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    The Experience of Making a New Relationship


    Lineage : Spirit Warrior
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    The Experience of Making a New Relationship Empty The Experience of Making a New Relationship

    Post by Pad 12th February 2016, 9:50 am

    The Experience of Making a New Relationship Night%20Head%20Genesis%20Anime%2048
    The Experience of Making a New Relationship.

    The Salty Jackal
    Magnolia Town


    The place was considerably more busy when Vanessa burst through the door. Music could be heard; a tune from a guitar played by expert hands. The sound of merriment helped raise Vanessa's spirits and put her at ease. Sure, she was partly involved in the destruction of someone's home barely a half hour ago, but so what... right? It's not like that weird couple and their deranged child were going to come after her... were they?

    So it was with a bit of a swagger that she sauntered up to the bar and slammed a fistful of her freshly earner jewels on the counter. "Bottle of sake again, pal," she said.

    The bartender raised an eyebrow at her as he took a bottle out of the cabinet and blew the dust off it before placing it, along with a clean glass, in front of Vanessa. "How'd the job go?" he asked. "I take it you were paid well."

    "Not well enough," Vanessa said darkly as she poured herself a glass and knocked it back. "I think after tonight, I'm going to steer clear of this town for some time."

    "Huh, one of those..." the bartender chuckled. "Well that's a shame, I thought I had another loyal customer."

    Vanessa shrugged as she started sipping at a second glass of sake. She turned around, propping herself up with her elbows on the counter as she looked at the customers. "Your place usually this busy?" she asked curiously.

    "Not usually, I'm afraid," the bartender replied as he served another person.

    "Huh..." Vanessa murmured, tapping her foot. Her thoughts turned to what her plans were next. Where she should go, what she should do... "Well this is just great," she thought bitterly, for the first time in her life feeling completely stumped.


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    The Experience of Making a New Relationship Empty Re: The Experience of Making a New Relationship

    Post by Guest 12th February 2016, 7:18 pm

    The Experience of Making a New Relationship Tumblr12
    Kanix wasn't one to normally be found in bars, but ever since Cain had introduced her to a fruity alcoholic beverage, she liked to make a pit stop every once in a while. After her little escapade with Jaeger, she felt that downing a bit of alcohol wouldn't be the worst of things to do. Enca had been wonderful, but her ending choice of having a little one night stand with the Sleeping Forest mage was a mistake. A huge mistake now that she thought about it; everything in her head had screamed at her to stop herself from doing it. She hadn't listened though; she had done what her mind had screeched at her not to do, and now she would pay for it.

    The blind woman kicked open the door and walked in, her staff clacking against the ground as it guided her toward the counter. She plopped down into a seat next to Vanessa, ignoring the guildless mage as she ordered her favorite drink from the place.

    "Welcome back, Kanix, been a few days since I've last seen you," the bartender greeted her, moving away from Vanessa. "Star Mango smoothie like always? A touch of orange-flavored rum?" he would fall silent and stare at the shamaness in the quiet. "Something bothering you?"

    "Nothing's bothering me," Kanix responded to him, a shrug following after, "and yes, a Star Mango smoothie, please... Eh... nothing's wrong... just got back from Enca after having a great encounter with this man there. He was kind enough to teach me how to build sandcastles... it was quite fun! I just don't know what the outcome of the event will be..." She would look to Vanessa after having spoken with the bartender and an apologetic look appeared on her face. "I'm sorry... you didn't need to hear all that..."

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    The Experience of Making a New Relationship Empty Re: The Experience of Making a New Relationship

    Post by Pad 12th February 2016, 8:08 pm

    It was the request for such an unusual-sounding drink that grabbed Vanessa's attention. "Star Mango smoothie with orange-flavoured rum?" she thought, looking incredulous for a split second as she glanced at the lass who sat next to her.

    The woman... Canicks? At least that's what it sounded like the bartender called her. She appeared to be a similar age to Vanessa, maybe give or take a couple of years. Sometimes it was hard to tell. Blueish green eyes, long black hair, and standing an inch or so shorter than Vanessa, she looked rather more refined too. Vanessa felt scruffy in comparison. She only half listened to the woman conversing with the bartender, something about travelling to Enca, but figured that it wasn't any of her business... nor that she really cared, for that matter. She poured herself another glass, reaching the last of what remained in the bottle. To her disappointment, she still wasn't feeling any kind of buzz. She let out a sigh as she counted out enough jewels to purchase another and then realised that the lady was looking at her.

    Vanessa raised an eyebrow as the lady apologised, sensing that maybe there was something in what the lady said to the bartender that just went over her head. "No problem," she said with an awkward smile and shrugged.

    "So... Enca, huh?" she continued, feeling an obligation to keep up her side of the conversation. "What brought you so far?"


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    Post by Guest 13th February 2016, 12:02 pm

    The Experience of Making a New Relationship Tumblr12
    She hadn't expected the woman to inquire about her trip to Enca, but rather to just brush it off with an "it's fine" ordeal. So, she had been slightly taken aback when she asked, and sat there, dumbfounded for a bit, until she shook her head and looked away.

    "I had traveled out to Enca for a bit of a vacation from Fiore; while I dearly love the country, so much has happened in the recent weeks I've been here," Kanix explained to the woman. "You know how, sometimes, you just need a break from it all? Just stop and think for a while, then get back to it? That's what I needed. So, I dropped everything I had and left for Enca, just to escape it all for a little while."
    She'd make a small motion with her hand to indicate just how small of a "little while" before smiling and dropping her hand. "But I'm back now, and I'm ready to do things that I would've have much rather pushed off just a week ago."

    Kanix fell silent after sort of explaining why she had gone to Enca, but not entirely what had happened there. "What about you? What brings you were to Magnolia?" she inquired next, her attention returning back to Vanessa. "I mean, I'd recognize a magic presence like yours, and to be honest, I don't think I've felt it before now..." Resting her head on her free hand, the blind woman would wait for an answer from the guildless mage. With her other hand, she'd stir the contents of her beverage with the straw in it, mixing up the rum with the smoothie. After a moment, she would take the drink and sip from it, closing her scarred eyes and enjoying the flavor filling her mouth. She hadn't had one of these since her encounter with Cain and Aioai; how that had been so many months ago now.

    Lineage : Spirit Warrior
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    The Experience of Making a New Relationship Empty Re: The Experience of Making a New Relationship

    Post by Pad 14th February 2016, 2:51 am

    Vanessa listened as the lady explained her reasons for travelling so far out of the country, feeling a little disappointment that it was pretty much just a holiday. She was always eager to hear stories from other countries, but rarely did travellers have much of interest to say. It was enough to keep her content sticking around Fiore... at least for now. She took another sip from her glass as the lady asked what brought her to Magnolia, taking a moment to think about her words. "A stroke of bad luck is what brought me here," she thought, but rather than voicing that... "Just passing through, actually," she opted to say instead.

    The bartender glanced over, an amused smile poorly concealed behind his expression. Vanessa glared at him. "Just passing through," she affirmed.

    At that moment, the door burst open. "Hoo, I think I could do with a drink after sorting that mess out!" remarked an all too familiar, sickly sweet voice.

    Vanessa froze, gripping her glass tightly as the pretentious blonde woman approached the bar. As if by a sheer stroke of blind luck, Katy didn't even notice Vanessa. She ordered a Peach Schnapps and left to find a table with her husband. Vanessa allowed herself to relax a little, but she should probably take her leave soon.


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    The Experience of Making a New Relationship Empty Re: The Experience of Making a New Relationship

    Post by Guest 14th February 2016, 10:12 am

    The Experience of Making a New Relationship Tumblr12
    How disappointing to hear that the woman was only passing through Magnolia, and not actually a resident here. "Well, you should stop on by the Fairy Tail guild before you leave; it'll have a lasting memory for you if you do," Kanix retorted. She slightly lifted her smoothie up as a little celebratory cheer to the likes of Fairy Tail, then downed the rest of the drink. Later, she would be feeling the effects of that drink, and then after that, she would regret drinking it with rum. Right now though, she just really needed alcohol to forget what had happened back out in Enca with the Sleeping Forest mage. Her scarred eyes would dart toward the entrance as she felt a large presence nearing the doors, which soon cracked to the floor. A couple would walk in that she didn't really recognize, but she could sense the tension coming off of Vanessa.

    "You know those people?" Kanix questioned on her, throwing her thumb back over her shoulder at the husband and wife. The way the couple had made Vanessa grip her glass so tightly like that made Kanix wonder slightly what had happened. "You do something to them or what?" She wasn't necessarily prying, but she did like to know things a lot of the time. In fact, it was hard for her not to ask and wonder about things without hacking into her magic to learn about it. However, Vanessa still had the right to deny her the information, and if she did, the woman wouldn't care to know after. Kanix was not one to pry if they told her "no," because at that point, she'd know it was a sensitive topic.

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