see him threatening to report to a higher authority, or worse if he must. Accepting that, he is usually pretty tactful in suggesting what to do next when it comes to the task at hand. He just wants people to respect his authority, and to work hard just in case the enemies are a little tougher than expected.

    As a followed in a job Urie is compliant with the leader. He will follow orders with precision, usually going above and beyond the call of duty. However, that’s only for leaders who have shown that they are capable of actually leading a team of people. If they start to show cowardice, betrayal, a lack of communication skills that would work with the team, or just general uselessness then Urie will go back to how he is when leading a team. He would show just general anger, frustration and questioning of why he would have to follow such a person.

    Likes: -History: Especially history of legends, and heroes so he can explore why they did those things.
    -Creativeness: People thinking creatively in their ideas tends to leave him more impressed rather than envious that he didn’t think of that.
    -Relics and temples: Thousands of years and history, and he had to be born now? Why not explore the places and items people from long ago built.
    -Animals: So cute despite many of them being horrific killers.

    Dislikes: -His name: Seriously? Who would name their kid after some random “angel”?
    -People who are arbitrary: People who are haphazard, confusing, or just generally backstab people are a problem.
    -Being brushed off: It’s just rude.

    Motivations:-To find his purpose: Whether there is fate, destiny, a deities plan or just free will. Urie wants to work out where he belongs.
    -To master his magic: Urie still has a long long way to go to become someone who is recognised by anybody. It’s not that he wants to become famous, but just that other people who use similar magic are below him.
    -Self-peace: Whether this is where people respect him enough not to mess with him, or that he finds a way to disappear and be along? It’s up to the future to decide.

    Fears:-Torment: The fear of being constantly haunted by embarrassment, shame, and doubt makes Uriel nervous to mess up.
    -Going against his own personality: Hypocrisy is weakness.
    -Running out of mana: Lifeforce, life source, and without it he would surely be out of commission.

    General Appearance

    Height: 6”1
    Weight: 172lbs
    Hair: Blonde, and shaggy
    Eyes: Green-blue
    Skin Tone: Light
    Appearance: Urie is well built, slightly muscular, and sturdy. He usually has to wear glasses due to a small stigmatism in his eyes. He usually wears a long blue cloak, like a commanding officer would for an army. But he has been seen to wear suits, and more casual wear from time to time. His usual colour choice is blue when it comes to wearing clothes.

    Guild: Sleeping Forest
    Tattoo: The torso on the right hand side, just off centre of where the heart would be.
    Rank: D

    Uriel Peris Empty Re: Uriel Peris

    Post by Guest 17th February 2016, 6:06 pm

    Uriel Peris Wzu5JxR

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